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Public Act 093-0872
Public Act 093-0872 |
HB5050 Enrolled |
LRB093 18065 BDD 43752 b |
| AN ACT concerning museums.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Natural Resources Act is | amended by changing
Section 1-25 as follows:
| (20 ILCS 801/1-25)
| Sec. 1-25. Powers of the scientific surveys and State | Museum.
In addition to its other powers and duties, the | Department shall
have the following powers and duties which | shall be performed by the
scientific surveys and the State | Museum:
| (1) To investigate and study the natural resources of | the State and
to prepare printed reports and furnish | information fundamental to the
conservation and | development of natural resources and for that purpose
the | officers and employees thereof may, pursuant to rule | adopted by the
Department, enter and cross all lands in | this State, doing
no damage to private property.
| (2) To cooperate with and advise departments having | administrative
powers and duties relating to the natural | resources of the State, and to
cooperate with similar | departments in other states and with the United
States | Government.
| (3) To conduct a natural history survey of the State, | giving
preference to subjects of educational and | economical importance.
| (4) To publish, from time to time, reports covering the | entire field
of zoology and botany of the State.
| (5) To supply natural history specimens to the State | educational
institutions and to the public schools.
| (6) To investigate the entomology of the State.
| (7) To investigate all insects dangerous or injurious |
| to
agricultural or horticultural plants and crops, | livestock, to nursery
trees and plants, to the products of | the truck farm and vegetable
garden, to shade trees and | other ornamental vegetation of cities and
villages, to the | products of the mills and the contents of warehouses,
and | all insects injurious or dangerous to the public health.
| (8) To conduct experiments with methods for the | prevention, arrest,
abatement and control of insects | injurious to persons or property.
| (9) To instruct the people, by lecture, demonstration | or bulletin,
in the best methods of preserving and | protecting their property and
health against injuries by | insects.
| (10) To publish, from time to time, articles on the | injurious and
beneficial insects of the State.
| (11) To study the geological formation of the State | with reference
to its resources of coal, ores, clays, | building stones, cement,
materials suitable for use in the | construction of roads, gas, mineral
and artesian water and | other products.
| (12) To publish, from time to time, topographical, | geological and
other maps to illustrate resources of the | State.
| (13) To publish, from time to time, bulletins giving a | general and
detailed description of the geological and | mineral resources, including
water resources, of the | State.
| (14) To cooperate with United States federal agencies | in the preparation
and completion of a contour topographic | map and the collection, recording
and printing of water and | atmospheric resource data including stream flow
| measurements and to collect facts and data concerning the | volumes and flow
of underground, surface and atmospheric | waters of the State and to
determine the mineral qualities | of water from different geological
formations and surface | and atmospheric waters for the various sections of
the |
| State.
| (15) To publish, from time to time, the results of its
| investigations of the mineral qualities, volumes and flow | of underground
and surface waters of the State to the end | that the available water
resources of the State may be | better known and to make mineral analyses
of samples of | water from municipal or private sources giving no opinion
| from those analyses of the hygienic, physiological or | medicinal
qualities of such waters.
| (16) To act as the central data repository and research | coordinator
for the State in matters related to water and | atmospheric resources.
The State Water Survey Division of | the Department may monitor and evaluate
all weather | modification operations in Illinois.
| (17) To distribute, in its discretion, to the various | educational
institutions of the State, specimens, samples, | and materials collected
by it after the same have served | the purposes of the Department.
| (18) To cooperate with the Illinois State Academy of | Science and to
publish a suitable number of the results of | the investigations and
research in the field of natural | science to the end that the same may be
distributed to the | interested public.
| (19) To maintain a State Museum, and to collect and | preserve objects
of scientific and artistic value, | representing past and present fauna
and flora, the life and | work of man, geological history, natural
resources, and the | manufacturing and fine arts; to interpret for and
educate | the public concerning the foregoing.
| (20) To cooperate with the Illinois State Museum | Society for the
mutual benefit of the Museum and the | Society, with the Museum furnishing
necessary space for the | Society to carry on its functions and keep its
records, | and, upon the recommendation of the Museum Director with | the
approval of the Board of State Museum Advisors and the | Director of the
Department, to enter into agreements with |
| the Illinois State Museum
Society for the operation of a | sales counter and other concessions for
the mutual benefit | of the Museum and the Society.
| (21) To accept grants of property and to hold property | to be
administered as part of the State Museum for the | purpose of
preservation, research of interpretation of | significant areas within the
State for the purpose of | preserving, studying and interpreting
archaeological and | natural phenomena.
| (22) To contribute to and support the operations, | programs
and capital development of public museums in this | State.
For the purposes of this Section, "public museum" | means a facility: (A) that
is operating for the purposes of | promoting cultural development
special activities | or programs or through performing arts that are
performed | in an indoor setting , and acquiring,
conserving, | preserving,
studying, interpreting, enhancing, and in | particular, organizing and
continuously exhibiting | specimens, artifacts, articles, documents and
other things | of historical, anthropological, archaeological, | industrial,
scientific or artistic import, to the public | for its instruction and
enjoyment, and (B) that either (i) | is operated by or located upon land
owned by a unit of | local
or (ii) is a museum that has an annual | indoor attendance of at least
150,000 and
offers | educational programs to school groups during school hours.
| A museum is eligible to receive funds for capital | development under
this subdivision
(22) only if it is | operated by or located upon land owned by a unit of local
| government or if it is certified by a unit of local
| government in
which it is located as a public museum | meeting the criteria of this Section.
Recipients of funds | for capital development under
this subdivision (22) shall | match State funds with local or private funding
according | to the following:
| (a) for a public museum with an attendance of |
| 300,000 or less during the
preceding calendar year, no | match is required;
| (b) for a public museum with an attendance of over | 300,000 but less than
600,000 during the preceding | calendar year, the match must be at a ratio of $1
from | local and
private funds for every $1 in State funds; | and
| (c) for a public museum with an attendance of over | 600,000 during the
preceding calendar year, the match | must be at a ratio of $2 from local and
private funds | for every
$1 in State funds.
| The Department shall formulate rules and regulations | relating to the
allocation of any funds appropriated by the | General Assembly for the
purpose of contributing to the | support of public museums in this State.
| (23) To perform all other duties and assume all | obligations of the former
Department of Energy and Natural | Resources and the former Department of
Registration and | Education pertaining to the State Water Survey, the State
| Geological Survey, the State Natural History Survey, and | the State Museum.
| (24) To maintain all previously existing relationships | between the
State Water Survey, State Geological Survey, | and State Natural History
Survey and the public and private | colleges and universities in Illinois.
| (25) To participate in federal geologic mapping | programs.
| (Source: P.A. 92-606, eff. 6-28-02.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2005