State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1        AN ACT to amend the Property Tax Code by changing Section
 2    12-15.

 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section 5.  The Property Tax Code is amended by  changing
 6    Section 12-15 as follows:

 7        (35 ILCS 200/12-15)
 8        Sec.  12-15.   Publication  fee  -  Counties of less than
 9    3,000,000. The newspaper shall be paid a fee  for  publishing
10    the assessment list according to the following schedule:
11        (a)   For  a  parcel  listing  including  the name of the
12    property  owner,  a  property  index  number  and  the  total
13    assessment, 80ยข per parcel;
14        (b)   For a parcel listing  including  the  name  of  the
15    property  owner,  a property index number, the assessed value
16    of improvements and the total assessment, $1.20 per parcel;
17        (c)   For a parcel listing  including  the  name  of  the
18    property  owner,  a legal description of the property and the
19    total assessment, $1.20 per parcel;
20        (d)   For a parcel listing  including  the  name  of  the
21    property  owner, a property index number, a legal description
22    and the total assessment, $1.60 per parcel;
23        (e)   For a parcel listing  including  the  name  of  the
24    property   owner,  a legal description, the assessed value of
25    improvements and the total assessment, $1.60 per parcel;
26        (f)   For a parcel listing  including  the  name  of  the
27    property owner, a property index number, a legal description,
28    the  assessed value of improvements and the total assessment,
29    $2.00 per parcel; and
30        (g)   For  the  preamble,   headings,   and   any   other
31    explanatory  matter  either  required by law, or requested by
                            -2-                LRB9100941PTpk
 1    the  supervisor  of  assessments,  to   be   published,   the
 2    newspaper's published rate for such advertising.
 3        Notwithstanding  any  other provision of this Section, in
 4    counties with less than 100,000 inhabitants, the chief county
 5    assessment officer (i) may, by a competitive bidding process,
 6    determine the fee for publishing the assessment list or  (ii)
 7    may,  instead  of  publishing  the  assessment list, post the
 8    assessment list in a public place in the county.
 9    (Source: P.A. 86-415; 86-1481; 87-1189; 88-455.)

10        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
11    becoming law.

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