91st General Assembly
Status of SB0563
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   210 ILCS 85/9             from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 150                        

        Amends the Hospital Licensing Act.  Adds a caption to  a  Section      
   concerning investigations by the Department of Public Health.               
        SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1.                                                
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          210 ILCS 85/6.14a new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14b new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14c new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14d new                                                
        Replaces the title and  everything  after  the  enacting  clause.      
   Amends  the  Hospital Licensing Act. Provides for public disclosure of      
   certain materials, including information submitted to  the  Department      
   of Public Health for licensure, final records of inspections, surveys,      
   and evaluation of hospitals, investigated complaints filed against          
   hospitals, and final complaint investigation reports. Provides for          
   posting of information, such as the hospital's current license, a           
   description of complaint procedures, and copies of court or depart-         
   mental orders pertaining to the hospital issued during the past year.       
   Provides that final inspection reports and final orders be retained         
   for public inspection. Provides for confidentiality of patient re-          
        SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 2.                                                
        Deletes provision relating to acceptance of a plan of  correction      
   by  the  Health Care Financing Administration as a condition that must      
   be met before hospital evaluations may be disclosed.                        
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1.                                                 
          Deletes reference to:                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14a new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14b new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14c new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/6.14d new                                                
          210 ILCS 85/9                                                        
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          210 ILCS 85/4.6 new                                                  
        Replaces the title and  everything  after  the  enacting  clause.      
   Amends the Hospital  Licensing Act. Provides that the Department shall      
   license  as  a  hospital  buildings  that are owned and  operated by a      
   hospital, are located in a municipality with a population of less than      
   60,000, and include a postsurgical recovery care center, an ambulatory      
   surgical treatment center,  and  a  Freestanding    Emergency  Center.      
   Effective immediately.                                                      
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 2.                                                 
        Provides that issuance of  a  license  under  the  provisions  is      
   permissive  rather than mandatory.  Provides that only one license may      
   be issued under the authority of the provisions and no license may  be      
   issued  after  18  months  after the effective date of this amendatory      
   99-02-24  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   99-02-24  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   99-02-24  S       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               PUBLIC HEALTH         
   99-03-09  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-PUB HEALTH    S    
   99-03-09  S                                   ADOPTED                       
   99-03-09  S       DO PASS AS AMENDED                  009-000-000   SPBH    
   99-03-09  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 2ND READING  99-03-10              
   99-03-09  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              MAHAR                 
   99-03-10  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              NOLAND                
   99-03-10  S  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MYERS,J               
   99-03-10  S  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    BOMKE                 
   99-03-11  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              SULLIVAN              
   99-03-22  S  FILED WITH SECRETARY                                           
   99-03-22  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-RADOGNO            
   99-03-22  S                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO SRUL                  
   99-03-22  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-RADOGNO            
   99-03-22  S             BE APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION SRUL                  
   99-03-23  S  SECOND READING                                                 
   99-03-23  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-RADOGNO            
   99-03-23  S                                   ADOPTED                       
   99-03-23  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 3RD READING  99-03-24              
   99-03-24  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              BURZYNSKI             
   99-03-24  S  THIRD READING - PASSED                   059-000-000           
   99-03-24  H  ARRIVE IN HOUSE                                                
   99-03-24  H  HOUSE SPONSOR                            LYONS,EILEEN          
   99-03-24  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   99-03-24  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 KLINGLER              
   99-04-14  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               HUMAN SERVS           
   99-04-22  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 HOWARD                
   99-04-30  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   00-02-02  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               HEALTH CARE           
   00-02-08  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-HTHCR-AVB-ACS H    
   00-02-08  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   00-02-08  H  DO PASS AMENDED/SHORT DEBATE             018-000-000   HCAA    
   00-02-08  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   00-02-15  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-BRUNSVOLD          
   00-02-15  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   00-02-15  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   00-02-17  S  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    SIEBEN                
   00-02-22  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-BRUNSVOLD          
   00-02-22  H  RECOMMENDS BE ADOPTED                    HRUL/005-000-000      
   00-02-22  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   00-02-22  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-BRUNSVOLD          
   00-02-22  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   00-02-22  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   00-02-23  H  THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/PASSED        115-000-000           
   00-02-24  S  SECRETARYS DESK - CONCURRENCE            01,02                 
   00-02-24  S  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    JACOBS                
   00-02-29  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          RADOGNO               
   00-02-29  S  CHIEF SPONSOR CHANGED TO                 JACOBS                
   00-03-01  S  FILED WITH SECRETARY                                           
   00-03-01  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 01,02/JACOBS          
   00-03-01  S                        MOTION REFERRED TO SRUL                  
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          MAHAR                 
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          BURZYNSKI             
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          SULLIVAN              
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          BOMKE                 
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          MYERS,J               
   00-03-07  S  SPONSOR REMOVED                          NOLAND                
   00-04-10  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 01,02/JACOBS          
   00-04-10  S                           RULES REFERS TO SPBH                  
   00-04-11  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 01,02/JACOBS          
   00-04-11  S                                BE ADOPTED SPBH/009-000-000      
   00-04-12  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 01,02/JACOBS          
   00-04-12  S  SEN CONCURS IN HSE AMENDMENTS (NO.)      01,02/059-000-000     
   00-04-12  S  PASSED BOTH HOUSES                                             
   00-04-19  S  SENT TO THE GOVERNOR                                           
   00-06-02  S  GOVERNOR APPROVED                                              
   00-06-02  S                            EFFECTIVE DATE 00-06-02              
   00-06-02  S  PUBLIC ACT.............................. 91-0736               


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