State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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      40 ILCS 5/17-119          from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-119
      40 ILCS 5/17-156.1        from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-156.1
      30 ILCS 805/8.21 new
          Amends the Chicago Teachers Article of the  Pension  Code
      to increase the rate of automatic annual increase in pensions
      from  3%  to  4%.   Amends  the State Mandates Act to require
      implementation without reimbursement.  Effective immediately.
 1        AN ACT to amend the Illinois  Pension  Code  by  changing
 2    Sections  17-119 and 17-156.1 and to amend the State Mandates
 3    Act.
 4        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 5    represented in the General Assembly:
 6        Section  5.  The  Illinois  Pension  Code  is  amended by
 7    changing Sections 17-119 and 17-156.1 as follows:
 8        (40 ILCS 5/17-119) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-119)
 9        Sec. 17-119.  Automatic annual increase in pension.  Each
10    teacher retiring on or after September 1, 1959,  is  entitled
11    to  the  annual increase in pension, defined herein, while he
12    is receiving a pension from the Fund.
13        1.  The term "base pension" means a service retirement or
14    disability retirement pension in the amount fixed and payable
15    at the date of retirement of a teacher.
16        2.  The annual increase in pension shall be at  the  rate
17    of 1 1/2% of base pension. This increase shall first occur in
18    January  of  the year next following the first anniversary of
19    retirement. At such time the Fund shall pay the pro rata part
20    of the increase for the period  from  the  first  anniversary
21    date  to the date of the first increase in pension. Beginning
22    January 1, 1972, the rate of annual increase in pension shall
23    be 2% of the base pension. Beginning  January  1,  1979,  the
24    rate  of  annual  increase in pension shall be 3% of the base
25    pension. Beginning January  1,  1991,  all  automatic  annual
26    increases payable under this Section shall be calculated as a
27    percentage  of  the  total pension payable at the time of the
28    increase, including all increases  previously  granted  under
29    this  Article,  notwithstanding  Section  17-157.   Beginning
30    January 1, 1998, all  annual  increases  in  pension  payable
31    under  this  Section shall be calculated at the rate of 4% of
                            -2-                LRB9000574EGfg
 1    the amount of pension payable at the time  of  the  increase,
 2    including   all   increases  previously  granted  under  this
 3    Article, notwithstanding Section 17-157.
 4        3.  An increase in pension shall be granted only  if  the
 5    retired  teacher  is  age 60 or over.  If the teacher attains
 6    age 60 after retirement, the increase in pension shall  begin
 7    in  January  of the year following the 61st birthday. At such
 8    time the Fund also  shall  pay  the  pro  rata  part  of  the
 9    increase from the 61st birthday to the date of first increase
10    in pension.
11        In  addition  to other increases which may be provided by
12    this  Section,  on  January  1,  1981  any  teacher  who  was
13    receiving a retirement pension on or before January  1,  1971
14    shall  have  his retirement pension then being paid increased
15    $1 per month for each year of creditable service.  On January
16    1, 1982, any teacher whose retirement  pension  began  on  or
17    before  January  1,  1977,  shall have his retirement pension
18    then being paid increased $1  per  month  for  each  year  of
19    creditable service.
20        On  January 1, 1987, any teacher whose retirement pension
21    began on or before January 1, 1977, shall  have  the  monthly
22    retirement  pension  increased  by  an amount equal to 8ยข per
23    year of creditable service times the  number  of  years  that
24    have elapsed since the retirement pension began.
25    (Source: P.A. 86-273.)
26        (40 ILCS 5/17-156.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-156.1)
27        Sec.  17-156.1.  Increases to retired members.  A teacher
28    who retired prior to September 1, 1959 on service  retirement
29    pension  who  was  at  least  55  years  of  age  at  date of
30    retirement and had at least 20  years  of  validated  service
31    shall be entitled to receive benefits under this Section.
32        These  benefits  shall be in an amount equal to 1-1/2% of
33    the total of (1) the initial service retirement pension  plus
                            -3-                LRB9000574EGfg
 1    (2)  any  emeritus  payment  payable under Sections 34-86 and
 2    34-87 of  the  School  Code,  approved  March  18,  1961,  as
 3    amended,  multiplied  by the number of full years on pension.
 4    This payment shall begin in January of  1970.  An  additional
 5    1-1/2%  shall  be  added  in January of each year thereafter.
 6    Beginning January 1, 1972 the rate of increase in the service
 7    retirement pension each year shall be 2%.  Beginning  January
 8    1,  1979,  the  rate  of  increase  in the service retirement
 9    pension each year shall be 3%.  Beginning  January  1,  1990,
10    all  automatic  annual  increases  payable under this Section
11    shall be calculated as a  percentage  of  the  total  pension
12    payable  at the time of the increase, including all increases
13    previously  granted  under  this   Article,   notwithstanding
14    Section  17-157.    Beginning  January  1,  1998,  all annual
15    increases in pension payable  under  this  Section  shall  be
16    calculated at the rate of 4% of the amount of pension payable
17    at   the  time  of  the  increase,  including  all  increases
18    previously  granted  under  this   Article,   notwithstanding
19    Section 17-157.
20        A  pensioner  who  otherwise  qualifies for the aforesaid
21    benefit shall make a one-time payment  of  1%  of  the  final
22    monthly  average salary multiplied by the number of completed
23    years of service forming the basis of his service  retirement
24    pension  or,  if  the  pension  was not computed according to
25    average salary as defined in Sec. 17-116, 1% of  the  monthly
26    base  pension  multiplied  by  each  complete year of service
27    forming the basis of his service retirement  pension.  Unless
28    the  pensioner rejects the benefits of this Section, such sum
29    shall be deducted from the pensioner's December 1969  pension
30    check and shall not be refundable.
31    (Source: P.A. 86-273.)
32        Section  90.  The State Mandates Act is amended by adding
33    Section 8.21 as follows:
                            -4-                LRB9000574EGfg
 1        (30 ILCS 805/8.21 new)
 2        Sec. 8.21. Exempt mandate.   Notwithstanding  Sections  6
 3    and  8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required
 4    for  the  implementation  of  any  mandate  created  by  this
 5    amendatory Act of 1997.
 6        Section 99. Effective date.  This Act takes  effect  upon
 7    becoming law.

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