Public Act 100-0883 Public Act 0883 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY
| Public Act 100-0883 | SB2853 Enrolled | LRB100 16063 SMS 31182 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Professional Regulation Law of | the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by | changing Section 2105-15 as follows:
| (20 ILCS 2105/2105-15)
| Sec. 2105-15. General powers and duties.
| (a) The Department has, subject to the provisions of the | Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois, the following powers and | duties:
| (1) To authorize examinations in English to ascertain | the qualifications
and fitness of applicants to exercise | the profession, trade, or occupation for
which the | examination is held.
| (2) To prescribe rules and regulations for a fair and | wholly
impartial method of examination of candidates to | exercise the respective
professions, trades, or | occupations.
| (3) To pass upon the qualifications of applicants for | licenses,
certificates, and authorities, whether by | examination, by reciprocity, or by
| (4) To prescribe rules and regulations defining, for |
| the
professions, trades, and occupations, what | shall constitute a school,
college, or university, or | department of a university, or other
institution, | reputable and in good standing, and to determine the
| reputability and good standing of a school, college, or | university, or
department of a university, or other | institution, reputable and in good
standing, by reference | to a compliance with those rules and regulations;
provided, | that no school, college, or university, or department of a
| university, or other institution that refuses admittance | to applicants
solely on account of race, color, creed, sex, | sexual orientation, or national origin shall be
considered | reputable and in good standing.
| (5) To conduct hearings on proceedings to revoke, | suspend, refuse to
renew, place on probationary status, or | take other disciplinary action
as authorized in any | licensing Act administered by the Department
with regard to | licenses, certificates, or authorities of persons
| exercising the respective professions, trades, or | occupations and to
revoke, suspend, refuse to renew, place | on probationary status, or take
other disciplinary action | as authorized in any licensing Act
administered by the | Department with regard to those licenses,
certificates, or | authorities. | The Department shall issue a monthly
disciplinary | report. |
| The Department shall deny any license or
renewal | authorized by the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois to | any person
who has defaulted on an
educational loan or | scholarship provided by or guaranteed by the Illinois
| Student Assistance Commission or any governmental agency | of this State;
however, the Department may issue a license | or renewal if the
aforementioned persons have established a | satisfactory repayment record as
determined by the | Illinois Student Assistance Commission or other | appropriate
governmental agency of this State. | Additionally, beginning June 1, 1996,
any license issued by | the Department may be suspended or revoked if the
| Department, after the opportunity for a hearing under the | appropriate licensing
Act, finds that the licensee has | failed to make satisfactory repayment to the
Illinois | Student Assistance Commission for a delinquent or | defaulted loan.
For the purposes of this Section, | "satisfactory repayment record" shall be
defined by rule. | The Department shall refuse to issue or renew a license | to,
or shall suspend or revoke a license of, any person | who, after receiving
notice, fails to comply with a | subpoena or warrant relating to a paternity or
child | support proceeding. However, the Department may issue a | license or
renewal upon compliance with the subpoena or | warrant.
| The Department, without further process or hearings, |
| shall revoke, suspend,
or deny any license or renewal | authorized by the Civil Administrative Code of
Illinois to | a person who is certified by the Department of Healthcare | and Family Services (formerly Illinois Department of | Public Aid)
as being more than 30 days delinquent in | complying with a child support order
or who is certified by | a court as being in violation of the Non-Support
Punishment | Act for more than 60 days. The Department may, however, | issue a
license or renewal if the person has established a | satisfactory repayment
record as determined by the | Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
| Illinois Department of Public Aid) or if the person
is | determined by the court to be in compliance with the | Non-Support Punishment
Act. The Department may implement | this paragraph as added by Public Act 89-6
through the use | of emergency rules in accordance with Section 5-45 of the
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. For purposes of the | Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act, the adoption of | rules to implement this
paragraph shall be considered an | emergency and necessary for the public
interest, safety, | and welfare.
| (6) To transfer jurisdiction of any realty under the | control of the
Department to any other department of the | State Government or to acquire
or accept federal lands when | the transfer, acquisition, or acceptance is
advantageous | to the State and is approved in writing by the Governor.
| (7) To formulate rules and regulations necessary for | the enforcement of
any Act administered by the Department.
| (8) To exchange with the Department of Healthcare and | Family Services information
that may be necessary for the | enforcement of child support orders entered
pursuant to the | Illinois Public Aid Code, the Illinois Marriage and | Dissolution
of Marriage Act, the Non-Support of Spouse and | Children Act, the Non-Support
Punishment Act, the Revised | Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, the
Uniform | Interstate Family Support Act, the Illinois Parentage Act | of 1984, or the Illinois Parentage Act of 2015.
| Notwithstanding any provisions in this Code to the | contrary, the Department of
Professional Regulation shall | not be liable under any federal or State law to
any person | for any disclosure of information to the Department of | Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois | Department of
Public Aid)
under this paragraph (8) or for | any other action taken in good faith
to comply with the | requirements of this paragraph (8).
| (8.5) To accept continuing education credit for | mandated reporter training on how to recognize and report | child abuse offered by the Department of Children and | Family Services and completed by any person who holds a | professional license issued by the Department and who is a | mandated reporter under the Abused and Neglected Child | Reporting Act. The Department shall adopt any rules |
| necessary to implement this paragraph. | (9) To perform other duties prescribed
by law.
| (a-5) Except in cases involving default on an educational | loan or scholarship provided by or guaranteed by the Illinois | Student Assistance Commission or any governmental agency of | this State or in cases involving delinquency in complying with | a child support order or violation of the Non-Support | Punishment Act and notwithstanding anything that may appear in | any individual licensing Act or administrative rule, no person | or entity whose license, certificate, or authority has been | revoked as authorized in any licensing Act administered by the | Department may apply for restoration of that license, | certification, or authority until 3 years after the effective | date of the revocation. | (b) (Blank).
| (c) For the purpose of securing and preparing evidence, and | for the purchase
of controlled substances, professional | services, and equipment necessary for
enforcement activities, | recoupment of investigative costs, and other activities
| directed at suppressing the misuse and abuse of controlled | substances,
including those activities set forth in Sections | 504 and 508 of the Illinois
Controlled Substances Act, the | Director and agents appointed and authorized by
the Director | may expend sums from the Professional Regulation Evidence Fund
| that the Director deems necessary from the amounts appropriated | for that
purpose. Those sums may be advanced to the agent when |
| the Director deems that
procedure to be in the public interest. | Sums for the purchase of controlled
substances, professional | services, and equipment necessary for enforcement
activities | and other activities as set forth in this Section shall be | advanced
to the agent who is to make the purchase from the | Professional Regulation
Evidence Fund on vouchers signed by the | Director. The Director and those
agents are authorized to | maintain one or more commercial checking accounts with
any | State banking corporation or corporations organized under or | subject to the
Illinois Banking Act for the deposit and | withdrawal of moneys to be used for
the purposes set forth in | this Section; provided, that no check may be written
nor any | withdrawal made from any such account except upon the written
| signatures of 2 persons designated by the Director to write | those checks and
make those withdrawals. Vouchers for those | expenditures must be signed by the
Director. All such | expenditures shall be audited by the Director, and the
audit | shall be submitted to the Department of Central Management | Services for
| (d) Whenever the Department is authorized or required by | law to consider
some aspect of criminal history record | information for the purpose of carrying
out its statutory | powers and responsibilities, then, upon request and payment
of | fees in conformance with the requirements of Section 2605-400 | of the
Department of State Police Law (20 ILCS 2605/2605-400), | the Department of State
Police is authorized to furnish, |
| pursuant to positive identification, the
information contained | in State files that is necessary to fulfill the request.
| (e) The provisions of this Section do not apply to private | business and
vocational schools as defined by Section 15 of the | Private Business and
Vocational Schools Act of 2012.
| (f) (Blank).
| (g) Notwithstanding anything that may appear in any | individual licensing statute or administrative rule, the | Department shall deny any license application or renewal | authorized under any licensing Act administered by the | Department to any person who has failed to file a return, or to | pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a filed return, or | to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty, or interest, as | required by any tax Act administered by the Illinois Department | of Revenue, until such time as the requirement of any such tax | Act are satisfied; however, the Department may issue a license | or renewal if the person has established a satisfactory | repayment record as determined by the Illinois Department of | Revenue. For the purpose of this Section, "satisfactory | repayment record" shall be defined by rule.
| In addition, a complaint filed with the Department by the | Illinois Department of Revenue that includes a certification, | signed by its Director or designee, attesting to the amount of | the unpaid tax liability or the years for which a return was | not filed, or both, is prima facie evidence of the licensee's | failure to comply with the tax laws administered by the |
| Illinois Department of Revenue. Upon receipt of that | certification, the Department shall, without a hearing, | immediately suspend all licenses held by the licensee. | Enforcement of the Department's order shall be stayed for 60 | days. The Department shall provide notice of the suspension to | the licensee by mailing a copy of the Department's order to the | licensee's address of record or emailing a copy of the order to | the licensee's email address of record. The notice shall advise | the licensee that the suspension shall be effective 60 days | after the issuance of the Department's order unless the | Department receives, from the licensee, a request for a hearing | before the Department to dispute the matters contained in the | order.
| Any suspension imposed under this subsection (g) shall be | terminated by the Department upon notification from the | Illinois Department of Revenue that the licensee is in | compliance with all tax laws administered by the Illinois | Department of Revenue.
| The Department may promulgate rules for the administration | of this subsection (g).
| (h) The Department may grant the title "Retired", to be | used immediately adjacent to the title of a profession | regulated by the Department, to eligible retirees. For | individuals licensed under the Medical Practice Act of 1987, | the title "Retired" may be used in the profile required by the | Patients' Right to Know Act. The use of the title "Retired" |
| shall not constitute representation of current licensure, | registration, or certification. Any person without an active | license, registration, or certificate in a profession that | requires licensure, registration, or certification shall not | be permitted to practice that profession. | (i) The Department shall make available on its website | general information explaining how the Department utilizes | criminal history information in making licensure application | decisions, including a list of enumerated offenses that serve | as a statutory bar to licensure. Within 180 days after December | 23, 2009 (the effective date of Public Act 96-852), the | Department shall promulgate rules which permit a person with a | criminal record, who seeks a license or certificate in an | occupation for which a criminal record is not expressly a per | se bar, to apply to the Department for a non-binding, advisory | opinion to be provided by the Board or body with the authority | to issue the license or certificate as to whether his or her | criminal record would bar the individual from the licensure or | certification sought, should the individual meet all other | licensure requirements including, but not limited to, the | successful completion of the relevant examinations. | (Source: P.A. 99-85, eff. 1-1-16; 99-227, eff. 8-3-15; 99-330, | eff. 8-10-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16; 99-933, eff. 1-27-17; | 100-262, eff. 8-22-17; revised 10-4-17.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law.
Effective Date: 8/14/2018