90th General Assembly
Status of HB1086
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   20 ILCS 105/8.07 new                                                        

        Amends the Illinois Act on the Aging.  Requires the Department on      
   Aging to develop a program to give grants to senior citizens, based on      
   their income, for minor home repairs.  Provides  that  the  Department      
   shall  organize  volunteers  and  the  Habitat  for Humanity to assist      
   seniors in repairing their homes.  Effective July 1, 1997.                  
   97-02-27  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-02-27  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-02-28  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               AGING                 
   97-02-28  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 DAVIS,STEVE           
   97-03-21  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    BOLAND                
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    HOLBROOK              
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCGUIRE               
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    SMITH,MICHAEL         
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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