MYERS,J-WATSON-BOMKE-FAWELL. Urges the USEPA to refrain from tightening the standards for ozone and fine particulate matter without (i) conducting additional health and scientific studies that support the proposed standards and (ii) thoroughly measuring the economic consequences of the proposed standards. 97-04-24 S REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-04-24 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR WATSON 97-04-24 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR BOMKE 97-04-24 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR FAWELL 97-04-30 S ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE ENVIR & ENE 97-05-08 S BE ADOPTED 009-000-000 SENV 97-05-08 S PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF RESOLUTIONS SECRETARY'S DESK 97-05-13 S RESOLUTION ADOPTED 054-000-000 END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary