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Public Act 093-0858
Public Act 093-0858 |
SB2918 Enrolled |
LRB093 20961 NHT 46945 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections | 26-1, 26-2, 26-7, 26-8, and 26-14 and by adding Section 26-16 | as follows:
| (105 ILCS 5/26-1) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-1)
| Sec. 26-1. Compulsory school age-Exemptions. Whoever has | custody or control of any child between the ages of 7 and 17
| years (unless the child has already graduated from high school)
| shall cause such child to attend some public school in the | district
wherein the child resides the entire time it is in | session during the
regular school term, except as provided in | Section 10-19.1, and during a
required summer school program | established under Section 10-22.33B; provided,
the | following children shall not be required to attend the public | schools:
| 1. Any child attending a private or a parochial school | where children
are taught the branches of education taught to | children of corresponding
age and grade in the public schools, | and where the instruction of the child
in the branches of | education is in the English language;
| 2. Any child who is physically or mentally unable to attend | school, such
disability being certified to the county or | district truant officer by a
competent physician or a Christian | Science practitioner residing in this
State and listed in the | Christian Science Journal; or who is excused for
temporary | absence for cause by
the principal or teacher of the school | which the child attends; the exemptions
in this paragraph (2) | do not apply to any female who is pregnant or the
mother of one | or more children, except where a female is unable to attend
| school due to a complication arising from her pregnancy and the |
| existence
of such complication is certified to the county or | district truant officer
by a competent physician;
| 3. Any child necessarily and lawfully employed according to | the
provisions of the law regulating child labor may be excused | from attendance
at school by the county superintendent of | schools or the superintendent of
the public school which the | child should be attending, on certification of
the facts by and | the recommendation of the school board of the public
school | district in which the child resides. In districts having part | time
continuation schools, children so excused shall attend | such schools at
least 8 hours each week;
| 4. Any child over 12 and under 14 years of age while in | attendance at
confirmation classes;
| 5. Any child absent from a public school on a particular | day or days
or at a particular time of day for the reason that | he is unable to attend
classes or to participate in any | examination, study or work requirements on
a particular day or | days or at a particular time of day, because the tenets
of his | religion forbid secular activity on a particular day or days or | at a
particular time of day. Each school board shall prescribe | rules and
regulations relative to absences for religious | holidays including, but not
limited to, a list of religious | holidays on which it shall be mandatory to
excuse a child; but | nothing in this paragraph 5 shall be construed to limit
the | right of any school board, at its discretion, to excuse an | absence on
any other day by reason of the observance of a | religious holiday. A school
board may require the parent or | guardian of a child who is to be excused
from attending school | due to the observance of a religious holiday to give
notice, | not exceeding 5 days, of the child's absence to the school
| principal or other school personnel. Any child excused from | attending
school under this paragraph 5 shall not be required | to submit a written
excuse for such absence after returning to | school ; and . | 6. Any child 16 years of age or older who (i) submits to a | school district evidence of necessary and lawful employment |
| pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Section and (ii) is enrolled in | a graduation incentives program pursuant to Section 26-16 of | this Code or an alternative learning opportunities program | established pursuant to Article 13B of this Code.
| (Source: P.A. 89-610, eff. 8-6-96.)
| (105 ILCS 5/26-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-2)
| Sec. 26-2. Enrolled pupils below 7 or over 17
16 . Any | person having custody or
control of a child who is below the | age of 7 years or is 17 years of age or above the age of 16 | years
and who is enrolled in any of grades 1 through 12 , in the | public school shall
cause him to attend the public school in | the district wherein he resides when
it is in session during | the regular school term , unless he is excused under
| paragraphs 2, 3, 4 ,
or 5 , or 6 of Section 26-1.
| A school district shall deny reenrollment in its secondary | schools to any
child 17 years of age or above the age of 16 | years who has dropped out of school
and who could
not, because | of age and lack of credits, attend classes during the normal
| school year and graduate before his or her twenty-first | birthday.
A district may, however, enroll the child in a | graduation incentives program under Section 26-16 of this Code | or an alternative learning
opportunities program established
| under Article 13B.
child shall be denied reenrollment for | the above reasons
unless the school district first offers the | child
due process as required in cases of expulsion under | Section
10-22.6. If a child is denied reenrollment after being | provided with due
process, the school district must provide | counseling to that child and
must direct that child to
| alternative educational
programs, including adult education | programs, that lead to graduation or
receipt of a GED diploma. | No child may be denied reenrollment in violation
of the | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or the Americans | with
Disabilities Act.
| (Source: P.A. 92-42, eff. 1-1-02.)
| (105 ILCS 5/26-7) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-7)
| Sec. 26-7. Notice
to custodian-Notice of non-compliance. | If any person fails to send any child under his custody or | control to
some lawful school , the truant officer or, in a | school district that does not have a truant officer, the | regional superintendent of schools or his or her designee
| shall, as soon as practicable after
he is notified thereof, | give notice in person or by mail to such person
that such child | shall be present at the proper public school on the day
| following the receipt of such notice. The notice shall state | the date that
attendance at school must begin and that such | attendance must be continuous
and consecutive in the district | during the remainder of the school year.
The truant officer or, | in a school district that does not have a truant officer, the | regional superintendent of schools or his or her designee shall | at the same time that such notice is given notify
the teacher | or superintendent of the proper public school thereof and the
| teacher or superintendent shall notify the truant officer or | regional superintendent of schools of any
non-compliance | therewith.
| (Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
| (105 ILCS 5/26-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-8)
| Sec. 26-8. Determination as to compliance - Complaint in | circuit court. )
A truant officer or, in a school district that | does not have a truant officer, the regional superintendent of | schools or his or her designee,
All Truant officers after | giving the notice provided in Section 26-7 , shall
determine | whether the notice has been complied with. If 3 notices have | been given and the notices have
the notice has not
been | complied with, and if the persons having custody or control | have knowingly
and wilfully permitted the truant behavior to | continue, the regional superintendent of schools, or his or her | designee, of the school district where the child resides shall | conduct a truancy hearing. If the regional superintendent | determines as a result of the hearing that the child is truant, |
| the regional superintendent shall require the student to | complete 20 to 40 hours of community service over a period of | 90 days. If the truancy persists, the regional superintendent | shall (i) make complaint against the persons having custody or | control
truant officer
shall thereupon make complaint against | such person to the state's
attorney or in the circuit court in | the county where such person resides
for failure to comply with | the provisions of this Article or (ii) conduct truancy | mediation and encourage the student to enroll in a graduation | incentives program under Section 26-16 of this Code . If, | however,
after giving the notice provided in Section 26-7 the | truant behavior has
continued, and the child is beyond the | control of the parents, guardians
or custodians, a truancy | petition shall be filed under the provisions of
Article III of | the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
| (Source: P.A. 85-1209.)
| (105 ILCS 5/26-14) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-14)
| Sec. 26-14. Truancy programs for dropouts. Any dropout, as | defined in
Section 26-2a, who is 17
whose age is 16 or greater, | but less than 18 years of age ,
may apply to a school district
| for status as a truant, and the school district shall permit | such person to
participate in the district's various programs | and resources for truants.
At the time of the person's | application, the district may request
documentation of his | dropout status for the previous 6 months.
| (Source: P.A. 85-629 .)
| (105 ILCS 5/26-16 new) | Sec. 26-16. Graduation incentives program.
| (a) The General Assembly finds that it is critical to | provide options for children to succeed in school. The purpose | of this Section is to provide incentives for and encourage all | Illinois students who have experienced or are experiencing | difficulty in the traditional education system to enroll in | alternative programs. |
| (b) Any student who is no more than 18 years of age is | eligible to enroll in a graduation incentives program if he or | she: | (1) is considered a dropout pursuant to Section 26-2a | of this Code; | (2) has been suspended or expelled pursuant to Section | 10-22.6 or 34-19 of
this Code; | (3) is pregnant or is a parent; | (4) has been assessed as chemically dependent; or | (5) is enrolled in a bilingual education or LEP | program. | (c) The following programs qualify as graduation | incentives programs for students meeting the criteria | established in this Section: | (1) Any public elementary or secondary education | graduation incentives program established by a school | district or by a regional office of education. | (2) Any alternative learning opportunities program | established pursuant to Article 13B of this Code. | (3) Vocational or job training courses approved by the | State Superintendent of Education that are available | through the Illinois public community college system. | Students may apply for reimbursement of 50% of tuition | costs for one course per semester or a maximum of 3 courses | per school year. Subject to available funds, students may | apply for reimbursement of up to 100% of tuition costs upon | a showing of employment within 6 months after completion of | a vocational or job training program. The qualifications | for reimbursement shall be established by the State | Superintendent of Education by rule. | (4) Job and career programs approved by the State | Superintendent of Education that are available through | Illinois-accredited private business and vocational | schools. Subject to available funds, pupils may apply for | reimbursement of up to 100% of tuition costs upon a showing | of employment within 6 months after completion of a job or |
| career program. The State Superintendent of Education | shall establish, by rule, the qualifications for | reimbursement, criteria for determining reimbursement | amounts, and limits on reimbursement. | (5) Adult education courses that offer preparation for | the General Educational Development Test. | (d) Graduation incentives programs established by school | districts are entitled to claim general State aid, subject to | Sections 13B-50, 13B-50.5, and 13B-50.10 of this Code. | Graduation incentives programs operated by regional offices of | education are entitled to receive general State aid at the | foundation level of support per pupil enrolled. A school | district must ensure that its graduation incentives program | receives supplemental general State aid, transportation | reimbursements, and special education resources, if | appropriate, for students enrolled in the program.
Effective Date: 1/1/2005