Public Act 103-0601
HB4615 EnrolledLRB103 37800 RPS 67929 b

    AN ACT concerning regulation.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is
amended by renumbering and changing Section 5-45.35 as added
by Public Act 103-568 as follows:
    (5 ILCS 100/5-45.52)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 8, 2024)
    Sec. 5-45.52 5-45.35. Emergency rulemaking; Public Act
103-568 this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly. To
provide for the expeditious and timely implementation of
Public Act 103-568 this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
Assembly, emergency rules implementing Public Act 103-568 this
amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly may be adopted in
accordance with Section 5-45 by the Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation. The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by Section 5-45 and this Section is deemed to be
necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
    This Section is repealed on August 4, 2025 one year after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
(Source: P.A. 103-568, eff. 12-8-23; revised 12-22-23.)
    Section 10. The Department of Professional Regulation Law
of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by
changing Section 2105-380 as follows:
    (20 ILCS 2105/2105-380)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 8, 2024)
    Sec. 2105-380. Extension of expiration dates or renewal
periods for specified licenses, registrations, or
    (a) If the Secretary finds that there is a significant
operational need to do so or that it is necessary to do so to
avoid undue hardship on a class of individuals whose
professional licenses, registrations, or certificates are
issued by the Department, then the Secretary shall extend the
expiration date or renewal period of the license,
registration, or certificate of those individuals for a period
not to exceed the standard renewal period for those licenses,
registrations, or certificates. Factors that may be considered
by the Secretary when determining whether to extend the
expiration date or renewal period shall include, but are not
limited to:
        (1) the number of applications pending;
        (2) the percentage of applicants or licensees,
    registrants, or certificate holders waiting for Department
    action on their applications compared to the number of
    licensees, registrants, or certificate holders in the
        (3) the number of licenses, registrations, or
    certificates that have expired while pending Department
    action on renewal;
        (4) whether there is a shortage of licensees,
    registrants, or certificate holders providing the
    professional service;
        (5) the potential impact on the Department's
    operational budget; and
        (6) any other licensing-related factors that are
    deemed relevant by the Department and are prescribed by
    (b) The Secretary shall waive the payment of late fees for
a licensee, registrant, or certificate holder in a profession
whose expiration date or renewal period has been extended
under this Section and in those cases where Department
processing delays result in the expiration of a license,
registration, or certificate.
    (c) The Department may adopt rules or emergency rules to
implement and administer this Section.
    (d) This Section is repealed January 1, 2026 one year
after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd
General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 103-568, eff. 12-8-23.)
    Section 15. The Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act is
amended by changing Section 5.1 as follows:
    (30 ILCS 705/5.1)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 31, 2024)
    Sec. 5.1. Restoration of grant award.
    (a) A grantee who received an award pursuant to the Open
Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act who was unable to
complete the project within the 2 years required by Section 5
due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and whose grant
agreement expired between January 1, 2021 and July 29, 2021,
shall be eligible for an award under the same terms as the
expired grant agreement, subject to the availability of
appropriated moneys in the fund from which the original
disbursement to the grantee was made. The grantee must
demonstrate prior compliance with the terms and conditions of
the expired award to be eligible for funding under this
    (b) Any grant funds not expended or legally obligated by
the expiration of the newly executed agreement must be
returned to the grantor agency within 45 days, if the funds are
not already on deposit with the grantor agency or the State
Treasurer. Such returned funds shall be deposited into the
fund from which the original grant disbursement to the grantee
was made.
    (c) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2025 July 31, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 102-699, eff. 4-19-22.)
    Section 20. The Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act
is amended by changing Sections 15, 25, and 90 as follows:
    (50 ILCS 840/15)  (was 50 ILCS 835/15)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2024)
    Sec. 15. Regulation of small wireless facilities.
    (a) This Section applies to activities of a wireless
provider within or outside rights-of-way.
    (b) Except as provided in this Section, an authority may
not prohibit, regulate, or charge for the collocation of small
wireless facilities.
    (c) Small wireless facilities shall be classified as
permitted uses and subject to administrative review in
conformance with this Act, except as provided in paragraph (5)
of subsection (d) of this Section regarding height exceptions
or variances, but not subject to zoning review or approval if
they are collocated (i) in rights-of-way in any zone, or (ii)
outside rights-of-way in property zoned exclusively for
commercial or industrial use.
    (d) An authority may require an applicant to obtain one or
more permits to collocate a small wireless facility. An
authority shall receive applications for, process, and issue
permits subject to the following requirements:
        (1) An authority may not directly or indirectly
    require an applicant to perform services unrelated to the
    collocation for which approval is sought, such as in-kind
    contributions to the authority, including reserving fiber,
    conduit, or utility pole space for the authority on the
    wireless provider's utility pole. An authority may reserve
    space on authority utility poles for future public safety
    uses or for the authority's electric utility uses, but a
    reservation of space may not preclude the collocation of a
    small wireless facility unless the authority reasonably
    determines that the authority utility pole cannot
    accommodate both uses.
        (2) An applicant shall not be required to provide more
    information to obtain a permit than the authority requires
    of a communications service provider that is not a
    wireless provider that requests to attach facilities to a
    structure; however, a wireless provider may be required to
    provide the following information when seeking a permit to
    collocate small wireless facilities on a utility pole or
    wireless support structure:
            (A) site specific structural integrity and, for an
        authority utility pole, make-ready analysis prepared
        by a structural engineer, as that term is defined in
        Section 4 of the Structural Engineering Practice Act
        of 1989;
            (B) the location where each proposed small
        wireless facility or utility pole would be installed
        and photographs of the location and its immediate
        surroundings depicting the utility poles or structures
        on which each proposed small wireless facility would
        be mounted or location where utility poles or
        structures would be installed;
            (C) specifications and drawings prepared by a
        structural engineer, as that term is defined in
        Section 4 of the Structural Engineering Practice Act
        of 1989, for each proposed small wireless facility
        covered by the application as it is proposed to be
            (D) the equipment type and model numbers for the
        antennas and all other wireless equipment associated
        with the small wireless facility;
            (E) a proposed schedule for the installation and
        completion of each small wireless facility covered by
        the application, if approved;
            (F) certification that the collocation complies
        with paragraph (6) to the best of the applicant's
        knowledge; and
            (G) the wireless provider's certification from a
        radio engineer that it operates the small wireless
        facility within all applicable FCC standards.
        (3) Subject to paragraph (6), an authority may not
    require the placement of small wireless facilities on any
    specific utility pole, or category of utility poles, or
    require multiple antenna systems on a single utility pole;
    however, with respect to an application for the
    collocation of a small wireless facility associated with a
    new utility pole, an authority may propose that the small
    wireless facility be collocated on an existing utility
    pole or existing wireless support structure within 200
    feet of the proposed collocation, which the applicant
    shall accept if it has the right to use the alternate
    structure on reasonable terms and conditions and the
    alternate location and structure does not impose technical
    limits or additional material costs as determined by the
    applicant. The authority may require the applicant to
    provide a written certification describing the property
    rights, technical limits or material cost reasons the
    alternate location does not satisfy the criteria in this
    paragraph (3).
        (4) Subject to paragraph (6), an authority may not
    limit the placement of small wireless facilities mounted
    on a utility pole or a wireless support structure by
    minimum horizontal separation distances.
        (5) An authority may limit the maximum height of a
    small wireless facility to 10 feet above the utility pole
    or wireless support structure on which the small wireless
    facility is collocated. Subject to any applicable waiver,
    zoning, or other process that addresses wireless provider
    requests for an exception or variance and does not
    prohibit granting of such exceptions or variances, the
    authority may limit the height of new or replacement
    utility poles or wireless support structures on which
    small wireless facilities are collocated to the higher of:
    (i) 10 feet in height above the tallest existing utility
    pole, other than a utility pole supporting only wireless
    facilities, that is in place on the date the application
    is submitted to the authority, that is located within 300
    feet of the new or replacement utility pole or wireless
    support structure and that is in the same right-of-way
    within the jurisdictional boundary of the authority,
    provided the authority may designate which intersecting
    right-of-way within 300 feet of the proposed utility pole
    or wireless support structures shall control the height
    limitation for such facility; or (ii) 45 feet above ground
        (6) An authority may require that:
            (A) the wireless provider's operation of the small
        wireless facilities does not interfere with the
        frequencies used by a public safety agency for public
        safety communications; a wireless provider shall
        install small wireless facilities of the type and
        frequency that will not cause unacceptable
        interference with a public safety agency's
        communications equipment; unacceptable interference
        will be determined by and measured in accordance with
        industry standards and the FCC's regulations
        addressing unacceptable interference to public safety
        spectrum or any other spectrum licensed by a public
        safety agency; if a small wireless facility causes
        such interference, and the wireless provider has been
        given written notice of the interference by the public
        safety agency, the wireless provider, at its own
        expense, shall take all reasonable steps necessary to
        correct and eliminate the interference, including, but
        not limited to, powering down the small wireless
        facility and later powering up the small wireless
        facility for intermittent testing, if necessary; the
        authority may terminate a permit for a small wireless
        facility based on such interference if the wireless
        provider is not making a good faith effort to remedy
        the problem in a manner consistent with the abatement
        and resolution procedures for interference with public
        safety spectrum established by the FCC including 47
        CFR 22.970 through 47 CFR 22.973 and 47 CFR 90.672
        through 47 CFR 90.675;
            (B) the wireless provider comply with requirements
        that are imposed by a contract between an authority
        and a private property owner that concern design or
        construction standards applicable to utility poles and
        ground-mounted equipment located in the right-of-way;
            (C) the wireless provider comply with applicable
        spacing requirements in applicable codes and
        ordinances concerning the location of ground-mounted
        equipment located in the right-of-way if the
        requirements include a waiver, zoning, or other
        process that addresses wireless provider requests for
        exception or variance and do not prohibit granting of
        such exceptions or variances;
            (D) the wireless provider comply with local code
        provisions or regulations concerning undergrounding
        requirements that prohibit the installation of new or
        the modification of existing utility poles in a
        right-of-way without prior approval if the
        requirements include a waiver, zoning, or other
        process that addresses requests to install such new
        utility poles or modify such existing utility poles
        and do not prohibit the replacement of utility poles;
            (E) the wireless provider comply with generally
        applicable standards that are consistent with this Act
        and adopted by an authority for construction and
        public safety in the rights-of-way, including, but not
        limited to, reasonable and nondiscriminatory wiring
        and cabling requirements, grounding requirements,
        utility pole extension requirements, acoustic
        regulations, and signage limitations; and shall comply
        with reasonable and nondiscriminatory requirements
        that are consistent with this Act and adopted by an
        authority regulating the location, size, surface area
        and height of small wireless facilities, or the
        abandonment and removal of small wireless facilities;
            (F) the wireless provider not collocate small
        wireless facilities on authority utility poles that
        are part of an electric distribution or transmission
        system within the communication worker safety zone of
        the pole or the electric supply zone of the pole;
        however, the antenna and support equipment of the
        small wireless facility may be located in the
        communications space on the authority utility pole and
        on the top of the pole, if not otherwise unavailable,
        if the wireless provider complies with applicable
        codes for work involving the top of the pole; for
        purposes of this subparagraph (F), the terms
        "communications space", "communication worker safety
        zone", and "electric supply zone" have the meanings
        given to those terms in the National Electric Safety
        Code as published by the Institute of Electrical and
        Electronics Engineers;
            (G) the wireless provider comply with the
        applicable codes and local code provisions or
        regulations that concern public safety;
            (H) the wireless provider comply with written
        design standards that are generally applicable for
        decorative utility poles, or reasonable stealth,
        concealment, and aesthetic requirements that are
        identified by the authority in an ordinance, written
        policy adopted by the governing board of the
        authority, a comprehensive plan, or other written
        design plan that applies to other occupiers of the
        rights-of-way, including on a historic landmark or in
        a historic district;
            (I) subject to subsection (c) of this Section, and
        except for facilities excluded from evaluation for
        effects on historic properties under 47 CFR
        1.1307(a)(4), reasonable, technically feasible and
        non-discriminatory design or concealment measures in a
        historic district or historic landmark; any such
        design or concealment measures, including restrictions
        on a specific category of poles, may not have the
        effect of prohibiting any provider's technology; such
        design and concealment measures shall not be
        considered a part of the small wireless facility for
        purposes of the size restrictions of a small wireless
        facility; this paragraph may not be construed to limit
        an authority's enforcement of historic preservation in
        conformance with the requirements adopted pursuant to
        the Illinois State Agency Historic Resources
        Preservation Act or the National Historic Preservation
        Act of 1966, 54 U.S.C. Section 300101 et seq., and the
        regulations adopted to implement those laws; and
            (J) When a wireless provider replaces or adds a
        new radio transceiver or antennas to an existing small
        wireless facility, certification by the wireless
        provider from a radio engineer that the continuing
        operation of the small wireless facility complies with
        all applicable FCC standards.
        (7) Within 30 days after receiving an application, an
    authority must determine whether the application is
    complete and notify the applicant. If an application is
    incomplete, an authority must specifically identify the
    missing information. An application shall be deemed
    complete if the authority fails to provide notification to
    the applicant within 30 days after when all documents,
    information, and fees specifically enumerated in the
    authority's permit application form are submitted by the
    applicant to the authority. Processing deadlines are
    tolled from the time the authority sends the notice of
    incompleteness to the time the applicant provides the
    missing information.
        (8) An authority shall process applications as
            (A) an application to collocate a small wireless
        facility on an existing utility pole or wireless
        support structure shall be processed on a
        nondiscriminatory basis and deemed approved if the
        authority fails to approve or deny the application
        within 90 days; however, if an applicant intends to
        proceed with the permitted activity on a deemed
        approved basis, the applicant must notify the
        authority in writing of its intention to invoke the
        deemed approved remedy no sooner than 75 days after
        the submission of a completed application; the permit
        shall be deemed approved on the latter of the 90th day
        after submission of the complete application or the
        10th day after the receipt of the deemed approved
        notice by the authority; the receipt of the deemed
        approved notice shall not preclude the authority's
        denial of the permit request within the time limits as
        provided under this Act; and
            (B) an application to collocate a small wireless
        facility that includes the installation of a new
        utility pole shall be processed on a nondiscriminatory
        basis and deemed approved if the authority fails to
        approve or deny the application within 120 days;
        however, if an applicant intends to proceed with the
        permitted activity on a deemed approved basis, the
        applicant must notify the authority in writing of its
        intention to invoke the deemed approved remedy no
        sooner than 105 days after the submission of a
        completed application; the permit shall be deemed
        approved on the latter of the 120th day after
        submission of the complete application or the 10th day
        after the receipt of the deemed approved notice by the
        authority; the receipt of the deemed approved notice
        shall not preclude the authority's denial of the
        permit request within the time limits as provided
        under this Act.
        (9) An authority shall approve an application unless
    the application does not meet the requirements of this
    Act. If an authority determines that applicable codes,
    local code provisions or regulations that concern public
    safety, or the requirements of paragraph (6) require that
    the utility pole or wireless support structure be replaced
    before the requested collocation, approval may be
    conditioned on the replacement of the utility pole or
    wireless support structure at the cost of the provider.
    The authority must document the basis for a denial,
    including the specific code provisions or application
    conditions on which the denial was based, and send the
    documentation to the applicant on or before the day the
    authority denies an application. The applicant may cure
    the deficiencies identified by the authority and resubmit
    the revised application once within 30 days after notice
    of denial is sent to the applicant without paying an
    additional application fee. The authority shall approve or
    deny the revised application within 30 days after the
    applicant resubmits the application or it is deemed
    approved; however, the applicant must notify the authority
    in writing of its intention to proceed with the permitted
    activity on a deemed approved basis, which may be
    submitted with the resubmitted application. Any subsequent
    review shall be limited to the deficiencies cited in the
    denial. However, this revised application cure does not
    apply if the cure requires the review of a new location,
    new or different structure to be collocated upon, new
    antennas, or other wireless equipment associated with the
    small wireless facility.
        (10) The time period for applications may be further
    tolled by:
            (A) the express agreement in writing by both the
        applicant and the authority; or
            (B) a local, State, or federal disaster
        declaration or similar emergency that causes the
        (11) An applicant seeking to collocate small wireless
    facilities within the jurisdiction of a single authority
    shall be allowed, at the applicant's discretion, to file a
    consolidated application and receive a single permit for
    the collocation of up to 25 small wireless facilities if
    the collocations each involve substantially the same type
    of small wireless facility and substantially the same type
    of structure. If an application includes multiple small
    wireless facilities, the authority may remove small
    wireless facility collocations from the application and
    treat separately small wireless facility collocations for
    which incomplete information has been provided or that do
    not qualify for consolidated treatment or that are denied.
    The authority may issue separate permits for each
    collocation that is approved in a consolidated
        (12) Collocation for which a permit is granted shall
    be completed within 180 days after issuance of the permit,
    unless the authority and the wireless provider agree to
    extend this period or a delay is caused by make-ready work
    for an authority utility pole or by the lack of commercial
    power or backhaul availability at the site, provided the
    wireless provider has made a timely request within 60 days
    after the issuance of the permit for commercial power or
    backhaul services, and the additional time to complete
    installation does not exceed 360 days after issuance of
    the permit. Otherwise, the permit shall be void unless the
    authority grants an extension in writing to the applicant.
        (13) The duration of a permit shall be for a period of
    not less than 5 years, and the permit shall be renewed for
    equivalent durations unless the authority makes a finding
    that the small wireless facilities or the new or modified
    utility pole do not comply with the applicable codes or
    local code provisions or regulations in paragraphs (6) and
    (9). If this Act is repealed as provided in Section 90,
    renewals of permits shall be subject to the applicable
    authority code provisions or regulations in effect at the
    time of renewal.
        (14) An authority may not prohibit, either expressly
    or de facto, the (i) filing, receiving, or processing
    applications, or (ii) issuing of permits or other
    approvals, if any, for the collocation of small wireless
    facilities unless there has been a local, State, or
    federal disaster declaration or similar emergency that
    causes the delay.
        (15) Applicants shall submit applications, supporting
    information, and notices by personal delivery or as
    otherwise required by the authority. An authority may
    require that permits, supporting information, and notices
    be submitted by personal delivery at the authority's
    designated place of business, by regular mail postmarked
    on the date due, or by any other commonly used means,
    including electronic mail, as required by the authority.
    (e) Application fees are subject to the following
        (1) An authority may charge an application fee of up
    to $650 for an application to collocate a single small
    wireless facility on an existing utility pole or wireless
    support structure and up to $350 for each small wireless
    facility addressed in an application to collocate more
    than one small wireless facility on existing utility poles
    or wireless support structures.
        (2) An authority may charge an application fee of
    $1,000 for each small wireless facility addressed in an
    application that includes the installation of a new
    utility pole for such collocation.
        (3) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of State
    law or local ordinance, applications pursuant to this
    Section must be accompanied by the required application
        (4) Within 2 months after the effective date of this
    Act, an authority shall make available application fees
    consistent with this subsection, through ordinance, or in
    a written schedule of permit fees adopted by the
        (5) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the
    contrary, an authority may charge recurring rates and
    application fees up to the amount permitted by the Federal
    Communication Commission in its Declaratory Ruling and
    Third Report and Order adopted on September 26, 2018 in WT
    Docket Nos. 17-70, 17-84 and cited as 33 FCC Rcd 9088,
    9129, or any subsequent ruling, order, or guidance issued
    by the Federal Communication Commission regarding fees and
    recurring rates.
    (f) An authority shall not require an application,
approval, or permit, or require any fees or other charges,
from a communications service provider authorized to occupy
the rights-of-way, for: (i) routine maintenance; (ii) the
replacement of wireless facilities with wireless facilities
that are substantially similar, the same size, or smaller if
the wireless provider notifies the authority at least 10 days
prior to the planned replacement and includes equipment
specifications for the replacement of equipment consistent
with the requirements of subparagraph (D) of paragraph (2) of
subsection (d) of this Section; or (iii) the installation,
placement, maintenance, operation, or replacement of micro
wireless facilities that are suspended on cables that are
strung between existing utility poles in compliance with
applicable safety codes. However, an authority may require a
permit to work within rights-of-way for activities that affect
traffic patterns or require lane closures.
    (g) Nothing in this Act authorizes a person to collocate
small wireless facilities on: (1) property owned by a private
party or property owned or controlled by a unit of local
government that is not located within rights-of-way, subject
to subsection (j) of this Section, or a privately owned
utility pole or wireless support structure without the consent
of the property owner; (2) property owned, leased, or
controlled by a park district, forest preserve district, or
conservation district for public park, recreation, or
conservation purposes without the consent of the affected
district, excluding the placement of facilities on
rights-of-way located in an affected district that are under
the jurisdiction and control of a different unit of local
government as provided by the Illinois Highway Code; or (3)
property owned by a rail carrier registered under Section
18c-7201 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, Metra Commuter Rail or
any other public commuter rail service, or an electric utility
as defined in Section 16-102 of the Public Utilities Act,
without the consent of the rail carrier, public commuter rail
service, or electric utility. The provisions of this Act do
not apply to an electric or gas public utility or such
utility's wireless facilities if the facilities are being
used, developed, and maintained consistent with the provisions
of subsection (i) of Section 16-108.5 of the Public Utilities
    For the purposes of this subsection, "public utility" has
the meaning given to that term in Section 3-105 of the Public
Utilities Act. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to
relieve any person from any requirement (1) to obtain a
franchise or a State-issued authorization to offer cable
service or video service or (2) to obtain any required
permission to install, place, maintain, or operate
communications facilities, other than small wireless
facilities subject to this Act.
    (h) Agreements between authorities and wireless providers
that relate to the collocation of small wireless facilities in
the right-of-way, including the collocation of small wireless
facilities on authority utility poles, that are in effect on
the effective date of this Act remain in effect for all small
wireless facilities collocated on the authority's utility
poles pursuant to applications submitted to the authority
before the effective date of this Act, subject to applicable
termination provisions. Such agreements entered into after the
effective date of the Act shall comply with the Act.
    (i) An authority shall allow the collocation of small
wireless facilities on authority utility poles subject to the
        (1) An authority may not enter into an exclusive
    arrangement with any person for the right to attach small
    wireless facilities to authority utility poles.
        (2) The rates and fees for collocations on authority
    utility poles shall be nondiscriminatory regardless of the
    services provided by the collocating person.
        (3) An authority may charge an annual recurring rate
    to collocate a small wireless facility on an authority
    utility pole located in a right-of-way that equals (i)
    $270 $200 per year or (ii) the actual, direct, and
    reasonable costs related to the wireless provider's use of
    space on the authority utility pole. Rates for collocation
    on authority utility poles located outside of a
    right-of-way are not subject to these limitations. In any
    controversy concerning the appropriateness of a cost-based
    rate for an authority utility pole located within a
    right-of-way, the authority shall have the burden of
    proving that the rate does not exceed the actual, direct,
    and reasonable costs for the applicant's proposed use of
    the authority utility pole. Nothing in this paragraph (3)
    prohibits a wireless provider and an authority from
    mutually agreeing to an annual recurring rate of less than
    $270 $200 to collocate a small wireless facility on an
    authority utility pole.
        (4) Authorities or other persons owning or controlling
    authority utility poles within the right-of-way shall
    offer rates, fees, and other terms that comply with
    subparagraphs (A) through (E) of this paragraph (4).
    Within 2 months after the effective date of this Act, an
    authority or a person owning or controlling authority
    utility poles shall make available, through ordinance or
    an authority utility pole attachment agreement, license or
    other agreement that makes available to wireless
    providers, the rates, fees, and terms for the collocation
    of small wireless facilities on authority utility poles
    that comply with this Act and with subparagraphs (A)
    through (E) of this paragraph (4). In the absence of such
    an ordinance or agreement that complies with this Act, and
    until such a compliant ordinance or agreement is adopted,
    wireless providers may collocate small wireless facilities
    and install utility poles under the requirements of this
            (A) The rates, fees, and terms must be
        nondiscriminatory, competitively neutral, and
        commercially reasonable, and may address, among other
        requirements, the requirements in subparagraphs (A)
        through (I) of paragraph (6) of subsection (d) of this
        Section; subsections (e), (i), and (k) of this
        Section; Section 30; and Section 35, and must comply
        with this Act.
            (B) For authority utility poles that support
        aerial facilities used to provide communications
        services or electric service, wireless providers shall
        comply with the process for make-ready work under 47
        U.S.C. 224 and its implementing regulations, and the
        authority shall follow a substantially similar process
        for make-ready work except to the extent that the
        timing requirements are otherwise addressed in this
        Act. The good-faith estimate of the person owning or
        controlling the authority utility pole for any
        make-ready work necessary to enable the pole to
        support the requested collocation shall include
        authority utility pole replacement, if necessary.
            (C) For authority utility poles that do not
        support aerial facilities used to provide
        communications services or electric service, the
        authority shall provide a good-faith estimate for any
        make-ready work necessary to enable the authority
        utility pole to support the requested collocation,
        including pole replacement, if necessary, within 90
        days after receipt of a complete application.
        Make-ready work, including any authority utility pole
        replacement, shall be completed within 60 days of
        written acceptance of the good-faith estimate by the
        applicant at the wireless provider's sole cost and
        expense. Alternatively, if the authority determines
        that applicable codes or public safety regulations
        require the authority utility pole to be replaced to
        support the requested collocation, the authority may
        require the wireless provider to replace the authority
        utility pole at the wireless provider's sole cost and
            (D) The authority shall not require more
        make-ready work than required to meet applicable codes
        or industry standards. Make-ready work may include
        work needed to accommodate additional public safety
        communications needs that are identified in a
        documented and approved plan for the deployment of
        public safety equipment as specified in paragraph (1)
        of subsection (d) of this Section and included in an
        existing or preliminary authority or public service
        agency budget for attachment within one year of the
        application. Fees for make-ready work, including any
        authority utility pole replacement, shall not exceed
        actual costs or the amount charged to communications
        service providers for similar work and shall not
        include any consultants' fees or expenses for
        authority utility poles that do not support aerial
        facilities used to provide communications services or
        electric service. Make-ready work, including any pole
        replacement, shall be completed within 60 days of
        written acceptance of the good-faith estimate by the
        wireless provider, at its sole cost and expense.
            (E) A wireless provider that has an existing
        agreement with the authority on the effective date of
        the Act may accept the rates, fees, and terms that an
        authority makes available under this Act for the
        collocation of small wireless facilities or the
        installation of new utility poles for the collocation
        of small wireless facilities that are the subject of
        an application submitted 2 or more years after the
        effective date of the Act as provided in this
        paragraph (4) by notifying the authority that it opts
        to accept such rates, fees, and terms. The existing
        agreement remains in effect, subject to applicable
        termination provisions, for the small wireless
        facilities the wireless provider has collocated on the
        authority's utility poles pursuant to applications
        submitted to the authority before the wireless
        provider provides such notice and exercises its option
        under this subparagraph.
        (5) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the
    contrary, an authority may charge recurring rates and
    application fees up to the amount permitted by the Federal
    Communication Commission in its Declaratory Ruling and
    Third Report and Order adopted on September 26, 2018 in WT
    Docket Nos. 17-70, 17-84 and cited as 33 FCC Rcd 9088,
    9129, or any subsequent ruling, order, or guidance issued
    by the Federal Communication Commission regarding fees and
    recurring rates.
    (j) An authority shall authorize the collocation of small
wireless facilities on utility poles owned or controlled by
the authority that are not located within rights-of-way to the
same extent the authority currently permits access to utility
poles for other commercial projects or uses. The collocations
shall be subject to reasonable and nondiscriminatory rates,
fees, and terms as provided in an agreement between the
authority and the wireless provider.
    (k) Nothing in this Section precludes an authority from
adopting reasonable rules with respect to the removal of
abandoned small wireless facilities. A small wireless facility
that is not operated for a continuous period of 12 months shall
be considered abandoned and the owner of the facility must
remove the small wireless facility within 90 days after
receipt of written notice from the authority notifying the
owner of the abandonment. The notice shall be sent by
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, by the
authority to the owner at the last known address of the owner.
If the small wireless facility is not removed within 90 days of
such notice, the authority may remove or cause the removal of
the facility pursuant to the terms of its pole attachment
agreement for authority utility poles or through whatever
actions are provided for abatement of nuisances or by other
law for removal and cost recovery. An authority may require a
wireless provider to provide written notice to the authority
if it sells or transfers small wireless facilities subject to
this Act within the jurisdictional boundary of the authority.
Such notice shall include the name and contact information of
the new wireless provider.
    (l) Nothing in this Section requires an authority to
install or maintain any specific utility pole or to continue
to install or maintain utility poles in any location if the
authority makes a non-discriminatory decision to eliminate
above-ground utility poles of a particular type generally,
such as electric utility poles, in all or a significant
portion of its geographic jurisdiction. For authority utility
poles with collocated small wireless facilities in place when
an authority makes a decision to eliminate above-ground
utility poles of a particular type generally, the authority
shall either (i) continue to maintain the authority utility
pole or install and maintain a reasonable alternative utility
pole or wireless support structure for the collocation of the
small wireless facility, or (ii) offer to sell the utility
pole to the wireless provider at a reasonable cost or allow the
wireless provider to install its own utility pole so it can
maintain service from that location.
(Source: P.A. 102-9, eff. 6-3-21; 102-21, eff. 6-25-21.)
    (50 ILCS 840/25)  (was 50 ILCS 835/25)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2024)
    Sec. 25. Dispute resolution. A circuit court has
jurisdiction to resolve all disputes arising under this Act.
Pending resolution of a dispute concerning rates for
collocation of small wireless facilities on authority utility
poles within the right-of-way, the authority shall allow the
collocating person to collocate on its poles at annual rates
of no more than $270 $200 per year per authority utility pole,
with rates to be determined upon final resolution of the
(Source: P.A. 102-21, eff. 6-25-21.)
    (50 ILCS 840/90)  (was 50 ILCS 835/90)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2024)
    Sec. 90. Repeal. This Act is repealed on January 1, 2030
December 31, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 102-9, eff. 6-3-21; 102-21, eff. 6-25-21.)
    Section 25. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
changing Sections 8-3-14b and 8-3-14c as follows:
    (65 ILCS 5/8-3-14b)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
    Sec. 8-3-14b. Municipal hotel operators' tax in DuPage
County. For any municipality located within DuPage County that
belongs to a not-for-profit organization headquartered in
DuPage County that is recognized by the Department of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity as a certified local tourism and
convention bureau entitled to receive State tourism grant
funds, not less than 75% of the amounts collected pursuant to
Section 8-3-14 shall be expended by the municipality to
promote tourism and conventions within that municipality or
otherwise to attract nonresident overnight visitors to the
municipality, and the remainder of the amounts collected by a
municipality within DuPage County pursuant to Section 8-3-14
may be expended by the municipality for economic development
or capital infrastructure.
    This Section is repealed on January 1, 2027 2025.
(Source: P.A. 101-204, eff. 8-2-19; 102-699, eff. 4-19-22.)
    (65 ILCS 5/8-3-14c)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
    Sec. 8-3-14c. Municipal hotel use tax in DuPage County.
For any municipality located within DuPage County that belongs
to a not-for-profit organization headquartered in DuPage
County that is recognized by the Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity as a certified local tourism and
convention bureau entitled to receive State tourism grant
funds, not less than 75% of the amounts collected pursuant to
Section 8-3-14a shall be expended by the municipality to
promote tourism and conventions within that municipality or
otherwise to attract nonresident overnight visitors to the
municipality, and the remainder of the amounts collected by a
municipality within DuPage County pursuant to Section 8-3-14a
may be expended by the municipality for economic development
or capital infrastructure.
    This Section is repealed on January 1, 2027 2025.
(Source: P.A. 101-204, eff. 8-2-19; 102-699, eff. 4-19-22.)
    Section 30. The School Code is amended by changing Section
17-2A as follows:
    (105 ILCS 5/17-2A)  (from Ch. 122, par. 17-2A)
    Sec. 17-2A. Interfund transfers.
    (a) The school board of any district having a population
of less than 500,000 inhabitants may, by proper resolution
following a public hearing set by the school board or the
president of the school board (that is preceded (i) by at least
one published notice over the name of the clerk or secretary of
the board, occurring at least 7 days and not more than 30 days
prior to the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation
within the school district and (ii) by posted notice over the
name of the clerk or secretary of the board, at least 48 hours
before the hearing, at the principal office of the school
board or at the building where the hearing is to be held if a
principal office does not exist, with both notices setting
forth the time, date, place, and subject matter of the
hearing), transfer money from (1) the Educational Fund to the
Operations and Maintenance Fund or the Transportation Fund,
(2) the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Educational
Fund or the Transportation Fund, (3) the Transportation Fund
to the Educational Fund or the Operations and Maintenance
Fund, or (4) the Tort Immunity Fund to the Operations and
Maintenance Fund of said district, provided that, except
during the period from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2026 2024,
such transfer is made solely for the purpose of meeting
one-time, non-recurring expenses. Except during the period
from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2026 and except as otherwise
provided in subsection (b) of this Section, any other
permanent interfund transfers authorized by any provision or
judicial interpretation of this Code for which the transferee
fund is not precisely and specifically set forth in the
provision of this Code authorizing such transfer shall be made
to the fund of the school district most in need of the funds
being transferred, as determined by resolution of the school
    (b) (Blank).
    (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section or any
other provision of this Code to the contrary, the school board
of any school district (i) that is subject to the Property Tax
Extension Limitation Law, (ii) that is an elementary district
servicing students in grades K through 8, (iii) whose
territory is in one county, (iv) that is eligible for Section
7002 Federal Impact Aid, and (v) that has no more than $81,000
in funds remaining from refinancing bonds that were refinanced
a minimum of 5 years prior to January 20, 2017 (the effective
date of Public Act 99-926) may make a one-time transfer of the
funds remaining from the refinancing bonds to the Operations
and Maintenance Fund of the district by proper resolution
following a public hearing set by the school board or the
president of the school board, with notice as provided in
subsection (a) of this Section, so long as the district meets
the qualifications set forth in this subsection (c) on January
20, 2017 (the effective date of Public Act 99-926).
    (d) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section or any
other provision of this Code to the contrary, the school board
of any school district (i) that is subject to the Property Tax
Extension Limitation Law, (ii) that is a community unit school
district servicing students in grades K through 12, (iii)
whose territory is in one county, (iv) that owns property
designated by the United States as a Superfund site pursuant
to the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601 et
seq.), and (v) that has an excess accumulation of funds in its
bond fund, including funds accumulated prior to July 1, 2000,
may make a one-time transfer of those excess funds accumulated
prior to July 1, 2000 to the Operations and Maintenance Fund of
the district by proper resolution following a public hearing
set by the school board or the president of the school board,
with notice as provided in subsection (a) of this Section, so
long as the district meets the qualifications set forth in
this subsection (d) on August 4, 2017 (the effective date of
Public Act 100-32).
(Source: P.A. 101-643, eff. 6-18-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21;
102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)
    Section 35. The Public Utilities Act is amended by
changing Sections 13-1200 and 21-1601 as follows:
    (220 ILCS 5/13-1200)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2026)
    Sec. 13-1200. Repealer. This Article is repealed January
1, 2030 December 31, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 101-639, eff. 6-12-20; 102-9, eff. 6-3-21.)
    (220 ILCS 5/21-1601)
    Sec. 21-1601. Repealer. Sections 21-101 through 21-1501 of
this Article are repealed January 1, 2030 December 31, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 101-639, eff. 6-12-20; 102-9, eff. 6-3-21.)
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.