State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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      105 ILCS 5/2-3.112
          Amends the School Code.  Creates the  Service  Evaluation
      Committee  which,  under  the  direction of the Office of the
      Lieutenant Governor, is to assume and exercise certain duties
      currently exercised by  the  staff  of  the  State  Board  of
      Education  and  the  regional offices of education, under the
      jurisdiction of, respectively, the  State  Superintendent  of
      Education   and  the  regional  superintendents  of  schools.
      Provides that at periodic intervals not to exceed 3 years the
      Committee, consisting of 7 members, is  to  design,  develop,
      and    review and modify as necessary the form used by school
      districts to annually    evaluate  the  quality  of  services
      furnished  to  the  districts by the State Board of Education
      and the regional offices of education.  Provides that  the  7
      committee  members  shall  consist of one member from each of
      the following entities or groups, designated by its governing
      board:  Regional Superintendents Association,  staff  of  the
      State   Board   of   Education,   Illinois   Parent   Teacher
      Association,   Illinois   Education   Association,   Illinois
      Federation   of  Teachers,  Illinois  Association  of  School
      Boards, and Illinois Association  of  School  Administrators.
      Effective January 1, 1998.
HB1506 Engrossed                              LRB9003303THpkA
 1        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  School  Code by changing Section
 2    2-3.112.
 3        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:
 5        Section  5.   The  School  Code  is  amended  by changing
 6    Section 2-3.112 as follows:
 7        (105 ILCS 5/2-3.112)
 8        Sec. 2-3.112.  Service evaluation reports.
 9        (a)  The Service Evaluation Committee is  hereby  created
10    to staff of the State Board of Education, under the direction
11    of  the  State  Superintendent of Education, and the regional
12    offices of education, under the direction of  the  respective
13    regional  superintendent of schools, shall jointly design and
14    develop, under the direction of the Office of the  Lieutenant
15    Governor,  a  form to be used by school districts as provided
16    in this Section to annually evaluate the nature  and  quality
17    of  the  services  furnished to those school districts by the
18    State  Board  of  Education  and  the  regional  offices   of
19    education. The Service Evaluation Committee shall be composed
20    of  7  members,  consisting  of  one  member from each of the
21    following entities, designated in each case by the  governing
22    board of the entity from which the member is designated:
23             (1)  the Regional Superintendents Association;
24             (2)  the  staff  employed  by  the  State  Board  of
25        Education;
26             (3)  the Illinois Parent Teacher Association;
27             (4)  the Illinois Education Association;
28             (5)  the Illinois Federation of Teachers;
29             (6)  the Illinois Association of School Boards; and
30             (7)  the     Illinois    Association    of    School
31        Administrators.
HB1506 Engrossed            -2-               LRB9003303THpkA
 1    Members of the Service Evaluation Committee  shall  serve  at
 2    the  pleasure  of  the governing board of the entity by which
 3    they are designated to serve as  members  of  the  Committee.
 4    Committee  members shall serve without compensation but shall
 5    be  reimbursed  for  the  reasonable  expenses   which   they
 6    necessarily    incur    in    the    performance   of   their
 7    responsibilities as members of the Committee.
 8        (b)  Under the direction of the Office of the  Lieutenant
 9    Governor,  the Committee, at periodic intervals not to exceed
10    3 years, The staff of the State Board of  Education  and  the
11    regional  offices of education shall annually review the form
12    to be used for the evaluation and make any  modifications  in
13    the  form  that  it  determines  they  jointly  determine are
14    necessary.  The design, development,  and  any  modifications
15    that  are  to  be  made  to  the form shall be determined and
16    agreed upon not later than August 1 of each  year,  beginning
17    in 1998 1996.
18        (c)  The Office of the Lieutenant Governor State Board of
19    Education   shall  cause  the  form  of  evaluation  as  last
20    designed, developed, or modified under  this  Section  to  be
21    printed  and  distributed  to  the board of education of each
22    school district in the State not later than  September  1  of
23    each year, beginning in 1998 1996.
24        (d)  The   president   of   the  board  of  education  is
25    authorized to cause the evaluation form to be  completed  and
26    may  sign the form as president of the board of education and
27    forward the completed form to the Office  of  the  Lieutenant
28    Governor not later than November 1 of each year, beginning in
29    1998  1996.   Before  completing  and  signing the evaluation
30    form, the president, acting through the board  of  education,
31    shall request and receive comments, opinions, and other input
32    from  the  district's  administrators,  teachers, and teacher
33    organizations to assist the board of education in evaluating,
34    rating, and reporting, on the form to be transmitted  to  the
HB1506 Engrossed            -3-               LRB9003303THpkA
 1    Office  of the Lieutenant Governor, the nature and quality of
 2    the services furnished to the district by the State Board  of
 3    Education  and  the  regional  office  of  education  for the
 4    educational service region in which the  school  district  is
 5    located.
 6        (e)  The  Office  of the Lieutenant Governor shall review
 7    and tally the results of all evaluation forms  received  from
 8    the  several  school  districts  of  the  State  and submit a
 9    written report of the evaluation results to the Governor, the
10    General  Assembly,  the  members  of  the  State   Board   of
11    Education,  and  each of the several regional superintendents
12    of schools not later than December 15 of each year, beginning
13    in 1998 1996.  The Office  of  the  Lieutenant  Governor,  in
14    making the annual written report required by this subsection,
15    shall   not   report,   publish,  or  otherwise  release  the
16    evaluation results separately for  any  regional  offices  of
17    education  but instead the evaluation results with respect to
18    the regional  offices  of  education  shall  be  tallied  and
19    reported  on  an aggregate or composite basis, in such manner
20    as to avoid reporting evaluation results on a regional office
21    of education by regional office of education basis.
22    (Source: P.A. 89-212, eff. 1-1-96; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)
23        Section 99.   Effective  date.   This  Act  takes  effect
24    January 1, 1998.

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