Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 096-1299
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 096-1299




Public Act 096-1299
SB3699 EnrolledLRB096 20561 MJR 36249 b

    AN ACT concerning education.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
Community College Transfer Grant Program Act.
    Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
    "Commission" means the Illinois Student Assistance
    "Grant" means the amount of financial assistance awarded
under this Act.
    "Institution of higher education" means a public or private
not-for-profit institution that is an "institution of higher
learning" as defined in the Higher Education Student Assistance
Act and that offers baccalaureate degrees.
    "Student" means an undergraduate student who is entitled to
in-state tuition charges.
    Section 10. Community College Transfer Grant Program
created; adoption of rules. There is created the Community
College Transfer Grant Program to provide financial assistance
to eligible students, subject to appropriation, for the costs
of attending a public or private institution of higher
education in this State. Funds must be paid to institutions of
higher education on behalf of students who have been awarded
financial assistance pursuant to Section 15 of this Act. The
Commission shall adopt rules for the implementation of the
provisions of this Act and the disbursement of funds consistent
therewith and appropriate to the administration of the program.
    Section 15. Eligibility criteria.
    (a) Under the Community College Transfer Grant Program,
grants must be made on behalf of students who are residents of
this State and who meet all of the following qualifications:
        (1) Have received an associate's degree at a public
    community college located in this State.
        (2) Have enrolled in an institution of higher education
    located in this State by the fall semester following the
    award of the associate's degree.
        (3) Have applied for financial aid, including
    completing and submitting a free application for federal
    student aid.
        (4) Have financial need, defined as an Expected Family
    Contribution (EFC) of no more than $9,000 as calculated by
    the federal government using the family's financial
    information reported on the Free Application for Federal
    Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
    Only students who maintained a cumulative grade point
average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent while
enrolled in an associate's degree program at a public community
college located in this State are eligible to receive a grant
under this Act.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the Commission shall consider an applicant eligible
for a grant under this Section if the Commission finds that the
applicant is (i) a United States citizen or eligible
non-citizen and (ii) a resident of this State.
    (c) Eligibility for a grant under the Community College
Transfer Grant Program is limited to 2 academic years or 60
credit hours and must be used only for undergraduate collegiate
    To remain eligible for a grant under this program, a
student must continue to demonstrate financial need, as defined
in this Section, maintain a cumulative grade point average of
at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent, and make
satisfactory academic progress towards a degree.
    Section 20. Amount of award. The amount of the grant under
this Act for an eligible student is subject to appropriation
and is fixed at $1,000 per year. Students pursuing
undergraduate collegiate work in engineering, mathematics,
nursing, teaching, or science are eligible for an additional
$1,000 grant.
    Section 25. State financial aid eligibility. Tuition
assistance received by a student under the Community College
Transfer Grant Program must not be reduced by the receipt of
other financial aid from any source by the student. However, a
student may not receive a grant pursuant to this Act that, when
added to other financial aid received by that student, would
enable the student to receive total assistance in excess of the
estimated cost to the student of attending the institution in
which he or she is enrolled.
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,

Effective Date: 7/26/2010