SMITH-DEL VALLE. New Act Creates the Health Security Act. Requires the State to implement a universal access health care system by January 1, 2000. Requires creation of a Bipartisan Health Care Reform Commission by September 1, 1997, to make recommendations for a universal access health care plan. Effective immediately. 97-01-28 S FIRST READING 97-01-28 S REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-01-29 S ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE 97-02-05 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR DEL VALLE 97-02-28 S TO SUBCOMMITTEE 97-02-28 S COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE 97-03-15 S RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 3-9(A) RULES 99-01-12 S SESSION SINE DIE END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary