State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 1373
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  1373  on  page  2,
 3    line  2,  by  changing "a building" to "being in a building";
 4    and
 5    on page  2,  line  4,  by  inserting  after  "operation"  the
 6    following:
 7    ";  nor  shall  this  Section  apply to a person who enters a
 8    public building under the reasonable belief that the building
 9    is still open to the public"; and
10    on  page  3,  by  inserting  between  lines  23  and  24  the
11    following:
12             "(f)  This Section does not prohibit a  person  from
13        entering  a  building  or  upon  the  land of another for
14        emergency purposes.  For purposes of this subsection (f),
15        "emergency" means a condition or circumstance in which an
16        individual is or is reasonably believed by the person  to
17        be  in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or in which
18        property is or is reasonably believed to be  in  imminent
19        danger of damage or destruction.".

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