90th General Assembly
Status of SB0219
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   New Act                                                                     

        Creates the Limitation  on  Distributing  Tobacco  Products  Act.      
   Prohibits the sale of cigarettes in a pack of less than 20.  Prohibits      
   the  distribution of free tobacco samples.  Provides that a person who      
   violates this Act is guilty of a petty offense.                             
   97-01-29  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-01-29  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   97-01-30  S       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               EXECUTIVE             
   97-01-30  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              RADOGNO               
   97-02-06  S       TO SUBCOMMITTEE                                           
   97-02-06  S                   COMMITTEE               EXECUTIVE             
   97-03-15  S  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 3-9(A)    RULES                 
   97-05-31  S            RULED EXEMPT UNDER SENATE RULE 3-9(B)        SRUL    
   97-05-31  S       RE-REFERRED TO COMMITTEE            EXECUTIVE             
   99-01-12  S  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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