PARKER. (COWLISHAW-SCHOENBERG-GASH-RONEN-CURRIE) 750 ILCS 22/101 750 ILCS 22/102 750 ILCS 22/Article 2, Part A caption 750 ILCS 22/Article 2, Part B caption 750 ILCS 22/203 750 ILCS 22/205 750 ILCS 22/206 750 ILCS 22/Article 2, Part C caption 750 ILCS 22/207 750 ILCS 22/208 750 ILCS 22/301 750 ILCS 22/303 750 ILCS 22/304 750 ILCS 22/305 750 ILCS 22/306 750 ILCS 22/307 750 ILCS 22/316 750 ILCS 22/401 750 ILCS 22/Article 5 caption 750 ILCS 22/501 750 ILCS 22/502 750 ILCS 22/503 new 750 ILCS 22/504 new 750 ILCS 22/505 new 750 ILCS 22/506 new 750 ILCS 22/507 new 750 ILCS 22/Article 6, Part A caption 750 ILCS 22/Article 6, Part B caption 750 ILCS 22/605 750 ILCS 22/606 750 ILCS 22/609 750 ILCS 22/Article 6, Part C caption 750 ILCS 22/610 750 ILCS 22/611 750 ILCS 22/612 750 ILCS 22/613 new 750 ILCS 22/614 new Amends the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act. Provides that a tribunal in this State determining which order controls must state the basis for its decision in the order. Provides that the party obtaining the order shall file a certified copy of it with every tribunal issuing or registering an earlier support order. Provides that the employer shall comply with provisions of an out-of-state income-withholding order, but shall follow the law of the state of the obligor's employment for the employer's processing fee, the maximum amount permitted to be withheld, the time within which the order must be implemented and payments forwarded, and establishing the priorities for withholding and allocating income withheld for multiple child support obligees. Grants immunity from civil liability to an employer complying with an order for withholding issued in another state in accordance with the Article on enforcement of an order of another state, and provides for penalties for failure to comply. Provides that if all of the parties reside in this State and the child does not reside in the issuing state, this State has jurisdiction to enforce and modify a child support order in a proceeding to register that order, and that the only Articles in this Act that apply in that situation are the Articles dealing with jurisdiction and general provisions and otherwise the procedural and substantive laws of this State apply. Provides that the party obtaining the modification must file a certified copy of the modification with the issuing tribunal that had jurisdiction, subject to sanctions for failure to file, but not affecting the validity of the modification. Makes other changes. SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1. Adds reference to: 750 ILCS 22/905 Adds a provision repealing the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997. FISCAL NOTE (Dept. of Public Aid) There is no fiscal impact associated with this bill. STATE MANDATES ACT FISCAL NOTE SB1041 fails to create a State mandate. JUDICIAL NOTE Impact on the need to increase the number of judges cannot be determined. JUDICIAL NOTE, H-AM 2 No decrease or increase in need for the number of judges. FISCAL NOTE (Dept. of Commerce & Community Affairs) No fiscal impact on local gov'ts. or DCCA. STATE MANDATES ACT FISCAL NOTE, H-AM 2 No change from previous mandates note. HOME RULE NOTE, H-AM 2 Fails to preempt home rule authority. JUDICIAL NOTE, H-AM 2 No decrease or increase in need for the number of judges. 97-02-07 S FIRST READING 97-02-07 S REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-02-19 S ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE JUDICIARY 97-02-27 S POSTPONED 97-03-05 S DO PASS 009-000-000 SJUD 97-03-05 S PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 2ND READING 97-03-06 97-03-14 S FILED WITH SECRETARY 97-03-14 S AMENDMENT NO. 01-PARKER 97-03-14 S AMENDMENT REFERRED TO SRUL 97-03-17 S AMENDMENT NO. 01-PARKER 97-03-17 S BE APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION SRUL 97-03-18 S SECOND READING 97-03-18 S AMENDMENT NO. 01-PARKER 97-03-18 S ADOPTED 97-03-18 S PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 3RD READING 97-03-19 97-03-19 S THIRD READING - PASSED 056-000-000 97-03-19 H ARRIVE IN HOUSE 97-03-19 H PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING 97-03-21 H HOUSE SPONSOR COWLISHAW 97-03-21 H FIRST READING 97-03-21 H REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-04-08 H ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE JUD-CIVIL LAW 97-04-30 H DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE 011-000-000 HJUA 97-04-30 H PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-05 H FISCAL NOTE FILED 97-05-05 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-08 H STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED 97-05-08 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-12 H JUDICIAL NOTE FILED 97-05-12 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-13 H SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-13 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 97-05-14 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-05-16 H RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A) RULES HRUL 98-02-25 H APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION HRUL 98-02-25 H PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-02-25 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-MADIGAN,MJ 98-02-25 H AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL 98-02-25 H RULES REFERS TO HJUA 98-02-25 H MOTION PREVAILED TO SUSPEND RULE 25 98-02-25 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-03-24 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR GASH 98-04-23 H FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED LANG 98-04-23 H STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE RQSTD AS AMENDED LANG 98-04-23 H JUDICIAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED LANG 98-04-23 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-04-29 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR RONEN 98-04-29 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR CURRIE 98-05-05 H FISCAL NOTE FILED 98-05-05 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-05-06 H AMENDMENT NO. 02-RYDER 98-05-06 H AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL 98-05-06 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-05-12 H STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #2 98-05-12 H HOME RULE NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #2 98-05-12 H JUDICIAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #2 98-05-12 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-05-13 H SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE 98-05-13 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 98-05-14 H JOINT-ALTERNATE-SPONSOR CHANGED TO SCHOENBERG 98-05-15 H 3RD READING AND PASSAGE DEADLINE EXTEND MAY 22, 1998 98-05-15 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 98-05-22 H RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A) RULES HRUL 99-01-12 S SESSION SINE DIE END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary