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Public Act 093-0884
Public Act 093-0884 |
SB2447 Enrolled |
LRB093 18520 RLC 44240 b |
| AN ACT concerning minors.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | changing Section 2-18 as follows:
| (705 ILCS 405/2-18) (from Ch. 37, par. 802-18)
| Sec. 2-18. Evidence.
| (1) At the adjudicatory hearing, the court shall first | consider only the
question whether the minor is abused, | neglected or dependent. The standard of
proof and the rules of | evidence in the nature of civil proceedings in this
State are | applicable to proceedings under this Article. If the petition | also
seeks the appointment of a guardian of the person with
| power to consent to adoption of the minor under Section 2-29, | the court may
also consider legally admissible evidence at the | adjudicatory hearing that one
or more grounds of unfitness | exists under subdivision D of Section 1 of the
Adoption Act.
| (2) In any hearing under this Act, the following shall | constitute prima
facie evidence of abuse or neglect, as the | case may be:
| (a) proof that a minor has a medical diagnosis of | battered child syndrome
is prima facie evidence of abuse;
| (b) proof that a minor has a medical diagnosis of | failure to thrive
syndrome is prima facie evidence of | neglect;
| (c) proof that a minor has a medical diagnosis of fetal | alcohol syndrome
is prima facie evidence of neglect;
| (d) proof that a minor has a medical diagnosis at birth | of withdrawal
symptoms from narcotics or barbiturates is | prima facie evidence of neglect;
| (e) proof of injuries sustained by a minor or of the | condition of a minor
of such a nature as would ordinarily |
| not be sustained or exist except by
reason of the acts or | omissions of the parent, custodian or guardian of
such | minor shall be prima facie evidence of abuse or neglect, as | the case may
| (f) proof that a parent, custodian or guardian of a | minor repeatedly used
a drug, to the extent that it has or | would ordinarily have the effect of
producing in the user a | substantial state of stupor, unconsciousness,
| intoxication, hallucination, disorientation or | incompetence, or a
substantial impairment of judgment, or a | substantial manifestation of
irrationality, shall be prima | facie evidence of neglect;
| (g) proof that a parent, custodian, or guardian of a | minor repeatedly
used a controlled substance, as defined in | subsection (f) of Section 102 of the
Illinois Controlled | Substances Act, in the presence of the minor or a sibling
| of the minor is prima facie evidence of neglect. "Repeated | use", for the
purpose of this subsection, means more than | one use of a controlled substance
as defined in subsection | (f) of Section 102 of the Illinois Controlled
Substances | Act;
| (h) proof that a newborn infant's blood, urine, or | meconium contains any
amount of a controlled substance as | defined in subsection (f) of Section 102 of
the Illinois | Controlled Substances Act, or a metabolite of a controlled
| substance, with the exception of controlled substances or | metabolites of those
substances, the presence of which is | the result of medical treatment
administered to the mother | or the newborn, is prime facie evidence of
neglect ; . | (i) proof that a minor was present in a structure or | vehicle in which the minor's parent, custodian, or guardian | was involved in the manufacture of methamphetamine | constitutes prima facie evidence of abuse and neglect.
| (3) In any hearing under this Act, proof of the abuse, | neglect or dependency
of one minor shall be admissible evidence | on the issue of the abuse, neglect or
dependency of any other |
| minor for whom the respondent is responsible.
| (4) (a) Any writing, record, photograph or x-ray of any | hospital or public
or private agency, whether in the form of an | entry in a book or otherwise,
made as a memorandum or record of | any condition, act, transaction, occurrence
or event relating | to a minor in an abuse, neglect or
dependency proceeding, shall | be
admissible in evidence as proof of that condition, act, | transaction, occurrence
or event, if the court finds that the | document was made in the regular course
of the business of the | hospital or agency and that it was in the regular
course of | such business to make it, at the time of the act, transaction,
| occurrence or event, or within a reasonable time thereafter. A | certification
by the head or responsible employee of the | hospital or agency that the writing,
record, photograph or | x-ray is the full and complete record of the condition,
act, | transaction, occurrence or event and that it satisfies the | conditions
of this paragraph shall be prima facie evidence of | the facts contained in
such certification. A certification by | someone other than the head of the
hospital or agency shall be | accompanied by a photocopy of a delegation of
authority signed | by both the head of the hospital or agency and by such
other | employee. All other circumstances of the making of the | memorandum,
record, photograph or x-ray, including lack of | personal knowledge of the
maker, may be proved to affect the | weight to be accorded such evidence,
but shall not affect its | admissibility.
| (b) Any indicated report filed pursuant to the Abused and | Neglected Child
Reporting Act shall be admissible in evidence.
| (c) Previous statements made by the minor relating to any | allegations
of abuse or neglect shall be admissible in | evidence. However, no such
statement, if uncorroborated and not | subject to cross-examination, shall be
sufficient in itself to | support a finding of abuse or neglect.
| (d) There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a minor is | competent
to testify in abuse or neglect proceedings. The court | shall determine how
much weight to give to the minor's |
| testimony, and may allow the minor to
testify in chambers with | only the court, the court reporter and attorneys
for the | parties present.
| (e) The privileged character of communication between any | professional
person and patient or client, except privilege | between attorney and client,
shall not apply to proceedings | subject to this Article.
| (f) Proof of the impairment of emotional health or | impairment of mental
or emotional condition as a result of the | failure of the respondent to exercise
a minimum degree of care | toward a minor may include competent opinion or
expert | testimony, and may include proof that such impairment lessened | during
a period when the minor was in the care, custody or | supervision of a person
or agency other than the respondent.
| (5) In any hearing under this Act alleging neglect for | failure to
provide education as required by law under | subsection (1) of Section 2-3,
proof that a minor under 13 | years of age who is subject to compulsory
school attendance | under the School Code is a chronic truant as defined
under the | School Code shall be prima facie evidence of neglect by the
| parent or guardian in any hearing under this Act and proof that | a minor who
is 13 years of age or older who is subject to | compulsory school attendance
under the School Code is a chronic | truant shall raise a rebuttable
presumption of neglect by the | parent or guardian. This subsection (5)
shall not apply in | counties with 2,000,000 or more inhabitants.
| (6) In any hearing under this Act, the court may take | judicial notice of
prior sworn testimony or evidence admitted | in prior proceedings involving
the same minor if (a) the | parties were either represented by counsel at such
prior | proceedings or the right to counsel was knowingly waived and | (b) the
taking of judicial notice would not result in admitting | hearsay evidence at a
hearing where it would otherwise be | prohibited.
| (Source: P.A. 89-704, eff. 8-16-97 (changed from 1-1-98 by P.A.
| 90-443); 90-608, eff. 6-30-98.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2005