ERWIN-JOHNSON,TOM-GASH-JONES,LOU-SCHOENBERG, RONEN, CURRIE, KENNER, DART, SAVIANO, ROSKAM, KRAUSE AND WOOD. 720 ILCS 5/24-3.5 new Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Prohibits storing a loaded firearm in a location and manner that makes the firearm accessible to a minor under 14 years of age. Provides exemptions. If the minor gains access to the firearm, the person responsible for storing the firearm is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. If the minor causes death or great bodily harm using the firearm, the person responsible for storing the firearm is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and is civilly liable for treble the amount of actual damages caused by use of the firearm. HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1. Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Creates the offense of negligent storage of a handgun. Provides that it is a petty offense for a parent or guardian of a child to permit the child to be present on premises under the parent or guardian's control, to leave the child without adult supervision, and to negligently leave an unsecured handgun on the premises. Provides that fines collected for a violation shall be deposited in the Violence Prevention Fund. JUDICIAL NOTE, H-AM 1 There may be an increase in judicial workloads, but it is not possible to determine impact on the need to increase the number of judges in the State. CORRECTIONAL NOTE, H-AM 1 There will be no fiscal impact on this Dept. FISCAL NOTE (Dept. of Corrections) No change from correctional note. STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE, H-AM 1 HB 395 fails to meet the definition of a State mandate. 97-01-30 H FIRST READING 97-01-30 H REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-02-06 H ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE JUD-CRIMINAL 97-02-20 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR JONES,LOU 97-03-07 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR GASH 97-03-12 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR SCHOENBERG 97-03-13 H FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED ROSKAM 97-03-13 H CORRECTIONAL NOTE REQUESTED ROSKAM 97-03-13 H JUDICIAL NOTE REQUESTED ROSKAM 97-03-13 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-JUD-CRIMINAL H 97-03-13 H ADOPTED 97-03-13 H DO PASS AMENDED/SHORT DEBATE 010-001-003 HJUB 97-03-13 H PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-03-19 H JUDICIAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED 97-03-19 H CORRECTIONAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED 97-03-19 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-03-20 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR JOHNSON,TOM 97-03-20 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR GIGLIO 97-04-08 H FISCAL NOTE FILED 97-04-08 H SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-04-08 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-04-09 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR RONEN 97-04-09 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR CURRIE 97-04-09 H STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED 97-04-09 H CALENDAR ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE 97-04-09 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR KENNER 97-04-15 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR DART 97-04-15 H REMOVED SHORT DEBATE/NAME BRUNSVOLD 97-04-15 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE 97-04-15 H THIRD READING - CONSIDERATION POSTPONED 97-04-15 H PLACED CALENDAR-CONSIDERATION POSTPONED 97-04-15 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR SAVIANO 97-04-15 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR ROSKAM 97-04-15 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR KRAUSE 97-04-15 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR WOOD 97-04-25 H RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A) RULES HRUL 99-01-12 H SESSION SINE DIE END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary