Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 098-0747
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 098-0747





Public Act 098-0747
HB5897 EnrolledLRB098 16858 MLW 51931 b

    AN ACT concerning transportation.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing
Sections 6-113 and 6-201 as follows:
    (625 ILCS 5/6-113)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-113)
    Sec. 6-113. Restricted licenses and permits.
    (a) The Secretary of State upon issuing a drivers license
or permit shall have the authority whenever good cause appears
to impose restrictions suitable to the licensee's driving
ability with respect to the type of, or special mechanical
control devices required on, a motor vehicle which the licensee
may operate or such other restrictions applicable to the
licensee as the Secretary of State may determine to be
appropriate to assure the safe operation of a motor vehicle by
the licensee.
    (b) The Secretary of State may either issue a special
restricted license or permit or may set forth such restrictions
upon the usual license or permit form.
    (c) The Secretary of State may issue a probationary license
to a person whose driving privileges have been suspended
pursuant to subsection (d) of this Section or subsection (a)(2)
of Section 6-206 of this Code. This subsection (c) does not
apply to any driver required to possess a CDL for the purpose
of operating a commercial motor vehicle. The Secretary of State
shall promulgate rules pursuant to the Illinois Administrative
Procedure Act, setting forth the conditions and criteria for
the issuance and cancellation of probationary licenses.
    (d) The Secretary of State may upon receiving satisfactory
evidence of any violation of the restrictions of such license
or permit suspend, revoke or cancel the same without
preliminary hearing, but the licensee or permittee shall be
entitled to a hearing as in the case of a suspension or
    (e) It is unlawful for any person to operate a motor
vehicle in any manner in violation of the restrictions imposed
on a restricted license or permit issued to him.
    (f) Whenever the holder of a restricted driving permit is
issued a citation for any of the following offenses including
similar local ordinances, the restricted driving permit is
immediately invalidated:
        1. Reckless homicide resulting from the operation of a
    motor vehicle;
        2. Violation of Section 11-501 of this Act relating to
    the operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence
    of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs;
        3. Violation of Section 11-401 of this Act relating to
    the offense of leaving the scene of a traffic accident
    involving death or injury;
        4. Violation of Section 11-504 of this Act relating to
    the offense of drag racing; or
        5. Violation of Section 11-506 of this Act relating to
    the offense of street racing.
    The police officer issuing the citation shall confiscate
the restricted driving permit and forward it, along with the
citation, to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in
which the citation was issued.
    (g) The Secretary of State may issue a special restricted
license for a period of 48 12 months to individuals using
vision aid arrangements other than standard eyeglasses or
contact lenses, allowing the operation of a motor vehicle
during nighttime hours. The Secretary of State shall adopt
rules defining the terms and conditions by which the individual
may obtain and renew this special restricted license. At a
minimum, all drivers must meet the following requirements:
        1. Possess a valid driver's license and have operated a
    motor vehicle during daylight hours for a period of 12
    months using vision aid arrangements other than standard
    eyeglasses or contact lenses.
        2. Have a driving record that does not include any
    traffic accidents that occurred during nighttime hours,
    for which the driver has been found to be at fault, during
    the 12 months before he or she applied for the special
    restricted license.
        3. Successfully complete a road test administered
    during nighttime hours.
    The special restricted license holder must submit to the
Secretary annually a vision specialist report from his or her
ophthalmologist or optometrist that the special restricted
license holder's vision has not changed. If the special
restricted license holder fails to submit this vision
specialist report the special restricted license shall be
cancelled under Section 6-201 of this Code.
    At a minimum, all drivers renewing this license must meet
the following requirements:
        1. Successfully complete a road test administered
    during nighttime hours.
        2. Have a driving record that does not include any
    traffic accidents that occurred during nighttime hours,
    for which the driver has been found to be at fault, during
    the 12 months before he or she applied for the special
    restricted license.
    (h) Any driver issued a special restricted license as
defined in subsection (g) whose privilege to drive during
nighttime hours has been suspended due to an accident occurring
during nighttime hours may request a hearing as provided in
Section 2-118 of this Code to contest that suspension. If it is
determined that the accident for which the driver was at fault
was not influenced by the driver's use of vision aid
arrangements other than standard eyeglasses or contact lenses,
the Secretary may reinstate that driver's privilege to drive
during nighttime hours.
(Source: P.A. 97-229, eff. 7-28-11.)
    (625 ILCS 5/6-201)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 98-176)
    Sec. 6-201. Authority to cancel licenses and permits.
    (a) The Secretary of State is authorized to cancel any
license or permit upon determining that the holder thereof:
        1. was not entitled to the issuance thereof hereunder;
        2. failed to give the required or correct information
    in his application; or
        3. failed to pay any fees, civil penalties owed to the
    Illinois Commerce Commission, or taxes due under this Act
    and upon reasonable notice and demand; or
        4. committed any fraud in the making of such
    application; or
        5. is ineligible therefor under the provisions of
    Section 6-103 of this Act, as amended; or
        6. has refused or neglected to submit an alcohol, drug,
    and intoxicating compound evaluation or to submit to
    examination or re-examination as required under this Act;
        7. has been convicted of violating the Cannabis Control
    Act, the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, the
    Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, or
    the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act while that individual
    was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle. For
    purposes of this Section, any person placed on probation
    under Section 10 of the Cannabis Control Act, Section 410
    of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or Section 70 of
    the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act
    shall not be considered convicted. Any person found guilty
    of this offense, while in actual physical control of a
    motor vehicle, shall have an entry made in the court record
    by the judge that this offense did occur while the person
    was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle and order
    the clerk of the court to report the violation to the
    Secretary of State as such. After the cancellation, the
    Secretary of State shall not issue a new license or permit
    for a period of one year after the date of cancellation.
    However, upon application, the Secretary of State may, if
    satisfied that the person applying will not endanger the
    public safety, or welfare, issue a restricted driving
    permit granting the privilege of driving a motor vehicle
    between the petitioner's residence and petitioner's place
    of employment or within the scope of the petitioner's
    employment related duties, or to allow transportation for
    the petitioner or a household member of the petitioner's
    family for the receipt of necessary medical care, or
    provide transportation for the petitioner to and from
    alcohol or drug remedial or rehabilitative activity
    recommended by a licensed service provider, or for the
    petitioner to attend classes, as a student, in an
    accredited educational institution. The petitioner must
    demonstrate that no alternative means of transportation is
    reasonably available; provided that the Secretary's
    discretion shall be limited to cases where undue hardship,
    as defined by the rules of the Secretary of State, would
    result from a failure to issue such restricted driving
    permit. In each case the Secretary of State may issue such
    restricted driving permit for such period as he deems
    appropriate, except that such permit shall expire within
    one year from the date of issuance. A restricted driving
    permit issued hereunder shall be subject to cancellation,
    revocation and suspension by the Secretary of State in like
    manner and for like cause as a driver's license issued
    hereunder may be cancelled, revoked or suspended; except
    that a conviction upon one or more offenses against laws or
    ordinances regulating the movement of traffic shall be
    deemed sufficient cause for the revocation, suspension or
    cancellation of a restricted driving permit. The Secretary
    of State may, as a condition to the issuance of a
    restricted driving permit, require the applicant to
    participate in a driver remedial or rehabilitative
    program. In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 384, the Secretary of
    State may not issue a restricted driving permit for the
    operation of a commercial motor vehicle to a person holding
    a CDL whose driving privileges have been revoked,
    suspended, cancelled, or disqualified under this Code; or
        8. failed to submit a report as required by Section
    6-116.5 of this Code; or
        9. has been convicted of a sex offense as defined in
    the Sex Offender Registration Act. The driver's license
    shall remain cancelled until the driver registers as a sex
    offender as required by the Sex Offender Registration Act,
    proof of the registration is furnished to the Secretary of
    State and the sex offender provides proof of current
    address to the Secretary; or
        10. is ineligible for a license or permit under Section
    6-107, 6-107.1, or 6-108 of this Code; or
        11. refused or neglected to appear at a Driver Services
    facility to have the license or permit corrected and a new
    license or permit issued or to present documentation for
    verification of identity; or
        12. failed to submit a medical examiner's certificate
    or medical variance as required by 49 C.F.R. 383.71 or
    submitted a fraudulent medical examiner's certificate or
    medical variance; or
        13. has had his or her medical examiner's certificate,
    medical variance, or both removed or rescinded by the
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; or
        14. failed to self-certify as to the type of driving in
    which the CDL driver engages or expects to engage; or
        15. has submitted acceptable documentation indicating
    out-of-state residency to the Secretary of State to be
    released from the requirement of showing proof of financial
    responsibility in this State.
    (b) Upon such cancellation the licensee or permittee must
surrender the license or permit so cancelled to the Secretary
of State.
    (c) Except as provided in Sections 6-206.1 and 7-702.1, the
Secretary of State shall have exclusive authority to grant,
issue, deny, cancel, suspend and revoke driving privileges,
drivers' licenses and restricted driving permits.
    (d) The Secretary of State may adopt rules to implement
this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-208, eff. 1-1-12; 97-229; eff. 7-28-11;
97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-835, eff. 7-20-12; 98-178, eff.
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 98-176)
    Sec. 6-201. Authority to cancel licenses and permits.
    (a) The Secretary of State is authorized to cancel any
license or permit upon determining that the holder thereof:
        1. was not entitled to the issuance thereof hereunder;
        2. failed to give the required or correct information
    in his application; or
        3. failed to pay any fees, civil penalties owed to the
    Illinois Commerce Commission, or taxes due under this Act
    and upon reasonable notice and demand; or
        4. committed any fraud in the making of such
    application; or
        5. is ineligible therefor under the provisions of
    Section 6-103 of this Act, as amended; or
        6. has refused or neglected to submit an alcohol, drug,
    and intoxicating compound evaluation or to submit to
    examination or re-examination as required under this Act;
        7. has been convicted of violating the Cannabis Control
    Act, the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, the
    Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, or
    the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act while that individual
    was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle. For
    purposes of this Section, any person placed on probation
    under Section 10 of the Cannabis Control Act, Section 410
    of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or Section 70 of
    the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act
    shall not be considered convicted. Any person found guilty
    of this offense, while in actual physical control of a
    motor vehicle, shall have an entry made in the court record
    by the judge that this offense did occur while the person
    was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle and order
    the clerk of the court to report the violation to the
    Secretary of State as such. After the cancellation, the
    Secretary of State shall not issue a new license or permit
    for a period of one year after the date of cancellation.
    However, upon application, the Secretary of State may, if
    satisfied that the person applying will not endanger the
    public safety, or welfare, issue a restricted driving
    permit granting the privilege of driving a motor vehicle
    between the petitioner's residence and petitioner's place
    of employment or within the scope of the petitioner's
    employment related duties, or to allow transportation for
    the petitioner or a household member of the petitioner's
    family for the receipt of necessary medical care, or
    provide transportation for the petitioner to and from
    alcohol or drug remedial or rehabilitative activity
    recommended by a licensed service provider, or for the
    petitioner to attend classes, as a student, in an
    accredited educational institution. The petitioner must
    demonstrate that no alternative means of transportation is
    reasonably available; provided that the Secretary's
    discretion shall be limited to cases where undue hardship,
    as defined by the rules of the Secretary of State, would
    result from a failure to issue such restricted driving
    permit. In each case the Secretary of State may issue such
    restricted driving permit for such period as he deems
    appropriate, except that such permit shall expire within
    one year from the date of issuance. A restricted driving
    permit issued hereunder shall be subject to cancellation,
    revocation and suspension by the Secretary of State in like
    manner and for like cause as a driver's license issued
    hereunder may be cancelled, revoked or suspended; except
    that a conviction upon one or more offenses against laws or
    ordinances regulating the movement of traffic shall be
    deemed sufficient cause for the revocation, suspension or
    cancellation of a restricted driving permit. The Secretary
    of State may, as a condition to the issuance of a
    restricted driving permit, require the applicant to
    participate in a driver remedial or rehabilitative
    program. In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 384, the Secretary of
    State may not issue a restricted driving permit for the
    operation of a commercial motor vehicle to a person holding
    a CDL whose driving privileges have been revoked,
    suspended, cancelled, or disqualified under this Code; or
        8. failed to submit a report as required by Section
    6-116.5 of this Code; or
        9. has been convicted of a sex offense as defined in
    the Sex Offender Registration Act. The driver's license
    shall remain cancelled until the driver registers as a sex
    offender as required by the Sex Offender Registration Act,
    proof of the registration is furnished to the Secretary of
    State and the sex offender provides proof of current
    address to the Secretary; or
        10. is ineligible for a license or permit under Section
    6-107, 6-107.1, or 6-108 of this Code; or
        11. refused or neglected to appear at a Driver Services
    facility to have the license or permit corrected and a new
    license or permit issued or to present documentation for
    verification of identity; or
        12. failed to submit a medical examiner's certificate
    or medical variance as required by 49 C.F.R. 383.71 or
    submitted a fraudulent medical examiner's certificate or
    medical variance; or
        13. has had his or her medical examiner's certificate,
    medical variance, or both removed or rescinded by the
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; or
        14. failed to self-certify as to the type of driving in
    which the CDL driver engages or expects to engage; or
        15. has submitted acceptable documentation indicating
    out-of-state residency to the Secretary of State to be
    released from the requirement of showing proof of financial
    responsibility in this State; or .
        16. 15. was convicted of fraud relating to the testing
    or issuance of a CDL or CLP, in which case only the CDL or
    CLP shall be cancelled. After cancellation, the Secretary
    shall not issue a CLP or CDL for a period of one year from
    the date of cancellation; or .
        17. has a special restricted license under subsection
    (g) of Section 6-113 of this Code and failed to submit the
    required annual vision specialist report that the special
    restricted license holder's vision has not changed; or
        18. has a special restricted license under subsection
    (g) of Section 6-113 of this Code and was convicted or
    received court supervision for a violation of this Code
    that occurred during nighttime hours or was involved in a
    motor vehicle accident during nighttime hours in which the
    restricted license holder was at fault.
    (b) Upon such cancellation the licensee or permittee must
surrender the license or permit so cancelled to the Secretary
of State.
    (c) Except as provided in Sections 6-206.1 and 7-702.1, the
Secretary of State shall have exclusive authority to grant,
issue, deny, cancel, suspend and revoke driving privileges,
drivers' licenses and restricted driving permits.
    (d) The Secretary of State may adopt rules to implement
this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-208, eff. 1-1-12; 97-229; eff. 7-28-11;
97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-835, eff. 7-20-12; 98-176, eff.
7-1-14; 98-178, eff. 1-1-14; revised 9-19-13.)
    Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes
changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text
that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section
represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does
not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes
made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other
Public Act.

Effective Date: 1/1/2015