Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 102-0917
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 102-0917


Public Act 0917 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY



Public Act 102-0917
HB3296 EnrolledLRB102 10730 CMG 16059 b

    AN ACT concerning education.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Sections
10-20.83 and 34-18.78 as follows:
    (105 ILCS 5/10-20.83 new)
    Sec. 10-20.83. College and career readiness systems.
    (a) Subject to subsection (d) of this Section, by July 1,
2025, a school district that enrolls students in any of grades
6 through 12 shall adopt and commence implementation of career
exploration and career development activities in accordance
with a postsecondary and career expectations framework for
each of grades 6 through 12 served by the district that
substantially aligns to the model framework adopted by State
agencies pursuant to Section 15 of the Postsecondary and
Workforce Readiness Act. The local postsecondary and career
expectations framework shall be available on a prominent
location on the school district's website.
    The career exploration and career development activities
offered in alignment with the postsecondary and career
expectations framework shall prepare students enrolled in
grades 6 through 12 to make informed plans and decisions about
their future education and career goals, including possible
participation in a career and technical education pathway, by
providing students with opportunities to explore a wide
variety of high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand career fields.
    (b) By no later than July 1, 2025, a school district that
enrolls students in any of grades 9 through 12 shall either
elect to implement College and Career Pathway Endorsements in
accordance with subsection (c) of this Section or opt out of
implementation in accordance with subsection (d) of this
    (c) A school district that enrolls students in any of
grades 9 through 12 electing to implement College and Career
Pathway Endorsements shall become an eligible school district
and either (i) independently, (ii) through an area career
center, or (iii) through an inter-district cooperative, award
College and Career Pathway Endorsements pursuant to the
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act and pursuant to the
following schedule:
        (1) for the high school graduating class of 2027, a
    school district shall offer College and Career Pathway
    Endorsements in at least one endorsement area;
        (2) for the high school graduating class of 2029, a
    school district shall offer College and Career Pathway
    Endorsements in at least 2 endorsement areas; and
        (3) for the high school graduating class of 2031, a
    school district with a grade 9 through 12 enrollment of
    more than 350 students, as calculated by the State Board
    of Education for the 2022-2023 school year, shall offer
    College and Career Pathway Endorsements in at least 3
    endorsement areas.
    A school district may elect to implement College and
Career Pathway Endorsements by July 1, 2025, either by
submitting the necessary application materials to the State
Board of Education to award the number of endorsements
required by this subsection or by the school board of the
district adopting a timeline for implementation consistent
with the requirements of this subsection.
    (d) The school board of any school district may, by action
of the board, opt out of implementation of all or any part of
this Section through adoption of a set of findings that
considers the following:
        (1) the school district's current systems for college
    and career readiness;
        (2) the school district's cost of implementation
    balanced against the potential benefits to students and
    families through improved postsecondary education and
    career outcomes;
        (3) the willingness and capacity of local businesses
    to partner with the school district for successful
    implementation of pathways other than education;
        (4) the willingness of institutions of higher
    education to partner with the school district for
    successful implementation of the pathway and whether the
    district has sought and established a partnership
    agreement with a community college district incorporating
    the provisions of the Model Partnership Agreement under
    the Dual Credit Quality Act;
        (5) the availability of a statewide database of
    participating local business partners, as provided under
    the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act, for the
    purpose of career readiness and the accessibility of those
    work experiences and apprenticeships listed in the
    database to the students of the school district; and
        (6) the availability of properly licensed teachers or
    teachers meeting faculty credential standards for dual
    credit courses to instruct in the program required for the
    endorsement areas.
    A school district must report its board findings and
decision on implementation to the State Board of Education. A
school district electing to opt out of implementation may
reverse its decision in whole or in part at any time.
    (e) The State Board of Education may adopt any rules
necessary to implement this Section.
    (105 ILCS 5/34-18.78 new)
    Sec. 34-18.78. College and career readiness systems.
    (a) Subject to subsection (c) of this Section, by July 1,
2024, the school district shall adopt and commence
implementation of a postsecondary and career expectations
framework for each of grades 6 through 12 that substantially
aligns to the model framework adopted by State agencies
pursuant to Section 15 of the Postsecondary and Workforce
Readiness Act. The local postsecondary and career expectations
framework shall be available on a prominent location on the
school district's website.
    The career exploration and career development activities
offered in alignment with the postsecondary and career
expectations framework shall prepare students enrolled in
grades 6 through 12 to make informed plans and decisions about
their future education and career goals, including possible
participation in a career and technical education pathway, by
providing students with opportunities to explore a wide
variety of high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand career fields.
    (b) Subject to subsection (c) of this Section, the school
district shall become an eligible school district and award
College and Career Pathway Endorsements pursuant to the
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act and pursuant to the
following schedule:
        (1) for the high school graduating class of 2026, the
    school district shall offer College and Career Pathway
    Endorsements in at least one endorsement area;
        (2) for the high school graduating class of 2028, the
    school district shall offer College and Career Pathway
    Endorsements in at least 2 endorsement areas; and
        (3) for the high school graduating class of 2030, the
    school district shall offer College and Career Pathway
    Endorsements in at least 3 endorsement areas.
    (c) The board may, by action of the board, opt out of
implementation of all or any part of this Section through
adoption of a set of findings that considers the following:
        (1) the school district's current systems for college
    and career readiness;
        (2) the school district's cost of implementation
    balanced against the potential benefits to students and
    families through improved postsecondary education and
    career outcomes;
        (3) the willingness and capacity of local businesses
    to partner with the school district for successful
    implementation of pathways other than education;
        (4) the availability of a statewide database of
    participating local business partners, as provided under
    the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act, for the
    purpose of career readiness and the accessibility of those
    work experiences and apprenticeships listed in the
    database to the students of the school district; and
        (5) the availability of properly licensed teachers or
    teachers meeting faculty credential standards for dual
    credit courses to instruct in the program required for the
    endorsement areas.
    The school district must report its board findings and
decision on implementation to the State Board of Education. If
the school district elects to opt out of implementation, the
district may reverse its decision in whole or in part at any
    (d) The State Board of Education may adopt any rules
necessary to implement this Section.
    Section 10. The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act
is amended by changing Section 15 as follows:
    (110 ILCS 148/15)
    Sec. 15. Postsecondary and career expectations.
    (a) By no later than July 1, 2017, ISBE, ICCB, IBHE, and
ISAC, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, shall
jointly adopt and publicize model postsecondary and career
expectations for public school students in grades 8 through
12. The model postsecondary and career expectations shall
define activities that school districts, parents, and
community-based organizations should support students in
completing and related knowledge students should possess by no
later than the end of each grade level. The model
postsecondary and career expectations must address the
following categories:
        (1) career exploration and development;
        (2) postsecondary institution exploration,
    preparation, and selection; and
        (3) financial aid and financial literacy.
    (b) By July 1, 2023, ISBE, ICCB, IBHE, and ISAC, in
consultation with appropriate stakeholders, shall jointly
adopt and publicize an update to the model postsecondary and
career expectations that extends the expectations to grade 6
and includes such other revisions and updates as the agencies
deem appropriate.
    (c) By July 1, 2024, ISBE shall consult with a statewide
organization representing businesses and manufacturing. After
consultation, ISBE shall publish and maintain on its website a
current database, organized by region, of employer champions
for work-based learning and career readiness systems and
programs. Each employer must consent to its designation as a
champion and its information being published in the database.
In addition, ISBE shall publish and maintain on its website an
inventory of resources available to support school districts
in implementing College and Career Pathway Endorsements,
including sector-specific resources.
(Source: P.A. 99-674, eff. 7-29-16.)

Effective Date: 1/1/2023