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[ Introduced ] | [ House Amendment 001 ] | [ Senate Amendment 001 ] |
[ Senate Amendment 002 ] |
90_HB1296eng 5 ILCS 375/3 from Ch. 127, par. 523 40 ILCS 5/15-107 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-107 40 ILCS 5/15-134 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-134 40 ILCS 5/15-136 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-136 40 ILCS 5/15-136.4 new 40 ILCS 5/15-146 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-146 40 ILCS 5/15-154 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-154 40 ILCS 5/15-157 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-157 40 ILCS 5/15-158.2 40 ILCS 5/15-165 from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-165 40 ILCS 15/1.1 Amends the State Universities Article of the Pension Code to provide for another optional retirement program. Amends the State Employees Group Insurance Act to make changes in definitions. Also makes other changes. Amends the State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act to make a change in the continuing appropriation for the State Universities Retirement System. Effective immediately. LRB9004157EGfg HB1296 Engrossed LRB9004157EGfg 1 AN ACT in relation to public employee retirement 2 benefits, amending named Acts. 3 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 4 represented in the General Assembly: 5 Section 5. The State Employees Group Insurance Act of 6 1971 is amended by changing Section 3 as follows: 7 (5 ILCS 375/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 523) 8 (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 89-507) 9 Sec. 3. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise 10 requires, the following words and phrases as used in this Act 11 shall have the following meanings. The Department may define 12 these and other words and phrases separately for the purpose 13 of implementing specific programs providing benefits under 14 this Act. 15 (a) "Administrative service organization" means any 16 person, firm or corporation experienced in the handling of 17 claims which is fully qualified, financially sound and 18 capable of meeting the service requirements of a contract of 19 administration executed with the Department. 20 (b) "Annuitant" means (1) an employee who retires, or 21 has retired, on or after January 1, 1966 on an immediate 22 annuity under the provisions of Articles 2, 14, 15 (including 23 an employee who has retiredand is receiving a retirement24annuityunder theanoptional retirement program established 25 under Section 15-158.2and who would also be eligible for a26retirement annuity had that person been a participant in the27State University Retirement System), paragraphs (b) or (c) of 28 Section 16-106, or Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code; 29 (2) any person who was receiving group insurance coverage 30 under this Act as of March 31, 1978 by reason of his status 31 as an annuitant, even though the annuity in relation to which HB1296 Engrossed -2- LRB9004157EGfg 1 such coverage was provided is a proportional annuity based on 2 less than the minimum period of service required for a 3 retirement annuity in the system involved; (3) any person not 4 otherwise covered by this Act who has retired as a 5 participating member under Article 2 of the Illinois Pension 6 Code but is ineligible for the retirement annuity under 7 Section 2-119 of the Illinois Pension Code; (4) the spouse of 8 any person who is receiving a retirement annuity under 9 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code and who is covered 10 under a group health insurance program sponsored by a 11 governmental employer other than the State of Illinois and 12 who has irrevocably elected to waive his or her coverage 13 under this Act and to have his or her spouse considered as 14 the "annuitant" under this Act and not as a "dependent"; or 15 (5) an employee who retires, or has retired, from a qualified 16 position, as determined according to rules promulgated by the 17 Director, under a qualified local government or a qualified 18 rehabilitation facility or a qualified domestic violence 19 shelter or service. (For definition of "retired employee", 20 see (p) post). 21 (c) "Carrier" means (1) an insurance company, a 22 corporation organized under the Limited Health Service 23 Organization Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plan Act, a 24 partnership, or other nongovernmental organization, which is 25 authorized to do group life or group health insurance 26 business in Illinois, or (2) the State of Illinois as a 27 self-insurer. 28 (d) "Compensation" means salary or wages payable on a 29 regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the 30 State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or 31 by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of 32 the State out of a trust or out of federal funds, or by any 33 Department out of State, trust, federal or other funds held 34 by the State Treasurer or the Department, to any person for HB1296 Engrossed -3- LRB9004157EGfg 1 personal services currently performed, and ordinary or 2 accidental disability benefits under Articles 2, 14, 15 3 (including ordinary or accidental disability benefits under 4 theanoptional retirement program established under Section 5 15-158.2), paragraphs (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, or 6 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code, for disability 7 incurred after January 1, 1966, or benefits payable under the 8 Workers' Compensation or Occupational Diseases Act or 9 benefits payable under a sick pay plan established in 10 accordance with Section 36 of the State Finance Act. 11 "Compensation" also means salary or wages paid to an employee 12 of any qualified local government or qualified rehabilitation 13 facility or a qualified domestic violence shelter or service. 14 (e) "Commission" means the State Employees Group 15 Insurance Advisory Commission authorized by this Act. 16 Commencing July 1, 1984, "Commission" as used in this Act 17 means the Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission as 18 established by the Legislative Commission Reorganization Act 19 of 1984. 20 (f) "Contributory", when referred to as contributory 21 coverage, shall mean optional coverages or benefits elected 22 by the member toward the cost of which such member makes 23 contribution, or which are funded in whole or in part through 24 the acceptance of a reduction in earnings or the foregoing of 25 an increase in earnings by an employee, as distinguished from 26 noncontributory coverage or benefits which are paid entirely 27 by the State of Illinois without reduction of the member's 28 salary. 29 (g) "Department" means any department, institution, 30 board, commission, officer, court or any agency of the State 31 government receiving appropriations and having power to 32 certify payrolls to the Comptroller authorizing payments of 33 salary and wages against such appropriations as are made by 34 the General Assembly from any State fund, or against trust HB1296 Engrossed -4- LRB9004157EGfg 1 funds held by the State Treasurer and includes boards of 2 trustees of the retirement systems created by Articles 2, 14, 3 15, 16 and 18 of the Illinois Pension Code. "Department" 4 also includes the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance 5 Board and the Illinois Rural Bond Bank. 6 (h) "Dependent", when the term is used in the context of 7 the health and life plan, means a member's spouse and any 8 unmarried child (1) from birth to age 19 including an adopted 9 child, a child who lives with the member from the time of the 10 filing of a petition for adoption until entry of an order of 11 adoption, a stepchild or recognized child who lives with the 12 member in a parent-child relationship, or a child who lives 13 with the member if such member is a court appointed guardian 14 of the child, or (2) age 19 to 23 enrolled as a full-time 15 student in any accredited school, financially dependent upon 16 the member, and eligible as a dependent for Illinois State 17 income tax purposes, or (3) age 19 or over who is mentally or 18 physically handicapped as defined in the Illinois Insurance 19 Code. For the health plan only, the term "dependent" also 20 includes any person enrolled prior to the effective date of 21 this Section who is dependent upon the member to the extent 22 that the member may claim such person as a dependent for 23 Illinois State income tax deduction purposes; no other such 24 person may be enrolled. 25 (i) "Director" means the Director of the Illinois 26 Department of Central Management Services. 27 (j) "Eligibility period" means the period of time a 28 member has to elect enrollment in programs or to select 29 benefits without regard to age, sex or health. 30 (k) "Employee" means and includes each officer or 31 employee in the service of a department who (1) receives his 32 compensation for service rendered to the department on a 33 warrant issued pursuant to a payroll certified by a 34 department or on a warrant or check issued and drawn by a HB1296 Engrossed -5- LRB9004157EGfg 1 department upon a trust, federal or other fund or on a 2 warrant issued pursuant to a payroll certified by an elected 3 or duly appointed officer of the State or who receives 4 payment of the performance of personal services on a warrant 5 issued pursuant to a payroll certified by a Department and 6 drawn by the Comptroller upon the State Treasurer against 7 appropriations made by the General Assembly from any fund or 8 against trust funds held by the State Treasurer, and (2) is 9 employed full-time or part-time in a position normally 10 requiring actual performance of duty during not less than 1/2 11 of a normal work period, as established by the Director in 12 cooperation with each department, except that persons elected 13 by popular vote will be considered employees during the 14 entire term for which they are elected regardless of hours 15 devoted to the service of the State, and (3) except that 16 "employee" does not include any person who is not eligible by 17 reason of such person's employment to participate in one of 18 the State retirement systems under Articles 2, 14, 15 (either 19 the regular Article 15 system or theanoptional retirement 20 program established under Section 15-158.2) or 18, or under 21 paragraph (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, of the Illinois 22 Pension Code, but such term does include persons who are 23 employed during the 6 month qualifying period under Article 24 14 of the Illinois Pension Code. Such term also includes any 25 person who (1) after January 1, 1966, is receiving ordinary 26 or accidental disability benefits under Articles 2, 14, 15 27 (including ordinary or accidental disability benefits under 28 theanoptional retirement program established under Section 29 15-158.2), paragraphs (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, or 30 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code, for disability 31 incurred after January 1, 1966, (2) receives total permanent 32 or total temporary disability under the Workers' Compensation 33 Act or Occupational Disease Act as a result of injuries 34 sustained or illness contracted in the course of employment HB1296 Engrossed -6- LRB9004157EGfg 1 with the State of Illinois, or (3) is not otherwise covered 2 under this Act and has retired as a participating member 3 under Article 2 of the Illinois Pension Code but is 4 ineligible for the retirement annuity under Section 2-119 of 5 the Illinois Pension Code. However, a person who satisfies 6 the criteria of the foregoing definition of "employee" except 7 that such person is made ineligible to participate in the 8 State Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the 9 first paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension 10 Code is also an "employee" for the purposes of this Act. 11 "Employee" also includes any person receiving or eligible for 12 benefits under a sick pay plan established in accordance with 13 Section 36 of the State Finance Act. "Employee" also includes 14 each officer or employee in the service of a qualified local 15 government, including persons appointed as trustees of 16 sanitary districts regardless of hours devoted to the service 17 of the sanitary district, and each employee in the service of 18 a qualified rehabilitation facility and each full-time 19 employee in the service of a qualified domestic violence 20 shelter or service, as determined according to rules 21 promulgated by the Director. 22 (l) "Member" means an employee, annuitant, retired 23 employee or survivor. 24 (m) "Optional coverages or benefits" means those 25 coverages or benefits available to the member on his or her 26 voluntary election, and at his or her own expense. 27 (n) "Program" means the group life insurance, health 28 benefits and other employee benefits designed and contracted 29 for by the Director under this Act. 30 (o) "Health plan" means a self-insured health insurance 31 program offered by the State of Illinois for the purposes of 32 benefiting employees by means of providing, among others, 33 wellness programs, utilization reviews, second opinions and 34 medical fee reviews, as well as for paying for hospital and HB1296 Engrossed -7- LRB9004157EGfg 1 medical care up to the maximum coverage provided by the plan, 2 to its members and their dependents. 3 (p) "Retired employee" means any person who would be an 4 annuitant as that term is defined herein but for the fact 5 that such person retired prior to January 1, 1966. Such term 6 also includes any person formerly employed by the University 7 of Illinois in the Cooperative Extension Service who would be 8 an annuitant but for the fact that such person was made 9 ineligible to participate in the State Universities 10 Retirement System by clause (4) of the first paragraph of 11 Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code. 12 (q) "Survivor" means a person receiving an annuity as a 13 survivor of an employee or of an annuitant. "Survivor" also 14 includes: (1) the surviving dependent of a person who 15 satisfies the definition of "employee" except that such 16 person is made ineligible to participate in the State 17 Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the first 18 paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code; and 19 (2) the surviving dependent of any person formerly employed 20 by the University of Illinois in the Cooperative Extension 21 Service who would be an annuitant except for the fact that 22 such person was made ineligible to participate in the State 23 Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the first 24 paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code. 25 (r) "Medical services" means the services provided 26 within the scope of their licenses by practitioners in all 27 categories licensed under the Medical Practice Act of 1987. 28 (s) "Unit of local government" means any county, 29 municipality, township, school district, special district or 30 other unit, designated as a unit of local government by law, 31 which exercises limited governmental powers or powers in 32 respect to limited governmental subjects, any not-for-profit 33 association with a membership that primarily includes 34 townships and township officials, that has duties that HB1296 Engrossed -8- LRB9004157EGfg 1 include provision of research service, dissemination of 2 information, and other acts for the purpose of improving 3 township government, and that is funded wholly or partly in 4 accordance with Section 85-15 of the Township Code; any 5 not-for-profit corporation or association, with a membership 6 consisting primarily of municipalities, that operates its own 7 utility system, and provides research, training, 8 dissemination of information, or other acts to promote 9 cooperation between and among municipalities that provide 10 utility services and for the advancement of the goals and 11 purposes of its membership; and the Illinois Association of 12 Park Districts. "Qualified local government" means a unit of 13 local government approved by the Director and participating 14 in a program created under subsection (i) of Section 10 of 15 this Act. 16 (t) "Qualified rehabilitation facility" means any 17 not-for-profit organization that is accredited by the 18 Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities or 19 certified by the Department of Mental Health and 20 Developmental Disabilities to provide services to persons 21 with disabilities and which receives funds from the State of 22 Illinois for providing those services, approved by the 23 Director and participating in a program created under 24 subsection (j) of Section 10 of this Act. 25 (u) "Qualified domestic violence shelter or service" 26 means any Illinois domestic violence shelter or service and 27 its administrative offices funded by the Illinois Department 28 of Public Aid, approved by the Director and participating in 29 a program created under subsection (k) of Section 10. 30 (v) "TRS benefit recipient" means a person who: 31 (1) is not a "member" as defined in this Section; 32 and 33 (2) is receiving a monthly benefit or retirement 34 annuity under Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code; HB1296 Engrossed -9- LRB9004157EGfg 1 and 2 (3) either (i) has at least 8 years of creditable 3 service under Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code, or 4 (ii) was enrolled in the health insurance program offered 5 under that Article on January 1, 1996, or (iii) is the 6 survivor of a benefit recipient who had at least 8 years 7 of creditable service under Article 16 of the Illinois 8 Pension Code or was enrolled in the health insurance 9 program offered under that Article on the effective date 10 of this amendatory Act of 1995, or (iv) is a recipient or 11 survivor of a recipient of a disability benefit under 12 Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code. 13 (w) "TRS dependent beneficiary" means a person who: 14 (1) is not a "member" or "dependent" as defined in 15 this Section; and 16 (2) is a TRS benefit recipient's: (A) spouse, (B) 17 dependent parent who is receiving at least half of his or 18 her support from the TRS benefit recipient, or (C) 19 unmarried natural or adopted child who is (i) under age 20 19, or (ii) enrolled as a full-time student in an 21 accredited school, financially dependent upon the TRS 22 benefit recipient, eligible as a dependent for Illinois 23 State income tax purposes, and either is under age 24 or 24 was, on January 1, 1996, participating as a dependent 25 beneficiary in the health insurance program offered under 26 Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code, or (iii) age 19 27 or over who is mentally or physically handicapped as 28 defined in the Illinois Insurance Code. 29 (x) "Military leave with pay and benefits" refers to 30 individuals in basic training for reserves, special/advanced 31 training, annual training, emergency call up, or activation 32 by the President of the United States with approved pay and 33 benefits. 34 (y) "Military leave without pay and benefits" refers to HB1296 Engrossed -10- LRB9004157EGfg 1 individuals who enlist for active duty in a regular component 2 of the U.S. Armed Forces or other duty not specified or 3 authorized under military leave with pay and benefits. 4 (Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-21, eff. 6-21-95; 5 89-25, eff. 6-21-95; 89-76, eff. 7-1-95; 89-324, eff. 6 8-13-95; 89-430, eff. 12-15-95; 89-502, eff. 7-1-96; 89-628, 7 eff. 8-9-96; revised 8-23-96.) 8 (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 89-507) 9 Sec. 3. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise 10 requires, the following words and phrases as used in this Act 11 shall have the following meanings. The Department may define 12 these and other words and phrases separately for the purpose 13 of implementing specific programs providing benefits under 14 this Act. 15 (a) "Administrative service organization" means any 16 person, firm or corporation experienced in the handling of 17 claims which is fully qualified, financially sound and 18 capable of meeting the service requirements of a contract of 19 administration executed with the Department. 20 (b) "Annuitant" means (1) an employee who retires, or 21 has retired, on or after January 1, 1966 on an immediate 22 annuity under the provisions of Articles 2, 14, 15 (including 23 an employee who has retiredand is receiving a retirement24annuityunder theanoptional retirement program established 25 under Section 15-158.2and who would also be eligible for a26retirement annuity had that person been a participant in the27State University Retirement System), paragraphs (b) or (c) of 28 Section 16-106, or Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code; 29 (2) any person who was receiving group insurance coverage 30 under this Act as of March 31, 1978 by reason of his status 31 as an annuitant, even though the annuity in relation to which 32 such coverage was provided is a proportional annuity based on 33 less than the minimum period of service required for a 34 retirement annuity in the system involved; (3) any person not HB1296 Engrossed -11- LRB9004157EGfg 1 otherwise covered by this Act who has retired as a 2 participating member under Article 2 of the Illinois Pension 3 Code but is ineligible for the retirement annuity under 4 Section 2-119 of the Illinois Pension Code; (4) the spouse of 5 any person who is receiving a retirement annuity under 6 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code and who is covered 7 under a group health insurance program sponsored by a 8 governmental employer other than the State of Illinois and 9 who has irrevocably elected to waive his or her coverage 10 under this Act and to have his or her spouse considered as 11 the "annuitant" under this Act and not as a "dependent"; or 12 (5) an employee who retires, or has retired, from a qualified 13 position, as determined according to rules promulgated by the 14 Director, under a qualified local government or a qualified 15 rehabilitation facility or a qualified domestic violence 16 shelter or service. (For definition of "retired employee", 17 see (p) post). 18 (c) "Carrier" means (1) an insurance company, a 19 corporation organized under the Limited Health Service 20 Organization Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plan Act, a 21 partnership, or other nongovernmental organization, which is 22 authorized to do group life or group health insurance 23 business in Illinois, or (2) the State of Illinois as a 24 self-insurer. 25 (d) "Compensation" means salary or wages payable on a 26 regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the 27 State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or 28 by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of 29 the State out of a trust or out of federal funds, or by any 30 Department out of State, trust, federal or other funds held 31 by the State Treasurer or the Department, to any person for 32 personal services currently performed, and ordinary or 33 accidental disability benefits under Articles 2, 14, 15 34 (including ordinary or accidental disability benefits under HB1296 Engrossed -12- LRB9004157EGfg 1 theanoptional retirement program established under Section 2 15-158.2), paragraphs (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, or 3 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code, for disability 4 incurred after January 1, 1966, or benefits payable under the 5 Workers' Compensation or Occupational Diseases Act or 6 benefits payable under a sick pay plan established in 7 accordance with Section 36 of the State Finance Act. 8 "Compensation" also means salary or wages paid to an employee 9 of any qualified local government or qualified rehabilitation 10 facility or a qualified domestic violence shelter or service. 11 (e) "Commission" means the State Employees Group 12 Insurance Advisory Commission authorized by this Act. 13 Commencing July 1, 1984, "Commission" as used in this Act 14 means the Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission as 15 established by the Legislative Commission Reorganization Act 16 of 1984. 17 (f) "Contributory", when referred to as contributory 18 coverage, shall mean optional coverages or benefits elected 19 by the member toward the cost of which such member makes 20 contribution, or which are funded in whole or in part through 21 the acceptance of a reduction in earnings or the foregoing of 22 an increase in earnings by an employee, as distinguished from 23 noncontributory coverage or benefits which are paid entirely 24 by the State of Illinois without reduction of the member's 25 salary. 26 (g) "Department" means any department, institution, 27 board, commission, officer, court or any agency of the State 28 government receiving appropriations and having power to 29 certify payrolls to the Comptroller authorizing payments of 30 salary and wages against such appropriations as are made by 31 the General Assembly from any State fund, or against trust 32 funds held by the State Treasurer and includes boards of 33 trustees of the retirement systems created by Articles 2, 14, 34 15, 16 and 18 of the Illinois Pension Code. "Department" HB1296 Engrossed -13- LRB9004157EGfg 1 also includes the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance 2 Board and the Illinois Rural Bond Bank. 3 (h) "Dependent", when the term is used in the context of 4 the health and life plan, means a member's spouse and any 5 unmarried child (1) from birth to age 19 including an adopted 6 child, a child who lives with the member from the time of the 7 filing of a petition for adoption until entry of an order of 8 adoption, a stepchild or recognized child who lives with the 9 member in a parent-child relationship, or a child who lives 10 with the member if such member is a court appointed guardian 11 of the child, or (2) age 19 to 23 enrolled as a full-time 12 student in any accredited school, financially dependent upon 13 the member, and eligible as a dependent for Illinois State 14 income tax purposes, or (3) age 19 or over who is mentally or 15 physically handicapped as defined in the Illinois Insurance 16 Code. For the health plan only, the term "dependent" also 17 includes any person enrolled prior to the effective date of 18 this Section who is dependent upon the member to the extent 19 that the member may claim such person as a dependent for 20 Illinois State income tax deduction purposes; no other such 21 person may be enrolled. 22 (i) "Director" means the Director of the Illinois 23 Department of Central Management Services. 24 (j) "Eligibility period" means the period of time a 25 member has to elect enrollment in programs or to select 26 benefits without regard to age, sex or health. 27 (k) "Employee" means and includes each officer or 28 employee in the service of a department who (1) receives his 29 compensation for service rendered to the department on a 30 warrant issued pursuant to a payroll certified by a 31 department or on a warrant or check issued and drawn by a 32 department upon a trust, federal or other fund or on a 33 warrant issued pursuant to a payroll certified by an elected 34 or duly appointed officer of the State or who receives HB1296 Engrossed -14- LRB9004157EGfg 1 payment of the performance of personal services on a warrant 2 issued pursuant to a payroll certified by a Department and 3 drawn by the Comptroller upon the State Treasurer against 4 appropriations made by the General Assembly from any fund or 5 against trust funds held by the State Treasurer, and (2) is 6 employed full-time or part-time in a position normally 7 requiring actual performance of duty during not less than 1/2 8 of a normal work period, as established by the Director in 9 cooperation with each department, except that persons elected 10 by popular vote will be considered employees during the 11 entire term for which they are elected regardless of hours 12 devoted to the service of the State, and (3) except that 13 "employee" does not include any person who is not eligible by 14 reason of such person's employment to participate in one of 15 the State retirement systems under Articles 2, 14, 15 (either 16 the regular Article 15 system or theanoptional retirement 17 program established under Section 15-158.2) or 18, or under 18 paragraph (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, of the Illinois 19 Pension Code, but such term does include persons who are 20 employed during the 6 month qualifying period under Article 21 14 of the Illinois Pension Code. Such term also includes any 22 person who (1) after January 1, 1966, is receiving ordinary 23 or accidental disability benefits under Articles 2, 14, 15 24 (including ordinary or accidental disability benefits under 25 theanoptional retirement program established under Section 26 15-158.2), paragraphs (b) or (c) of Section 16-106, or 27 Article 18 of the Illinois Pension Code, for disability 28 incurred after January 1, 1966, (2) receives total permanent 29 or total temporary disability under the Workers' Compensation 30 Act or Occupational Disease Act as a result of injuries 31 sustained or illness contracted in the course of employment 32 with the State of Illinois, or (3) is not otherwise covered 33 under this Act and has retired as a participating member 34 under Article 2 of the Illinois Pension Code but is HB1296 Engrossed -15- LRB9004157EGfg 1 ineligible for the retirement annuity under Section 2-119 of 2 the Illinois Pension Code. However, a person who satisfies 3 the criteria of the foregoing definition of "employee" except 4 that such person is made ineligible to participate in the 5 State Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the 6 first paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension 7 Code is also an "employee" for the purposes of this Act. 8 "Employee" also includes any person receiving or eligible for 9 benefits under a sick pay plan established in accordance with 10 Section 36 of the State Finance Act. "Employee" also includes 11 each officer or employee in the service of a qualified local 12 government, including persons appointed as trustees of 13 sanitary districts regardless of hours devoted to the service 14 of the sanitary district, and each employee in the service of 15 a qualified rehabilitation facility and each full-time 16 employee in the service of a qualified domestic violence 17 shelter or service, as determined according to rules 18 promulgated by the Director. 19 (l) "Member" means an employee, annuitant, retired 20 employee or survivor. 21 (m) "Optional coverages or benefits" means those 22 coverages or benefits available to the member on his or her 23 voluntary election, and at his or her own expense. 24 (n) "Program" means the group life insurance, health 25 benefits and other employee benefits designed and contracted 26 for by the Director under this Act. 27 (o) "Health plan" means a self-insured health insurance 28 program offered by the State of Illinois for the purposes of 29 benefiting employees by means of providing, among others, 30 wellness programs, utilization reviews, second opinions and 31 medical fee reviews, as well as for paying for hospital and 32 medical care up to the maximum coverage provided by the plan, 33 to its members and their dependents. 34 (p) "Retired employee" means any person who would be an HB1296 Engrossed -16- LRB9004157EGfg 1 annuitant as that term is defined herein but for the fact 2 that such person retired prior to January 1, 1966. Such term 3 also includes any person formerly employed by the University 4 of Illinois in the Cooperative Extension Service who would be 5 an annuitant but for the fact that such person was made 6 ineligible to participate in the State Universities 7 Retirement System by clause (4) of the first paragraph of 8 Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code. 9 (q) "Survivor" means a person receiving an annuity as a 10 survivor of an employee or of an annuitant. "Survivor" also 11 includes: (1) the surviving dependent of a person who 12 satisfies the definition of "employee" except that such 13 person is made ineligible to participate in the State 14 Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the first 15 paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code; and 16 (2) the surviving dependent of any person formerly employed 17 by the University of Illinois in the Cooperative Extension 18 Service who would be an annuitant except for the fact that 19 such person was made ineligible to participate in the State 20 Universities Retirement System by clause (4) of the first 21 paragraph of Section 15-107 of the Illinois Pension Code. 22 (r) "Medical services" means the services provided 23 within the scope of their licenses by practitioners in all 24 categories licensed under the Medical Practice Act of 1987. 25 (s) "Unit of local government" means any county, 26 municipality, township, school district, special district or 27 other unit, designated as a unit of local government by law, 28 which exercises limited governmental powers or powers in 29 respect to limited governmental subjects, any not-for-profit 30 association with a membership that primarily includes 31 townships and township officials, that has duties that 32 include provision of research service, dissemination of 33 information, and other acts for the purpose of improving 34 township government, and that is funded wholly or partly in HB1296 Engrossed -17- LRB9004157EGfg 1 accordance with Section 85-15 of the Township Code; any 2 not-for-profit corporation or association, with a membership 3 consisting primarily of municipalities, that operates its own 4 utility system, and provides research, training, 5 dissemination of information, or other acts to promote 6 cooperation between and among municipalities that provide 7 utility services and for the advancement of the goals and 8 purposes of its membership; and the Illinois Association of 9 Park Districts. "Qualified local government" means a unit of 10 local government approved by the Director and participating 11 in a program created under subsection (i) of Section 10 of 12 this Act. 13 (t) "Qualified rehabilitation facility" means any 14 not-for-profit organization that is accredited by the 15 Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities or 16 certified by the Department of Human Services (as successor 17 to the Department of Mental Health and Developmental 18 Disabilities) to provide services to persons with 19 disabilities and which receives funds from the State of 20 Illinois for providing those services, approved by the 21 Director and participating in a program created under 22 subsection (j) of Section 10 of this Act. 23 (u) "Qualified domestic violence shelter or service" 24 means any Illinois domestic violence shelter or service and 25 its administrative offices funded by the Department of Human 26 Services (as successor to the Illinois Department of Public 27 Aid), approved by the Director and participating in a program 28 created under subsection (k) of Section 10. 29 (v) "TRS benefit recipient" means a person who: 30 (1) is not a "member" as defined in this Section; 31 and 32 (2) is receiving a monthly benefit or retirement 33 annuity under Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code; 34 and HB1296 Engrossed -18- LRB9004157EGfg 1 (3) either (i) has at least 8 years of creditable 2 service under Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code, or 3 (ii) was enrolled in the health insurance program offered 4 under that Article on January 1, 1996, or (iii) is the 5 survivor of a benefit recipient who had at least 8 years 6 of creditable service under Article 16 of the Illinois 7 Pension Code or was enrolled in the health insurance 8 program offered under that Article on the effective date 9 of this amendatory Act of 1995, or (iv) is a recipient or 10 survivor of a recipient of a disability benefit under 11 Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code. 12 (w) "TRS dependent beneficiary" means a person who: 13 (1) is not a "member" or "dependent" as defined in 14 this Section; and 15 (2) is a TRS benefit recipient's: (A) spouse, (B) 16 dependent parent who is receiving at least half of his or 17 her support from the TRS benefit recipient, or (C) 18 unmarried natural or adopted child who is (i) under age 19 19, or (ii) enrolled as a full-time student in an 20 accredited school, financially dependent upon the TRS 21 benefit recipient, eligible as a dependent for Illinois 22 State income tax purposes, and either is under age 24 or 23 was, on January 1, 1996, participating as a dependent 24 beneficiary in the health insurance program offered under 25 Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code, or (iii) age 19 26 or over who is mentally or physically handicapped as 27 defined in the Illinois Insurance Code. 28 (x) "Military leave with pay and benefits" refers to 29 individuals in basic training for reserves, special/advanced 30 training, annual training, emergency call up, or activation 31 by the President of the United States with approved pay and 32 benefits. 33 (y) "Military leave without pay and benefits" refers to 34 individuals who enlist for active duty in a regular component HB1296 Engrossed -19- LRB9004157EGfg 1 of the U.S. Armed Forces or other duty not specified or 2 authorized under military leave with pay and benefits. 3 (Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-21, eff. 6-21-95; 4 89-25, eff. 6-21-95; 89-76, eff. 7-1-95; 89-324, eff. 5 8-13-95; 89-430, eff. 12-15-95; 89-502, eff. 7-1-96; 89-507, 6 eff. 7-1-97; 89-628, eff. 8-9-96; revised 8-23-96.) 7 Section 10. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by 8 changing Sections 15-107, 15-134, 15-136, 15-141, 15-142, 9 15-146, 15-154, 15-157, 15-158.2, and 15-165 and adding 10 Section 15-136.4 as follows: 11 (40 ILCS 5/15-107) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-107) 12 Sec. 15-107. Employee. 13 (a) "Employee" means any member of the educational, 14 administrative, secretarial, clerical, mechanical, labor or 15 other staff of an employer whose employment is permanent and 16 continuous or who is employed in a position in which services 17 are expected to be rendered on a continuous basis for at 18 least 4 months or one academic term, whichever is less, who 19 (A) receives payment for personal services on a warrant 20 issued pursuant to a payroll voucher certified by an employer 21 and drawn by the State Comptroller upon the State Treasurer 22 or by an employer upon trust, federal or other funds, or (B) 23 is on a leave of absence without pay. Employment which is 24 irregular, intermittent or temporary shall not be considered 25 continuous for purposes of this paragraph. 26 However, a person is not an "employee" if he or she: 27 (1) is a student enrolled in and regularly 28 attending classes in a college or university which is an 29 employer, and is employed on a temporary basis at less 30 than full time; 31 (2) is currently receiving a retirement annuity or 32 a disability retirement annuity under Section 15-153.2 HB1296 Engrossed -20- LRB9004157EGfg 1 from this System; 2 (3) is on a military leave of absence; 3 (4) is eligible to participate in the Federal Civil 4 Service Retirement System and is currently making 5 contributions to that system based upon earnings paid by 6 an employer; 7 (5) is on leave of absence without pay for more 8 than 60 days immediately following termination of 9 disability benefits under this Article; 10 (6) is hired after June 30, 1979 as a public 11 service employment program participant under the Federal 12 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and receives 13 earnings in whole or in part from funds provided under 14 that Act; 15 (7) is employed on or after July 1, 1991 to perform 16 services that are excluded by subdivision (a)(7)(f) or 17 (a)(19) of Section 210 of the federal Social Security Act 18 from the definition of employment given in that Section 19 (42 U.S.C. 410); or 20 (8) participates in an optional program for 21 part-time workers under Section 15-158.1.; or22(9) participates in an optional program for23employees under Section 15-158.2.24 (b) Any employer may, by filing a written notice with 25 the board, exclude from the definition of "employee" all 26 persons employed pursuant to a federally funded contract 27 entered into after July 1, 1982 with a federal military 28 department in a program providing training in military 29 courses to federal military personnel on a military site 30 owned by the United States Government, if this exclusion is 31 not prohibited by the federally funded contract or federal 32 laws or rules governing the administration of the contract. 33 (c) Any person appointed by the Governor under the Civil 34 Administrative Code of the State is an employee, if he or she HB1296 Engrossed -21- LRB9004157EGfg 1 is a participant in this system on the effective date of the 2 appointment. 3 (d) A participant on lay-off status under civil service 4 rules is considered an employee for not more than 120 days 5 from the date of the lay-off. 6 (e) A participant is considered an employee during (1) 7 the first 60 days of disability leave, (2) the period, not to 8 exceed one year, in which his or her eligibility for 9 disability benefits is being considered by the board or 10 reviewed by the courts, and (3) the period he or she receives 11 disability benefits under the provisions of Section 15-152, 12 workers' compensation or occupational disease benefits, or 13 disability income under an insurance contract financed wholly 14 or partially by the employer. 15 (f) Absences without pay, other than formal leaves of 16 absence, of less than 30 calendar days, are not considered as 17 an interruption of a person's status as an employee. If such 18 absences during any period of 12 months exceed 30 work days, 19 the employee status of the person is considered as 20 interrupted as of the 31st work day. 21 (g) A staff member whose employment contract requires 22 services during an academic term is to be considered an 23 employee during the summer and other vacation periods, unless 24 he or she declines an employment contract for the succeeding 25 academic term or his or her employment status is otherwise 26 terminated, and he or she receives no earnings during these 27 periods. 28 (Source: P.A. 89-430, eff. 12-15-95.) 29 (40 ILCS 5/15-134) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-134) 30 Sec. 15-134. Participant. 31 (a) Each person shall, as a condition of employment, 32 become a participant and be subject to this Article on the 33 date that he or she becomes an employee, makes an election to HB1296 Engrossed -22- LRB9004157EGfg 1 participate in, or otherwise becomes a participant in one of 2 the retirement programs offered under this Article, whichever 3 date is later. 4 An employee who becomes a participant shall continue to 5 be a participant until he or she becomes an annuitant, dies 6 or accepts a refund of contributions, except that a person 7 shall not be deemed a participant while participating in an 8 optional program for part-time workers established under 9 Section 15-158.1or participating in an optional program for10employees established under Section 15-158.2. 11 (b) A person employed concurrently by 2 or more 12 employers is eligible to participate in the system on 13 compensation received from all employers; however, his or her 14 combined basic compensation and combined earnings shall not 15 exceed the basic compensation and earnings which would have 16 been payable for full-time employment by the employer under 17 which the employee's basic compensation is the highest. 18 However, effective for all employment on or after July 1, 19 1991, where a person is employed to render service to one 20 employer during an academic or summer term and is employed by 21 another employer to render service to it during the 22 succeeding, nonoverlapping academic or summer term, then 23 exclusively for the purposes of this Section, the person 24 shall be considered to be successively employed by more than 25 one employer, rather than concurrently employed by 2 or more 26 employers. 27 (Source: P.A. 89-430, eff. 12-15-95.) 28 (40 ILCS 5/15-136) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-136) 29 Sec. 15-136. Retirement annuities - Amount. 30 (a) The amount of the retirement annuity shall be 31 determined by whichever of the following rules is applicable 32 and provides the largest annuity: 33 Rule 1: The retirement annuity shall be 1.67% of final HB1296 Engrossed -23- LRB9004157EGfg 1 rate of earnings for each of the first 10 years of service, 2 1.90% for each of the next 10 years of service, 2.10% for 3 each year of service in excess of 20 but not exceeding 30, 4 and 2.30% for each year in excess of 30, except that the 5 annuity for those persons having made an election under 6 Section 15-154(a-1) shall be calculated and payable under the 7 portable retirement benefit program pursuant to the 8 provisions of Section 15-136.4. 9 Rule 2: The retirement annuity shall be the sum of the 10 following, determined from amounts credited to the 11 participant in accordance with the actuarial tables and the 12 prescribed rate of interest in effect at the time the 13 retirement annuity begins: 14 (i) The normal annuity which can be provided on an 15 actuariallyactuarialequivalent basis, by the accumulated 16 normal contributions as of the date the annuity begins; and 17 (ii) an annuity from employer contributions of an amount 18 which can be provided on an actuarially equivalent basis from 19 the accumulated normal contributions made by the participant 20 under Section 15-113.6 and Section 15-113.7 plus 1.4 times 21 all other accumulated normal contributions made by the 22 participant, except that the annuity for those persons having 23 made an election under Section 15-154(a-1) shall be 24 calculated and payable under the portable retirement benefit 25 program pursuant to the provisions of Section 15-136.4. 26 Rule 3: The retirement annuity of a participant who is 27 employed at least one-half time during the period on which 28 his or her final rate of earnings is based, shall be equal to 29 the participant's years of service not to exceed 30, 30 multiplied by (1) $96 if the participant's final rate of 31 earnings is less than $3,500, (2) $108 if the final rate of 32 earnings is at least $3,500 but less than $4,500, (3) $120 if 33 the final rate of earnings is at least $4,500 but less than 34 $5,500, (4) $132 if the final rate of earnings is at least HB1296 Engrossed -24- LRB9004157EGfg 1 $5,500 but less than $6,500, (5) $144 if the final rate of 2 earnings is at least $6,500 but less than $7,500, (6) $156 if 3 the final rate of earnings is at least $7,500 but less than 4 $8,500, (7) $168 if the final rate of earnings is at least 5 $8,500 but less than $9,500, and (8) $180 if the final rate 6 of earnings is $9,500 or more, except that the annuity for 7 those persons having made an election under Section 8 15-154(a-1) shall be calculated and payable under the 9 portable retirement benefit program pursuant to the 10 provisions of Section 15-136.4. 11 Rule 4: A participant who is at least age 50 and has 25 12 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, 13 and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 14 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or 15 firefighter, shall be entitled to a retirement annuity of 2 16 1/4% of the final rate of earnings for each of the first 10 17 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, 2 1/2% 18 for each of the next 10 years of service as a police officer 19 or firefighter, and 2 3/4% for each year of service as a 20 police officer or firefighter in excess of 20, except that 21 the annuity for those persons have made an election under 22 Section 15-154(a-1) shall be calculated and payable under the 23 portable retirement benefit program pursuant to the 24 provisions of Section 15-136.4. The retirement annuity for 25 all other service shall be computed under Rule 1, payable 26 under the portable retirement benefit program pursuant to the 27 provisions of Section 15-136.4, if applicable. 28 (b) The retirement annuity provided under Rules 1 and 3 29 above shall be reduced by 1/2 of 1% for each month the 30 participant is under age 60 at the time of retirement. 31 However, this reduction shall not apply in the following 32 cases: 33 (1) For a disabled participant whose disability 34 benefits have been discontinued because he or she has HB1296 Engrossed -25- LRB9004157EGfg 1 exhausted eligibility for disability benefits under 2 clause (6)(5)of Section 15-152; 3 (2) For a participant who has at least 35 years of 4 service; or 5 (3) For that portion of a retirement annuity which 6 has been provided on account of service of the 7 participant during periods when he or she performed the 8 duties of a police officer or firefighter, if these 9 duties were performed for at least 5 years immediately 10 preceding the date the retirement annuity is to begin. 11 (c) The maximum retirement annuity provided under Rules 12 1, 2, and 4 shall be the lesser of (1) the annual limit of 13 benefits as specified in Section 415 of the Internal Revenue 14 Code of 1986, as such Section may be amended from time to 15 time and as such benefit limits shall be adjusted by the 16 Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and (2) 75% of final rate 17 of earnings; however, this limitation of 75% of final rate of 18 earnings shall not apply to a person who is a participant or 19 annuitant on September 15, 1977 if it results in a retirement 20 annuity less than that which is payable to the annuitant or 21 which would have been payable to the participant under the 22 provisions of this Article in effect on June 30, 1977. 23 (d) An annuitant whose status as an employee terminates 24 after August 14, 1969 shall receive automatic increases in 25 his or her retirement annuity as follows: 26 Effective January 1 immediately following the date the 27 retirement annuity begins, the annuitant shall receive an 28 increase in his or her monthly retirement annuity of 0.125% 29 of the monthly retirement annuity provided under Rule 1, Rule 30 2, Rule 3, or Rule 4, contained in this Section, multiplied 31 by the number of full months which elapsed from the date the 32 retirement annuity payments began to January 1, 1972, plus 33 0.1667% of such annuity, multiplied by the number of full 34 months which elapsed from January 1, 1972, or the date the HB1296 Engrossed -26- LRB9004157EGfg 1 retirement annuity payments began, whichever is later, to 2 January 1, 1978, plus 0.25% of such annuity multiplied by the 3 number of full months which elapsed from January 1, 1978, or 4 the date the retirement annuity payments began, whichever is 5 later, to the effective date of the increase. 6 The annuitant shall receive an increase in his or her 7 monthly retirement annuity on each January 1 thereafter 8 during the annuitant's life of 3% of the monthly annuity 9 provided under Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3, or Rule 4 contained in 10 this Section. The change made under this subsection by P.A. 11 81-970 is effective January 1, 1980 and applies to each 12 annuitant whose status as an employee terminates before or 13 after that date. 14 Beginning January 1, 1990, all automatic annual increases 15 payable under this Section shall be calculated as a 16 percentage of the total annuity payable at the time of the 17 increase, including all increases previously granted under 18 this Article. The change made in this subsection by P.A. 19 85-1008 is effective January 26, 1988, and is applicable 20 without regard to whether status as an employee terminated 21 before that date. 22 (e) If, on January 1, 1987, or the date the retirement 23 annuity payment period begins, whichever is later, the sum of 24 the retirement annuity provided under Rule 1 or Rule 2 of 25 this Section and the automatic annual increases provided 26 under the preceding subsection or Section 15-136.1, amounts 27 to less than the retirement annuity which would be provided 28 by Rule 3, the retirement annuity shall be increased as of 29 January 1, 1987, or the date the retirement annuity payment 30 period begins, whichever is later, to the amount which would 31 be provided by Rule 3 of this Section. Such increased amount 32 shall be considered as the retirement annuity in determining 33 benefits provided under other Sections of this Article. This 34 paragraph applies without regard to whether status as an HB1296 Engrossed -27- LRB9004157EGfg 1 employee terminated before the effective date of this 2 amendatory Act of 1987, provided that the annuitant was 3 employed at least one-half time during the period on which 4 the final rate of earnings was based. 5 (f) A participant is entitled to such additional annuity 6 as may be provided on an actuariallyactuarialequivalent 7 basis, by any accumulated additional contributions to his or 8 her credit. However, the additional contributions made by 9 the participant toward the automatic increases in annuity 10 provided under this Section shall not be taken into account 11 in determining the amount of such additional annuity. 12 (g) If, (1) by law, a function of a governmental unit, 13 as defined by Section 20-107 of this Code, is transferred in 14 whole or in part to an employer, and (2) a participant 15 transfers employment from such governmental unit to such 16 employer within 6 months after the transfer of the function, 17 and (3) the sum of (A) the annuity payable to the participant 18 under Rule 1, 2, or 3 of this Section (B) all proportional 19 annuities payable to the participant by all other retirement 20 systems covered by Article 20, and (C) the initial primary 21 insurance amount to which the participant is entitled under 22 the Social Security Act, is less than the retirement annuity 23 which would have been payable if all of the participant's 24 pension credits validated under Section 20-109 had been 25 validated under this system, a supplemental annuity equal to 26 the difference in such amounts shall be payable to the 27 participant. 28 (h) On January 1, 1981, an annuitant who was receiving a 29 retirement annuity on or before January 1, 1971 shall have 30 his or her retirement annuity then being paid increased $1 31 per month for each year of creditable service. On January 1, 32 1982, an annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or 33 before January 1, 1977, shall have his or her retirement 34 annuity then being paid increased $1 per month for each year HB1296 Engrossed -28- LRB9004157EGfg 1 of creditable service. 2 (i) On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement 3 annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall have the 4 monthly retirement annuity increased by an amount equal to 8ยข 5 per year of creditable service times the number of years that 6 have elapsed since the annuity began. 7 (Source: P.A. 86-272; 86-273; 86-1028; revised 5-17-96.) 8 (40 ILCS 5/15-136.4 new) 9 Sec. 15-136.4. Portable Retirement Benefit Program. 10 (a) For purposes of this Section, "eligible spouse" 11 means the husband or wife of a participant to whom the 12 participant is married on the date the participant's annuity 13 begins. However, if the participant should die prior to the 14 date the annuity would have begun, then "eligible spouse" 15 means the husband or wife, if any, to whom the participant 16 was married throughout the one-year period preceding the date 17 of his or her death. 18 (b) If a participant has an eligible spouse on the date 19 his or her annuity payments commence, the annuity shall be 20 paid in the form of a 50% joint and survivor annuity unless 21 the participant elects otherwise in writing and his or her 22 eligible spouse consents to that election. Under a 50% joint 23 and survivor annuity, a reduced amount shall be paid to the 24 participant for his or her lifetime and his or her eligible 25 spouse, if surviving at the participant's death, shall be 26 entitled to receive thereafter a lifetime survivorship 27 annuity in a monthly amount equal to 50% of the reduced 28 monthly amount that was payable to the participant. The 29 reduced amount payable to the participant under the 50% joint 30 and survivor annuity shall be determined so that the 31 aggregate of the annuity payments expected to be made to the 32 participant and his or her eligible spouse is the actuarial 33 equivalent of a single-life annuity. The last payment of a HB1296 Engrossed -29- LRB9004157EGfg 1 50% joint and survivor annuity shall be made as of the first 2 day of the month in which the death of the survivor occurs. 3 (c) Instead of the 50% joint and survivor annuity, a 4 participant may elect in writing, within the 90-day period 5 prior to the date his or her annuity payments commence, and 6 only with the consent of his or her eligible spouse, to 7 receive a monthly amount in the form of a single-life 8 annuity. A participant may also elect instead an optional 9 form of benefit under subsection (k). However, if the 10 participant does elect an optional form of benefit under 11 subsection (k) and if the contingent annuitant under the 12 option is not the participant's eligible spouse, then the 13 optional election shall be canceled and the annuity shall be 14 paid in the form of a 50% joint and survivor annuity unless, 15 within the 90-day period preceding the annuity commencement 16 date, the eligible spouse consents to the optional election. 17 (d) A participant may also revoke any election made 18 under this Section at any time during the 90-day period 19 preceding the date the participant's annuity commences if the 20 purpose of such revocation is to reinstate coverage under the 21 50% joint and survivor annuity. 22 (e) The eligible spouse's consent to any election made 23 pursuant to this Section that requires the eligible spouse's 24 consent shall be in writing and shall acknowledge the effect 25 of the consent. In addition, the eligible spouse's signature 26 on the written consent must be witnessed by a notary public. 27 The eligible spouse's consent need not be obtained if the 28 system is satisfied that there is no eligible spouse, that 29 the eligible spouse cannot be located, or because of any 30 other relevant circumstances. An eligible spouse's consent 31 under this Section is valid only with respect to the 32 specified alternate contingent annuitant designated by the 33 participant. If the alternate contingent annuitant is 34 subsequently changed, a new consent by the eligible spouse is HB1296 Engrossed -30- LRB9004157EGfg 1 required. The eligible spouse's consent to an election made 2 by a participant pursuant to this Section, once made, may not 3 be revoked by the eligible spouse. 4 (f) Within a reasonable period of time preceding the 5 date a participant's annuity commences, a participant shall 6 be supplied with a written explanation of (1) the terms and 7 conditions of the 50% joint and survivor annuity, (2) the 8 participant's right, if any, to elect a single-life annuity 9 or an optional form of payment under subsection (k) in lieu 10 of the 50% joint and survivor annuity and subject, in certain 11 cases, to his or her eligible spouse's consent, and (3) the 12 participant's right to reinstate coverage under the 50% joint 13 and survivor annuity prior to his or her annuity commencement 14 date by revoking an election of a single-life annuity or an 15 optional form of benefit under subsection (k). 16 (g) If a participant does not have an eligible spouse 17 on the date his or her annuity payments commence, the 18 participant shall receive a single-life annuity, subject to 19 his or her right, if any, to elect an optional form of 20 benefit. The last payment of the single-life annuity shall be 21 made as of the first day of the month in which the death of 22 the participant occurs. 23 (h) A participant with at least 5 years of service whose 24 employment has not terminated shall be covered by the 50% 25 joint and survivor annuity provisions so that if he or she 26 dies prior to termination of employment, his or her eligible 27 spouse will be entitled to receive an annuity. The annuity 28 payable under this subsection (h) to the eligible spouse 29 shall be actuarially equivalent to the amount that would be 30 payable as a survivor annuity under subsection (b) if (1) in 31 the case of a participant who dies after the date on which 32 the participant attained the earliest retirement age, the 33 participant had retired with an immediate qualified joint and 34 survivor annuity on the day before the participant's date of HB1296 Engrossed -31- LRB9004157EGfg 1 death; or (2) in the case of a participant who dies on or 2 before the date on which the participant would have attained 3 the earliest retirement age, the participant had separated 4 from service on the date of death, survived to the earliest 5 retirement age, retired with an immediate qualified joint and 6 survivor annuity at the earliest retirement age, and died on 7 the day after the day on which the participant would have 8 attained the earliest retirement age. 9 The annuity payable to an eligible spouse of a 10 participant shall commence as of the beginning of the month 11 next following the later of the date of death or the date the 12 participant would have met the eligibility requirements for 13 an annuity and shall continue through the beginning of the 14 month in which the death of the eligible spouse occurs. 15 No benefit shall be payable under this subsection (h) for 16 death during employment after the participant has satisfied 17 the requirements for retirement if an option is effective 18 under subsection (k). 19 (i) A participant who (1) has terminated employment with 20 at least 5 years of service, (2) has not begun receiving 21 annuity payments, (3) has not taken a refund under Section 22 15-154(a-2), and (4) has not elected an effective option 23 under subsection (k), shall be covered by the 50% joint and 24 survivor annuity provisions of subsection (b) until the date 25 his or her annuity payments commence. If the participant 26 dies before the date his or her annuity payments commence, 27 the participant's surviving eligible spouse shall receive an 28 annuity computed in accordance with the applicable provisions 29 of this Section as if the participant's annuity payments had 30 commenced on the first day of the month coincident with or 31 next following the later of his or her date of death or the 32 date the participant would have been eligible for a 33 retirement annuity based on service prior to his or her 34 death. The annuity payable to such an eligible spouse shall HB1296 Engrossed -32- LRB9004157EGfg 1 commence on the first day of the month coincident with or 2 next following the later of the participant's date of death 3 or the date the participant would have been eligible for a 4 retirement annuity based on service prior to his death and 5 shall continue through the beginning of the month in which 6 the death of the eligible spouse occurs. 7 (j) The provisions of subsection (i) shall not affect 8 the right of a participant to elect a single-life annuity, 9 pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b). 10 (k) By filing a timely election with the system, a 11 participant who will be eligible to receive a retirement 12 annuity under this Section may designate his or her spouse or 13 any person approved by the system as his or her contingent 14 annuitant and elect to receive an annuity payable in 15 accordance with one of the following options, instead of the 16 annuity to which he or she may otherwise become entitled: 17 Option 1: The participant shall receive a reduced 18 annuity payable for life, and payments in the amount of 19 100% of such reduced amount shall, after the 20 participant's death, be continued to the contingent 21 annuitant during the latter's lifetime. 22 Option 2: The participant shall receive a reduced 23 annuity payable for life, and payments in the amount of 24 75% of such reduced annuity shall, after the 25 participant's death, be continued to the contingent 26 annuitant during the latter's lifetime. 27 Option 3: The participant shall receive a reduced 28 annuity payable for life, and payments in the amount of 29 50% of such reduced annuity shall, after the 30 participant's death, be continued to the contingent 31 annuitant during the latter's lifetime. 32 The aggregate of the annuity payments expected to be paid 33 to a participant and his contingent annuitant under any of 34 the above options shall be the actuarial equivalent of the HB1296 Engrossed -33- LRB9004157EGfg 1 annuity that the participant is otherwise entitled to receive 2 upon retirement. 3 Under no circumstances may an option be elected, changed, 4 or revoked after the date the participant's annuity 5 commences. An option in favor of a contingent annuitant who 6 is not the participant's eligible spouse may be revoked at 7 any time prior to the date the participant's annuity payments 8 commence. If the contingent annuitant under the elected 9 option is not the participant's eligible spouse, then the 10 election is valid only if the eligible spouse consents to the 11 participant's optional election and to the specific 12 contingent annuitant within the 90-day period preceding the 13 date the participant's annuity commences. 14 An election made pursuant to this subsection (k) shall 15 become inoperative if the participant's employment terminates 16 before he or she is eligible for a retirement annuity, or if 17 the participant or the contingent annuitant dies before the 18 date the participant's annuity payments commence, or if the 19 eligible spouse's consent is required and not given. An 20 effective option under this subsection (k) takes the place of 21 any benefit otherwise payable under this Section, and the 22 form made available by the system for election of the option 23 shall so specify. 24 (1) Within the appropriate applicable period under 25 Section 417 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 26 from time to time, a participant shall be supplied with a 27 written explanation of (1) the terms and conditions of the 28 preretirement survivor annuity under subsections (h) and (i), 29 (2) the participant's right, if any, to elect a single-life 30 annuity or an optional form of payment under subsection (k) 31 in lieu of the preretirement survivor annuity and subject, in 32 certain cases, to his or her eligible spouse's consent, and 33 (3) the participant's right to reinstate coverage under the 34 preretirement survivor annuity by revoking an election of a HB1296 Engrossed -34- LRB9004157EGfg 1 single-life annuity or an optional form of benefit under 2 subsection (k). 3 (40 ILCS 5/15-141) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-141) 4 Sec. 15-141. Death benefits - Death of participant. The 5 beneficiary of a participant is entitled to a death benefit 6 equal to the sum of (1) the employee's accumulated normal and 7 additional contributions on the date of death, (2) the 8 employee's accumulated survivors insurance contributions on 9 the date of death, if a survivors insurance benefit is not 10 payable, (3) an amount equal to the employee's final rate of 11 earnings, but not more than $5,000 if (i) the beneficiary, 12 under rules of the board, was dependent upon the participant, 13 (ii) the participant was a participating employee immediately 14 prior to his or her death, and (iii) a survivors insurance 15 benefit is not payable, and (4) $2,500 if (i) the beneficiary 16 was not dependent upon the participant, (ii) the participant 17 was a participating employee immediately prior to his or her 18 death, and (iii) a survivors insurance benefit is not 19 payable. 20 However, if the participant has elected to participate in 21 the portable retirement benefit program by making the 22 election specified in Section 15-154(a-1), the death benefit 23 shall be calculated as follows. The death benefit shall be 24 equal to the employee's accumulated normal and additional 25 contributions on the date of death, or if the employee died 26 with 5 or more years of service for employment as defined in 27 Section 15-113.1, his or her beneficiary shall also be 28 entitled to employer contributions in an amount equal to the 29 sum of accumulated normal and additional contributions; 30 except that if a benefit to a surviving spouse is payable 31 under Section 15-136.4, the death benefit payable under this 32 paragraph shall be reduced, but to not less than zero, by the 33 actuarial value of the benefit payable to the surviving HB1296 Engrossed -35- LRB9004157EGfg 1 spouse. 2 If payments are made under any State or Federal Workers' 3 Compensation or Occupational Diseases Law because of the 4 death of an employee, the portion of the death benefit 5 payable from employer contributions shall be reduced by the 6 total amount of the payments. 7 (Source: P.A. 87-8.) 8 (40 ILCS 5/15-142) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-142) 9 Sec. 15-142. Death benefits - Death of annuitant. Upon 10 the death of an annuitant receiving a retirement annuity or 11 disability retirement annuity, the annuitant's beneficiary 12 shall, if a survivor's insurance benefit is not payable under 13 Section 15-145 or an annuity is not payable under Section 14 15-136.4, be entitled to a death benefit equal to the greater 15 of the following: (1) the excess, if any, of the sum of the 16 accumulated normal, survivors insurance and additional 17 contributions as of the date of retirement, or the date the 18 disability retirement annuity began, whichever is earlier, 19 over the sum of all annuity payments made prior to the date 20 of death, or (2) $1,000. 21 (Source: P.A. 83-1440.) 22 (40 ILCS 5/15-146) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-146) 23 Sec. 15-146. Survivors insurance benefits - Minimum 24 amounts. 25 (a) The minimum total survivors annuity payable on 26 account of the death of a participant shall be 50% of the 27 retirement annuity which would have been provided under Rule 28 1, Rule 2, or Rule 3 of Section 15-136 upon the participant's 29 attainment of the minimum age at which the penalty for early 30 retirement would not be applicable or the date of the 31 participant's death, whichever is later, on the basis of 32 credits earned prior to the time of death. HB1296 Engrossed -36- LRB9004157EGfg 1 (b) The minimum total survivors annuity payable on 2 account of the death of an annuitant shall be 50% of the 3 retirement annuity which is payable under Section 15-136 at 4 the time of death or 50% of the disability retirement annuity 5 payable under Section 15-153.2. This minimum survivors 6 annuity shall apply to each participant and annuitant who 7 dies after September 16, 1979, whether or not his or her 8 employee status terminates before or after that date. 9 (c) If an annuitant has elected a reversionary annuity, 10 the retirement annuity referred to in this Section is that 11 which would have been payable had such election not been 12 filed. 13 (d) If a participant has made the election provided for 14 under Section 15-154(a-1), the minimum survivor benefit shall 15 be determined under Section 15-136.4. 16 (Source: P.A. 83-1362; 83-1440.) 17 (40 ILCS 5/15-154) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-154) 18 Sec. 15-154. Refunds. 19 (a) A participant whose status as an employee is 20 terminated, regardless of cause, or who has been on lay off 21 status for more than 120 days, and who is not on leave of 22 absence, is entitled to a refund of contributions upon 23 application; except that not more than one such refund 24 application may be made during any academic year. 25 Except as set forth in subsections (a-1) and (a-2), the 26 refund shall be the sum of the accumulated normal, additional 27 and survivors insurance contributions, less the amount of 28 interest credited on these contributions each year in excess 29 of 4 1/2% of the amount on which interest was calculated. 30 (a-1) Every person who becomes a participating employee 31 after the date on which his or her employer first offers an 32 optional retirement program under Section 15-158.2 may elect 33 within 60 days of becoming a participant to have any refund HB1296 Engrossed -37- LRB9004157EGfg 1 calculated pursuant to subsection (a-2) by forgoing all 2 survivors insurance benefits to which the person's survivors 3 would otherwise be entitled under this Article. This 4 election is irrevocable and may be made by filing an election 5 with the system on such form as the Executive Director shall 6 prescribe. 7 Each person who is a participating employee on the date 8 which his or her employer first offers an optional retirement 9 program under Section 15-158.2 shall have a one-time option 10 to elect to have his or her refund calculated pursuant to 11 subsection (a-2), by forgoing all survivors insurance 12 benefits to which the person's survivors would otherwise be 13 entitled under this Article. The election will not be 14 effective until one year after the election is filed with the 15 system. This election is irrevocable and may be made by 16 filing an election with the system, on such form as the 17 Executive Director shall prescribe, within one year after the 18 date on which his or her employer first offers an optional 19 retirement program under Section 15-158.2. 20 A person may make the one-time irrevocable election 21 authorized under this Section or the election authorized 22 under Section 15-158.2(g), but may not make both elections. 23 Any person interested in electing the portable retirement 24 benefit program provided under this Section and Section 25 15-136.4 must be given a consultation with the State 26 Universities Retirement System before making that election. 27 (a-2) The refund elected under subsection (a-1) shall be 28 the sum of the participant's accumulated normal and 29 additional contributions, as defined in Sections 15-116 and 30 15-117. If the participant terminates with 5 or more years 31 of service for employment as defined in Section 15-113.1, he 32 or she shall also be entitled to a refund of employer 33 contributions in an amount equal to the sum of the 34 accumulated normal and additional contributions, as defined HB1296 Engrossed -38- LRB9004157EGfg 1 in Sections 15-116 and 15-117. 2 (b) Upon acceptance of a refund, the participant 3 forfeits all accrued rights and credits in the System, and if 4 subsequently reemployed, the participant shall be considered 5 a new employee subject to all the qualifying conditions for 6 participation and eligibility for benefits applicable to new 7 employees. If such person again becomes a participating 8 employee and continues as such for 2 years, or is employed by 9 an employer and participates for at least 2 years in the 10 Federal Civil Service Retirement System, all such rights, 11 credits, and previous status as a participant shall be 12 restored upon repayment of the amount of the refund, together 13 with compound interest thereon from the date the refund was 14 received to the date of repayment at the rate of 6% per annum 15 through August 31, 1982, and at the effective rates after 16 that date. 17 (c) If a participant has made survivors insurance 18 contributions, but has no survivors insurance beneficiary 19 upon retirement, he or she shall be entitled to a refund of 20 the accumulated survivors insurance contributions, or to an 21 additional annuity the value of which is equal to the 22 accumulated survivors insurance contributions. 23 (d) A participant, upon application, is entitled to a 24 refund of his or her accumulated additional contributions 25 except those covering the cost of the annual increase in the 26 retirement annuity provided under Section 15-136. Upon the 27 acceptance of such a refund of accumulated additional 28 contributions, the participant forfeits all rights and 29 credits which may have accrued because of such contributions. 30 (e) A participant who terminates his or her employee 31 status and elects to waive service credit under Section 32 15-154.2, is entitled to a refund of the accumulated normal, 33 additional and survivors insurance contributions, if any, 34 which were credited the participant for this service, or to HB1296 Engrossed -39- LRB9004157EGfg 1 an additional annuity the value of which is equal to the 2 accumulated normal, additional and survivors insurance 3 contributions, if any; except that not more than one such 4 refund application may be made during any academic year. Upon 5 acceptance of this refund, the participant forfeits all 6 rights and credits accrued because of this service. 7 (f) If a police officer or firefighter receives a 8 retirement annuity under Rule 1, 2, or 3 of Section 15-136, 9 he or she shall be entitled at retirement to a refund of the 10 difference between his or her accumulated normal 11 contributions and the normal contributions which would have 12 accumulated had such person filed a waiver of the retirement 13 formula provided by Rule 4 of Section 15-136. 14 (g) If, at the time of retirement, a participant would 15 be entitled to a retirement annuity under Rule 1, 2, 3 or 4 16 of Section 15-136 that exceeds the maximum specified in 17 clause (1) of subsection (c) of Section 15-136, he or she 18 shall be entitled to a refund of the employee contributions, 19 if any, paid under Section 15-157 after the date upon which 20 continuance of such contributions would have otherwise caused 21 the retirement annuity to exceed this maximum, plus compound 22 interest at the effective rates. 23 (Source: P.A. 87-8; 87-794; 87-895; 87-1265; 88-45.) 24 (40 ILCS 5/15-157) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-157) 25 Sec. 15-157. Employee Contributions. 26 (a) Each participating employee shall make contributions 27 towards the retirement annuity of each payment of earnings 28 applicable to employment under this system on and after the 29 date of becoming a participant as follows: Prior to 30 September 1, 1949, 3 1/2% of earnings; from September 1, 1949 31 to August 31, 1955, 5%; from September 1, 1955 to August 31, 32 1969, 6%; from September 1, 1969, 6 1/2%. These 33 contributions are to be considered as normal contributions HB1296 Engrossed -40- LRB9004157EGfg 1 for purposes of this Article. 2 Each participant who is a police officer or firefighter 3 shall make normal contributions of 8% of each payment of 4 earnings applicable to employment as a police officer or 5 firefighter under this system on or after September 1, 1981, 6 unless he or she files with the board within 60 days after 7 the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991 or 60 days 8 after the board receives notice that he or she is employed as 9 a police officer or firefighter, whichever is later, a 10 written notice waiving the retirement formula provided by 11 Rule 4 of Section 15-136. This waiver shall be irrevocable. 12 If a participant had met the conditions set forth in Section 13 15-132.1 prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act 14 of 1991 but failed to make the additional normal 15 contributions required by this paragraph, he or she may elect 16 to pay the additional contributions plus compound interest at 17 the effective rate. If such payment is received by the 18 board, the service shall be considered as police officer 19 service in calculating the retirement annuity under Rule 4 of 20 Section 15-136. 21 (b) Starting September 1, 1969, each participating 22 employee shall make additional contributions of 1/2 of 1% of 23 earnings to finance a portion of the cost of the annual 24 increases in retirement annuity provided under Section 25 15-136. 26 (c) Each participating employee shall make additional 27survivors insurancecontributions of 1% of earnings 28 applicable under this system on and after August 1, 1959. 29 The contribution made under this subsection shall be used to 30 finance survivors insurance benefits, unless the participant 31 has made an election under Section 15-154(a-1), in which case 32 the contribution made under this subsection shall be used to 33 finance the benefits obtained under that election. 34 Contributions in excess of $80 during any fiscal year HB1296 Engrossed -41- LRB9004157EGfg 1 beginning August 31, 1969 and in excess of $120 during any 2 fiscal year thereafter until September 1, 1971 shall be 3 considered as additional contributions for purposes of this 4 Article. 5 (d) If the board by board rule so permits and subject to 6 such conditions and limitations as may be specified in its 7 rules, a participant may make other additional contributions 8 of such percentage of earnings or amounts as the participant 9 shall elect in a written notice thereof received by the 10 board. 11 (e) That fraction of a participant's total accumulated 12 normal contributions, the numerator of which is equal to the 13 number of years of service in excess of that which is 14 required to qualify for the maximum retirement annuity, and 15 the denominator of which is equal to the total service of the 16 participant, shall be considered as accumulated additional 17 contributions. The determination of the applicable maximum 18 annuity and the adjustment in contributions required by this 19 provision shall be made as of the date of the participant's 20 retirement. 21 (f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a participating 22 employee shall not be required to make contributions under 23 this Section after the date upon which continuance of such 24 contributions would otherwise cause his or her retirement 25 annuity to exceed the maximum retirement annuity as specified 26 in clause (1) of subsection (c) of Section 15-136. 27 (Source: P.A. 86-272; 86-1488.) 28 (40 ILCS 5/15-158.2) 29 Sec. 15-158.2. Optional retirement program for 30 educational employees. 31 (a) Purpose. The General Assembly finds that it is 32 important for colleges and universities to be able to attract 33 and retain the most qualified employees and that in order to HB1296 Engrossed -42- LRB9004157EGfg 1 attract and retain these employees, colleges and universities 2 should have the flexibility to provide an alternative 3 retirement program for eligible employeespersonswho elect 4 not to participate in the other retirement programsplan of5contributions and benefits otherwiseprovided under this 6 Article. 7 (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, 8 "eligible employeeperson" means an employee who is eligible 9 to participate in the State UniversitiesUniversity10 Retirement Systemwithout respect to Section 15-107(a)(9)and 11 who does not have sufficient age and service to qualify for a 12 retirement annuity under Section 15-135. A "currently 13 eligible employeeperson" is an employeea personwho becomes 14 an eligible employeepersonon the effective date of the 15 optional retirement program established by the employee's 16person'semployer. A "newly eligible employeeperson" is an 17 employeea personwho becomes an eligible employeeperson18 after the effective date of the optional retirement program 19 established by the employee'sperson'semployer. 20 (c) Program. Each employer subject to this Article may 21 elect to establish an optional retirement program under this 22 Section for the eligible employees whompersons thatit 23 employs. The optional retirement program shall provide 24 retirement benefits for participating employeespersons25 through the purchase of annuity contracts, either fixed or 26 variable or a combination thereof, through the purchase of 27 mutual funds, or through both and shallmayalso provide for 28death anddisability benefits. 29 The State Universities Retirement System shall be the 30 plan sponsor for the program. Consistent with its fiduciary 31 duty to the participants and beneficiaries of the program, 32 the Board of Trustees of the System may delegate aspects of 33 program administration as it sees fit toThe program may34provide for administration of the program bycompanies HB1296 Engrossed -43- LRB9004157EGfg 1 authorized to do business in this State, toorthe employers, 2employeror to a combination of both, but shall not require3any action by the State Universities Retirement System or its4Board of Trustees. Two or more employers may agree to5establish a joint program under this Section. 6 The planprogrammust be qualified under the Internal 7 Revenue Code of 1986. 8 (d) Proposals. The System, in consultation with the 9 employers,An employer under this Sectionshall solicit 10 proposals to participate in the program from insurance and 11 annuity companies and mutual fund companies authorized to do 12conduct suchbusiness in this State. In reviewing the 13 proposals received and approving and contracting with no 14 fewer than 2 and no more than 7 companies, at least 2 of 15 which must be insurance and annuity companies, the Board of 16 Trustees of the Systemdeciding to implement a program, the17employershall consider, among other things, the following 18 criteria: 19 (1) the nature and extent of the benefits that 20 would be provided to the participants; 21 (2) the reasonableness of the benefits in relation 22 to the premium charged; 23 (3) the suitability of the benefits to the needs 24 and interests of the participating employeespersonsand 25 the employer; 26 (4) the ability of the company to provide benefits 27 under the contract and the financial stability of the 28 company; and 29 (5) the efficacy of the contract in the recruitment 30 and retention of employees. 31 An employer that elects to offer an optional retirement 32 program under subsection (c) may only select for 33 participation in the program 2 or more of the companies 34 approved by the Board of Trustees of the System. The System, HB1296 Engrossed -44- LRB9004157EGfg 1 in consultation with the employers, shall periodically review 2 each approved company; a company may continue to participate 3 in the program only so long as it continues to be an approved 4 company under contract with the Board. 5 (e) System Conflict of Interest. In order to preclude 6 any conflict of interest by the System, only insurance and 7 annuity companies and mutual fund companies that are 8 authorized to do business in this State may be approved, in 9 accordance with the procedures of subsection (d), to 10 participate in this program and offer investment options for 11 program participants. 12 (f) Account Balance Transfers. Employees who are 13 participating in the program must be allowed to transfer 14 their account balances from the investment options offered by 15 one of the companies selected by the employer to the 16 investment options offered by another company so selected, 17 subject to applicable contractual provisions. 18 (g)(e)Participation. Any eligible employeeperson19employed by an employermay elect to participate in the 20 optional retirement program offered by the employer under 21 subsection (c)that employer's optional retirement program. 22 The election must be made in writing and in the manner 23 prescribed by the Systememployer. A currently eligible 24 employeepersonmust maketakethis election within one year 25 after the effective date of the employer's optional 26 retirement program. A newly eligible employeepersonmust 27 maketakethis election within 60 days after becoming an 28 eligible employeeperson. A person may make the one-time 29 irrevocable election authorized under this Section or the 30 election authorized under Section 15-154(a-1), but may not 31 make both elections. The employer shall not remit 32 contributions on behalf of a newly eligible employeeto33either the optional retirement program orto the State 34 Universities Retirement System until the 60-day period has HB1296 Engrossed -45- LRB9004157EGfg 1 run unless an election by the employee has been made earlier. 2 Any eligible employeepersoninterested in electing the 3 optional retirement program provided under this Section must 4 be given a consultation with the State Universities 5 Retirement System before making thatanelection. 6 Participation in the optional retirement program shall 7 begin on the first day of the first pay period following the 8 date of election, but no earlier than January 1, 1998July 1,91996. The employee'sperson'sparticipation in any other 10 retirement program administered by the System under this 11 Articlethe System, if any, with respect to the qualifying12employmentshall terminate on the date that participation in 13 the optional retirement program begins, and the employee 14personshall thereby be deemed to have elected to receive a 15 refund of contributions as provided in Section 15-154, except 16 that such deemed refund shall include interest at the 17 effective rate for the respective years, and except that any 18 funds which would have been received shall instead be 19 transferred directly to the optional retirement program as a 20 tax free transfer in accordance with Internal Revenue Service 21 guidelines. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, an 23 employeea personmay not purchase or receive service or 24 service credit applicable to any other retirement program 25 administered by the System under this Articlein this System26 for any period during which the employee was a participant 27person was not a participant in the System due to an election28to participatein theanoptional retirement program 29 established under this Section. 30 An employeeA personwho has elected to participate in 31 theanoptional retirement program under this Section must 32 continue participation while employed in an eligible 33 position, and may not participate in any other retirement 34 program administered by the System under this ArticlereturnHB1296 Engrossed -46- LRB9004157EGfg 1to participation in this Systemwhile employed by that 2 employer, unless the optional retirement program is 3 terminated in accordance with subsection (i)(g). 4 Participation in the optional retirement program under 5 this Section shall constitute membership in the State 6 Universities Retirement System, although a participant under 7 this Section shall not be entitled to receive any benefits 8 under any other provisions of Article 15 or of Article 20. 9 An employee who receives a disability benefit or a retirement 10 benefit under this Section or an employee who receives a lump 11 sum distribution from a mutual fund company under this 12 Section and uses the lump sum to purchase an annuity shall be 13 considered an employee or an annuitant under Article 15 for 14 purposes of the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. 15 Participation in the optional retirement program under this 16 Section creates a contractual relationship with respect to 17 the investment of the employee's account balance between the 18 employee and the company providing the investment options for 19 the employee's account balance. Participation does not 20 create a contractual relationship between the employee and 21 the System or between the employee and his or her employer. 22Participation in an optional retirement program23established under this Section does not constitute membership24or participation in the State Universities Retirement System25or any other pension fund or retirement system of the State.26Participation in an optional retirement program established27under this Section creates a contractual relationship only28between the person and the company providing the optional29retirement program, and not between the person and the System30or the person's employer.31 (h)(f)Contributions. The contribution rate for 32 employeespersonsparticipating in theanoptional retirement 33 program under this Section shall be equal to the employee 34 contribution rate for other participants in the System. This HB1296 Engrossed -47- LRB9004157EGfg 1 required contribution may be made as an "employer pick-up" 2 under Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or 3 any successor Section. Any employeepersonparticipating in 4 the System or who elects to participate in the optional 5 retirement program shall continue to have the employer 6 "pick-up" the contribution. However, amounts picked up after 7 the election of the optional retirement program shall be 8 remitted to the optional retirement plan. In no event shall 9 an employee have an option of receiving these amounts in 10 cash. The program shall provide for employer contributions 11 at a rate of no more than 7.6% of the participating 12 employee'sperson'ssalary. TheAnoptional retirement 13 program shall be funded by contributions from employees 14personsparticipating in the program and employer 15 contributions as required by the plan. The plan shall be 16 funded in a manner consistent with the requirements ofthe17 Internal Revenue Code Section 412, and regulations 18 promulgated thereunder,and Proposed Regulation 412(b)-1(a)19 as that Section appliesthose Sections applyto money 20 purchase plans. 21 The State of Illinois shall make contributions by 22 appropriations to the System of the employer contributions 23 required for employees who participate in the optional 24 retirement program under this Section. The amount required 25 shall be certified by the Board of Trustees of the System and 26 paid by the State in accordance with Section 15-165. The 27 System shall not be obligated to remit the required employer 28 contributions to any insurance and annuity and mutual fund 29 companies participating in the optional retirement program 30 under subsection (d) until it has received the required 31 employer contributions from the State. In the event of a 32 deficiency in the amount of State contributions, the System 33 shall implement those procedures described in subsection (c) 34 of Section 15-165 to obtain the required funding from the HB1296 Engrossed -48- LRB9004157EGfg 1 General Revenue Fund. 2 The contributions and interest thereon, and any benefits 3 based upon them, shall be treated as provided in the funding 4 vehicles for this plan. An amount of up to 1% of each 5 participating employee'sparticipant'ssalary shallmaybe 6 taken from the employer contribution to the optional 7 retirement program and shallmaybe contributed, on the 8 employee'sparticipant'sbehalf, to a plan which the System 9 offersemployer sets upto provide forlife ordisability 10 benefits. 11 (i)(g)Termination. An optional retirement program 12 authorizedestablishedunder this Section may be terminated 13 by the employer, subject to the terms of any relevant 14 contracts, and the employer shall have no obligation to 15 reestablish an optional retirementrenew any contract or16 programestablishedunder this Section. This Section does 17 not create a right to continuedcontinueparticipation in any 18 optional retirement program set up by an employerestablished19 under this Section. If an optional retirement program is 20 terminated, the participants shall have the right to 21 participate in one of the other retirement programs offered 22 by the System and receive service credit in such other 23 retirement program for any years of employment following the 24 termination. 25 (j)(h)Vesting. Employer contributions shall be vested 26 after five years of employment. If an employeea participant27 terminates employment prior to completing five years of 28 service, the employeeparticipantshall be entitled to a 29 benefit in accordance with the terms of the employer's 30 retirement plan which is based on the accumulation value 31 attributable to the employee'sparticipant'scontributions 32 and any investment returnexperiencethereon. Benefits for 33 employeesparticipantswho terminate with at least five years 34 of service shall be in accordance with the terms of the HB1296 Engrossed -49- LRB9004157EGfg 1 optionalemployer'sretirement plan and based on the 2 accumulation value attributable to both the employer and the 3 employee'sparticipant'scontributions and any investment 4 returnexperiencethereon. Any employer contributions which 5 are forfeited shall be held in escrow by thefundingcompany 6 investing those contributions and shall be used to reduce the 7 next premium payment due from the employer. 8 (Source: P.A. 89-430, eff. 12-15-95.) 9 (40 ILCS 5/15-165) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-165) 10 Sec. 15-165. To certify amounts and submit vouchers. 11 (a) The Board shall certify to the Governor on or before 12 November 15 of each year the appropriation required from 13 State funds for the purposes of this System for the following 14 fiscal year. The certification shall include a copy of the 15 actuarial recommendations upon which it is based. 16 (b) The Board shall certify to the State Comptroller or 17 employer, as the case may be, from time to time, by its 18 president and secretary, with its seal attached, the amounts 19 payable to the System from the various funds. 20 (c) Beginning in State fiscal year 1996, on or as soon 21 as possible after the 15th day of each month the Board shall 22 submit vouchers for payment of State contributions to the 23 System, in a total monthly amount of one-twelfth of the 24 required annual State contribution certified under subsection 25 (a). These vouchers shall be paid by the State Comptroller 26 and Treasurer by warrants drawn on the funds appropriated to 27 the System for that fiscal year. 28 If in any month the amount remaining unexpended from all 29 other appropriations to the System for the applicable fiscal 30 year (including the appropriations to the System under 31 Section 8.12 of the State Finance Act and Section 1 of the 32 State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act) is less 33 than the amount lawfully vouchered under this Section, the HB1296 Engrossed -50- LRB9004157EGfg 1 difference shall be paid from the General Revenue Fund under 2 the continuing appropriation authority provided in Section 3 1.1 of the State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act. 4 (d) So long as the payments received are the full amount 5 lawfully vouchered under this Section, payments received by 6 the System under this Section shall be applied first toward 7 the employer contribution to the optional retirement program 8 established under Section 15-158.2. Payments shall be 9 applied second toward the employer's portion of the normal 10 costs of the System, as defined in subsection (f) of Section 11 15-155. The balance shall be applied toward the unfunded 12 actuarial liabilities of the System. 13 (e) In the event that the System does not receive, as a 14 result of legislative enactment or otherwise, payments 15 sufficient to fully fund the employer contribution to the 16 optional retirement program established under Section 17 15-158.2 and to fully fund that portion of the employer's 18 portion of the normal costs of the System, as calculated in 19 accordance with Section 15-155(a-1), then any payments 20 received shall be applied proportionately to the optional 21 retirement program established under Section 15-158.2 and to 22 the employer's portion of the normal costs of the System, as 23 calculated in accordance with Section 15-155(a-1). 24 (Source: P.A. 88-593, eff. 8-22-94.) 25 Section 15. The State Pension Funds Continuing 26 Appropriation Act is amended by changing Section 1.1 as 27 follows: 28 (40 ILCS 15/1.1) 29 Sec. 1.1. Appropriations to certain retirement systems. 30 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the General 31 Revenue Fund to the General Assembly Retirement System, on a 32 continuing monthly basis, the amount, if any, by which the HB1296 Engrossed -51- LRB9004157EGfg 1 total available amount of all other appropriations to that 2 retirement system for the payment of State contributions is 3 less than the total amount of the vouchers for required State 4 contributions lawfully submitted by the retirement system for 5 that month under Section 2-134 of the Illinois Pension Code. 6 (b) There is hereby appropriated from the General 7 Revenue Fund to the State Universities Retirement System, on 8 a continuing monthly basis, the amount, if any, by which the 9 total available amount of all other appropriations to that 10 retirement system for the payment of State contributions, 11 including any deficiency in the required contributions of the 12 optional retirement program established under Section 13 15-158.2 of the Illinois Pension Code, is less than the total 14 amount of the vouchers for required State contributions 15 lawfully submitted by the retirement system for that month 16 under Section 15-165 of the Illinois Pension Code. 17 (c) There is hereby appropriated from the Common School 18 Fund to the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of 19 Illinois, on a continuing monthly basis, the amount, if any, 20 by which the total available amount of all other 21 appropriations to that retirement system for the payment of 22 State contributions is less than the total amount of the 23 vouchers for required State contributions lawfully submitted 24 by the retirement system for that month under Section 16-158 25 of the Illinois Pension Code. 26 (d) There is hereby appropriated from the General 27 Revenue Fund to the Judges Retirement System of Illinois, on 28 a continuing monthly basis, the amount, if any, by which the 29 total available amount of all other appropriations to that 30 retirement system for the payment of State contributions is 31 less than the total amount of the vouchers for required State 32 contributions lawfully submitted by the retirement system for 33 that month under Section 18-140 of the Illinois Pension Code. 34 (e) The continuing appropriations provided by this HB1296 Engrossed -52- LRB9004157EGfg 1 Section shall first be available in State fiscal year 1996. 2 (Source: P.A. 88-593, eff. 8-22-94.) 3 Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act 4 makes changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by 5 text that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a 6 Section represented by multiple versions), the use of that 7 text does not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) 8 the changes made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from 9 any other Public Act. 10 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 11 becoming law.