State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 68

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill  68  by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 4        "Section  1.   Short title.  This Act may be cited as the
 5    Hypnotherapist Licensing Act.

 6        Section 5.  Declaration of public policy.   The  practice
 7    of  hypnotherapy  in the State of Illinois is hereby declared
 8    to affect the public health, safety, and welfare  and  to  be
 9    subject to regulation and control in the public interest.  It
10    is  further  declared  to  be a matter of public interest and
11    concern that the practice of hypnotherapy, as defined in this
12    Act, merit and receive the confidence of the public and  that
13    only qualified persons be authorized to practice hypnotherapy
14    in  the  State  of  Illinois.   This  Act  shall be liberally
15    construed to best carry out these objectives.

16        Section 10.  Definitions.  As used in this Act:
17        "Board" means the Licensed Hypnotherapist  Examining  and
18    Disciplinary Board.
19        "Department"   means   the   Department  of  Professional
20    Regulation.
21        "Director" means the Director of Professional Regulation.
                            -2-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        "General hypnotherapy" means a professional  relationship
 2    between   a   hypnotherapist   and  a  client  in  which  the
 3    hypnotherapist provides assistance to the client  in  matters
 4    related   to  the  recreational,  philosophical,  vocational,
 5    avocational,    educational,    stress     management,     or
 6    self-improvement   goals   of   the   client,  provided  such
 7    self-improvement goals are not the  focus  of  a  medical  or
 8    mental health disorder.
 9        "Hypnotherapy" means the induction of a hypnotic state in
10    a client to increase motivation or alter behavioral patterns.
11    "Hypnotherapy"   includes   consultation  with  a  client  to
12    determine the nature of the client's problem, assessment of a
13    client to determine his or her suitability for  hypnotherapy,
14    preparation   of   a   client  to  enter  a  hypnotic  state,
15    explanation to a client of the nature of the hypnotic  state,
16    instruction   of  a  client  in  self-hypnosis  conditioning,
17    testing a client to determine  the  degree  of  physical  and
18    emotional  suggestibility, induction of the hypnotic state in
19    a client using individualized methods and techniques based on
20    interpretation of test results and analysis of problems,  and
21    discussion with a client regarding the results of hypnosis.
22        "Independent  practice" means the provision to the public
23    of  general  hypnotherapy  or   referred   hypnotherapy   for
24    remuneration  by  a person who meets all requirements for the
25    practice of hypnotherapy and who has received a  license  for
26    the practice of hypnotherapy under this Act.
27        "Licensed   hypnotherapist"   means  any  person  who  is
28    licensed in accordance with this  Act  for  the  practice  of
29    hypnotherapy.
30        "National  hypnotherapy  professional organization" means
31    an organization that  is  dedicated  to  providing  training,
32    continuing education, and performance testing in hypnotherapy
33    that  is  incorporated in any state of the United States, can
34    document active membership in  at  least  15  states  of  the
                            -3-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    United States.
 2        "Person"  means  an individual, association, partnership,
 3    or corporation.
 4        "Psychotherapy" means  a  relationship  for  remuneration
 5    between  a  therapist  and  a  client  in which the therapist
 6    renders  assistance  to  the  client  for  the   purpose   of
 7    diagnosing,  treating,  curing,  or  improving  mental health
 8    disorders.
 9        "Qualified supervisor" means any licensed  hypnotherapist
10    who  meets  the  qualifications  for  independent practice of
11    hypnotherapy and has been in practice as a hypnotherapist for
12    at least 3 years.
13        "Referred hypnotherapy" means a professional relationship
14    between  a  hypnotherapist  and  a  client   in   which   the
15    hypnotherapist provides assistance to the client in:
16             (1)  matters   related   to   a   medical  condition
17        diagnosed by a licensed medical doctor,  licensed  doctor
18        of  dental medicine, or a licensed doctor of chiropractic
19        medicine who has specifically referred the client to  the
20        hypnotherapist in writing or by prescription; or
21             (2)  matters  related  to  a mental health condition
22        diagnosed by a licensed mental  health  professional  who
23        has    specifically    referred   the   client   to   the
24        hypnotherapist by written referral.
25    "Referred hypnotherapy" shall not include the making  of  any
26    specific  medical  or  psychological  diagnosis  and  must be
27    offered as an adjunct to health care provided by the licensed
28    professional who has specifically referred the client to  the
29    hypnotherapist.
30        "Supervised practice" means the provision of hypnotherapy
31    to  a  client  under  the guidance, critique, and review of a
32    qualified supervisor.
33        "Supervision" means review of aspects of the  therapeutic
34    relationship  between  a hypnotherapist and client or clients
                            -4-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    in a face-to-face meeting for the purpose  of  improving  the
 2    therapeutic skills of the person under supervision.

 3        Section 15.  Nature of practice.
 4        (a)  A person holding a valid license as a hypnotherapist
 5    may practice general hypnotherapy or referred hypnotherapy in
 6    independent   practice   or   as   part  of  an  association,
 7    partnership, or corporation.
 8        (b)  A person who is in training to meet the requirements
 9    for licensure under this Act may practice without  a  license
10    only  under  the  supervision  of  qualified  supervisor,  as
11    defined  by  this  Act,  and the person shall hold himself or
12    herself out to the public using the  term  "intern"  or  some
13    other designation of trainee status.

14        Section 20.  Exemptions.
15        (a)  Nothing  in  this Act shall be construed to limit or
16    prevent a physician licensed to practice medicine in all  its
17    branches,   a  licensed  clinical  psychologist,  a  licensed
18    clinical  social  worker,  a  licensed  marriage  and  family
19    therapist, a licensed practitioner of chiropractic  medicine,
20    an  advanced practice nurse, a registered professional nurse,
21    a licensed practitioner of dental  medicine,  or  a  licensed
22    clinical professional counselor from engaging in the practice
23    of hypnosis or hypnotherapy.
24        (b)  Nothing  in this Act shall be construed to limit the
25    activities and services of a person or intern in hypnotherapy
26    seeking   to   fulfill   the   educational   or   supervision
27    requirements in order to qualify for  a  license  under  this
28    Act, provided that the activities and services of the  person
29    or intern are supervised as specified in this Act.
30        (c)  Corporations,  partnerships,  and  associations  may
31    employ  a  person  seeking  to  fulfill  the  educational  or
32    supervision  requirements for licensure under this Act if the
                            -5-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    activities and services rendered by that person constitute  a
 2    part  of the trainee's supervised course of study or required
 3    professional supervision.

 4        Section 25.  Restrictions and limitations.
 5        (a)  Unless exempted under Section 20  of  this  Act,  no
 6    person   shall,   without   holding  a  valid  license  as  a
 7    hypnotherapist issued by the Department, render or  offer  to
 8    render  hypnotherapy, as defined in this Act, to individuals,
 9    corporations, or the public.
10        (b)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed as permitting
11    persons licensed as hypnotherapists to engage in  any  manner
12    in the practice of medicine in all its branches as defined by
13    law in this State.
14        (c)  When, in the course of providing hypnotherapy to any
15    person,  a  licensed  hypnotherapist  finds  indication  of a
16    disease or condition that in his  or  her  judgment  requires
17    professional  service  outside  of  the  scope of practice as
18    defined in this Act, he or she shall refer that person  to  a
19    physician  licensed  to  practice  medicine  in  all  of  its
20    branches or another appropriate health care provider.
21        (d)  A  licensed hypnotherapist shall give to each client
22    who  seeks  to  receive  hypnotherapy  from   that   licensed
23    hypnotherapist   a   full  and  accurate  written  disclosure
24    statement of the type and nature of  education  and  training
25    possessed  by  that  licensed hypnotherapist. The information
26    contained in this disclosure statement shall include  without
27    limitation   academic   degrees   earned   by   the  licensed
28    hypnotherapist and the nature of his  or  her  accreditation,
29    training  programs  in hypnotherapy completed by the licensed
30    hypnotherapist, including the number of hours of  instruction
31    and  duration  of  training,  and  national certifications in
32    hypnotherapy  held  by  the  licensed   hypnotherapist.   The
33    disclosure   statement   shall   also   state   that  neither
                            -6-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    psychotherapy nor the diagnosis of mental, dental, or medical
 2    disease is a part of hypnotherapy as defined by this Act  and
 3    that  licensure under this Act does not authorize a person to
 4    practice psychotherapy or diagnosis.
 5        (e)  No person licensed under the provisions of this  Act
 6    shall  publicly  advertise  his or her services in a way that
 7    would represent that the person is also a doctor of  medicine
 8    or  psychology,  unless the person licensed under this Act is
 9    also licensed as a doctor of medicine or psychology.

10        Section 30.  Powers and duties of the Department. Subject
11    to the provisions of this Act, the Department may do  all  of
12    the following:
13             (1)  Review   applications   for   licensure   as  a
14        hypnotherapist   to    ascertain    the    fitness    and
15        qualifications of the person for practicing hypnotherapy.
16             (2)  Conduct  hearings  on  proceedings to refuse to
17        issue, renew, or revoke a license or to suspend, place on
18        probation, censure, or reprimand persons  licensed  under
19        this Act.
20             (3)  Formulate rules required for the administration
21        of   this  Act  and  issue  appropriate  certificates  of
22        licensure.
23             (4)  Maintain rosters of the names and addresses  of
24        all   licensed  hypnotherapists  and  all  persons  whose
25        license has been suspended, revoked,  or  denied  renewal
26        for  cause  within  the  previous  calendar  year.  These
27        rosters  shall  be  available  upon  written  request and
28        payment of the required fee.

29        Section 35.  Hypnotherapist  Examining  and  Disciplinary
30    Board.
31        (a)  The   Director   shall   appoint   a  Hypnotherapist
32    Examining and Disciplinary Board  which  shall  serve  in  an
                            -7-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    advisory  capacity  to the Director.  The Board shall consist
 2    of 6 members, 3 of whom are  hypnotherapists  licensed  under
 3    this  Act,  one  of whom is a licensed clinical psychologist,
 4    one of whom is a physician licensed to practice  medicine  in
 5    all  its  branches, and one of whom is a member of the public
 6    and is not a licensed health care provider.
 7        (b)  Members shall  be  appointed  for  and  shall  serve
 8    4-year  terms  and  until  their successors are appointed and
 9    qualified, except that, of the initial appointees, 3 shall be
10    appointed to serve for 2 years and until their successors are
11    appointed and qualified.
12        (c)  The  3  hypnotherapist  members  shall  be  licensed
13    hypnotherapists, except that initial appointees  may  be  any
14    person  who  can document the practice of hypnotherapy in the
15    State of Illinois for 10 years.
16        (d)  Any member appointed to  fill  a  vacancy  shall  be
17    eligible for reappointment to only one full term.
18        (e)  The Board shall annually elect one of its members as
19    chairperson and one of its members as vice-chairperson.
20        (f)  The   members  of  the  Board  shall  serve  without
21    compensation.
22        (g)  The Board shall make recommendations on all  matters
23    relating  to  the  licensing  of  persons as hypnotherapists,
24    including without limitation investigation  and  approval  of
25    training  programs  to  insure  that  those  programs provide
26    hypnotherapy education in accordance  with  this  Act.  These
27    recommendations  shall  not  impose  an  undue  burden on the
28    Department or an unreasonable restriction  on  those  seeking
29    license renewal.
30        (h)  The  Director  shall  give  due consideration to all
31    recommendations of the Board.
32        (i)  A majority  of  members  currently  appointed  shall
33    constitute a quorum.
34        (j)  The  Director may remove any member of the Board for
                            -8-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    reasonable cause, which  may  include  without  limitation  a
 2    member who misses 2 consecutive meetings of the Board.

 3        Section 40.  Application for licensure.  Applications for
 4    licensure as a hypnotherapist shall be made to the Department
 5    on  forms prescribed by the Department and accompanied by the
 6    required fee, which  is  not  refundable.   All  applications
 7    shall  contain  information  that,  in  the  judgment  of the
 8    Department,  will  enable  the  Department  to  pass  on  the
 9    qualifications  of  the  applicant   for   licensure   as   a
10    hypnotherapist.

11        Section  45.   Qualifications for licensure.  A person is
12    qualified  to  be  licensed  as  a  hypnotherapist  and   the
13    Department  shall issue a license authorizing the practice of
14    hypnotherapy to an applicant who:
15             (1)  has applied in writing on the  prescribed  form
16        and has paid the required fee;
17             (2)  is at least 21 years of age and has not engaged
18        in  conduct  or  activities that would constitute grounds
19        for discipline under this Act;
20             (3)  documents that he or she has received a minimum
21        of 100 hours  of  personal  instruction  in  hypnosis  or
22        hypnotherapy   that   is   sanctioned   by   a   national
23        hypnotherapy professional organization as defined by this
24        Act  and  approved  by  the Department or from any school
25        teaching hypnotherapy that is  accredited  by  an  agency
26        authorized  by  the United States Department of Education
27        or is otherwise licensed, approved, or sanctioned by  any
28        state  of the United States. The State shall consider the
29        following  criteria  when  considering  the  approval  of
30        organization and school programs:
31                  (A)  instruction in the history of hypnosis;
32                  (B)  techniques of client assessment;
                            -9-            LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1                  (C)  suggestibility testing;
 2                  (D)  induction and dehypnotization techniques;
 3                  (E)  deepening techniques;
 4                  (F)  principles of post-hypnotic suggestion;
 5                  (G)  contraindications for hypnosis;
 6                  (H)  treatment planning;
 7                  (I)  self-hypnosis training;
 8                  (J)  administration and record-keeping;
 9                  (K)  law and ethics; and
10                  (L)  an orientation to the limits  of  practice
11             specified   in   this  Act  sufficient  to  allow  a
12             reasonable person to make an informed decision as to
13             whether the client's problem reasonably falls within
14             the scope of practice of a licensed hypnotherapist;
15             (4)  has  completed  a  minimum  of  200  hours   of
16        supervised  practice of hypnotherapy with a person who is
17        a qualified supervisor, as defined by this  Act,  with  a
18        ratio  of  not less than one hour of personal supervision
19        for every 15 hours of supervised practice;
20             (5)  for  each  year  after  the  initial  year   of
21        licensure,  documents 15 hours of continuing education in
22        hypnosis or hypnotherapy during the previous year.

23        Section 50. Licensing; renewal;  restoration;  person  in
24    military service; inactive status.
25        (a)  The  expiration  date  and  renewal  period for each
26    license issued under this Act shall be set by rule.  Licensed
27    hypnotherapists may renew their  license  during  the  60-day
28    period  preceding  its expiration date by paying the required
29    fee  and  demonstrating  compliance   with   any   continuing
30    education requirements.
31        (b)  Any  person who has permitted a license to expire or
32    who has a license on inactive status may have it restored  by
33    submitting  an application to the Department and filing proof
                            -10-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    of fitness  to  have  the  license  restored,  including,  if
 2    appropriate, evidence which is satisfactory to the Department
 3    certifying the practice hypnotherapy in another jurisdiction,
 4    and by paying the required fee.
 5        (c)  If  the person has not maintained an active practice
 6    in  another  jurisdiction  which  is  satisfactory   to   the
 7    Department,  the  Department  shall  determine  the  person's
 8    fitness  to  resume  active  status.  The Department may also
 9    require  the  person  to  complete  a  specified  period   of
10    evaluated hypnotherapy work experience.
11        (d)  Any  person  whose  license  expired while on active
12    duty with the armed forces of the United States, while called
13    into service or  training  with  the  State  Militia,  or  in
14    training  or  education  under  the supervision of the United
15    States  government  prior  to  induction  into  the  military
16    service may have his or her license restored  without  paying
17    any  renewal fees if, within 2 years after the termination of
18    such service, training, or education, except under conditions
19    other  than  honorable,  the  Department  is  furnished  with
20    satisfactory evidence that the person has been so engaged and
21    that  such  service,  training,  or  education  has  been  so
22    terminated.
23        (e)  A license to  practice  hypnotherapy  shall  not  be
24    denied   any  applicant  because  of  the  applicant's  race,
25    religion,  creed,  national  origin,  political  beliefs   or
26    activities,   age,   sex,  sexual  orientation,  or  physical
27    impairment.

28        Section 55.  Implementation and transitional period.
29        (a)  For a period of 3 years after the effective date  of
30    this  Act,  the  Department  shall,  on  application, issue a
31    license for the practice of hypnotherapy to  any  person  who
32    has  not completed the training specified in paragraph (3) of
33    Section 45,  but  who  can  document  the  maintenance  of  a
                            -11-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    practice  of  hypnotherapy for remuneration for a period of 3
 2    years prior to January 1,  1994.  Persons  receiving  initial
 3    licensure  under  this  subsection  shall  not be required to
 4    complete further training in hypnotherapy beyond  the  annual
 5    continuing education required in this Act.
 6        (b)  For  a period of 3 years after the effective date of
 7    this Act, the  Department  shall,  on  application,  issue  a
 8    license  for  the  practice of hypnotherapy to any person who
 9    has not completed any  internship,  trainee,  or  supervision
10    period  specified  in  paragraph  (4)  of Section 45, but who
11    otherwise meets the requirements of Section  45  or  who  can
12    document, using taxation or other records, the maintenance of
13    a practice of hypnotherapy for remuneration for a period of 3
14    years  prior  to  January  1, 1994. Persons receiving initial
15    licensure under this subsection  shall  not  be  required  to
16    complete  any  internship, trainee, or supervision period for
17    renewal of licensure under this Act.
18        (c)  The licensure requirements of Section 45 and  55  of
19    this  Act  shall  not  be  enforced until 12 months after the
20    adoption of final administrative rules.

21        Section 60.  Fees.
22        (a)  All fees for the administration and  enforcement  of
23    this  Act  shall be set by rule of the Department. These fees
24    shall not be refundable.
25        (b)  All of the fees collected under this  Act  shall  be
26    deposited  into  the  General Professions Dedicated Fund. The
27    monies deposited into the Fund shall be appropriated  to  the
28    Department   for   expenses   of   the   Department   in  the
29    administration of this Act.

30        Section 65.  Checks or orders dishonored.  Any person who
31    issues or delivers a check or other order to  the  Department
32    which  is  not  honored  on  2  occasions  by  the  financial
                            -12-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    institution  upon  which  it is drawn because of insufficient
 2    funds on account, the account is closed, or  a  stop  payment
 3    has  been  placed on the account shall pay to the Department,
 4    in addition to the amount owing  upon  such  check  or  other
 5    order,  a  fee of $50. If the check or other order was issued
 6    or delivered in payment of  a  renewal  fee  and  the  person
 7    practices without paying the renewal fee and the fee required
 8    under  this  Section,  an additional penalty of $100 shall be
 9    imposed.  The fees and penalties imposed by this Section  are
10    in  addition to any other penalty for practicing hypnotherapy
11    without a license. The Department  shall  notify  the  person
12    whose  license  has  lapsed that the person is engaged in the
13    unauthorized practice of hypnotherapy and the amount due  the
14    Department,  which  shall  include the lapsed renewal fee and
15    the other required fees. If, after the expiration of 30  days
16    from  the  date of the notification, the person whose license
17    has  lapsed  seeks  a  current  license,  the  person   shall
18    thereafter  apply  to  the  Department  for  reinstatement of
19    license and shall pay all fees due  to  the  Department.  The
20    Department  may  establish  a  fee  for  the processing of an
21    application for reinstatement of a license  that  allows  the
22    Department  to  pay  all  costs  and expenses incident to the
23    processing of this application.  However,  the  Director  may
24    waive  or reduce the fees in individual cases where he or she
25    finds they would be unnecessarily burdensome.

26        Section 70.  Endorsement.  The  Department  may,  in  its
27    discretion,  issue a license for the practice of hypnotherapy
28    to any person  who  is  already  licensed  or  authorized  to
29    practice  hypnotherapy  under  the  laws  of another state or
30    United  States  jurisdiction  and  if  the  requirements  for
31    licensure or authorization in that state are, in the  opinion
32    of the Department, substantially equal to the requirements of
33    this  Act  on the date of licensure. Such applicant shall pay
                            -13-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    all of the required fees.

 2        Section 75.  Privileged communications and exceptions.
 3        (a)  No  licensed  hypnotherapist  shall   disclose   any
 4    information    acquired    from    persons   consulting   the
 5    hypnotherapist in his or her  professional  capacity,  except
 6    that  which  may be voluntarily disclosed under the following
 7    circumstances:
 8             (1)  in   the   course   of   formally    reporting,
 9        conferring,  or consulting with administrative superiors,
10        colleagues,  or  consultants   who   share   professional
11        responsibilities, in which instance all recipients of the
12        information   are   similarly   bound   to   regard   the
13        communication as privileged;
14             (2)  with  the  written  consent  of  the person who
15        provided the information;
16             (3)  in the case of death or  disability,  with  the
17        written  consent  of  a  personal  representative,  other
18        person  authorized  to  sue,  or  the  beneficiary  of an
19        insurance  policy  on  the  person's  life,  health,   or
20        physical condition;
21             (4)  when   a  communication  reveals  the  intended
22        commission of a crime or harmful act and such  disclosure
23        is  judged  necessary  by  the licensed hypnotherapist to
24        protect any person from a clear, imminent risk of serious
25        mental or physical harm  or  injury  or  to  forestall  a
26        serious threat to the public safety; or
27             (5)  when   the   person  waives  the  privilege  by
28        bringing any public charges against the hypnotherapist.
29        (b)  When the person is a minor under  the  laws  of  the
30    State  of  Illinois  and  the  information  acquired  by  the
31    hypnotherapist  indicates the minor was the victim or subject
32    of a crime, the hypnotherapist may be required to testify  in
33    any  judicial  proceedings  in  which  the commission of that
                            -14-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    crime is the subject of inquiry when, after in camera  review
 2    of  the  information  that  the  hypnotherapist acquired, the
 3    court determines that the interests of the  minor  in  having
 4    the   information  held  privileged  are  outweighed  by  the
 5    requirements of justice,  the  need  to  protect  the  public
 6    safety,  or the need to protect the minor, except as provided
 7    under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
 8        (c)  Any  person  having  access  to   records   or   who
 9    participates  in  providing  hypnotherapy or in providing any
10    human services and is supervised by a licensed hypnotherapist
11    is  similarly   bound   to   regard   all   information   and
12    communications as privileged in accord with this Section.
13        (d)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit a
14    licensed  hypnotherapist from voluntarily testifying in court
15    hearings concerning matters of adoption, child  abuse,  child
16    neglect,  or  other matters pertaining to children, except as
17    provided under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
18        (e)  The Mental  Health  and  Developmental  Disabilities
19    Confidentiality  Act  is incorporated herein as if all of its
20    provisions were included in this  Act.  In  the  event  of  a
21    conflict  between  the  application  of  this Section and the
22    Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities  Confidentiality
23    Act  to  a  specific  situation, the provisions of the Mental
24    Health and  Developmental  Disabilities  Confidentiality  Act
25    shall control.

26        Section 80.  Grounds for discipline.
27        (a)  The  Department  may  refuse to issue, renew, or may
28    revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, or take other
29    disciplinary action  as  the  Department  deems  appropriate,
30    including  the issuance of fines not to exceed $1000 for each
31    violation, with regard to any license for any one or more  of
32    the following:
33             (1)  Material misstatement in furnishing information
                            -15-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        to the Department or to any other State agency.
 2             (2)  Violations    or   negligent   or   intentional
 3        disregard of this Act or any of its rules.
 4             (3)  Conviction of any crime under the laws  of  the
 5        United States or any state or territory thereof that is a
 6        felony or a misdemeanor, an essential element of which is
 7        dishonesty,  or of any crime which is directly related to
 8        the practice of hypnotherapy.
 9             (4)  Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of
10        obtaining a license or violating any  provision  of  this
11        Act or its rules.
12             (5)  Incompetence   or   gross   negligence  in  the
13        rendering of hypnotherapy.
14             (6)  Malpractice.
15             (7)  Advising  or  assisting   another   person   in
16        violating any provision of this Act or any of its rules.
17             (8)  Failing  to  provide information within 60 days
18        in response to a written request made by the Department.
19             (9)  Engaging   in   dishonorable,   unethical,   or
20        unprofessional conduct of a character likely to  deceive,
21        defraud,  or  harm  the public and violating any rules of
22        conduct established  by  the  Department  as  part  of  a
23        reasonable   effort   to   regulate   the   practice   of
24        hypnotherapy within the provisions of this Act.
25             (10)  Habitual  or  excessive  use  or  addiction to
26        alcohol, narcotics, stimulants,  or  any  other  chemical
27        agent  or  drug  which  results  in inability to practice
28        hypnotherapy with reasonable skill, judgment, or safety.
29             (11)  Discipline  by  another  jurisdiction,  if  at
30        least one of the grounds is  the  same  or  substantially
31        equivalent to those set forth in this Section.
32             (12)  Directly  or indirectly giving to or receiving
33        from  any  person,  firm,  corporation,  partnership,  or
34        association any fee, commission, rebate, or other form of
                            -16-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        compensation for any service not actually rendered.
 2             (13)  A finding by the Department that  a  licensee,
 3        after   having   had   his   or  her  license  placed  on
 4        probationary status, has violated the terms of probation.
 5             (14)  Abandonment of a client.
 6             (15)  Willfully filing false reports relating to the
 7        practice of hypnotherapy,  including  without  limitation
 8        false  records  filed  with  federal or State agencies or
 9        departments.
10             (16)  Willfully failing to  report  an  instance  of
11        suspected  child  abuse  or  neglect  as  required by the
12        Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
13             (17)  Being named as the perpetrator in an indicated
14        report by the Department of Children and Family  Services
15        pursuant to the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act,
16        and  upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the
17        licensee has caused a child to  be  an  abused  child  or
18        neglected  child  as  defined in the Abused and Neglected
19        Child Reporting Act.
20             (18)  Physical  or  mental   disability,   including
21        deterioration  through  the  aging  process  or  loss  of
22        abilities  and  skills  which results in the inability to
23        practice hypnotherapy with reasonable judgment, skill, or
24        safety.
25             (19)  Solicitation of professional services by using
26        false or misleading advertising.
27             (20)  Failure to file a return or to  pay  the  tax,
28        penalty,  or  interest  shown in a filed return or to pay
29        any final assessment of tax,  penalty,  or  interest,  as
30        required  by  any  Act  administered by the Department of
31        Revenue or any successor agency or the  Internal  Revenue
32        Service or any successor agency.
33        (b)  Any  fines  imposed  under  this  Section  shall not
34    exceed $1,000 for each violation.
                            -17-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        (c)  The determination by a  court  that  a  licensee  is
 2    subject  to  involuntary  admission  or judicial admission as
 3    provided in the Mental Health and Developmental  Disabilities
 4    Code  will  result  in  an automatic suspension of his or her
 5    license. The suspension will end upon a finding  by  a  court
 6    that  licensee  is no longer subject to involuntary admission
 7    or judicial admission, the issuance of an  order  so  finding
 8    and discharging the patient, and a decision by the Department
 9    that  the  licensee  be  allowed  to  resume  the practice of
10    hypnotherapy.

11        Section 85.  Violations;  injunction;  cease  and  desist
12    order.
13        (a)  If  any  person violates the provisions of this Act,
14    the Director may, in the name of the People of the  State  of
15    Illinois, through the Attorney General, petition for an order
16    enjoining  the violation or for an order enforcing compliance
17    with this Act. Upon the filing of a  verified  petition,  the
18    court  with  appropriate  jurisdiction  may issue a temporary
19    restraining  order   without   notice   or   bond   and   may
20    preliminarily  and permanently enjoin the violation. If it is
21    established that the person has violated or is violating  the
22    injunction, the court may punish the offender for contempt of
23    court.  Proceedings under this Section are in addition to all
24    other remedies and penalties provided by this Act.
25        (b)  If any person holds himself or herself out as  being
26    a  licensed hypnotherapist under this Act and is not licensed
27    for the practice of hypnotherapy under  this  Act,  then  any
28    licensed  hypnotherapist,  interested  party,  or  any person
29    injured thereby  may  petition  for  relief  as  provided  in
30    subsection (a)  of this Section.
31        (c)  Whenever, in the opinion of the Department, a person
32    violates  any provision of this Act, the Department may issue
33    a ruling to show cause why  an  order  to  cease  and  desist
                            -18-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    should  not be entered against that person.  The ruling shall
 2    clearly set forth the grounds relied upon by  the  Department
 3    and  shall  allow at least 7 days from the date of the ruling
 4    to file an answer satisfactory to the Department.  Failure to
 5    answer to the satisfaction of the Department shall  cause  an
 6    order to cease and desist to be issued.

 7        Section  90.   Investigation  of  charges; due notice and
 8    hearings.  The Department may investigate the actions of  any
 9    applicant or any person holding or claiming to hold a license
10    to   practice  hypnotherapy.  The  Department  shall,  before
11    revoking, suspending, placing on probation, reprimanding,  or
12    taking any other disciplinary action under Section 80 of this
13    Act,  at least 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing,
14    notify the accused, in writing, of the nature of the  charges
15    and  that  a hearing will be held on the date designated. The
16    written  notice  may  be  served  by  personal  delivery   or
17    certified  or  licensed  mail to the applicant or licensee at
18    the address of the last notification to the  Department.  The
19    Department  shall  also  direct the accused to file a written
20    answer with the Department, under oath, within 20 days  after
21    the  service of the notice and inform the accused that, if he
22    or she fails to file an answer, his or  her  license  may  be
23    revoked,  suspended, placed on probation, reprimanded, or the
24    Department may take  any  other  or  additional  disciplinary
25    action,  including the issuance of fines not to exceed $1,000
26    for each violation, as the  Department  may  deem  necessary,
27    without  hearing.  At the time and place fixed in the notice,
28    representatives of the Department shall proceed to  hear  the
29    charges  and  the  parties or their counsel shall be accorded
30    ample opportunity  to  present  such  statements,  testimony,
31    evidence,  and argument as may be pertinent to the charges or
32    to their defense. The Department  may  continue  the  hearing
33    from time to time.
                            -19-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        Section  95.   Record of proceedings and transcripts. The
 2    Department, at its expense, shall preserve a  record  of  all
 3    proceedings  at  the formal hearing of any case involving the
 4    refusal  to  issue  or  to  renew  a  license   to   practice
 5    hypnotherapy.  The  notice  of  hearing, complaint, all other
 6    documents in the nature of pleadings, written  motions  filed
 7    in  the  proceedings, the transcript of testimony, and orders
 8    of the Department shall be in the record of such proceeding.

 9        Section  100.    Subpoenas;   depositions;   oaths.   The
10    Department  has  the power to subpoena and to bring before it
11    any  person  and  to  take  testimony  either  orally  or  by
12    deposition, or both, with the same fees and  mileage  and  in
13    the same manner as prescribed in civil cases in the courts of
14    this  State.  The  Director or the designated hearing officer
15    has the power to administer oaths to witnesses at any hearing
16    that the Department is authorized to conduct  and  any  other
17    oaths authorized in any Act administered by the Department.

18        Section  105.   Compelling  testimony.   Any  court, upon
19    application of the Department, designated hearing officer, or
20    the applicant or  licensee  against  whom  proceedings  under
21    Section  80  of  this  Act  are  pending,  may enter an order
22    requiring the attendance of witnesses and their testimony and
23    the  production  of  documents,  papers,  files,  recordings,
24    books,  and  records  in  connection  with  any  hearing   or
25    investigation. The court may compel obedience to its order by
26    proceedings for contempt.

27        Section  110.   Findings  and  recommendations.   At  the
28    conclusion  of  the  hearing,  the designated hearing officer
29    shall present  to  the  Director  a  written  report  of  its
30    findings  of  fact,  conclusions of law, and recommendations.
31    The report shall  contain  a  finding  whether  the  licensee
                            -20-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    violated  this  Act  or  failed to comply with the conditions
 2    required in this Act. The designated  hearing  officer  shall
 3    specify  the nature of the violation or failure to comply and
 4    shall make his or her recommendations to  the  Director.  The
 5    report   of   findings  of  fact,  conclusions  of  law,  and
 6    recommendations of the hearing officer shall be the basis for
 7    the Department's order for refusal or for the granting of the
 8    license to practice hypnotherapy. If the  Director  disagrees
 9    with the recommendations of the hearing officer, the Director
10    may issue an order in contravention of the recommendations of
11    the  hearing  officer.  The  Director shall provide a written
12    report to the designated hearing officer on any  disagreement
13    and  shall  specify  the  reasons for the action in the final
14    order. The finding is not admissible in evidence against  the
15    person in a criminal prosecution brought for the violation of
16    this  Act,  but  the  hearing and findings are not a bar to a
17    criminal prosecution brought for the violation of this Act.

18        Section 115.   Rehearings.   At  the  conclusion  of  the
19    hearing,  a  copy  of the designated hearing officer's report
20    shall be  served  upon  the  applicant  or  licensee  by  the
21    Department,  either personally or as provided in this Act for
22    the service of the notice of hearing.  Within 20  days  after
23    such  service,  the  applicant or licensee may present to the
24    Department a motion in writing for  a  rehearing  that  shall
25    specify  the  particular grounds for rehearing.  If no motion
26    for a rehearing is filed, then upon  the  expiration  of  the
27    time  specified  for filing such a motion, or if a motion for
28    rehearing is denied, then upon such denial, the Director  may
29    enter  an  order  in  accordance  with recommendations of the
30    hearing officer, except as provided in Section  120  of  this
31    Act.   If  the  applicant or licensee requests and pays for a
32    transcript of the record within the time for filing a  motion
33    for rehearing, the 20-day period within which a motion may be
                            -21-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    filed  shall  commence upon the delivery of the transcript to
 2    the applicant or licensee.

 3        Section 120.  Director rehearings.  Whenever the Director
 4    believes  justice  has  not  been  done  in  the  revocation,
 5    suspension, or  refusal  to  issue  or  renew  a  license  to
 6    practice  hypnotherapy  or the discipline of a license, he or
 7    she may order a rehearing.

 8        Section 125.  Appointment  of  a  hearing  officer.   The
 9    Director  has  the authority to appoint any attorney licensed
10    to practice law in the State of  Illinois  to  serve  as  the
11    hearing officer in any action for refusal to issue or renew a
12    license  to  practice  hypnotherapy.  The hearing officer has
13    full authority to conduct the  hearing  and  may  appoint  an
14    advisory  committee  of persons who practice hypnotherapy for
15    remuneration and who are licensed under this Act.

16        Section 130.  Order or certified copy; prima facie proof.
17    An order regarding any disciplinary action or certified  copy
18    thereof, over the seal of the Department and purporting to be
19    signed by the Director, is prima facie proof that:
20             (1)  the  signature  is the genuine signature of the
21        Director; and
22             (2)  the Director is duly appointed and qualified.

23        Section  135.   Restoration  of  suspended   or   revoked
24    license.   At  any time after the suspension or revocation of
25    any license to  practice  hypnotherapy,  the  Department  may
26    restore   the  license  to  the  licensee  upon  the  written
27    recommendation of the Director, unless after an investigation
28    and hearing the Director determines that restoration  is  not
29    in the public interest.
                            -22-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        Section  140.  Surrender of license.  Upon the revocation
 2    or suspension of a  license  to  practice  hypnotherapy,  the
 3    licensee  shall  immediately  surrender his or her license to
 4    the  Department.   If  the  licensee  fails  to  do  so,  the
 5    Department has the right to seize the license.

 6        Section  145.   Summary  suspension  of   license.    The
 7    Director  may  summarily  suspend  the  license  to  practice
 8    hypnotherapy  without  a  hearing,  simultaneously  with  the
 9    institution  of  proceedings  for  a  hearing provided for in
10    Section 90 of this Act, if the Director finds  that  evidence
11    in  his  or her possession indicates that the continuation of
12    practice by the licensed hypnotherapist would  constitute  an
13    imminent  danger  to  the  public.   In  the  event  that the
14    Director summarily suspends  the  license  of  an  individual
15    without  a  hearing,  a  hearing  must be held within 30 days
16    after the suspension has occurred.

17        Section 150.  Administrative Review Law.
18        (a)  All final administrative decisions of the Department
19    are subject to judicial review pursuant to the Administrative
20    Review Law and its rules. The term "administrative  decision"
21    is  defined  as  in  Section  3-101  of  the  Code  of  Civil
22    Procedure.
23        (b)  Proceedings  for  judicial review shall be commenced
24    in the circuit  court  of  the  county  in  which  the  party
25    applying  for  review  resides,  but  if  the  party is not a
26    resident of Illinois, the venue shall be in Sangamon County.

27        Section  155.   Certification  of  record;  costs.    The
28    Department shall not be required to certify any record to the
29    court,  to file an answer in court, or to otherwise appear in
30    any court in a judicial review proceeding,  unless  there  is
31    filed  in  the  court, with the complaint, a receipt from the
                            -23-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1    Department acknowledging payment of the costs  of  furnishing
 2    and  certifying  the  record.   Failure  on  the  part of the
 3    plaintiff to  file  the  receipt  in  court  is  grounds  for
 4    dismissal of the action.

 5        Section  160.   Violations.   Unless otherwise specified,
 6    any person found to have violated any provision of  this  Act
 7    is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

 8        Section  165.  Administrative Procedure Act; application.
 9    The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is hereby expressly
10    adopted and incorporated  in  this  Act  as  if  all  of  the
11    provisions of that Act were included in this Act.

12        Section 170.  Home rule.  The regulation and licensing of
13    hypnotherapists  are  exclusive  powers  and functions of the
14    State.  A  home  rule  unit  may  not  regulate  or   license
15    hypnotherapists.  This  Section is a denial and limitation of
16    home rule powers under paragraph (h)  of Section 6 of Article
17    VII of the Illinois Constitution.

18        Section 900.  The Regulatory Sunset  Act  is  amended  by
19    adding Section 4.20 as follows:

20        (5 ILCS 80/4.20 new)
21        Sec.  4.20.   Act  repealed  on  January  1,  2010.   The
22    following Act is repealed on January 1, 2010:
23        The Hypnotherapist Licensing Act.

24        Section  905.  The State Finance Act is amended by adding
25    Section 5.490 as follows:

26        (30 ILCS 105/5.490 new)
27        Sec. 5.490.  The Licensed Hypnotherapist Dedicated Fund.
                            -24-           LRB9101749ACtmam03
 1        Section 999.  Effective date.  This Act takes  effect  on
 2    January 1, 2000.".

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