State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ Senate Amendment 002 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 614

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 614, by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:

 4        "AN  ACT  regarding  appropriations.";  and  by replacing
 5    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 6        "Section 1.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 7    thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
 8    and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
 9    Illinois Medical District Commission:
10    Payable from General Revenue Fund:
11      For Personal Services......................... $    279,600
12      For Employee Retirement Contributions
13       Paid by Employer ............................       11,200
14      For State Contributions to the State
15       Employees' Retirement System ................       26,800
16      For State Contributions to
17       Social Security..............................       21,400
18      For Operation of Chicago Technology
19       Park Research Center and for
20       Development and Operation of the
21       Chicago Technology Park within the
22       Medical Center District .....................      116,900
                            -2-           SRA91SB0614MJcpam01
 1        Total                                            $705,900

 2        Section  2.  The  sum  of $162,800, or so much thereof as
 3    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
 4    Fund to the Illinois Medical District Commission for repairs,
 5    maintenance,  and site improvements within the Medical Center
 6    District, City of Chicago.

 7        Section 3.  The sum of $8,000,000, or so much thereof  as
 8    may   be   necessary,   is   appropriated  from  the  Capital
 9    Development Fund to the Illinois Medical District  Commission
10    for    acquisition   of   property,   demolition   and   site
11    improvements, and related costs  within  the  Medical  Center
12    District,   City   of  Chicago  for  Phase  III  of  District
13    Development Initiative.

14        Section 4.  The sum of $500,000, or so  much  thereof  as
15    may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
16    business on June 30, 1998  from  reappropriations  heretofore
17    made  in  Article  88,  Section  3  of Public Act 90-0010, is
18    reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
19    Illinois  Medical  District  Commission  for  acquisition  of
20    property, demolition and site improvements, and related costs
21    within the Medical Center District, City of Chicago for Phase
22    II of District Development Initiative.

23        Section   5.  No   contract  shall  be  entered  into  or
24    obligation incurred for any expenditures from  appropriations
25    in Sections 2, 3 and 4 of this Article until the purposes and
26    amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.

27        Section  9999.   Effective  date.   This Act takes effect
28    July 1, 1999.".

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