recognized or certified collective bargaining representative |
the locked-out employees has refused to bargain in good |
faith with the
employer over issues giving rise to the lockout, |
or (3) the
lockout has resulted as a direct consequence of a |
violation by the recognized
or certified collective bargaining |
representative of the locked out employees
violates the |
provisions of an existing collective bargaining
agreement. An |
individual's total or partial unemployment resulting from any
reduction in operations or reduction of force or layoff of |
employees by an
employer made in the course of or in |
anticipation of collective bargaining
negotiations between a |
labor organization and such employer, is not due to
a stoppage |
of work which exists because of a labor dispute until the date
of actual commencement of a strike or lockout.
This Section shall not apply if it is shown that (A) the |
individual is
not participating in or financing or directly |
interested in the labor
dispute which caused the stoppage of |
work and (B) he does not belong to a
grade or class of workers |
of which immediately before the commencement of
the stoppage |
there were members employed at the premises at which the
stoppage occurs, any of whom are participating in or financing |
or directly
interested in the dispute; provided, that a lockout |
by the employer or an
individual's failure to cross a picket |
line at such factory, establishment,
or other premises shall |
not, in itself, be deemed to be participation by
him in the |
labor dispute. If in any case, separate branches
of work which |
are commonly conducted as separate businesses in separate
premises are conducted in separate departments of the same |
premises, each
such department shall, for the purpose of this |
Section, be deemed to be a
separate factory, establishment, or |
other premises.
Whenever any claim involves the provisions of this Section, |
the claims
adjudicator referred to in Section 702 shall make a |
separate determination
as to the eligibility or ineligibility |
of the claimant with respect to the
provisions of this Section. |
This separate determination may be appealed to
the Director in |