on the premises shall be equipped with at least one fire alarm |
system or fire sprinkler system in operating condition in every |
building of the kennel operator that is used for the housing of |
animals. The kennel operator shall certify in its license |
application and annually certify in its license renewal that |
either: (1) its facility has a fire alarm system or a fire |
sprinkler system, and shall include with the application or |
license renewal an attached description and picture of the make |
and model of the system used; or (2) the kennel is staffed at |
all times dogs or cats are on the premises, and shall include |
with the application or license renewal an attached staffing |
plan. The Department shall include this certification on each |
application for license or license renewal. |
(c) A qualified fire inspector may inspect a kennel |
operator that maintains dogs and cats for boarding during the |
course of performing routine inspections. If during a routine |
inspection a qualified fire inspector determines that the |
kennel operator does not have a fire alarm system or fire |
sprinkler system the inspector may inform the Department. |
(d) For the purposes of this Section, veterinary hospitals, |
practices, or offices are not kennel operators.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January |
1, 2020.