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90_HJ0061 LRB9012024KBkbB 1 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of 3 Representatives wish to send their sincere condolences to the 4 family and friends of Phillip Straus, who passed away on 5 April 7, 1998; and 6 WHEREAS, Phillip Straus was a lifelong North Shore 7 resident; Mr. Straus was a longtime Vice Chairman of the Lake 8 County Democratic Party, and had recently been elected 10th 9 Congressional District Committeeman to the Illinois 10 Democratic State Central Committee; and 11 WHEREAS, Phillip Straus had a career in advertising, but 12 worked with many of the local Democrats on their campaigns; 13 he worked with former State lawmaker and former Highland Park 14 Mayor, Daniel Pierce; he served as the Democratic Chairman 15 for Deerfield Township; he served in appointed positions on 16 the cable TV, traffic, and civic beautification commissions 17 in Highland Park municipal government, and was a Lake County 18 appointee to the South Lake Mosquito Abatement District; and 19 WHEREAS, Mr. Straus served on the boards of the United 20 Way of Highland Park-Highwood and the Epilepsy Services of 21 Northeastern Illinois; and 22 WHEREAS, Mr. Straus is survived by his wife, Marilyn; 23 therefore, be it 24 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 25 NINETIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE 26 SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we extend our sympathies to 27 the family and friends of Phillip Straus of Highland Park, 28 Illinois; and be it further 29 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 30 presented to the family of Phillip Straus.