State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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      40 ILCS 5/14-114          from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 14-114
          Amends the State Employee Article of  the  Pension  Code.
      Provides  a one-time increase in retirement annuities for all
      annuitants.  Effective immediately.
 1        AN ACT to amend the Illinois  Pension  Code  by  changing
 2    Section 14-114.
 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:
 5        Section 5.  The  Illinois  Pension  Code  is  amended  by
 6    changing Section 14-114 as follows:
 7        (40 ILCS 5/14-114) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 14-114)
 8        Sec. 14-114.  Automatic increase in retirement annuity.
 9        (a)  Any person receiving a retirement annuity under this
10    Article  who  retires  having attained age 60, or who retires
11    before age 60 having at least 35 years of creditable service,
12    shall on January 1, next following the  first  full  year  of
13    retirement,  have  the  amount  of the then fixed and payable
14    monthly  retirement  annuity  increased   3%.    Any   person
15    receiving a retirement annuity under this Article who retires
16    before  attainment  of  age 60 and with less than 35 years of
17    creditable service shall have the amount  of  the  fixed  and
18    payable  retirement  annuity increased by 3% on the January 1
19    occurring on or next following (1) attainment of age  60,  or
20    (2)  the  first  anniversary  of retirement, whichever occurs
21    later.  However, for  persons  who  receive  the  alternative
22    retirement  annuity  under Section 14-110, references in this
23    subsection (a) to attainment of age 60  shall  be  deemed  to
24    refer  to attainment of age 55.  For a person receiving early
25    retirement incentives under Section 14-108.3 whose retirement
26    annuity began after January 1, 1992 pursuant to an  extension
27    granted  under  subsection  (e)  of  that  Section, the first
28    anniversary of retirement shall be deemed to  be  January  1,
29    1993.
30        On  each  January  1  following  the  date of the initial
31    increase  under  this  subsection,  the  employee's   monthly
                            -2-                LRB9000255EGfg
 1    retirement annuity shall be increased by an additional 3%.
 2        Beginning January 1, 1990, all automatic annual increases
 3    payable   under   this  Section  shall  be  calculated  as  a
 4    percentage of the total annuity payable at the  time  of  the
 5    increase,  including  previous  increases  granted under this
 6    Article.
 7        (b)  The provisions of subsection  (a)  of  this  Section
 8    shall be applicable to an employee only if the employee makes
 9    the additional contributions required after December 31, 1969
10    for  the purpose of the automatic increases for not less than
11    the equivalent of one full year. If an  employee  becomes  an
12    annuitant  before his additional contributions equal one full
13    year's contributions based on  his  salary  at  the  date  of
14    retirement, the employee may pay the necessary balance of the
15    contributions   to  the  system,  without  interest,  and  be
16    eligible  for  the  increasing  annuity  authorized  by  this
17    Section.
18        (c)  The provisions of subsection  (a)  of  this  Section
19    shall not be applicable to any annuitant who is on retirement
20    on  December  31,  1969,  and  thereafter  returns  to  State
21    service,  unless the member has established at least one year
22    of  additional  creditable  service  following  reentry  into
23    service.
24        (d)  In addition to other increases which may be provided
25    by this Section, on January 1, 1981  any  annuitant  who  was
26    receiving  a  retirement annuity on or before January 1, 1971
27    shall have his retirement annuity then being  paid  increased
28    $1 per month for each year of creditable service.  On January
29    1,  1982,  any  annuitant  who  began  receiving a retirement
30    annuity  on  or  before  January  1,  1977,  shall  have  his
31    retirement annuity then being paid increased $1 per month for
32    each year of creditable service.
33        On January 1, 1987, any annuitant who began  receiving  a
34    retirement  annuity  on or before January 1, 1977, shall have
                            -3-                LRB9000255EGfg
 1    the monthly retirement annuity increased by an  amount  equal
 2    to  8ยข  per  year  of  creditable service times the number of
 3    years that have elapsed since the annuity began.
 4        In addition to any other increases that may  be  provided
 5    under  this  Article,  on January 1, 1998 every person who is
 6    then receiving a retirement annuity under this Article  shall
 7    have  the  monthly  retirement annuity increased by 3% of the
 8    amount otherwise payable plus an  additional  0.5%  for  each
 9    full  year  beyond  the sixth year that has elapsed since the
10    annuity began.
11        (e)  Every person who receives the alternative retirement
12    annuity under Section 14-110 and who is eligible  to  receive
13    the  3%  increase  under  subsection  (a) on January 1, 1986,
14    shall also receive  on  that  date  a  one-time  increase  in
15    retirement  annuity  equal  to the difference between (1) his
16    actual  retirement  annuity  on  that  date,  including   any
17    increases  received  under subsection (a), and (2) the amount
18    of retirement annuity he would have received on that date  if
19    the  amendments  to  subsection (a) made by Public Act 84-162
20    had been in effect since the date of his retirement.
21    (Source: P.A. 86-273; 87-1265.)
22        Section 99. Effective date.  This Act takes  effect  upon
23    becoming law.

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