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Public Act 100-0976 Public Act 0976 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0976 | SB2631 Enrolled | LRB100 16398 SMS 31526 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Dental Practice Act is amended by | changing Sections 11, 17, and 17.1 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 25/11) (from Ch. 111, par. 2311)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| Sec. 11. Types of dental licenses. The Department shall | have the
authority to issue the following types of licenses:
| (a) General licenses. The Department shall issue a license | authorizing
practice as a dentist to any person who qualifies | for a license under this Act.
| (b) Specialty licenses. The Department shall issue a
| license authorizing practice as a specialist in any particular
| branch of dentistry to any dentist who has complied with the
| requirements established for that particular branch of | dentistry at the
time of making application. The Department | shall establish additional
requirements of any dentist who | announces or holds himself or herself out
to the public as a | specialist or as being specially qualified in any
particular | branch of dentistry.
| No dentist shall announce or hold himself or herself out to | the public as
a specialist or as being specially qualified in |
| any particular branch of
dentistry unless he or she is licensed | to practice in that specialty of
| The fact that any dentist shall announce by card, | letterhead or any
other form of communication using terms as | "Specialist," "Practice
Limited To" or "Limited to Specialty | of" with the name of the branch of
dentistry practiced as a | specialty, or shall use equivalent words or
phrases to announce | the same, shall be prima facie evidence that the
dentist is | holding himself or herself out to the public as a specialist.
| (c) Temporary training licenses. Persons who wish to pursue
| specialty or other advanced clinical educational programs
in an | approved dental school or a hospital situated
in this State, or | persons who wish to pursue programs of specialty
training in | dental public health in public agencies in this State, may
| receive without examination, in the discretion of the | Department, a
temporary training license. In order to receive a | temporary
training license under this subsection, an applicant | shall furnish
satisfactory proof to the Department that:
| (1) The applicant is at least 21 years of age and is of | good moral
character. In determining moral character under | this Section, the
Department may take into consideration | any felony conviction of the
applicant, but such a | conviction shall not operate as bar to licensure;
| (2) The applicant has been accepted or appointed for | specialty or
residency training by an approved hospital | situated in this State, by an
approved dental school |
| situated in this State, or by a public health agency
in | this State the training programs of which are recognized | and approved by
the Department. The applicant shall | indicate the beginning and ending
dates of the period for | which he or she has been accepted or appointed;
| (3) The applicant is a graduate of a dental school or | college approved
and in good standing in the judgment of | the Department.
The Department may consider diplomas or | certifications of education, or both,
accompanied by | transcripts of course work and credits awarded to determine
| if an applicant has graduated from a dental school or | college approved and
in good standing. The Department may | also consider diplomas or
certifications of education, or | both, accompanied by transcripts of course
work and credits | awarded in determining whether a dental school or college
| is approved and in good standing.
| Temporary training licenses issued under this
Section | shall be valid only for the duration of the period of residency | or
specialty training and may be extended or renewed as | prescribed by rule.
The holder of a valid temporary training | license shall be entitled thereby to
perform acts as may be | prescribed by and incidental to his or her program of
residency | or specialty training; but he or she shall not be entitled to
| engage in the practice of dentistry in this State.
| A temporary training license may be revoked by the
| Department upon proof that the holder has engaged in the
| practice of dentistry in this State outside of his or her | program of residency
or specialty training, or if the holder | shall fail to supply the
Department, within 10 days of its | request, with information as to his
or her current status and | activities in his or her specialty training program.
| (d) Faculty limited Restricted faculty licenses.
Persons | who have received full-time appointments to
teach dentistry at | an approved dental school or hospital situated in this
State | may receive without examination, in the discretion of the | Department,
a restricted faculty limited license. In order to
| receive a restricted faculty limited license an applicant shall | furnish satisfactory
proof to the Department that:
| (1) The applicant is at least 21 years of age, is of | good moral
character and is licensed to
practice dentistry | in another state or country; and
| (2) The applicant has a full-time appointment to teach
| dentistry at an approved
dental school or hospital situated | in this State.
| Faculty limited Restricted faculty licenses issued under
| this Section shall be
valid for a period of 3 years and may be | extended or
renewed. The
holder of a valid restricted faculty | limited license
may perform acts as may
be required by his or | her teaching of dentistry.
In addition, the holder of a | restricted faculty limited license may practice general
| dentistry or in his or her area of specialty, but only in a | clinic or office
affiliated with the dental school. Any |
| restricted faculty limited license issued to a
faculty member | under this Section shall terminate immediately and
| automatically,
without any further action by the Department, if | the holder ceases to be a
faculty member at an approved dental | school or hospital in this State.
| The Department may revoke a restricted faculty limited | license for a violation of
this Act or its rules, or if the | holder fails to
supply the Department, within 10 days of its | request, with information as
to his current status and | activities in his teaching program.
| (e) Inactive status. Any person who holds one of the | licenses
under subsection (a) or (b) of Section 11 or under | Section 12 of this Act may
elect, upon payment of
the required | fee, to place his or her license on an inactive status and | shall,
subject to the rules of the
Department, be excused from | the payment of renewal fees until he or she
notifies the | Department in writing of his or her desire to resume active
| status.
| Any licensee requesting restoration from inactive status | shall be
required to pay the current renewal fee and upon | payment the Department
shall be required to restore his or her | license, as provided in Section 16 of
this Act.
| Any licensee whose license is in an
inactive status shall | not practice in the State of Illinois.
| (f) Certificates of Identification. In addition to the | licenses
authorized by this Section, the Department shall |
| deliver to each dentist a
certificate of identification in a | form specified by the Department.
| (Source: P.A. 94-409, eff. 12-31-05 .)
| (225 ILCS 25/17) (from Ch. 111, par. 2317)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| Sec. 17. Acts constituting the practice of dentistry. A | person
practices dentistry, within the meaning of this Act:
| (1) Who represents himself or herself as being able to | diagnose or diagnoses,
treats, prescribes, or operates for | any disease, pain, deformity, deficiency,
injury, or | physical condition of the human tooth, teeth, alveolar | process,
gums or jaw; or
| (2) Who is a manager, proprietor, operator or conductor | of a
business where
dental operations are performed; or
| (3) Who performs dental operations of any kind; or
| (4) Who uses an X-Ray machine or X-Ray films for
dental | diagnostic purposes; or
| (5) Who extracts a human tooth or teeth, or corrects or | attempts to
malpositions of the human teeth or | jaws; or
| (6) Who offers or undertakes, by any means or method, | to diagnose, treat
or remove stains, calculus, and bonding | materials from human teeth or jaws; or
| (7) Who uses or administers local or general | anesthetics in the treatment
of dental or oral diseases or |
| in any preparation incident to a dental operation
of any | kind or character; or
| (8) Who takes material or digital scans for final | impressions of the human tooth, teeth, or jaws or performs
| any phase of any operation incident to the replacement of a | part of a tooth,
a tooth, teeth or associated tissues by | means of a filling, crown, a bridge,
a denture or other | appliance; or
| (9) Who offers to furnish, supply, construct, | reproduce or repair, or
who furnishes, supplies, | constructs, reproduces or repairs, prosthetic
dentures, | bridges or other substitutes for natural teeth, to the user | or
prospective user thereof; or
| (10) Who instructs students on clinical matters or | performs any clinical
operation included in the curricula | of recognized dental schools and colleges; or
| (11) Who takes material or digital scans for final | impressions of human teeth or places his or her hands in | the mouth of any person for the purpose of applying teeth | whitening materials, or who takes impressions of human | teeth or places his or her hands in the mouth of any person | for the purpose of assisting in the application of teeth | whitening materials. A person does not practice dentistry | when he or she discloses to the consumer that he or she is | not licensed as a dentist under this Act and (i) discusses | the use of teeth whitening materials with a consumer |
| purchasing these materials; (ii) provides instruction on | the use of teeth whitening materials with a consumer | purchasing these materials; or (iii) provides appropriate | equipment on-site to the consumer for the consumer to | self-apply teeth whitening materials. | The fact that any person engages in or performs, or offers | to engage in
or perform, any of the practices, acts, or | operations set forth in this
Section, shall be prima facie | evidence that such person is engaged in the
practice of | dentistry.
| The following practices, acts, and operations, however, | are exempt from
the operation of this Act:
| (a) The rendering of dental relief in emergency cases | in the practice
of his or her profession by a physician or | surgeon, licensed as such
under the laws of this State, | unless he or she undertakes to reproduce or reproduces
lost | parts of the human teeth in the mouth or to restore or | replace lost
or missing teeth in the mouth; or
| (b) The practice of dentistry in the discharge of their | official duties
by dentists in any branch of the Armed | Services of the United States, the
United States Public | Health Service, or the United States Veterans
| Administration; or
| (c) The practice of dentistry by students in their | course of study
in dental schools or colleges approved by | the Department, when acting under the
direction and |
| supervision of dentists acting as instructors; or
| (d) The practice of dentistry by clinical instructors | in the course of
their teaching duties in dental schools or | colleges approved by the
| (i) when acting under the direction and | supervision of dentists,
provided that such clinical | instructors have instructed continuously in
this State | since January 1, 1986; or
| (ii) when holding the rank of full professor at | such approved dental
school or college and possessing a | current valid license or authorization
to practice | dentistry in another country; or
| (e) The practice of dentistry by licensed dentists of | other states or
countries at meetings of the Illinois State | Dental Society or component
parts thereof, alumni meetings | of dental colleges, or any other like dental
organizations, | while appearing as clinicians; or
| (f) The use of X-Ray machines for exposing X-Ray films | of dental or oral
tissues by dental hygienists or dental | assistants; or
| (g) The performance of any dental service by a dental | assistant, if such
service is performed under the | supervision and full responsibility of a
dentist. In | addition, after being authorized by a dentist, a dental | assistant may, for the purpose of eliminating pain or | discomfort, remove loose, broken, or irritating |
| orthodontic appliances on a patient of record.
| For purposes of this paragraph (g), "dental service" is | defined to mean
any intraoral procedure or act which shall | be prescribed by rule or
regulation of the Department. | Dental service, however, shall not include:
| (1) Any and all diagnosis of or prescription for | treatment of disease,
pain, deformity, deficiency, | injury or physical condition of the human teeth
or | jaws, or adjacent structures.
| (2) Removal of, or restoration of, or addition
to | the hard or soft tissues of the oral cavity, except for | the placing, carving, and finishing of amalgam | restorations and placing, packing, and finishing | composite restorations by dental assistants who have | had additional formal education and certification as | determined by the Department . | A dental assistant may place, carve, and finish | amalgam restorations, place, pack, and finish | composite restorations, and place interim restorations | if he or she has at least 4,000 hours of direct | clinical patient care experience and has successfully | completed a structured training program provided by: | (A) an educational institution accredited by the | Commission on Dental Accreditation, such as a dental | school or dental hygiene or dental assistant program, | or (B) a statewide dental association, approved by the |
| Department to provide continuing education, that has | developed and conducted training programs for expanded | functions for dental assistants or hygienists. The | training program must: (i) include a minimum of 16 | hours of didactic study and 14 hours of clinical | manikin instruction; all training programs shall | include areas of study in nomenclature, caries | classifications, oral anatomy, periodontium, basic | occlusion, instrumentations, pulp protection liners | and bases, dental materials, matrix and wedge | techniques, amalgam placement and carving, rubber dam | clamp placement, and rubber dam placement and removal; | (ii) include an outcome assessment examination that | demonstrates competency; (iii) require the supervising | dentist to observe and approve the completion of 8 | amalgam or composite restorations; and (iv) issue a | certificate of completion of the training program, | which must be kept on file at the dental office and be | made available to the Department upon request. A dental | assistant must have successfully completed an approved | coronal polishing and dental sealant course prior to | taking the amalgam and composite restoration course. | A dentist utilizing dental assistants shall not | supervise more than 4 dental assistants at any one time | for placing, carving, and finishing of amalgam | restorations or for placing, packing, and finishing |
| composite restorations .
| (3) Any and all correction of malformation of teeth | or of the jaws.
| (4) Administration of anesthetics, except for | monitoring of
nitrous oxide, conscious sedation, deep | sedation, and general anesthetic as provided in | Section 8.1 of this Act, that may be performed only | after successful completion of a training
program | approved by the Department. A dentist utilizing dental | assistants shall not supervise more than 4 dental | assistants at any one time for the monitoring of | nitrous oxide.
| (5) Removal of calculus from human teeth.
| (6) Taking of material or digital scans for final | impressions for the fabrication of prosthetic
| appliances,
bridges, inlays, onlays, or other | restorative or replacement
| (7) The operative procedure of dental hygiene | consisting of oral
prophylactic procedures, except for | coronal polishing and pit and fissure sealants,
which | may be
performed by a
dental assistant who has | successfully completed a training program approved by
| the Department. Dental assistants may perform coronal | polishing under the
following circumstances: (i) the | coronal polishing shall be limited to
polishing the
| clinical crown of the tooth and existing restorations, |
| supragingivally; (ii)
dental assistant performing | the coronal polishing shall be limited to the use
| rotary instruments using a rubber cup or brush | polishing method (air polishing
not permitted); and | (iii) the supervising dentist shall not supervise more
| than 4
dental assistants at any one time for the task | of coronal polishing or pit and fissure sealants.
| In addition to coronal polishing and pit and | fissure sealants as described in this item (7), a | dental assistant who has at least 2,000 hours of direct | clinical patient care experience and who has | successfully completed a structured training program | provided by (1) an educational institution such as a | dental school or dental hygiene or dental assistant | program, or (2) by a statewide dental or dental | hygienist association, approved by the Department on | or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of | the 99th General Assembly, that has developed and | conducted a training program for expanded functions | for dental assistants or hygienists may perform: (A) | coronal scaling above the gum line, supragingivally, | on the clinical crown of the tooth only on patients 12 | years of age or younger who have an absence of | periodontal disease and who are not medically | compromised or individuals with special needs and (B) | intracoronal temporization of a tooth. The training |
| program must: (I) include a minimum of 16 hours of | instruction in both didactic and clinical manikin or | human subject instruction; all training programs shall | include areas of study in dental anatomy, public health | dentistry, medical history, dental emergencies, and | managing the pediatric patient; (II) include an | outcome assessment examination that demonstrates | competency; (III) require the supervising dentist to | observe and approve the completion of 6 full mouth | supragingival scaling procedures; and (IV) issue a | certificate of completion of the training program, | which must be kept on file at the dental office and be | made available to the Department upon request. A dental | assistant must have successfully completed an approved | coronal polishing course prior to taking the coronal | scaling course. A dental assistant performing these | functions shall be limited to the use of hand | instruments only. In addition, coronal scaling as | described in this paragraph shall only be utilized on | patients who are eligible for Medicaid or who are | uninsured and whose household income is not greater | than 200% of the federal poverty level. A dentist may | not supervise more than 2 dental assistants at any one | time for the task of coronal scaling. This paragraph is | inoperative on and after January 1, 2021. | The limitations on the number of dental assistants a |
| dentist may supervise contained in items (2), (4), and (7) | of this paragraph (g) mean a limit of 4 total dental | assistants or dental hygienists doing expanded functions | covered by these Sections being supervised by one dentist. | (h) The practice of dentistry by an individual who:
| (i) has applied in writing to the Department, in | form and substance
satisfactory to the Department, for | a general dental license and has
complied with all | provisions of Section 9 of this Act, except for the
| passage of the examination specified in subsection (e) | of Section 9 of this
Act; or
| (ii) has applied in writing to the Department, in | form and substance
satisfactory to the Department, for | a temporary dental license and has
complied with all | provisions of subsection (c) of Section 11 of this Act; | and
| (iii) has been accepted or appointed for specialty | or residency training
by a hospital situated in this | State; or
| (iv) has been accepted or appointed for specialty | training in an
approved dental program situated in this | State; or
| (v) has been accepted or appointed for specialty | training in a dental
public health agency situated in | this State.
| The applicant shall be permitted to practice dentistry |
| for a period of 3
months from the starting date of the | program, unless authorized in writing
by the Department to | continue such practice for a period specified in
writing by | the Department.
| The applicant shall only be entitled to perform such | acts as may be
prescribed by and incidental to his or her | program of residency or specialty
training and shall not | otherwise engage in the practice of dentistry in this
| State.
| The authority to practice shall terminate immediately | upon:
| (1) the decision of the Department that the | applicant has failed the
examination; or
| (2) denial of licensure by the Department; or
| (3) withdrawal of the application.
| (Source: P.A. 99-492, eff. 12-31-15; 99-680, eff. 1-1-17; | 100-215, eff. 1-1-18 .)
| (225 ILCS 25/17.1) | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026) | Sec. 17.1. Expanded function dental assistants. | (a) A dental assistant who has completed training as | provided in subsection (b) of this Section in all of the | following areas may hold himself or herself out as an expanded | function dental assistant: | (1) Taking material or digital scans for final |
| impressions after completing a training program that | includes either didactic objectives or clinical skills and | functions that demonstrate competency . | (2) Performing pulp vitality test after completing a | training program that includes either didactic objectives | or clinical skills and functions that demonstrate | competency . | (3) Placing, carving, and finishing of amalgam | restorations and placing, packing, and finishing composite | restorations as allowed under Section 17 . | (4) Starting the flow of oxygen and monitoring of | nitrous oxide-oxygen analgesia as allowed under Section | 17 . | (5) Coronal polishing and pit and fissure sealants , as | currently allowed under Section 17 by law . | All procedures listed in paragraphs (1) through (5) for | dental assistants must be performed under the supervision of a | dentist, requiring the dentist authorizes the procedure, | remains in the dental facility while the procedure is | performed, and approves the work performed by the dental | assistant before dismissal of the patient, but the dentist is | not required to be present at all times in the treatment room. | After the completion of training as provided in subsection | (b) of this Section, an expanded function dental assistant may | perform any of the services listed in this subsection (a) | pursuant to the limitations of this Act. |
| (b) Certification and training as an expanded function | dental assistant must be obtained from one of the following | sources: (i) an approved continuing education sponsor; (ii) a | dental assistant training program approved by the Commission on | Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association; or | (iii) a training program approved by the Department. | Training required under this subsection (b) must also | include Basic Life Support certification, as described in | Section 16 of this Act. Proof of current certification shall be | kept on file with the supervising dentist. | (c) Any procedures listed in subsection (a) that are | performed by an expanded function dental assistant must be | approved by the supervising dentist and examined prior to | dismissal of the patient. The supervising dentist shall be | responsible for all dental services or procedures performed by | the dental assistant. | (d) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to alter the | number of dental assistants that a dentist may supervise under | paragraph (g) of Section 17 of this Act. | (e) Nothing in this Act shall: (1) require a dental | assistant to be certified as an expanded function dental | assistant or (2) prevent a dentist from training dental | assistants in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 of | this Act or rules pertaining to dental assistant duties.
| (Source: P.A. 100-215, eff. 1-1-18 .)
| (225 ILCS 25/18)
(from Ch. 111, par. 2318)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| Sec. 18. Acts constituting the practice of dental hygiene;
| limitations. | (a) A person practices dental hygiene within the meaning of | this Act when
he or she performs the following acts under the | supervision of a dentist:
| (i) the operative procedure of dental hygiene, | consisting of oral
prophylactic procedures;
| (ii) the exposure and processing of X-Ray films of | the teeth and
surrounding structures;
| (iii) the application to the surfaces of the teeth | or gums of chemical
compounds designed to be | desensitizing agents or effective agents in the
| prevention of dental caries or periodontal disease;
| (iv) all services which may be performed by a
| dental assistant as specified by rule pursuant to | Section 17, and a dental hygienist may engage in the | placing, carving, and finishing of amalgam | restorations only after obtaining formal education and | certification as determined by the Department;
| (v) administration and monitoring of nitrous oxide | upon successful
completion of a
training program | approved by the Department;
| (vi) administration of local anesthetics upon | successful completion of
training program approved |
| by the Department; and
| (vii) such other procedures and acts as shall be | prescribed
rule or regulation of the Department.
| (b) A dental hygienist may be employed or engaged only:
| (1) by a dentist;
| (2) by a federal, State, county, or municipal agency or | institution;
| (3) by a public or private school; or
| (4) by a public clinic operating under the direction of | a hospital or
State, county, municipal, or other | public agency or institution.
| (c) When employed or engaged in the office of a dentist, a | dental hygienist
perform, under general supervision, those | procedures found in items (i) through
(iv) of
subsection (a) of | this Section, provided the patient has been examined by the
| dentist
within one year of the provision of dental hygiene | services, the dentist has
approved the
dental hygiene services | by a notation in the patient's record and the patient
has been
| notified that the dentist may be out of the office during the | provision of
dental hygiene
| (d) If a patient of record is unable to travel to a dental | office because of
infirmity, or
imprisonment, a dental | hygienist may perform, under the general supervision of
a | dentist,
those procedures found in items (i) through (iv) of | subsection (a) of this
provided the patient is located | in a long-term care facility licensed by the
State of Illinois,
| a mental health or developmental disability facility, or a | State or federal
prison. The dentist
shall personally examine | and diagnose the patient and determine which
services are | necessary to be performed, which shall be contained in an order | to the hygienist and a notation in the patient's record.
Such | order must be implemented within 120 days
of its issuance, and | an updated medical history and observation of oral
| must be performed by the hygienist immediately prior to | beginning the
procedures to ensure that the patient's health | has not changed in any
manner to warrant a reexamination by the | dentist.
| (e) School-based oral health care,
consisting of and | limited to oral prophylactic
procedures, sealants, and | fluoride treatments,
may be provided by a dental hygienist
| under the general supervision of a dentist. A dental hygienist | may not provide
other dental hygiene treatment in a | school-based setting, including but not
limited to | administration or monitoring of nitrous oxide or | administration of
local anesthetics. The school-based | procedures may be performed provided the
patient is located at | a public or private school and the program is being
conducted | by a State, county or local public health department initiative | or in
conjunction with a dental school or dental hygiene | program.
The dentist shall personally examine and diagnose the | patient and
which services are necessary to be | performed, which shall be contained in an
order to the
| hygienist and a notation in the patient's record. Any such | order for sealants must be implemented within 120 days after | its issuance. Any such order for oral prophylactic procedures | or fluoride treatments must be implemented within 180 days | after its issuance. An updated medical history and observation | of
oral conditions
must be
performed by the hygienist | immediately prior to beginning the procedures to
ensure that
| the patient's health has not changed in any manner to warrant a | reexamination
by the
| (f) Without the supervision of a dentist, a dental | hygienist
may perform
dental health education functions and may | record case histories and oral
conditions observed.
| (g) The number of dental hygienists practicing in a dental | office shall
exceed, at any one time, 4 times the number of | dentists practicing in the
office at the time.
| (h) A dental hygienist who is certified as a public health | dental hygienist may provide services to patients: (1) who are | eligible for Medicaid or (2) who are uninsured and whose | household income is not greater than 200% of the federal | poverty level. A public health dental hygienist may perform | oral assessments, perform screenings, and provide educational | and preventative services as provided in subsection (b) of | Section 18.1 of this Act. The public health dental hygienist | may not administer local anesthesia or nitrous oxide, or place, | carve, or finish amalgam restorations or provide periodontal | therapy under this exception. Each patient must sign a consent |
| form that acknowledges that the care received does not take the | place of a regular dental examination. The public health dental | hygienist must provide the patient or guardian a written | referral to a dentist for assessment of the need for further | dental care at the time of treatment. Any indication or | observation of a condition that could warrant the need for | urgent attention must be reported immediately to the | supervising dentist for appropriate assessment and treatment. | This subsection (h) is inoperative on and after January 1, | 2021. | (i) A dental hygienist performing procedures listed in | paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a) of Section 17.1 | must be under the supervision of a dentist, requiring the | dentist authorizes the procedure, remains in the dental | facility while the procedure is performed, and approves the | work performed by the dental hygienist before dismissal of the | patient, but the dentist is not required to be present at all | times in the treatment room. | (j) A dental hygienist may perform actions described in | paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 17.1 under the | general supervision of a dentist as described in this Section. | (Source: P.A. 99-492, eff. 12-31-15.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2019