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Public Act 095-0626
Public Act 095-0626 |
HB1648 Enrolled |
LRB095 08340 NHT 31869 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section | 1A-4 and adding Section 22-45 as follows:
| (105 ILCS 5/1A-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-4)
| Sec. 1A-4. Powers and duties of the Board.
| A. (Blank).
| B. The Board shall determine the qualifications of and | appoint a
chief education officer, to be known as the State | Superintendent of
Education, who may be proposed by the | Governor and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and | pursuant to a
performance-based contract linked to statewide | student performance and academic
improvement within Illinois | schools. Upon expiration or buyout of the contract of the State | Superintendent of Education in office on the effective date of | this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, a State | Superintendent of Education shall be appointed by a State Board | of Education that includes the 7 new Board members who were | appointed to fill seats of members whose terms were terminated | on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | General Assembly. Thereafter, a State Superintendent of | Education must, at a minimum, be appointed at the beginning of |
| each term of a Governor after that Governor has made | appointments to the Board. A performance-based
contract issued | for the employment of a State Superintendent of
Education | entered into on or after the effective date of this amendatory | Act of the 93rd General Assembly must expire no later than | February 1, 2007, and subsequent contracts must expire no later | than February 1 each 4 years thereafter. No contract
shall be
| extended or renewed beyond February 1, 2007 and February 1 each | 4 years thereafter, but a State Superintendent of Education | shall serve until his or her successor is appointed. Each | contract entered into on or before January 8, 2007 with a State | Superintendent of Education must provide that the State Board | of Education may terminate the contract for cause, and the | State Board of Education shall not thereafter be liable for | further payments under the contract. With regard to this | amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, it is the intent | of the General Assembly that, beginning with the Governor who | takes office on the second Monday of January, 2007, a State | Superintendent of Education be appointed at the beginning of | each term of a Governor after that Governor has made | appointments to the Board. The State
Superintendent of | Education shall not serve as a member of the State
Board of | Education. The Board shall set the compensation of the State
| Superintendent of Education who shall serve as the Board's | chief
executive officer. The Board shall also establish the | duties, powers and
responsibilities of the State |
| Superintendent, which shall be included in the
State | Superintendent's performance-based contract along with the | goals and
indicators of student performance and academic | improvement used to measure the
performance and effectiveness | of the State Superintendent.
The State Board of Education may | delegate
to the State Superintendent of Education the authority | to act on the Board's
behalf, provided such delegation is made | pursuant to adopted board policy
or the powers delegated are | ministerial in nature. The State Board may
not delegate | authority under this Section to the State Superintendent to
(1) | nonrecognize school districts, (2) withhold State payments as a | penalty,
or (3) make final decisions under the contested case | provisions of the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act unless | otherwise provided by law.
| C. The powers and duties of the State Board of Education | shall encompass all
duties delegated to the Office of | Superintendent of Public Instruction on
January 12, 1975, | except as the law providing for such powers and duties is
| thereafter amended, and such other powers and duties as the | General Assembly
shall designate. The Board shall be | responsible for the educational policies
and guidelines for | public schools, pre-school through grade
12 and Vocational | Education in the State of Illinois. The Board shall
analyze the | present and future aims, needs, and requirements of
education | in the State of Illinois and recommend to the General Assembly
| the powers which should be exercised by the Board. The Board |
| shall
recommend the passage and the legislation necessary to | determine the
appropriate relationship between the Board and | local boards of education
and the various State agencies and | shall recommend desirable
modifications in the laws which | affect schools.
| D. Two members of the Board shall be appointed by the | chairperson
to serve on a standing joint Education Committee, 2 | others shall be
appointed from the Board of Higher Education, 2
| others shall be appointed by the chairperson of the
Illinois | Community College Board, and 2 others shall be appointed by the
| chairperson of the Human Resource Investment Council. The
| Committee shall be
responsible for making recommendations | concerning the submission of any
workforce development plan or | workforce training program required by federal
law or under any | block grant authority. The Committee will be
responsible for | developing policy on matters of mutual concern to
elementary, | secondary and higher education such as Occupational and
Career | Education, Teacher Preparation and Certification, Educational
| Finance, Articulation between Elementary, Secondary and Higher | Education
and Research and Planning. The joint Education | Committee shall meet at
least quarterly and submit an annual | report of its findings,
conclusions, and recommendations to the | State Board of Education, the Board of
Higher Education, the | Illinois Community College Board,
the Human Resource | Investment Council, the Governor, and the
Assembly. All | meetings of this Committee shall be official meetings for
| reimbursement under this Act. On the effective date of this | amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, the Joint | Education Committee is abolished.
| E. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A
| majority
vote of the members appointed, confirmed and serving | on the Board is
required to approve any action, except that the | 7 new Board members who were appointed to fill seats of members | whose terms were terminated on the effective date of this | amendatory act of the 93rd General Assembly may vote to approve | actions when appointed and serving.
| The Board shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly | and the
Governor on or before January 14, 1976 and annually | thereafter a report
or reports of its findings and | recommendations. Such annual report shall
contain a separate | section which provides a critique and analysis of the
status of | education in Illinois and which identifies its specific | problems
and recommends express solutions therefor.
Such | annual report also shall contain the following information for | the
preceding year ending on June 30: each act or omission of a | school district
of which the State Board of Education has | knowledge as a consequence of
scheduled, approved visits and | which constituted a
failure by the district to comply with | applicable State or federal laws or
regulations relating to | public education, the name of such district, the date
or dates | on which the State Board of Education notified the school | district of
such act or omission, and what action, if any, the |
| school district took with
respect thereto after being notified | thereof by the State Board of Education.
The report shall also | include the statewide high school dropout rate by
grade level, | sex and race and the annual student dropout rate of and the
| number of students who graduate from, transfer from or | otherwise leave
bilingual programs. The Auditor General shall | annually perform a
compliance audit of the State Board of | Education's performance of the
reporting duty imposed by this | amendatory Act of 1986. A regular system of
communication with | other directly related State agencies shall be
| The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall | be satisfied
by filing copies of the report with the Speaker, | the Minority Leader and
the Clerk of the House of | Representatives and the President, the Minority
Leader and the | Secretary of the Senate and the Legislative Council, as | required
by Section 3.1 of the General
Assembly Organization | Act, and
filing such additional
copies with the State | Government Report Distribution Center for the General
Assembly | as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State | Library
| F. Upon appointment of the 7 new Board members who were | appointed to fill seats of members whose terms were terminated | on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | General Assembly, the Board shall review all of its current | rules in an effort to streamline procedures, improve | efficiency, and eliminate unnecessary forms and paperwork.
| (Source: P.A. 93-1036, eff. 9-14-04.)
| (105 ILCS 5/22-45 new)
| Sec. 22-45. Illinois P-20 Council. | (a) The General Assembly finds that preparing Illinoisans | for success in school and the workplace requires a continuum of | quality education from preschool through graduate school. This | State needs a framework to guide education policy and integrate | education at every level. A statewide coordinating council to | study and make recommendations concerning education at all | levels can avoid fragmentation of policies, promote improved | teaching and learning, and continue to cultivate and | demonstrate strong accountability and efficiency. Establishing | an Illinois P-20 Council will develop a statewide agenda that | will move the State towards the common goals of improving | academic achievement, increasing college access and success, | improving use of existing data and measurements, developing | improved accountability, promoting lifelong learning, easing | the transition to college, and reducing remediation. A | pre-kindergarten through grade 20 agenda will strengthen this | State's economic competitiveness by producing a highly-skilled | workforce. In addition, lifelong learning plans will enhance | this State's ability to leverage funding. | (b) There is created the Illinois P-20 Council. The | Illinois P-20 Council shall include all of the following | members: |
| (1) The Governor or his or designee, to serve as | chairperson. | (2) Four members of the General Assembly, one appointed | by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one | appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of | Representatives, one appointed by the President of the | Senate, and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the | Senate. | (3) Six at-large members appointed by the Governor as | follows: | (A) one representative of civic leaders; | (B) one representative of local government; | (C) one representative of trade unions; | (D) one representative of nonprofit organizations | or foundations; | (E) one representative of parents' organizations; | and | (F) one education research expert. | (4) Five members appointed by statewide business | organizations and business trade associations. | (5) Six members appointed by statewide professional | organizations and associations representing | pre-kindergarten through grade 20 teachers, community | college faculty, and public university faculty. | (6) Two members appointed by associations representing | local school administrators and school board members. |
| (7) One member representing community colleges, | appointed by the Illinois Council of Community College | Presidents. | (8) One member representing 4-year independent | colleges and universities, appointed by a statewide | organization representing private institutions of higher | learning. | (9) One member representing public 4-year | universities, appointed jointly by the university | presidents and chancellors. | (10) Ex-officio members from the following State | agencies,
boards, commissions, and councils: | (A) The State Superintendent of Education or his or | her designee. | (B) The Executive Director of the Board of Higher
| Education or his or her designee. | (C) The President and Chief Executive Officer of | the Illinois Community College Board or his or her | designee. | (D) The Executive Director of the Illinois Student | Assistance Commission or his or her designee. | (E) The Co-chairpersons of the Illinois Workforce | Investment Board or their designee. | (F) The Director of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity or his or her designee. | (G) The Chairperson of the Illinois Early Learning |
| Council or his or her designee. | (H) The President of the Illinois Mathematics and | Science Academy or his or her designee. | Ex-officio members shall have no vote on the Illinois P-20 | Council. | Appointed members shall serve for staggered terms expiring | on July 1 of the first, second, or third calendar year | following their appointments or until their successors are | appointed and have qualified. Staggered terms shall be | determined by lot at the organizing meeting of the Illinois | P-20 Council. | Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original | appointments, and any member so appointed shall serve during | the remainder of the term for which the vacancy occurred. | (c) The Illinois P-20 Council shall be funded through State | appropriations to support staff activities, research, | data-collection, and dissemination. The Illinois P-20 Council | shall be staffed by the Office of the Governor, in coordination | with relevant State agencies, boards, and commissions. The | Illinois Education Research Council shall provide research and | coordinate research collection activities for the Illinois | P-20 Council. | (d) The Illinois P-20 Council shall have all of the | following duties: | (1) To make recommendations to do all of the following: | (A) Coordinate pre-kindergarten through grade 20 |
| (graduate school) education in this State through | working at the intersections of educational systems to | promote collaborative infrastructure. | (B) Coordinate and leverage strategies, actions, | legislation, policies, and resources of all | stakeholders to support fundamental and lasting | improvement in this State's public schools, community | colleges, and universities. | (C) Better align the high school curriculum with | postsecondary expectations. | (D) Better align assessments across all levels of | education. | (E) Reduce the need for students entering | institutions of higher education to take remedial | courses. | (F) Smooth the transition from high school to | college. | (G) Improve high school and college graduation | rates. | (H) Improve the rigor and relevance of academic | standards for college and workforce readiness. | (I) Better align college and university teaching | programs with the needs of Illinois schools.
| (2) To advise the Governor, the General Assembly, the | State's education and higher education agencies, and the
| State's workforce and economic development boards and
| agencies on policies related to lifelong learning for | Illinois students and families. | (3) To articulate a framework for systemic educational | improvement that will enable every student to meet or | exceed Illinois learning standards and be well-prepared to | succeed in the workforce and community. | (4) To provide an estimated fiscal impact for | implementation of all Council recommendations.
| (e) The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may | authorize the creation of working groups focusing on areas of | interest to Illinois educational and workforce development, | including without limitation the following areas: | (1) Preparation, recruitment, and certification of | highly qualified teachers. | (2) Mentoring and induction of highly qualified | teachers. | (3) The diversity of highly qualified teachers. | (4) Funding for highly qualified teachers, including | developing a strategic and collaborative plan to seek | federal and private grants to support initiatives | targeting teacher preparation and its impact on student | achievement. | (5) Highly effective administrators. | (6) Illinois birth through age 3 education, | pre-kindergarten, and early childhood education. | (7) The assessment, alignment, outreach, and network |
| of college and workforce readiness efforts.
| (8) Alternative routes to college access. | (9) Research data and accountability. | The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may designate | Council members to serve as working group chairpersons. Working | groups may invite organizations and individuals representing | pre-kindergarten through grade 20 interests to participate in | discussions, data collection, and dissemination.
| (110 ILCS 205/9.10 rep.)
| Section 10. The Board of Higher Education Act is amended by | repealing Section 9.10.
Effective Date: 6/1/2008