90th General Assembly
Status of HB3785
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   105 ILCS 5/10-22.6        from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.6                        

        Amends the School Code.  In cases involving a student's expulsion      
   for bringing a weapon to school or school-sponsored or  school-related      
   activities  or  events,  provides  that the one-year expulsion period,      
   which currently may be modified by the board, instead may be  modified      
   by  the  superintendent, with the superintendent's determination being      
   subject to modification by the board.   Provides  that  certain  items      
   that  currently  constitute a weapon instead may be considered to be a      
   weapon if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm.                
          FISCAL NOTE (State Board of Education)                               
          HB3785 is cost-neutral to sch. districts and SBE; state and          
          local levels could incur minimal costs.                              
          STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE (State Board of Education)                
          No change from SBE fiscal note.                                      
   98-02-17  H  FILED WITH CLERK                                               
   98-02-17  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   98-02-17  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   98-03-09  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   98-03-09  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   98-03-09  H                   COMMITTEE               RULES                 
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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