State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]


      105 ILCS 5/10-19          from Ch. 122, par. 10-19
          Amends the School Code.   Increases  the  length  of  the
      minimum  school  term  to  190 days from 185 days.  Effective
      July 1, 1997.
 1        AN ACT to amend  the  School  Code  by  changing  Section
 2    10-19.
 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:
 5        Section 5.   The  School  Code  is  amended  by  changing
 6    Section 10-19 as follows:
 7        (105 ILCS 5/10-19) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-19)
 8        Sec.  10-19.   Length  of  school  term   -  experimental
 9    programs. Each school board shall annually prepare a calendar
10    for the school term, specifying the opening and closing dates
11    and providing a minimum term of at  least  190  185  days  to
12    insure  176 days of actual pupil attendance, computable under
13    Section 18-8, except that for the 1980-1981 school year  only
14    175 days of actual pupil attendance shall be required because
15    of the closing of schools pursuant to Section 24-2 on January
16    29, 1981 upon the appointment by the President of that day as
17    a  day  of  thanksgiving for the freedom of the Americans who
18    had been held hostage in Iran. Any days allowed  by  law  for
19    teachers'  institute but not used as such or used as parental
20    institutes as provided in Section  10-22.18d  shall  increase
21    the  minimum  term by the school days not so used.  Except as
22    provided in Section 10-19.1, the board  may  not  extend  the
23    school term beyond such closing date unless that extension of
24    term is necessary to provide the minimum number of computable
25    days.   In  case of such necessary extension school employees
26    shall be paid for such additional time on the basis of  their
27    regular contracts.  A school board may specify a closing date
28    earlier than that set on the annual calendar when the schools
29    of   the   district  have  provided  the  minimum  number  of
30    computable days under this Section. Nothing in  this  Section
31    prevents the board from employing superintendents of schools,
                            -2-                LRB9003096THcw
 1    principals and other nonteaching personnel for a period of 12
 2    months,  or  in  the  case of superintendents for a period in
 3    accordance with Section 10-23.8, or prevents the  board  from
 4    employing  other personnel before or after the regular school
 5    term with payment of salary proportionate  to  that  received
 6    for comparable work during the school term.
 7        A  school board may make such changes in its calendar for
 8    the school term as may be required  by  any  changes  in  the
 9    legal  school  holidays prescribed in Section 24-2.  A school
10    board may make changes in its calendar for the school term as
11    may be necessary to  reflect  the  utilization  of  teachers'
12    institute  days  as  parental  institute  days as provided in
13    Section 10-22.18d.
14        With the prior approval of the State Board  of  Education
15    and subject to review by the State Board of Education every 3
16    years,  any  school board may, by resolution of its board and
17    in agreement with affected  exclusive  collective  bargaining
18    agents,    establish   experimental   educational   programs,
19    including but  not  limited  to  programs  for  self-directed
20    learning  or  outside of formal class periods, which programs
21    when so approved shall  be  considered  to  comply  with  the
22    requirements  of  this Section as respects numbers of days of
23    actual pupil attendance and with the  other  requirements  of
24    this Act as respects courses of instruction.
25    (Source: P.A. 86-1250; 87-183.)
26        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect July
27    1, 1997.

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