State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ Conference Committee Report 001 ]


      215 ILCS 5/107.05         from Ch. 73, par. 719.05
      215 ILCS 5/107.07         from Ch. 73, par. 719.07
      215 ILCS 5/107.12         from Ch. 73, par. 719.12
      215 ILCS 5/107.13         from Ch. 73, par. 719.13
      215 ILCS 5/107.13a        from Ch. 73, par. 719.13a
      215 ILCS 5/107.14         from Ch. 73, par. 719.14
      215 ILCS 5/107.15b new
      215 ILCS 5/107.27         from Ch. 73, par. 719.27
      215 ILCS 5/107.23 rep.
          Amends the Insurance Exchange  Article  of  the  Illinois
      Insurance  Code.  Authorizes the exchange to establish annual
      fees for the admission of syndicates and limited  syndicates.
      Provides  that  the  Director of Insurance shall, rather than
      may, be responsible for examining the  financial  records  of
      the  Exchange  and related parties.  Requires the Exchange to
      file an annual financial statement  with  the  Department  of
      Insurance.  Requires syndicates to file quarterly statements,
      actuarial  opinions,  and  audited financial reports with the
      Department and the Board.  Provides that liquidation expenses
      of  the  Illinois   Insurance   Exchange   Immediate   Access
      Association  and  any  liquidator  shall  be  paid  from  the
      insolvent  syndicate's  trust or custodial account. Abolishes
      limit on  examination  fees.   Provides  that  the  Board  of
      Trustees  of  the  exchange  may adopt rules.  Authorizes the
      Department of Insurance to disapprove a rule.  Provides  that
      all   rules   adopted  before  the  effective  date  of  this
      amendatory  Act  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  approved.
      Effective January 1, 1998.
SB659 Enrolled                                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        AN ACT  concerning  insurance  company  privilege  taxes,
 2    amending named Acts.
 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:
 5        Section 5.  The Illinois Insurance  Code  is  amended  by
 6    changing  Sections  408,  409,  444,  444.1,  and  531.13  as
 7    follows:
 8        (215 ILCS 5/408) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020)
 9        Sec. 408.  Fees and charges.
10        (1)  The  Director  shall charge, collect and give proper
11    acquittances for  the  payment  of  the  following  fees  and
12    charges:
13             (a)  For  filing  all  documents  submitted  for the
14        incorporation  or  organization  or  certification  of  a
15        domestic company, except for a fraternal benefit society,
16        $1,000.
17             (b)  For filing  all  documents  submitted  for  the
18        incorporation  or  organization  of  a  fraternal benefit
19        society, $250.
20             (c)  For   filing   amendments   to   articles    of
21        incorporation    and   amendments   to   declaration   of
22        organization, except for a fraternal benefit  society,  a
23        mutual  benefit  association,  a burial society or a farm
24        mutual, $100.
25             (d)  For   filing   amendments   to   articles    of
26        incorporation  of  a  fraternal benefit society, a mutual
27        benefit association or a burial society, $50.
28             (e)  For   filing   amendments   to   articles    of
29        incorporation of a farm mutual, $25.
30             (f)  For filing bylaws or amendments thereto, $25.
31             (g)  For    filing    agreement    of    merger   or
SB659 Enrolled             -2-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        consolidation:
 2                  (i)  for  a  domestic  company,  except  for  a
 3             fraternal  benefit   society,   a   mutual   benefit
 4             association,  a  burial  society,  or a farm mutual,
 5             $1,000.
 6                  (ii)  for a foreign or  alien  company,  except
 7             for a fraternal benefit society, $300.
 8                  (iii)  for   a  fraternal  benefit  society,  a
 9             mutual benefit association, a burial society,  or  a
10             farm mutual, $100.
11             (h)  For  filing  agreements  of  reinsurance  by  a
12        domestic company, $100.
13             (i)  For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
14        or  alien  company to be admitted to transact business or
15        accredited as a reinsurer in this  State,  except  for  a
16        fraternal benefit society, $2,500.
17             (j)  For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
18        or  alien  fraternal  benefit  society  to be admitted to
19        transact business in this State, $250.
20             (k)  For  filing  declaration  of  withdrawal  of  a
21        foreign or alien company, $25.
22             (l)  For filing annual statement, except a fraternal
23        benefit society, a mutual benefit association,  a  burial
24        society, or a farm mutual, $100.
25             (m)  For  filing  annual  statement  by  a fraternal
26        benefit society, $50.
27             (n)  For filing annual statement by a farm mutual, a
28        mutual benefit association, or a burial society, $25.
29             (o)  For  issuing  a  certificate  of  authority  or
30        renewal thereof except to a  fraternal  benefit  society,
31        $100.
32             (p)  For  issuing  a  certificate  of  authority  or
33        renewal thereof to a fraternal benefit society, $50.
34             (q)  For   issuing   an   amended   certificate   of
SB659 Enrolled             -3-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        authority, $25.
 2             (r)  For  each  certified  copy  of  certificate  of
 3        authority, $10.
 4             (s)  For  each certificate of deposit, or valuation,
 5        or compliance or surety certificate, $10.
 6             (t)  For copies of papers or records per page, $1.
 7             (u)  For each certification to copies of  papers  or
 8        records, $10.
 9             (v)  For    multiple    copies   of   documents   or
10        certificates listed in subparagraphs (r), (s), and (u) of
11        paragraph (1) of this Section, $10 for the first copy  of
12        a certificate of any type and $5 for each additional copy
13        of  the  same  certificate  requested  at  the same time,
14        unless, pursuant to paragraph (2) of  this  Section,  the
15        Director finds these additional fees excessive.
16             (w)  For issuing a permit to sell shares or increase
17        paid-up capital:
18                  (i)  in   connection   with   a   public  stock
19             offering, $150;
20                  (ii)  in any other case, $50.
21             (x)  For issuing any other certificate  required  or
22        permissible under the law, $25.
23             (y)  For filing a plan of exchange of the stock of a
24        domestic    stock    insurance   company,   a   plan   of
25        demutualization of a domestic mutual company, or  a  plan
26        of reorganization under Article XII, $1,000.
27             (z)  For  filing  a  statement  of  acquisition of a
28        domestic company as defined  in  Section  131.4  of  this
29        Code, $1,000.
30             (aa)  For   filing  an  agreement  to  purchase  the
31        business of an organization authorized under  the  Dental
32        Service  Plan  Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans
33        Act or of a health maintenance organization or a  limited
34        health service organization, $1,000.
SB659 Enrolled             -4-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             (bb)  For  filing  a  statement  of acquisition of a
 2        foreign or alien insurance company as defined in  Section
 3        131.12a of this Code, $500.
 4             (cc)  For   filing   a   registration  statement  as
 5        required in Sections 131.13 and 131.14, the  notification
 6        as  required by Sections 131.16, 131.20a, or 141.4, or an
 7        agreement or transaction required by  Sections  124.2(2),
 8        141, 141a, or 141.1, $100.
 9             (dd)  For filing an application for licensing of:
10                  (i)  a  religious  or  charitable  risk pooling
11             trust or a workers' compensation pool, $500;
12                  (ii)  a workers' compensation service  company,
13             $250;
14                  (iii)  a  self-insured  automobile fleet, $100;
15             or
16                  (iv)  a renewal of or amendment of any  license
17             issued pursuant to (i), (ii), or (iii) above, $50.
18             (ee)  For  filing  articles  of  incorporation for a
19        syndicate to engage in the business of insurance  through
20        the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $1,000.
21             (ff)  For  filing  amended articles of incorporation
22        for a syndicate engaged  in  the  business  of  insurance
23        through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $50.
24             (gg)  For  filing  articles  of  incorporation for a
25        limited syndicate  to  join  with  other  subscribers  or
26        limited  syndicates  to  do business through the Illinois
27        Insurance Exchange, $500.
28             (hh)  For filing amended articles  of  incorporation
29        for  a  limited  syndicate  to  do  business  through the
30        Illinois Insurance Exchange, $50.
31             (ii)  For a permit to  solicit  subscriptions  to  a
32        syndicate or limited syndicate, $50.
33             (jj)  For  the  filing  of  each form as required in
34        Section 143 of this Code, $25  per  form.   The  fee  for
SB659 Enrolled             -5-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        advisory and rating organizations shall be $100 per form.
 2                  (i)  For  the  purposes of the form filing fee,
 3             filings made on insert page basis will be considered
 4             one form at the time  of  its  original  submission.
 5             Changes  made  to  a form subsequent to its approval
 6             shall be considered a new filing.
 7                  (ii)  Only one fee shall be charged for a form,
 8             regardless of the number of other forms or  policies
 9             with which it will be used.
10                  (iii)  Fees  charged  for  a policy filed as it
11             will be issued regardless of  the  number  of  forms
12             comprising  that  policy  shall  not  exceed $500 or
13             $1000 for advisory or rating organizations.
14                  (iv)  The Director may  by  rule  exempt  forms
15             from such fees.
16             (kk)  For  filing  an application for licensing of a
17        reinsurance intermediary, $250.
18             (ll)  For filing an application  for  renewal  of  a
19        license of a reinsurance intermediary, $100.
20        (2)  When  printed  copies or numerous copies of the same
21    paper or records are furnished or certified, the Director may
22    reduce such fees for copies if he finds them  excessive.   He
23    may,  when  he  considers  it in the public interest, furnish
24    without charge to state  insurance  departments  and  persons
25    other  than  companies, copies or certified copies of reports
26    of examinations and of other papers and records.
27        (3)  The expenses incurred in any performance examination
28    authorized by law shall be paid  by  the  company  or  person
29    being examined. The charge shall be reasonably related to the
30    cost   of  the  examination  including  but  not  limited  to
31    compensation of examiners, electronic data processing  costs,
32    supervision  and  preparation  of  an  examination report and
33    lodging and travel expenses. All lodging and travel  expenses
34    shall  be in accord with the applicable travel regulations as
SB659 Enrolled             -6-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    published by the Department of  Central  Management  Services
 2    and  approved  by the Governor's Travel Control Board, except
 3    that out-of-state lodging  and  travel  expenses  related  to
 4    examinations   authorized  under  Section  132  shall  be  in
 5    accordance  with  travel  rates  prescribed  under  paragraph
 6    301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2,
 7    for reimbursement of  subsistence  expenses  incurred  during
 8    official  travel.   All  lodging  and  travel expenses may be
 9    reimbursed directly upon authorization of the Director.  With
10    the  exception of the direct reimbursements authorized by the
11    Director, all performance examination  charges  collected  by
12    the  Department  shall  be  paid  to  the Insurance Producers
13    Administration Fund, however, the electronic data  processing
14    costs  incurred  by  the Department in the performance of any
15    examination shall be billed directly  to  the  company  being
16    examined  for  payment  to the Statistical Services Revolving
17    Fund.
18        (4)  At the  time  of  any  service  of  process  on  the
19    Director  as  attorney  for  such service, the Director shall
20    charge and collect the sum of $10.00, which may be  recovered
21    as  taxable  costs by the party to the suit or action causing
22    such service to be made  if  he  prevails  in  such  suit  or
23    action.
24        (5) (a)  The   costs   incurred   by  the  Department  of
25    Insurance in conducting any hearing authorized by  law  shall
26    be  assessed  against  the  parties  to  the  hearing in such
27    proportion as the Director of Insurance  may  determine  upon
28    consideration  of  all relevant circumstances including:  (1)
29    the nature of  the  hearing;  (2)  whether  the  hearing  was
30    instigated  by,  or  for the benefit of a particular party or
31    parties; (3) whether there  is  a  successful  party  on  the
32    merits  of  the  proceeding;  and  (4) the relative levels of
33    participation by the parties.
34        (b)  For purposes of this subsection (5)  costs  incurred
SB659 Enrolled             -7-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    shall mean the hearing officer fees, court reporter fees, and
 2    travel  expenses  of  Department  of  Insurance  officers and
 3    employees; provided however, that costs  incurred  shall  not
 4    include  hearing  officer  fees or court reporter fees unless
 5    the Department  has  retained  the  services  of  independent
 6    contractors or outside experts to perform such functions.
 7        (c)  The  Director  shall  make  the  assessment of costs
 8    incurred as part of the final order or decision  arising  out
 9    of  the  proceeding;  provided,  however,  that such order or
10    decision shall include findings and conclusions in support of
11    the assessment of costs.  This subsection (5)  shall  not  be
12    construed as permitting the payment of travel expenses unless
13    calculated   in   accordance   with   the  applicable  travel
14    regulations of the Department of Central Management Services,
15    as approved by the  Governor's  Travel  Control  Board.   The
16    Director  as part of such order or decision shall require all
17    assessments for hearing officer fees and court reporter fees,
18    if any, to be paid directly to the hearing officer  or  court
19    reporter  by  the  party(s)  assessed  for  such  costs.  The
20    assessments  for  travel  expenses of Department officers and
21    employees shall be reimbursable to the Director of  Insurance
22    for  deposit to the fund out of which those expenses had been
23    paid.
24        (d)  The provisions of this subsection (5) shall apply in
25    the  case  of  any  hearing  conducted  by  the  Director  of
26    Insurance not otherwise specifically provided for by law.
27        (6)  The Director shall  charge  and  collect  an  annual
28    financial  regulation  fee  from  every  domestic company for
29    examination and analysis of its financial  condition  and  to
30    fund  the  internal  costs  and  expenses  of  the Interstate
31    Insurance Receivership Commission as may be allocated to  the
32    State  of  Illinois and companies doing an insurance business
33    in this  State  pursuant  to  Article  X  of  the  Interstate
34    Insurance Receivership Compact.  The fee shall be the greater
SB659 Enrolled             -8-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    fixed  amount based upon the combination of nationwide direct
 2    premium income and  nationwide  reinsurance  assumed  premium
 3    income   or   upon  admitted  assets  calculated  under  this
 4    subsection as follows:
 5             (a)  Combination of nationwide direct premium income
 6        and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium.
 7                  (i)  $100, if the premium is less than $500,000
 8             and there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
 9                  (ii)  $500, if the premium is $500,000 or more,
10             but less than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance
11             assumed premium; or if  the  premium  is  less  than
12             $5,000,000  and  the  reinsurance assumed premium is
13             less than $10,000,000;
14                  (iii)  $2,500, if  the  premium  is  less  than
15             $5,000,000  and  the  reinsurance assumed premium is
16             $10,000,000 or more;
17                  (iv)  $5,000, if the premium is  $5,000,000  or
18             more, but less than $10,000,000;
19                  (v)  $12,000   $7,500,   if   the   premium  is
20             $10,000,000 or more, but less than $25,000,000;
21                  (vi)  $15,000  $10,000,  if  the   premium   is
22             $25,000,000 or more, but less than $50,000,000;
23                  (vii)  $20,000   $14,000,  if  the  premium  is
24             $50,000,000 or more, but less than $100,000,000;
25                  (viii)  $25,000  $16,000,  if  the  premium  is
26             $100,000,000 or more.
27             (b)  Admitted assets.
28                  (i)  $100, if admitted  assets  are  less  than
29             $1,000,000;
30                  (ii)  $500,  if  admitted assets are $1,000,000
31             or more, but less than $5,000,000;
32                  (iii)  2,500, if admitted assets are $5,000,000
33             or more, but less than $25,000,000;
34                  (iv)  $5,000,   if    admitted    assets    are
SB659 Enrolled             -9-                LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             $25,000,000 or more, but less than $50,000,000;
 2                  (v)  $12,000  $7,500,  if  admitted  assets are
 3             $50,000,000 or more, but less than $100,000,000;
 4                  (vi)  $15,000 $10,000, if admitted  assets  are
 5             $100,000,000 or more, but less than $500,000,000;
 6                  (vii)  $20,000  $14,000, if admitted assets are
 7             $500,000,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000,000;
 8                  (viii)  $25,000 $16,000, if admitted assets are
 9             $1,000,000,000 or more.
10             (c)  The sum of financial regulation fees charged to
11        the domestic companies of the  same  domestic  affiliated
12        group  shall  not exceed $100,000 in the aggregate in any
13        single year and shall be billed by the  Director  to  the
14        member company designated by the group.
15        (7)  The  Director  shall  charge  and  collect an annual
16    financial regulation fee from every foreign or alien company,
17    except fraternal benefit societies, for the  examination  and
18    analysis  of its financial condition and to fund the internal
19    costs and expenses of the Interstate  Insurance  Receivership
20    Commission  as  may be allocated to the State of Illinois and
21    companies doing an insurance business in this State  pursuant
22    to   Article  X  of  the  Interstate  Insurance  Receivership
23    Compact.  The fee shall be a fixed amount based upon Illinois
24    direct premium  income  and  nationwide  reinsurance  assumed
25    premium income in accordance with the following schedule:
26             (a)  $100,  if the premium is less than $500,000 and
27        there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
28             (b)  $500, if the premium is $500,000 or  more,  but
29        less  than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance assumed
30        premium; or if the premium is less  than  $5,000,000  and
31        the reinsurance assumed premium is less than $10,000,000;
32             (c)  $2,500,  if the premium is less than $5,000,000
33        and the reinsurance assumed  premium  is  $10,000,000  or
34        more;
SB659 Enrolled             -10-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             (d)  $5,000,  if  the premium is $5,000,000 or more,
 2        but less than $10,000,000;
 3             (e)  $12,000, if the premium is $10,000,000 or more,
 4        but less than $25,000,000;
 5             (f)  $15,000, if the premium is $25,000,000 or more,
 6        but less than $50,000,000;
 7             (g)  $20,000, if the premium is $50,000,000 or more,
 8        but less than $100,000,000;
 9             (h)  $25,000, if  the  premium  is  $100,000,000  or
10        more.
11        The   sum   of   financial  regulation  fees  under  this
12    subsection (7) charged to  the  foreign  or  alien  companies
13    within the same affiliated group shall not exceed $100,000 in
14    the  aggregate  in any single year and shall be billed by the
15    Director to the member company designated by the group.
16        (8)  Beginning January 1, 1992, the financial  regulation
17    fees  imposed  under  subsections (6) and (7) of this Section
18    shall be paid by each company or  domestic  affiliated  group
19    annually.   After January 1, 1994, the fee shall be billed by
20    Department invoice based upon the company's premium income or
21    admitted assets as shown in  its  annual  statement  for  the
22    preceding calendar year.  The invoice is due upon receipt and
23    must  be  paid  no  later than June 30 of each calendar year.
24    All financial regulation fees  collected  by  the  Department
25    shall  be  paid  to  the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
26    The Department may not collect financial  examiner  per  diem
27    charges  from companies subject to subsections (6) and (7) of
28    this Section undergoing financial examination after June  30,
29    1992.
30        (9)  In addition to the financial regulation fee required
31    by   this   Section,   a  company  undergoing  any  financial
32    examination authorized by law shall pay the  following  costs
33    and  expenses  incurred  by  the Department:  electronic data
34    processing  costs,  the  expenses  authorized  under  Section
SB659 Enrolled             -11-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    131.21 and subsection (d) of Section 132.4 of this Code,  and
 2    lodging and travel expenses.
 3        Electronic   data   processing   costs  incurred  by  the
 4    Department in the performance of  any  examination  shall  be
 5    billed  directly  to  the  company undergoing examination for
 6    payment to the Statistical Services Revolving  Fund.   Except
 7    for  direct  reimbursements  authorized  by  the  Director or
 8    direct payments made under Section 131.21 or  subsection  (d)
 9    of  Section 132.4 of this Code, all financial regulation fees
10    and  all  financial  examination  charges  collected  by  the
11    Department  shall  be  paid  to   the   Insurance   Financial
12    Regulation Fund.
13        All  lodging  and  travel expenses shall be in accordance
14    with  applicable  travel   regulations   published   by   the
15    Department of Central Management Services and approved by the
16    Governor's  Travel  Control  Board,  except that out-of-state
17    lodging  and  travel   expenses   related   to   examinations
18    authorized  under  Sections  132.1  through 132.7 shall be in
19    accordance  with  travel  rates  prescribed  under  paragraph
20    301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2,
21    for reimbursement of  subsistence  expenses  incurred  during
22    official  travel.    All  lodging  and travel expenses may be
23    reimbursed directly upon the authorization of the Director.
24        In the case of an organization or person not  subject  to
25    the  financial  regulation  fee, the expenses incurred in any
26    financial examination authorized by law shall be paid by  the
27    organization  or  person being examined.  The charge shall be
28    reasonably related to the cost of the examination  including,
29    but not limited to, compensation of examiners and other costs
30    described in this subsection.
31        (10)  Any  company, person, or entity failing to make any
32    payment of $100 or more as required under this Section  shall
33    be  subject  to  the penalty and interest provisions provided
34    for in subsections (4) and (7) of Section 412.
SB659 Enrolled             -12-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        (11)  Unless  otherwise  specified,  all  of   the   fees
 2    collected under this Section shall be paid into the Insurance
 3    Financial Regulation Fund.
 4        (12)  For purposes of this Section:
 5             (a)  "domestic  company"  means a company as defined
 6        in Section 2  of  this  Code  which  is  incorporated  or
 7        organized  under  the laws of this State, and in addition
 8        includes a not-for-profit  corporation  authorized  under
 9        the  Dental,  Pharmaceutical, or Voluntary Health Service
10        Plan Acts, and a health maintenance  organization  and  a
11        limited health service organization;
12             (b)  "foreign company" means a company as defined in
13        Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized
14        under  the  laws  of any state of the United States other
15        than  this  State  and  in  addition  includes  a  health
16        maintenance organization and  a  limited  health  service
17        organization which is incorporated or organized under the
18        laws  of  any  state of the United States other than this
19        State;
20             (c)  "alien company" means a company as  defined  in
21        Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized
22        under  the  laws  of  any  country  other than the United
23        States;
24             (d)  "fraternal    benefit    society"    means    a
25        corporation,   society,   order,   lodge   or   voluntary
26        association as defined in Section 282.1 of this Code;
27             (e)  "mutual benefit association" means  a  company,
28        association  or corporation authorized by the Director to
29        do business in this State under the provisions of Article
30        XVIII of this Code;
31             (f)  "burial  society"   means   a   person,   firm,
32        corporation,   society   or  association  of  individuals
33        authorized by the Director to do business in  this  State
34        under the provisions of Article XIX of this Code; and
SB659 Enrolled             -13-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             (g)  "farm  mutual"  means  a  district,  county and
 2        township  mutual  insurance  company  authorized  by  the
 3        Director  to  do  business  in  this  State   under   the
 4        provisions  of  the  Farm Mutual Insurance Company Act of
 5        1986.
 6    (Source: P.A.  89-97,  eff.  7-7-95;  89-247,  eff.   1-1-96;
 7    89-626, eff. 8-9-96; 90-177, eff. 7-23-97.)
 8        (215 ILCS 5/409) (from Ch. 73, par. 1021)
 9        Sec.  409.  Annual  privilege  tax  payable by foreign or
10    alien companies.
11        (1)  As of January 1, 1999  for  all  health  maintenance
12    organization  premiums  written;  as  of July 1, 1998 for all
13    premiums written as accident and health  business,  voluntary
14    health  service  plan business, dental service plan business,
15    or limited health service organization business;  and  as  of
16    January  1,  1998  for  all other types of insurance premiums
17    written, every company doing any form of  insurance  business
18    in  this  State,  including,  but  not limited to, every risk
19    retention  group,  and  excluding   all   fraternal   benefit
20    societies,   all   farm   mutual   companies,  all  religious
21    charitable risk pooling trusts, and excluding  all  statutory
22    residual   market  and  special  purpose  entities  in  which
23    companies are statutorily required  to  participate,  whether
24    incorporated  or  otherwise,  shall pay, for the privilege of
25    doing business in this State, to the Director for  the  State
26    treasury a State tax equal to 0.5% of the net taxable premium
27    written,  together  with any amounts due under Section 444 of
28    this Code, except that the tax to  be  paid  on  any  premium
29    derived  from  any  accident  and  health insurance or on any
30    insurance business written by  any  company  operating  as  a
31    health  maintenance  organization,  voluntary  health service
32    plan,  dental  service  plan,  or  limited   health   service
33    organization  shall  be  equal  to  0.4%  of such net taxable
SB659 Enrolled             -14-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    premium written, together with any amounts due under  Section
 2    444.   Upon  the  failure  of any company to pay any such tax
 3    due, the Director  may,  by  order,  revoke  or  suspend  the
 4    company's  certificate  of  authority  after  giving  20 days
 5    written notice to the company, or  commence  proceedings  for
 6    the suspension of business in this State under the procedures
 7    set  forth  by Section 401.1 of this Code.  The gross taxable
 8    premium  written  shall  be  the  gross  amount  of  premiums
 9    received on direct  business  during  the  calendar  year  on
10    contracts  covering  risks  in this State, except premiums on
11    annuities,  premiums  on  which  State  premium   taxes   are
12    prohibited  by  federal  law,  premiums paid by the State for
13    health  care  coverage  for  Medicaid  eligible  insureds  as
14    described in Section 5-2 of the  Illinois  Public  Aid  Code,
15    premiums paid for health care services included as an element
16    of  tuition  charges  at  any university or college owned and
17    operated  by  the  State  of  Illinois,  premiums  on   group
18    insurance contracts under the State Employees Group Insurance
19    Act  of  1971,  and except premiums for deferred compensation
20    plans for employees of the State, units of local  government,
21    or  school  districts.   The net taxable premium shall be the
22    gross taxable premium written reduced only by the following:
23             (a)  the amount of premiums returned  thereon  which
24        shall  be  limited  to  premiums returned during the same
25        preceding calendar year and shall not include the  return
26        of  cash  surrender  values  or  death  benefits  on life
27        policies including annuities;
28             (b)  dividends on such  direct  business  that  have
29        been  paid  in  cash, applied in reduction of premiums or
30        left to accumulate to  the  credit  of  policyholders  or
31        annuitants.   In the case of life insurance, no deduction
32        shall be made for the payment of deferred dividends  paid
33        in  cash to policyholders on maturing policies; dividends
34        left to accumulate to  the  credit  of  policyholders  or
SB659 Enrolled             -15-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        annuitants  shall  be  included  as gross taxable premium
 2        written when such dividend accumulations are  applied  to
 3        purchase paid-up insurance or to shorten the endowment or
 4        premium paying period.
 5        (2)   The annual privilege tax payment due from a company
 6    under  subsection  (4) of this Section may be reduced by: (a)
 7    the excess amount, if any,  by  which  the  aggregate  income
 8    taxes paid by the company, on a cash basis, for the preceding
 9    calendar  year  under  subsections (a) through (d) of Section
10    201 of the  Illinois  Income  Tax  Act  exceed  1.5%  of  the
11    company's net taxable premium written for that prior calendar
12    year, as determined under subsection (1) of this Section; and
13    (b)  the  amount  of  any  fire  department taxes paid by the
14    company during the  preceding  calendar  year  under  Section
15    11-10-1  of  the  Illinois  Municipal  Code.   Any deductible
16    amount or offset allowed under items  (a)  and  (b)  of  this
17    subsection  for  any  calendar  year will not be allowed as a
18    deduction or  offset  against  the  company's  privilege  tax
19    liability for any other taxing period or calendar year.
20        (3)  If  a  company  survives  or was formed by a merger,
21    consolidation,  reorganization,   or   reincorporation,   the
22    premiums  received  and  amounts  returned  or  paid  by  all
23    companies party to the merger, consolidation, reorganization,
24    or  reincorporation  shall,  for  purposes of determining the
25    amount of the tax imposed by this  Section,  be  regarded  as
26    received, returned, or paid by the surviving or new company.
27        (4)(a)  All  companies  subject to the provisions of this
28    Section  shall  make  an  annual  return  for  the  preceding
29    calendar year on  or  before  March  15  setting  forth  such
30    information  on  such  forms  as  the Director may reasonably
31    require.    Payments  of  quarterly   installments   of   the
32    taxpayer's  total estimated tax for the current calendar year
33    shall be due on or before April 15, June  15,  September  15,
34    and  December  15  of  such  year,  except that all companies
SB659 Enrolled             -16-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    transacting insurance in this State whose annual tax for  the
 2    immediately  preceding  calendar  year  was  less than $5,000
 3    shall make only an annual return.  Failure of  a  company  to
 4    make  the  annual payment, or to make the quarterly payments,
 5    if required, of at least 25% of either (i) the total tax paid
 6    during the previous calendar year or (ii) 80% of  the  actual
 7    tax  for  the  current  calendar year shall subject it to the
 8    penalty provisions set forth in Section 412 of this Code.
 9        (b)  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, no  annual
10    return  shall  be  required  or made on March 15, 1998, under
11    this subsection.  For the calendar year 1998:
12             (i)  each health maintenance organization shall have
13        no estimated tax installments;
14             (ii) all companies subject to the tax as of July  1,
15        1998  as set forth in subsection (1) shall have estimated
16        tax installments due on September 15 and December  15  of
17        1998 which installments shall each amount to no less than
18        one-half  of  80%  of  the  actual tax on its net taxable
19        premium written during the period July 1,  1998,  through
20        December 31, 1998; and
21             (iii)  all  other companies shall have estimated tax
22        installments due on June 15, September 15,  and  December
23        15  of  1998  which  installments shall each amount to no
24        less than one-third of 80% of the actual tax on  its  net
25        taxable premium written during the calendar year 1998.
26        In  the year 1999 and thereafter all companies shall make
27    annual and quarterly installments of their estimated  tax  as
28    provided by paragraph (a) of this subsection.
29        (5)  In  addition  to  the authority specifically granted
30    under Article XXV of this Code, the Director shall have  such
31    authority  to  adopt  rules  and  establish  forms  as may be
32    reasonably  necessary  for  purposes   of   determining   the
33    allocation  of  Illinois  corporate  income  taxes paid under
34    subsections (a) through (d) of Section 201  of  the  Illinois
SB659 Enrolled             -17-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    Income Tax Act amongst members of a business group that files
 2    an  Illinois  corporate income tax return on a unitary basis,
 3    for purposes of regulating the amendment of tax returns,  for
 4    purposes of defining terms, and for purposes of enforcing the
 5    provisions  of  Article XXV of this Code.  The Director shall
 6    also have authority to defer, waive, or abate the tax imposed
 7    by this Section if in his opinion the company's solvency  and
 8    ability  to meet its insured obligations would be immediately
 9    threatened by payment of the tax due.
10        (1)  Every foreign or alien company  doing  an  insurance
11    business  in  this State, except fraternal benefit societies,
12    shall, for the privilege of doing business in this  State  by
13    renewal  of  certificate  of authority as provided in Section
14    114, pay to the Director for the State treasury a  State  tax
15    equal  to  2  per  cent  of  the  net taxable premium income,
16    together with any  amounts  due  under  Section  444.   Every
17    domestic   insurance  company,  except  a  fraternal  benefit
18    society, which fails to comply with all the  requirements  of
19    subsection  (4)  of this Section must pay to the Director for
20    payment into the State Treasury a State tax equal  to  2  per
21    cent  of  the net taxable premium income and upon the failure
22    of any company to pay any such tax due, the Director may,  by
23    order,  revoke  the  company's certificate of authority after
24    giving 20 days written notice  to  the  company.   The  gross
25    taxable  premium income shall be the gross amount of premiums
26    received on direct business  during  the  preceding  calendar
27    year  on  contracts  covering  risks  in  this  State, except
28    premiums on annuities  and except premiums on group insurance
29    contracts awarded after the effective date of this amendatory
30    Act of 1976 under the State Employees Group Insurance Act  of
31    1971, and except premiums for deferred compensation plans for
32    employees  of  the State, units of local government or school
33    districts.  The net taxable premium income shall be the gross
34    taxable premium income reduced only by the following:
SB659 Enrolled             -18-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             (a)  the amount of premiums returned  thereon  which
 2        shall   be   limited  to  premiums  returned  during  the
 3        preceding calendar year and shall not include the  return
 4        of  cash  surrender  values  or  death  benefits  on life
 5        policies;
 6             (b)  dividends on such  direct  business  that  have
 7        been  paid  in  cash, applied in reduction of premiums or
 8        left to accumulate to  the  credit  of  policyholders  or
 9        annuitants.   In the case of life insurance, no deduction
10        shall be made for the payment of deferred dividends  paid
11        in  cash to policyholders on maturing policies; dividends
12        left to accumulate to  the  credit  of  policyholders  or
13        annuitants  shall  be  included  as gross taxable premium
14        income when such dividend accumulations  are  applied  to
15        purchase paid-up insurance or to shorten the endowment or
16        premium paying period.
17        (2)  There  shall be deducted from the tax thus computed,
18    but only to the extent thereof,  the  amount,  if  any,  paid
19    during  the  preceding  calendar year: (a) for the benefit of
20    organized fire departments, to cities, villages, incorporated
21    towns and fire protection districts of this State as a tax on
22    premiums received by such company in such  cities,  villages,
23    incorporated  towns and fire protection districts, and (b) as
24    a tax to this State or any subdivision thereof on or measured
25    by net income, and  (c)  as  a  tax  to  this  State  or  any
26    subdivision  thereof  on  or  measured  by  the  value of the
27    company in excess of the value of its tangible property,  and
28    (d)  as  a  fee or charge for the valuation of life insurance
29    policies, and (e) if the company is not an Illinois  domestic
30    company,  as  a financial regulation fee under subsection (7)
31    of Section 408 of this Code for the examination and  analysis
32    of  financial  condition,  and the remainder shall be paid by
33    such company as its annual privilege tax, and  (f)  for  fees
34    paid pursuant to Section 408 (1) (jj).
SB659 Enrolled             -19-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        (3)  If  a  company  survives  or was formed by a merger,
 2    consolidation,   reorganization   or   reincorporation,   the
 3    premiums received, and  amounts  returned  or  paid,  by  all
 4    foreign   or   alien   companies   parties  to  such  merger,
 5    consolidation, reorganization or reincorporation, shall,  for
 6    the  purposes of determining the amount of the tax imposed by
 7    this Section, be regarded as received, returned  or  paid  by
 8    such surviving or new company.
 9        (4)  A  domestic  company  must  pay  the  State  tax  in
10    subsection (1) of this Section unless:
11             (a)  it maintains its principal place of business in
12        this State; and
13             (b)  it   maintains   in  this  State  officers  and
14        personnel  knowledgeable  of  and  responsible  for   the
15        company's  operation, books, records, administration, and
16        annual statement; and
17             (c)  it conducts in this State substantially all  of
18        its  underwriting, policy issuing, and serving operations
19        relating  to  Illinois  policyholders   and   certificate
20        holders; and
21             (d)  it  complies with the provisions of Section 133
22        (2) of this Code.
23        Payments shall be due on an estimated basis  for  all  of
24    calendar year 1969 on or before September 1, 1969.  Effective
25    January  1,  1970,  a company shall make an annual return for
26    the preceding calendar year on or before  March  1st  setting
27    forth  such  information  on  such  forms as the Director may
28    reasonably require.  Payments of  quarterly  installments  of
29    the  taxpayer's  total estimated tax for the current calendar
30    year shall be  due  on  or  before  April  15th,  June  15th,
31    September  15th  and  December  15th, unless for the calendar
32    year  1971,  and  each  calendar  year  thereafter,  insurers
33    transacting insurance in this State whose annual tax for  the
34    preceding calendar year was less than $5,000, shall then make
SB659 Enrolled             -20-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    only  an  annual  return.   Failure  of  a  company  to  make
 2    quarterly  payments,  if  required, of at least one-fourth of
 3    either (a) the total tax paid during  the  previous  calendar
 4    year  or  (b)  80% of the actual tax for the current calendar
 5    year shall subject it to the penalty provisions set forth  in
 6    Section 412 of this Act.
 7    (Source: P.A. 86-753; 87-108.)
 8        (215 ILCS 5/444) (from Ch. 73, par. 1056)
 9        Sec. 444.  Retaliation.
10        (1)  Whenever  the  existing  or future laws of any other
11    state or country shall require of companies  incorporated  or
12    organized  under  the  laws  of  this  State  as  a condition
13    precedent to their doing business  in  such  other  state  or
14    country,   compliance  with  laws,  rules,  regulations,  and
15    prohibitions more onerous or burdensome than  the  rules  and
16    regulations  imposed  by  this  State  on  foreign  or  alien
17    companies,  or  shall  require  any  deposit of securities or
18    other  obligations  in  such  state  or  country,   for   the
19    protection  of  policyholders or otherwise or require of such
20    companies  or  agents  thereof  or  brokers  the  payment  of
21    penalties,  fees,  charges,  or  taxes   greater   than   the
22    penalties,  fees, charges, or taxes required in the aggregate
23    for like purposes by this Code  or  any  other  law  of  this
24    State,  of  foreign  or  alien  companies,  agents thereof or
25    brokers, then such laws, rules, regulations, and prohibitions
26    of said other state  or  country  shall  apply  to  companies
27    incorporated  or  organized  under  the laws of such state or
28    country doing business in this State, and all such companies,
29    agents thereof, or brokers  doing  business  in  this  State,
30    shall  be  required  to  make  deposits, pay penalties, fees,
31    charges, and taxes, in amounts equal to those required in the
32    aggregate for  like  purposes  of  Illinois  companies  doing
33    business in such state or country, agents thereof or brokers.
SB659 Enrolled             -21-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    Whenever  any  other  state or country shall refuse to permit
 2    any insurance company incorporated  or  organized  under  the
 3    laws  of  this  State  to  transact business according to its
 4    usual plan in such other state or country, the director  may,
 5    if  satisfied  that  such  company  of this State is solvent,
 6    properly managed, and can operate legally under the  laws  of
 7    such  other state or country, forthwith suspend or cancel the
 8    license of every insurance company  doing  business  in  this
 9    State  which  is  incorporated or organized under the laws of
10    such other state or country to the extent that it insures  in
11    this  State  against  any  of  the risks or hazards which are
12    sought to be insured against by the company of this State  in
13    such other state or country.
14        (2)  The  provisions  of  this Section shall not apply to
15    residual market or special purpose  assessments  or  guaranty
16    fund or guaranty association assessments, both under the laws
17    of  this  State  and  under  the  laws  of any other state or
18    country, and any tax offset or credit for any such assessment
19    shall, for purposes of this Section, be treated as a tax paid
20    both under the laws of this State and under the laws  of  any
21    other state or country.
22        (3)  The   terms   "penalties",  "fees",  "charges",  and
23    "taxes" in subsection (1) of this Section shall include:  the
24    penalties, fees, charges, and taxes collected under State law
25    and  referenced  within  Article  XXV  exclusive of any items
26    referenced by subsection (2) of this Section,  but  including
27    any tax offset allowed under Section 531.13 of this Code; the
28    Illinois corporate income taxes imposed under subsections (a)
29    through  (d)  of  Section  201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act
30    after any tax offset allowed under  Section  531.13  of  this
31    Code;  income  or  personal  property  taxes imposed by other
32    states or countries; penalties, fees, charges, and  taxes  of
33    other  states or countries imposed for purposes like those of
34    the penalties, fees, charges, and taxes specified in  Article
SB659 Enrolled             -22-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    XXV  of  this  Code  exclusive  of  any  item  referenced  in
 2    subsection  (2)  of  this  Section;  and any penalties, fees,
 3    charges, and taxes required as  a  franchise,  privilege,  or
 4    licensing  tax  for  conducting  the  business  of  insurance
 5    whether calculated as a percentage of income, gross receipts,
 6    premium, or otherwise.
 7        (4)  Nothing  contained in this Section or Section 409 or
 8    Section 444.1 is intended to authorize or expand any power of
 9    local governmental units or municipalities to  impose  taxes,
10    fees, or charges.
11    (Source: Laws 1941, vol. 1, p. 837.)
12        (215 ILCS 5/444.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1056.1)
13        Sec. 444.1.  Payment of retaliatory taxes.
14        (1)  Every  foreign  or  alien  company  doing  insurance
15    business in this State shall pay the Director the retaliatory
16    tax determined in accordance with Section 444.
17        (2) (a)  All  companies subject to the provisions of this
18    Section  shall  make  an  annual  return  for  the  preceding
19    calendar year on  or  before  March  15  setting  forth  such
20    information  on  such  forms  as  the Director may reasonably
21    require.    Payments  of  quarterly   installments   of   the
22    taxpayer's  total  estimated  retaliatory tax for the current
23    calendar year shall be due on or before April  15,  June  15,
24    September  15,  and December 15 of such year, except that all
25    companies transacting insurance business in this State  whose
26    annual  tax  for  the immediately preceding calendar year was
27    less than $5,000 shall make only an annual  return.   Failure
28    of  a  company  to  make  the  annual payment, or to make the
29    quarterly payments, if required, of at  least  one-fourth  of
30    either  (i)  the  total tax paid during the previous calendar
31    year or (ii) 80% of the actual tax for the  current  calendar
32    year  shall subject it to the penalty provisions set forth in
33    Section 412 of this Code.
SB659 Enrolled             -23-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        (b)  Notwithstanding   the   foregoing   provisions    of
 2    paragraph   (a)  of  this  subsection,  the  retaliatory  tax
 3    liability of companies under Section 444 of this Code for the
 4    calendar year ended December 31, 1997 shall be determined  in
 5    accordance with this amendatory Act of 1998 and shall include
 6    in  the  aggregate  comparative  tax  burden for the State of
 7    Illinois, any tax offset allowed under Section 531.13 of this
 8    Code and any income  taxes  paid  for  the  year  1997  under
 9    subsections  (a)  through  (d) of Section 201 of the Illinois
10    Income Tax Act after any tax  offset  allowed  under  Section
11    531.13 of this Code.
12             (i)  Any annual retaliatory tax returns and payments
13        made  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1997  and any
14        quarterly installments of the taxpayer's total  estimated
15        1998   retaliatory   tax  liability  paid  prior  to  the
16        effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1998 that do not
17        include the items specified by  subsection  (1)  of  this
18        Section  shall be amended and restated, at the taxpayer's
19        election, on forms prepared by  the  Director  so  as  to
20        provide  for  the inclusion of such items. An amended and
21        restated return for the  year  ended  December  31,  1997
22        filed  under this subparagraph shall treat any payment of
23        estimated privilege taxes under Section 409 as in  effect
24        prior  to  October  23,  1997  as  a payment of estimated
25        retaliatory taxes for the year ended December 31, 1997.
26             (ii)  Any overpayment resulting  from  such  amended
27        return  and  restated tax liability shall be allowed as a
28        credit against any subsequent  privilege  or  retaliatory
29        tax obligations of the taxpayer.
30             (iii)  In the year 1999 and thereafter all companies
31        shall  make  annual  and  quarterly installments of their
32        estimated tax  as  provided  by  paragraph  (a)  of  this
33        subsection.  The Director may order that payments of such
34        tax shall be due on  an  estimated  basis  for  the  1982
SB659 Enrolled             -24-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        calendar  year  as  provided  in Section 409 on or before
 2        April 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15.  For the
 3        1983 calendar year, and each  calendar  year  thereafter,
 4        the   Director  may  order  that  payments  of  quarterly
 5        installments of the total estimated tax shall be due  and
 6        payable  on or before April 15, June 15, September 15 and
 7        December 15 pursuant to this Section, and  such  payments
 8        shall  be  in  lieu of retaliatory tax payments otherwise
 9        required by Section 409.  For the 1983 calendar year, and
10        each calendar year thereafter, the  taxpayer  shall  make
11        only an annual return if the annual tax for the preceding
12        calendar year was less than $5,000.  Effective January 1,
13        1983,  a  company  shall  make  an  annual return for the
14        preceding calendar year on  or  before  March  1  setting
15        forth  such information on such forms as the Director may
16        reasonably require.
17        (3)  Any tax payment made under this Section and any  tax
18    returns  prepared  in  compliance with Section 410 shall give
19    full consideration to the impact of any future  reduction  in
20    or  elimination  of a taxpayer's liability under Section 409,
21    whether such reduction or elimination is due to an  operation
22    of law or an Act of the General Assembly.
23        (4)  Any  foreign  or  alien  taxpayer  who  makes, under
24    protest, a tax payment required by Section 409 shall, at  the
25    time  of payment, file a retaliatory tax return sufficient to
26    disclose the full amount of retaliatory taxes which would  be
27    due  and  owing for the tax period in question if the protest
28    were upheld.  Notwithstanding the  provisions  of  the  State
29    Officers  and  Employees  Money  Disposition  Act  "An Act in
30    relation to the payment and disposition of moneys received by
31    officers and employees of the State of Illinois by virtue  of
32    their office or employment", approved June 9, 1911, as now or
33    hereafter  amended,  or  any  other  laws  of this State, the
34    protested payment, to the extent of the  retaliatory  tax  so
SB659 Enrolled             -25-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    disclosed, shall be deposited directly in the General Revenue
 2    Fund;  and  the  balance  of  the  payment,  if any, shall be
 3    deposited in a protest account pursuant to the provisions  of
 4    the aforesaid Act, as now or hereafter amended.
 5        (5)  The  failure of a company to make the annual payment
 6    or to make the quarterly payments, if required, of  equal  to
 7    at  least  one-fourth of either (i) the total tax paid during
 8    the preceding calendar year or (ii) 80% of the actual tax for
 9    the  current  calendar  year,  whichever  is  greater,  shall
10    subject it to the penalty provisions set forth in Section 412
11    of this Code.
12    (Source: P.A. 82-767.)
13        (215 ILCS 5/531.13) (from Ch. 73, par. 1065.80-13)
14        Sec. 531.13.  Tax offset.  In  the  event  the  aggregate
15    Class  A,  B and C assessments for all member insurers do not
16    exceed $3,000,000 in any one calendar year, no member insurer
17    shall receive a tax offset.  However, for in any one calendar
18    year before 1998 in  which  the  total  of  such  assessments
19    exceeds  $3,000,000, the amount in excess of $3,000,000 shall
20    be subject to a tax offset to the extent of 20% of the amount
21    of such assessment for each of  the  5  five  calendar  years
22    following the year in which such assessment was paid and each
23    member  insurer  may  offset the proportionate amount of such
24    excess paid by the insurer against its  liabilities  for  the
25    tax  imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the
26    "Illinois Income Tax Act.  The  provisions  of  this  Section
27    shall  expire  and  be  given  no  effect  for any tax period
28    commencing on and after January 1, 2003", for the tax imposed
29    by Section 409 of the "Illinois Insurance Code", and for  the
30    fees  imposed  by  Section  408.1  of the "Illinois Insurance
31    Code".
32    (Source: P.A. 84-221.)
SB659 Enrolled             -26-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        Section 10.  The Illinois Insurance Code  is  amended  by
 2    changing Section 408.1 as follows:
 3        (215 ILCS 5/408.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020.1)
 4        Sec.   408.1.    Fee  for  valuation  of  life  insurance
 5    policies. Upon the effective date of this amendatory  Act  of
 6    1998,  all actions to collect life insurance policy valuation
 7    fees or to transfer such fees to  the  General  Revenue  Fund
 8    from any protest account established under the State Officers
 9    and  Employees Money Disposition Act shall cease and any such
10    protested life insurance policy valuation fee payments  shall
11    be  returned to the taxpayer who initiated the protest.)  The
12    Director shall charge and collect an annual  fee  from  every
13    domestic company for the valuation of life insurance policies
14    except group contracts awarded under the State Employee Group
15    Insurance  Act of 1971, as now or hereafter amended.  The fee
16    shall be 3ยข for each $1,000 of direct life insurance policies
17    in force as of December 31, each  year,  but  not  less  than
18    $100.   Each  domestic  company  shall pay the fee under this
19    Section not later than 60 days after the date on  which  such
20    company  is  required  to  file  its annual statement for the
21    preceding calendar year,  under  this  Code.   Failure  of  a
22    company  to  make payment as required shall subject it to the
23    penalty provisions set forth in Section 412 of this Act.
24    (Source: P.A. 81-603.)
25        Section 15.  The Dental Service Plan Act  is  amended  by
26    changing Section 43 as follows:
27        (215 ILCS 110/43) (from Ch. 32, par. 690.43)
28        Sec. 43.  Every dental service plan corporation organized
29    hereunder  shall be operated and conducted not-for-profit and
30    shall be deemed a charitable and benevolent corporation,  and
31    all  of  its  funds  and  property shall be exempt from every
SB659 Enrolled             -27-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    State,  county,  district,  municipal  and  school   tax   or
 2    assessment,  and  all  other taxes and license fees, from the
 3    payment of which charitable and  benevolent  corporations  or
 4    institutions  are  now  or  may  hereafter  be  exempt.  This
 5    exemption  shall not prevail against fees and charges imposed
 6    by Sections 408, and  408.2,  409,  444,  and  444.1  of  the
 7    Illinois Insurance Code. The laws of this state applicable to
 8    the   merger,   dissolution   and   liquidation  of  domestic
 9    not-for-profit corporations and in  respect  to  the  rights,
10    classification   and  meetings  of  members,  the  selection,
11    change, duties and powers  of  corporate  officers,  and  the
12    filing   of   annual   reports   by  domestic  not-for-profit
13    corporations shall be applicable  to  corporations  organized
14    under  this  act  to the extent the same are not inconsistent
15    with the provisions of this act. Wherever in  any  such  laws
16    reference  is  made  to  "Directors"  of  such not-for-profit
17    corporations, such statutory provisions shall  be  deemed  to
18    apply  to  the  trustees of corporations organized under this
19    act, and wherever the office of the  Secretary  of  State  is
20    mentioned  in such an act, such provisions shall be deemed to
21    refer to and designate the Director of Insurance when applied
22    to corporations organized hereunder.
23    (Source: P.A. 84-989.)
24        Section 20.  The Farm Mutual  Insurance  Company  Act  of
25    1986 is amended by changing Section 15 as follows:
26        (215 ILCS 120/15) (from Ch. 73, par. 1265)
27        Sec.  15.  Application  of law. Companies subject to this
28    Act shall be subject to the provisions of Article X  (Merger)
29    and  Article XXV of the Illinois Insurance Code but shall not
30    be subject to any other provisions of the Illinois  Insurance
31    Code unless specifically enumerated therein.
32    (Source: P.A. 84-1431.)
SB659 Enrolled             -28-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        Section  25.  The  Health Maintenance Organization Act is
 2    amended by changing Section 5-3 as follows:
 3        (215 ILCS 125/5-3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
 4        (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 90-372)
 5        Sec. 5-3.  Insurance Code provisions.
 6        (a)  Health Maintenance Organizations shall be subject to
 7    the provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1,  141.2,
 8    141.3,  143,  143c, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 154.5,
 9    154.6, 154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 355.2, 356m, 356v,  356t,  367i,
10    401,  401.1,  402,  403, 403A, 408, 408.2, 409, and 412, 444,
11    and 444.1, paragraph (c) of subsection (2)  of  Section  367,
12    and Articles VIII 1/2, XII, XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and
13    XXVI of the Illinois Insurance Code.
14        (b)  For  purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except
15    for Sections 444 and 444.1 and Articles XIII  and  XIII  1/2,
16    Health  Maintenance Organizations in the following categories
17    are deemed to be "domestic companies":
18             (1)  a  corporation  authorized  under  the  Medical
19        Service Plan  Act,  the  Dental  Service  Plan  Act,  the
20        Pharmaceutical  Service Plan Act, or the Voluntary Health
21        Services Plans Plan Act, or  the  Nonprofit  Health  Care
22        Service Plan Act;
23             (2)  a  corporation organized under the laws of this
24        State; or
25             (3)  a  corporation  organized  under  the  laws  of
26        another state, 30% or more of the enrollees of which  are
27        residents  of this State, except a corporation subject to
28        substantially the  same  requirements  in  its  state  of
29        organization  as  is  a  "domestic company" under Article
30        VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
31        (c)  In considering the merger, consolidation,  or  other
32    acquisition  of  control of a Health Maintenance Organization
33    pursuant to Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code,
SB659 Enrolled             -29-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1             (1)  the Director shall give  primary  consideration
 2        to  the  continuation  of  benefits  to enrollees and the
 3        financial conditions of the acquired  Health  Maintenance
 4        Organization  after  the  merger, consolidation, or other
 5        acquisition of control takes effect;
 6             (2)(i)  the criteria specified in subsection  (1)(b)
 7        of Section 131.8 of the Illinois Insurance Code shall not
 8        apply  and (ii) the Director, in making his determination
 9        with respect  to  the  merger,  consolidation,  or  other
10        acquisition  of  control,  need not take into account the
11        effect on competition of the  merger,  consolidation,  or
12        other acquisition of control;
13             (3)  the  Director  shall  have the power to require
14        the following information:
15                  (A)  certification by an independent actuary of
16             the  adequacy  of  the  reserves   of   the   Health
17             Maintenance Organization sought to be acquired;
18                  (B)  pro  forma financial statements reflecting
19             the combined balance sheets of the acquiring company
20             and the Health Maintenance Organization sought to be
21             acquired as of the end of the preceding year and  as
22             of  a date 90 days prior to the acquisition, as well
23             as  pro  forma   financial   statements   reflecting
24             projected  combined  operation  for  a  period  of 2
25             years;
26                  (C)  a pro forma  business  plan  detailing  an
27             acquiring   party's   plans   with  respect  to  the
28             operation of  the  Health  Maintenance  Organization
29             sought  to be acquired for a period of not less than
30             3 years; and
31                  (D)  such other  information  as  the  Director
32             shall require.
33        (d)  The  provisions  of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois
34    Insurance Code and this Section 5-3 shall apply to  the  sale
SB659 Enrolled             -30-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    by any health maintenance organization of greater than 10% of
 2    its  enrollee  population  (including  without limitation the
 3    health maintenance organization's right, title, and  interest
 4    in and to its health care certificates).
 5        (e)  In  considering  any  management contract or service
 6    agreement subject to Section 141.1 of the Illinois  Insurance
 7    Code,  the  Director  (i)  shall, in addition to the criteria
 8    specified in Section 141.2 of the  Illinois  Insurance  Code,
 9    take  into  account  the effect of the management contract or
10    service  agreement  on  the  continuation  of   benefits   to
11    enrollees   and   the   financial  condition  of  the  health
12    maintenance organization to be managed or serviced, and  (ii)
13    need  not  take  into  account  the  effect of the management
14    contract or service agreement on competition.
15        (f)  Except for small employer groups as defined  in  the
16    Small  Employer  Rating,  Renewability and Portability Health
17    Insurance Act and except for medicare supplement policies  as
18    defined  in  Section  363  of  the Illinois Insurance Code, a
19    Health Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with  a
20    group  or  other  enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge
21    additional premiums under the following terms and conditions:
22             (i)  the amount of, and other terms  and  conditions
23        with respect to, the refund or additional premium are set
24        forth  in the group or enrollment unit contract agreed in
25        advance of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
26        additional premium is to be charged (which  period  shall
27        not be less than one year); and
28             (ii)  the amount of the refund or additional premium
29        shall   not   exceed   20%   of  the  Health  Maintenance
30        Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience with
31        respect to the group or other  enrollment  unit  for  the
32        period  (and,  for  purposes  of  a  refund or additional
33        premium, the profitable or unprofitable experience  shall
34        be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
SB659 Enrolled             -31-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        Health   Maintenance  Organization's  administrative  and
 2        marketing expenses, but shall not include any  refund  to
 3        be made or additional premium to be paid pursuant to this
 4        subsection (f)).  The Health Maintenance Organization and
 5        the   group   or  enrollment  unit  may  agree  that  the
 6        profitable or unprofitable experience may  be  calculated
 7        taking into account the refund period and the immediately
 8        preceding 2 plan years.
 9        The  Health  Maintenance  Organization  shall  include  a
10    statement in the evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee
11    describing the possibility of a refund or additional premium,
12    and  upon request of any group or enrollment unit, provide to
13    the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used
14    to  calculate  (1)  the  Health  Maintenance   Organization's
15    profitable experience with respect to the group or enrollment
16    unit and the resulting refund to the group or enrollment unit
17    or  (2)  the  Health  Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
18    experience with respect to the group or enrollment  unit  and
19    the  resulting  additional premium to be paid by the group or
20    enrollment unit.
21        In  no  event  shall  the  Illinois  Health   Maintenance
22    Organization  Guaranty  Association  be  liable  to  pay  any
23    contractual  obligation  of  an insolvent organization to pay
24    any refund authorized under this Section.
25    (Source: P.A.  89-90,  eff.  6-30-95;  90-25,  eff.   1-1-98;
26    90-177, eff. 7-23-97; revised 11-21-97.)
27        (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 90-372)
28        Sec. 5-3.  Insurance Code provisions.
29        (a)  Health Maintenance Organizations shall be subject to
30    the  provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1, 141.2,
31    141.3, 143, 143c, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153,  154,  154.5,
32    154.6,  154.7,  154.8, 155.04, 355.2, 356m, 356v, 356t, 367i,
33    401, 401.1, 402, 403, 403A, 408, 408.2, 409,  and  412,  444,
34    and  444.1,  paragraph  (c) of subsection (2) of Section 367,
SB659 Enrolled             -32-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    and Articles VIII 1/2, XII, XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and
 2    XXVI of the Illinois Insurance Code.
 3        (b)  For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code,  except
 4    for  Sections  444  and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2,
 5    Health Maintenance Organizations in the following  categories
 6    are deemed to be "domestic companies":
 7             (1)  a  corporation  authorized  under  the  Medical
 8        Service  Plan  Act,  the  Dental Service Plan Act or, the
 9        Voluntary  Health  Services  Plans  Plan  Act,   or   the
10        Nonprofit Health Care Service Plan Act;
11             (2)  a  corporation organized under the laws of this
12        State; or
13             (3)  a  corporation  organized  under  the  laws  of
14        another state, 30% or more of the enrollees of which  are
15        residents  of this State, except a corporation subject to
16        substantially the  same  requirements  in  its  state  of
17        organization  as  is  a  "domestic company" under Article
18        VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
19        (c)  In considering the merger, consolidation,  or  other
20    acquisition  of  control of a Health Maintenance Organization
21    pursuant to Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code,
22             (1)  the Director shall give  primary  consideration
23        to  the  continuation  of  benefits  to enrollees and the
24        financial conditions of the acquired  Health  Maintenance
25        Organization  after  the  merger, consolidation, or other
26        acquisition of control takes effect;
27             (2)(i)  the criteria specified in subsection  (1)(b)
28        of Section 131.8 of the Illinois Insurance Code shall not
29        apply  and (ii) the Director, in making his determination
30        with respect  to  the  merger,  consolidation,  or  other
31        acquisition  of  control,  need not take into account the
32        effect on competition of the  merger,  consolidation,  or
33        other acquisition of control;
34             (3)  the  Director  shall  have the power to require
SB659 Enrolled             -33-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        the following information:
 2                  (A)  certification by an independent actuary of
 3             the  adequacy  of  the  reserves   of   the   Health
 4             Maintenance Organization sought to be acquired;
 5                  (B)  pro  forma financial statements reflecting
 6             the combined balance sheets of the acquiring company
 7             and the Health Maintenance Organization sought to be
 8             acquired as of the end of the preceding year and  as
 9             of  a date 90 days prior to the acquisition, as well
10             as  pro  forma   financial   statements   reflecting
11             projected  combined  operation  for  a  period  of 2
12             years;
13                  (C)  a pro forma  business  plan  detailing  an
14             acquiring   party's   plans   with  respect  to  the
15             operation of  the  Health  Maintenance  Organization
16             sought  to be acquired for a period of not less than
17             3 years; and
18                  (D)  such other  information  as  the  Director
19             shall require.
20        (d)  The  provisions  of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois
21    Insurance Code and this Section 5-3 shall apply to  the  sale
22    by any health maintenance organization of greater than 10% of
23    its  enrollee  population  (including  without limitation the
24    health maintenance organization's right, title, and  interest
25    in and to its health care certificates).
26        (e)  In  considering  any  management contract or service
27    agreement subject to Section 141.1 of the Illinois  Insurance
28    Code,  the  Director  (i)  shall, in addition to the criteria
29    specified in Section 141.2 of the  Illinois  Insurance  Code,
30    take  into  account  the effect of the management contract or
31    service  agreement  on  the  continuation  of   benefits   to
32    enrollees   and   the   financial  condition  of  the  health
33    maintenance organization to be managed or serviced, and  (ii)
34    need  not  take  into  account  the  effect of the management
SB659 Enrolled             -34-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    contract or service agreement on competition.
 2        (f)  Except for small employer groups as defined  in  the
 3    Small  Employer  Rating,  Renewability and Portability Health
 4    Insurance Act and except for medicare supplement policies  as
 5    defined  in  Section  363  of  the Illinois Insurance Code, a
 6    Health Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with  a
 7    group  or  other  enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge
 8    additional premiums under the following terms and conditions:
 9             (i)  the amount of, and other terms  and  conditions
10        with respect to, the refund or additional premium are set
11        forth  in the group or enrollment unit contract agreed in
12        advance of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
13        additional premium is to be charged (which  period  shall
14        not be less than one year); and
15             (ii)  the amount of the refund or additional premium
16        shall   not   exceed   20%   of  the  Health  Maintenance
17        Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience with
18        respect to the group or other  enrollment  unit  for  the
19        period  (and,  for  purposes  of  a  refund or additional
20        premium, the profitable or unprofitable experience  shall
21        be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
22        Health   Maintenance  Organization's  administrative  and
23        marketing expenses, but shall not include any  refund  to
24        be made or additional premium to be paid pursuant to this
25        subsection (f)).  The Health Maintenance Organization and
26        the   group   or  enrollment  unit  may  agree  that  the
27        profitable or unprofitable experience may  be  calculated
28        taking into account the refund period and the immediately
29        preceding 2 plan years.
30        The  Health  Maintenance  Organization  shall  include  a
31    statement in the evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee
32    describing the possibility of a refund or additional premium,
33    and  upon request of any group or enrollment unit, provide to
34    the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used
SB659 Enrolled             -35-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1    to  calculate  (1)  the  Health  Maintenance   Organization's
 2    profitable experience with respect to the group or enrollment
 3    unit and the resulting refund to the group or enrollment unit
 4    or  (2)  the  Health  Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
 5    experience with respect to the group or enrollment  unit  and
 6    the  resulting  additional premium to be paid by the group or
 7    enrollment unit.
 8        In  no  event  shall  the  Illinois  Health   Maintenance
 9    Organization  Guaranty  Association  be  liable  to  pay  any
10    contractual  obligation  of  an insolvent organization to pay
11    any refund authorized under this Section.
12    (Source: P.A.  89-90,  eff.  6-30-95;  90-25,  eff.   1-1-98;
13    90-177, eff. 7-23-97; 90-372, eff. 7-1-98; revised 11-21-97.)
14        Section  30.  The Limited Health Service Organization Act
15    is amended by changing Section 4003 as follows:
16        (215 ILCS 130/4003) (from Ch. 73, par. 1504-3)
17        Sec. 4003.  Illinois Insurance Code provisions.   Limited
18    health   service   organizations  shall  be  subject  to  the
19    provisions of Sections 133,  134,  137,  140,  141.1,  141.2,
20    141.3,  143,  143c, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 154.5,
21    154.6, 154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 355.2, 356v, 356t,  401,  401.1,
22    402,  403, 403A, 408, 408.2, 409, and 412, 444, and 444.1 and
23    Articles VIII 1/2, XII, XII 1/2, XIII,  XIII  1/2,  XXV,  and
24    XXVI  of  the  Illinois  Insurance Code.  For purposes of the
25    Illinois Insurance Code, except for Sections  444  and  444.1
26    and  Articles  XIII  and  XIII  1/2,  limited  health service
27    organizations in the following categories are  deemed  to  be
28    domestic companies:
29             (1)  a corporation under the laws of this State; or
30             (2)  a  corporation  organized  under  the  laws  of
31        another  state, 30% of more of the enrollees of which are
32        residents of this State, except a corporation subject  to
SB659 Enrolled             -36-               LRB9000419JSgcA
 1        substantially  the  same  requirements  in  its  state of
 2        organization as is a domestic company under Article  VIII
 3        1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
 4    (Source: P.A. 90-25, eff. 1-1-98; revised 10-14-97.)
 5        Section  95.  No  acceleration  or delay.  Where this Act
 6    makes changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by
 7    text that is not yet or no longer in effect (for  example,  a
 8    Section  represented  by  multiple versions), the use of that
 9    text does not accelerate or delay the taking  effect  of  (i)
10    the  changes made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from
11    any other Public Act.
12        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
13    becoming law.

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