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Public Act 093-0867
Public Act 093-0867 |
SB3208 Enrolled |
LRB093 18976 RAS 44711 b |
| AN ACT concerning commissions.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | Illinois African-American Family Commission Act. | Section 5. Legislative findings. It is the policy of this | State to promote family preservation and to preserve and | strengthen families. Over 12 million people live in Illinois. | African-Americans represent 15% of the population and 26% of | the residents living in Cook County. Despite some progress over | the last few decades, African-Americans in Illinois continue to | lag behind other racial groups relative to indicators of | well-being in education, employment, income, and health. | According to the 2000 U.S. Census, just 26% of the | African-American population over 25 years of age in Illinois | completed their high school education; 6% held an associate's | degree; less than 10% (9%) held a bachelor's degree; less than | 5% (3%) held a master's degree; and less than one percent held | either a professional (.8%) or doctoral (.4%) degree.
| These levels of education attainment reflect more | fundamental problems with retaining African-Americans in | school. The Illinois State Board of Education reported that for | the 2001-2002 school year, 36,373, or 6%, of students enrolled | in public high schools dropped out. Thirty-nine percent of | these students were African-Americans; 38% were White; 21% were | Hispanic; and 2% were classified as Other.
| Although African-Americans make up 18% of the high school | population, they are disproportionately represented in the | number of students who are suspended and expelled. In the | 2001-2002 school year, 29,068 students were suspended from | school. Forty-seven percent were White, 37% were | African-American, 14% were Hispanic, and 1% were classified as |
| Other. In regards to expulsions Statewide, the total number of | high school students expelled was 1,651. Forty-three percent | were African-American, 41% were White, 14% were Hispanic, and | 2% were classified as Other. Within Chicago public schools, 448 | students were expelled. Seventy-seven of these students were | African-American; 27% were White; 14% were Hispanic; and 4% | were classified as Other. The fact that African-Americans are | more likely to be suspended or expelled from school also | contributes to the high dropout rate among African-American | high school students.
| In addition to educational challenges, African-Americans | face challenges in the areas of employment and income. In the | year 2000, the unemployment rate for African-Americans age 16 | years or older was 15% compared to only 6% for the total | Illinois population. Moreover, the median household income of | African-Americans in Illinois was $31,699 compared to $46,590 | for the total Illinois population, and the percentage of | African-American families below the poverty level in Illinois | was 26% percent in 1999 compared to 10.7% for the total | Illinois population in that same year.
| Indicators of child welfare and criminal justice reveal | still more challenges that African-American families face in | Illinois. In 2000, African-American children represented 18% | of children 18 years of age and under, but comprised 73% of | children in substitute care. African-Americans are also | overrepresented in the criminal justice population. Of the | total Illinois adult inmate population in the year 2000, 65% | were African-American. During this same time period, | African-American youth represented 58% of the juvenile inmate | population in Illinois.
| While the leading causes of death among African-Americans | are the same as those for the general population in Illinois, | African-Americans have a higher rate of death per 100,000 | residents. The rate of overall deaths per 100,000 residents | among African-Americans in the year 2000 was 1,181; 847 for | Whites; and 411 for those classified as Other. The rate of |
| cancer-related deaths per 100,000 residents by racial or ethnic | groups in 2000 was: 278 African-Americans; 206 Whites; and 110 | of those classified as Other. The rate of diabetes-related | deaths per 100,000 residents among African-Americans in 2000 | was 41 compared to 23 for Whites and 13 for those classified as | Other. The rate of deaths per 100,000 residents by heart | disease among African-Americans in 2000 was 352 compared
to 257 | for Whites and 120 for those classified as Other. The rate of | deaths per 100,000 residents by stroke among African-Americans | in 2000 was 75; 60 for Whites; and 35 for those classified as | Other.
| African-Americans had higher rates of smoking and obesity | than other racial groups in Illinois in 2001. African-Americans | accounted for more of the new adult/adolescent AIDS cases, | cumulative adult/adolescent AIDS cases, and number of people | living with AIDS than other racial groups in Illinois in the | year 2002. Still, 23% of uninsured persons in Illinois are | African-American.
| These huge disparities in education, employment, income, | child welfare, criminal justice, and health demonstrate the | tremendous challenges facing the African-American family in | Illinois. These challenges are severe. There is a need for | government, child and family advocates, and other key | stakeholders to create and implement public policies to address | the health and social crises facing African-American families. | The development of given solutions clearly transcends any one | State agency and requires a coordinated effort. The Illinois | African-American Family Commission shall assist State agencies | with this task.
| The African-American Family Commission was created in | October 1994 by Executive Order to assist the Illinois | Department of Children and Family Services in developing and | implementing programs and public policies that affect the | State's child welfare system. The Commission has a proven track | record of bringing State agencies, community providers, and | consumers together to address child welfare issues. The ability |
| of the Commission to address the above-mentioned health issues, | community factors, and the personal well-being of | African-American families and children has been limited due to | the Executive Order's focus on child welfare. It is apparent | that broader issues of health, mental health, criminal justice, | education, and economic development also directly affect the | health and well-being of African-American families and | children. Accordingly, the role of the African-American Family | Commission is hereby expanded to encompass working | relationships with every department, agency, and commission | within State government if any of its activities impact | African-American children and families. The focus of the | Commission is hereby restructured and shall exist by | legislative mandate to engage State agencies in its efforts to | preserve and strengthen African-American families.
| Section 10. Illinois African-American Family Commission | established. The African-American Family Commission shall be | renamed and established as the Illinois African-American | Family Commission.
| Section 15. Purpose and objectives.
| (a) The purpose of the Illinois African-American Family | Commission is to guide the efforts of and collaborate with the | Department on Aging, the Department of Children and Family | Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, | the Department of Corrections, the Department of Human | Services, the Department of Public Aid, the Department of | Public Health, the Department of Transportation, and others to | improve and expand existing human services and educational and | community development programs for African-Americans. This | will be achieved by:
| (1) Monitoring existing legislation and programs | designed to address the needs of African-Americans in | Illinois;
| (2) Assisting State agencies in developing programs, |
| services, public policies, and research strategies that | will expand and enhance the social and economic well-being | of African-American children and families; and
| (3) Facilitating the participation of | African-Americans in the development, implementation, and | planning of community-based services.
| The work of the Illinois African-American Family | Commission shall include the use of existing reports, research | and planning efforts, procedures, and programs.
| Section 20. Appointment; terms. The Illinois | African-American Family Commission shall be comprised of 15 | members who shall be appointed by the Governor. Each member | shall have a working knowledge of human services, community | development, and economic public policies in Illinois. The | Governor shall appoint the chairperson or chairpersons. | The members shall reflect regional representation to | ensure that the needs of African-American families and children | throughout the State of Illinois are met. The members shall be | selected from a variety of disciplines. They shall be | representative of a partnership and collaborative effort | between public and private agencies, the business sector, and | community-based human services organizations.
| Members shall serve 3-year terms, except in the case of | initial appointments. One-third of initially appointed | members, as determined by lot, shall be appointed to 1-year | terms; 1/3 shall be appointed to 2-year terms; and 1/3 shall be | appointed to 3-year terms, so that the terms are staggered. | Members will serve without compensation, but shall be | reimbursed for Commission-related expenses.
| The Department on Aging, the Department of Children and | Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity, the Department of Corrections, the Department of | Human Services, the Department of Public Aid, the Department of | Public Health, and the Department of Transportation shall each | appoint a liaison to serve ex-officio on the Commission. |
| Section 25. Funding. The African-American Family | Commission shall receive funding through appropriations | available for its purposes made to the Department on Aging, the | Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of | Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of | Corrections, the Department of Human Services, the Department | of Public Aid, the Department of Public Health, and the | Department of Transportation. | Section 30. Reporting. The Illinois African-American | Family Commission shall annually report to the Governor and the | General Assembly on the Commission's progress toward its goals | and objectives.
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law.
Effective Date: 8/5/2004