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Public Act 093-0879
Public Act 093-0879 |
SB2756 Enrolled |
LRB093 19899 NHT 45642 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Nursing Education Scholarship Law is amended | by changing Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 as follows:
| (110 ILCS 975/2) (from Ch. 144, par. 2752)
| Sec. 2. Legislative finding and declaration of policy. The | General Assembly finds and hereby declares that the provision | of a
higher education leading to an associate degree in | nursing, an
degree in applied sciences in nursing, a | hospital-based diploma
in nursing, a
baccalaureate degree in | nursing, a graduate degree in nursing, or a certificate in | practical nursing for
persons of this State
who desire such an | education is important to the health, welfare and
security of | this State and Nation, and consequently is an important public
| purpose. Many qualified and potential nurses
are deterred by | financial considerations from pursuing their nursing
| education, with consequent irreparable loss to the State and | Nation of
talents vital to health, welfare and security. A | system of scholarships,
repayment of which may be excused if | the individual is employed as a
registered professional
nurse | or a licensed practical nurse after
obtaining an associate | degree in
nursing, associate degree in applied sciences in | nursing, hospital-based
diploma in nursing, baccalaureate | degree in nursing, graduate degree in nursing, or certificate
| in practical nursing, will enable such individuals
to attend | approved institutions of their choice in the State,
public or
| private.
| (Source: P.A. 92-43, eff. 1-1-02.)
| (110 ILCS 975/3) (from Ch. 144, par. 2753)
| Sec. 3. Definitions.
| The following terms, whenever used or referred to, have the | following
meanings except where the context clearly indicates | otherwise:
| (1) "Board" means the Board of Higher Education created by | the Board
of Higher Education Act.
| (2) "Department" means the Illinois Department of Public | Health.
| (3) "Approved institution" means a public community | college, private
junior college, hospital-based diploma in | nursing
program, or public or private
college or university | located in this State that has approval by the Department of | Professional
Regulation for an associate degree in nursing
| program,
associate degree in applied
sciences in nursing | program, hospital-based diploma in nursing
| baccalaureate degree in nursing program, graduate degree in | nursing program, or
certificate in practical
nursing program.
| (4) "Baccalaureate degree in nursing program" means a | program offered by
approved institution and leading to a | bachelor of science degree in nursing.
| (5) "Enrollment" means the establishment and maintenance | of an
individual's status as a student in an approved | institution, regardless of
the terms used at the institution to | describe such status.
| (6) "Academic year" means the period of time from September | 1 of one
year through August 31 of the next year or as | otherwise defined by the
academic institution.
| (7) "Associate degree in nursing program or hospital-based | diploma in
nursing program" means a program
offered by an | approved institution and leading to an associate
degree in
| nursing, associate degree in applied sciences in nursing, or
| hospital-based diploma in nursing.
| (8) "Graduate degree in nursing program" means a program | offered by an approved institution and leading to a master of | science degree in nursing or a doctorate of philosophy or | doctorate of nursing degree in nursing.
| (9)
(8) "Director" means the Director of the Illinois |
| Department of Public
| (10)
(9) "Accepted for admission" means a student has | completed the
requirements for entry into an associate degree | in nursing program,
associate degree in applied sciences in | nursing program, hospital-based
diploma in nursing program,
| baccalaureate degree in nursing program, graduate degree in | nursing program, or
certificate in practical nursing program at | an approved institution, as
documented by the
| (11)
(10) "Fees" means those mandatory charges, in addition | to tuition, that
all enrolled students must pay, including | required course or lab fees.
| (12)
(11) "Full-time student" means a student enrolled for | at least 12 hours
term or as otherwise determined by the | academic institution.
| (13)
(12) "Law" means the Nursing Education Scholarship | Law.
| (14)
(13) "Nursing employment obligation" means employment | in this State as a
nurse or licensed | practical nurse in direct patient care
or as a nurse educator | in the case of a graduate degree in nursing program recipient | for at least one year for each year of scholarship assistance | received through
the Nursing
Education Scholarship Program.
| (15)
(14) "Part-time student" means a person who is | enrolled for at least
one-third of the number of hours required | per term by a school for its
full-time students.
| (16)
(15) "Practical nursing program" means a program | offered by an approved
institution leading to a certificate in | practical nursing.
| (17)
(16) "Registered professional nurse" means a
person | who is currently licensed as a registered professional nurse
by | the Department of Professional
Regulation under the Nursing and | Advanced Practice Nursing Act.
| (18)
(17) "Licensed practical nurse" means a
person who is | currently licensed as a licensed practical nurse
by the | Department of Professional
Regulation under the Nursing and | Advanced Practice Nursing Act.
| (19)
(18) "School term" means an academic term, such as a | semester, quarter,
trimester, or number of clock hours, as | defined by an approved institution.
| (20)
(19) "Student in good standing" means a student | maintaining a cumulative
grade point average equivalent to at | least the academic grade of a "C".
| (21)
(20) "Total and permanent disability" means a physical | or mental impairment,
disease, or loss of a permanent nature | that prevents nursing employment with or
without reasonable | accommodation. Proof of disability shall be a declaration
from | the social security administration, Illinois Industrial | Commission,
Department of Defense, or an insurer authorized to | transact business in
Illinois who is providing disability | insurance coverage to a contractor.
| (22)
(21) "Tuition" means the established charges of an | institution of higher
learning for instruction at that | institution.
| (23) "Nurse educator" means a person who is currently | licensed as a registered nurse by the Department of | Professional Regulation under the Nursing and Advanced | Practice Nursing Act, who has a graduate degree in nursing, and | who is employed by an approved academic institution to educate | registered nursing students, licensed practical nursing | students, and registered nurses pursuing graduate degrees.
| (Source: P.A. 92-43, eff. 1-1-02.)
| (110 ILCS 975/5) (from Ch. 144, par. 2755)
| Sec. 5. Nursing education undergraduate scholarships. | Beginning with the fall term of the 2004-2005
| academic year, the
Department, in accordance with rules and | regulations promulgated by it for this
program, shall provide | scholarships to individuals selected
from among those | applicants who qualify for consideration by showing:
| (1) that he or she has been a resident of this State | for at least one
year prior to application, and is a | citizen or a lawful permanent resident
alien of the United |
| States;
| (2) that he or she is enrolled in or accepted for | admission to an associate degree in
nursing program, | hospital-based
diploma in nursing program, baccalaureate | degree
in nursing program, graduate degree in nursing | program, or practical nursing program at an approved
| institution; and
| (3) that he or she agrees to meet the nursing | employment obligation.
| If in any year the number of qualified applicants exceeds | the number of
scholarships to be awarded, the Department shall | give priority in awarding
scholarships : | (A) To
to students in the greatest financial need, | as shown on a
standardized financial needs assessment | form used by an approved
institution who will pursue | their education on a full-time or closest to
| basis and who already have a certificate in practical | nursing, a diploma
in nursing, or an associate degree | in nursing and are pursuing a higher
| (B) To registered nurses pursuing a graduate | degree in nursing to pursue employment in an approved | institution that educates licensed practical nurses | and that educates registered nurses in undergraduate | and graduate nursing programs.
| Unless otherwise indicated, scholarships shall be awarded | to
recipients at approved institutions for a period
of up to 2 | years if the recipient is enrolled in an
associate degree in
| nursing
program, up to 3 years if the recipient is enrolled in | a hospital-based
diploma in nursing program, up to 4 years if | the recipient is enrolled in a
baccalaureate degree in nursing | program, up to 5 years if the recipient is enrolled in a | graduate degree in nursing program, and up to one year if the
| recipient is enrolled in a certificate in practical nursing | program. At least
50% of the scholarships awarded shall be | for recipients who are
pursuing baccalaureate degrees in | nursing, 30%
40% of the scholarships
awarded shall be for |
| recipients who are pursuing associate degrees in
or a | diploma in nursing, and 10% of the scholarships awarded
shall | be for recipients who are pursuing a certificate in practical | nursing , and 20% of the scholarships awarded shall be for | recipients who are pursuing a graduate degree in nursing .
| (Source: P.A. 92-43, eff. 1-1-02.)
| (110 ILCS 975/6) (from Ch. 144, par. 2756)
| Sec. 6. Nursing requirements for scholarship recipients. | Within 12 months after graduation from an associate degree in
| nursing program, hospital-based diploma in nursing
| baccalaureate degree in nursing program, graduate degree in | nursing program, or
certificate in practical nursing program, | any
recipient who accepted a
scholarship under Section 5 shall | begin meeting the required nursing
employment obligation. In | order to defer his
or her continuous employment obligation, a | recipient must
request the deferment in writing from the | Department.
A recipient shall notify program staff within 30 | days if he or she
spends up to 4 years in military service | before or after graduation. A
recipient shall notify program | staff within 30 days if he or she is enrolled in
an academic
| program leading to a graduate degree in nursing. If a recipient | receives
funding through the Nursing Education Scholarship | Program for a higher degree,
the nursing employment obligation | shall be deferred until he or she is no
enrolled or has | graduated. The recipient must begin meeting the required
| nursing employment obligations no later than 6 months after the | end of the
| Any person who fails to fulfill the nursing employment | obligation shall
pay to the Department an amount equal to the | amount of scholarship funds
received per year for each | unfulfilled year of the nursing employment
obligation, | together with interest at 7% per year on the
unpaid balance.
| Payment must begin within 6 months following the date of the | occurrence
initiating the
repayment. All repayments must be | completed within 6 years from the date of
occurrence |
| initiating the repayment. However, this obligation may be
| deferred and re-evaluated every 6 months when the failure to | fulfill the
nursing employment
obligation results
from | involuntarily leaving the profession due to a decrease in the | number
of nurses employed in the State or when the failure to | fulfill the nursing
employment obligation results from total | and permanent disability. The
repayment obligation shall be | excused if the failure to fulfill the nursing
employment | obligation results from the death or adjudication as
| incompetent of the person holding the scholarship. No claim for | repayment
may be filed against the estate of such a decedent or | incompetent.
| Each person applying for such a scholarship shall be | provided with a copy
of this Section at the time of application | for the
benefits of such
| (Source: P.A. 92-43, eff. 1-1-02.)
| (110 ILCS 975/7) (from Ch. 144, par. 2757)
| Sec. 7. Amount of scholarships. To determine a scholarship
| amount, the Department shall consider tuition and fee charges | at
community colleges and universities statewide and projected | living
expenses. Using information provided annually by the | Illinois Student
Assistance Commission, 75% of the weighted | tuition and fees charged by
community colleges in Illinois | shall be added to the uniform living
allowance reported in the | weighted Monetary Award Program (MAP)
budget to determine the | full-time scholarship amount for students
pursuing an | associate degree or diploma in nursing at an Illinois
community | college. Scholarship amounts for students pursuing
associate ,
| or baccalaureate , or graduate degrees in nursing at a college | or university shall
include 75% of the
weighted tuition and | fees charged by public universities in Illinois plus
the | uniform living allowance reported in the weighted MAP budget.
| Scholarship amounts for students in practical nursing programs | shall
include 75% of the average of tuition charges at all | practical nursing
programs plus the uniform living allowance |
| reported in the weighted MAP
budget. The
Department may provide | that scholarships shall be on a quarterly or
semi-annual basis | and shall be contingent upon the student's diligently
pursuing | nursing studies and being a student in good
standing. | Scholarship awards may be provided to part-time students; the
| amount shall be determined by applying the proportion | represented by the
part-time enrollment to full-time | enrollment ratio to the average per-term
scholarship amount for | a student in the same nursing degree category.
| (Source: P.A. 92-43, eff. 1-1-02.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2005