RYDER-SCOTT, WOOD AND GASH. New Act Creates the Free Tobacco Sample Prohibition Act. Prohibits a person engaged in a business enterprise concerning the manufacture, production, sale, or distribution of tobacco products from directly or indirectly distributing or causing to be distributed tobacco products without charge or monetary compensation. Penalty is $100 for a first offense and $250 for a second or subsequent offense. 97-01-29 H FIRST READING 97-01-29 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR SCOTT 97-01-29 H REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-02-05 H ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE 97-02-06 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR WOOD 97-03-07 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR GASH 97-03-21 H RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A) RULES HRUL 99-01-12 H SESSION SINE DIE END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary