State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1582

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1582  on  page  4,
 3    line 3, by deleting "Insert A"; and

 4    on  page  4,  by  replacing  lines  4  through  14  with  the
 5    following:
 6        "The  county  board  of  any  county  that  provides  and
 7    maintains  a  countywide map through a Geographic Information
 8    System (GIS) may provide for an additional charge of  $3  for
 9    filing every instrument, paper, or notice for record in order
10    to  defray  the  cost  of  implementing  or  maintaining  the
11    county's  Geographic  Information System.  Of that amount, $2
12    must be deposited into a special fund set up by the treasurer
13    of the county, and any  moneys  collected  pursuant  to  this
14    amendatory  Act  of  the  91st General Assembly and deposited
15    into that  fund  must  be  used  solely  for  the  equipment,
16    materials,  and  necessary  expenses incurred in implementing
17    and  maintaining  a  Geographic   Information   System.   The
18    remaining  $1  must  be deposited into the recorder's special
19    funds created under Section 3-5005.4.  The recorder  may,  in
20    his  or her discretion, use moneys in the funds created under
21    Section 3-5005.4  to  defray  the  cost  of  implementing  or
22    maintaining the county's Geographic Information System.".

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