State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 225

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 225 on page  2,  by
 3    inserting after line 15 the following:
 4        ""Transfer"  means  the actual or attempted transfer of a
 5    firearm or firearm ammunition, with or without consideration,
 6    but does not include the lease of a firearm, or the provision
 7    of ammunition specifically for that firearm, if  the  firearm
 8    and  the  ammunition are to be used on the lessor's premises,
 9    and does not include any  transfer  of  possession  when  the
10    transferor maintains supervision and control over the firearm
11    or ammunition."; and

12    on page 4, line 33, by replacing "$1,000" with the following:
13    "$300, which shall be payable at the time of application, and
14    an  additional  $300  which  shall  be  payable every 3 years
15    thereafter for so long as the license is in effect"; and

16    on  page  6,  line  27,  by  inserting  after  "illegal"  the
17    following:
18    "unless  the  transferee  presents  reasonably   satisfactory
19    evidence  that  the  firearm  will  not  be used or possessed
20    unlawfully in that municipality or county"; and

21    on page 7, by deleting lines 3 through 5; and

22    on page 8, by replacing line 3 with the following:
                            -2-            LRB9100568WHmbam01
 1    "firearm."; and

 2    on page  8,  line  6,  by  inserting  after  the  period  the
 3    following:
 4    "The  computer  database  must also contain a listing of each
 5    county or municipality that prohibits one or  more  types  of
 6    firearm, and the type or types of firearm that are prohibited
 7    in that county or municipality."; and

 8    on  page  8,  line  12,  by  inserting  after  the period the
 9    following:
10    "Except as specifically provided in this Section, information
11    in  the  database  shall  be  confidential  records  of   the
12    Department  and are not subject to disclosure under any other
13    law.".

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