Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(35 ILCS 200/) Property Tax Code.

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 1 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 1 heading)
Article 1. Short Title and Definitions

35 ILCS 200/1-1

    (35 ILCS 200/1-1)
    Sec. 1-1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-3

    (35 ILCS 200/1-3)
    Sec. 1-3. Definitions. The words and phrases in this Article, when used in this Code, are defined as follows:
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-5

    (35 ILCS 200/1-5)
    Sec. 1-5. Assessment book; book or list. When used in reference to an assessment book, all mechanically, electronically, or otherwise produced record making material. The substantive information required to be placed in and kept as a public record in an assessment book by this Code may be transferred from one media to another within this definition, but the substantive information shall not be changed in the process and the record made shall reflect and make available exactly the same substantive assessment information as assessment books would contain and reflect had any other method been used.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-10

    (35 ILCS 200/1-10)
    Sec. 1-10. Assessor; assessors. County, township, multi-township or deputy assessors, all of whom evaluate and appraise property.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-15

    (35 ILCS 200/1-15)
    Sec. 1-15. Chief county assessment officer. The supervisor of assessments or the county assessor in each county.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-20

    (35 ILCS 200/1-20)
    Sec. 1-20. Collector; collectors. County, township, and deputy collectors.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-23

    (35 ILCS 200/1-23)
    Sec. 1-23. Compulsory sale. "Compulsory sale" means (i) the sale of real estate for less than the amount owed to the mortgage lender or mortgagor, if the lender or mortgagor has agreed to the sale, commonly referred to as a "short sale" and (ii) the first sale of real estate owned by a financial institution as a result of a judgment of foreclosure, transfer pursuant to a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or consent judgment, occurring after the foreclosure proceeding is complete.
(Source: P.A. 96-1083, eff. 7-16-10.)

35 ILCS 200/1-25

    (35 ILCS 200/1-25)
    Sec. 1-25. Collector's tax book; Collector's warrant book. When used in reference to a collector's tax book, all mechanically, electronically, or otherwise produced record making material. The substantive information required to be placed in and kept as a public record in a tax collector's book by this Code may be transferred from one media to another within this definition, but the substantive information shall not be changed in the process and the record made shall reflect and make available exactly the same substantive tax information as tax collector's books would contain and reflect had any other method been used.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-30

    (35 ILCS 200/1-30)
    Sec. 1-30. Columns. When used in a reference to Collector's tax books, includes any kind of division that will clearly separate the material required by this Code to be placed in separate columns.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-35

    (35 ILCS 200/1-35)
    Sec. 1-35. County Board. The elected governing body of a county.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-40

    (35 ILCS 200/1-40)
    Sec. 1-40. Department. Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-45

    (35 ILCS 200/1-45)
    Sec. 1-45. Developed coal. When used in connection with valuing coal means the acres of land for which a permit has been issued under the Surface Coal Mining Land Conservation and Reclamation Act containing coal that is anticipated to be mined during the lesser of 5 years following the current assessment date, the term of the permit, or the life of the mine, if initial extraction of coal from the land will occur in the year immediately following the assessment date. For purposes of this Section, "mining" or "initial extraction" means the first removal of coal from the coal seam.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-46

    (35 ILCS 200/1-46)
    Sec. 1-46. Electronic. Includes electrical, digital, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, or any other form of technology that has capabilities similar to these technologies.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/1-47

    (35 ILCS 200/1-47)
    Sec. 1-47. Electronic record. A record generated, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means for use in an information system or for transmission from one information system to another.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/1-48

    (35 ILCS 200/1-48)
    Sec. 1-48. Electronic signature. A signature in electronic form attached to, or logically associated with, an electronic record.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/1-50

    (35 ILCS 200/1-50)
    Sec. 1-50. Fair cash value. The amount for which a property can be sold in the due course of business and trade, not under duress, between a willing buyer and a willing seller.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-55

    (35 ILCS 200/1-55)
    Sec. 1-55. 33 1/3%. One-third of the fair cash value of property, as determined by the Department's sales ratio studies for the 3 most recent years preceding the assessment year, adjusted to take into account any changes in assessment levels implemented since the data for the studies were collected.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-60

    (35 ILCS 200/1-60)
    Sec. 1-60. Farm. When used in connection with valuing land and buildings for an agricultural use, any property used solely for the growing and harvesting of crops; for the feeding, breeding and management of livestock; for dairying or for any other agricultural or horticultural use or combination thereof; including, but not limited to, hay, grain, fruit, truck or vegetable crops, floriculture, mushroom growing, plant or tree nurseries, orchards, forestry, sod farming and greenhouses; the keeping, raising and feeding of livestock or poultry, including dairying, poultry, swine, sheep, beef cattle, ponies or horses, fur farming, bees, fish and wildlife farming. The dwellings and parcels of property on which farm dwellings are immediately situated shall be assessed as a part of the farm. Improvements, other than farm dwellings, shall be assessed as a part of the farm and in addition to the farm dwellings when such buildings contribute in whole or in part to the operation of the farm. For purposes of this Code, "farm" does not include property which is primarily used for residential purposes even though some farm products may be grown or farm animals bred or fed on the property incidental to its primary use. The ongoing removal of oil, gas, coal or any other mineral from property used for farming shall not cause that property to not be considered as used solely for farming.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-65

    (35 ILCS 200/1-65)
    Sec. 1-65. General Assessment. The general assessment of property under Sections 9-215, 9-220 and 9-225.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-70

    (35 ILCS 200/1-70)
    Sec. 1-70. He; him; his; she; her. Male, female, company, corporation, firm, society, singular or plural number.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-75

    (35 ILCS 200/1-75)
    Sec. 1-75. Inhabitants. The residents of a taxing district as counted in the most recent finalized decennial Federal census, unless otherwise stated.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-80

    (35 ILCS 200/1-80)
    Sec. 1-80. Legal Description; Proper Description; Description. The describing of property (a) by reference to government surveys or by metes and bounds; (b) when subdivided into lots and blocks, by reference to duly recorded plats, or (c) by reference to an index number established in accordance with Section 9-45.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-85

    (35 ILCS 200/1-85)
    Sec. 1-85. Local Assessment Officers. County assessors, supervisors of assessment, township assessors, multi-township assessors, boards of review, and boards of appeals.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-90

    (35 ILCS 200/1-90)
    Sec. 1-90. Mortgage lender. Any institution, association, partnership, corporation, or person that is engaged in this State in the business of making loans of moneys, or that regularly makes loans of moneys in this State, or that services loans, including the collections of loans directly secured by mortgages, trust deeds in the nature of mortgages or other instruments in the nature of mortgages, which constitute a lien upon property in this State.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-95

    (35 ILCS 200/1-95)
    Sec. 1-95. Mortgagor. An owner of property situated in any county of this State who creates a lien against the property in favor of a mortgage lender by executing a mortgage, trust deed in the nature of a mortgage or other instrument in the nature of a mortgage covering the property.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-100

    (35 ILCS 200/1-100)
    Sec. 1-100. Multi-Township Assessor. An official elected to perform the duties of a township assessor in an assessing district comprising more than one township.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-105

    (35 ILCS 200/1-105)
    Sec. 1-105. Multi-Township Assessment District Board of Trustees; Multi-Township Board of Trustees. The township supervisors and the township clerks of the several townships comprising a district for assessment purposes serving ex officio as the Multi-Township Assessment District Board of Trustees.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-110

    (35 ILCS 200/1-110)
    Sec. 1-110. Number. The singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the singular.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-115

    (35 ILCS 200/1-115)
    Sec. 1-115. Oath. Oath or affirmation.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-120

    (35 ILCS 200/1-120)
    Sec. 1-120. Property Index Number or Permanent Index Number; PIN. A number used to identify a parcel of property for assessment and taxation purposes. The index number shall constitute a sufficient description of the property to which it has been assigned, wherever a description is required by this Code. "Property Index Number" and "Permanent Index Number" shall be construed to be interchangeable terms.
    The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly shall be construed as being declaratory of existing law and not as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 97-557, eff. 7-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/1-125

    (35 ILCS 200/1-125)
    Sec. 1-125. Person; Persons. Male, female, corporation, company, firm, society, singular or plural number.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-130

    (35 ILCS 200/1-130)
    Sec. 1-130. Property; real property; real estate; land; tract; lot.
    (a) The land itself, with all things contained therein, and also all buildings, structures and improvements, and other permanent fixtures thereon, including all oil, gas, coal, and other minerals in the land and the right to remove oil, gas and other minerals, excluding coal, from the land, and all rights and privileges belonging or pertaining thereto, except where otherwise specified by this Code. Not included therein are low-income housing tax credits authorized by Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 42.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, mobile homes and manufactured homes that (i) are located outside of mobile home parks and (ii) are taxed under the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall continue to be taxed under the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act and shall not be assessed and taxed as real property until the home is sold or transferred or until the home is relocated to a different parcel of land outside of a mobile home park. If a mobile home or manufactured home described in this subsection (b) is sold, transferred, or relocated to a different parcel of land outside of a mobile home park, then the home shall be assessed and taxed as real property whether or not that mobile home or manufactured home is affixed to a permanent foundation, as defined in Section 5-5 of the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act, or installed on a permanent foundation, and whether or not such mobile home or manufactured home is real property as defined in Section 5-35 of the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act. Mobile homes and manufactured homes that are located outside of mobile home parks and assessed and taxed as real property on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall continue to be assessed and taxed as real property whether or not those mobile homes or manufactured homes are affixed to a permanent foundation as defined in the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act or installed on permanent foundations and whether or not those mobile homes or manufactured homes are real property as defined in the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act. If a mobile or manufactured home that is located outside of a mobile home park is relocated to a mobile home park, it must be considered chattel and must be taxed according to the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act. The owner of a mobile home or manufactured home that is located outside of a mobile home park may file a request with the chief county assessment officer that the home be taxed as real property.
    (c) Mobile homes and manufactured homes that are located in mobile home parks must be taxed according to the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act.
    (d) If the provisions of this Section conflict with the Illinois Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Safety Act, the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act, the Mobile Home Park Act, or any other provision of law with respect to the taxation of mobile homes or manufactured homes located outside of mobile home parks, the provisions of this Section shall control.
    (e) Spent fuel pools and dry cask storage systems in which nuclear fuel is stored and is pending further or final disposal from a nuclear power plant that was decommissioned before January 1, 2021 shall be considered real property and be assessable. The chief county assessment officer shall assess such property based on a national evaluation of the effective value per pound of spent nuclear fuel, calculated by examining assessments or PILOT agreements and documented pounds of spent nuclear fuel, at nuclear power plants where such property is similarly considered real property.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)

35 ILCS 200/1-135

    (35 ILCS 200/1-135)
    Sec. 1-135. Section. A Section of this Code unless otherwise stated.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-136

    (35 ILCS 200/1-136)
    Sec. 1-136. Signed or signature. Includes any symbol executed or adopted, or any security procedure employed or adopted, using electronic means or otherwise, by or on behalf of a person with the intent to authenticate a record.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/1-140

    (35 ILCS 200/1-140)
    Sec. 1-140. Stamp, stamped or stamping. In columns, on receipts, or otherwise as provided in this Code, includes any print, punch symbol, or electronic validation used to represent a stamp or stamping. Where this Code requires words or abbreviations of words to accompany a stamp or stamping, those words or abbreviations must appear with the stamp.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-145

    (35 ILCS 200/1-145)
    Sec. 1-145. Tax; Taxes. Any tax, special assessments or costs, interest or penalty imposed upon property.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-150

    (35 ILCS 200/1-150)
    Sec. 1-150. Taxing District. Any unit of local government, school district or community college district with the power to levy taxes.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/1-155

    (35 ILCS 200/1-155)
    Sec. 1-155. Year. When used in this Code, with reference to taxes of or for a year, means a calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 2 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 2 heading)
Article 2. Township Assessment Officials

35 ILCS 200/2-5

    (35 ILCS 200/2-5)
    Sec. 2-5. Multi-township assessors. Townships with less than 1,000 inhabitants shall not elect assessors for each township but shall elect multi-township assessors.
        (1) If 2 or more townships with less than 1,000
inhabitants are contiguous, one multi-township assessor shall be elected to assess the property in as many of the townships as are contiguous and whose combined population is 1,000 or more inhabitants.
        (2) If any township of less than 1,000 inhabitants is
not contiguous to another township of less than 1,000 inhabitants, one multi-township assessor shall be elected to assess the property of that township and any other township to which it is contiguous.
(Source: P.A. 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-10

    (35 ILCS 200/2-10)
    Sec. 2-10. Mandatory establishment of multi-township assessment districts. Before August 1, 2002 and every 10 years thereafter, the supervisor of assessments shall prepare maps, by county, of the townships, indicating the number of inhabitants and the equalized assessed valuation of each township for the preceding year, within the counties under township organization, and shall distribute a copy of that map to the county board and to each township supervisor, board of trustees, sitting township or multi-township assessor, and to the Department. The map shall contain suggested multi-township assessment districts for purposes of assessment. Upon receipt of the maps, the boards of trustees shall determine separately, by majority vote, if the suggested multi-township districts are acceptable.
    The township boards of trustees may meet as a body to discuss the suggested districts of which they would be a part. Upon request of the township supervisor of any township, the township supervisor of the township containing the most population shall call the meeting, designating the time and place, and shall act as temporary chairperson of the meeting until a permanent chairperson is chosen from among the township officials included in the call to the meeting. The township assessors and supervisor of assessments may participate in the meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be given in the same manner as notice is required for township meetings in the Township Code. The meeting shall be open to the public and may be recessed from time to time.
    If a multi-township assessment district is not acceptable to any board of trustees, they shall so determine and further determine an alternative multi-township assessment district. The suggested or alternative multi-township assessment district shall contain at least 2 townships and 1,000 or more inhabitants, shall contain no less than the total area of any one township, shall be contiguous to at least one other township in the multi-township assessment district, and shall be located within one county. For purposes of this Section only, townships are contiguous if they share a common boundary line or meet at any point. This amendatory Act of 1996 is not a new enactment, but is declarative of existing law.
    Before September 15, 2002 and every 10 years thereafter, the respective boards of town trustees shall notify the supervisor of assessments and the Department whether they have accepted the suggested multi-township assessment district or whether they have adopted an alternative district, and, in the latter case, they shall include in the notification a description or map, by township, of the alternative district. Before October 1, 2002 and every 10 years thereafter, the supervisor of assessments shall determine whether any suggested or alternative multi-township assessment district meets the conditions of this Section and Section 2-5. If any township board of trustees fails to so notify the supervisor of assessments and the Department as provided in this Section, the township shall be part of the original suggested multi-township assessment district. In any dispute between 2 or more townships as to inclusion or exclusion of a township in any one multi-township assessment district, the county board shall hold a public hearing in the county seat and, as soon as practicable thereafter, make a final determination as to the composition of the district. It shall notify the Department of the final determination before November 15, 2002 and every 10 years thereafter. The Department shall promulgate the multi-township assessment districts, file the same with the Secretary of State as provided in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and so notify the township supervisors, boards of trustees and county clerks of the townships and counties subject to this Section and Section 2-5. If the Department's promulgation removes a township from a prior multi-township assessment district, that township shall, within 30 days after the effective date of the removal, receive a distribution of a portion of the assets of the prior multi-township assessment district according to the ratio of the total equalized assessed valuation of all the taxable property in the township to the total equalized assessed valuation of all the taxable property in the prior multi-township assessment district. If a township is removed from one multi-township assessment district and made a part of another multi-township assessment district, the district from which the township is removed shall, within 30 days after the effective date of the removal, cause the township's distribution under this paragraph to be paid directly to the district of which the township is made a part. A township receiving such a distribution (or a multi-township assessment district receiving such a distribution on behalf of a township that is made a part of that district) shall use the proceeds from the distribution only in connection with assessing real estate in the township for tax purposes.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; incorporates 88-221; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-502, eff. 6-28-96; 89-695, eff. 12-31-96.)

35 ILCS 200/2-15

    (35 ILCS 200/2-15)
    Sec. 2-15. Voluntary establishment of multi-township assessment districts. Any 2 or more contiguous townships in any one county, other than townships provided for in Sections 2-5 and 2-10, may by majority vote of each board of trustees of the townships, form a multi-township assessment district comprising those townships. This determination shall be made no later than October 1 of the year preceding the year in which township officials are elected. If one or more of those township assessor's offices is vacant, a determination to form a multi-township assessment district may still be made at the time of that vacancy. The assessor or assessors remaining in office in one or more of the townships comprising the multi-township assessment district shall assume the duties of multi-township assessor until a successor is elected or appointed and qualified. If there is no township assessor remaining in office at the time, the board of trustees of the multi-township assessment district, as defined in Section 2-20, shall appoint a multi-township assessor for the unexpired terms of the former elected township assessors as provided in this Code.
    The township boards of trustees shall notify the supervisor of assessments and the Department prior to December 1 of the year in which they have taken any action prescribed in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/2-20

    (35 ILCS 200/2-20)
    Sec. 2-20. Township and Multi-Township Boards of Trustees; Elected Assessors. The township supervisors and clerks of townships comprising a multi-township assessment district, and the township board of trustees in townships that are not a part of a multi-township assessment jurisdiction, shall, ex officio, constitute a multi-township or township board of trustees for their respective assessment jurisdictions.
    Each multi-township board of trustees shall organize and select one of its number as chairman, another as clerk and another as treasurer. These officers shall serve a term of 2 years or until their successors are elected, except no person shall be a member of a multi-township board of trustees after the expiration of his or her term as township supervisor or township clerk.
    The powers and duties of a multi-township board of trustees or township board of trustees concerning property tax assessment administration shall be limited to the following: (1) levying taxes necessary to provide the funds required by the budget adopted for the township or multi-township assessor and certifying the levy to the county clerk, (2) determining and approving the budget of the assessor, (3) determining a salary for the assessor, and (4) setting the compensation of any assessor or temporarily appointed because the assessor is physically incapacitated, according to Section 60-5 of the Township Code. The levy shall not be included within any statutory limitation of rate or amount for other township purposes, but shall be in addition to that rate or amount. The board shall have no power to approve or disapprove personnel of the multi-township or township assessor. The treasurer of the multi-township board of trustees shall have the duties and responsibilities of the township supervisor in relation to the township assessor in the maintenance and disbursement of funds of the multi-township assessor.
    The changes made in this Section by Public Act 82-554 do not apply to any township in a county with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/2-25

    (35 ILCS 200/2-25)
    Sec. 2-25. Transition to multi-township organization. No later than December 1 preceding the date the multi-township assessor takes office, the assessors of townships included in the multi-township district and the supervisor of assessments shall deliver to the multi-township assessor all books, records, supplies, and other property relating to their assessing office, taking the multi-township assessor's receipt therefor. The township supervisors of the townships comprising the multi-township district shall transfer to the multi-township treasurer all funds relating to or budgeted for purposes of township assessments. Any accounts or tax moneys for township assessment purposes thereafter shall be paid to the multi-township treasurer of the multi-township district, with copies of the county treasurer's disbursement statements going directly to the multi-township assessor.
(Source: P.A. 81-838; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-30

    (35 ILCS 200/2-30)
    Sec. 2-30. Budget Making. At least 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the assessor for each multi-township assessment district or township shall prepare and present on forms provided or approved by the Department an office budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The multi-township or township board of trustees shall adopt a budget and appropriation ordinance in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Budget Law.
    The multi-township board must, at least 30 days before the public hearing required by Section 3 of the Illinois Municipal Budget Law, prepare or cause to be prepared a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance and file the ordinance with the township clerks of the townships comprising the multi-township assessment district. The township clerks must make the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance available for public inspection for at least 30 days before final action on the ordinance. The required public hearing must be held on or before the last day of the first quarter of the fiscal year before the board. Notice of the hearing must be given by publication in a newspaper published in the multi-township assessment district at least 30 days before the time of the hearing. If there is no newspaper published in the multi-township assessment district, notice of the public hearing may be given by posting notices in 5 of the most public places in each township comprising the multi-township assessment district. It is the duty of the township clerks to arrange for the public hearing. The board at the public hearing may adopt all or part of the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance, as the board deems necessary.
    The multi-township or township board of trustees shall determine the amount required and permitted by law to finance the operations of the office of the multi-township or township assessor. The board of trustees shall certify that amount in a levy to the county clerk in the manner provided in Section 2-20. The county clerk shall extend the tax levies, as provided in this Code, against all taxable property within the jurisdiction.
(Source: P.A. 92-684, eff. 7-16-02.)

35 ILCS 200/2-35

    (35 ILCS 200/2-35)
    Sec. 2-35. Disconnection petition.
    (a) A township with 1,000 or more inhabitants according to the last preceding special Federal Census may be disconnected from a multi-township district under this Section if: (1) the township had less than 1,000 inhabitants preceding the date on which the township was included within a multi-township district under Section 2-5 and 2-10; or (2) the township was included within a multi-township district created under Section 2-15.
    (b) If a petition for the disconnection from a multi-township assessment district of a township described in subsection (a) is signed by 10% of the registered voters of the township and is filed with the clerk of the township no later than August 1 of the year preceding the year in which the multi-township assessor is to be elected, the clerk shall promptly forward the petition to the township board of trustees. The township board of trustees shall adopt or reject the petition within 60 days after receiving it. If the board adopts the petition, the township shall be disconnected from the multi-township district, effective upon the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent multi-township assessor.
    (c) After the disconnection of a township under this Section, the multi-township district shall continue to exist. If only one township remains in the district after the disconnection or if the combined population of the remaining townships is less than 1,000 inhabitants, the disconnection shall not be allowed.
(Source: P.A. 84-1051; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-40

    (35 ILCS 200/2-40)
    Sec. 2-40. Notice of disconnection. Within 60 days of an adoption of a disconnection petition under Section 2-35, the clerk or clerks of the disconnected township or townships shall notify the Department of that fact.
    When so notified, the Department shall amend the list filed with the Secretary of State under Section 2-10.
(Source: P.A. 85-340; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-45

    (35 ILCS 200/2-45)
    Sec. 2-45. Selection and eligibility of township and multi-township assessors.
    (a) In all counties under township organization, township or multi-township assessors shall be qualified as required by subsections (b) through (d) of this Section and shall be elected as provided in this Code. Township or multi-township assessors shall enter upon their duties on January 1 following their election, and perform the duties of the office for 4 years.
    (b) Beginning December 1, 1996, in any township or multi-township assessment district not subject to the requirements of subsections (c) or (d) of this Section, no person is eligible to file nomination papers or participate as a candidate in any caucus or primary or general election for, or be appointed to fill vacancies in, the office of township or multi-township assessor, unless he or she (i) has successfully completed an introductory course in assessment practices that is approved by the Department; or (ii) possesses at least one of the qualifications listed in paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (c) of this Section. The candidate cannot file nominating papers or participate as a candidate unless a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications from the Department is filed with the township clerk, board of election commissioners, or other appropriate authority as required by the Election Code. The candidate cannot be appointed to fill a vacancy until he or she has filed a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications from the Department with the appointing authority.
    (c) Beginning December 1, 1996, in a township or multi-township assessment district with $25,000,000 or more of non-farm equalized assessed value or $1,000,000 or more in commercial and industrial equalized assessed value, no person is eligible to file nomination papers or participate as a candidate in any caucus or primary or general election for, or be appointed to fill vacancies in, the office of township or multi-township assessor, unless he or she possesses at least one of the qualifications listed in paragraphs (1) through (6) of this subsection (c).
        (1) a currently active Certified Illinois Assessing
Officer designation from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute;
        (2) (blank);
        (3) a currently active AAS, CAE, or MAS designation
from the International Association of Assessing Officers;
        (4) a currently active MAI, SREA, SRPA, SRA, or RM
designation from the Appraisal Institute;
        (5) a currently active professional designation by
any other appraisal or assessing association approved by the Department; or
        (6) (blank).
    The candidate cannot file nominating papers or participate as a candidate unless a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications from the Department is filed with the township clerk, board of election commissioners, or other appropriate authority as required by the Election Code. The candidate cannot be appointed to fill a vacancy until he or she has filed a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications with the appointing authority.
    (d) Beginning December 1, 2000, in a township or multi-township assessment district with more than $10,000,000 and less than $25,000,000 of non-farm equalized assessed value and less than $1,000,000 in commercial and industrial equalized assessed value, no person who has previously been elected as township or multi-township assessor in any such township or multi-township assessment district is eligible to file nomination papers or participate as a candidate in any caucus or primary or general election for the office of township or multi-township assessor, unless he or she possesses at least one of the qualifications listed in paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (c) of this Section. The candidate cannot file nominating papers or participate as a candidate unless a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications from the Department is filed with the township clerk, board of election commissioners, or other appropriate authority as required by the Election Code.
    (e) If any person files nominating papers for candidacy for the office of township or multi-township assessor without also filing a copy of the certificate of his or her qualifications from the Department as required by this Section, the clerk of the township, the board of election commissioners, or other appropriate authority as required by the Election Code shall refuse to certify the name of the person as a candidate to the proper election officials.
    If no candidate for election meets the above qualifications there shall be no election and the town board of trustees or multi-township board of trustees shall appoint or contract with a person under Section 2-60.
    As used in this Section only, "non-farm equalized assessed value" means the total equalized assessed value in the township or multi-township assessment district as reported to the Department under Section 18-225 after removal of homestead exemptions, and after removal of the equalized assessed value reported as farm or minerals to the Department under Section 18-225.
    For purposes of this Section only, "file nomination papers" also includes having nomination papers filed on behalf of the candidate by another person.
(Source: P.A. 101-467, eff. 8-23-19.)

35 ILCS 200/2-50

    (35 ILCS 200/2-50)
    Sec. 2-50. Certification by Department. The Department shall, within 15 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 and, thereafter, by February 1 of each year before the year of election of township or multi-township assessors, certify to each township or multi-township clerk and each county clerk a list showing all township and multi-township assessment districts with the pre-election requirements for township or multi-township assessor under Section 2-45 for each township and each multi-township assessment district. If a new multi-township assessment district is established under Section 2-15 or a township is disconnected from a multi-township assessment district under Section 2-35, the Department shall, within 30 days after the required statutory notice, certify to the multi-township clerk and county clerk whether the assessor for the new multi-township assessment district is subject to the requirements of subsections (b), (c), or (d) of Section 2-45 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-441, eff. 6-1-96.)

35 ILCS 200/2-52

    (35 ILCS 200/2-52)
    Sec. 2-52. Revision of assessor qualifications by Department. The Department may revise the assessor qualifications for township and multi-township assessment districts from those qualifications specified in subsections (c) or (d) of Section 2-45 to those qualifications specified in subsection (b) of Section 2-45 if the township or multi-township board of trustees petition the Department to do so. In determining petitions from a township or multi-township board of trustees requesting a change in assessor qualifications, the Department shall consider the quantity and complexity of assessments in the township or multi-township. The Department shall promulgate reasonable rules relating to the administration of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 89-441, eff. 6-1-96.)

35 ILCS 200/2-55

    (35 ILCS 200/2-55)
    Sec. 2-55. Role as ex-officio deputy assessors. In all townships in counties of 3,000,000 or more, in which township assessors are elected, the township assessors shall be ex-officio deputy assessors to make the assessments in the townships wherein they are elected but those ex-officio deputy assessors shall be under the direction and control of the county assessor in the same manner as other deputy assessors, subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the county assessor and the board of appeals. The compensation and expenses of the township assessors shall be determined and paid as provided in Sections 2-70, 2-75, 2-80, 4-10, 4-15 and 4-20. If in any township the ex-officio deputy assessor is not able, within the time allowed by law or set by rules and regulations prescribed by the county assessor and the board of appeals, to make the assessment in the township, any additional deputy assessor or deputy assessors required to make the assessment shall be residents and legal voters of the township and may be appointed by the county assessor. For failure to complete the assessment and return the assessment books within the time prescribed by law or set by the rules and regulations of the county assessor and board of appeals, any township assessor may be removed from office by the order of the county assessor. All clerks and deputies shall take and subscribe an oath of office to honestly and faithfully perform all the duties of their respective offices under the direction of the county assessor. The county assessor, the clerks and deputy assessors, may administer oaths authorized by law to be administered by assessors. The number and compensation of the clerks and the deputies (other than the ex-officio deputies) shall be determined annually by the county board and shall be paid from the county treasury.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-60

    (35 ILCS 200/2-60)
    Sec. 2-60. Vacancies.
    (a) When any township or multi-township assessment district fails to elect an assessor or when an assessor's office becomes vacant for any reason specified in Section 25-2 of the Election Code, the township or multi-township board of trustees shall fill the vacancy in townships or multi-township assessment districts by appointing a person qualified as required under Section 2-45 or as revised by the Department under Section 2-52. A person appointed to fill a vacancy under this Section must be a member of the same political party as the person vacating the office if the person vacating the office was a member of an established political party, as defined in Section 10-2 of the Election Code, that is still in existence at the time the appointment is made. The appointee shall establish his or her political party affiliation by his or her record of voting in party primary elections or by holding or having held an office in a political party organization before the appointment. If the appointee has not voted in a party primary election or is not holding or has not held an office in a political party organization before the appointment, then the appointee shall establish his or her political party affiliation by his or her record of participating in a political party's nomination or election caucus.
    (b) In the alternative, a township or multi-township assessment district shall contract with a person qualified as required under Section 2-45 or as revised by the Department under Section 2-52 to do the assessing at a cost no greater than the maximum salary authorized for that township or multi-township assessment district under Section 2-70.
(Source: P.A. 89-342, eff. 1-1-96; 89-441, eff. 6-1-96; 90-748, eff. 8-14-98.)

35 ILCS 200/2-65

    (35 ILCS 200/2-65)
    Sec. 2-65. Deputies and employees.
    (a) In all counties under township organization where a township or multi-township assessor is unable alone to perform all duties of the office, he or she may appoint one or more suitable persons as deputies to assist in making the assessment, and may appoint other employees required for operation of the office. The deputies and other employees may be employed on an annual, monthly or daily basis.
    (b) Every township or multi-township assessor with 5 or more deputies and other employees shall adopt rules concerning all benefits available to employees. The rules shall include, without limitation, the following benefits to the extent they are applicable: insurance coverage, compensation, overtime pay, compensatory time off, holidays, vacations, sick leave, and maternity leave. The rules shall be adopted and filed with the township clerk within 4 months after the assessor takes office. A multi-township assessor shall file the rules with the clerk of each township in the district. Amendments to the rules shall be filed with the appropriate township clerk or clerks by their effective date.
(Source: P.A. 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-70

    (35 ILCS 200/2-70)
    Sec. 2-70. Salary. Each multi-township board of trustees shall set the salary of its multi-township assessor at least 150 days before his or her election. Each township board of trustees shall set the salary of its township assessor at the same time it sets the compensation of its township supervisor.
(Source: P.A. 90-210, eff. 7-25-97.)

35 ILCS 200/2-75

    (35 ILCS 200/2-75)
    Sec. 2-75. Affidavit for time employed. When compensation of a township or multi-township assessor or his or her deputy is based upon the time actually employed in the making of assessments, the assessors and deputies shall make an affidavit of the time so employed. Payments of the compensation and expenses under Sections 2-65, 2-70 and 2-80 shall be paid out of the township or multi-township treasury.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 388; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/2-80

    (35 ILCS 200/2-80)
    Sec. 2-80. Expenses and office needs. Township and multi-township assessors shall receive travel and transportation expenses in the amount determined by the board of town trustees, and shall be reimbursed for their reasonable travel, meal, lodging and registration expenses incurred in attendance at a school of instruction prescribed by the Department. The board of town trustees shall provide the office and storage space, equipment, office supplies, deputies and clerical and stenographic personnel and other items as are necessary for the efficient operation of the office.
(Source: P.A. 83-1277; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 3 heading)
Article 3. County Assessment Officials

35 ILCS 200/3-5

    (35 ILCS 200/3-5)
    Sec. 3-5. Supervisor of assessments. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and in which no county assessor has been elected under Section 3-45, there shall be a county supervisor of assessments, either appointed as provided in this Section, or elected.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and not having an elected county assessor or an elected supervisor of assessments, the office of supervisor of assessments shall be filled by appointment by the presiding officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board.
    To be eligible for appointment or to be eligible to file nomination papers or participate as a candidate in any primary or general election for, or be elected to, the office of supervisor of assessments, or to enter upon the duties of the office, a person must possess one of the following qualifications as certified by the Department to the county clerk:
        (1) A currently active Certified Illinois Assessing
Officer designation from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute.
        (2) A currently active AAS, CAE, or MAS designation
from the International Association of Assessing Officers.
        (3) A currently active MAI, SREA, SRPA, SRA, or RM
designation from the Appraisal Institute.
    In addition, a person must have had at least 2 years' experience in the field of property sales, assessments, finance or appraisals and must have passed an examination conducted by the Department to determine his or her competence to hold the office. The examination may be conducted by the Department at a convenient location in the county or region. Notice of the time and place shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the counties, at least one week prior to the exam. The Department shall certify to the county board a list of the names and scores of persons who pass the examination. The Department may provide by rule the maximum time that the name of a person who has passed the examination will be included on a list of persons eligible for appointment or election. The term of office shall be 4 years from the date of appointment and until a successor is appointed and qualified, or a successor is elected and qualified under Section 3-52.
(Source: P.A. 101-150, eff. 7-26-19; 101-467, eff. 8-23-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/3-10

    (35 ILCS 200/3-10)
    Sec. 3-10. Dismissal of supervisor of assessments; Vacancies. The county board, by a vote of 2/3 of its members, may dismiss a supervisor of assessments before the expiration of his or her term for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of the duties of the office. Whenever the county board dismisses a supervisor of assessments, it shall specify its reasons in writing. The dismissed supervisor may, within 21 days after receipt of the statement of reasons for dismissal, request a hearing before the county board. The county board shall conduct a hearing within 30 days of a timely request, and may reverse the dismissal by a vote of a majority of the members present.
    Vacancies shall be filed by appointment for a full term. In the event of a vacancy, the county board may appoint an acting supervisor of assessments, but an acting supervisor may serve for no more than 60 days until a qualified person is appointed to fill the remainder of the term.
(Source: P.A. 86-905; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-15

    (35 ILCS 200/3-15)
    Sec. 3-15. Service in more than one county. Any 2 or more counties may, with Department approval, appoint or elect the same person as county supervisor of assessments for each of such counties and may by agreement provide for the appropriate share of the salary and expenses of the official. In any case where a supervisor of assessments is shared, the aggregate population of the 2 or more counties shall be considered as the population when determining the compensation of the official under Section 3-40. If a county board desires to appoint as county supervisor of assessments of that county a person who is the appointed or elected supervisor of assessments of another county, the person shall not be required to take the examination given by the Department and shall not be required to accept the appointment.
(Source: P.A. 86-905; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-20

    (35 ILCS 200/3-20)
    Sec. 3-20. Reimbursement when serving more than 1 county. When 2 or more counties have, with Department approval, elected or appointed the same person as county supervisor of assessments, subject to appropriation, the Department shall pay out of the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund to the counties a total of $5,000 per year to be applied toward the person's salary. The Department shall apportion the $5,000 among such counties in proportion to each county's share of the salary.
    The amount payable under this Section is in addition to the 50% reimbursement provided for in Section 3-40, but in no event shall the total paid under this Section and the reimbursement under Section 3-40 exceed the compensation of the supervisor of assessments.
(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11.)

35 ILCS 200/3-25

    (35 ILCS 200/3-25)
    Sec. 3-25. Reappointment or reelection. Reappointment or reelection of an incumbent supervisor of assessments may be made without examination. If the presiding officer of the county board does not intend to reappoint an incumbent, he or she shall notify the incumbent not more than 120 nor less than 90 days before the expiration of his or her term. Upon request of the incumbent, the county board shall grant a public hearing as to why the incumbent will not be reappointed.
(Source: P.A. 86-905; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-30

    (35 ILCS 200/3-30)
    Sec. 3-30. Supervisor of assessments as clerk of the board of review. Each supervisor of assessments shall serve as clerk of the county board of review and shall be present at all hearings held by the board. He or she shall not receive additional compensation for that service.
(Source: P.A. 86-482; 86-1475; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-35

    (35 ILCS 200/3-35)
    Sec. 3-35. Outside employment. Except as provided below, any person appointed under Section 3-5 shall hold no other lucrative public office or public employment. In counties with less than 100,000 inhabitants, he or she may hold public employment if the duties are not incompatible with his or her duties as supervisor of assessments as assigned by the county board. The duties of a person administering a county zoning ordinance shall not be considered incompatible with the duties of a supervisor of assessments.
(Source: P.A. 86-482; 86-1475; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-40

    (35 ILCS 200/3-40)
    Sec. 3-40. Compensation of supervisors of assessments.
    (a) A supervisor of assessments shall receive annual compensation in an amount fixed by the county board subject to the following minimum amounts:
        In counties with less than 14,000 inhabitants, not
less than $7,500;
        In counties with 14,000 or more but less than 30,000
inhabitants, not less than $8,000;
        In counties with 30,000 or more but less than 60,000
inhabitants, not less than $9,000;
        In counties with 60,000 or more but less than 100,000
inhabitants, not less than $10,000;
        In counties with 100,000 or more but less than
200,000 inhabitants, not less than $11,500;
        In counties with 200,000 or more but less than
300,000 inhabitants, not less than $13,000;
        In counties with 300,000 or more but less than
1,000,000 inhabitants, not less than $15,000.
For purposes of this subsection, the number of inhabitants shall be determined by the latest Federal decennial or special census of the county.
    (b) Elected supervisors of assessments who began a term of office before December 1, 1990 shall be compensated at the rate of their base salary. "Base salary" is the compensation paid for their position before July 1, 1989.
    (c) Elected supervisors of assessments beginning a term of office on or after December 1, 1990 shall, beginning December 1, 1993, receive their base salary plus at least 12% of base salary.
    Any supervisor of assessments who has been presented a Certified Assessing Evaluator Certificate by the International Association of Assessing Officers shall receive an additional compensation of $500 per year to be paid out of funds appropriated to the Department from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund.
    The salary set by the county board shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the treasury of the county in which he or she is appointed or elected. If the Department has determined that the total assessed value of property in a county, as equalized by the supervisor of assessments under Section 9-210, is between 31 1/3% and 35 1/3% of the total fair cash value of property in the county, subject to appropriation, the Department shall reimburse the county monthly from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund 50% of the amount of salary the county paid to the officer for the preceding month.
    The county board shall provide necessary office space for the officer and pay all necessary expenses of the office out of the county treasury.
    Each supervisor of assessments may, with the advice and consent of the county board, appoint necessary deputies and clerks, their compensation to be fixed by the county board and paid by the county.
(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11.)

35 ILCS 200/3-45

    (35 ILCS 200/3-45)
    Sec. 3-45. Election of county assessor; counties of less than 3,000,000. In counties having an elected board of review under Section 6-35, a county assessor shall be elected. To be eligible to file nomination papers or participate as a candidate in any primary or general election for, or be elected to, the office of county assessor, or to enter upon the duties of the office, a person must possess one of the following qualifications as certified by the individual to the county clerk:
        (1) a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer
certificate from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute; or
        (2) a Certified Assessment Evaluator designation from
the International Association of Assessing Officers.
In addition, a person must have at least 2 years experience in the field of property sales, assessments, finance, or appraisals.
    The county clerk must determine if candidates for assessor have qualified under this Code prior to certification of their nominating petitions. The election of the county assessor shall be at the same time and in the same manner as other county officials are elected under the general election law. The county assessor shall hold office for a 4 year term and until a successor is elected and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as are vacancies in other county elective offices.
(Source: P.A. 92-235, eff. 8-2-01.)

35 ILCS 200/3-50

    (35 ILCS 200/3-50)
    Sec. 3-50. Election of county assessors - Counties of 3,000,000 or more. In all counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the office of county assessor, heretofore created and established, is hereby continued.
    The county assessor shall be elected as provided in the general election law, at the general election in 1994 and every fourth year thereafter to hold office for a term of 4 years from the first Monday of December, and until a successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by appointment as provided in the general election law, until the next regular election of county officers when a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term or for the full term as the case may require. The county assessor shall take the oath and give the bond herein required of other assessors and of supervisors of assessments and shall receive such compensation payable from the county treasury in an amount set by the county board. The amount so set shall not be changed during the term for which he or she is elected or appointed. The county assessor shall also have a suitable office to be provided by the county board.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-52

    (35 ILCS 200/3-52)
    Sec. 3-52. Election or appointment of county assessors or county supervisors of assessments.
    (a) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county may change the manner in which it selects its county assessor or county supervisor of assessments upon:
        (1) adoption of an ordinance by the county board or
county board of commissioners requiring the county assessor or county supervisor of assessments to be elected or appointed, as applicable; or
        (2) the filing of a petition with the county board or
the county board of commissioners, subject to the petition requirements of Section 28-3 of the Election Code and signed by 2% of the registered voters of the county, requiring the county assessor or county supervisor of assessments to be elected or appointed, as applicable.
    (b) If an ordinance is adopted or a petition is filed meeting the requirements of subsection (a), then the county clerk shall certify the proposition to the appropriate election authorities, who shall submit a referendum, subject to the requirements of Section 16-7 of the Election Code, to be placed on the ballot at the next following general election in substantially the following form:
        Shall the (county assessor or county supervisor of
assessments, as applicable) be (elected rather than appointed or appointed rather than elected, as applicable)?
    The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". The referendum is approved when a majority of the votes cast on the referendum approve the referendum.
    (c) After the approval of a referendum under subsection (b):
        (1) if voters approve the referendum to make the
county assessor or county supervisor of assessments position elected rather than appointed, then the county assessor or county supervisor of assessments shall be elected at the general election next following the approval of the referendum and at the general election every 4 years thereafter; the elected county assessor or county supervisor of assessments shall serve until a successor is elected and qualified; the term of any appointed county assessor or county supervisor of assessments serving at the time of the approval of the referendum shall end when a successor is elected and qualified; and
        (2) if the voters approve a referendum to make the
county assessor or county supervisor of assessments position appointed rather than elected, then, at the conclusion of the term of the elected county assessor or county supervisor of assessments serving at the time of the approval of the referendum, the county assessor or county supervisor of assessments shall be appointed by the county board or county board of commissioners to a 4-year term and shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 101-150, eff. 7-26-19.)

35 ILCS 200/3-55

    (35 ILCS 200/3-55)
    Sec. 3-55. Staffing of county assessor's office - Counties of 3,000,000 or more. The county assessor in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall appoint one chief deputy assessor, one deputy assessor in charge of administrative service division and one deputy assessor in charge of real estate division. The county assessor may also employ other clerical help and deputies as may be necessary, each one of whom (except the chief deputy assessor, deputy assessor in charge of administrative service division, and deputy assessor in charge of real estate division) shall be appointed by the county assessor under the civil service law applicable in such counties.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-60

    (35 ILCS 200/3-60)
    Sec. 3-60. Chief deputy - Counties of less than 3,000,000 with elected assessor. The county assessor in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which elect a county assessor under Section 3-45 may employ a chief deputy and other clerical help as may be necessary. The chief deputy shall hold office at the will of the county assessor, and shall take and subscribe an oath of office that he or she will honestly and faithfully perform all duties of the office under the direction of the county assessor. The chief deputy shall have power to administer all oaths authorized by law to be administered by assessors. The compensation of the chief deputy shall be fixed by the county assessor, subject to the approval of the board of review.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-65

    (35 ILCS 200/3-65)
    Sec. 3-65. Deputy county assessors - Counties of less than 3,000,000 with elected assessor. The county assessor in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which elect a county assessor under Section 3-45 may appoint as many suitable persons as in his or her judgment are necessary to act as deputies, who shall perform the duties assigned to them by the county assessor. They shall hold their office at the will of the county assessor, and shall receive compensation determined by the assessor to be paid out of the county treasury. Such deputy assessors shall, before entering upon their duties, take the oath or affirmation prescribed for the assessors.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which elect a county assessor under Section 3-45, in all townships not lying completely within the limits of one city, the township assessor shall be ex-officio the deputy assessor to make the assessments in the township where he or she is elected. If, in any township, the township assessor shall not be able, by himself or herself within the time allowed by law, to make the assessment of the township, any additional deputy assessors required to make the assessment shall be residents and legal voters of that township, and shall be nominated by the township's board of trustees and appointed by the county assessor only upon that nomination. Deputy assessors so appointed shall act under the supervision of the ex-officio deputy town assessors.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/3-70

    (35 ILCS 200/3-70)
    Sec. 3-70. Cessation of Township Assessor. If the office of Township Assessor in a coterminous township ceases as provided in Articles 27 and 28 of the Township Code, then the coterminous municipality shall assume the duties of the Township Assessor under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 98-127, eff. 8-2-13; 99-474, eff. 8-27-15.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 4 heading)
Article 4. Assessment Officials - Other Provisions

35 ILCS 200/4-5

    (35 ILCS 200/4-5)
    Sec. 4-5. State compensation not to affect county compensation. Any additional compensation payable from State funds to any county officer under this Code shall not affect any other compensation provided by law to be paid to the county officer. No county board may reduce or otherwise impair the compensation payable to a county officer because the person receives additional compensation payable from State funds under this Code. However, a county board may include State funds payable under this Code as reimbursements of or contributions to county officer salaries in determining the compensation of a county officer. As used in this Section, "county officer" includes any local assessment officer whose compensation is determined in whole or in part by a county board.
(Source: P.A. 86-348; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/4-10

    (35 ILCS 200/4-10)
    Sec. 4-10. Compensation for Certified Illinois Assessing Officers. Subject to the requirements for continued training, any supervisor of assessments, assessor, deputy assessor or member of a board of review in any county who has earned a Certified Illinois Assessing Officers Certificate from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute shall receive from the State, out of funds appropriated to the Department from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund, additional compensation of $500 per year.
    To receive a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer certificate, a person shall complete successfully and pass examinations on a basic course in assessment practice approved by the Department and conducted by the Institute and additional courses totaling not less than 60 class hours that are designated and approved by the Department, on the cost, market and income approaches to value, mass appraisal techniques, and property tax administration.
    To continue to be eligible for the additional compensation, a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer must complete successfully a minimum of 15 class hours requiring a written examination, and the equivalent of one seminar course of 15 class hours which does not require a written examination, in each year for which additional compensation is sought after receipt of the certificate. The Department shall designate and approve courses acceptable for additional training, including courses in business and computer techniques, and class hours applicable to each course. The Department shall specify procedures for certifying the completion of the additional training.
    The courses and training shall be conducted annually in a manner and format deemed appropriate by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 102-1019, eff. 1-1-23.)

35 ILCS 200/4-15

    (35 ILCS 200/4-15)
    Sec. 4-15. Compensation of local assessment officers holding other designations. Any assessor, deputy assessor or member of a board of review who has been awarded a Certified Assessment Evaluator certificate by the International Association of Assessing Officers shall receive an additional compensation of $500 per year from funds appropriated to the Department from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund.
    Any assessor, deputy assessor or member of a board of review who has been awarded a Residential Evaluation Specialist, Assessment Administration Specialist, or Cadastral Mapping Specialist certificate by the International Association of Assessing Officers, but who has not been awarded a Certified Assessment Evaluator certificate, shall receive additional compensation of $250 per year from funds appropriated to the Department from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund. If any assessor, deputy assessor, or member of a board of review has been awarded more than one certificate, but has not been awarded a Certified Assessment Evaluator certificate, the maximum additional compensation shall be $250.
    To continue to qualify for the additional compensation after receipt of a certificate, any assessor, deputy assessor or member of a board of review must, each year that additional compensation is sought, complete successfully a minimum of 15 class hours requiring a written examination, and the equivalent of one seminar course of 15 class hours which does not require a written examination.
(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11.)

35 ILCS 200/4-20

    (35 ILCS 200/4-20)
    Sec. 4-20. Additional compensation based on performance. Any assessor in counties with less than 3,000,000 but more than 50,000 inhabitants each year may petition the Department to receive additional compensation based on performance. To receive additional compensation, the official's assessment jurisdiction must meet the following criteria:
        (1) the median level of assessment must be no more
than 35 1/3% and no less than 31 1/3% of fair cash value of property in his or her assessment jurisdiction; and
        (2) the coefficient of dispersion must not be greater
than 15%.
For purposes of this Section, "coefficient of dispersion" means the average deviation of all assessments from the median level. For purposes of this Section, the number of inhabitants shall be determined by the latest federal decennial census. When the most recent census shows an increase in inhabitants to over 50,000 or a decrease to 50,000 or fewer, then the assessment year used to compute the coefficient of dispersion and the most recent year of the 3-year average level of assessments is the year that determines qualification for additional compensation. The Department will promulgate rules and regulations to determine whether an assessor meets these criteria.
    Any assessor in a county of 50,000 or fewer inhabitants may petition the Department for consideration to receive additional compensation each year based on performance. In order to receive the additional compensation, the assessments in the official's assessment jurisdiction must meet the following criteria: (i) the median level of assessments must be no more than 35 1/3% and no less than 31 1/3% of fair cash value of property in his or her assessment jurisdiction; and (ii) the coefficient of dispersion must not be greater than 40% in 1994, 38% in 1995, 36% in 1996, 34% in 1997, 32% in 1998, and 30% in 1999 and every year thereafter.
    Real estate transfer declarations used by the Department in annual sales-assessment ratio studies will be used to evaluate applications for additional compensation. The Department will audit other property to determine if the sales-assessment ratio study data is representative of the assessment jurisdiction. If the ratio study is found not representative, appraisals and other information may be utilized. If the ratio study is representative, upon certification by the Department, the assessor shall receive additional compensation of $3,000 for that year, to be paid out of funds appropriated to the Department from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund.
    For State fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2023, the Department shall remit to the applicable township or county the amount required for the additional compensation under this Section. That money shall be deposited by the township supervisor or county treasurer into a fund dedicated for that purpose. The township or county payroll clerk shall pay the bonus stipend to the assessor within 10 business days after those funds are deposited into the township or county fund. The bonus stipend shall not be considered part of the assessor's base compensation and must be remitted to the assessor in addition to the assessor's annual salary or compensation. Beginning July 1, 2023, the township or county shall be responsible for the State and federal income tax reporting and withholding and employer contributions under the Illinois Pension Code, if applicable, on the additional compensation under this Section.
    As used in this Section, "assessor" means any township or multi-township assessor, or supervisor of assessments.
(Source: P.A. 103-318, eff. 7-28-23.)

35 ILCS 200/4-25

    (35 ILCS 200/4-25)
    Sec. 4-25. Bond of assessors. Before entering office, every assessor and supervisor of assessments, other than township or multi-township assessors, shall enter into a bond, payable to the People of the State of Illinois in the sum of two thousand dollars, or such larger sum as the county board shall determine, with two or more sufficient sureties.
    The bond of the supervisor of assessments shall be approved by the county board, and bonds of other assessors by the president or chairman of the county board. The condition of the bond shall be that the assessor or supervisor of assessments will diligently, faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the office during the term or portion thereof for which he or she was elected or appointed. The bond shall be filed in the office of the county clerk and recorded in a book to be provided for those bonds. Any taxing district, or person suffering any loss resulting from an assessor's failure to perform any of the conditions of the bond may sue to recover the loss in the name of the People of the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 87-1021; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/4-30

    (35 ILCS 200/4-30)
    Sec. 4-30. Oath of assessors. Before entering office, every assessor or supervisor of assessments shall take and subscribe to the following oath, which shall be filed in the office of the county clerk, except the oath of township or multi-township assessors and their deputies shall be filed with their respective town clerks. The oath shall be as follows:
State of Illinois)
County of .......)
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and that I will faithfully discharge all the duties of the office of assessor, or supervisor of assessments to the best of my ability.
(Source: P.A. 87-1021; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 5 heading)
Article 5. Boards of Appeals

35 ILCS 200/5-5

    (35 ILCS 200/5-5)
    Sec. 5-5. Election of commissioners of board of review; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 1994, 2 commissioners of the board of appeals shall be elected to hold office from the first Monday in December following their election and until the first Monday in December 1998. In case of any vacancy, the chief judge of the circuit court or any judge of that circuit designated by the chief judge shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The commissioners shall be electors in the particular county at the time of their election or appointment and shall hold no other lucrative public office or public employment. Each commissioner shall receive compensation fixed by the county board, which shall be paid out of the county treasury and which shall not be changed during the term for which any commissioner is elected or appointed. Effective the first Monday in December 1998, the board of appeals is abolished.
    The board of appeals shall maintain sufficient evidentiary records to support all decisions made by the board of appeals. All records, data, sales/ratio studies, and other information necessary for the board of review elected under subsection (c) to perform its functions and duties shall be transferred by the board of appeals to the board of review on the first Monday in December 1998.
    (b) (Blank).
    (c) In each county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, there is created a board of review. The board of review shall consist of 3 commissioners, one elected from each election district in the county at the general election in 1998 to hold office for a term beginning on the first Monday in December following their election and until their respective successors are elected and qualified.
    No later than June 1, 1996, the General Assembly shall establish the boundaries for the 3 election districts in each county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. The election districts shall be compact, contiguous, and have substantially the same population based on the 1990 federal decennial census. One district shall be designated as the first election district, one as the second election district, and one as the third election district. The commissioner from each district shall be elected to a term of 4 years.
    In the year following each federal decennial census, the General Assembly shall reapportion the election districts to reflect the results of the census. In 2021 and any year following the federal decennial census in which the results of the census are not available by March 31, the General Assembly may use other population data, including, but not limited to, the most recent American Community Survey 5-year data, to reapportion the districts. The reapportioned districts shall be compact, contiguous, and contain substantially the same population. The commissioner from the first district shall be elected to terms of 4 years, 4 years, and 2 years. The commissioner from the second district shall be elected to terms of 4 years, 2 years, and 4 years. The commissioner from the third district shall be elected to terms of 2 years, 4 years, and 4 years.
    In case of vacancy, the chief judge of the circuit court or any judge of the circuit court designated by the chief judge shall fill the vacancy by appointment of a person from the same political party. If the vacancy is filled with more than 28 months remaining in the term, the appointed commissioner shall serve until the next general election, at which time a commissioner shall be elected to serve for the remainder of the term. If a vacancy is filled with 28 months or less remaining in the term, the appointment shall be for the remainder of the term. No commissioner may be elected or appointed to the board of review unless he or she has resided in the election district he or she seeks to represent for at least 2 years before the date of the election or appointment. In the election following each federal decennial census and board of review redistricting, a candidate for commissioner may be elected from any election district that contains a part of the election district in which he or she resided at the time of the redistricting and re-elected if a resident of the new district he or she represents for 18 months prior to re-election. The commissioners shall hold no other lucrative public office or public employment.
    Each commissioner shall receive compensation fixed by the county board, which shall be paid from the county treasury. Compensation for each commissioner shall be equitable and shall not be changed during the term for which that commissioner is elected or appointed. The county shall provide suitable office space for the board of review.
    For the year beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and ending the first Monday in December 1999, and every fourth year thereafter, the chair of the board shall be the commissioner elected from the first district. For the year beginning the first Monday in December 1999 and ending the first Monday in December 2000, and every fourth year thereafter, the chair of the board shall be the commissioner elected from the second district. For the year beginning the first Monday in December 2000 and ending the first Monday in December 2001, and every fourth year thereafter, the chair shall be the commissioner elected from the third district. For the year beginning the first Monday in December 2001 and ending the first Monday in December 2002, and every fourth year thereafter, the chair of the board shall be determined by lot.
    On and after the first Monday in December, 1998, any reference in this Code to a board of appeals shall mean the board of review created under this subsection, and any reference to a member of a board of review shall mean a commissioner of a board of review. Whenever it may be necessary for purposes of determining its jurisdiction, the board of review shall be deemed to succeed to the powers and duties of the former board of appeals; provided that the board of review shall also have all of the powers and duties granted to it under this Code. All action of the board of review shall be by a majority vote of its commissioners.
(Source: P.A. 102-12, eff. 6-4-21.)

35 ILCS 200/5-10

    (35 ILCS 200/5-10)
    Sec. 5-10. Oath of office. Each member of the board of review or commissioner of the board of appeals created by this Code shall, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, take and subscribe to the following oath:
State of Illinois County of ....
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will as (a member of the board of review) (a commissioner of the board of appeals) faithfully perform all the duties of that office as required by law; that I will fairly and impartially review the assessments of all property to the extent authorized by this Code; that I will correct all assessments which should be corrected; that I will raise or lower (or in the case of commissioners of the board of appeals, will direct the county assessor to change, correct, alter or modify) assessments as justice may require; and that I will do all acts necessary and within my authority to procure a full, fair and impartial assessment of all property.
    Dated ....
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/5-15

    (35 ILCS 200/5-15)
    Sec. 5-15. Board employees. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall appoint a Chief Clerk, a Secretary, and a deputy in charge of complaints. The Board may also employ deputies and other staff as may be necessary to assist the Board in the proper discharge of its duties. The Chief Clerk, the Secretary and the deputies shall have authority to administer oaths and examine under oath those persons who appear for a hearing. The Board may assign any matter to a deputy for preliminary hearing. With respect to applications for exemption reviewed under Section 16-130, the Secretary shall prepare and forward to the Department a full and complete statement of all the facts together with documents in each case and shall also forward a statement of the facts to the county assessor. Except as provided in Section 9-85, in all other instances the board shall certify its action and orders to the county assessor and the county assessor shall carry out the orders under the direction of the board. Employees of the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall receive compensation fixed by the county board upon the recommendation of the board, payable from the county treasury.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 6

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 6 heading)
Article 6. Boards of Review

35 ILCS 200/6-5

    (35 ILCS 200/6-5)
    Sec. 6-5. Appointed boards of review. In counties under township organization with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants in which no board of review is elected under Section 6-35, there shall be an appointed board of review to review the assessments made by the supervisor of assessments. When there is no existing appointed board of review, the chairman of the county board shall appoint, with approval of the county board, 3 citizens of the county to comprise the board of review for that county, 2 to serve for a one year term commencing on the following June 1, and one to serve for a 2 year term commencing on the same date. When an appointed board of review already exists, successors shall be appointed and qualified to serve for terms of 2 years commencing on June 1 of the year of appointment and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner as original appointments, for the balance of the unexpired term. Members of the county board may be appointed to the board of review. A member of the board of review may be reappointed. No person may serve on the board of review who is not qualified by experience and training in property appraisal and property tax administration.
(Source: P.A. 86-905; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/6-10

    (35 ILCS 200/6-10)
    Sec. 6-10. Examination requirement - Counties of 100,000 or more. In any county to which Section 6-5 applies and which has 100,000 or more inhabitants, no person may serve on the board of review who has not passed an examination prepared and administered by the Department to determine his or her competence to hold the office. The examination shall be conducted by the Department at some convenient location in the county. The Department may provide by rule the maximum time that the name of a person who has passed the examination will be included on a list of persons eligible for appointment or election. The county board of any other county may, by resolution, impose a like requirement in its county. In counties with less than 100,000 inhabitants, the members of the board of review shall within one year of taking office successfully complete a basic course in assessment practice approved by the Department. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the members of the board of review shall successfully complete a basic course in assessment practice, approved by the Department, within one year after taking office.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; incorporates 88-221; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/6-15

    (35 ILCS 200/6-15)
    Sec. 6-15. Political makeup and compensation. The board of review appointed under Section 6-5 shall consist of 3 members, 2 of whom are affiliated with the political party polling the highest vote for any county office in the county at the last general election prior to any appointment made under this Section. The third member shall not be affiliated with that same party. Each member of the board of review shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the county board and paid out of the county treasury.
(Source: P.A. 98-322, eff. 8-12-13.)

35 ILCS 200/6-20

    (35 ILCS 200/6-20)
    Sec. 6-20. Clerk of the board of review.
    (a) In counties with a board of review appointed under Section 6-5, the clerk of the board of review shall collect and analyze property transfers and property appraisals, and pursue other activities the board considers proper and necessary to aid the board in the determination of the percentage relationship, for each assessment district, between the valuations at which locally assessed property is listed and 33 1/3% of the estimated fair cash value of such property, or the values determined in accordance with Sections 10-110 through 10-140, or the percentages provided by a county ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution of Illinois.
    (b) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor shall annually make available to the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) information utilized in the assessment of property, including, but not limited to, reports generated from the multiple regression equation and sales/ratio studies, if any. The county assessor shall make available to the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), upon request by any member of the board, data used in compilation of the reports and studies. The Department shall make available to the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) sales/ratio studies conducted by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/6-25

    (35 ILCS 200/6-25)
    Sec. 6-25. Additional members. In counties with a board of review appointed under Section 6-5, when the county board declares by resolution that the number of complaints filed with the board of review has created an emergency situation and caused a need for an expanded board of review, the chairman of the county board may appoint additional qualified members to the board of review for the sole purpose of holding separate hearings on complaints. The additional members shall not take part in the intracounty equalization process of the board of review under Section 16-60 or Section 16-65. If a board of review is expanded under this Section in Lake, DuPage, McHenry, or Kane County, then the chairman of that county board may appoint qualified residents of counties that are directly adjacent to that chairman's county to serve as additional members of the expanded board of review.
(Source: P.A. 96-825, eff. 11-25-09.)

35 ILCS 200/6-30

    (35 ILCS 200/6-30)
    Sec. 6-30. Board of review in commission counties. In counties not under township organization with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants in which no board of review is elected under Section 6-35, the board of county commissioners shall constitute the board of review. They shall have all the powers and perform all the duties conferred on or required by boards of review. County commissioners shall receive no additional compensation for serving on the board of review. County commissioners serving as the board of review must meet the examination requirements of Section 6-32. If any member of the board of county commissioners fails to meet the examination requirements, the board of county commissioners shall appoint a board of review. Members of the county commissioners who meet the requirements of Section 6-32 may serve on the appointed board of review, but shall not receive additional compensation.
    The board of county commissioners shall appoint a 3-member board of review if (i) the board of county commissioners so chooses or (ii) any member of the board of county commissioners fails to meet the examination requirements of Section 6-32. No person may serve on an appointed board of review under this Section unless he or she meets the examination requirements of Section 6-32. Members of a board of review appointed by the board of county commissioners shall receive a per diem for their services as established by the board of county commissioners.
    A board of review appointed by the board of county commissioners shall serve at the pleasure of the board of the county commissioners. If the board of review is appointed because any member of the board of county commissioners fails to meet the examination requirements of Section 6-32 and all members subsequently fulfill the requirements, the board of county commissioners may terminate the authority of the sitting board of review, as soon as it completes its work for a tax year, and serve as the board of review.
(Source: P.A. 90-552, eff. 1-1-99; 91-732, eff. 1-1-01.)

35 ILCS 200/6-32

    (35 ILCS 200/6-32)
    Sec. 6-32. Examination requirement. In any county to which Section 6-30 applies, no person may serve on a board of review who has not passed an examination prepared and administered by the Department to determine his or her competence to hold the office. The Department shall conduct examinations for various counties in a convenient location in the region. A candidate appearing at the examination shall indicate to the Department the name of the county the results shall be certified to if he or she successfully passes the examination. The Department shall certify the list to each county from which candidates have appeared at the examination location. Within one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, the Department shall conduct an examination at least once in each commission county for which the chairman of the County Board of Commissioners requests an examination. The Department may provide by rule the maximum time that the name of a person who has passed the examination shall be included on a list of persons eligible to serve on the board of review.
(Source: P.A. 90-552, eff. 1-1-99.)

35 ILCS 200/6-34

    (35 ILCS 200/6-34)
    Sec. 6-34. Political makeup. If the board of county commissioners appoints a board of review as prescribed in Section 6-30, the board of review shall consist of 2 members affiliated with the political party polling the highest vote for any county office in the county and one member of the party polling the second highest vote for the same county office at the last general election.
(Source: P.A. 90-552, eff. 1-1-99.)

35 ILCS 200/6-35

    (35 ILCS 200/6-35)
    Sec. 6-35. Elected boards of review. In counties with 150,000 or more and less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which had an elected board of review on January 1, 1993, the board of three persons shall continue in office. Every two years, at the regular election of county officers in such counties, one member of the board of review shall be elected to succeed the member whose term expires in that year. Each member shall hold office for a term of 6 years and until a successor is elected and qualified. The persons so elected shall qualify within 10 days after the canvass of the vote is completed. They shall hold no other lucrative public office or public employment. Each member shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the county board and paid out of the county treasury. In case of any vacancy in the board of review or the failure of any person elected to that office to qualify, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment as provided in the general election law until a successor is elected and has qualified. The member having the shortest term to serve shall be the chairman of the board.
(Source: P.A. 86-181; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/6-40

    (35 ILCS 200/6-40)
    Sec. 6-40. Election from districts. In all counties which elect a board of review, except counties with a county assessor elected under Section 3-45 and except counties with a board of review elected under Section 5-5, members shall be elected from 3 districts which are substantially equal in number of inhabitants and, to the extent practicable, equal in geographic area. On or before January 1 of the first year following a decennial census in which board members will be elected, the supervisor of assessments shall prepare and submit to the county board a map of the districts, designating each district as 1, 2 or 3. The county board shall adopt the map or make changes as it deems necessary and adopt the revised map on or before January 31. If no map is adopted by January 31, the map initially submitted by the supervisor of assessments shall constitute the districts from which members of the board of review shall be elected. As each term of a member of the board of review expires, a new member shall be elected from a district, beginning with district 1 and proceeding through district 3.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/6-45

    (35 ILCS 200/6-45)
    Sec. 6-45. Abolition of elected board of review. If any county contains within its limits 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, as determined by the last Federal decennial or special census, that county shall at once come under the provisions of this Code relating to counties of that population, and at the next ensuing regular election of county officers, a county assessor shall be elected, and all provisions of this Code relating to counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall then immediately apply to that county.
    In counties having an elected board of review as provided by law for counties with 150,000 or more but less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county board may by resolution have submitted to the legal voters of the county at any regular election, the question of abolishing the elected board of review. The county board shall certify the question to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question to the voters. Such referendum shall be held and returns made all in the manner now provided by the general election law and the question shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall the elected board of            YES
review be abolished and be        ----------------------------
replaced by an appointed board?       NO
    If a majority of the voters voting on the question vote in favor of the proposition, the elected board of review shall be abolished to take effect on June 1 following the election. On that date, all records, books and papers pertaining to the elected board shall be transferred and delivered by the board to its successor in office. Thereafter all the powers and duties conferred upon appointed boards of review in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, shall be exercised and performed in such counties so voting, by appointed boards of review as provided by law for counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/6-50

    (35 ILCS 200/6-50)
    Sec. 6-50. Majority vote. Board of review action may be taken by a majority vote of the board.
(Source: P.A. 76-1322; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/6-55

    (35 ILCS 200/6-55)
    Sec. 6-55. Oath of office. Each member of the board of review shall, before entering upon the duties of office, take and subscribe to the oath required under Section 5-10.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/6-60

    (35 ILCS 200/6-60)
    Sec. 6-60. Rules and procedures. The board of review in every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants must make available to the public a detailed description of the rules and procedures for hearings before the board. This description must include an explanation of any applicable burdens of proof, rules of evidence, timelines, and any other procedures that will allow the taxpayer to effectively present his or her case before the board. If a county Internet website exists, the rules and procedures must also be published on that website.
(Source: P.A. 96-122, eff. 1-1-10.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 7

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 7 heading)
Article 7. Property Tax Appeal Board

35 ILCS 200/7-5

    (35 ILCS 200/7-5)
    Sec. 7-5. Creation of Property Tax Appeal Board. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall consist of 5 members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall designate one of the members as Chairman. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall be totally independent of the Department. A vacancy on the Board shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments are made.
(Source: P.A. 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/7-10

    (35 ILCS 200/7-10)
    Sec. 7-10. Selection of members. The members of the Property Tax Appeal Board shall be qualified by virtue of 5 years experience and training in the field of public finance administration, at least 2 years of which shall be in the field of property appraisal and property tax administration. No more than 3 members of the Board may be members of the same political party. The Chairman of the Property Tax Appeal Board shall receive $28,000 per year, or an amount set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater; and each other member of the Board shall receive $22,500 per year, or an amount set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater.
    Of the 5 members of the Board the terms of 2 members shall expire on the third Monday in January, 1995; the term of 2 members shall expire on the third Monday in January, 1997; and the term of one member shall expire on the third Monday in January, 1999. Members shall be appointed in each odd-numbered year for a 6 year term commencing on the third Monday in January of such year. Each member shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 84-1240; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/7-15

    (35 ILCS 200/7-15)
    Sec. 7-15. Employees. The Property Tax Appeal Board may appoint necessary hearing officers, appraisers, technicians and necessary clerical help to aid it in performing its duties.
    The Property Tax Appeal Board shall choose a person to serve as clerk of the Board.
(Source: P.A. 80-601; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 8

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 8 heading)
Article 8. Department of Revenue

35 ILCS 200/8-5

    (35 ILCS 200/8-5)
    Sec. 8-5. General duties. The Department shall:
    (1) Direct and supervise the assessment of all property so that all assessments are made relatively just and equal.
    (2) Confer with, advise and assist local assessment officers relative to the performance of their duties.
    (3) Prescribe for assessment officers general rules, relative to the assessment of property, which rules shall be binding upon all assessment officers until reversed, annulled or modified by a court of competent jurisdiction.
    (4) Prescribe or approve forms for returns, reports, complaints, notices and other documents, and the contents of required files and records authorized or required by law or by rule and regulation of the Department. All assessing officers shall use true copies of such forms or reasonable electronic facsimiles of them.
    (5) Assess all property owned by or used by railroad companies operating within this State, except non-carrier real estate.
    (6) Equalize the assessment of property among the different counties of the State and fix the aggregate amount of the assessment for each county upon which taxes shall be extended in each year; and publish a statement of the methods and procedures used in making such equalization.
    (7) Keep a correct record of its acts relative to the assessment of property and the equalization of assessments. The record shall be available for public inspection and copies shall be distributed to any person upon request and payment of the cost of reproduction.
    (8) Grant or deny non-homestead exemptions under Sections 16-70 and 16-130.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/8-10

    (35 ILCS 200/8-10)
    Sec. 8-10. General powers. The Department may:
    (1) Require local assessment officers to meet with it from time to time to consider matters relative to taxation;
    (2) Formulate and recommend legislation for the improvement of the property tax system;
    (3) Investigate the tax systems of other states and countries;
    (4) Request the institution of proceedings, actions and prosecutions to enforce the laws relating to the penalties, liabilities and punishment of public officers, persons, or officers or agents of corporations for failure or neglect to comply with this Code;
    (5) Order reassessments as provided in Section 13-10;
    (6) Take evidence and testimony under oath and to require the production of books, papers and documents pertinent to any assessment, investigation or inquiry, and for that purpose to subpoena and compel the attendance of witnesses;
    (7) Require from all State and local officers information necessary for the proper discharge of its duties;
    (8) Examine and make memoranda from any records, books, papers, documents, and statements of account on record or on file in any public office or taxing district and all public officers having charge or custody of those records shall furnish to the Department any information on file or of record in their respective offices;
    (9) Adopt rules determining 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of railroad property assessed by it.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-15

    (35 ILCS 200/8-15)
    Sec. 8-15. Department records for use in courts. Certified copies of the records of the Department pertaining to assessment and equalization shall be received in all courts with like effect as certified copies of other public records.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-20

    (35 ILCS 200/8-20)
    Sec. 8-20. Oaths. All officers and employees of the Department and other persons specially delegated in writing for that purpose, may administer oaths authorized or required under this Code.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-25

    (35 ILCS 200/8-25)
    Sec. 8-25. Noncompliance with Department subpoena. If any person refuses to comply with any subpoena issued by the Department, or to produce or to permit the examination or inspection of any books, papers or documents pertinent to any assessment, investigation or inquiry, or to testify to any matter regarding which he or she may be lawfully interrogated by the Department, the circuit court for the county in which the matter or hearing is pending, on application of the Department, shall compel compliance by attachment proceedings as for contempt, as in a case of noncompliance with the requirements of a subpoena from the court on a refusal to testify.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 631; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-30

    (35 ILCS 200/8-30)
    Sec. 8-30. Witness fees. The fees and mileage reimbursements of witnesses attending any hearing held by the Department under this Code, pursuant to subpoena, shall be the same as those of witnesses in civil cases in the circuit court. The fees and mileage reimbursements shall be paid by the State.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-35

    (35 ILCS 200/8-35)
    Sec. 8-35. Notification requirements; procedure on protest.
    (a) Assessments made by the Department. Upon completion of its original assessments, the Department shall publish a complete list of the assessments in the State "official newspaper." Any person feeling aggrieved by any such assessment may, within 10 days of the date of publication of the list, apply to the Department for a review and correction of that assessment. Upon review of the assessment, the Department shall make any correction as it considers just.
    If review of an assessment has been made and notice has been given of the Department's decision, any party to the proceeding who feels aggrieved by the decision, may file an application for hearing. The application shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Department within 20 days after notice of the decision has been given by certified mail. Petitions for hearing shall state concisely the mistakes alleged to have been made or the new evidence to be presented.
    No action for the judicial review of any assessment decision of the Department shall be allowed unless the party commencing such action has filed an application for a hearing and the Department has acted upon the application.
    The extension of taxes on an assessment shall not be delayed by any proceeding under this Section. In cases where the assessment is revised, the taxes extended upon the assessment, or that part of the taxes as may be appropriate, shall be abated or, if already paid, refunded.
    (b) Exemption decisions made by the Department. Notice of each exemption decision made by the Department under Section 15-25, 16-70, or 16-130 shall be given by certified mail to the applicant for exemption.
    If an exemption decision has been made by the Department and notice has been given of the Department's decision, any party to the proceeding who feels aggrieved by the decision may file an application for hearing. The application shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Department within 60 days after notice of the decision has been given by certified mail. Petitions for hearing shall state concisely the mistakes alleged to have been made or the new evidence to be presented.
    If a petition for hearing is filed, the Department shall reconsider the exemption decision and shall grant any party to the proceeding a hearing. As soon as practical after the reconsideration and hearing, the Department shall issue a notice of decision by mailing the notice by certified mail. The notice shall set forth the Department's findings of fact and the basis of the decision.
    Within 30 days after the mailing of a notice of decision, any party to the proceeding may file with the Director a written request for rehearing in such form as the Department may by rule prescribe, setting forth the grounds on which rehearing is requested. If rehearing or Departmental review is granted, as soon as practical after the rehearing or Departmental review has been held, the Department shall issue a revised decision to the party or the party's legal representative as a result of the rehearing. The action of the Department on a petition for hearing shall become final the later of (i) 30 days after issuance of a notice of decision, if no request for rehearing is made, or (ii) if a timely request for rehearing is made, upon the issuance of the denial of the request or the issuance of a notice of final decision.
    No action for the judicial review of any exemption decision of the Department shall be allowed unless the party commencing the action has filed an application for a hearing and the Department has acted upon the application.
    The extension of taxes on an assessment shall not be delayed by any proceeding under this Section. In cases when the exemption is granted, in whole or in part, the taxes extended upon the assessment, or that part of the taxes as may be appropriate, shall be abated or, if already paid, refunded.
(Source: P.A. 92-658, eff. 7-16-02.)

35 ILCS 200/8-40

    (35 ILCS 200/8-40)
    Sec. 8-40. Applicability of Administrative Review Law. The circuit court for the county in which a property assessed, or some part of such property, is situated may review all final administrative decisions of the Department in administering this Code. The Administrative Review Law and the rules adopted under it apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Department under Section 8-35. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and includes assessment ratios and percentages for equalization of assessments determined by the Department under Sections 17-5 through 17-30. Any review of assessment ratios and percentages for equalization of assessments under the Administrative Review Law shall not delay the computation, mailing or payment of tax bills. If a final court decision holding the Department's ratios or percentages in error comes after the mailing of the tax bills, an adjustment shall be made on all bills in the assessment district in the first tax billing following the decision to credit taxpayers with any payments which may have exceeded the maximum tax rate in rate-limited levies of non-home rule taxing units. Service upon the Director or the Assistant Director of the Department of summons issued in an action to review a final administrative decision of the Department shall be service upon the Department.
    Appeals from all final orders and judgments entered by the circuit court upon review of the Department's determination in any case shall be taken as in other civil cases.
(Source: P.A. 82-1057; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-45

    (35 ILCS 200/8-45)
    Sec. 8-45. Effect of judicial review. No action for the judicial review of an assessment made by the Department shall stay or suspend any assessment or the extension of any taxes thereon. If the court, by its final judgment, sets aside or reduces an assessment, and the taxes so erroneously assessed have been paid, the person erroneously paying the taxes shall be entitled to a refund as provided by Section 20-175.
(Source: Laws 1947, p. 1433; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-50

    (35 ILCS 200/8-50)
    Sec. 8-50. Forms and instructions. Assessors shall use the forms and follow the instructions which are, from time to time, transmitted to them by the Department, or that are furnished to them by the county clerk or other officer, under the law.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/8-55

    (35 ILCS 200/8-55)
    Sec. 8-55. Office of appraisals. Within the Department, an Office of Appraisals shall assist local government assessment officials, in counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, with appraisal of commercial and industrial properties having an assessment, prior to equalization by the Department, of $350,000 or more.
    The Office shall provide assistance to assessors and Supervisors of Assessments having a complaint or appeal relating to the property to be appraised pending before the Board of Review or the State Property Tax Appeal Board. Such assistance shall be provided upon request, pursuant to a written agreement between the Department and the assessing official making the request, specifying the project involved, the time frame for making the appraisal, the purpose of the appraisal and the responsibilities of the parties, including agreement by the local assessing official that the appraisal will be accepted and utilized in the pending complaint or appeal.
(Source: P.A. 92-301, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 3 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 heading)
Article 9. General Valuation Procedures

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Office Operations

35 ILCS 200/9-5

    (35 ILCS 200/9-5)
    Sec. 9-5. Rules. Each county assessor, board of appeals, and board of review shall make and publish reasonable rules for the guidance of persons doing business with them and for the orderly dispatch of business.
    In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, these rules shall not require specific proof to be offered nor limit the nature of evidence which may be offered as a condition of filing an assessment complaint under Section 16-55.
    In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor and board of appeals (ending the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), jointly shall make and prescribe rules for the assessment of property and the preparation of the assessment books by the township assessors in their respective townships and for the return of those books to the county assessor.
(Source: P.A. 98-322, eff. 8-12-13.)

35 ILCS 200/9-10

    (35 ILCS 200/9-10)
    Sec. 9-10. Office hours. The offices of the chief county assessment officer shall be open all the year during business hours to hear or receive complaints or suggestions that property has not been properly assessed.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-15

    (35 ILCS 200/9-15)
    Sec. 9-15. Annual meeting of supervisor of assessments. In all counties of township organization having a supervisor of assessments, the supervisor of assessments shall, by January 1 of each year, assemble all assessors and their deputies for consultation and shall instruct them in uniformity of their functions. The instructions shall be in writing and available to the public. Notice of the annual assembly shall be published not more than 30 nor less than 10 days before the assembly in a newspaper published in the township or the tax assessment district, and if there is no such newspaper, in a newspaper published in the county and in general circulation in the township or tax assessment district. At the time of publishing the notice, a press release giving notice of the assembly shall be given to each newspaper published in the county and to each commercial broadcasting station whose main office is located in the county. The assembly is open to the public.
    Any assessor or deputy assessor who wilfully refuses or neglects to observe or follow instructions of the supervisor of assessments, which are in accordance with law, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Any supervisor of assessments who willfully gives directions which are not in accordance with law is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 84-837; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-20

    (35 ILCS 200/9-20)
    Sec. 9-20. Property record cards. In all counties, all property record cards maintained by a township assessor, multi-township assessor, or chief county assessment officer shall be public records, and shall be available for public inspection during business hours, subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the custodian of the records. Upon request and payment of such reasonable fee established by the custodian, a copy or printout shall be provided to any person.
    Property record cards may be established and maintained on electronic equipment or microfiche, and that system may be the exclusive record of property information.
(Source: P.A. 83-1312; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-25

    (35 ILCS 200/9-25)
    Sec. 9-25. Township property record cards. In counties under township organization, the township assessors and multi-township assessors shall allow the supervisor of assessments to make a duplicate copy of any or all records compiled and maintained by the township assessor and multi-township assessor. The supervisor of assessments shall make and maintain a complete set of property record cards. The township or multi-township assessor shall supply the supervisor of assessments with a copy of all new property record cards as they are added to the tax rolls.
(Source: P.A. 84-837; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-30

    (35 ILCS 200/9-30)
    Sec. 9-30. Property records systems - Townships and multi-townships. The township or multi-township assessor may spend funds for the preparation, establishment and maintenance of a detailed property record system which would provide information useful to assessment officials. The assessor also may enter into contracts with persons, firms or corporations for the preparation and establishment of the record system. The property record system shall include up-to-date and complete tax maps, ownership lists, valuation standards and property record cards, including appraisals, for all or any part of the property in the township or multi-township assessment district in accordance with reasonable rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, but the system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of assessing officials. The record shall be available to all assessing officials and to the public.
(Source: P.A. 82-554; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-35

    (35 ILCS 200/9-35)
    Sec. 9-35. County tax maps - Supervisor of assessments. Except as provided in Section 5-1108 of the Counties Code, each supervisor of assessments shall prepare and maintain, in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, tax maps and up-to-date lists of property owners' names and addresses and property record cards for all of the property in the county, and shall procure at regular intervals from the records maintained by the county recorder information relating to transfers of property. The supervisor of assessments shall not, however, duplicate the work of any full-time township assessor or multi-township assessor who maintains up-to-date and complete tax maps, ownership lists and property record cards in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department. This shall not preclude the maintenance of duplicate records in the supervisor of assessments' office. This Section shall not prohibit the preparation and setting up of a property record system (including appraisals) and property record cards as provided for in other Acts, but such system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of the assessors as provided by this Code. Systems and records or copies of them set up under other Acts may be maintained by the supervisor of assessments in his or her office. In preparing the original tax maps, lists and property record cards, he or she shall consult with the Department and the Department shall furnish to the officer such supplies and equipment as may, in its judgment, be necessary to set up the original set of maps, lists and records required by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-482; 86-1475; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-40

    (35 ILCS 200/9-40)
    Sec. 9-40. County tax maps; County assessor. In any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which elects a county assessor under Section 3-45, the county assessor shall, except as provided in Section 5-1108 of the Counties Code, prepare and maintain tax maps, up-to-date lists of property owners' names and addresses, and property record cards for all of the property in the county. Those documents shall be prepared and maintained in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department. The county assessor also shall procure at regular intervals from the records maintained by the recorder information relating to transfers of property. The county assessor shall not duplicate the work of any fulltime township assessor who maintains up-to-date and complete tax maps, ownership lists and property record cards in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, but this shall not preclude the maintenance of duplicate copies of those records in the county assessor's office. This Section does not prohibit the preparation and setting up of a property record system (including appraisals) and property record cards as provided for in other Acts, but the system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of the assessors under this Code. Systems and records or copies of them set up under such other Acts may be maintained by the county assessor in his or her office. In preparing the original tax maps, lists and property record cards, the county assessor shall consult with the Department. The Department shall furnish to that officer supplies and equipment as may, in its judgment, be necessary to set up the original set of maps, lists and records required by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-45

    (35 ILCS 200/9-45)
    Sec. 9-45. Property index number system. The county clerk in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and, subject to the approval of the county board, the chief county assessment officer or recorder, in counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, may establish a property index number system under which property may be listed for purposes of assessment, collection of taxes or automation of the office of the recorder. The system may be adopted in addition to, or instead of, the method of listing by legal description as provided in Section 9-40. The system shall describe property by township, section, block, and parcel or lot, and may cross-reference the street or post office address, if any, and street code number, if any. The county clerk, county treasurer, chief county assessment officer or recorder may establish and maintain cross indexes of numbers assigned under the system with the complete legal description of the properties to which the numbers relate. Index numbers shall be assigned by the county clerk in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, and, at the direction of the county board in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, shall be assigned by the chief county assessment officer or recorder. Tax maps of the county clerk, county treasurer or chief county assessment officer shall carry those numbers. The indexes shall be open to public inspection and be made available to the public. Any property index number system established prior to the effective date of this Code shall remain valid. However, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the system may be transferred to another authority upon the approval of the county board.
    Any real property used for a power generating or automotive manufacturing facility located within a county of less than 1,000,000 inhabitants, as to which litigation with respect to its assessed valuation is pending or was pending as of January 1, 1993, may be the subject of a real property tax assessment settlement agreement among the taxpayer and taxing districts in which it is situated. In addition, any real property that is located in a county with fewer than 1,000,000 inhabitants and (i) is used for natural gas extraction and fractionation or olefin and polymer manufacturing or (ii) is used for a petroleum refinery may be the subject of a real property tax assessment settlement agreement among the taxpayer and taxing districts in which the property is situated if litigation is or was pending as to its assessed valuation as of January 1, 2003 or thereafter. Other appropriate authorities, which may include county and State boards or officials, may also be parties to such agreements. Such agreements may include the assessment of the facility or property for any years in dispute as well as for up to 10 years in the future. Such agreements may provide for the settlement of issues relating to the assessed value of the facility and may provide for related payments, refunds, claims, credits against taxes and liabilities in respect to past and future taxes of taxing districts, including any fund created under Section 20-35 of this Act, all implementing the settlement agreement. Any such agreement may provide that parties thereto agree not to challenge assessments as provided in the agreement. An agreement entered into on or after January 1, 1993 may provide for the classification of property that is the subject of the agreement as real or personal during the term of the agreement and thereafter. It may also provide that taxing districts agree to reimburse the taxpayer for amounts paid by the taxpayer in respect to taxes for the real property which is the subject of the agreement to the extent levied by those respective districts, over and above amounts which would be due if the facility were to be assessed as provided in the agreement. Such reimbursement may be provided in the agreement to be made by credit against taxes of the taxpayer. No credits shall be applied against taxes levied with respect to debt service or lease payments of a taxing district. No referendum approval or appropriation shall be required for such an agreement or such credits and any such obligation shall not constitute indebtedness of the taxing district for purposes of any statutory limitation. The county collector shall treat credited amounts as if they had been received by the collector as taxes paid by the taxpayer and as if remitted to the district. A county treasurer who is a party to such an agreement may agree to hold amounts paid in escrow as provided in the agreement for possible use for paying taxes until conditions of the agreement are met and then to apply these amounts as provided in the agreement. No such settlement agreement shall be effective unless it shall have been approved by the court in which such litigation is pending. Any such agreement which has been entered into prior to adoption of this amendatory Act of 1988 and which is contingent upon enactment of authorizing legislation shall be binding and enforceable.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/9-50

    (35 ILCS 200/9-50)
    Sec. 9-50. Maps and plats. The chief county assessment officer may make or purchase maps and plats that will facilitate the business of his or her office. The maps and plats shall always remain in the office, and will be open and accessible to the public.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-55

    (35 ILCS 200/9-55)
    Sec. 9-55. Survey by owner. When a property is divided into parcels so that it cannot be described without describing it by metes and bounds, it is the duty of the owner to have the land surveyed and platted into lots. The platting shall be in accord with the Plat Act. The plat shall be certified and recorded. Any unit of local government responsible for issuing building permits may require, by ordinance, that the plat be certified and recorded before the building permit is issued, unless a subdivision plat is not required under subsection (b) of Section 1 of the Plat Act. The description of property, in accordance with the number and description in the plat, shall be a valid description of the property described. However, no plat of a subdivision, vacation or dedication of a tract of land shall be approved by a city, incorporated town or village officer, nor shall any recorder record a plat, unless a statement from the county clerk is endorsed thereon showing that he or she finds no delinquent general taxes, unpaid current general taxes, delinquent special assessments or unpaid current special assessments against the tract of land. No officer of a city, village or incorporated town shall approve the plat of a subdivision of a tract of land until all deferred installments of outstanding unpaid special assessments are either certified as paid by the proper collector, or a division thereof is made in accord with the proposed subdivision and duly approved by the court that confirmed the special assessment.
(Source: P.A. 90-788, eff. 8-14-98.)

35 ILCS 200/9-60

    (35 ILCS 200/9-60)
    Sec. 9-60. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 88-455. Repealed by P.A. 95-925, eff. 1-1-09.)

35 ILCS 200/9-65

    (35 ILCS 200/9-65)
    Sec. 9-65. Reassessment after platting. Except as otherwise provided by Section 10-30 with respect to assessments made in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, whenever acreage property has been subdivided into lots and the subdivision has been recorded, the lots shall be reassessed and placed upon the assessor's books, replacing the acreage property, as of the first day of January immediately following the date of the recording or filing of the subdivision.
(Source: P.A. 83-358; 83-837; 83-1362; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Assessment authority

35 ILCS 200/9-70

    (35 ILCS 200/9-70)
    Sec. 9-70. Assessment authority. The Department shall assess all pollution control facilities, low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices, and property owned or used by railroad companies operating within this State, except noncarrier real estate. Local assessment officers shall assess all other property not exempted from taxation.
(Source: P.A. 81-838; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-75

    (35 ILCS 200/9-75)
    Sec. 9-75. Revisions of assessments; Counties of less than 3,000,000. The chief county assessment officer of any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, or the township or multi-township assessor of any township in that county, may in any year revise and correct an assessment as appears to be just. Notice of the revision shall be given in the manner provided in Section 12-10 and 12-30 to the taxpayer whose assessment has been changed.
(Source: P.A. 81-838; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-80

    (35 ILCS 200/9-80)
    Sec. 9-80. Authority to revise assessments; Counties of less than 3,000,000. The chief county assessment officer in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall have the same authority as the township or multi-township assessor to assess and to make changes or alterations in the assessment of property, and shall assess and make such changes or alterations in the assessment of property as though originally made. Changes by the chief county assessment officer in valuations shall be noted in a column provided, and no change shall be made in the original assessor's figures.
    When the chief county assessment officer or his or her deputy views property for the purposes of assessing the property or determining whether a change or alteration in the assessment of the property is required, he or she shall give notice to the township assessor by U.S. Mail at least 5 days but not more than 30 days prior to the viewing, so that the assessor may arrange to be present at the viewing, except if the township or multi-township assessor fails to timely return the assessment books or workbooks as required by Section 9-230. He or she shall also give notice to owners of the properties by means of notices in a paper of general circulation in the township. The notices shall state the chief county assessment officer's intention to view the property but need not specify the date and time of the viewing. When the chief county assessment officer or his or her deputy is present at the property to be viewed, immediately prior to the viewing, he or she shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain if the owner or his or her representative, or the assessor, are on the premises and to inform them of his or her intention to view the property. Failure to provide notice to the township assessor and owner shall not of and by itself invalidate any change in an assessment. A viewing under this Section and Section 9-155 means actual viewing of the visible property in its entirety from, on or at the site of the property.
    All changes and alterations in the assessment of property shall be subject to revision by the board of review in the same manner that original assessments are reviewed.
(Source: P.A. 96-486, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/9-85

    (35 ILCS 200/9-85)
    Sec. 9-85. Revision of assessments by county assessor and board of review; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor shall have authority annually to revise the assessment books and correct them as appears to be just; and on complaint in writing in proper form by any taxpayer, and after affording the taxpayer an opportunity to be heard thereon, he or she shall do so at any time, until the assessment is verified. An entry upon the assessment books does not constitute an assessment until the assessment is verified. When a notice is to be mailed under Section 12-55 and the address that appears on the assessor's records is the address of a mortgage lender or the trustee, where title to the property is held in a land trust, or in any event whenever the notice is mailed by the assessor to a taxpayer at or in care of the address of a mortgage lender or a trustee where the title to the property is held in a land trust, the mortgage lender or the trustee within 15 days of the mortgage lender's or the trustee's receipt of such notice shall mail a copy of the notice to each mortgagor of the property referred to in the notice at the last known address of each mortgagor as shown on the records of the mortgage lender, or to each beneficiary as shown on the records of the trustee.
    All changes and alterations pursuant to Section 16-95 or Section 16-120 in the assessment of property shall be subject to revision and entry into the assessment books by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in the same manner as the original assessments.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Assessment books.

35 ILCS 200/9-90

    (35 ILCS 200/9-90)
    Sec. 9-90. Procuring assessment books. The county clerk shall procure all necessary books and blanks required by this Code to be used in the assessment of property and collection of taxes, at the expense of the county.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-95

    (35 ILCS 200/9-95)
    Sec. 9-95. Listing of property. All property subject to taxation under this Code, including property becoming taxable for the first time, shall be listed by the proper legal description in the name of the owner, and assessed at the times and in the manner provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, and also in any year that the Department orders a reassessment (to the extent the reassessment is so ordered), with reference to the amount owned on January 1 in the year for which it is assessed, including all property purchased that day. The assessment, as modified or equalized or changed as provided by law, shall be the assessment upon which taxes shall be levied and extended during the general assessment period for which the assessment is made, or during the remainder of that general assessment period for any property reassessed by order of the Department. No assessment shall be considered illegal by reason of not having been listed or assessed in the name of the owner or owners.
(Source: P.A. 85-1221; 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-100

    (35 ILCS 200/9-100)
    Sec. 9-100. Assessment list; Delivery of books. Before January 1 in each year of the general assessment, as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, each county clerk shall make up the list of property to be assessed for taxes for the townships or taxing districts in the county, in books for that purpose. Annually, before January 1, he or she shall make up lists of properties which are taxable, or which become taxable for the first time, and which are not already listed, and make up lists of properties which have been subdivided and not listed by the proper description. The county clerk shall enter in the proper column, opposite the respective parcels, the name of the owner, or other such persons, so far as he is able to ascertain the names. The lists shall contain columns to show the number of acres or lots improved, and the assessed value; the assessed value of improvements; the total value; and other information as may be required. The county clerk shall also have prepared and ready for delivery all blanks necessary in the assessment of property, and shall deliver those blanks to the assessors along with the assessment books or lists. The books or lists may be completed and delivered by townships or taxing districts without waiting for the completion of all the books or lists, but all assessment books or lists shall be delivered by the county clerk to the chief county assessment officer on or before January 1. The books or lists shall be made in duplicate.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-105

    (35 ILCS 200/9-105)
    Sec. 9-105. Makeup of assessment books by townships. The books for the assessment of property, in counties not under township organization, shall be made up by congressional townships, but parts or fractional townships may be added to full townships, at the discretion of the county board. In counties under township organization, the books shall be made to correspond with the organized townships. Separate books shall be made for the assessment of property and the collection of all taxes and special assessments thereon, within the corporate limits of cities, incorporated towns and villages, if ordered by the county board.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-110

    (35 ILCS 200/9-110)
    Sec. 9-110. Railroad assessment book. The county clerk shall procure, at the expense of the county, a record book in a form prescribed by the Department, in which to enter railroad property as listed for taxation, and shall enter the valuations assessed, corrected and equalized in the manner provided by law. The county clerk shall extend all the taxes for which the property is liable against its equalized assessed value. At the time fixed by law for delivering tax books to the county collector, the clerk shall attach a warrant, under his or her seal of office, and deliver the book to the county collector. The county collector shall collect the taxes charged against railroad property, and pay over and account for the taxes in the manner provided in other cases. The book shall be returned by the collector and filed in the office of the county clerk. The taxes on all railroad property shall be extended as on other property, and shall be subject to the same penalties, dates of payment and methods of enforcement as other property taxes.
(Source: Laws 1945, p. 1212; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-115

    (35 ILCS 200/9-115)
    Sec. 9-115. Parcels in more than one taxing district. When any property is situated in more than one township or taxing district, or is situated and assessed in any drainage district, for drainage purposes, the portion in each township or taxing district shall be listed separately. The lands in any drainage district shall be listed so as to correspond, as nearly as possible, to the respective subdivisions and descriptions in the latest assessment roll of the drainage district.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-120

    (35 ILCS 200/9-120)
    Sec. 9-120. Combined listings. When a whole section, half section, quarter section, or half-quarter section of property, belongs to the same owner, it may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be listed as one tract, and when all lots in the same block belong to the same owner they may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be listed as a block. When several adjoining lots in the same block belong to the same owner, they may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be included in one description. However, this Section shall not apply to property on which delinquent or forfeited taxes are outstanding.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-125

    (35 ILCS 200/9-125)
    Sec. 9-125. Verification of assessment lists. The county clerk shall compare the lists of property with the list of taxable property on file in his or her office.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-130

    (35 ILCS 200/9-130)
    Sec. 9-130. Delivery of assessment books. The chief county assessment officer shall call upon the county clerk on or before the first day of January in each year and receive the assessment books and blanks as prepared by the county clerk for the assessment of property for that year.
(Source: P.A. 86-678; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-135

    (35 ILCS 200/9-135)
    Sec. 9-135. Correction of assessment lists. If the assessor or chief county assessment officer finds that any property subject to taxation, or special assessment, has not been returned to him or her by the clerk, or has not been described in the subdivisions or manner required by this Code, he or she shall correct the return of the clerk, and shall list and assess the property in the manner required by law.
    The assessor or chief county assessment officer shall, also, from time to time, make alterations in the description of property as he or she may find necessary. When property has been subdivided since the making of the general assessment, the assessor or chief county assessment officer shall from time to time correct the descriptions so that they correspond to the subdivision, and distribute the assessment in the proper proportions among the parcels into which the land has been subdivided; and in case of a vacation of a subdivision readjust the description of the assessment accordingly.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-140

    (35 ILCS 200/9-140)
    Sec. 9-140. Loss or destruction of assessment books. When all or any part of the assessment rolls or collectors' books of any county, or other taxing district are lost or destroyed by any means whatever, a new assessment, or new books, as the case may require, shall be made under the direction of the county board. The board shall, in those cases, fix reasonable times and dates for performing the work of assessment, equalization, levy, extension and collection of taxes, and paying over the same, or making new books, as the circumstances of the case may require. All provisions of this Code apply to the dates fixed by the county board, in the same manner that they apply to the dates for similar purposes, as fixed by this Code. The presiding officer of the county board may select and appoint persons, with the advice and consent of the county board, when he or she finds it necessary, to carry out provisions of this section.
(Source: P.A. 78-1128; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Valuation procedures

35 ILCS 200/9-145

    (35 ILCS 200/9-145)
    Sec. 9-145. Statutory level of assessment. Except in counties with more than 200,000 inhabitants which classify property for purposes of taxation, property shall be valued as follows:
        (a) Each tract or lot of property shall be valued at
33 1/3% of its fair cash value.
        (b) Each taxable leasehold estate shall be valued at
33 1/3% of its fair cash value.
        (c) Each building or structure which is located on
the right of way of any canal, railroad or other company leased or granted to another company or person for a term of years, shall be valued at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value.
        (d) Any property on which there is a coal or other
mine, or stone or other quarry, shall be valued at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value. Oil, gas and other minerals, except coal, shall have value and be assessed separately at 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of such oil, gas and other minerals. Coal shall be assessed separately at 33 1/3% of the coal reserve economic value, as provided in Sections 10-170 through 10-200.
        (e) In the assessment of property encumbered by
public easement, any depreciation occasioned by such easement shall be deducted in the valuation of such property. Any property dedicated as a nature preserve or as a nature preserve buffer under the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act, for the purposes of this paragraph, is encumbered by a public easement and shall be depreciated for assessment purposes to a level at which its valuation shall be $1 per acre or portion thereof.
    This Section is subject to and modified by Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 11-5 through 11-65.
(Source: P.A. 91-497, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/9-150

    (35 ILCS 200/9-150)
    Sec. 9-150. Classification of property. Where property is classified for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution and with such other limitations as may be prescribed by law, the classification must be established by ordinance of the county board. If not so established, the classification is void.
(Source: P.A. 78-700; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-155

    (35 ILCS 200/9-155)
    Sec. 9-155. Valuation in general assessment years. On or before June 1 in each general assessment year in all counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, and as soon as he or she reasonably can in each general assessment year in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, or if any such county is divided into assessment districts as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, as soon as he or she reasonably can in each general assessment year in those districts, the assessor, in person or by deputy, shall actually view and determine as near as practicable the value of each property listed for taxation as of January 1 of that year, or as provided in Section 9-180, and assess the property at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value, or in accordance with Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200, or in accordance with a county ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution of Illinois. The assessor or deputy shall set down, in the books furnished for that purpose the assessed valuation of properties in one column, the assessed value of improvements in another, and the total valuation in a separate column.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-160

    (35 ILCS 200/9-160)
    Sec. 9-160. Valuation in years other than general assessment years. On or before June 1 in each year other than the general assessment year, in all counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, and as soon as he or she reasonably can in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the assessor shall list and assess all property which becomes taxable and which is not upon the general assessment, and also make and return a list of all new or added buildings, structures or other improvements of any kind, the value of which had not been previously added to or included in the valuation of the property on which such improvements have been made, specifying the property on which each of the improvements has been made, the kind of improvement and the value which, in his or her opinion, has been added to the property by the improvements. The assessment shall also include or exclude, on a proportionate basis in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-180, all new or added buildings, structures or other improvements, the value of which was not included in the valuation of the property for that year, and all improvements which were destroyed or removed. In case of the destruction or injury by fire, flood, cyclone, storm or otherwise, or removal of any structures of any kind, or of the destruction of or any injury to orchard timber, ornamental trees or groves, the value of which has been included in any former valuation of the property, the assessor shall determine as near as practicable how much the value of the property has been diminished, and make return thereof.
    Beginning January 1, 1996, the authority within a unit of local government that is responsible for issuing building or occupancy permits shall notify the chief county assessment officer, by December 31 of the assessment year, when a full or partial occupancy permit has been issued for a parcel of real property. The chief county assessment officer shall include in the assessment of the property for the current year the proportionate value of new or added improvements on that property from the date the occupancy permit was issued or from the date the new or added improvement was inhabitable and fit for occupancy or for intended customary use until December 31 of that year. If the chief county assessment officer has already certified the books for the year, the board of review or interim board of review shall assess the new or added improvements on a proportionate basis for the year in which the occupancy permit was issued or the new or added improvement was inhabitable and fit for occupancy or for intended customary use. The proportionate value of the new or added improvements may be assessed by the board of review or interim board of review as omitted property pursuant to Sections 9-265, 9-270, 16-50 and 16-140 in a subsequent year on a proportionate basis for the year in which the occupancy permit was issued or the new or added improvement was inhabitable and fit for occupancy or for intended customary use if it was not assessed in that year.
(Source: P.A. 91-486, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/9-165

    (35 ILCS 200/9-165)
    Sec. 9-165. Definitions. As used in Sections 9-160 and 9-180:
    "Municipality" means a city, village or incorporated town.
    "Governing body" means (a) the corporate authorities of a municipality with respect to territory within its corporate limits and (b) the county board with respect to territory in the county not within the corporate limits of any municipality.
    "Occupancy permit" means the certificate or permit, by whatever name denominated, which a municipality or county, under its authority to regulate the construction of buildings, issues as evidence that all applicable requirements have been complied with and requires before any new, reconstructed or remodeled building may be lawfully occupied.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-486, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/9-170

    (35 ILCS 200/9-170)
    Sec. 9-170. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 88-455. Repealed by 89-412, eff. 11-17-95.)

35 ILCS 200/9-175

    (35 ILCS 200/9-175)
    Sec. 9-175. Owner on assessment date. The owner of property on January 1 in any year shall be liable for the taxes of that year, except that when coal has been separated from the land by deed or lease, the owner or lessee of the coal shall be liable for the taxes on the coal in the year of first production and each year thereafter until production ceases. Subject to the provisions of Section 20-210 for payment of current taxes on a specified part or undivided share of property, in all cases of property having more than one owner as of January 1 of any year, each owner is liable jointly and severally in any action under Section 21-440 for all taxes of that year.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-180

    (35 ILCS 200/9-180)
    Sec. 9-180. Pro-rata valuations; improvements or removal of improvements. The owner of property on January 1 also shall be liable, on a proportionate basis, for the increased taxes occasioned by the construction of new or added buildings, structures or other improvements on the property from the date when the occupancy permit was issued or from the date the new or added improvement was inhabitable and fit for occupancy or for intended customary use to December 31 of that year. The owner of the improved property shall notify the assessor, within 30 days of the issuance of an occupancy permit or within 30 days of completion of the improvements, on a form prescribed by that official, and request that the property be reassessed. The notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested and shall include the legal description of the property.
    When, during the previous calendar year, any buildings, structures or other improvements on the property were destroyed and rendered uninhabitable or otherwise unfit for occupancy or for customary use by accidental means (excluding destruction resulting from the willful misconduct of the owner of such property), the owner of the property on January 1 shall be entitled, on a proportionate basis, to a diminution of assessed valuation for such period during which the improvements were uninhabitable or unfit for occupancy or for customary use. The owner of property entitled to a diminution of assessed valuation shall, on a form prescribed by the assessor, within 90 days after the destruction of any improvements or, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants within 90 days after the township or multi-township assessor has mailed the application form as required by Section 9-190, file with the assessor for the decrease of assessed valuation. Upon failure so to do within the 90 day period, no diminution of assessed valuation shall be attributable to the property.
    Computations under this Section shall be on the basis of a year of 365 days.
(Source: P.A. 91-486, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/9-185

    (35 ILCS 200/9-185)
    Sec. 9-185. Change in use or ownership. The purchaser of property on January 1 shall be considered as the owner on that day. However, when a fee simple title or lesser interest in property is purchased, granted, taken or otherwise transferred for a use exempt from taxation under this Code, that property shall be exempt from taxes from the date of the right of possession, except that property acquired by condemnation is exempt as of the date the condemnation petition is filed. Whenever a fee simple title or lesser interest in property is purchased, granted, taken or otherwise transferred from a use exempt from taxation under this Code to a use not so exempt, that property shall be subject to taxation from the date of purchase or conveyance. It shall be the obligation of the titleholder of record in such cases where there is a change in use or a change in a leasehold estate or, in cases where there has been a purchase, grant, taking or transfer, it is the obligation of the transferee to notify the chief county assessment officer within 30 days of that action. Failure to give the notification, resulting in the assessing official continuing to list the property as exempt in subsequent years, shall cause the property to be considered omitted property for the purpose of this Code. In those cases the county collector is authorized to issue a tax bill to the person holding title to the property in that part of the year during which it was not exempt from taxation for that part of the year and to accept payment of the bill as full and final settlement of tax liability for the year involved.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-190

    (35 ILCS 200/9-190)
    Sec. 9-190. Damaged or destroyed property.
    (a) When a property in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants has been destroyed or rendered uninhabitable or otherwise unfit for occupancy or customary use by natural disaster or accidental means, the township assessor shall send to the owner by certified mail an application form for reduction of the assessed valuation of that property as provided in Section 9-180.
    (b) Whenever an official, employee, or other representative of a municipal fire department, fire protection district, volunteer fire protection association, or emergency services and disaster agency of a political subdivision of this State is required by law to make an official report to another government official or agency concerning a natural disaster or accident that is likely to cause real property to have a diminished assessed valuation, that official, employee, or representative shall make a copy of the report available to the property owner on the owner's request and shall insure that the report contains the following notice:
        If your property has been damaged you may be eligible
for a decrease in the assessed valuation of your property, which could result in lower property taxes. Contact your local assessor for more information.
    (c) Regardless of whether an official report concerning the natural disaster or accident is issued under subsection (b), the property owner may notify the township assessor of the property's destruction, uninhabitability, or unfitness for occupancy or normal use.
(Source: P.A. 87-818; 88-455; incorporates 88-221; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/9-195

    (35 ILCS 200/9-195)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 97-1161, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 9-195. Leasing of exempt property.
    (a) Except as provided in Sections 15-35, 15-55, 15-60, 15-100, 15-103, 15-160, and 15-185, when property which is exempt from taxation is leased to another whose property is not exempt, and the leasing of which does not make the property taxable, the leasehold estate and the appurtenances shall be listed as the property of the lessee thereof, or his or her assignee. Taxes on that property shall be collected in the same manner as on property that is not exempt, and the lessee shall be liable for those taxes. However, no tax lien shall attach to the exempt real estate. The changes made by Public Act 90-562 and by Public Act 91-513 are declaratory of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment. The changes made by Public Acts 88-221 and 88-420 that are incorporated into this Section by Public Act 88-670 are declarative of existing law and are not a new enactment.
    (b) The provisions of this Section regarding taxation of leasehold interests in exempt property do not apply to any leasehold interest created pursuant to any transaction described in subsection (e) of Section 15-35, subsection (c-5) of Section 15-60, subsection (b) of Section 15-100, Section 15-103, Section 15-160, or Section 15-185 of this Code or Section 6c of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-219, eff. 7-31-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 97-1161, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 9-195. Leasing of exempt property.
    (a) Except as provided in Sections 15-35, 15-55, 15-60, 15-100, 15-103, and 15-185, when property which is exempt from taxation is leased to another whose property is not exempt, and the leasing of which does not make the property taxable, the leasehold estate and the appurtenances shall be listed as the property of the lessee thereof, or his or her assignee. Taxes on that property shall be collected in the same manner as on property that is not exempt, and the lessee shall be liable for those taxes. However, no tax lien shall attach to the exempt real estate. The changes made by Public Act 90-562 and by Public Act 91-513 are declaratory of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment. The changes made by Public Acts 88-221 and 88-420 that are incorporated into this Section by Public Act 88-670 are declarative of existing law and are not a new enactment.
    (b) The provisions of this Section regarding taxation of leasehold interests in exempt property do not apply to any leasehold interest created pursuant to any transaction described in subsection (e) of Section 15-35, subsection (c-5) of Section 15-60, subsection (b) of Section 15-100, Section 15-103, or Section 15-185 of this Code or Section 6c of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-219, eff. 7-31-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)

35 ILCS 200/9-200

    (35 ILCS 200/9-200)
    Sec. 9-200. Previously exempt property. Property that is purchased, granted, taken or otherwise transferred from a use exempt from taxation under this Code to a use not so exempt shall be subject to taxation from the date of change of use, purchase or conveyance. In those cases the county collector may issue a tax bill to the person holding title to the property for that part of the year during which it was not exempt, and may accept payment of the bill as full and final settlement of tax liability for that year.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-205

    (35 ILCS 200/9-205)
    Sec. 9-205. Equalization. When deemed necessary to equalize assessments between or within townships or between classes of property, or when deemed necessary to raise or lower assessments within a county or any part thereof to the level prescribed by law, changes in individual assessments may be made by a township assessor or chief county assessment officer, under Section 9-75, by application of a percentage increase or decrease to each assessment.
(Source: P.A. 81-1034; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-210

    (35 ILCS 200/9-210)
    Sec. 9-210. Equalization by chief county assessment officer; counties of less than 3,000,000. The chief county assessment officer in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall act as an equalizing authority for each county in which he or she serves. The officer shall examine the assessments in the county and shall equalize the assessments by increasing or reducing the entire assessment of property in the county or any area therein or of any class of property, so that the assessments will be at 33 1/3% of fair cash value. The equalization process and analysis described in this Section shall apply to all property except farm and coal properties assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200.
    For each township or assessment district in the county, the supervisor of assessments shall annually determine the percentage relationship between the estimated 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property and the assessed valuations at which the property is listed for each township, multi-township or assessment district. To make this analysis, he or she shall use property transfers, property appraisals, and other means as he or she deems proper and reasonable.
    With the ratio determined for each township or assessment district, the supervisor of assessments shall then determine the percentage to be added to or deducted from the aggregate assessments in each township or assessment district, other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200, in order to produce a ratio of assessed value to fair cash value of 33 1/3%. That percentage shall be issued as an equalization factor for each township or assessment district within each county served by the chief county assessment officer. The assessment officer shall then change the assessment of each parcel of property by application of the equalization factor.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/9-213

    (35 ILCS 200/9-213)
    Sec. 9-213. Explanation of equalization factors. The chief county assessment officer in every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants must provide a plain-English explanation of all township, county, and State equalization factors, including the rationale and methods used to determine the equalizations. If a county Internet website exists, this explanation must be published thereon, otherwise it must be available to the public upon request at the office of the chief county assessment officer.
(Source: P.A. 96-122, eff. 1-1-10.)

35 ILCS 200/9-215

    (35 ILCS 200/9-215)
    Sec. 9-215. General assessment years; counties of less than 3,000,000. Except as provided in Sections 9-220 and 9-225, in counties having the township form of government and with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the general assessment years shall be 1995 and every fourth year thereafter. In counties having the commission form of government and less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the general assessment years shall be 1994 and every fourth year thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-220

    (35 ILCS 200/9-220)
    Sec. 9-220. Division into assessment districts; assessment years; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Code to the contrary, until January 1, 1996, the county board of a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants may by resolution divide the county into any number of assessment districts. If the county is organized into townships, the assessment districts shall follow township lines. The assessment districts shall divide, as near as practicable, the work of assessing the property in the county into equal parts but neither the area nor the number of parcels need be equal in the assessment districts. The resolution shall number the assessment districts and provide for a general reassessment of each district at regular intervals determined by the county board.
    (b) Beginning January 1, 1996, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, assessment districts shall be subject to general reassessment according to the following schedule:
        (1) The first assessment district shall be subject to
general reassessment in 1997 and every 3 years thereafter.
        (2) The second assessment district shall be subject
to general reassessment in 1998 and every 3 years thereafter.
        (3) The third assessment district shall be subject to
general reassessment in 1996 and every 3 years thereafter.
    The boundaries of the 3 assessment districts are as follows: (i) the first assessment district shall be that portion of the county located within the boundaries of a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, (ii) the second assessment district shall be that portion of the county that lies north of State Route 64 (North Avenue) and outside the boundaries of a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, and (iii) the third assessment district shall be that portion of the county that lies south of State Route 64 (North Avenue) and outside the boundaries of a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/9-225

    (35 ILCS 200/9-225)
    Sec. 9-225. Division of county into four assessment districts. Resolutions of any county board dividing the county into four assessment districts, if adopted before January 1, 1990, shall remain valid thereafter unless and until repealed by the county board.
    The county board of any county may, by resolution adopted after January 1, 1992, divide the county into 4 assessment districts. The county clerk shall forward a copy of the resolution to the Department. The assessment districts shall follow township lines if the county is organized into townships, and shall divide, as near as may be, the work of assessing the property in the county into 4 equal parts. Neither the area nor the number of parcels of property need be equal in the 4 assessment districts. The resolution shall number the assessment districts 1 to 4 inclusive. The general assessment years for assessment district number 1 shall be 1992 and every fourth year thereafter; for assessment district number 2, the general assessment years shall be 1993 and every fourth year thereafter; for assessment district number 3, the general assessment years shall be 1994 and every fourth year thereafter; and for assessment district number 4, the general assessment years shall be 1995 and every fourth year thereafter. However, the general assessments shall not include property constituting a farm which is assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140. The county board of any county divided into assessment districts under this paragraph may provide by resolution for the assessment of the entire county in the general assessment year provided by law for that county and for the dissolution of the assessment district after the first such assessment.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-230

    (35 ILCS 200/9-230)
    Sec. 9-230. Return of township or multi-township assessment books.
    (a) The township or multi-township assessors in counties with less than 600,000 inhabitants, based on the 2000 federal decennial census, shall, on or before June 15 of the assessment year, return the assessment books or workbooks to the supervisor of assessments. The township or multi-township assessors in counties with 600,000 or more but no more than 700,000 inhabitants, based on the 2000 federal decennial census, shall, on or before July 15 of the assessment year, return the assessment books or workbooks to the supervisor of assessments. The township or multi-township assessors in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, but more than 700,000 inhabitants, based on the 2000 federal decennial census, shall, on or before November 15 of the assessment year, return the assessment books or workbooks to the supervisor of assessments. If a township or multi-township assessor in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, based on the 2000 federal decennial census, does not return the assessment books or work books within the required time, the supervisor of assessments may take possession of the books and complete the assessments pursuant to law. Each of the books shall be verified by affidavit by the assessor substantially as follows:
State of Illinois)
County of .......)
    I do solemnly swear that the book or books .... in number, to which this affidavit is attached, contains a complete list of all of the property in the township or multi-township or assessment district herein described subject to taxation for the year .... so far as I have been able to ascertain, and that the assessed value set down in the proper column opposite the descriptions of property is a just and equal assessment of the property according to law.
    Dated ...............
    (b) If the supervisor of assessments determines that the township or multi-township assessor has not completed the assessments as required by law before returning the assessment books under this Section, the county board may submit a bill to the township board of trustees for the reasonable costs incurred by the supervisor of assessments in completing the assessments. The moneys collected under this subsection may be used by the supervisor of assessments only for the purpose of recouping costs incurred in completing the assessments.
(Source: P.A. 96-486, eff. 8-14-09; 97-797, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/9-235

    (35 ILCS 200/9-235)
    Sec. 9-235. Failure to complete assessments. If the board of review, in any county under township organization with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, fails to complete its work for the assessment year by the next January 1, the supervisor of assessments shall issue work books to the township assessors until the board of review completes its work.
(Source: P.A. 85-1253; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-240

    (35 ILCS 200/9-240)
    Sec. 9-240. Assessment book totals. The assessor and chief county assessment officer shall add up and note the aggregate of each column in the assessment books; and shall also add in each book, under proper headings, a tabular statement, showing the footings of the several columns upon each page; and shall add up and set down the total of each column. When the assessor or chief county assessment officer returns several assessment books, he or she shall, in addition to this tabular statement, return a similar statement showing the totals of all the books.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-245

    (35 ILCS 200/9-245)
    Sec. 9-245. Return of books to board of review; counties of less than 3,000,000. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer shall on or before the third Monday in June of the assessment year, or on or before the 90th day following the certification of the final township assessment roll in the county, certified pursuant to Section 9-230 of this Code, whichever is later, return the assessment books to the board of review verified by affidavit, substantially in the following form:
State of Illinois)
.......... County)
    I,...., chief county assessment officer do solemnly swear that this book contains a correct and full list of all the property subject to taxation in ...., so far as I have been able to ascertain the same; and that the assessed value set down in the column opposite the descriptions of property is a just and equitable assessment under the law, to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the footings of the columns and the accompanying tabular statement, are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    Dated ..........
(Source: P.A. 99-573, eff. 7-15-16.)

35 ILCS 200/9-250

    (35 ILCS 200/9-250)
    Sec. 9-250. Abstract of assessment by county clerk. Annually, upon receipt of the assessment books from the board of review or board of appeals, each county clerk shall make out and, within 30 days, transmit to the Department, on forms provided or approved by the Department, an abstract of the assessment of property. The values to be given in the abstracts shall be the assessed valuations.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/9-255

    (35 ILCS 200/9-255)
    Sec. 9-255. Statement of incomplete assessments. In case of the failure of any assessor to certify the assessment within the time specified in this Act, each county clerk shall transmit to the Department a statement of the assessment in all the townships or districts from which returns have been received, together with a statement of the amount of taxable property assessed in the defaulting townships or districts for the previous year.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 9 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Omitted property

35 ILCS 200/9-260

    (35 ILCS 200/9-260)
    Sec. 9-260. Assessment of omitted property; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) After signing the affidavit, the county assessor shall have power, when directed by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), or on his or her own initiative, subject to the limitations of Sections 9-265 and 9-270, to assess properties which may have been omitted from assessments for the current year and not more than 3 years prior to the current year for which the property was liable to be taxed, and for which the tax has not been paid, but only on notice and an opportunity to be heard in the manner and form required by law, and shall enter the assessments upon the assessment books. Any notice shall include (i) a request that a person receiving the notice who is not the current taxpayer contact the office of the county assessor and explain that the person is not the current taxpayer, which contact may be made on the telephone, in writing, or in person upon receipt of the notice, and (ii) the name, address, and telephone number of the appropriate personnel in the office of the county assessor to whom the response should be made. Any time period for the review of an omitted assessment included in the notice shall be consistent with the time period established by the assessor in accordance with subsection (a) of Section 12-55. No charge for tax of previous years shall be made against any property if (1) the assessor failed to notify the board of review of the omitted assessment in accordance with subsection (a-1) of this Section; (2) the property was last assessed as unimproved, the owner of such property gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9-180, and reassessment of the property was not made within the 16-month period immediately following the receipt of that notice; (3) the owner of the property gave notice as required by Section 9-265; (4) the assessor received a building permit for the property evidencing that new construction had occurred or was occurring on the property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; (5) the assessor received a plat map, plat of survey, ALTA survey, mortgage survey, or other similar document containing the omitted property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; (6) the assessor received a real estate transfer declaration indicating a sale from an exempt property owner to a non-exempt property owner but failed to list the property on the tax rolls; or (7) the property was the subject of an assessment appeal before the assessor or the board of review that had included the intended omitted property as part of the assessment appeal and provided evidence of its market value.
    (a-1) After providing notice and an opportunity to be heard as required by subsection (a) of this Section, the assessor shall render a decision on the omitted assessment, whether or not the omitted assessment was contested, and shall mail a notice of the decision to the taxpayer of record or to the party that contested the omitted assessment. The notice of decision shall contain a statement that the decision may be appealed to the board of review. The decision and all evidence used in the decision shall be transmitted by the assessor to the board of review on or before the dates specified in accordance with Section 16-110.
    (b) Any taxes based on the omitted assessment of a property pursuant to Sections 9-260 through 9-270 and Sections 16-135 and 16-140 shall be prepared and mailed at the same time as the estimated first installment property tax bill for the preceding year (as described in Section 21-30) is prepared and mailed. The omitted assessment tax bill is not due until the date on which the second installment property tax bill for the preceding year becomes due. The omitted assessment tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest beginning on the day after the due date of the second installment (as described in Section 21-25). In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any taxes for omitted assessments for a tax year before tax year 2023 that are deemed delinquent after the due date of the second installment tax bill shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited (as described in Section 21-25). In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any taxes for omitted assessments for tax year 2023 or thereafter that are deemed delinquent after the due date of the second installment tax bill shall bear interest at the rate of 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited (as described in Section 21-25).
    (c) The assessor shall have no power to change the assessment or alter the assessment books in any other manner or for any other purpose so as to change or affect the taxes in that year, except as ordered by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter). The county assessor shall make all changes and corrections ordered by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter). The county assessor may for the purpose of revision by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) certify the assessment books for any town or taxing district after or when such books are completed.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/9-265

    (35 ILCS 200/9-265)
    Sec. 9-265. Omitted property; interest; change in exempt use or ownership.
    (a) If any property is omitted in the assessment of any year or years, not to exceed the current assessment year and 3 prior years, so that the taxes, for which the property was liable, have not been paid, or if by reason of defective description or assessment, taxes on any property for any year or years have not been paid, or if any taxes are refunded under subsection (b) of Section 14-5 because the taxes were assessed in the wrong person's name, the property, when discovered, shall be listed and assessed by the board of review or, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, by the county assessor either on his or her own initiative or when so directed by the board of appeals or board of review.
    (b) The board of review in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants or the county assessor in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants may develop reasonable procedures for contesting the listing of omitted property under this Division.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, "defective description or assessment" includes a description or assessment which omits all the improvements thereon as a result of which part of the taxes on the total value of the property as improved remain unpaid. In the case of property subject to assessment by the Department, the property shall be listed and assessed by the Department. All such property shall be placed on the assessment and tax books.
    (d) The arrearages of taxes which might have been assessed, with 10% interest thereon for each year or portion thereof from 2 years after the time the first correct tax bill ought to have been received, shall be charged against the property by the county clerk.
    (e) When property or acreage omitted by either incorrect survey or other ministerial assessor error is discovered and the owner has paid its tax bills as received for the year or years of omission of the parcel, then the interest authorized by this Section shall not be chargeable to the owner. However, nothing in this Section shall prevent the collection of the principal amount of back taxes due and owing.
    (f) If any property listed as exempt by the chief county assessment officer has a change in use, a change in leasehold estate, or a change in titleholder of record by purchase, grant, taking or transfer, it shall be the obligation of the transferee to notify the chief county assessment officer in writing within 90 days of the change. If mailed, the notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall include the name and address of the taxpayer, the legal description of the property, and the property index number of the property when an index number exists. If notice is provided in person, it shall be provided on a form prescribed by the chief county assessment officer, and the chief county assessment officer shall provide a date stamped copy of the notice. Except as provided in item (6) of subsection (a) of Section 9-260, item (6) of Section 16-135, and item (6) of Section 16-140 of this Code, if the failure to give the notification results in the assessing official continuing to list the property as exempt in subsequent years, the property shall be considered omitted property for purposes of this Code.
    (g) In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if a chief county assessment officer discovers at any time before judgment that a property has been granted a homestead exemption under Article 15 of this Code to which it was not entitled, the chief county assessment officer may consider the erroneously exempt portion of the property as omitted property under this Section for that taxable year only.
(Source: P.A. 98-615, eff. 6-1-14.)

35 ILCS 200/9-270

    (35 ILCS 200/9-270)
    Sec. 9-270. Omitted property; limitations on assessment. A charge for tax and interest for previous years, as provided in Sections 9-265 or 14-40, shall not be made against any property for years prior to the date of ownership of the person owning the property at the time the liability for the omitted tax was first ascertained. Ownership as used in this section shall be held to refer to bona fide legal and equitable titles or interests acquired for value and without notice of the tax, as may appear by deed, deed of trust, mortgage, certificate of purchase or sale, or other form of contract. No charge for tax of previous years, as provided in Section 9-265, shall be made against any property if (1) the assessor failed to notify the board of review of an omitted assessment in accordance with subsection (a-1) of Section 9-260; (2) the property was last assessed as unimproved, the owner of the property gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9-180, and reassessment of the property was not made within the 16 month period immediately following the receipt of that notice; (3) the owner of the property gave notice as required by Section 9-265; (4) the assessor received a building permit for the property evidencing that new construction had occurred or was occurring on the property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; (5) the assessor received a plat map, plat of survey, ALTA survey, mortgage survey, or other similar document containing the omitted property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; (6) the assessor received a real estate transfer declaration indicating a sale from an exempt property owner to a non-exempt property owner but failed to list the property on the tax rolls; or (7) the property was the subject of an assessment appeal before the assessor or the board of review that had included the intended omitted property as part of the assessment appeal and provided evidence of its market value. The owner of property, if known, assessed under this and the preceding section shall be notified by the county assessor, board of review or Department, as the case may require.
(Source: P.A. 96-1553, eff. 3-10-11.)

35 ILCS 200/9-275

    (35 ILCS 200/9-275)
    Sec. 9-275. Erroneous homestead exemptions.
    (a) For purposes of this Section:
    "Erroneous homestead exemption" means a homestead exemption that was granted for real property in a taxable year if the property was not eligible for that exemption in that taxable year. If the taxpayer receives an erroneous homestead exemption under a single Section of this Code for the same property in multiple years, that exemption is considered a single erroneous homestead exemption for purposes of this Section. However, if the taxpayer receives erroneous homestead exemptions under multiple Sections of this Code for the same property, or if the taxpayer receives erroneous homestead exemptions under the same Section of this Code for multiple properties, then each of those exemptions is considered a separate erroneous homestead exemption for purposes of this Section.
    "Homestead exemption" means an exemption under Section 15-165 (veterans with disabilities), 15-167 (returning veterans), 15-168 (persons with disabilities), 15-169 (standard homestead for veterans with disabilities), 15-170 (senior citizens), 15-172 (low-income senior citizens assessment freeze), 15-175 (general homestead), 15-176 (alternative general homestead), or 15-177 (long-time occupant).
    "Erroneous exemption principal amount" means the total difference between the property taxes actually billed to a property index number and the amount of property taxes that would have been billed but for the erroneous exemption or exemptions.
    "Taxpayer" means the property owner or leasehold owner that erroneously received a homestead exemption upon property.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer shall include the following information with each assessment notice sent in a general assessment year: (1) a list of each homestead exemption available under Article 15 of this Code and a description of the eligibility criteria for that exemption, including the number of assessment years of automatic renewal remaining on a current senior citizens homestead exemption if such an exemption has been applied to the property; (2) a list of each homestead exemption applied to the property in the current assessment year; (3) information regarding penalties and interest that may be incurred under this Section if the taxpayer received an erroneous homestead exemption in a previous taxable year; and (4) notice of the 60-day grace period available under this subsection. If, within 60 days after receiving his or her assessment notice, the taxpayer notifies the chief county assessment officer that he or she received an erroneous homestead exemption in a previous taxable year, and if the taxpayer pays the erroneous exemption principal amount, plus interest as provided in subsection (f), then the taxpayer shall not be liable for the penalties provided in subsection (f) with respect to that exemption.
    (c) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, when the chief county assessment officer determines that one or more erroneous homestead exemptions was applied to the property, the erroneous exemption principal amount, together with all applicable interest and penalties as provided in subsections (f) and (j), shall constitute a lien in the name of the People of Cook County on the property receiving the erroneous homestead exemption. Upon becoming aware of the existence of one or more erroneous homestead exemptions, the chief county assessment officer shall cause to be served, by both regular mail and certified mail, a notice of discovery as set forth in subsection (c-5). The chief county assessment officer in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants may cause a lien to be recorded against property that (1) is located in the county and (2) received one or more erroneous homestead exemptions if, upon determination of the chief county assessment officer, the taxpayer received: (A) one or 2 erroneous homestead exemptions for real property, including at least one erroneous homestead exemption granted for the property against which the lien is sought, during any of the 3 collection years immediately prior to the current collection year in which the notice of discovery is served; or (B) 3 or more erroneous homestead exemptions for real property, including at least one erroneous homestead exemption granted for the property against which the lien is sought, during any of the 6 collection years immediately prior to the current collection year in which the notice of discovery is served. Prior to recording the lien against the property, the chief county assessment officer shall cause to be served, by both regular mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, on the person to whom the most recent tax bill was mailed and the owner of record, a notice of intent to record a lien against the property. The chief county assessment officer shall cause the notice of intent to record a lien to be served within 3 years from the date on which the notice of discovery was served.
    (c-5) The notice of discovery described in subsection (c) shall: (1) identify, by property index number, the property for which the chief county assessment officer has knowledge indicating the existence of an erroneous homestead exemption; (2) set forth the taxpayer's liability for principal, interest, penalties, and administrative costs including, but not limited to, recording fees described in subsection (f); (3) inform the taxpayer that he or she will be served with a notice of intent to record a lien within 3 years from the date of service of the notice of discovery; (4) inform the taxpayer that he or she may pay the outstanding amount, plus interest, penalties, and administrative costs at any time prior to being served with the notice of intent to record a lien or within 30 days after the notice of intent to record a lien is served; and (5) inform the taxpayer that, if the taxpayer provided notice to the chief county assessment officer as provided in subsection (d-1) of Section 15-175 of this Code, upon submission by the taxpayer of evidence of timely notice and receipt thereof by the chief county assessment officer, the chief county assessment officer will withdraw the notice of discovery and reissue a notice of discovery in compliance with this Section in which the taxpayer is not liable for interest and penalties for the current tax year in which the notice was received.
    For the purposes of this subsection (c-5):
    "Collection year" means the year in which the first and second installment of the current tax year is billed.
    "Current tax year" means the year prior to the collection year.
    (d) The notice of intent to record a lien described in subsection (c) shall: (1) identify, by property index number, the property against which the lien is being sought; (2) identify each specific homestead exemption that was erroneously granted and the year or years in which each exemption was granted; (3) set forth the erroneous exemption principal amount due and the interest amount and any penalty and administrative costs due; (4) inform the taxpayer that he or she may request a hearing within 30 days after service and may appeal the hearing officer's ruling to the circuit court; (5) inform the taxpayer that he or she may pay the erroneous exemption principal amount, plus interest and penalties, within 30 days after service; and (6) inform the taxpayer that, if the lien is recorded against the property, the amount of the lien will be adjusted to include the applicable recording fee and that fees for recording a release of the lien shall be incurred by the taxpayer. A lien shall not be filed pursuant to this Section if the taxpayer pays the erroneous exemption principal amount, plus penalties and interest, within 30 days of service of the notice of intent to record a lien.
    (e) The notice of intent to record a lien shall also include a form that the taxpayer may return to the chief county assessment officer to request a hearing. The taxpayer may request a hearing by returning the form within 30 days after service. The hearing shall be held within 90 days after the taxpayer is served. The chief county assessment officer shall promulgate rules of service and procedure for the hearing. The chief county assessment officer must generally follow rules of evidence and practices that prevail in the county circuit courts, but, because of the nature of these proceedings, the chief county assessment officer is not bound by those rules in all particulars. The chief county assessment officer shall appoint a hearing officer to oversee the hearing. The taxpayer shall be allowed to present evidence to the hearing officer at the hearing. After taking into consideration all the relevant testimony and evidence, the hearing officer shall make an administrative decision on whether the taxpayer was erroneously granted a homestead exemption for the taxable year in question. The taxpayer may appeal the hearing officer's ruling to the circuit court of the county where the property is located as a final administrative decision under the Administrative Review Law.
    (f) A lien against the property imposed under this Section shall be filed with the county recorder of deeds, but may not be filed sooner than 60 days after the notice of intent to record a lien was delivered to the taxpayer if the taxpayer does not request a hearing, or until the conclusion of the hearing and all appeals if the taxpayer does request a hearing. If a lien is filed pursuant to this Section and the taxpayer received one or 2 erroneous homestead exemptions during any of the 3 collection years immediately prior to the current collection year in which the notice of discovery is served, then the erroneous exemption principal amount, plus 10% interest per annum or portion thereof from the date the erroneous exemption principal amount would have become due if properly included in the tax bill, shall be charged against the property by the chief county assessment officer. However, if a lien is filed pursuant to this Section and the taxpayer received 3 or more erroneous homestead exemptions during any of the 6 collection years immediately prior to the current collection year in which the notice of discovery is served, the erroneous exemption principal amount, plus a penalty of 50% of the total amount of the erroneous exemption principal amount for that property and 10% interest per annum or portion thereof from the date the erroneous exemption principal amount would have become due if properly included in the tax bill, shall be charged against the property by the chief county assessment officer. If a lien is filed pursuant to this Section, the taxpayer shall not be liable for interest that accrues between the date the notice of discovery is served and the date the lien is filed. Before recording the lien with the county recorder of deeds, the chief county assessment officer shall adjust the amount of the lien to add administrative costs, including but not limited to the applicable recording fee, to the total lien amount.
    (g) If a person received an erroneous homestead exemption under Section 15-170 and: (1) the person was the spouse, child, grandchild, brother, sister, niece, or nephew of the previous taxpayer; and (2) the person received the property by bequest or inheritance; then the person is not liable for the penalties imposed under this Section for any year or years during which the chief county assessment officer did not require an annual application for the exemption or, in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, an application for renewal of a multi-year exemption pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 15-170, as the case may be. However, that person is responsible for any interest owed under subsection (f).
    (h) If the erroneous homestead exemption was granted as a result of a clerical error or omission on the part of the chief county assessment officer, and if the taxpayer has paid the tax bills as received for the year in which the error occurred, then the interest and penalties authorized by this Section with respect to that homestead exemption shall not be chargeable to the taxpayer. However, nothing in this Section shall prevent the collection of the erroneous exemption principal amount due and owing.
    (i) A lien under this Section is not valid as to (1) any bona fide purchaser for value without notice of the erroneous homestead exemption whose rights in and to the underlying parcel arose after the erroneous homestead exemption was granted but before the filing of the notice of lien; or (2) any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor whose rights in and to the underlying parcel arose before the filing of the notice of lien. A title insurance policy for the property that is issued by a title company licensed to do business in the State showing that the property is free and clear of any liens imposed under this Section shall be prima facie evidence that the taxpayer is without notice of the erroneous homestead exemption. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to impair the rights of subsequent creditors and subsequent purchasers under Section 30 of the Conveyances Act.
    (j) When a lien is filed against the property pursuant to this Section, the chief county assessment officer shall mail a copy of the lien to the person to whom the most recent tax bill was mailed and to the owner of record, and the outstanding liability created by such a lien is due and payable within 30 days after the mailing of the lien by the chief county assessment officer. This liability is deemed delinquent and shall bear interest beginning on the day after the due date at a rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof. Payment shall be made to the county treasurer. Upon receipt of the full amount due, as determined by the chief county assessment officer, the county treasurer shall distribute the amount paid as provided in subsection (k). Upon presentment by the taxpayer to the chief county assessment officer of proof of payment of the total liability, the chief county assessment officer shall provide in reasonable form a release of the lien. The release of the lien provided shall clearly inform the taxpayer that it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to record the lien release form with the county recorder of deeds and to pay any applicable recording fees.
    (k) The county treasurer shall pay collected erroneous exemption principal amounts, pro rata, to the taxing districts, or their legal successors, that levied upon the subject property in the taxable year or years for which the erroneous homestead exemptions were granted, except as set forth in this Section. The county treasurer shall deposit collected penalties and interest into a special fund established by the county treasurer to offset the costs of administration of the provisions of this Section by the chief county assessment officer's office, as appropriated by the county board. If the costs of administration of this Section exceed the amount of interest and penalties collected in the special fund, the chief county assessor shall be reimbursed by each taxing district or their legal successors for those costs. Such costs shall be paid out of the funds collected by the county treasurer on behalf of each taxing district pursuant to this Section.
    (l) The chief county assessment officer in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall establish an amnesty period for all taxpayers owing any tax due to an erroneous homestead exemption granted in a tax year prior to the 2013 tax year. The amnesty period shall begin on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly and shall run through December 31, 2013. If, during the amnesty period, the taxpayer pays the entire arrearage of taxes due for tax years prior to 2013, the county clerk shall abate and not seek to collect any interest or penalties that may be applicable and shall not seek civil or criminal prosecution for any taxpayer for tax years prior to 2013. Failure to pay all such taxes due during the amnesty period established under this Section shall invalidate the amnesty period for that taxpayer.
    The chief county assessment officer in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall (i) mail notice of the amnesty period with the tax bills for the second installment of taxes for the 2012 assessment year and (ii) as soon as possible after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, publish notice of the amnesty period in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Notices shall include information on the amnesty period, its purpose, and the method by which to make payment.
    Taxpayers who are a party to any criminal investigation or to any civil or criminal litigation that is pending in any circuit court or appellate court, or in the Supreme Court of this State, for nonpayment, delinquency, or fraud in relation to any property tax imposed by any taxing district located in the State on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly may not take advantage of the amnesty period.
    A taxpayer who has claimed 3 or more homestead exemptions in error shall not be eligible for the amnesty period established under this subsection.
    (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for taxable years 2019 through 2023, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer shall, if he or she learns that a taxpayer who has been granted a senior citizens homestead exemption has died during the period to which the exemption applies, send a notice to the address on record for the owner of record of the property notifying the owner that the exemption will be terminated unless, within 90 days after the notice is sent, the chief county assessment officer is provided with a basis to continue the exemption. The notice shall be sent by first-class mail, in an envelope that bears on its front, in boldface red lettering that is at least one inch in size, the words "Notice of Exemption Termination"; however, if the taxpayer elects to receive the notice by email and provides an email address, then the notice shall be sent by email.
(Source: P.A. 101-453, eff. 8-23-19; 101-622, eff. 1-14-20; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 heading)
Article 10. Valuation Procedures for Special Properties

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Solar energy systems

35 ILCS 200/10-5

    (35 ILCS 200/10-5)
    Sec. 10-5. Solar energy systems; definitions. It is the policy of this State that the use of solar energy systems should be encouraged because they conserve nonrenewable resources, reduce pollution and promote the health and well-being of the people of this State, and should be valued in relation to these benefits.
    (a) "Solar energy" means radiant energy received from the sun at wave lengths suitable for heat transfer, photosynthetic use, or photovoltaic use.
    (b) "Solar collector" means
        (1) An assembly, structure, or design, including
passive elements, used for gathering, concentrating, or absorbing direct and indirect solar energy, specially designed for holding a substantial amount of useful thermal energy and to transfer that energy to a gas, solid, or liquid or to use that energy directly; or
        (2) A mechanism that absorbs solar energy and
converts it into electricity; or
        (3) A mechanism or process used for gathering solar
energy through wind or thermal gradients; or
        (4) A component used to transfer thermal energy to a
gas, solid, or liquid, or to convert it into electricity.
    (c) "Solar storage mechanism" means equipment or elements (such as piping and transfer mechanisms, containers, heat exchangers, or controls thereof, and gases, solids, liquids, or combinations thereof) that are utilized for storing solar energy, gathered by a solar collector, for subsequent use.
    (d) "Solar energy system" means
        (1)(A) A complete assembly, structure, or design of
solar collector, or a solar storage mechanism, which uses solar energy for generating electricity that is primarily consumed on the property on which the solar energy system resides, or for heating or cooling gases, solids, liquids, or other materials for the primary benefit of the property on which the solar energy system resides;
        (B) The design, materials, or elements of a system
and its maintenance, operation, and labor components, and the necessary components, if any, of supplemental conventional energy systems designed or constructed to interface with a solar energy system;
        (C) Any legal, financial, or institutional orders,
certificates, or mechanisms, including easements, leases, and agreements, required to ensure continued access to solar energy, its source, or its use in a solar energy system, and including monitoring and educational elements of a demonstration project; or
        (D) Photovoltaic electricity generation systems
subject to power purchase agreements or leases for solar energy between a third-party owner, an operator, or both, and an end user of electricity, where such systems are located on the end user of electricity's side of the electric meter and which primarily are used to offset the electricity load of the end user behind whose electric meter the system is connected. A system primarily is used to offset the electricity load of the end user of electricity if the system is estimated to produce 110% or fewer kilowatt-hours of electricity than consumed by the end user of electricity at such meter in the last 12 full months prior to the system being placed in service.
        (2) "Solar energy system" does not include:
            (A) Distribution equipment that is equally usable
in a conventional energy system except for those components of the equipment that are necessary for meeting the requirements of efficient solar energy utilization;
            (B) Components of a solar energy system that
serve structural, insulating, protective, shading, aesthetic, or other non-solar energy utilization purposes, as defined in the regulations of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; or
            (C) A commercial solar energy system, as defined
by this Code, in counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants.
        (3) The solar energy system shall conform to the
standards for those systems established by regulation of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)

35 ILCS 200/10-10

    (35 ILCS 200/10-10)
    Sec. 10-10. Valuation of solar energy systems. When a solar energy system has been installed in improvements on any property, the owner of that property is entitled to claim, by filing with the chief county assessment officer, an alternate valuation of those improvements. When a claim for alternate valuation is filed, the chief county assessment officer shall ascertain the value of the improvements as if equipped with a conventional heating or cooling system and the value of the improvements as equipped with the solar energy system. So long as the solar energy system is used in total or part as the means of utilizing solar energy improvements, the alternate valuation computed as the lesser of the two values ascertained under this paragraph shall be applied. When the solar energy system so valued ceases to be used as the means of heating or cooling those improvements, the owner of that property shall within 30 days notify the chief county assessment officer in writing by certified mail.
(Source: P.A. 80-430; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Residential property

35 ILCS 200/10-15

    (35 ILCS 200/10-15)
    Sec. 10-15. Condominiums and cooperatives. In counties with 200,000 or more inhabitants which classify property, condominiums occupied by the owner as a residence for a minimum of 6 months during the year and created in accordance with the provisions of the "Condominium Property Act", as well as land with improvements owned and operated as a cooperative, shall be assessed on the same basis of assessment as single family residences in such counties.
(Source: P.A. 78-709; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-20

    (35 ILCS 200/10-20)
    Sec. 10-20. Repairs and maintenance of residential property. Maintenance and repairs to residential property owned and used exclusively for a residential purpose shall not increase the assessed valuation of the property. For purposes of this Section, work shall be deemed repair and maintenance when it (1) does not increase the square footage of improvements and does not materially alter the existing character and condition of the structure but is limited to work performed to prolong the life of the existing improvements or to keep the existing improvements in a well maintained condition; and (2) employs materials, such as those used for roofing or siding, whose value is not greater than the replacement value of the materials being replaced. Maintenance and repairs, as those terms are used in this Section, to property that enhance the overall exterior and interior appearance and quality of a residence by restoring it from a state of disrepair to a standard state of repair do not "materially alter the existing character and condition" of the residence.
(Source: P.A. 90-788, eff. 8-14-98.)

35 ILCS 200/10-23

    (35 ILCS 200/10-23)
    Sec. 10-23. Improvements to residential property; accessibility.
    (a) Accessibility improvements made to residential property shall not increase the assessed valuation of the property for a period of 7 years after the improvements are completed.
    (b) For the purposes of this Section, "accessibility improvement" means a home modification listed under the Home Services Program administered by the Department of Human Services (Part 686 of Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code), including, but not limited to the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening door-ways, and other changes to enhance the independence of a disabled or elderly individual.
(Source: P.A. 99-375, eff. 8-17-15.)

35 ILCS 200/10-25

    (35 ILCS 200/10-25)
    Sec. 10-25. Model homes, townhomes, and condominium units. If the construction of a single family dwelling is completed after December 29, 1986 or the construction of a single family townhome or condominium unit is completed after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994, and that dwelling, townhome, or condominium unit is not occupied as a dwelling but is used as a display or demonstration model home, townhome or condominium unit for prospective buyers of the dwelling or of similar homes, townhomes, or condominium units to be built on other property, the assessed value of the property on which the dwelling, townhome, or condominium was constructed shall be the same as the assessed value of the property prior to construction and prior to any change in the zoning classification of the property prior to construction of the dwelling, townhome or condominium unit. The application of this Section shall not be affected if the display or demonstration model home, townhome or condominium unit contains home furnishings, appliances, offices, and office equipment to further sales activities. This Section shall not be applicable if the dwelling, townhome, or condominium unit is occupied as a dwelling or the property on which the dwelling, townhome, or condominium unit is situated is sold or leased for use other than as a display or demonstration model home, townhome, or condominium unit. No property shall be eligible for calculation of its assessed value under this Section for more than a 10-year period. If the dwelling, townhome, or condominium unit becomes ineligible for the alternate valuation, the owner shall within 60 days file with the chief county assessment officer a certificate giving notice of such ineligibility.
    For the purposes of this Section, no corporation, individual, sole proprietor or partnership may have more than a total of 3 model homes, townhomes, or condominium units at the same time within a 3 mile radius. The center point of each radius shall be the display or demonstration model that has been used as such for the longest period of time. The person liable for taxes on property eligible for assessment as provided in this Section shall file a verified application with the chief county assessment officer on or before (i) April 30 of each assessment year for which that assessment is desired in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and (ii) December 31 of each assessment year for which that assessment is desired in all other counties. Failure to make a timely filing in any assessment year constitutes a waiver of the right to benefit for that assessment year.
(Source: P.A. 91-347, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Residential developments

35 ILCS 200/10-30

    (35 ILCS 200/10-30)
    Sec. 10-30. Subdivisions; counties of less than 3,000,000.
    (a) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the platting and subdivision of property into separate lots and the development of the subdivided property with streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewer, water and utility lines shall not increase the assessed valuation of all or any part of the property, if:
        (1) The property is platted and subdivided in
accordance with the Plat Act;
        (2) The platting occurs after January 1, 1978;
        (3) At the time of platting the property is in excess
of 5 acres; and
        (4) At the time of platting the property is vacant or
used as a farm as defined in Section 1-60.
    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, the assessed valuation of property so platted and subdivided shall be determined each year based on the estimated price the property would bring at a fair voluntary sale for use by the buyer for the same purposes for which the property was used when last assessed prior to its platting.
    (c) Upon completion of a habitable structure on any lot of subdivided property, or upon the use of any lot, either alone or in conjunction with any contiguous property, for any business, commercial or residential purpose, or upon the initial sale of any platted lot, including a platted lot which is vacant: (i) the provisions of subsection (b) of this Section shall no longer apply in determining the assessed valuation of the lot, (ii) each lot shall be assessed without regard to any provision of this Section, and (iii) the assessed valuation of the remaining property, when next determined, shall be reduced proportionately to reflect the exclusion of the property that no longer qualifies for valuation under this Section. Holding or offering a platted lot for initial sale shall not constitute a use of the lot for business, commercial or residential purposes unless a habitable structure is situated on the lot or unless the lot is otherwise used for a business, commercial or residential purpose.
    (d) This Section applies before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly and then applies again beginning January 1, 2012.
(Source: P.A. 95-135, eff. 1-1-08; 96-480, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/10-31

    (35 ILCS 200/10-31)
    Sec. 10-31. Subdivisions; counties of less than 3,000,000.
    (a) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the platting and subdivision of property into separate lots and the development of the subdivided property with streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewer, water and utility lines shall not increase the assessed valuation of all or any part of the property, if:
        (1) The property is platted and subdivided in
accordance with the Plat Act;
        (2) The platting occurs after January 1, 1978;
        (3) At the time of platting the property is in excess
of 5 acres; and
        (4) At the time of platting or replatting the
property is vacant or used as a farm as defined in Section 1-60.
    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, the assessed valuation of property so platted and subdivided shall be determined based on the assessed value assigned to the property when last assessed prior to its last transfer or conveyance. An initial sale of any platted lot, including a lot that is vacant, or a transfer to a holder of a mortgage, as defined in Section 15-1207 of the Code of Civil Procedure, pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure proceeding or pursuant to a transfer in lieu of foreclosure, does not disqualify that lot from the provisions of this subsection (b).
    (c) Upon completion of a habitable structure on any lot of subdivided property, or upon the use of any lot, either alone or in conjunction with any contiguous property, for any business, commercial or residential purpose: (i) the provisions of subsection (b) of this Section shall no longer apply in determining the assessed valuation of the lot, (ii) each lot shall be assessed without regard to any provision of this Section, and (iii) the assessed valuation of the remaining property, when next determined, shall be reduced proportionately to reflect the exclusion of the property that no longer qualifies for valuation under this Section. Holding or offering a platted lot for initial sale shall not constitute a use of the lot for business, commercial or residential purposes unless a habitable structure is situated on the lot or unless the lot is otherwise used for a business, commercial or residential purpose. The replatting of a subdivision or portion of a subdivision does not disqualify the replatted lots from the provisions of subsection (b).
    (d) This Section applies on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly and through December 31, 2011.
(Source: P.A. 96-480, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/10-35

    (35 ILCS 200/10-35)
    Sec. 10-35. Subdivision common areas.
    (a) Residential property which is part of a development, but which is individually owned and ownership of which includes the right, by easement, covenant, deed or other interest in property, to the use of any common area for recreational or similar residential purposes shall be assessed at a value which includes the proportional share of the value of that common area or areas.
    Property is used as a "common area or areas" under this Section if it is a lot, parcel, or area, the beneficial use and enjoyment of which is reserved in whole as an appurtenance to the separately owned lots, parcels, or areas within the planned development.
    The common area or areas which are used for recreational or similar residential purposes and which are assessed to a separate owner and are located on separately identified parcels, shall be listed for assessment purposes at $1 per year.
    (b) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any person desiring to establish or to reestablish an assessment of $1 for any parcel on the grounds of common area status under this Section shall submit an application for the assessment to the assessor. The application shall be submitted at the time within which other applications for revisions of assessment may be made under Section 14-35 by taxpayers in the township where the parcel is located, and shall be in the form and accompanied by documentation, as the assessor may require.
    (b-5) In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer may require any person desiring to establish or reestablish an assessment of $1 for any parcel on the grounds of common area status under this Section to submit an application for the assessment to the chief county assessment officer. The application shall be submitted no later than June 30 of the year for which the assessment is sought and shall be in the form and accompanied by documentation that the chief county assessment officer requires.
    (c) If a $1 assessment is established pursuant to the application it may be maintained from year to year so long as the ownership or use of the parcel has not changed. When any change in ownership, use or other relevant fact occurs it shall be the duty of the new owner in cases of change in ownership, or of the current owner in all other cases, to notify the assessor in writing within 30 days of the change. The notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall include the name and address of the taxpayer, the legal description of the property, and the permanent index number of the property where such number exists. If the failure to give such notification results in the assessor continuing to assess the property at $1 in subsequent years in error, the property shall be considered omitted property under Section 9-265. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the assessor's authority to annually revise assessments subject to this Section under the procedures of Section 9-85.
    (d) No objection shall be made to the denial of an assessment of $1 under this Section in any court except under Sections 21-175 and 23-5. No person may object to or otherwise challenge the failure of any parcel to receive an assessment of $1 under this Section in any proceeding in any court unless an application for the $1 assessment was made under subsections (b) and (b-5) of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 103-83, eff. 6-9-23.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Historic residences

35 ILCS 200/10-40

    (35 ILCS 200/10-40)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 10-40. Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law; definitions. This Section and Sections 10-45 through 10-85 may be cited as the Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law. As used in this Section and Sections 10-45 through 10-85:
        (a) "Director" means the Director of Historic
        (b) "Approved county or municipal landmark ordinance"
means a county or municipal ordinance approved by the Director.
        (c) "Historic building" means an owner-occupied
single family residence or an owner-occupied multi-family residence and the tract, lot or parcel upon which it is located, or a building or buildings owned and operated as a cooperative, if:
            (1) individually listed on the National Register
of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places;
            (2) individually designated pursuant to an
approved county or municipal landmark ordinance; or
            (3) within a district listed on the National
Register of Historic Places or designated pursuant to an approved county or municipal landmark ordinance, if the Director determines that the building is of historic significance to the district in which it is located.
    Historic building does not mean an individual unit of a
        (d) "Assessment officer" means the chief county
assessment officer.
        (e) "Certificate of rehabilitation" means the
certificate issued by the Director upon the renovation, restoration, preservation or rehabilitation of an historic building under this Code.
        (f) "Rehabilitation period" means the period of time
necessary to renovate, restore, preserve or rehabilitate an historic building as determined by the Director.
        (g) "Standards for rehabilitation" means the
Secretary of Interior's standards for rehabilitation as promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
        (h) "Fair cash value" means the fair cash value of
the historic building, determined on the basis of the assessment officer's property record card, representing the value of the property prior to the commencement of rehabilitation without consideration of any reduction reflecting value during the rehabilitation work.
        (i) "Base year valuation" means the fair cash value
of the historic building for the year in which the rehabilitation period begins but prior to the commencement of the rehabilitation and does not include any reduction in value during the rehabilitation work.
        (j) "Adjustment in value" means the difference for
any year between the then current fair cash value and the base year valuation.
        (k) "Eight-year valuation period" means the 8 years
from the date of the issuance of the certificate of rehabilitation.
        (l) "Adjustment valuation period" means the 4 years
following the 8 year valuation period.
        (m) "Substantial rehabilitation" means interior or
exterior rehabilitation work that preserves the historic building in a manner that significantly improves its condition.
        (n) "Approved local government" means a local
government that has been certified by the Director as:
            (1) enforcing appropriate legislation for the
designation of historic buildings;
            (2) having established an adequate and qualified
historic review commission;
            (3) maintaining a system for the survey and
inventory of historic properties;
            (4) providing for adequate public participation
in the local historic preservation program; and
            (5) maintaining a system for reviewing
applications under this Section in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Director.
        (o) "Cooperative" means a building or buildings and
the tract, lot, or parcel on which the building or buildings are located, if the building or buildings are devoted to residential uses by the owners and fee title to the land and building or buildings is owned by a corporation or other legal entity in which the shareholders or other co-owners each also have a long-term proprietary lease or other long-term arrangement of exclusive possession for a specific unit of occupancy space located within the same building or buildings.
        (p) "Owner", in the case of a cooperative, means the
        (q) "Association", in the case of a cooperative,
means the entity responsible for the administration of a cooperative, which entity may be incorporated or unincorporated, profit or nonprofit.
        (r) "Owner-occupied single family residence" means a
residence in which the title holder of record (i) holds fee simple ownership and (ii) occupies the property as his, her, or their principal residence.
        (s) "Owner-occupied multi-family residence" means
residential property comprised of not more than 6 living units in which the title holder of record (i) holds fee simple ownership and (ii) occupies one unit as his, her, or their principal residence. The remaining units may be leased.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 90-114, eff. 1-1-98; 91-806, eff. 1-1-01.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 10-40. Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law; definitions. This Section and Sections 10-45 through 10-85 may be cited as the Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law. As used in this Section and Sections 10-45 through 10-85:
        (a) "Director" means the Director of Historic
        (b) "Approved county or municipal landmark ordinance"
means a county or municipal ordinance approved by the Director.
        (c) "Historic building" means an owner-occupied
single family residence or an owner-occupied multi-family residence and the tract, lot or parcel upon which it is located, or a building or buildings owned and operated as a cooperative, if:
            (1) individually listed on the National Register
of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places;
            (2) individually designated pursuant to an
approved county or municipal landmark ordinance; or
            (3) within a district listed on the National
Register of Historic Places or designated pursuant to an approved county or municipal landmark ordinance, if the Director determines that the building is of historic significance to the district in which it is located.
    Historic building does not mean an individual unit of a
        (d) "Assessment officer" means the chief county
assessment officer.
        (e) "Certificate of rehabilitation" means the
certificate issued by the Director upon the renovation, restoration, preservation or rehabilitation of an historic building under this Code.
        (f) "Rehabilitation period" means the period of time
necessary to renovate, restore, preserve or rehabilitate an historic building as determined by the Director.
        (g) "Standards for rehabilitation" means the
Secretary of Interior's standards for rehabilitation as promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
        (h) "Fair cash value" means the fair cash value of
the historic building, as finally determined for that year by the assessment officer, board of review, Property Tax Appeal Board, or court, representing the value of the property prior to the commencement of rehabilitation without consideration of any reduction reflecting value during the rehabilitation work. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
        (i) "Base year valuation" means the fair cash value
of the historic building for the year in which the rehabilitation period begins but prior to the commencement of the rehabilitation and does not include any reduction in value during the rehabilitation work.
        (j) "Adjustment in value" means the difference for
any year between the then current fair cash value and the base year valuation.
        (k) "Eight-year valuation period" means the 8 years
from the date of the issuance of the certificate of rehabilitation.
        (l) "Adjustment valuation period" means the 4 years
following the 8 year valuation period.
        (m) "Substantial rehabilitation" means interior or
exterior rehabilitation work that preserves the historic building in a manner that significantly improves its condition.
        (n) "Approved local government" means a local
government that has been certified by the Director as:
            (1) enforcing appropriate legislation for the
designation of historic buildings;
            (2) having established an adequate and qualified
historic review commission;
            (3) maintaining a system for the survey and
inventory of historic properties;
            (4) providing for adequate public participation
in the local historic preservation program; and
            (5) maintaining a system for reviewing
applications under this Section in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Director.
        (o) "Cooperative" means a building or buildings and
the tract, lot, or parcel on which the building or buildings are located, if the building or buildings are devoted to residential uses by the owners and fee title to the land and building or buildings is owned by a corporation or other legal entity in which the shareholders or other co-owners each also have a long-term proprietary lease or other long-term arrangement of exclusive possession for a specific unit of occupancy space located within the same building or buildings.
        (p) "Owner", in the case of a cooperative, means the
        (q) "Association", in the case of a cooperative,
means the entity responsible for the administration of a cooperative, which entity may be incorporated or unincorporated, profit or nonprofit.
        (r) "Owner-occupied single family residence" means a
residence in which the title holder of record (i) holds fee simple ownership and (ii) occupies the property as his, her, or their principal residence.
        (s) "Owner-occupied multi-family residence" means
residential property comprised of not more than 6 living units in which the title holder of record (i) holds fee simple ownership and (ii) occupies one unit as his, her, or their principal residence. The remaining units may be leased.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 1-1-25.)

35 ILCS 200/10-45

    (35 ILCS 200/10-45)
    Sec. 10-45. Valuation during 8 year valuation period. In furtherance of the policy of encouraging the rehabilitation of historic residences, property certified pursuant to this Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law shall be eligible for an assessment freeze, as provided in this Section, eliminating from consideration, for assessment purposes, the value added by the rehabilitation and limiting the total valuation to the base year valuation as defined in subsection (i) of Section 10-40. For all property upon which the Director has issued a certificate of rehabilitation, the valuation for purposes of assessment shall not exceed the base year valuation for the entire 8-year valuation period, unless a taxing district elects, under Section 10-85, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to taxes that are levied by that taxing district. In the event that election is made, the property shall be valued under Section 9-145 or 9-150 for the purpose of extending taxes of that taxing district. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 91-806, eff. 1-1-01.)

35 ILCS 200/10-50

    (35 ILCS 200/10-50)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 10-50. Valuation after 8 year valuation period. For the 4 years after the expiration of the 8-year valuation period, the valuation for purposes of computing the assessed valuation shall be as follows:
    For the first year, the base year valuation plus 25% of the adjustment in value.
    For the second year, the base year valuation plus 50% of the adjustment in value.
    For the third year, the base year valuation plus 75% of the adjustment in value.
    For the fourth year, the then current fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 82-1023; 88-455.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 10-50. Valuation after 8 year valuation period.
    (a) For the 4 years after the expiration of the 8-year valuation period, the valuation for purposes of computing the assessed valuation shall not exceed the following:
        For the first year, the base year valuation plus 25%
of the adjustment in value.
        For the second year, the base year valuation plus 50%
of the adjustment in value.
        For the third year, the base year valuation plus 75%
of the adjustment in value.
        For the fourth year, the then current fair cash value.
    (b) If the current fair cash value during the adjustment valuation period is less than the base year valuation with the applicable adjustment, the assessment shall be based on the current fair cash value. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 1-1-25.)

35 ILCS 200/10-55

    (35 ILCS 200/10-55)
    Sec. 10-55. Application process and application period.
    (a) The Director shall receive applications for certificates of rehabilitation in a form and manner provided by him or her by rule. The Director shall promptly notify the assessment officer of receipt of such applications. The rules shall provide that an applicant may request preliminary approval of rehabilitation before the rehabilitation period begins.
    (b) The Director shall approve an application for a certificate of rehabilitation when he or she finds that the restoration, preservation or rehabilitation:
        (1) involves an historic building;
        (2) has a cost, including architectural fees, equal
to or greater than 25% of the base year valuation;
        (3) is for a building for which no certificate of
rehabilitation has been approved within 4 years after the last year of the adjustment valuation period;
        (4) was or will be done in accordance with the
standards for rehabilitation; and
        (5) was or will be a substantial rehabilitation.
    (c) The Director shall determine the length of the rehabilitation period, which shall not exceed 2 years unless the Director finds:
        (1) it is economically unfeasible to complete the
rehabilitation in that period; or
        (2) the magnitude of the project is such that a good
faith attempt to complete the rehabilitation in that period would not succeed.
    (d) Upon approval of the application, the Director shall issue a certificate of rehabilitation to the applicant and transmit a copy to the assessment officer. The certificate shall identify the rehabilitation period.
    (e) If during the 8-year valuation period and the adjustment valuation period, the Director determines, in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, that an historic building for which a certificate of rehabilitation has been issued has not been the subject of repair, renovation, remodeling or improvement in accordance with the standards for rehabilitation, he or she shall revoke the certificate of rehabilitation by written notice to the taxpayer of record and transmit a copy of the revocation to the assessment officer.
    The provisions in Section 10-40 through 10-85 apply to certified rehabilitation projects for which an application for a certificate of rehabilitation has been filed with the Director within 2 years of the rehabilitation period.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-806, eff. 1-1-01.)

35 ILCS 200/10-60

    (35 ILCS 200/10-60)
    Sec. 10-60. Certificate of status. It is the duty of the titleholder of record or the owner of the beneficial interest of any historic building which has been issued a certificate of rehabilitation, to file with the chief county assessment officer, on or before January 31 of each year, an affidavit stating whether there has been any change in the ownership or use of such property, the status of the owner-occupant, or, in the case of a cooperative, whether there has been a change in the use of the property or a change in the cooperative form of ownership. If there has been such a change, the nature of this change shall be stated. Failure to file such an affidavit shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to revoke the certificate of rehabilitation. The chief county assessment officer shall furnish to the owner a form for the affidavit wherein the owner may state whether there has been any change in the ownership or use of the property or the status of the owner. If the chief county assessment officer determines that the historic building is no longer used as an owner-occupied single family residence or an owner-occupied multi-family residence, or that there has been a sale or transfer for value of the historic building other than to the first owner-occupant after the issuance of a certificate of rehabilitation, or that the historic building no longer meets the definition of a cooperative, he or she shall revoke the certificate by written notice to the taxpayer of record, and shall send a copy of that notice to the Department.
(Source: P.A. 89-675, eff. 8-14-96; 90-114, eff. 1-1-98.)

35 ILCS 200/10-65

    (35 ILCS 200/10-65)
    Sec. 10-65. Receipt of applications. An approved local government shall receive applications for certificates of rehabilitation within its corporate boundaries. The decision of the approved local government shall be final unless disapproved by the Director within 30 days of his receipt of the application and local decision.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-70

    (35 ILCS 200/10-70)
    Sec. 10-70. Computation of valuation.
    (a) Upon receipt of the certificate of rehabilitation, the assessment officer shall determine the base year valuation and shall make a notation on each statement of assessment during the 8-year valuation period and the adjustment valuation period that the valuation of the historic building shall be based upon the issuance of a certificate of rehabilitation.
    (b) Upon revocation of a certificate of rehabilitation, the assessment officer shall compute the assessed valuation of the building on the basis of the then current fair cash value.
    (c) An historic building receiving a certificate of rehabilitation shall not be eligible for the homestead improvement exemption during the 8-year valuation period and adjustment valuation period.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-75

    (35 ILCS 200/10-75)
    Sec. 10-75. Approval of municipal ordinances. In addition to the powers and duties described elsewhere in this Code, the Director may approve county or municipal ordinances which qualify historic buildings for consideration under this Code. However, no ordinance shall be approved unless it:
        (a) is designed to preserve and rehabilitate
buildings of historic significance;
        (b) contains criteria for the designation of
landmarks consistent with those established by the U.S. Department of the Interior for the inclusion of places on the National Register of Historic Places; and
        (c) contains criteria for review of demolitions and
major alterations.
(Source: P.A. 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-80

    (35 ILCS 200/10-80)
    Sec. 10-80. Rules and regulations. The Director may promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to administer this Code, including but not limited to provisions that:
        (1) Preclude the issuance of a certificate of
rehabilitation for any owner-occupied single family residence, owner-occupied multi-family residence, or cooperative where 30% or more of the dwelling space is new construction outside the existing structure.
        (2) Specify what costs are eligible to meet the 25%
minimum specified under subsection (b) of Section 10-55, and make ineligible those costs attributable to new construction outside the existing structure.
    These regulations shall not preclude the issuance of a certificate of rehabilitation for a condominium.
(Source: P.A. 89-675, eff. 8-14-96; 90-114, eff. 1-1-98.)

35 ILCS 200/10-85

    (35 ILCS 200/10-85)
    Sec. 10-85. Election by taxing district to deny special tax treatment. Any taxing district may elect by a majority vote of its governing authority within the first 30 days of each calendar year, upon written notice to the county clerk and the assessment officer, that the provisions of Sections 10-40 through 10-80 shall not apply to taxes that are levied by the taxing district. In the event the Director has issued a certificate of rehabilitation upon a historic building within a taxing district in a year prior to that taxing district's election under this Section or if the rehabilitation period commenced prior to the taxing district's election, the taxing district's election shall have no effect on the property for the 8-year valuation period and the adjustment valuation period.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Airports and interstate bridges

35 ILCS 200/10-90

    (35 ILCS 200/10-90)
    Sec. 10-90. Property used for airport purposes. In counties with 200,000 or more inhabitants, in addition to valuation as otherwise permitted by law, upon the filing of an application under Section 10-95 by the person liable for the taxes on that property, which is used for airport purposes and has been so used for the 3 years immediately preceding the year when the assessment is made shall be valued on the basis of 33 1/3% of its fair cash value, based upon the price it would bring at a fair, voluntary sale for use by the buyer for airport purposes.
    Property is considered used for airport purposes under this Section if it is devoted primarily to the operation of an airport or restricted landing field approved by the Department of Transportation in accordance with the Illinois Aeronautics Act and is open to the public except as restricted by the Department of Transportation or the Illinois Aeronautics Act.
(Source: P.A. 81-840; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-95

    (35 ILCS 200/10-95)
    Sec. 10-95. Application process. The person liable for taxes on land used for airport purposes must file a verified application requesting the additional valuation provided for in Section 10-90, with the chief county assessment officer of the county where the land is located, by January 1 of each year for which that valuation is desired. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department and contain such information as may reasonably be required to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of Section 10-90. If the application shows the applicant is entitled to the valuation, the chief county assessment officer shall approve it; otherwise, he or she shall reject the application.
    When an application has been filed with and approved by the chief county assessment officer, he or she shall determine the valuation of the land in two ways as otherwise permitted by law, and as described in Section 10-90, and shall list those valuations separately. The county clerk, in preparing assessment books, lists and blanks under Section 9-100, shall include columns for indicating the approval of an application filed under this Section and for setting out the valuations made as otherwise permitted by law, and under Section 10-90.
(Source: P.A. 77-2783; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-100

    (35 ILCS 200/10-100)
    Sec. 10-100. Liability for prior year's taxes. The valuation determined under Section 10-90 shall be used for each year for which application is made and approved under Section 10-95. When any portion of the land is no longer used for airport purposes, the person liable for taxes on that portion of the land shall notify the chief county assessment officer, in writing, of that fact, and shall pay to the county treasurer, by the following September 1, the difference between the taxes paid in each of the 3 preceding years as based on a valuation under Section 10-90 and what those taxes for each of those years would have been when based on the valuation as otherwise permitted by law, together with 5% interest. If this difference is not paid by the following September 1, the amount of that difference shall be considered as delinquent taxes under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 77-2783; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-105

    (35 ILCS 200/10-105)
    Sec. 10-105. Interstate bridges. All bridge structures across any navigable streams forming the boundary line between the State of Illinois and any other State, and not classified as operating property by any railroad operating in this State, shall be assessed by the township or other assessor in the county or township where the structure is located. All provisions relating to the assessment and taxation of property, shall apply to those bridges. The assessor shall give in his or her description the quarter section of property, section of property, township and range in which the bridge is located or terminates in this State, together with the metes and bounds of the ground occupied by the bridge and the approaches to it, from the end on the Illinois shore to the center of the main channel of the stream crossed by the bridge. To obtain the description, the assessor may employ a competent surveyor, and the expense of making the survey and description shall be charged as a tax against the property by the county clerk, on the certificate of the surveyor. One survey of any bridge and approaches made under this Code, shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of subsequent assessment of the bridge or approaches.
    In default of the payment of any tax assessed against any bridge company, the bridge structure and its approaches that are located within this State, together with the land on which they are located, as described by the assessor, and the franchise belonging thereto, shall be sold for the tax at the same time and in the same manner as other property in the county is sold for delinquent tax. Any county, city, town, school district or other municipal corporation, interested in the collection of the tax levied upon the bridge, may become the purchaser at the sale, or at any sale of the property under judgment recovered upon, or to enforce the collection of the tax; and if the property so sold is not redeemed, may acquire, hold, sell and dispose of the title.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 6

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 6 heading)
Division 6. Farmland, open space,
and forestry management plan
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/10-110

    (35 ILCS 200/10-110)
    Sec. 10-110. Farmland. The equalized assessed value of a farm, as defined in Section 1-60 and if used as a farm for the 2 preceding years, except tracts subject to assessment under Section 10-145, shall be determined as described in Sections 10-115 through 10-140. To assure proper implementation of Sections 10-110 through 10-140, the Department may withhold non-farm multipliers for any county other than a county with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants that classifies property for tax purposes.
(Source: P.A. 92-301, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/10-115

    (35 ILCS 200/10-115)
    Sec. 10-115. Department guidelines and valuations for farmland. The Department shall issue guidelines and recommendations for the valuation of farmland to achieve equitable assessment within and between counties.
    The Director of Revenue shall appoint a five-person Farmland Assessment Technical Advisory Board, consisting of technical experts from the colleges or schools of agriculture of the State universities and State and federal agricultural agencies, to advise in and provide data and technical information needed for implementation of this Section.
    By May 1 of each year, the Department shall certify to each chief county assessment officer the following, calculated from data provided by the Farmland Technical Advisory Board, on a per acre basis by soil productivity index for harvested cropland, using moving averages for the most recent 5-year period for which data are available:
        (a) gross income, estimated by using yields per acre
as assigned to soil productivity indices, the crop mix for each soil productivity index as determined by the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois and average prices received by farmers for principal crops as published by the Illinois Crop Reporting Service;
        (b) production costs, other than land costs, provided
by the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois;
        (c) net return to land, which shall be the difference
between (a) and (b) above;
        (d) a proposed agricultural economic value determined
by dividing the net return to land by the moving average of the Federal Land Bank farmland mortgage interest rate as calculated by the Department;
        (e) the equalized assessed value per acre of farmland
for each soil productivity index, which shall be 33-1/3% of the agricultural economic value, or the percentage as provided under Section 17-5; but any increase or decrease in the equalized assessed value per acre by soil productivity index shall not exceed 10% from the immediate preceding year's soil productivity index certified assessed value of the median cropped soil; in tax year 2015 only, that 10% limitation shall be reduced by $5 per acre;
        (f) a proposed average equalized assessed value per
acre of cropland for each individual county, weighted by the distribution of soils by productivity index in the county; and
        (g) a proposed average equalized assessed value per
acre for all farmland in each county, weighted (i) to consider the proportions of all farmland acres in the county which are cropland, permanent pasture, and other farmland, and (ii) to reflect the valuations for those types of land and debasements for slope and erosion as required by Section 10-125.
(Source: P.A. 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.)

35 ILCS 200/10-120

    (35 ILCS 200/10-120)
    Sec. 10-120. County Farmland Assessment Review Committee. A County Farmland Assessment Review Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee) shall be established in each county to advise the chief county assessment officer on the interpretation and application of the State-certified farmland values, guidelines and the implementation of this Section. The Committee shall consist of 5 members: the chief county assessment officer or his or her designee, the Chairman of the County Board of Review or another member of that Board appointed by the Chairman, and 3 farmers appointed by the Chairman of the County Board. The County Board of each county may fix the compensation of members of the Committee for attendance at meetings of the committee. The chief county assessment officer or designee shall be chairman and shall convene the Committee on or about May 1 of each year. The Committee may solicit public input.
    Each chief county assessment officer shall present annually to the Committee the farmland valuation procedure to be used in that county and the equalized assessed valuations by productivity index to be used for the next assessment year. On or about June 1, the Committee shall hold a public hearing on the equalized assessed values of farmland proposed by the Department and the implementation of the procedures proposed by the chief county assessment officer. If the Committee concurs with the procedures and valuations, the chief county assessment officer shall proceed with the farmland assessment process. If the Committee objects to the procedures or valuations proposed, the Committee shall make alternate recommendations to the Department by August 1. The Department shall rule within 30 days and direct the chief county assessment officer to implement the ruling. The Committee may appeal the Department's ruling to the Property Tax Appeal Board within 30 days. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall be the final authority in any appeal and its decisions under this paragraph shall not be subject to the Administrative Review Law. Appeals by the Committee shall be heard by the Property Tax Appeal Board within 30 days of receipt; a decision must be rendered within 60 days of receipt, and not later than December 31 of the year preceding the assessment year. Appeals by the Committee of any county shall take precedence over all individual taxpayer appeals.
(Source: P.A. 86-954; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-125

    (35 ILCS 200/10-125)
    Sec. 10-125. Assessment level by type of farmland. Cropland, permanent pasture and other farmland shall be defined according to U.S. Census Bureau definitions in use during that assessment year and assessed in the following way:
        (a) Cropland shall be assessed in accordance with the
equalized assessed value of its soil productivity index as certified by the Department and shall be debased to take into account factors including, but not limited to, slope, drainage, ponding, flooding, and field size and shape.
        (b) Permanent pasture shall be assessed at 1/3 of its
debased productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland.
        (c) Other farmland shall be assessed at 1/6 of its
debased productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland.
        (d) Wasteland shall be assessed on its contributory
value to the farmland parcel.
    In no case shall the equalized assessed value of permanent pasture be below 1/3, nor the equalized assessed value of other farmland, except wasteland, be below 1/6, of the equalized assessed value per acre of cropland of the lowest productivity index certified under Section 10-115.
(Source: P.A. 86-954; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-130

    (35 ILCS 200/10-130)
    Sec. 10-130. Farmland valuation; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the equalized assessed value per acre of farmland shall be the lesser of either 16% of the fair cash value of the farmland estimated at the price it would bring at a fair, voluntary sale for use by the buyer as a farm as defined in Section 1-60, or 90% of the 1983 average equalized assessed value per acre certified by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 86-954; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-135

    (35 ILCS 200/10-135)
    Sec. 10-135. Farmland not subject to equalization. The assessed valuation of farmland assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-130 shall not be subject to equalization by means of State equalization factors. Equalization factors applied by a chief county assessment officer or a Board of Review under Sections 9-205 and 16-60 shall be applied to assessments of farmland only to achieve assessments as required by Sections 10-110 through 10-130.
(Source: P.A. 92-301, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/10-140

    (35 ILCS 200/10-140)
    Sec. 10-140. Other improvements. Improvements other than the dwelling, appurtenant structures and site, including, but not limited to, roadside stands and buildings used for storing and protecting farm machinery and equipment, for housing livestock or poultry, or for storing feed, grain or any substance that contributes to or is a product of the farm, shall have an equalized assessed value of 33 1/3% of their value, based upon the current use of those buildings and their contribution to the productivity of the farm.
(Source: P.A. 86-954; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-145

    (35 ILCS 200/10-145)
    Sec. 10-145. Farm dwellings. Each farm dwelling and appurtenant structures and the tract upon which they are immediately situated shall be assessed by the local assessing officials at 33 1/3% of fair cash value except that in counties that classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution they shall be assessed at the percentage of fair cash value as required by county ordinance. That assessment shall be subject to equalization by the Department under Sections 17-5 through 17-30.
(Source: P.A. 82-554; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-147

    (35 ILCS 200/10-147)
    Sec. 10-147. Former farm; open space. Beginning with the 1992 assessment year, the equalized assessed value of any tract of real property that has not been used as a farm for 20 or more consecutive years shall not be determined under Sections 10-110 through 10-140. If no other use is established, the tract shall be considered to be used for open space purposes and its valuation shall be determined under Sections 10-155 through 10-165.
(Source: P.A. 87-1270; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-150

    (35 ILCS 200/10-150)
    Sec. 10-150. Property under forestry management plan. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, any land being managed under a forestry management plan accepted by the Department of Natural Resources under the Illinois Forestry Development Act shall be considered as "other farmland" and shall be valued at 1/6 of its productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland. In counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, any land totalling 15 acres or less for which an approved forestry management plan was in effect on or before December 31, 1985, shall be considered "other farmland". The Department of Natural Resources shall inform the Department and each chief county assessment officer of each parcel of land covered by an approved forestry management plan.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

35 ILCS 200/10-152

    (35 ILCS 200/10-152)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2026)
    Sec. 10-152. Vegetative filter strip assessment.
    (a) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, any land (i) that is located between a farm field and an area to be protected, including but not limited to surface water, a stream, a river, or a sinkhole and (ii) that meets the requirements of subsection (b) of this Section shall be considered a "vegetative filter strip" and valued at 1/6th of its productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the land shall be valued at the lesser of either (i) 16% of the fair cash value of the farmland estimated at the price it would bring at a fair, voluntary sale for use by the buyer as a farm as defined in Section 1-60 or (ii) 90% of the 1983 average equalized assessed value per acre certified by the Department of Revenue.
    (b) Vegetative filter strips shall meet the standards and specifications set forth in the Natural Resources Conservation Service Technical Guide and shall contain vegetation that (i) has a dense top growth; (ii) forms a uniform ground cover; (iii) has a heavy fibrous root system; and (iv) tolerates pesticides used in the farm field.
    (c) The county's soil and water conservation district shall assist the taxpayer in completing a uniform certified document as prescribed by the Department of Revenue in cooperation with the Association of Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts that certifies (i) that the property meets the requirements established under this Section for vegetative filter strips and (ii) the acreage or square footage of property that qualifies for assessment as a vegetative filter strip. The document shall be filed by the applicant with the Chief County Assessment Officer. The Chief County Assessment Officer shall promulgate rules concerning the filing of the document. The soil and water conservation district shall create a conservation plan for the creation of the filter strip. The plan shall be kept on file in the soil and water conservation district office. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require any taxpayer to have vegetative filter strips.
    (d) A joint report by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Natural Resources concerning the effect and impact of vegetative filter strip assessment shall be submitted to the General Assembly by March 1, 2006.
    (e) This Section is repealed on December 31, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 99-560, eff. 1-1-17; 99-916, eff. 12-30-16.)

35 ILCS 200/10-153

    (35 ILCS 200/10-153)
    Sec. 10-153. Non-clear cut assessment. Land that (i) is not located in a unit of local government with a population greater than 500,000, (ii) is located within 15 yards of waters listed by the Department of Natural Resources under Section 5 of the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act as navigable, and (iii) has not been clear cut of trees, as defined in Section 29a of the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act, shall be valued at 1/12th of its productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland.
(Source: P.A. 91-907, eff. 1-1-01.)

35 ILCS 200/10-155

    (35 ILCS 200/10-155)
    Sec. 10-155. Open space land; valuation. In all counties, in addition to valuation as otherwise permitted by law, land which is used for open space purposes and has been so used for the 3 years immediately preceding the year in which the assessment is made, upon application under Section 10-160, shall be valued on the basis of its fair cash value, estimated at the price it would bring at a fair, voluntary sale for use by the buyer for open space purposes.
    Land is considered used for open space purposes if it is more than 10 acres in area and:
        (a) is actually and exclusively used for maintaining
or enhancing natural or scenic resources,
        (b) protects air or streams or water supplies,
        (c) promotes conservation of soil, wetlands, beaches,
or marshes, including ground cover or planted perennial grasses, trees and shrubs and other natural perennial growth, and including any body of water, whether man-made or natural,
        (d) conserves landscaped areas, such as public or
private golf courses,
        (e) enhances the value to the public of abutting or
neighboring parks, forests, wildlife preserves, nature reservations, sanctuaries, or other open spaces, or
        (f) preserves historic sites.
    Land is not considered used for open space purposes if it is used primarily for residential purposes.
    If the land is improved with a water-retention dam that is operated primarily for commercial purposes, the water-retention dam is not considered to be used for open space purposes despite the fact that any resulting man-made lake may be considered to be used for open space purposes under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 95-70, eff. 1-1-08.)

35 ILCS 200/10-160

    (35 ILCS 200/10-160)
    Sec. 10-160. Open space; application process. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the person liable for taxes on land used for open space purposes must file a verified application requesting the additional open space valuation with the chief county assessment officer by January 31 of each year for which that valuation is desired. For taxable years prior to 2011, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the person liable for taxes on land used for open space purposes must file a verified application requesting the additional open space valuation with the chief county assessment officer by January 31 of each year for which that valuation is desired. For taxable year 2011 and thereafter, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the person liable for taxes on land used for open space purposes must file a verified application requesting the additional open space valuation with the chief county assessment officer by June 30 of each year for which that valuation is desired. If the application is not filed by January 31 or June 30, as applicable, the taxpayer waives the right to claim that additional valuation for that year. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department and contain information as may reasonably be required to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of Section 10-155. If the application shows the applicant is entitled to the valuation, the chief county assessment officer shall approve it; otherwise, the application shall be rejected.
    When such an application has been filed with and approved by the chief county assessment officer, he or she shall determine the valuation of the land as otherwise permitted by law and as required under Section 10-155, and shall list those valuations separately. The county clerk, in preparing assessment books, lists and blanks under Section 9-100, shall include therein columns for indicating the approval of an application and for setting out the two separate valuations.
(Source: P.A. 97-296, eff. 8-11-11.)

35 ILCS 200/10-165

    (35 ILCS 200/10-165)
    Sec. 10-165. Land no longer used for open space. When any portion of the land described in any application filed under Section 10-160 is no longer used for open space purposes, the person liable for taxes on that land must notify the chief county assessment officer, in writing.
    The person shall pay to the county treasurer, by the following September 1, the difference between the taxes paid in the 3 preceding years as based on a valuation under Section 10-155 and what the taxes for those years would have been when based on the valuation as otherwise permitted by law, together with 5% interest. If this difference is not paid by the following September 1, the amount of that difference shall be considered as delinquent taxes.
(Source: P.A. 80-1364; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-166

    (35 ILCS 200/10-166)
    Sec. 10-166. Registered land or land encumbered by conservation rights; valuation. Except in counties with more than 200,000 inhabitants that classify property for the purpose of taxation, to the extent any portion of any lot, parcel, or tract of land is (i) registered in perpetuity under Section 16 of the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act, or (ii) encumbered in perpetuity by a conservation right, as defined in the Real Property Conservation Rights Act, if the conservation right has been conveyed and accepted in accordance with Section 2 of the Real Property Conservation Rights Act, recorded under Section 5 of that Act, and yields a public benefit as defined in Section 10-167 of this Act, upon application under Section 10-168, the portion of the lot, parcel, or tract of land registered or encumbered shall be valued at 8-1/3% of its fair market value estimated as if it were not registered or encumbered; and any improvement, dwelling, or other appurtenant structure present on any registered or encumbered portion of land shall be valued at 33-1/3% of its fair market value. Beginning with the 1995 tax year in counties with more than 200,000 inhabitants that classify property for the purpose of taxation, to the extent any portion of a lot, parcel, or tract of land is (i) registered in perpetuity under Section 16 of the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act or (ii) encumbered in perpetuity by a conservation right, as defined in the Real Property Conservation Rights Act, if the conservation right has been conveyed and accepted in accordance with Section 2 of the Real Property Conservation Rights Act, recorded under Section 5 of that Act, and yields a public benefit as defined in Section 10-167 of this Code, upon application under Section 10-168, the portion of the lot, parcel, or tract of land registered or encumbered shall be valued at 25% of that percentage of its fair market value established under this Code, by an ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, or both, as the case may be; and any improvement, dwelling, or other appurtenant structure present on any registered or encumbered portion of the land shall be valued at that percentage of fair market value established under this Code, by an ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, or both, as the case may be. To qualify for valuation under this Section, the registration agreement or conservation right establishing an encumbrance shall prohibit the construction of any other structure on the registered or encumbered land except replacement structures, no larger than the previous structures which are replaced, that do not interfere with or destroy the registration or conservation right.
    The valuation provided for in this Section shall not apply to any land that has been valued as open space land under Section 10-155.
(Source: P.A. 88-657, eff. 1-1-95.)

35 ILCS 200/10-167

    (35 ILCS 200/10-167)
    Sec. 10-167. Definition of public benefit; certification.
    (a) A conservation right on land shall be considered to provide a demonstrated public benefit if the Department of Natural Resources certifies that it protects in perpetuity at least one of the following:
        (1) Land providing a regular opportunity for public
access to outdoor recreation or outdoor education.
        (2) Land preserving habitat for State or federal
endangered or threatened species or federal candidate species as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (50 CFR 424.02).
        (3) Land identified in the Illinois Natural Areas
        (4) Land determined to be eligible for registration
under Section 16 of the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act.
        (5) Land contributing to the ecological viability of
a park, conservation area, nature preserve, or other high quality native terrestrial or aquatic area that is publicly owned or otherwise protected.
        (6) Land included in, or consistent with a federal,
State, regional, or local government policy or plan for the conservation of wildlife habitat or open space, for the restoration or protection of lakes and streams, or for the protection of scenic areas.
    (b) The person liable for taxes on the land shall submit an application to the Department of Natural Resources requesting certification that the land meets one of the criteria established in subsection (a). The application shall be in a form furnished by the Department of Natural Resources. Within 30 days of receipt of a complete and correct application for certification, the Department of Natural Resources shall determine whether the land encumbered by a conservation right provides a demonstrated public benefit and shall inform the applicant in writing of the decision.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/10-168

    (35 ILCS 200/10-168)
    Sec. 10-168. Valuation of registered land or land encumbered by conservation rights; application process.
    (a) The person liable for taxes on land eligible for assessment under Section 10-166 must file a verified application requesting the registered land or conservation rights valuation with the chief county assessment officer by January 31 of the first year that the valuation is desired. If the application is not filed by January 31, the taxpayer waives the right to claim that valuation for that year. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department and shall contain information as may reasonably be required to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of Section 10-166. If the application shows the applicant is entitled to the valuation, the chief county assessment officer shall approve it and maintain that valuation until notified as provided in Section 10-169. Otherwise, the application shall be rejected. The application shall be accompanied by the certification provided for in Section 10-167, if required.
    (b) When the application has been filed with and approved by the chief county assessment officer, he or she shall determine the valuation of the land as otherwise permitted by law and as required under Section 10-166, and shall keep a record of that valuation.
(Source: P.A. 88-657, eff. 1-1-95.)

35 ILCS 200/10-169

    (35 ILCS 200/10-169)
    Sec. 10-169. Land no longer registered or encumbered by conservation rights.
    (a) In the event the registration agreement or conservation right by which a portion of land has been valued under Section 10-166 is released or amended and for purposes of a conservation right has the effect of substantially diminishing the public benefit, the person liable for taxes on the land shall notify the chief county assessment officer in writing by certified mail within 30 days after the release or amendment. The person liable for taxes on the land that is no longer registered or encumbered by the conservation right shall pay the county collector, by the following September 1, the difference between the taxes paid in the 10 preceding years or, in the event the reduced valuation has been in effect for less than 10 preceding years, the difference between the taxes for the years the reduced valuation has been in effect as based on a valuation under Section 10-166 and what the taxes for those years would have been when based on the valuation as otherwise permitted by this Code, by ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, or both, as the case may be, together with 10% interest. If the difference is not paid by the following September 1, the amount of that difference shall be considered as delinquent taxes. In the event the person liable for taxes on the land fails to notify the chief county assessment officer in writing by certified mail within 30 days after the release or amendment of the conservation rights, the property shall be treated as omitted property under the provisions of this Code.
    (b) Subsection (a) shall not apply if:
        (1) the registration agreement or conservation right
is released, terminated, or extinguished pursuant to an acquisition by eminent domain of the land registered or encumbered by the conservation right, provided that for purposes of a conservation right the compensation for the conservation right is paid to the grantee of the conservation right; or
        (2) the registration agreement or conservation right
is released, terminated, or extinguished in an involuntary judicial proceeding, provided that for purposes of a conservation right all of the proceeds from a sale, exchange, or involuntary conversion of the conservation right are paid to the grantee of the conservation right; or
        (3) the conservation right is released, terminated,
or extinguished by the grantee of the conservation right without the consent of the owner of the property encumbered by the conservation right, provided that the owner of the encumbered property subsequently conveys or, in good faith and in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources, attempts to convey a new conservation right that encumbers the same property and qualifies for valuation under Section 10-166 within 12 months of the release, termination, or extinguishment of the prior conservation right.
(Source: P.A. 88-657, eff. 1-1-95; 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 7

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 7 heading)
Division 7. Coal

35 ILCS 200/10-170

    (35 ILCS 200/10-170)
    Sec. 10-170. Valuation of coal. The equalized assessed value of each tract of real property constituting coal shall be determined under Sections 10-175 through 10-200.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-175

    (35 ILCS 200/10-175)
    Sec. 10-175. Undeveloped coal. All undeveloped coal in property on which there has been no mining during the year immediately preceding the assessment date shall for the purposes of this Code have an undeveloped coal reserve economic value of no more than $75 per acre. There shall be no per acre undeveloped coal reserve economic value for persons not in the business of mining who have not severed the coal from the land by deed or lease.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-180

    (35 ILCS 200/10-180)
    Sec. 10-180. Developed coal. Developed coal shall be assessed at 33 1/3% of the developed coal reserve economic value determined as follows:
    Developed Coal Reserve Economic Value equals the present value of the anticipated net income from the property during the life used to determine the developed coal.
    (a) The interest rate to be used for determining present value shall be the arithmetic average prime interest rate quoted by the 4 largest United States banks as measured by total assets located within the Chicago metropolitan statistical area as defined by the United States Department of Commerce as of the current assessment date and the 2 preceding assessment dates, plus 3%.
    (b) Net income means 4% of the average spot market price for Illinois coal as published in a recognized publication prescribed by the Department, as of the current assessment date and the 2 preceding assessment dates, multiplied by the number of recoverable tons per acre.
    (c) Recoverable coal tons per acre equals 1,742 tons per foot acre multiplied by seam thickness, and then multiplied by the recovery ratio.
    (d) Coal seam thickness means the average thickness of the coal seam or seams where coal is initially extracted.
    (e) Recovery ratio means the lesser of 80% for coal extracted by surface mining methods and 50% for coal extracted by underground mining methods or the actual historical recovery ratio for the mining operation.
    (f) The total assessed value of developed coal shall be attributed equally to the coal acreage that is anticipated to be mined.
    (g) Change in the per acre assessed value of coal shall not exceed 10% in any one year except when a change of acreage classification occurs.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-185

    (35 ILCS 200/10-185)
    Sec. 10-185. Prorated assessment. When initial mining commences after the assessment date, or when all mining ceases prior to the end of a calendar year, the coal as assessed pursuant to Section 10-180 shall be assessed on a proportionate basis in accordance with Section 9-180. For purposes of this Section any permitted acreage that is to be mined during the current year which is not included in the anticipated 5 year mine acreage due to a change in the mining plan shall not be subject to assessment on a proportionate basis in accordance with Section 9-180.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-190

    (35 ILCS 200/10-190)
    Sec. 10-190. Cessation of mining. When mining has taken place during the year immediately preceding the assessment date, but has completely ceased as of the assessment date, all remaining unmined coal shall be valued pursuant to Section 10-175.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-195

    (35 ILCS 200/10-195)
    Sec. 10-195. Incremental assessment. Coal assessed under Sections 10-180 and 10-185 shall be added to the tax roll in the following increments as determined by the assessment date:
        1993 - 70% of the assessed value
        1994 - 80% of the assessed value
        1995 - 90% of the assessed value
        1996 and thereafter - 100% of the assessed value
    Coal assessments, including assessments based on the value of coal, that were in effect January 1, 1986 shall be reduced to the undeveloped coal reserve economic assessed value per acre under Section 10-175 in annual increments as follows:
        1993 - 30% of the 1986 unequalized assessed value
        1994 - 20% of the 1986 unequalized assessed value
        1995 - 10% of the 1986 unequalized assessed value
        1996 and thereafter - the undeveloped coal reserve
economic assessed value
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-200

    (35 ILCS 200/10-200)
    Sec. 10-200. Coal not subject to State equalization. Except as provided in this Section, the assessed valuation of coal assessed under Sections 10-170 through 10-195 shall not be subject to equalization by means of State equalization factors or State multipliers. Equalization factors applied by a chief county assessment officer or a Board of Review pursuant to Sections 9-205 and 16-65 shall be applied to assessments of coal only to achieve assessments as required by Sections 10-170 through 10-195.
(Source: P.A. 85-1359; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 8

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 8 heading)
Division 8. Sports stadiums

35 ILCS 200/10-205

    (35 ILCS 200/10-205)
    Sec. 10-205. Sports stadium property. For purposes of the property tax laws of this State, qualified property in municipalities with more than 2,000,000 inhabitants shall be classified and valued as set forth in Sections 10-210 through 10-220 during the period beginning July 1, 1989, and ending with the year 22 years after the base year.
(Source: P.A. 86-110; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-210

    (35 ILCS 200/10-210)
    Sec. 10-210. Definitions. For purposes of Sections 10-205, 10-215, and 10-220:
    (a) "Base year" means the first tax year after the tax year in which construction of the new stadium is completed.
    (b) "Tax year" means the calendar year for which assessed value is determined as of January 1 of that year.
    (c) "Base period" means the calendar year immediately preceding the tax year.
    (d) "Interest" for the base period means the annual interest that would accrue on a principal amount equal to 100% of all costs (including construction period interest actually incurred) incurred with respect to the acquisition, construction or improvement of property described in subsection (a) of Section 10-215 through the end of the base period, if the interest rate were equal to the average, compounded quarterly, of the corporate base rate reported as in effect on the first business day of each month of the base period by the largest bank (measured by assets) with its head office located in Chicago, Illinois.
    (e) "Income taxes" for the base period shall mean federal and State income taxes computed by multiplying the taxable income from the property by the lower of (1) the highest tax rates applicable to individuals or (2) the highest tax rates applicable to corporations.
(Source: P.A. 86-110; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-215

    (35 ILCS 200/10-215)
    Sec. 10-215. Qualified property. Qualified property means:
    (a) a new stadium having a seating capacity in excess of 18,000 and less than 28,000 which is constructed primarily for the purpose of holding professional sports and amusement events and construction of which is commenced after July 1, 1989, or any parking lot or parking garage for participants, spectators or staff which is acquired, constructed or improved at any time primarily for use in connection with the stadium, or any property on which the stadium, lot or garage is located;
    (b) property that would qualify as property described in subsection (a) of this Section, except that construction of the new stadium is not completed by the first day of the tax year; or
    (c) any parking lot or parking garage that is located within 3,000 feet of property described in subsection (a) of this Section, that is used primarily in connection with any existing stadium or with property described in subsection (a) of this Section, and that was employed for those uses prior to July 1, 1989, or any property on which the lot or garage is located.
(Source: P.A. 86-110; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-220

    (35 ILCS 200/10-220)
    Sec. 10-220. Valuation.
    (a) For the base year and subsequent tax years, property described in subsection (a) of Section 10-215 shall be classified so that it is valued in relation to 20% of the property's fair cash value. The fair cash value of the property shall be equal to 4 times the annual net income (revenues net of all expenses, including interest, income taxes, and all property maintenance or replacement expenditures whether or not capital in nature, but not including depreciation) actually earned by its owners from the property during the base period.
    (b) For any tax year prior to the base year, property described in subsections (b) and (c) of Section 10-215 shall be classified and valued so that the fair cash value of the property does not exceed the fair cash value of the property for the 1989 tax year, as adjusted by the percentage increase in valuation of all property in the municipality between 1989 and the tax year.
    (c) The fair cash value of property described in Section 10-215 shall be determined as specified in this Section and without taking into account (1) the planned or actual construction and improvement of property described in subsection (a) of Section 10-215, or (2) any acquisition, replacement or resale values or alternative uses assumed or imputed in contemplation or in consequence of such planned or actual construction and improvement.
    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, including subsection (c), the aggregate of all property taxes payable on the property described in Section 10-215 shall not be less than:
        (1) for any tax year prior to the base year, the
aggregate property taxes payable on such property for the 1988 tax year;
        (2) for the base year, $600,000;
        (3) for the first tax year following the base year,
        (4) for the second tax year following the base year,
        (5) for the third tax year following the base year
and for each tax year thereafter, $1,000,000.
(Source: P.A. 86-110; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/10-223

    (35 ILCS 200/10-223)
    Sec. 10-223. Former farm; open space. Beginning with the 1992 assessment year, the equalized assessed value of any tract of real property that has not been used as a farm for 20 or more consecutive years shall not be determined under Sections 10-110 through 10-140. If no other use is established, the tract shall be considered to be used for open space purposes and its valuation shall be determined under Sections 10-155 through 10-165.
(Source: P.A. 87-1270; incorporates 88-45; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 9

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 9 heading)
Division 9. Nurseries

35 ILCS 200/10-225

    (35 ILCS 200/10-225)
    Sec. 10-225. Stock of nurseries. The stock of nurseries, when growing, shall be assessed as property and when severed shall be considered merchandise.
(Source: Laws 1941, vol. 1, p. 1062; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 10

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 10 heading)
Division 10. Electric Power Generating Stations

35 ILCS 200/10-230

    (35 ILCS 200/10-230)
    Sec. 10-230. Creation of task force; 1997 through 1999 property assessments of certain utility property.
    (a) This Section establishes an Electric Utility Property Assessment Task Force to advise the General Assembly with respect to the possible impact of the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 on the valuation of the real property component of electric generating stations owned by electric utilities and, therefore, on the taxing districts in this State in which electric generating stations are located.
    (b) There shall be established and appointed in accordance with this Section an Electric Utility Property Assessment Task Force. Such Task Force shall be chaired by the President of the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois, who shall be a non-voting member of the Task Force. The Task Force shall be composed of 10 voting members, 6 of whom shall be representatives of taxing districts in which electric generating stations are located and 4 of whom shall be representatives of electric utilities in this State, at least one of whom shall be from an electric utility serving over 1,000,000 retail customers in this State and at least one of whom shall be from an electric utility serving over 500,000 but less than 1,000,000 retail customers in this State.
    (c) The voting members of this Task Force shall be appointed as follows: (i) 3 of the voting members, one of whom shall be from an electric utility, shall be appointed by the President of the Senate; (ii) 3 of the voting members, one of whom shall be from an electric utility, shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (iii) 2 of the voting members, one of whom shall be from an electric utility, shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; and (iv) 2 of the voting members, one of whom shall be from an electric utility, shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Such appointments shall be made within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997. Members of the Task Force shall receive no compensation for their services but shall be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred while performing their duties.
    (d) The Task Force shall submit a report to the General Assembly by January 1, 1999 which shall: (i) analyze whether, and to what extent, taxing districts throughout this State will experience significant sustained erosions of their property tax bases and property tax revenues as a result of the restructuring of the electric industry in this State; and (ii) make recommendations for legislative changes to address any such impacts.
    (e) Beginning with the 1997 assessment year through the assessment year of 1999, the fair cash value of any electric power generating plant owned as of November 1, 1997, by an electric utility, as that term is defined in Section 16-102 of the Public Utilities Act, shall be determined using original cost less depreciation of the electric power generating plant. When determining original cost less depreciation, including the original cost less depreciation of all new construction, the rate or rates of depreciation applied shall be the same as the rate or rates in effect November 1, 1997, under the Public Utilities Act and the rules and orders of the Illinois Commerce Commission, irrespective of any change in ownership of the property occurring after the effective date of the provisions of the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect the classification of property as real or personal. Determinations of original cost less depreciation for purposes of this subsection shall be made without regard for the use of any accelerated cost recovery method including accelerated depreciation, accelerated amortization or other capital recovery methods, or reductions to original cost of an electric power generating plant made as a result of the provisions of Senate Amendment No. 2 to House Bill 362, enacted by the 90th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 90-562, eff. 12-16-97.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 11

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 11 heading)
Division 11. Low-income housing

35 ILCS 200/10-235

    (35 ILCS 200/10-235)
    Sec. 10-235. Low-income housing project valuation policy; intent. It is the policy of this State that low-income housing projects developed under Section 515 of the federal Housing Act or that qualify for the low-income housing tax credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be valued at 33 and one-third percent of the fair market value of their economic productivity to the owners of the projects to help insure that their valuation for property taxation does not result in taxes so high that rent levels must be raised to cover this project expense, which can cause excess vacancies, project loan defaults, and eventual loss of rental housing facilities for those most in need of them, low-income families and the elderly. It is the intent of this State that the valuation required by this Division is the closest representation of cash value required by law and is the method established as proper and fair.
(Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 93-533, eff. 1-1-04; 93-755, eff. 7-16-04.)

35 ILCS 200/10-240

    (35 ILCS 200/10-240)
    Sec. 10-240. Definition of Section 515 low-income housing projects. "Section 515 low-income housing projects" mean rental apartment facilities (i) developed and managed under a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Rental Housing Program designed to provide affordable housing to low to moderate income families and seniors in rural communities with populations under 20,000, (ii) that receive a subsidy in the form of a 1% loan interest rate and a 50-year amortization of the mortgage, (iii) that would not have been built without a Section 515 interest credit subsidy, and (iv) where the owners of the projects are limited to an annual profit of an 8% return on a 5% equity investment, which may result in a modest cash flow to owners of the projects unless actual expenses, including property taxes, exceed budget projections, in which case no profit may be realized.
(Source: P.A. 91-651, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

35 ILCS 200/10-245

    (35 ILCS 200/10-245)
    Sec. 10-245. Method of valuation of low-income housing projects. Notwithstanding Section 1-55 and except in counties with a population of more than 200,000 that classify property for the purposes of taxation, to determine 33 and one-third percent of the fair cash value of any low-income housing project developed under the Section 515 program or that qualifies for the low-income housing tax credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, in assessing the project, local assessment officers must consider the actual or probable net operating income attributable to the property, using a vacancy rate of not more than 5%, capitalized at normal market rates. The interest rate to be used in developing the normal market value capitalization rate shall be one that reflects the prevailing cost of cash for other types of commercial real estate in the geographic market in which the low-income housing project is located.
(Source: P.A. 93-533, eff. 1-1-04; 93-755, eff. 7-16-04; 94-1086, eff. 1-19-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-250

    (35 ILCS 200/10-250)
    Sec. 10-250. Certification procedure and effective date of implementation.
    (a) After (i) an application for a Section 515 low-income housing project certificate is filed with the State Director of the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Office in a manner and form prescribed in regulations issued by the office and (ii) the certificate is issued certifying that the housing is a Section 515 low-income housing project as defined in Section 2 of this Act, the certificate must be presented to the appropriate local assessment officer to receive the property assessment valuation under this Division. The local assessment officer must assess the property according to this Act. Beginning on January 1, 2000, all certified Section 515 low-income housing projects shall be assessed in accordance with Section 10-245.
    (b) Beginning with taxable year 2004, all low-income housing projects that qualify for the low-income housing tax credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be assessed in accordance with Section 10-245 if the owner or owners of the low-income housing project certify to the appropriate local assessment officer that the owner or owners qualify for the low-income housing tax credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code for the property.
(Source: P.A. 93-533, eff. 1-1-04; 93-755, eff. 7-16-04.)

35 ILCS 200/10-255

    (35 ILCS 200/10-255)
    Sec. 10-255. Rules. The Department of Revenue may adopt rules to implement and administer this Division.
(Source: P.A. 91-651, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/10-260

    (35 ILCS 200/10-260)
    Sec. 10-260. Low-income housing. In determining the fair cash value of property receiving benefits from the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit authorized by Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 42, emphasis shall be given to the income approach.
    In counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, during a general reassessment year in accordance with Section 9-220 or at such other time that a property is reassessed, to determine the fair cash value of any low-income housing project that qualifies for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code: (i) in assessing any building with 7 or more units, the assessment officer must consider the actual or projected net operating income attributable to the property, capitalized at rates for similarly encumbered Section 42 properties; and (ii) in assessing any building with 6 units or less, the assessment officer, prior to finalizing and certifying assessments to the Board of Review, shall reassess the building considering the actual or projected net operating income attributable to the property, capitalized at rates for similarly encumbered Section 42 properties. The capitalization rate for items (i) and (ii) shall be one that reflects the prevailing cost of capital for other types of similarly encumbered Section 42 properties in the geographic market in which the low-income housing project is located.
    All low-income housing projects that seek to be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Section shall certify to the appropriate local assessment officer that the owner or owners qualify for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code for the property, in a form prescribed by that assessment officer.
(Source: P.A. 102-175, eff. 7-29-21.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 12

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 12 heading)
Division 12. Veterans organization property

35 ILCS 200/10-300

    (35 ILCS 200/10-300)
    Sec. 10-300. Veterans organization assessment freeze.
    (a) For the taxable year 2000 and thereafter, the assessed value of real property owned and used by a veterans organization chartered under federal law, on which is located the principal building for the post, camp, or chapter, and, for taxable years 2004 and thereafter, the assessed value of real property owned by such an organization and used by the organization's members and guests for parking at the principal building for the post, camp, or chapter, must be frozen by the chief county assessment officer at (i) 15% of the 1999 assessed value of the property for property that qualifies for the assessment freeze in taxable year 2000 or (ii) 15% of the assessed value of the property for the taxable year that the property first qualifies for the assessment freeze after taxable year 2000. If, in any year, improvements or additions are made to the property that would increase the assessed value of the property were it not for this Section, then 15% of the assessed value of such improvements shall be added to the assessment of the property for that year and all subsequent years the property is eligible for the freeze.
    (b) The veterans organization must annually submit an application to the chief county assessment officer on or before (i) January 31 of the assessment year in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and (ii) December 31 of the assessment year in all other counties. The initial application must contain the information required by the Department of Revenue, including (i) a copy of the organization's congressional charter, (ii) the location or description of the property on which is located the principal building for the post, camp, or chapter, (iii) a written instrument evidencing that the organization is the record owner or has a legal or equitable interest in the property, (iv) an affidavit that the organization is liable for paying the real property taxes on the property, and (v) the signature of the organization's chief presiding officer. Subsequent applications shall include any changes in the initial application and shall be signed by the organization's chief presiding officer. All applications shall be notarized.
    (c) This Section shall not apply to parcels exempt under Section 15-145.
(Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 93-753, eff. 7-16-04.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 13

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 13 heading)
Division 13. Fraternal organization property

35 ILCS 200/10-350

    (35 ILCS 200/10-350)
    Sec. 10-350. Fraternal organization assessment freeze.
    (a) For the taxable year 2001 and thereafter, the assessed value of real property owned and used by a fraternal organization chartered by the State of Illinois prior to 1900, or its subordinate organization or entity, (i) that prohibits gambling and the use of alcohol on the property, (ii) that is an exempt entity under Section 501(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code, and (iii) whose members provide, directly or indirectly, financial support for charitable works, which may include medical care, drug rehabilitation, or education, shall be established by the chief county assessment officer as follows:
        (1) if the property meets the qualifications set
forth in this Section on January 1, 2001 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for assessment year 2001 and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value of the property shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year 2000; or
        (2) if the property first meets the qualifications
set forth in this Section on January 1 of any assessment year after assessment year 2001 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for that first assessment year and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year in which the property first meets the qualifications set forth in this Section.
    If, in any year, additions or improvements are made to property subject to assessment under this Section and the additions or improvements would increase the assessed value of the property, then 15% of the final assessed value of the additions or improvements shall be added to the final assessed value of the property for the year in which the additions or improvements are completed and for all subsequent years that the property is eligible for assessment under this Section.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, "final assessed value" means the assessed value after final board of review action.
    (c) Fraternal organizations whose property is assessed under this Section must annually submit an application to the chief county assessment officer on or before (i) January 31 of the assessment year in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and (ii) December 31 of the assessment year in all other counties. The initial application must contain the information required by the Department of Revenue, which shall prepare the form, including:
        (1) a copy of the organization's charter from the
State of Illinois, if applicable;
        (2) the location or legal description of the property
on which is located the principal building for the organization, including the PIN number, if available;
        (3) a written instrument evidencing that the
organization is the record owner or has a legal or equitable interest in the property;
        (4) an affidavit that the organization is liable for
paying the real property taxes on the property; and
        (5) the signature of the organization's chief
presiding officer.
    Subsequent applications shall include any changes in the initial application and shall affirm the ownership, use, and liability for taxes for the year in which it is submitted. All applications shall be notarized.
    (d) This Section does not apply to parcels exempt from property taxes under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-834, eff. 1-1-01.)

35 ILCS 200/10-355

    (35 ILCS 200/10-355)
    Sec. 10-355. Fraternal organization assessment freeze.
    (a) For the taxable year 2002 and thereafter, the assessed value of real property owned and used by a fraternal organization that on December 31, 1926 had its national headquarters in Illinois or that was chartered in Illinois in February 1898, or its subordinate organization or entity, that is exempt under Section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code and whose members provide, directly or indirectly, financial support for charitable works, which may include medical care, drug rehabilitation, or education, shall be established by the chief county assessment officer as follows:
        (1) if the property meets the qualifications set
forth in this Section on January 1, 2002 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for assessment year 2002 and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value of the property shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year 2001; or
        (2) if the property first meets the qualifications
set forth in this Section on January 1 of any assessment year after assessment year 2002 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for that first assessment year and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year in which the property first meets the qualifications set forth in this Section.
    If, in any year, additions or improvements are made to property subject to assessment under this Section and the additions or improvements would increase the assessed value of the property, then 15% of the final assessed value of the additions or improvements shall be added to the final assessed value of the property for the year in which the additions or improvements are completed and for all subsequent years that the property is eligible for assessment under this Section.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, "final assessed value" means the assessed value after final board of review action.
    (c) Fraternal organizations whose property is assessed under this Section must annually submit an application to the chief county assessment officer on or before (i) January 31 of the assessment year in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and (ii) December 31 of the assessment year in all other counties. The initial application must contain the information required by the Department of Revenue, which shall prepare the form, including:
        (1) a copy of the organization's charter from the
State of Illinois, if applicable;
        (2) the location or legal description of the property
on which is located the principal building for the organization, including the PIN number, if available;
        (3) a written instrument evidencing that the
organization is the record owner or has a legal or equitable interest in the property;
        (4) an affidavit that the organization is liable for
paying the real property taxes on the property; and
        (5) the signature of the organization's chief
presiding officer.
    Subsequent applications shall include any changes in the initial application and shall affirm the ownership, use, and liability for taxes for the year in which it is submitted. All applications shall be notarized.
    (d) This Section does not apply to parcels exempt from property taxes under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-388, eff. 1-1-02; 92-859, eff. 1-3-03.)

35 ILCS 200/10-360

    (35 ILCS 200/10-360)
    Sec. 10-360. Fraternal organization assessment freeze.
    (a) For the taxable year 2003 and thereafter, the assessed value of real property owned and used by a fraternal organization or its affiliated Illinois not for profit corporation chartered prior to 1920 that is an exempt entity under Section 501(c)(2), 501(c)(8) or 501(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code and whose members provide, directly or indirectly, financial support for charitable works, which may include medical care, drug rehabilitation, or education, shall be established by the chief county assessment officer as follows:
        (1) if the property meets the qualifications set
forth in this Section on January 1, 2003 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for assessment year 2003 and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value of the property shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year 2002; or
        (2) if the property first meets the qualifications
set forth in this Section on January 1 of any assessment year after assessment year 2003 and on January 1 of each subsequent assessment year, for that first assessment year and each subsequent assessment year, the final assessed value shall be 15% of the final assessed value of the property for the assessment year in which the property first meets the qualifications set forth in this Section.
    If, in any year, additions or improvements are made to property subject to assessment under this Section and the additions or improvements would increase the assessed value of the property, then 15% of the final assessed value of the additions or improvements shall be added to the final assessed value of the property for the year in which the additions or improvements are completed and for all subsequent years that the property is eligible for assessment under this Section.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, "final assessed value" means the assessed value after final board of review action.
    (c) Fraternal organizations or their affiliated not for profit corporations whose property is assessed under this Section must annually submit an application to the chief county assessment officer on or before (i) January 31 of the assessment year in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and (ii) December 31 of the assessment year in all other counties. The initial application must contain the information required by the Department of Revenue, which shall prepare the form, including:
        (1) the location or legal description of the property
on which is located the principal building for the organization, including the PIN number, if available;
        (2) a written instrument evidencing that the
organization or not for profit corporation is the record owner or has a legal or equitable interest in the property;
        (3) an affidavit that the organization or not for
profit corporation is liable for paying the real property taxes on the property; and
        (4) the signature of the organization's or not for
profit corporation's chief presiding officer.
    Subsequent applications shall include any changes in the initial application and shall affirm the ownership, use, and liability for taxes for the year in which it is submitted. All applications shall be notarized.
    (d) This Section does not apply to parcels exempt from property taxes under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-859, eff. 1-3-03.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 14

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 14 heading)
Division 14. Valuation of certain leases of exempt property
(Source: P.A. 94-974, eff. 6-30-06.)

35 ILCS 200/10-365

    (35 ILCS 200/10-365)
    Sec. 10-365. U.S. Military Public/Private Residential Developments. Unless otherwise agreed to pursuant to a separate settlement agreement pursuant to Section 10-385 of this Code, PPV Leases must be classified and valued as set forth in Sections 10-370 through 10-380 during the period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2055.
(Source: P.A. 99-738, eff. 8-5-16; 100-456, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/10-370

    (35 ILCS 200/10-370)
    Sec. 10-370. Definitions. For the purposes of this Division 14:
    (a) "PPV Lease" means a leasehold interest in property that is exempt from taxation under Section 15-50 of this Code and that is leased, pursuant to authority set forth in Chapter 10 of the United States Code, to another whose property is not exempt for the purpose of, after January 1, 2006, the design, finance, construction, renovation, management, operation, and maintenance of rental housing units and associated improvements at military training facilities, military bases, and related military support facilities in the State of Illinois. All interests enjoyed pursuant to the authority set forth in Chapter 159 or Chapter 169 of Title 10 of the United States Code are considered leaseholds for the purposes of this Division. The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly apply beginning on January 1, 2006.
    (b) For tax years prior to 2017, for naval training facilities, naval bases, and naval support facilities, "net operating income" means all revenues received minus the lesser of (i) 62% of all revenues or (ii) actual expenses before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. For all other military training facilities, military bases, and related military support facilities, "net operating income" means all revenues received minus the lesser of (i) 42% of all revenues or (ii) actual expenses before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
    (b-5) For tax year 2017 and thereafter, for naval training facilities, naval bases, and naval support facilities, "net operating income" means all revenues received minus the actual expenses before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
    (c) "Tax load factor" means the level of assessment, as set forth under item (b) of Section 9-145 or under Section 9-150, multiplied by the cumulative tax rate for the current taxable year.
(Source: P.A. 100-456, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/10-375

    (35 ILCS 200/10-375)
    Sec. 10-375. Valuation.
    (a) A PPV Lease must be valued at its fair cash value, as provided under item (b) of Section 9-145 or under Section 9-150.
    (b) The fair cash value of a PPV Lease must be determined by using an income capitalization approach.
    (c) To determine the fair cash value of a PPV Lease, the net operating income is divided by (i) a rate of 12% plus (ii) the actual or most recently ascertainable tax load factor for the subject year.
    (d) By April 15 of each year, the holder of a PPV Lease must report to the chief county assessment officer in each county in which the leasehold property is located the annual gross income and expenses derived and incurred from the PPV Lease, including the rental of leased property for each military housing facility subject to a PPV Lease.
(Source: P.A. 100-456, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/10-380

    (35 ILCS 200/10-380)
    Sec. 10-380. For the taxable years 2006 through 2055, the chief county assessment officer in the county in which property subject to a PPV Lease is located shall apply the provisions of Sections 10-370(b)(i) and 10-375(c)(i) of this Division 14 in assessing and determining the value of any PPV Lease for purposes of the property tax laws of this State.
(Source: P.A. 99-738, eff. 8-5-16; 100-456, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/10-385

    (35 ILCS 200/10-385)
    Sec. 10-385. PPV leases; tax settlement agreements. A taxable PPV lease under Section 10-375 of this Act that (i) encumbers exempt real property located within a county of less than 600,000 inhabitants and (ii) is related to taxable real property used for military housing purposes may be assessed and valued pursuant to the terms of a real property tax assessment settlement agreement executed between the local county assessment officials and the taxpayer, provided that appeals challenging the valuation and taxation of the PPV lease were pending as of January 1, 2006 or thereafter. Appropriate authorities, including other county and State officials, may be parties to those settlement agreements. Those agreements may provide for the settlement of issues related to the assessed valuation of the PPV lease or the property and may provide for related payments, refunds, claims, and credits against property taxes and liabilities in current and future years. Those agreements may provide for a total assessment or maximum annual tax payment for all contested tax years and future tax years for up to a 20-year term. Those agreements may also provide for annual adjustments to the extent that taxes levied against the PPV lease or property exceed the amounts due, as expressed in the agreement. The adjustments may be made as credits to be applied to current tax bills applicable to the PPV lease, the property, or both. No referendum approval shall be required for such agreements, and they shall not constitute indebtedness of any taxing district for the purposes of any statutory limitation.
(Source: P.A. 99-818, eff. 8-15-16.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 15

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 15 heading)
Division 15. Supportive living facilities
(Source: P.A. 94-1086, eff. 1-19-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-390

    (35 ILCS 200/10-390)
    Sec. 10-390. Valuation of supportive living facilities.
    (a) Notwithstanding Section 1-55, to determine the fair cash value of any supportive living facility established under Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code, in assessing the facility, a local assessment officer must use the income capitalization approach. For the purposes of this Section, gross potential income must not exceed the maximum individual Supplemental Security Income (SSI) amount, minus a resident's personal allowance as defined at 89 Ill. Adm. Code 146.205, multiplied by the number of apartments authorized by the supportive living facility certification.
    (b) When assessing supportive living facilities, the local assessment officer may not consider:
        (1) payments from Medicaid for services
provided to residents of supportive living facilities when such payments constitute income that is attributable to services and not attributable to the real estate; or
        (2) payments by a resident of a supportive
living facility for services that would be paid by Medicaid if the resident were Medicaid-eligible when such payments constitute income that is attributable to services and not attributable to real estate.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 16

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 16 heading)
Division 16. Conservation Stewardship Law
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-400

    (35 ILCS 200/10-400)
    Sec. 10-400. Short title; findings and policy.
    (a) This Division may be cited as the Conservation Stewardship Law.
    (b) The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interest of this State to maintain, preserve, conserve, and manage unimproved land to assure the protection of these limited and unique environmental resources for the economic and social well-being of the State and its citizens.
    The General Assembly further finds that, to maximize voluntary taxpayer participation in conservation programs, conservation should be recognized as a legitimate land use and taxpayers should have a full range of incentive programs from which to choose.
    Therefore, the General Assembly declares that it is in the public interest to prevent the forced conversion of unimproved land to more intensive uses as a result of economic pressures caused by the property tax system at values incompatible with their preservation and management as unimproved land, and that a program should be designed to permit the continued availability of this land for these purposes.
    The General Assembly further declares that the following provisions are intended to allow for the conservation, management, and assessment of unimproved land generally suitable for the perpetual growth and preservation of such land in this State.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-405

    (35 ILCS 200/10-405)
    Sec. 10-405. Definitions. As used in this Division:
    "Unimproved land" means woodlands, prairie, wetlands, or other vacant and undeveloped land that is not used for any residential or commercial purpose that materially disturbs the land.
    "Conservation management plan" means a plan approved by the Department of Natural Resources that specifies conservation and management practices, including uses that will be conducted to preserve and restore unimproved land.
    "Managed land" means unimproved land of 5 contiguous acres or more that is subject to a conservation management plan.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-410

    (35 ILCS 200/10-410)
    Sec. 10-410. Conservation management plan; rules. The Department of Natural Resources shall adopt rules specifying the form and content of a conservation management plan sufficient for managed land to be valued under this Division. The rules adopted under this Section must require a description of the managed land and must specify the conservation and management practices that are appropriate to preserve and maintain unimproved land in this State and any other conservation practices.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-415

    (35 ILCS 200/10-415)
    Sec. 10-415. Plan submission and review; approval.
    (a) A taxpayer requesting special valuation of unimproved land under this Division must first submit a conservation management plan for that land to the Department of Natural Resources for review. The Department of Natural Resources shall review each submitted plan for compliance with the standards and criteria set forth in its rules.
    (b) Upon approval, the Department of Natural Resources shall issue to the taxpayer a written declaration that the land is subject to a conservation management plan approved by the Department of Natural Resources.
    (c) The Department of Natural Resources shall reapprove the plan every 10 years and revise it when necessary or appropriate.
    (d) If a plan is not approved, then the Department of Natural Resources shall state the reasons for the denial and provide the taxpayer an opportunity to amend the plan to conform to the requirements of this Division. If the application is denied a second time, the taxpayer may appeal the decision to an independent 3-member panel to be established within the Department of Natural Resources.
    (e) The submission of an application for a conservation management plan under this Section or of a forestry management plan under Section 10-150 shall be treated as compliance with the requirements of that plan until the Department of Natural Resources can review the application. The Department of Natural Resources shall certify, to the Department, these applications as being approved plans for the purpose of this Division.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-420

    (35 ILCS 200/10-420)
    Sec. 10-420. Special valuation of managed land; exceptions.
    (a) In all counties, except for Cook County, beginning with assessments made in 2008 and thereafter, managed land for which an application has been approved under Section 10-415 that contains 5 or more contiguous acres is valued at 5% of its fair cash value.
    (b) The special valuation under this Section does not apply to (i) any land that has been assessed as farmland under Sections 10-110 through 10-145, (ii) land valued under Section 10-152 or 10-153, (iii) land valued as open space under Section 10-155, (iv) land certified under Section 10-167, or (v) any property dedicated as a nature preserve or a nature preserve buffer under the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act and assessed in accordance with subsection (e) of Section 9-145.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-425

    (35 ILCS 200/10-425)
    Sec. 10-425. Certification.
    (a) The Department of Natural Resources shall certify to the Department a list of applications approved under Section 10-415. This list must contain the following information for each approved application:
        (1) the name and address of the taxpayer;
        (2) the county in which the land is located;
        (3) the size and each property index number or
legal description of the land that was approved; and
        (4) copies of the taxpayer's approved conservation
management plan.
    (b) Within 30 days after the receipt of this information, the Department shall notify in writing the chief county assessment officer of each parcel of land covered by an approved conservation management plan and application. The chief county assessment officer shall determine the valuation of the land as otherwise permitted by law and as required under Section 10-420 of this Division, and shall list them separately.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-430

    (35 ILCS 200/10-430)
    Sec. 10-430. Withdrawal from special valuation.
    (a) If any of the following events occur, then the Department of Natural Resources shall withdraw all or a portion of the land from special valuation:
        (1) the Department of Natural Resources determines,
based on field inspections or from any other reasonable evidence, that the land no longer meets the criteria under this Division; or
        (2) the failure of the taxpayer to respond to a
request from the Department of Natural Resources or the chief county assessment officer of each county in which the property is located for data regarding the use of the land or other similar information pertinent to the continued special valuation of the land.
    (b) A determination by the Department of Natural Resources to withdraw land from the special valuation under this Act is effective on the following January 1 of the assessment year in which the withdrawal occurred.
    (c) The Department of Natural Resources shall notify the chief county assessment officer and the Department in writing of any land withdrawn from special valuation. Upon withdrawal, additional taxes must be calculated as provided in Section 10-445.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-435

    (35 ILCS 200/10-435)
    Sec. 10-435. Recapture.
    (a) If, in any taxable year that the taxpayer receives a special valuation under Section 10-470, the taxpayer does not comply with the conservation management plan, then the taxpayer shall, by the following September 1, pay to the county treasurer the difference between: (i) the taxes paid for that year and; (ii) what the taxes for that year would have been based on a valuation otherwise permitted by law.
    (b) If the amount under subsection (a) is not paid by the following September 1, then that amount is considered to be delinquent property taxes.
    (c) If a taxpayer who currently owns land in (i) a forestry management plan under Section 10-150 or (ii) land registered or encumbered by conservation rights under Section 10-166 that would qualify for the tax assessment under this Division, then the taxpayer may apply for reassessment under this Division and shall not be penalized for doing so.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-440

    (35 ILCS 200/10-440)
    Sec. 10-440. Sale or transfer of unimproved land. The sale or transfer of unimproved land does not affect the valuation of the land, unless there is a change in the use of the land or the acreage requirement is no longer met. Any tract of land containing less than 5 acres after a sale or transfer may be reclassified by the chief county assessment officer and valued as otherwise permitted by law. The taxpayer and the Department of Natural Resources may revise a conservation management plan whenever there is a change in the ownership of the affected land.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-445

    (35 ILCS 200/10-445)
    Sec. 10-445. Rules. The Department of Natural Resources shall adopt rules to implement and administer this Act.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 17

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 17 heading)
Division 17. Wooded Acreage Assessment Transition Law
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-500

    (35 ILCS 200/10-500)
    Sec. 10-500. Short title. This Division may be cited as the Wooded Acreage Assessment Transition Law.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-505

    (35 ILCS 200/10-505)
    Sec. 10-505. Wooded acreage defined. For the purposes of this Division 17, "wooded acreage" means any parcel of unimproved real property that:
        (1) can be defined as "woodlands" by the United
States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management;
        (2) is at least 5 contiguous acres;
        (3) does not qualify as cropland, permanent pasture,
other farmland, or wasteland under Section 10-125 of this Code;
        (4) is not managed under a forestry management plan
and considered to be other farmland under Section 10-150 of this Code;
        (5) does not qualify for another preferential
assessment under this Code; and
        (6) is owned by the taxpayer on October 1, 2007.
    This amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly is intended as a clarification and is not a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 100-379, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/10-510

    (35 ILCS 200/10-510)
    Sec. 10-510. Assessment of wooded acreage.
    (a) If wooded acreage was classified as farmland during the 2006 assessment year, then the property shall be assessed by multiplying the current fair cash value of the property by the transition percentage. The chief county assessment officer shall determine the transition percentage for the property by dividing (i) the property's 2006 equalized assessed value as farmland by (ii) the 2006 fair cash value of the property.
    (b) The wooded acreage shall continue to be assessed under the provisions of this Section through any assessment year in which the property is transferred or no longer qualifies as wooded acreage under Section 10-505, and the property must be assessed as otherwise permitted by law beginning the following assessment year. For purposes of this Section, a transfer between spouses does not disqualify the property from the preferential assessment treatment under this Division for wooded acreage.
(Source: P.A. 100-834, eff. 1-1-19.)

35 ILCS 200/10-515

    (35 ILCS 200/10-515)
    Sec. 10-515. Notice requirement. If the owner of property subject to this Division is a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other similar entity, then it shall report to the chief county assessment officer any change in ownership interest or beneficial interest. If, after October 1, 2007, the ownership interests or beneficial interests in such an entity change by more than 50% from those interests as they existed on October 1, 2007, then the property no longer qualifies to receive the preferential assessment treatment of the wooded acreage under this Division, and the property must be assessed as otherwise permitted by law beginning the following assessment year.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-520

    (35 ILCS 200/10-520)
    Sec. 10-520. Cook County exempt. This Division 17 does not apply to any property located within Cook County.
(Source: P.A. 95-633, eff. 10-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 18

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 18 heading)
Division 18. Wind energy property assessment
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08.)

35 ILCS 200/10-600

    (35 ILCS 200/10-600)
    Sec. 10-600. Definitions. For the purposes of this Division 18:
    "Wind energy device" means any device, with a nameplate capacity of at least 0.5 megawatts, that is used in the process of converting kinetic energy from the wind to generate electric power for commercial sale.
    "2007 real property cost basis" excludes personal property but represents both the land and real property improvements of a wind energy device and means $360,000 per megawatt of nameplate capacity.
    "Trending factor" means a number equal to the consumer price index (U.S. city average all items) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the December immediately preceding the assessment date, divided by the consumer price index (U.S. city average all items) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for December 2006.
    "Trended real property cost basis" means the 2007 real property cost basis multiplied by the trending factor.
    "Allowance for physical depreciation" means (i) the actual age in years of the wind energy device on the assessment date divided by 25 years multiplied by (ii) the trended real property cost basis. The physical depreciation, however, may not reduce the value of the wind energy device to less than 30% of the trended real property cost basis.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-605

    (35 ILCS 200/10-605)
    Sec. 10-605. Valuation of wind energy devices. Beginning in assessment year 2007, the fair cash value of wind energy devices shall be determined by subtracting the allowance for physical depreciation from the trended real property cost basis. Functional obsolescence and external obsolescence may further reduce the fair cash value of the wind energy device, to the extent they are proved by the taxpayer by clear and convincing evidence.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-610

    (35 ILCS 200/10-610)
    Sec. 10-610. Applicability.
    (a) The provisions of this Division apply for assessment years 2007 through 2035.
    (b) The provisions of this Division do not apply to wind energy devices that are owned by any person or entity that is otherwise exempt from taxation under the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)

35 ILCS 200/10-615

    (35 ILCS 200/10-615)
    Sec. 10-615. Wind energy assessable property is not subject to equalization. Wind energy assessable property is not subject to equalization factors applied by the Department or any board of review, assessor, or chief county assessment officer.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/10-620

    (35 ILCS 200/10-620)
    Sec. 10-620. Platting requirements; parcel identification numbers. The owner of a wind energy device shall, at his or her own expense, use an Illinois registered land surveyor to prepare a plat showing the metes and bounds description, including access routes, of the area immediately surrounding the wind energy device over which that owner has exclusive control; provided that such platting does not constitute a subdivision of land subject to the provisions of the Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/). Within 60 days after completion of construction of the wind energy device, the owner of the wind energy device shall record the plat and deliver a copy of it to the chief county assessment officer and to the owner of the land surrounding the newly platted area. Upon receiving a copy of the plat, the chief county assessment officer shall issue a separate parcel identification number or numbers for the property containing the wind energy device or devices.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 19

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 19 heading)
Division 19. Qualified commercial and industrial property
(Source: P.A. 98-702, eff. 7-7-14.)

35 ILCS 200/10-700

    (35 ILCS 200/10-700)
    Sec. 10-700. Qualified commercial and industrial property; tornado disaster. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each qualified parcel of commercial or industrial property owned and used by a small business shall be valued at the lesser of (i) its modified equalized assessed value or (ii) 33 1/3% of its fair cash value or, in the case of property located in a county that classifies property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution, the percentage of fair cash value as required by county ordinance. The method of valuation under this Section shall continue until there is a change in use or ownership of the property or until the fifteenth taxable year after the tornado disaster occurs, whichever occurs first. In order to qualify for valuation under this Section, the structure must be rebuilt within 2 years after the date of the tornado disaster, and the square footage of the rebuilt structure may not be more than 110% of the square footage of the original structure as it existed immediately prior to the tornado disaster.
    "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the taxable year in which the tornado disaster occurred.
    "Modified equalized assessed value" means:
        (1) in the first taxable year after the tornado
disaster occurs, the equalized assessed value of the property for the base year; and
        (2) in the second taxable year after the tornado
disaster occurs and thereafter, the modified equalized assessed value of the property for the previous taxable year, increased by 4%.
    "Tornado disaster" means an occurrence of widespread or severe damage or loss of property resulting from a tornado or combination of tornadoes that has been proclaimed as a natural disaster by the Governor or the President of the United States.
    "Qualified parcel of property" means property that (i) is owned and used exclusively for commercial or industrial purposes by a small business and (ii) has been rebuilt following a tornado disaster occurring in taxable year 2013 or any taxable year thereafter.
    "Small business" means a business that employs fewer than 50 full-time employees.
(Source: P.A. 98-702, eff. 7-7-14.)

35 ILCS 200/10-705

    (35 ILCS 200/10-705)
    Sec. 10-705. Keystone property.
    (a) For the purposes of this Section:
        "Base year" means the last tax year prior to the date
of the application during which the property was occupied and assessed and taxes were collected.
        "Tax year" means the calendar year for which assessed
value is determined as of January 1 of that year.
        "Keystone property" means property that has had a
distinguished past and is a prominent property in the Village of Park Forest, a home rule municipality in both Cook and Will Counties, but is not of historical significance or landmark status and meets the following criteria:
            (1) the property contains an existing industrial
structure consisting of more than 100,000 square feet;
            (2) the property is located on a lot, parcel, or
tract of land that is more than 5 acres in area;
            (3) the industrial structure was originally built
more than 30 years prior to the date of the application;
            (4) the property has been vacant for a period of
more than 5 consecutive years immediately prior to the date of the application; and
            (5) the property is not located in a tax
increment financing district as of the date of the application.
    (b) Within one year from the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, owners of real property may apply with the municipality in which the property is located to have the property designated as keystone property. If the property meets the criteria for keystone property set forth in subsection (a), then the corporate authorities of the municipality have one year from the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly within which they may certify the property as keystone property for the purposes of promoting rehabilitation of vacant property and fostering job creation in the fields of manufacturing and research and development. The certification shall be transmitted to the chief county assessment officer as soon as possible after the property is certified.
    (c) Beginning with the first tax year after the property is certified as keystone property and continuing through the twelfth tax year after the property is certified as keystone property, for the purpose of taxation under this Code, the property shall be valued at 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the land, without regard to buildings, structures, improvements, and other permanent fixtures located on the property. For the first 3 tax years after the property is certified as keystone property, the aggregate tax liability for the property shall be no greater than $75,000. That aggregate tax liability, once collected, shall be distributed to the taxing districts in which the property is located according to each taxing district's proportionate share of that aggregate liability. Beginning with the fourth tax year after the property is certified as keystone property and continuing through the twelfth tax year after the property is certified as keystone property, the property's tax liability for each taxing district in which the property is located shall be increased over the tax liability for the preceding year by the percentage increase, if any, in the total equalized assessed value of all property in the taxing district.
    No later than March 1 of each year before taxes are extended for the prior tax year, the Village of Park Forest shall certify to the county clerk of the county in which the property is located a percentage reduction to be applied to property taxes to limit the aggregate tax liability on keystone property in accordance with this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-510, eff. 9-15-17.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 20

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 20 heading)
Division 20. Commercial solar energy systems
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-720

    (35 ILCS 200/10-720)
    Sec. 10-720. Definitions. For the purpose of this Division 20:
    "Allowance for physical depreciation" means (i) the actual age in years of the commercial solar energy system on the assessment date divided by 25 years, multiplied by (ii) its trended real property cost basis. The physical depreciation, however, may not reduce the value of the commercial solar energy system to less than 30% of its trended real property cost basis.
    "Commercial solar energy system" means any device or assembly of devices that (i) is ground installed and (ii) uses solar energy from the sun for generating electricity for the primary purpose of wholesale or retail sale and not primarily for consumption on the property on which the device or devices reside.
    "Commercial solar energy system real property cost basis" means the owner of a commercial solar energy system's interest in the land within the project boundaries and real property improvements and shall be calculated at $218,000 per megawatt of nameplate capacity. For the purposes of this Section, "nameplate capacity" has the same definition as found in Section 1-10 of the Illinois Power Agency Act.
    "Ground installed" means the installation of a commercial solar energy system, with the primary purpose of solar energy generation for wholesale or retail sale, on a parcel or tract of land.
    "Trended real property cost basis" means the commercial solar energy system real property cost basis multiplied by the trending factor.
    "Trending factor" means a number equal to the Consumer Price Index (U.S. city average all items) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the December immediately preceding the assessment date, divided by the Consumer Price Index (U.S. city average all items) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for December of 2017.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-725

    (35 ILCS 200/10-725)
    Sec. 10-725. Improvement valuation of commercial solar energy systems in counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants. Beginning in assessment year 2018, the fair cash value of commercial solar energy system improvements in counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall be determined by subtracting the allowance for physical depreciation from the trended real property cost basis. Functional obsolescence and external obsolescence of the solar energy device may further reduce the fair cash value of the commercial solar energy system improvements, to the extent they are proved by the taxpayer by clear and convincing evidence.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-735

    (35 ILCS 200/10-735)
    Sec. 10-735. Commercial solar energy systems not subject to equalization. Commercial solar energy systems assessable under this Division are not subject to equalization factors applied by the Department or any board of review, assessor, or chief county assessment officer.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-740

    (35 ILCS 200/10-740)
    Sec. 10-740. Survey for ground installed commercial solar energy systems; parcel identification numbers for property improved with a ground installed commercial solar energy system. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the owner of the ground installed commercial solar energy system shall commission a metes and bounds survey description of the land upon which the commercial solar energy system is installed, including access routes, over which the owner of the commercial solar energy system has exclusive control. The owner of the ground installed commercial solar energy system shall, at his or her own expense, use an Illinois-registered land surveyor to prepare the survey. The owner of the ground installed commercial solar energy system shall deliver a copy of the survey to the chief county assessment officer and to the owner of the land upon which the ground installed commercial solar energy system is constructed. Upon receiving a copy of the survey and an agreed acknowledgement to the separate parcel identification number by the owner of the land upon which the ground installed commercial solar energy system is constructed, the chief county assessment officer shall issue a separate parcel identification for the real property improvements, including the land containing the ground installed commercial solar energy system, to be used only for the purposes of property assessment for taxation. The property records shall contain the legal description of the commercial solar energy system parcel and describe any leasehold interest or other interest of the owner of the commercial solar energy system in the property. A plat prepared under this Section shall not be construed as a violation of the Plat Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-745

    (35 ILCS 200/10-745)
    Sec. 10-745. Real estate taxes. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9-175 of this Code, the owner of the commercial solar energy system shall be liable for the real estate taxes for the land and real property improvements of a ground installed commercial solar energy system. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the land upon which a commercial solar energy system is installed may pay any unpaid tax of the commercial solar energy system parcel prior to the initiation of any tax sale proceedings.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)

35 ILCS 200/10-750

    (35 ILCS 200/10-750)
    Sec. 10-750. Property assessed as farmland. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, real property assessed as farmland in accordance with Section 10-110 in the assessment year prior to valuation under this Division shall return to being assessed as farmland in accordance with Section 10-110 in the year following completion of the removal of the commercial solar energy system as long as the property is returned to a farm use as defined in Section 1-60 of this Act, notwithstanding that the land was not used for farming for the 2 preceding years.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-755

    (35 ILCS 200/10-755)
    Sec. 10-755. Abatements. Any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its governing authority, may, after the determination of the assessed valuation as set forth in this Code, order the clerk of the appropriate municipality or county to abate any portion of real property taxes otherwise levied or extended by the taxing district on a commercial solar energy system.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/10-760

    (35 ILCS 200/10-760)
    Sec. 10-760. Applicability. The provisions of this Division apply for assessment years 2018 through 2033.
(Source: P.A. 100-781, eff. 8-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 21

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 10 Div. 21 heading)
Division 21. Southland reactivation property
(Source: P.A. 102-1010, eff. 5-27-22.)

35 ILCS 200/10-800

    (35 ILCS 200/10-800)
    Sec. 10-800. Southland reactivation property.
    (a) For the purposes of this Section:
    "Base year" means the last tax year prior to the date of the application for southland reactivation designation during which the property was occupied and assessed and had an equalized assessed value.
    "Cook County Land Bank Authority" means the Cook County Land Bank Authority created by ordinance of the Cook County Board.
    "Municipality" means a city, village, or incorporated town located in the State.
    "Participating entity" means any of the following, either collectively or individually: the municipality in which the property is located; the South Suburban Land Bank and Development Authority; or the Cook County Land Bank Development Authority.
    "Southland reactivation property" means property that:
        (1) has been designated by the municipality by
resolution as a priority tax reactivation parcel, site, or property due to its clear pattern of stagnation and depressed condition or the decline in its assessed valuation;
        (2) is held by a participating entity; and
        (3) meets all of the following criteria:
            (A) the property is zoned for commercial or
industrial use;
            (B) the property has had its past property taxes
cleared and is now classified as exempt, or the property has not had a lawful occupant for at least 12 months immediately preceding the application for certification as southland reactivation property, as attested to by a supporting affidavit;
            (C) the sale or transfer of the property,
following southland reactivation designation, to a developer would result in investment which would result a higher assessed value;
            (D) the property will be sold by a participating
entity to a buyer of property that has been approved by the corporate authorities of the municipality or to a developer that has been approved by the corporate authorities of the municipality whose redevelopment of the parcel, site, or property would reverse long-standing divestment in the area, enhance inclusive economic growth, create jobs or career pathways, support equitable recovery of the community, and stabilize the tax base through investments that align with local government plans and priorities;
            (E) an application for southland reactivation
designation is filed with the participating entity and a resolution designating the property as southland reactivation property is passed by the municipality prior to the sale, rehabilitation, or reoccupation;
            (F) if not for the southland reactivation
designation, development or redevelopment of the property would not occur; and
            (G) the property is located in any of the
following Townships in Cook County: Bloom, Bremen, Calumet, Rich, Thornton, or Worth.
    "South Suburban Land Bank and Development Authority" means the South Suburban Land Bank and Development Authority created in 2012 by intergovernmental agreement.
    "Tax year" means the calendar year for which assessed value is determined as of January 1 of that year.
    (b) Within 5 years after May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1010), purchasers of real property from any of the participating entities may apply to that entity to have the property certified as southland reactivation property if the property meets the criteria for southland reactivation property set forth in subsection (a). The participating entity has 5 years from May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1010) within which it may certify the property as southland reactivation property for the purposes of promoting rehabilitation of abandoned, vacant, or underutilized property to attract and enhance economic activities and investment that stabilize, restore, and grow the tax base in severely blighted areas within Chicago's south suburbs. This certification is nonrenewable and shall be transmitted by the municipality, or by the participating entity on behalf of the municipality, to the chief county assessment officer as soon as possible after the property is certified. Southland reactivation designation is limited to the original applicant unless expressly approved by the corporate authorities of the municipality and the property has no change in use.
    Support by the corporate authorities of the municipality for southland reactivation designation shall be considered in a lawful public meeting, and impacted taxing districts shall receive notification of the agenda item to consider southland reactivation of the site not less than 15 days prior to that meeting.
    (c) Beginning with the first tax year after the property is certified as southland reactivation property and continuing through the twelfth tax year after the property is certified as southland reactivation property, for the purpose of taxation under this Code, the property shall be valued at 50% of the base year equalized assessed value as established by the chief county assessment officer, excluding all years with property tax exemptions applied as a result of the participating entity's ownership. For the first year after the property is certified as southland reactivation property, the aggregate property tax liability for the property shall be no greater than $100,000 per year. That aggregate property tax liability, once collected, shall be distributed to the taxing districts in which the property is located according to each taxing district's proportionate share of that aggregate liability. Beginning with the second tax year after the property is certified as southland reactivation property and continuing through the twelfth tax year after the property is certified as southland reactivation property, the property tax liability for the property for each taxing district in which the property is located shall be increased over the property tax liability for the property for the preceding year by 10%. In no event shall the purchaser's annual tax liability decrease.
    (d) No later than March 1 of each year, the municipality or the participating entity on behalf of the municipality shall certify to the county clerk of the county in which the property is located a percentage southland reactivation reduction to be applied to property taxes for that calendar year, as provided in this Section.
    (e) The participating entity shall collect the following information annually for the pilot program period: the number of program applicants; the street address of each certified property; the proposed use of certified properties; the amount of investment; the number of jobs created as a result of the certification; and copies of the certification of each southland reactivation site to allow for the evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness of southland reactivation designation. The participating entity responsible for seeking the southland reactivation designation shall present this information to the governing body of each taxing district affected by a southland reactivation designation on an annual basis, and the participating entity shall report the above information to any requesting members of the General Assembly at the conclusion of the 5-year designation period.
    (f) Any southland reactivation certification granted under this Section shall be void if the property is conveyed to an entity or person that is liable for any unpaid, delinquent property taxes associated with the property.
(Source: P.A. 102-1010, eff. 5-27-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 heading)
Article 11. Valuations Performed by the Department

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Pollution control facilities

35 ILCS 200/11-5

    (35 ILCS 200/11-5)
    Sec. 11-5. Pollution control facilities; valuation policy. It is the policy of this State that pollution control facilities should be valued, at 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of their economic productivity to their owners.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-10

    (35 ILCS 200/11-10)
    Sec. 11-10. Definition of pollution control facilities. "Pollution control facilities" means any system, method, construction, device or appliance appurtenant thereto, or any portion of any building or equipment, that is designed, constructed, installed or operated for the primary purpose of:
    (a) eliminating, preventing, or reducing air or water pollution, as the terms "air pollution" and "water pollution" are defined in the Environmental Protection Act; or
    (b) treating, pretreating, modifying or disposing of any potential solid, liquid or gaseous pollutant which if released without treatment, pretreatment, modification or disposal might be harmful, detrimental or offensive to human, plant or animal life, or to property. "Pollution control facilities" shall not include, however,
        (1) any facility with the primary purpose of (i)
eliminating, containing, preventing or reducing radioactive contaminants or energy, or (ii) treating waste water produced by the nuclear generation of electric power,
        (2) any large diameter pipes or piping systems used
to remove and disperse heat from water involved in the nuclear generation of electric power,
        (3) any facility operated by any person other than a
unit of government, whether within or outside of the territorial boundaries of a unit of local government, for sewage disposal or treatment, or
        (4) land underlying a cooling pond.
(Source: P.A. 83-883; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-15

    (35 ILCS 200/11-15)
    Sec. 11-15. Method of valuation for pollution control facilities. To determine the fair cash value of any certified pollution control facility, the Department shall determine the probable net value that could be realized by its owner if the facility were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expense of removal and condition of the particular facility in question. The assessed value of the facility shall be 33/1/3% of the fair cash value of the facility.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-20

    (35 ILCS 200/11-20)
    Sec. 11-20. Certification and assessment authority. For tax purposes, pollution control facilities shall be certified as such by the Pollution Control Board and shall be assessed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 77-1381; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-25

    (35 ILCS 200/11-25)
    Sec. 11-25. Certification procedure. Application for a pollution control facility certificate shall be filed with the Pollution Control Board in a manner and form prescribed in regulations issued by that board. The application shall contain appropriate and available descriptive information concerning anything claimed to be entitled in whole or in part to tax treatment as a pollution control facility. If it is found that the claimed facility or relevant portion thereof is a pollution control facility as defined in Section 11-10, the Pollution Control Board, acting through its Chairman or his or her specifically authorized delegate, shall enter a finding and issue a certificate to that effect. The certificate shall require tax treatment as a pollution control facility, but only for the portion certified if only a portion is certified. The effective date of a certificate shall be the date of application for the certificate or the date of the construction of the facility, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/11-30

    (35 ILCS 200/11-30)
    Sec. 11-30. Powers and duties of the certifying board. Before denying any certificate, the Pollution Control Board shall give reasonable notice in writing to the applicant and provide the applicant a reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing. On like notice to the holder and opportunity for hearing, the Board may on its own initiative revoke or modify a pollution control certificate or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device certificate whenever any of the following appears:
        (a) the certificate was obtained by fraud or
        (b) the holder of the certificate has failed
substantially to proceed with the construction, reconstruction, installation, or acquisition of pollution control facilities or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device; or
        (c) the pollution control facility to which the
certificate relates has ceased to be used for the primary purpose of pollution control and is being used for a different purpose.
    Prompt written notice of the Board's action upon any application shall be given to the applicant together with a written copy of the Board's findings and certificate, if any.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Low sulfur dioxide coal fueled devices

35 ILCS 200/11-35

    (35 ILCS 200/11-35)
    Sec. 11-35. Low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. It is the policy of this State that the use of low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices should be encouraged as conserving nonrenewable resources, reducing pollution and promoting the use of abundant, high-sulfur, locally available coal as well as promoting the health and well-being of the people of this State, and should be valued at 33 1/3% of their fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-40

    (35 ILCS 200/11-40)
    Sec. 11-40. Definition of low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. "Low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices" means any device used or intended for the purpose of burning, combusting or converting locally available coal in a manner which eliminates or significantly reduces the need for additional sulfur abatement that would otherwise be required under State or Federal air emission standards. The word "device" includes all machinery, equipment, structures and all related apparatus, including coal feeding equipment, of a coal gasification facility designed to convert locally available coal into a low sulfur gaseous fuel and to manage all waste and by-product streams.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-45

    (35 ILCS 200/11-45)
    Sec. 11-45. Method of valuation for low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of any low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device, the Department shall determine the net value which could be realized by its owner if the device were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expense of removal, site restoration, and transportation. That net value shall be considered to be 33 1/3% of fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-50

    (35 ILCS 200/11-50)
    Sec. 11-50. Certification and assessment authority. For tax purposes, a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device shall be certified as such by the Pollution Control Board and shall be assessed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-55

    (35 ILCS 200/11-55)
    Sec. 11-55. Approval procedure. Application for approval of a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device shall be filed with the Pollution Control Board in the manner and form prescribed by that board. The application shall contain appropriate and available descriptive information concerning anything claimed to be entitled to tax treatment as a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device as defined in this Code. If it is found that the claimed device meets that definition, the Pollution Control Board, acting through its Chairman or its specifically authorized delegate, shall enter a finding and issue a certificate that requires tax treatment as a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device. The effective date of a certificate shall be on January 1 preceding the date of certification or preceding the date construction or installation of the device commences, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-60

    (35 ILCS 200/11-60)
    Sec. 11-60. Judicial review; pollution control and low sulfur devices. Any applicant or holder aggrieved by the issuance, refusal to issue, denial, revocation, modification or restriction of a pollution control certificate or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device certificate may appeal the finding and order of the Pollution Control Board, under the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-65

    (35 ILCS 200/11-65)
    Sec. 11-65. Procedures for assessment; pollution control and low sulfur devices. Proceedings for assessment or reassessment of property certified to be pollution control facilities or low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices shall be conducted in accordance with procedural regulations issued by the Department, in conformity with this Code.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Railroads

35 ILCS 200/11-70

    (35 ILCS 200/11-70)
    Sec. 11-70. Assessment of railroad companies; definitions. These words and phrases, for the assessment of the property of railroad companies, and unless otherwise required by the context shall be defined as follows:
    (a) "Railroad company," "railroad," or "company" means any person, company, corporation or association owning, operating or constructing a railroad, a suburban or interurban railroad, a switching or terminal railroad, a railroad station, or a railroad bridge in this State.
    (b) "Operating property" means all tracks and right of way, all structures and improvements on that right of way, all rights and franchises, all rolling stock and car equipment, and all other property, real or personal, tangible or intangible connected with or used in the operation of the railroad including real estate contiguous to railroad right of way or station grounds held for reasonable expansion or future development.
    (c) "Non-operating personalty" means all personal property, tangible and intangible, held by any railroad company and not included in the definition of "operating property".
    (d) "Non-carrier real estate" means all land, and improvements on that land, not situated on the right of way of the railroad and not used as operating property within the meaning of the definition in paragraph (b). Improvements owned by others and situated on the right of way not used in the operations of the railroad shall be deemed to be "non-carrier real estate." The Department shall adopt proper rules and regulations to determine whether any property is "non-carrier real estate."
    (e) "Trackage rights" or "trackage right agreement" means the right by which one railroad company operates trains in scheduled service over tracks owned and used by another railroad company and the valuation of trackage rights shall include the value of all rolling stock, and all tangible or intangible personal property used or connected therewith.
(Source: P.A. 81-1stSS-1; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-75

    (35 ILCS 200/11-75)
    Sec. 11-75. Assessment date for railroad companies. The Department shall assess all property owned or used by railroad companies operating within this State, as of January first annually, except property found by the Department to be non-carrier real estate.
    The assessment of the property of any railroad company shall be based upon the value of property defined in Section 11-70, less the percentage of the total value which consists of operating or non-operating personal property.
(Source: P.A. 86-173; 86-905; 86-1028; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-80

    (35 ILCS 200/11-80)
    Sec. 11-80. Assessment procedure for railroad companies. In assessing the taxable property of any railroad company, the Department shall first determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of all the property of any railroad company as a unit, but shall make due allowance for any non-carrier real estate and all personalty.
    The Department shall take into consideration the actual or market value of the shares of stock outstanding, the actual or market value of all bonds outstanding and all other indebtedness as is applicable, for operating the road. In determining the market value of the stock or indebtedness the Department shall consider quotations for the 5 years preceding the assessment date; the net earnings of the company during the 5 calendar years preceding the assessment date; and such other information as the Department may consider as bearing on the fair cash value of the property. The valuation by the Department shall include capital stock and all other property of railroad companies, except non-carrier real estate. The above facts shall not be conclusive upon the Department in determining 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property of a railroad company.
    The Department shall determine the equalized assessed value of the taxable property of every railroad company by applying to its determination of 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property an equalization factor equal to the statewide average ratio of the equalized assessed value of locally assessed property to 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of such locally assessed property.
    The Department shall assess the value of all operating property acquired by a railroad company or its wholly-owned subsidiary by trade with a municipality, which is situated in a state contiguous to Illinois, at no greater value than the value of the operating property traded to the municipality for the property by the railroad company. The value shall be that value established for the year immediately preceding the calendar year of the trade. The assessment shall not increase, but may decrease, during the 10 years following the calendar year of the trade.
(Source: P.A. 86-173; 86-905; 86-1028; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-80.1

    (35 ILCS 200/11-80.1)
    Sec. 11-80.1. High-speed passenger rail project. Due to the importance of developing high-speed or faster rail service, the General Assembly finds that it should encourage freight railroad owners to participate in State and federal government programs, including cooperative agreements designed to increase the speed of passenger rail service, that participation in those programs should not result in increased property taxes, and that such an increase in property taxes could negatively impact the participation in those programs. Therefore, the Department shall take into consideration any potential increase in a property's overall valuation that is directly attributable to the investment, improvement, replacement, or expansion of railroad operating property on or after January 1, 2010, through State or federal government programs, including cooperative agreements, necessary for higher speed passenger rail transportation. Any such increase in the property's overall valuation that is directly attributable to the investment, improvement, replacement, or expansion of railroad operating property on or after January 1, 2010, through State or federal government programs necessary for higher speed passenger rail transportation, including cooperative agreements, shall be excluded from the valuation of its real property improvements under Section 11-80. This Section applies on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly and through December 31, 2029.
(Source: P.A. 101-186, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-85

    (35 ILCS 200/11-85)
    Sec. 11-85. Property schedules. Every railroad company shall, on or before June 1 of each year, when required, make out and file with the Department a statement or schedule showing the property held for right of way, whether owned, leased, or operated under trackage right agreement, and the length of the first, second, third and other main and all side tracks and turnouts, and the number of acres of right of way in each county of this State and in each taxing district of this State, through or into which the road may run. It shall describe all improvements and stations located on the right of way, giving the quantity, quality, character and original cost of each. It shall also report all non-operating personalty owned or controlled by the company on January 1, giving the quantity, quality, character and location of the same. The report shall also include any potential increase in the property's overall valuation that is directly attributable to the investment, improvement, replacement, or expansion of railroad operating property on or after January 1, 2010, through State or federal governmental programs, including cooperative agreements, necessary for higher speed passenger rail transportation through December 31, 2029. New companies shall make the statement on or before the June 1 after the location of their road.
    When the statement has once been made, it is not necessary to report the description as required above unless directed to do so by the Department, but the company shall, on or before June 1, annually, report all additions or changes in its property in this State as have occurred.
    The return required by this Section should be made by the using company, but all property which is operated under one control shall be returned as provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-186, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-90

    (35 ILCS 200/11-90)
    Sec. 11-90. Information schedules. Each year every railroad company in this State shall return to the Department, in addition to any other information required by this Code, sworn statements or schedules as follows:
        (a) The amount of capital stock authorized and the
total number of shares of capital stock.
        (b) The amount of capital stock issued and
        (c) The market value, or if no market value then the
estimated value, of the shares of stock outstanding.
        (d) The total amount of all bonds outstanding and all
other indebtedness.
        (e) The market value, or if no market value then the
estimated value, of all bonds outstanding and all other indebtedness.
        (f) A statement in detail of the entire gross
receipts and net earnings of the company during the 5 calendar years preceding the assessment date within this State, and of the entire system from all sources.
        (g) The length of the first, second, third and other
main tracks and all side tracks and turnouts showing the proportions within this State and elsewhere.
        (h) The reproduction cost of the property within
Illinois and the total reproduction cost of all property of the company. The reproduction cost, so far as applicable, shall be as last determined by the United States Interstate Commerce Commission, or other competent authority, plus additions and betterments, less retirements and depreciation to the December 31 preceding the assessment date.
        (i) An enumeration and classification of all rolling
stock and car equipment owned or leased by the company. The classification shall show type of equipment and circumstances of ownership and use. The enumeration shall include rolling stock used over the track of other companies under any trackage right agreement. All other property used in connection with a trackage right agreement shall be listed.
        (j) Any other information the Department may require
to determine the fair cash value of the property of any railroad company, or necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code, including information pertaining to any potential increases in the property's overall valuation that is directly attributable to the investment, improvement, replacement, or expansion of railroad operating property on or after January 1, 2010, through State or federal governmental programs, including cooperative agreements, necessary for higher speed passenger rail transportation through December 31, 2029.
    Such statements or schedules shall conform to the instructions and forms prescribed by the Department.
    In cases where a railroad company uses property owned by another, the return shall be made by the using company and all property operated under one control shall be returned as provided above.
(Source: P.A. 101-186, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-95

    (35 ILCS 200/11-95)
    Sec. 11-95. Listing of non-carrier real estate. Every railroad company subject to assessment in this State shall annually return to the Department a list of its non-carrier real estate in this State, providing its description, the current assessed value, and the estimated true value of all non-carrier real estate both within and outside of this State, and any other information the Department may require. The Department shall examine the list and make whatever additions or alterations it may find necessary, and transmit to the proper assessing officials of each county in which non-carrier real estate is located, the list described above, together with any other information it considers pertinent. If additions or alterations to the list are made by the Department, the revised list shall also be sent to the reporting carrier. The proper assessing officials of each county shall then assess the non-carrier real estate in the same manner as similar locally assessed property belonging to individuals, except that it shall be treated as property belonging to railroads. If any parcels are not platted, any description is sufficient which would enable a competent surveyor to locate the property.
    Property listed as non-carrier real estate shall also include the property index number in counties where such a numbering system has been adopted.
(Source: P.A. 84-777; 84-1013; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-100

    (35 ILCS 200/11-100)
    Sec. 11-100. Proration of value; property outside of State. If any railroad company owns or uses operating property partly within and partly outside of this State, the Department shall determine the value of the entire operating property of the railroad but shall take only that part of the entire value as is represented by the average percentage of (a) the length of all track including main, second and additional main track, side track and turnouts within this State, (b) its gross revenues arising from railroad operations in this State, (c) the reproduction cost of its operating property within this State, as determined by the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States, or other competent authority, plus additions and betterments, less retirements and depreciation. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the use or substitution of other factors or methods as may appear reasonable and necessary in determining the proportion of a railroad's operating property within this State.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-105

    (35 ILCS 200/11-105)
    Sec. 11-105. Description of railroad track. The right of way, including the superstructures of first, second, third and other main tracks and all side tracks and turnouts, and the stations and improvements of the railroad company on the right of way and all other taxable operating property of the railroad company shall be denominated "railroad track" and shall be so listed and valued. "Railroad track" shall be described in the assessment thereof as a strip of land extending on each side of the track and embracing the same, together with all the stations and improvements and other taxable operating property thereon, commencing where the track crosses the boundary line in entering the taxing district, and extending to where the track crosses the boundary line leaving the taxing district, or to the point of termination in the district, as the case may be, containing .... acres, more or less (inserting name of taxing district, boundary line of same, and number of acres and length in miles), and when advertised or sold for taxes no other description is necessary. Where a railroad company has taxable operating property in taxing districts in which it owns or uses no tracks or trackage rights, the property shall be described the same as similar property belonging to individuals.
(Source: P.A. 81-1stSS-1; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-110

    (35 ILCS 200/11-110)
    Sec. 11-110. Certification of railroad assessments. The equalized assessed value of the operating property of every railroad company subject to assessment, when determined as prescribed in Section 11-80, shall be listed and taxed in the several taxing districts in the proportion that the length of all the track owned or used in such taxing district bears to the whole length of all the track owned or used in this state, except the value of all buildings of an original cost exceeding $1,000, which are considered to have a situs in the taxing district in which they are located. Where any railroad company operates in this State, in whole or in part over the tracks of another company, under any trackage right agreement, the value of the trackage rights, including the other taxable operating property (except buildings of an original cost exceeding $1,000) used or connected therewith, shall be taxed in each taxing district in the proportion that the length of all the track so used under the agreement, in the taxing district bears to the whole length of all the track so used in this state. Where a railroad company holds taxable operating property in a taxing district, and owns or uses no tracks, or trackage rights in that district, the property shall be taxed in the taxing district.
    The Department shall distribute the equalized assessed value of the taxable property of every railroad company (other than non-carrier real estate), when determined as prescribed in Section 11-80, to the respective taxing districts entitled to it and shall certify the same to the county clerks of the respective counties, who shall extend taxes against those values the same as against other property in the taxing districts.
(Source: P.A. 81-1stSS-1; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-115

    (35 ILCS 200/11-115)
    Sec. 11-115. Failure to file schedules. In case any railroad company neglects to return to the Department any statements or schedules required to be returned to the Department, within the time required, the Department shall proceed to assess the property of the railroad company according to its best information and judgment at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value, and may add to the valuation thereof an amount equal to 50% of the valuation. If good cause is shown, the Department may, in its discretion, grant reasonable extensions of time for filing any required statement or schedule.
    Anyone who makes any statement or schedule to the Department and wilfully swears falsely in any material matter shall be guilty of perjury and punished accordingly.
    No railroad company wilfully refusing or neglecting to return any information required by this Code shall be heard to object to the legality of its assessment in any court of this state.
(Source: P.A. 79-703; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-120

    (35 ILCS 200/11-120)
    Sec. 11-120. Platting by railroad company. When any railroad company makes or records a plat of any contiguous lots or parcels of land belonging to it, they may be described as designated on the plat.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/11-125

    (35 ILCS 200/11-125)
    Sec. 11-125. Department rules on railroad assessments. The Department may adopt rules and regulations as it considers necessary to carry out the provisions of Sections 11-70 through 11-120. The rules and regulations when adopted, if not inconsistent with this Code, shall be as binding and of the same effect as if contained in this Code.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Regional water treatment facilities

35 ILCS 200/11-130

    (35 ILCS 200/11-130)
    Sec. 11-130. Legislative findings. The General Assembly finds that it is the policy of this State to ensure and encourage the availability of safe potable water for our cities, villages, towns, and rural residents and that it has become increasingly difficult and cost prohibitive for smaller cities, towns, and villages to construct, maintain, or operate, to current standards, water treatment facilities. It is the further finding of the General Assembly that regional treatment facilities capable of supplying several cities, villages, towns, public water districts, public water commissions, and rural water companies with treated water offer a viable economic solution to this concern and it should be the policy of the State to encourage the construction and operation of regional water treatment facilities capable of providing treated, potable water to cities, villages, towns, public water districts, public water commissions, and rural water companies, thereby relieving the burden on those entities and their citizens from constructing and maintaining their own individual treatment facilities.
(Source: P.A. 92-278, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/11-135

    (35 ILCS 200/11-135)
    Sec. 11-135. Definitions. For purposes of this Division 4:
    "Department" means the Illinois Department of Revenue.
    "Not for profit corporation" means an Illinois corporation organized and existing under the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 in good standing with the State and having been granted status as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor or similar provision of the Internal Revenue Code.
    "Public water commission" means a water commission organized and existing under Division 135 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
    "Public water district" means a water district organized and existing under the Public Water District Act.
    "Qualifying water treatment facility" means a water treatment facility that is owned by a not for profit corporation whose members consist exclusively of one or more incorporated city, village, or town of this State, and any number of public water districts, any number of public water commissions, or any number of rural water companies and that sells potable water to the corporation's members on a mutual or cooperative and not for profit basis.
    "Rural water company" means a not for profit corporation whose primary purpose is to own, maintain, and operate a potable water distribution system distributing water to residences, farms, or businesses exclusively in the State of Illinois and not otherwise served by any city, village, town, public water district, or public water commission.
    "Water treatment facility" means a plant or facility whose primary function is to treat raw water and to produce potable water for distribution, together with all other real and personal property reasonably necessary to collect, treat, or distribute the water.
(Source: P.A. 92-278, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/11-140

    (35 ILCS 200/11-140)
    Sec. 11-140. Valuation policy. Qualifying water treatment facilities shall be valued for purposes of computing the assessed valuation on the basis of 33 1/3% of the fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 92-278, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/11-145

    (35 ILCS 200/11-145)
    Sec. 11-145. Method of valuation for qualifying water treatment facilities. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of any qualifying water treatment facility in assessing the facility, the Department shall take into consideration the probable net value that could be realized by the owner if the facility were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expense of removal, site restoration, and transportation. The net value shall be considered to be 33 1/3% of fair cash value. The valuation under this Section applies only to the qualifying water treatment facility itself and not to the land on which the facility is located.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-150

    (35 ILCS 200/11-150)
    Sec. 11-150. Exclusion of for-profit water treatment facilities. In no event shall the valuation set forth in this Division 4 be available to a water treatment facility that sells water "for profit".
(Source: P.A. 92-278, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/11-155

    (35 ILCS 200/11-155)
    Sec. 11-155. Assessment authority. For assessment purposes, a qualifying water treatment facility shall provide proof of a valid facility number issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and be assessed by the Department of Revenue.
(Source: P.A. 101-199, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-160

    (35 ILCS 200/11-160)
    Sec. 11-160. Approval procedure. Applications for approval as a qualifying water treatment facility that are filed prior to January 1, 2020 shall be filed with the Department of Natural Resources in the manner and form prescribed by the Director of National Resources. The application shall contain appropriate and available descriptive information concerning anything claimed to be entitled to tax treatment as defined in this Division 4. If it is found that the facility meets the definition, the Director of Natural Resources, or his or her duly authorized designee, shall enter a finding and issue a certificate that requires tax treatment as a qualifying water treatment facility. The effective date of a certificate shall be on January 1 preceding the date of certification or preceding the date construction or installation of the facility commences, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 101-199, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-161

    (35 ILCS 200/11-161)
    Sec. 11-161. Application procedure; assessment by Department of Revenue. Applications for assessment as a qualifying water treatment facility that are filed on or after January 1, 2020 shall be filed with the Department of Revenue in the manner and form prescribed by the Department of Revenue. The application shall contain appropriate documentation that the applicant has been issued a valid facility number by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and is entitled to tax treatment as defined in this Division 4. The effective date of an assessment shall be on January 1 preceding the date of approval by the Department of Revenue or preceding the date construction or installation of the facility commences, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 101-199, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-165

    (35 ILCS 200/11-165)
    Sec. 11-165. Judicial review; qualifying water treatment facilities. Any applicant or holder aggrieved by the issuance, refusal to issue, denial, revocation, modification, or restriction of an assessment as a qualifying water treatment facility may appeal the finding and order of the Department of Revenue (if on or after January 1, 2020) or the Department of Natural Resources (if before January 1, 2020) under the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 101-199, eff. 8-2-19.)

35 ILCS 200/11-170

    (35 ILCS 200/11-170)
    Sec. 11-170. Procedures for assessment; qualifying water treatment facilities. Proceedings for assessment or reassessment of property certified to be a qualifying water treatment facility shall be conducted in accordance with procedural rules adopted by the Department, in conformity with this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-278, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Regional wastewater facilities
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-175

    (35 ILCS 200/11-175)
    Sec. 11-175. Legislative findings. The General Assembly finds that it is the policy of the State to ensure and encourage the availability of means for the safe collection, treatment, and disposal of domestic, commercial, and industrial sewage and waste for our cities, villages, towns, and rural residents and that it has become increasingly difficult and cost prohibitive for smaller cities, towns, and villages to construct, maintain, or operate, to current standards, wastewater facilities. The General Assembly further finds that regional facilities capable of serving several cities, villages, towns, municipal joint sewage treatment agencies, municipal sewer commissions, sanitary districts, and rural wastewater companies offer a viable economic solution to this concern. For these reasons, the General Assembly declares it to be the policy of the State to encourage the construction and operation of regional wastewater facilities capable of providing for the safe collection, treatment, and disposal of domestic, commercial, and industrial sewage and waste for cities, villages, towns, municipal joint sewage treatment agencies, municipal sewer commissions, sanitary districts, and rural wastewater companies thereby relieving the burden on those entities and their citizens from constructing and maintaining their own individual wastewater facilities.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-180

    (35 ILCS 200/11-180)
    Sec. 11-180. Definitions. As used in this Division:
    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
    "Municipal joint sewage treatment agency" means a municipal joint sewage treatment agency organized and existing under the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act.
    "Municipal sewer commission" means a sewer commission organized and existing under Division 136 of Article 11 Illinois Municipal Code.
    "Not-for-profit corporation" means an Illinois corporation organized and existing under the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 that is in good standing with the State and has been granted status as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor or similar provision of the Internal Revenue Code.
    "Qualifying wastewater facility" means a wastewater facility that collects, treats, or disposes of domestic, commercial, and industrial sewage and waste on behalf of the corporation's members on a mutual or cooperative and not-for-profit basis and that is owned by a not-for-profit corporation whose members consist exclusively of one or more incorporated cities, villages, or towns of this State, municipal joint sewage treatment agencies, municipal sewer commissions, sanitary districts, or rural wastewater companies.
    "Rural wastewater company" means a not-for-profit corporation whose primary purpose is to own, maintain, and operate a system for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage and industrial waste from residences, farms, or businesses exclusively in the State of Illinois and not otherwise served by any city, village, town, municipal joint sewage treatment agency, municipal sewer commission, or sanitary district.
    "Sanitary district" means a sanitary district organized and existing under the Sanitary District Act of 1907.
    "Wastewater facility" means a plant or facility whose primary function is to collect, treat, or dispose of domestic, commercial, and industrial sewage and waste, together with all other real and personal property reasonably necessary to collect, treat, or dispose of the sewage and waste.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-185

    (35 ILCS 200/11-185)
    Sec. 11-185. Valuation of qualifying wastewater facilities. For purposes of computing the assessed valuation, qualifying wastewater facilities shall be valued at 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the facility. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of a qualifying wastewater facility, the Department shall take into consideration the probable net value that could be realized by the owner if the facility were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expenses incurred for removal, site restoration, and transportation. The valuation under this Section applies only to the qualifying wastewater facility itself and not to the land on which the facility is located.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-190

    (35 ILCS 200/11-190)
    Sec. 11-190. Exclusion of for-profit wastewater facilities. This Division does not apply to a wastewater facility that collects, treats, or disposes of domestic, commercial, and industrial sewage and waste for profit.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-195

    (35 ILCS 200/11-195)
    Sec. 11-195. Assessment authority. For assessment purposes, a qualifying wastewater facility shall provide proof of a valid facility number issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and shall be assessed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-200

    (35 ILCS 200/11-200)
    Sec. 11-200. Application procedure; assessment by the Department. Applications for assessment as a qualifying wastewater facility shall be filed with the Department in the manner and form prescribed by the Department. The application shall contain appropriate documentation that the applicant has been issued a valid facility number by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and is entitled to tax treatment under this Division. The effective date of an assessment shall be on the January 1 preceding the date of approval by the Department or preceding the date construction or installation of the facility commences, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-205

    (35 ILCS 200/11-205)
    Sec. 11-205. Procedures for assessment; judicial review. Proceedings for assessment or reassessment of property certified to be a qualifying wastewater facility shall be conducted in accordance with procedural rules adopted by the Department and in conformity with this Code.
    Any applicant or holder aggrieved by the issuance, refusal to issue, denial, revocation, modification, or restriction of an assessment as a qualifying wastewater facility may appeal the final administrative decision of the Department of Revenue under the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/11-210

    (35 ILCS 200/11-210)
    Sec. 11-210. Rulemaking. The Department may adopt rules for the implementation of this Division.
(Source: P.A. 103-631, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 12

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 12 heading)
Article 12. Assessment Notice and Publication Provisions

35 ILCS 200/Art. 12 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 12 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Initial Assessment Process

35 ILCS 200/12-5

    (35 ILCS 200/12-5)
    Sec. 12-5. Taxpayer entitled to statement of valuation. The chief county assessment officer, when requested, shall deliver to any person a copy of the description or statement of property assessed in his or her name or in which he or she is interested, and the valuation placed thereon by the assessor, chief county assessment officer, board of review, or board of appeals.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/12-10

    (35 ILCS 200/12-10)
    Sec. 12-10. Publication of assessments; counties of less than 3,000,000. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, as soon as the chief county assessment officer has completed the assessment in the county or in the assessment district, he or she shall, in each year of a general assessment, publish for the county or assessment district a complete list of the assessment, by townships if so organized. In years other than years of a general assessment, the chief county assessment officer shall publish a list of property for which assessments have been added or changed since the preceding assessment, together with the amounts of the assessments, except that publication of individual assessment changes shall not be required if the changes result from equalization by the supervisor of assessments under Section 9-210, or Section 10-200, in which case the list shall include a general statement indicating that assessments have been changed because of the application of an equalization factor and shall set forth the percentage of increase or decrease represented by the factor. The publication shall be made on or before December 31 of that year, and shall be printed in some public newspaper or newspapers published in the county. In every township or assessment district in which there is published one or more newspapers of general circulation, the list of that township shall be published in one of the newspapers.
    At the top of the list of assessments there shall be a notice in substantially the following form printed in type no smaller than eleven point:
    Median Level of Assessment--(insert here the median level of assessment for the assessment district)
    Your property is to be assessed at the above listed median level of assessment for the assessment district. You may check the accuracy of your assessment by dividing your assessment by the median level of assessment. The resulting value should equal the estimated fair cash value of your property. If the resulting value is greater than the estimated fair cash value of your property, you may be over-assessed. If the resulting value is less than the fair cash value of your property, you may be under-assessed. You may appeal your assessment to the Board of Review."
    The notice published under this Section shall also include the following:
        (1) A statement advising the taxpayer that
assessments of property, other than farm land and coal, are required by law to be assessed at 33 1/3% of fair market value.
        (2) The name, address, phone number, office hours,
and, if one exists, the website address of the assessor.
        (3) A statement advising the taxpayer of the steps to
follow if the taxpayer believes the full fair market value of the property is incorrect or believes the assessment is not uniform with other comparable properties in the same neighborhood. The statement shall also (i) advise all taxpayers to contact the township assessor's office, in those counties under township organization, first to review the assessment, (ii) advise all taxpayers to file an appeal with the board of review if not satisfied with the assessor review, and (iii) give the phone number to call for a copy of the board of review rules; if the Board of Review maintains a web site, the notice must also include the address of the website where the Board of Review rules can be viewed.
        (4) A statement advising the taxpayer that there is a
deadline date for filing an appeal with the board of review and indicating that deadline date (30 days following the scheduled publication date).
        (5) A brief explanation of the relationship between
the assessment and the tax bill.
        (6) In bold type, a notice of possible eligibility
for the various homestead exemptions as provided in Section 15-165 through Section 15-175 and Section 15-180.
    The newspaper shall furnish to the local assessment officers as many copies of the paper containing the assessment list as they may require.
(Source: P.A. 97-146, eff. 7-14-11.)

35 ILCS 200/12-15

    (35 ILCS 200/12-15)
    Sec. 12-15. Publication fee - Counties of less than 3,000,000. The newspaper shall be paid a fee for publishing the assessment list according to the following schedule:
    (a) For a parcel listing including the name of the property owner, a property index number, property address, or both, and the total assessment, 80¢ per parcel;
    (b) (Blank);
    (c) (Blank);
    (d) (Blank);
    (e) (Blank);
    (f) (Blank); and
    (g) For the preamble, headings, and any other explanatory matter either required by law, or requested by the supervisor of assessments, to be published, the rate shall be set according to the Legal Advertising Rate Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-146, eff. 7-14-11.)

35 ILCS 200/12-20

    (35 ILCS 200/12-20)
    Sec. 12-20. Publication of assessments; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, in each year of a general assessment, for each county or assessment district therein if the county is divided into assessment districts as provided in Section 9-220, the county assessor shall publish a complete assessment list as soon as the assessment is completed as required under this Section. If the county assessor revises the assessment after the complete assessment list is published, then the county assessor must publish a subsequent list of all the revised assessments for that year. In years other than years of a general assessment or reassessment, the county assessor shall cause to be published, within the time and in the manner described here, a complete list of assessments in which changes are made together with the changes made in the valuation or assessment of property since the last preceding assessment. The publication shall contain a copy of the land value map for the township, if required by the Department.
    The publication of the assessments or the changes shall be printed in some newspaper or newspapers of general circulation published in the county except that, in every township or incorporated town which has superseded a civil township, in which there is published one or more newspapers of general circulation, the assessment list of each township shall be published in one of the newspapers. In cities of more than 2,000,000 inhabitants, the assessment list of the city shall be printed in one or more newspapers of general circulation published in the township assessment district within the city or, in the event a newspaper of general circulation is not published within the township assessment district, in one or more newspapers of general circulation published within the city.
    Any newspaper publishing an assessment list under this Section is entitled to a fee of 40¢ per column line for publishing the list.
(Source: P.A. 93-759, eff. 1-1-05.)

35 ILCS 200/12-25

    (35 ILCS 200/12-25)
    Sec. 12-25. Contents of assessment list publication; payment. In all counties, the expense of printing and publication of assessment lists shall be paid out of the county treasury. The publication of the assessments shall include the name of the owner or of the person who last paid the taxes on each property, and the total amount of its assessment. When any property so assessed is susceptible of description or identification by street name and street or house number, or by a property index number, the publication of the street name and street or house number, or property index number shall constitute a sufficient description of the property for the purposes of publication required by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 97-146, eff. 7-14-11.)

35 ILCS 200/12-30

    (35 ILCS 200/12-30)
    Sec. 12-30. Mailed notice of changed assessments; counties of less than 3,000,000.
    (a) In every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, in addition to the publication of the list of assessments in each year of a general assessment and of the list of property for which assessments have been added or changed, as provided above, a notice shall be mailed by the chief county assessment officer to each taxpayer whose assessment has been changed since the last preceding assessment, using the address as it appears on the assessor's records, except in the case of changes caused by a change in the county equalization factor by the Department or in the case of changes resulting from equalization by the chief county assessment officer under Section 9-210, during any year such change is made. The notice may, but need not be, sent by a township assessor.
    (b) The notice sent under this Section shall include the following:
        (1) The previous year's assessed value after board of
review equalization.
        (2) Current assessed value and the date of that
        (3) The percentage change from the previous assessed
value to the current assessed value.
        (4) The full fair market value (as indicated by
dividing the current assessed value by the median level of assessment in the assessment district as determined by the most recent 3 year assessment to sales ratio study adjusted to take into account any changes in assessment levels since the data for the studies were collected).
        (5) A statement advising the taxpayer that
assessments of property, other than farm land and coal, are required by law to be assessed at 33 1/3% of fair market value.
        (6) The name, address, phone number, office hours,
and, if one exists, the website address of the assessor.
        (7) Where practicable, the notice shall include the
reason for any increase in the property's valuation.
        (8) The name and price per copy by mail of the
newspaper in which the list of assessments will be published and the scheduled publication date.
        (9) A statement advising the taxpayer of the steps to
follow if the taxpayer believes the full fair market value of the property is incorrect or believes the assessment is not uniform with other comparable properties in the same neighborhood. The statement shall also (i) advise all taxpayers to contact the township assessor's office, in those counties under township organization, first to review the assessment, (ii) advise all taxpayers to file an appeal with the board of review if not satisfied with the assessor review, and (iii) give the phone number to call for a copy of the board of review rules.
        (10) A statement advising the taxpayer that there is
a deadline date for filing an appeal with the board of review and indicating that deadline date (30 days following the scheduled publication date).
        (11) A brief explanation of the relationship between
the assessment and the tax bill (including an explanation of the equalization factors) and an explanation that the assessment stated for the preceding year is the assessment after equalization by the board of review in the preceding year.
        (12) In bold type, a notice of possible eligibility
for the various homestead exemptions as provided in Section 15-165 through Section 15-175 and Section 15-180.
    (c) In addition to the requirements of subsection (b) of this Section, in every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, where the chief county assessment officer maintains and controls an electronic database containing the physical characteristics of the property, the notice shall include the following:
        (1) The physical characteristics of the taxpayer's
property that are available from that database; or
        (2) A statement advising the taxpayer that detailed
property characteristics are available on the county website and the URL address of that website.
    (d) In addition to the requirements of subsection (b) of this Section, in every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, where the chief county assessment officer does not maintain and control an electronic database containing the physical characteristics of the property, and where one or more townships in the county maintain and control an electronic database containing the physical characteristics of the property and some or all of the database is available on a website that is maintained and controlled by the township, the notice shall include a statement advising the taxpayer that detailed property characteristics are available on the township website and the URL address of that website.
    (e) Except as provided in this Section, the form and manner of providing the information and explanations required to be in the notice shall be prescribed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 96-122, eff. 1-1-10.)

35 ILCS 200/12-35

    (35 ILCS 200/12-35)
    Sec. 12-35. Notice sent to address of mortgage lender. Whenever a notice is to be mailed as provided in Section 12-30, and the address that appears on the assessor's records is the address of a mortgage lender, or in any event whenever the notice is mailed by the township assessor or chief county assessment officer to a taxpayer at or in care of the address of a mortgage lender, the mortgage lender, within 15 days of the mortgage lender's receipt of the notice, shall mail a copy of the notice to each mortgagor of the property referred to in the notice at the last known address of each mortgagor as shown on the records of the mortgage lender.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 12 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 12 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Revisions and corrections

35 ILCS 200/12-40

    (35 ILCS 200/12-40)
    Sec. 12-40. Notice provisions; equalization by board of review. The assessment of any class of property or of any township or multi-township or part thereof, or any portion of the county, shall not be increased by an equalization factor applied by a board of review until the board has made one publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county, of such proposed increase and has given an opportunity to be heard, within 20 days of the publication date, to the owners of the property affected or any one representing them, and other citizens of the territory. The assessor or chief county assessment officer shall have like opportunity to be heard thereon, except where such action is taken in individual cases upon complaint. The board shall hear any person, upon request, in opposition to a proposed reduction in the assessment of any person or territory.
(Source: P.A. 86-345; 86-413; 86-1028; 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/12-45

    (35 ILCS 200/12-45)
    Sec. 12-45. Publication of certificates of error. At the time publication is made under Section 12-60, the board of review shall also publish a complete list of the changes made in assessments by the issuance of certificates of error under Sections 14-20 and 16-75. The published list shall contain for each change the information enumerated in Section 12-25 and shall show the amount of the assessment prior to and after the action of the board of review. Publication shall be made in some newspaper or newspapers of general circulation published in the county in which the assessment is made, except that in every township or assessment district in which there is published one or more newspapers of general circulation, the list of that township shall be published in one of those newspapers.
    This Section applies prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, but does not apply for any certificate of error issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-146, eff. 7-14-11.)

35 ILCS 200/12-50

    (35 ILCS 200/12-50)
    Sec. 12-50. Mailed notice to taxpayer after change by board of review or board of appeals. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if final board of review or board of appeals action regarding any property, including equalization under Section 16-60 or Section 16-65, results in an increased or decreased assessment, the board shall mail a notice to the taxpayer whose property is affected by such action, at his or her address as it appears on the complaint, unless the taxpayer has been represented in the appeal by an attorney, in which case the notice shall be mailed to the attorney, and in the case of a complaint filed with a board of review under Section 16-25 or 16-115, the board shall mail a notice to the taxing body filing the complaint. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board shall provide notice by mail, or by means of electronic record, to the taxpayer whose property is affected by such action, at his or her address or e-mail address as it appears in the assessment records or a complaint filed with the board, unless the taxpayer has been represented in the appeal by an attorney, in which case the notice shall be mailed or e-mailed to the attorney, and, in the case of a complaint filed with a board of review under Section 16-125 or 16-115, the board shall provide notice to the taxing body filing the complaint. A copy shall be given to the assessor or chief county assessment officer if his or her assessment was reversed or modified by the board. Written notice shall also be given to any taxpayer who filed a complaint in writing with the board and whose assessment was not changed. The notice shall set forth the assessed value prior to board action; the assessed value after final board action but prior to any equalization; and the assessed value as equalized by the board, if the board equalizes. This notice shall state that the value as certified to the county clerk by the board will be the locally assessed value of the property for that year and each succeeding year, unless revised in a succeeding year in the manner provided in this Code. The written notice shall also set forth specifically the facts upon which the board's decision is based. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the notice shall also contain the following statement: "You may appeal this decision to the Property Tax Appeal Board by filing a petition for review with the Property Tax Appeal Board within 30 days after this notice is mailed to you or your agent, or is personally served upon you or your agent". In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the notice shall also contain the following statement: "You may appeal this decision to the Property Tax Appeal Board by filing a petition for review with the Property Tax Appeal Board within 30 days after the date of this notice or within 30 days after the date that the Board of Review transmits to the county assessor pursuant to Section 16-125 its final action on the township in which your property is located, whichever is later". The Board shall publish its transmittal date of final action on each township in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly apply to the 1999 assessment year and thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/12-55

    (35 ILCS 200/12-55)
    Sec. 12-55. Notice requirement if assessment is increased; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, a revision by the county assessor, except where such revision is made on complaint of the owner, shall not increase an assessment without notice to the person to whom the most recent tax bill was mailed and an opportunity to be heard before the assessment is verified. The county assessor shall continue to accept appeals from the taxpayer for a period of not less than 30 business days from the later of the date the assessment notice is mailed as provided in this subsection or is published on the assessor's website. When a notice is mailed by the county assessor to the address of a mortgagee, the mortgagee, within 7 business days after the mortgagee receives the notice, shall forward a copy of the notice to each mortgagor of the property referred to in the notice at the last known address of each mortgagor as shown on the records of the mortgagee. There shall be no liability for the failure of the mortgagee to forward the notice to each mortgagor. The assessor may provide for the filing of complaints and make revisions at times other than those dates published under Section 14-35. When the county assessor has completed the revision and correction and entered the changes and revision in the assessment books, an affidavit shall be attached to the assessment books in the form required by law, signed by the county assessor.
    (b) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for parcels, other than parcels in the class that includes the majority of the single-family residential parcels under a county ordinance adopted in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, located in the assessment district for which the current assessment year is a general assessment year, within 30 days after sending the required notices under this Section, the county assessor shall file with the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998, and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) a list of the parcels for which the notices under this Section were sent, showing the following information for each such parcel: the parcel index number, the township in which the parcel is located, the class for the current year, the previous year's final total assessed value, the total assessed value proposed by the county assessor, and the name of the person to whom the notice required under this Section was sent. The list shall be available for public inspection at the office of the board during the regular office hours of the board. The list shall be retained by the board for at least 10 years after the date it is initially filed by the county assessor.
    (c) The provisions of subsection (b) of this Section shall be applicable beginning with the assessment for the 1997 tax year.
(Source: P.A. 103-583, eff. 6-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/12-60

    (35 ILCS 200/12-60)
    Sec. 12-60. List of assessment changes; publications. When the board of review in any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants decides to reverse or modify the action of the chief county assessment officer, or to change the list as completed, or the assessment or description of any property, the changes shall be entered upon the assessment books.
    On or before the annual date for adjournment as fixed by Section 16-35, the board of review shall make a full and complete list, by township if the county is so organized, of all changes in assessments made by the board of review prior to the adjournment date. The list shall contain the information enumerated in Section 12-25 and shall show the amount of the assessment as it appeared prior to and after being acted upon by the board of review. The board of review need not show on the list changes which only correct the description of the assessed property, the ownership of the property, or the name of the person in whose name the property is assessed. Changes by the board that raise or lower, on a percentage basis, the total assessed value of property in any assessment district or the value of a particular class of property, need not be shown on the list. However, the list shall contain a general statement indicating that a change has been made and shall state the percentage of increase or decrease.
    The board of review shall deliver a copy of the list to the county clerk who shall file it in his or her office, and a copy to the chief county assessment officer. The lists shall be public records and open to inspection of all persons, and shall be preserved or destroyed in the manner described in Section 16-90.
(Source: P.A. 97-146, eff. 7-14-11.)

35 ILCS 200/12-65

    (35 ILCS 200/12-65)
    Sec. 12-65. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 88-455. Repealed by P.A. 97-146, eff. 1-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 13

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 13 heading)
Article 13. Reassessment Procedures

35 ILCS 200/13-5

    (35 ILCS 200/13-5)
    Sec. 13-5. Reassessment in disaster areas. In every county which has been declared a major disaster area by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Illinois, the chief county assessment officer, board of review or board of appeals shall, upon application by the property owner, make a reassessment of any taxable property in the county which was substantially damaged by the disaster. The Department shall advise with the chief county assessment officers, boards of review or boards of appeals of the several counties involved in connection with such reassessment.
    In the reassessment, the value of the property shall be determined as of the date of the declaration of the county as a major disaster area. If the value of any property on that date is, by reason of the disaster, less than the prior assessment, the assessment for that year shall be arrived at by dividing by 365 the sum of the 2 products obtained (a) by multiplying the prior assessment by the number of days from January 1 of that year to the date of the declaration and (b) by multiplying the value of the property as of the date of the declaration by the number of days from the date of the declaration to December 31 of that year.
    If the reassessment and computations occur prior to the adjournment of the current board of review or board of appeals, the assessment of the property shall be reduced accordingly. If the board of review or board of appeals has adjourned at the time of the declaration, the Department shall convene the board of review or board of appeals to make the reassessment of property applied for after that adjournment.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-10

    (35 ILCS 200/13-10)
    Sec. 13-10. Reassessment order by Department. Whenever it appears to the Department that the property in any county, or in any assessment district, has not been assessed in substantial compliance with law, the Department may, in its discretion, in any year, either before or after the original assessment is completed by the local assessment officers, order a reassessment by the local assessing officers for that year of all or any class of the taxable property in the county or assessment district. The reassessment shall be substituted for the original assessment. The order directing a reassessment shall be filed in the office of the county treasurer of the county in which the reassessment has been ordered, except in counties having an elective board of review or board of appeals in which case the order shall be filed with that board.
    If any general assessment is not published in any year for which the assessment was made, or if that publication was not made in time to permit the examination thereof by the Department in that year, the Department may in any of the 3 years intervening between the years for which general assessments are made, order reassessment of the last general assessment of all or any class of property in the county or assessment district, and the reassessment shall be substituted for the original general assessment for the intervening year and thereafter until the next general assessment is made.
    No substitute assessment shall invalidate any prior assessment as to taxes extended thereon.
    The Department may order the board of review of any county not having an elected county assessor and an elective board of review to convene in extraordinary session for the purpose of further revising, correcting and equalizing the assessment of property within that county.
    When a reassessment has been ordered under this Section, the individual assessments made under such order shall be reviewed, revised and corrected by townships or taxing districts by the assessors making the reassessment.
    The assessors making the reassessment shall give notice of the order under which it is made showing the class of property affected by the reassessment, each township or taxing district to be reviewed, revised and corrected and the time and place for the revision and correction, by publishing the notice in one or more newspapers, published and having a general circulation in the county, at least 5 days before the time set for the revision in each township or taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-15

    (35 ILCS 200/13-15)
    Sec. 13-15. Manner of reassessment. Reassessments shall be made in the same manner and subject to the same laws and rules as an original assessment and shall be subject to review and correction by the board of review or board of appeals as in the case of an original assessment.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-20

    (35 ILCS 200/13-20)
    Sec. 13-20. Review and equalization of reassessments. The board of review or board of appeals of the county in which a reassessment is made shall review, correct, and equalize the reassessment in the same manner and subject to the same laws and rules as an original assessment. The Department shall fix the time and place of the meeting of the board to review and correct the reassessment. At least one week before the meeting, the board shall publish a notice of the time and place of its meeting, in at least one newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the reassessment is made, except that in every township in which there is published one or more newspapers of general circulation the notice shall be published in one of those newspapers in each township. The board shall convene at the time and place fixed in the order, and shall review, correct, return and certify the reassessment in like manner, and shall have and exercise all the powers and authority given to boards of review or boards of appeals, and shall be subject to all the restrictions, duties and penalties of those boards. When a reassessment has been ordered, the board, at the time and place fixed in the notice given as required by this Section, may hear complaints and review and correct the reassessment by townships or assessment districts, as the reassessment for such townships or assessment districts is completed and certified by the chief county assessment officer, without waiting for the completion of the entire reassessment. Two or more townships or assessment districts may be notified for a revision and correction at the same time.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1181; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-25

    (35 ILCS 200/13-25)
    Sec. 13-25. Assessment books. Each local assessment officer, while engaged in making a reassessment, shall have custody and possession of the assessment books containing the original assessment and all property and other statements and memoranda relating thereto. The person previously having custody shall deliver the assessment books and other property to the local assessment officer on demand. He or she shall, in making the reassessment, have all the power and authority given by law to local assessment officers and shall be subject to all the restrictions, liabilities and penalties imposed by law upon local assessment officers.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-30

    (35 ILCS 200/13-30)
    Sec. 13-30. Reassessment supplies; compensation. The necessary books, records and blank forms needed for a reassessment shall be furnished by the same authorities that furnish books, records and blank forms for an original assessment. Local assessment officers and the members of the board of appeals, when convened in extraordinary session to make a reassessment or to review and correct the reassessment shall receive the same compensation as for like service in making or reviewing an original assessment. The compensation and all other expenses in making the reassessment shall be paid by the county on the certificate of the Department. However, the township, townships or other assessment district or districts in which the reassessment is accomplished, shall reimburse the county for all expenses, including amounts expended as salaries or compensation, which the county has incurred by reason of the reassessment. The amount to be contributed to the county by each such township or other assessment district shall be apportioned on the basis of the expense incurred in reassessing that township or assessment district.
(Source: P.A. 84-582; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/13-35

    (35 ILCS 200/13-35)
    Sec. 13-35. Effect of reassessment. A reassessment, when completed and revised under this Code, shall be the assessment upon which taxes for that year shall be levied and extended in the county or assessment district for which the reassessment was made.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 14

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 14 heading)
Article 14. Revisions and Corrections

35 ILCS 200/14-5

    (35 ILCS 200/14-5)
    Sec. 14-5. Incorrect listing; refund.
    (a) An assessment shall not be considered as invalid because the assessment was not correctly listed or because the assessment was not in the name of the true owner or owners.
    (b) If, because of an error by an assessor, a property is assessed in the name of a person who is not the true owner, and that person pays taxes on the property, the amounts so paid shall be refunded. A claim for refund shall be initiated by filing a complaint with the board of review or board of appeals and the board shall allow the refund if the requirements of this Section are met. If the refund is ordered, the refund shall be made by the county collector in the manner provided by Section 20-175. A claim for refund under this Section must be made within 5 years after the taxes were incorrectly paid. Upon allowing a refund, the board of review or board of appeals shall list and assess the property in the name of the correct owner under Section 9-265.
(Source: P.A. 86-180; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/14-10

    (35 ILCS 200/14-10)
    Sec. 14-10. Certificate of correction; counties of 3,000,000 or more. If the county assessor in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, at any time prior to the time the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) is required to complete its work and adjourn under Section 16-150, certifies to the board that there is a mistake or error (other than a mistake or error of judgment) in the valuation or assessment of any property, or in the entry of any assessment in the assessment books, the county assessor shall set forth the nature and cause of the mistake or error. The board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall give the person affected by the assessment notice an opportunity to be heard. If the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) is satisfied that a mistake or error has occurred, the majority of the members shall endorse it by signing the certificate and shall order the assessor to correct the mistake or error.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/14-15

    (35 ILCS 200/14-15)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-662)
    Sec. 14-15. Certificate of error; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if, after the assessment is certified pursuant to Section 16-150, but subject to the limitations of subsection (c) of this Section, the county assessor discovers an error or mistake in the assessment, the assessor shall execute a certificate setting forth the nature and cause of the error. The certificate when endorsed by the county assessor, or when endorsed by the county assessor and board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) where the certificate is executed for any assessment which was the subject of a complaint filed in the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) for the tax year for which the certificate is issued, may, either be certified according to the procedure authorized by this Section or be presented and received in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction. Certification is authorized, at the discretion of the county assessor, for: (1) certificates of error allowing homestead exemptions under Article 15; (2) certificates of error on residential property of 6 units or less; (3) certificates of error allowing exemption of the property pursuant to Section 14-25; and (4) other certificates of error reducing assessed value by less than $100,000. Any certificate of error not certified shall be presented to the court. The county assessor shall develop reasonable procedures for the filing and processing of certificates of error. Prior to the certification or presentation to the court, the county assessor or his or her designee shall execute and include in the certificate of error a statement attesting that all procedural requirements pertaining to the issuance of the certificate of error have been met and that in fact an error exists. When so introduced in evidence such certificate shall become a part of the court records, and shall not be removed from the files except upon the order of the court.
    Certificates of error that will be presented to the court shall be filed as an objection in the application for judgment and order of sale for the year in relation to which the certificate is made or as an amendment to the objection under subsection (b). Certificates of error that are to be certified according to the procedure authorized by this Section need not be presented to the court as an objection or an amendment under subsection (b). The State's Attorney of the county in which the property is situated shall mail a copy of any final judgment entered by the court regarding any certificate of error to the taxpayer of record for the year in question.
    Any unpaid taxes after the entry of the final judgment by the court or certification on certificates issued under this Section may be included in a special tax sale, provided that an advertisement is published and a notice is mailed to the person in whose name the taxes were last assessed, in a form and manner substantially similar to the advertisement and notice required under Sections 21-110 and 21-135. The advertisement and sale shall be subject to all provisions of law regulating the annual advertisement and sale of delinquent property, to the extent that those provisions may be made applicable.
    A certificate of error certified under this Section shall be given effect by the county treasurer, who shall mark the tax books and, upon receipt of one of the following certificates from the county assessor or the county assessor and the board of review where the board of review is required to endorse the certificate of error, shall issue refunds to the taxpayer accordingly:
    I, .................., county assessor, hereby certify
that the Certificates of Error set out on the attached list have been duly issued to correct an error or mistake in the assessment."

    I, .................., county assessor, and we,
........................................................, members of the board of review, hereby certify that the Certificates of Error set out on the attached list have been duly issued to correct an error or mistake in the assessment and that any certificates of error required to be endorsed by the board of review have been so endorsed."

    The county treasurer has the power to mark the tax books to reflect the issuance of certificates of error certified according to the procedure authorized in this Section for certificates of error issued under Section 14-25 or certificates of error issued to and including 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered. The county treasurer has the power to issue refunds to the taxpayer as set forth above until all refunds authorized by this Section have been completed.
    To the extent that the certificate of error obviates the liability for nonpayment of taxes, certification of a certificate of error according to the procedure authorized in this Section shall operate to vacate any judgment or forfeiture as to that year's taxes, and the warrant books and judgment books shall be marked to reflect that the judgment or forfeiture has been vacated.
    (b) Nothing in subsection (a) of this Section shall be construed to prohibit the execution, endorsement, issuance, and adjudication of a certificate of error if (i) the annual judgment and order of sale for the tax year in question is reopened for further proceedings upon consent of the county collector and county assessor, represented by the State's Attorney, and (ii) a new final judgment is subsequently entered pursuant to the certificate. This subsection (b) shall be construed as declarative of existing law and not as a new enactment.
    (c) No certificate of error, other than a certificate to establish an exemption under Section 14-25, shall be executed for any tax year more than 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered, except that during calendar years 1999 and 2000 a certificate of error may be executed for any tax year, provided that the error or mistake in the assessment was discovered no more than 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered.
    (d) The time limitation of subsection (c) shall not apply to a certificate of error correcting an assessment to $1, under Section 10-35, on a parcel that a subdivision or planned development has acquired by adverse possession, if during the tax year for which the certificate is executed the subdivision or planned development used the parcel as common area, as defined in Section 10-35, and if application for the certificate of error is made prior to December 1, 1997.
    (e) The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly apply to certificates of error issued before, on, and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-662)
    Sec. 14-15. Certificate of error; counties of 3,000,000 or more.
    (a) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the county assessor discovers an error or mistake in the assessment after the assessment is certified pursuant to Section 16-150, the assessor shall execute a certificate setting forth the nature and cause of the error, unless any time limitation applying to that certificate of error has expired. The certificate may either be certified according to the procedure authorized by this Section or be presented and received in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction, provided that the certificate is endorsed by the county assessor or, if the certificate is executed for an assessment that was the subject of a complaint filed in the board of review for the tax year for which the certificate is issued, endorsed by the county assessor and the board of review. Certification is authorized, at the discretion of the county assessor, for: (1) certificates of error allowing homestead exemptions under Article 15; (2) certificates of error on residential property of 6 units or less; (3) certificates of error allowing exemption of the property pursuant to Section 14-25; and (4) other certificates of error reducing assessed value by less than $100,000. Any certificate of error not certified shall be presented to the court. The county assessor shall develop reasonable procedures for the filing and processing of certificates of error. Prior to the certification or presentation to the court, the county assessor or his or her designee shall execute and include in the certificate of error a statement attesting that all procedural requirements pertaining to the issuance of the certificate of error have been met and that in fact an error exists. When so introduced in evidence such certificate shall become a part of the court records, and shall not be removed from the files except upon the order of the court.
    Certificates of error that will be presented to the court shall be filed as an objection in the application for judgment and order of sale for the year in relation to which the certificate is made or as an amendment to the objection under subsection (b). Certificates of error that are to be certified according to the procedure authorized by this Section need not be presented to the court as an objection or an amendment under subsection (b). The State's Attorney of the county in which the property is situated shall mail a copy of any final judgment entered by the court regarding any certificate of error to the taxpayer of record for the year in question.
    Any unpaid taxes after the entry of the final judgment by the court or certification on certificates issued under this Section may be included in a special tax sale, provided that an advertisement is published and a notice is mailed to the person in whose name the taxes were last assessed, in a form and manner substantially similar to the advertisement and notice required under Sections 21-110 and 21-135. The advertisement and sale shall be subject to all provisions of law regulating the annual advertisement and sale of delinquent property, to the extent that those provisions may be made applicable.
    A certificate of error certified under this Section shall be given effect by the county treasurer, who shall mark the tax books and, upon receipt of one of the following certificates from the county assessor or the county assessor and the board of review where the board of review is required to endorse the certificate of error, shall issue refunds to the taxpayer accordingly:
    I, .................., county assessor, hereby certify
that the Certificates of Error set out on the attached list have been duly issued to correct an error or mistake in the assessment."

    I, .................., county assessor, and we,
........................................................, members of the board of review, hereby certify that the Certificates of Error set out on the attached list have been duly issued to correct an error or mistake in the assessment and that any certificates of error required to be endorsed by the board of review have been so endorsed."

    The county treasurer has the power to mark the tax books to reflect the issuance of certificates of error certified according to the procedure authorized in this Section for certificates of error issued under Section 14-25 or certificates of error issued to and including 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered. The county treasurer has the power to issue refunds to the taxpayer as set forth above until all refunds authorized by this Section have been completed.
    To the extent that the certificate of error obviates the liability for nonpayment of taxes, certification of a certificate of error according to the procedure authorized in this Section shall operate to vacate any judgment or forfeiture as to that year's taxes, and the warrant books and judgment books shall be marked to reflect that the judgment or forfeiture has been vacated.
    (b) Nothing in subsection (a) of this Section shall be construed to prohibit the execution, endorsement, issuance, and adjudication of a certificate of error if (i) the annual judgment and order of sale for the tax year in question is reopened for further proceedings upon consent of the county collector and county assessor, represented by the State's Attorney, and (ii) a new final judgment is subsequently entered pursuant to the certificate. This subsection (b) shall be construed as declarative of existing law and not as a new enactment.
    (c) No certificate of error, other than a certificate to establish an exemption under Section 14-25, shall be executed for any tax year more than 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered, except that during calendar years 1999 and 2000 a certificate of error may be executed for any tax year, provided that the error or mistake in the assessment was discovered no more than 3 years after the date on which the annual judgment and order of sale for that tax year was first entered.
    (d) The time limitation of subsection (c) shall not apply to a certificate of error correcting an assessment to $1 under Section 10-35 if, during the tax year for which the certificate is executed, the subdivision, association, or planned development used the parcel as common area, as defined in Section 10-35.
    (e) The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly apply to certificates of error issued before, on, and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
    (f) The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to certificates of error issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly for taxable years 2004 or thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 103-662, eff. 1-1-25.)

35 ILCS 200/14-20

    (35 ILCS 200/14-20)
    Sec. 14-20. Certificate of error; counties of less than 3,000,000. In any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if, at any time before judgment or order of sale is entered in any proceeding to collect or to enjoin the collection of taxes based upon any assessment of any property, the chief county assessment officer discovers an error or mistake in the assessment (other than errors of judgment as to the valuation of the property), he or she shall issue to the person erroneously assessed a certificate setting forth the nature of the error and the cause or causes of the error. In any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an owner fails to file an application for any homestead exemption provided under Article 15 during the previous assessment year and qualifies for the exemption, the Chief County Assessment Officer pursuant to this Section, or the Board of Review pursuant to Section 16-75, shall issue a certificate of error setting forth the correct taxable valuation of the property. The certificate, when properly endorsed by the majority of the board of review, showing their concurrence, and not otherwise, may be used in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction, and when so introduced in evidence, shall become a part of the court record and shall not be removed from the files except on an order of the court.
(Source: P.A. 96-522, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/14-25

    (35 ILCS 200/14-25)
    Sec. 14-25. Certificate of error; tax exempt property. If an exemption is approved by the Department or by a final court decision in proceedings to review an exemption decision of the Department under the Administrative Review Law then a certificate of error shall be issued under Section 14-15 or 14-20 if one of the following is met:
    (a) If the property became eligible for the exemption at an earlier time, a certificate of error shall be issued for the period of eligibility, but in no event, except as otherwise provided in this subsection (a), for more than the 3 assessment years immediately preceding the assessment year for which the exemption was approved. A certificate of error shall be issued for the period of eligibility, but in no event for more than the 5 assessment years immediately preceding the assessment year for which the exemption was approved, if the municipality requests the certificate of error before January 1, 1995.
    (b) If the property is subsequently erroneously assessed as non-exempt, that error shall be remedied by the issuance of a certificate of error.
    (c) If the owner failed to file an application for exemption, or a certificate of status under Section 15-10, for an assessment year following the assessment year for which the exemption was approved and the property remains eligible for exemption for the following year.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)

35 ILCS 200/14-30

    (35 ILCS 200/14-30)
    Sec. 14-30. Hearings on revisions or corrections; public records. In all counties, all hearings held by the chief county assessment officer in support of or in opposition to a proposed revision or correction in assessed valuation shall be open to the public. All files maintained by the chief county assessment officer relating to the assessed valuation of any property, and all complaints, supporting documents, and other evidence submitted by the complainant shall be available for public inspection during regular office hours of the chief county assessment officer.
    If a property owner wishes to support his or her request for a revision or correction of valuation by facts set forth in income tax returns, he or she shall submit the entire return to the chief county assessment officer. However, only the portions of the return relating to the property for which a revision or correction is requested shall be a public record. If requested by the chief county assessment officer, the property owner shall execute a consent in favor of the chief county assessment officer instructing the taxing body with which the income tax return was filed to furnish a certified copy of the return so that the accuracy of the copy submitted to the chief county assessment officer may be verified.
    The chief county assessment officer shall promptly furnish to any person copies of all complaints, supporting documents and other evidence submitted by a complainant, subject to the foregoing qualification, and all public records of the chief county assessment officer for a fee of 35 cents per page of legal size or smaller and $1 for each larger page.
(Source: P.A. 77-1709; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/14-35

    (35 ILCS 200/14-35)
    Sec. 14-35. Hearings by county assessor; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor each year shall sit for the purpose of revising the assessments. The time of the sittings shall be set by the county assessor by notice as herein provided after the assessment books for one or more townships or taxing districts have been completed. The assessments for one or more townships or taxing districts may be revised at any sitting which may be adjourned from day to day as necessary. At least one week before each sitting the county assessor shall publish a notice, in some newspaper of general circulation published in the county, of the time and place of the sitting, the township or townships, taxing district or taxing districts for which the assessments will be considered at the sitting, and the time within which applications for revisions of assessment may be made by taxpayers. The county assessor shall, upon completion of the revision of assessments for any township or taxing district, deliver the assessment books for the township or taxing district to the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning on the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter).
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/14-40

    (35 ILCS 200/14-40)
    Sec. 14-40. Addition of uncollected tax to tax for subsequent year. If the tax or assessment on property liable to taxation is prevented from being collected for any year or years, by a reason other than administrative error, the amount of the tax or assessment which should have been paid may be added to the tax on the property for any subsequent year, in columns designating the year or years. "Administrative error" includes but is not limited to failure to include an extension for a taxing district on the tax bill, an error in the calculations of tax rates or extensions or any other mathematical error by the county clerk, or a defective coding by the county, but does not include a failure by the county to send a tax bill to the taxpayer, the failure by the taxpayer to notify the assessor of a change in the tax-exempt status of property, or any error concerning the assessment of the property.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-617, eff. 9-1-96.)

35 ILCS 200/14-41

    (35 ILCS 200/14-41)
    Sec. 14-41. Notice and collection of arrearages of property taxes. If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes due to an administrative error, the county may not bill, collect, claim a lien for, or sell the arrearages of taxes for tax years earlier than the 2 most recent tax years, including the current tax year. If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes due to an administrative error, the county collector shall send the taxpayer, by certified mail, a notice that the arrearages of taxes are owed by the taxpayer. If the notice is mailed to the taxpayer on or before October 1 in any year, then (i) the county collector may send a separate bill for the arrearages of taxes, which may be due no sooner than 30 days after the due date for the next installment of taxes or (ii) the arrearages of taxes may be added to the tax bill for the following year, in which case the taxes are due in 2 equal installments on June 1 and September 1 in the following year unless the county has adopted an accelerated method of billing in which case the arrearages of taxes may be billed separately and shall be due in equal installments on the dates on which each installment of taxes is due in the following year. If the notice is mailed after October 1 in any year, then the arrearages of taxes are to be added to the tax bill for the second year after the notice and are due in 2 equal installments on June 1 and September 1 in the second year after the notice unless the county has adopted an accelerated method of billing in which case the arrearages of taxes may be billed separately and shall be due in equal installments on the dates on which each installment of taxes is due in the second year after the notice. In no event shall the due dates on the arrearages of taxes be in more than one tax year. The arrearages of taxes added to a tax bill under this Section are to be listed separately on the tax bill. "Administrative error" includes but is not limited to failure to include an extension for a taxing district on the tax bill, an error in the calculations of tax rates or extensions or any other mathematical error by the county clerk, or a defective coding by the county, but does not include a failure by the county to send a tax bill to the taxpayer, the failure by the taxpayer to notify the assessor of a change in the tax-exempt status of property, or any error concerning the assessment of the property.
(Source: P.A. 98-286, eff. 1-1-14.)

35 ILCS 200/14-45

    (35 ILCS 200/14-45)
    Sec. 14-45. Correction of assessment books by county clerk. Before delivery of the assessment books to the assessor for use in making the assessment of the next year, each county clerk shall correct all errors of whatsoever kind which he or she may discover, and add the name of the owner, if known, when it does not already appear, and the description of all property which has been omitted and is liable to taxation.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 4 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 15

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 15 heading)
Article 15. Exemptions

35 ILCS 200/15-5

    (35 ILCS 200/15-5)
    Sec. 15-5. Creation of exemptions.
    (a) Any person wishing to claim an exemption for the first time, other than those entities applying under subsection (b) or persons claiming a homestead exemption under Sections 15-165 through 15-180, shall file an application with the county board of review or board of appeals, following the procedures of Section 16-70 or 16-130. In addition, in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more, the board of review shall transmit to the county assessor's office, within 14 days of receipt, a copy of any application that requests exempt status under Section 15-40.
    (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, all properties owned by the entities listed in this subsection and held for future development are exempt from property taxes. Persons applying for an exemption under this subsection are not required to follow the procedures set forth in Section 16-70 or 16-130. To claim an exemption under this subsection, the entities listed below must submit the following documentation to the county board of review: (i) a recorded deed vesting title in the entity and identifying the legal description and property index number for the exempt property; and (ii) an affidavit of use signed by an authorized signor or agent for the entity attesting that the property is being held for future development. Once the board of review confirms that it has received true and accurate copies of the documentation identified in this subsection, the exemption is granted without further review from the Department. If an exemption is approved, the board of review shall direct the county assessor to correct the assessment to reflect the exemption. The decision of the board of review is a final administrative decision subject to review under the Administrative Review Law. The exemption approval process set forth in this subsection shall apply to property owned by any of the following entities and held for future development:
        (1) County of Cook d/b/a Cook County Land Bank
        (2) South Suburban Land Bank and Development
Authority; or
        (3) Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority.
(Source: P.A. 102-815, eff. 5-13-22.)

35 ILCS 200/15-10

    (35 ILCS 200/15-10)
    Sec. 15-10. Exempt property; procedures for certification.
    (a) All property granted an exemption by the Department pursuant to the requirements of Section 15-5 and described in the Sections following Section 15-30 and preceding Section 16-5, to the extent therein limited, is exempt from taxation. In order to maintain that exempt status, the titleholder or the owner of the beneficial interest of any property that is exempt must file with the chief county assessment officer, on or before January 31 of each year (May 31 in the case of property exempted by Section 15-170), an affidavit stating whether there has been any change in the ownership or use of the property, the status of the owner-resident, the satisfaction by a relevant hospital entity of the condition for an exemption under Section 15-86, or that a veteran with a disability who qualifies under Section 15-165 owned and used the property as of January 1 of that year. The nature of any change shall be stated in the affidavit. Failure to file an affidavit shall, in the discretion of the assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption of that property, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code. Owners of 5 or more such exempt parcels within a county may file a single annual affidavit in lieu of an affidavit for each parcel. The assessment officer, upon request, shall furnish an affidavit form to the owners, in which the owner may state whether there has been any change in the ownership or use of the property or status of the owner or resident as of January 1 of that year. The owner of 5 or more exempt parcels shall list all the properties giving the same information for each parcel as required of owners who file individual affidavits.
    (b) However, titleholders or owners of the beneficial interest in any property exempted under any of the following provisions are not required to submit an annual filing under this Section:
        (1) Section 15-45 (burial grounds) in counties of
less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and owned by a not-for-profit organization.
        (2) Section 15-40.
        (3) Section 15-50 (United States property).
    (c) If there is a change in use or ownership, however, notice must be filed pursuant to Section 15-20.
    (d) An application for homestead exemptions shall be filed as provided in Section 15-170 (senior citizens homestead exemption), Section 15-172 (low-income senior citizens assessment freeze homestead exemption), and Sections 15-175 (general homestead exemption), 15-176 (general alternative homestead exemption), and 15-177 (long-time occupant homestead exemption), respectively.
    (e) For purposes of determining satisfaction of the condition for an exemption under Section 15-86:
        (1) The "year for which exemption is sought" is the
year prior to the year in which the affidavit is due.
        (2) The "hospital year" is the fiscal year of the
relevant hospital entity, or the fiscal year of one of the hospitals in the hospital system if the relevant hospital entity is a hospital system with members with different fiscal years, that ends in the year prior to the year in which the affidavit is due. However, if that fiscal year ends 3 months or less before the date on which the affidavit is due, the relevant hospital entity shall file an interim affidavit based on the currently available information, and shall file a supplemental affidavit within 90 days of date on which the application was due, if the information in the relevant hospital entity's audited financial statements changes the interim affidavit's statement concerning the entity's compliance with the calculation required by Section 15-86.
        (3) The affidavit shall be accompanied by an exhibit
prepared by the relevant hospital entity showing (A) the value of the relevant hospital entity's services and activities, if any, under items (1) through (7) of subsection (e) of Section 15-86, stated separately for each item, and (B) the value relating to the relevant hospital entity's estimated property tax liability under paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) of item (1) of subsection (g) of Section 15-86; under paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) of item (2) of subsection (g) of Section 15-86; and under item (3) of subsection (g) of Section 15-86.
(Source: P.A. 102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)

35 ILCS 200/15-15

    (35 ILCS 200/15-15)
    Sec. 15-15. Obligation to file copies of leases or agreements. If any property listed as exempt by the chief county assessment officer is leased, loaned or otherwise made available for profit, the titleholder or the owner of the beneficial interest shall file with the assessment officer a copy of all such leases or agreements and a complete description of the premises, so the chief county assessment officer can ascertain the exact size and location of the premises in order to create a tax parcel. Failure to file such leases, agreements or descriptions shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-895; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-20

    (35 ILCS 200/15-20)
    Sec. 15-20. Notification requirements after change in use or ownership. If any property listed as exempt by the chief county assessment officer has a change in use, a change in leasehold estate, or a change in titleholder of record by purchase, grant, taking or transfer, it is the obligation of the transferee to notify the chief county assessment officer in writing within 90 days of the change. If mailed, the notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall include the name and address of the taxpayer, the legal description of the property, the address of the property, and the permanent index number of the property where such number exists. If notice is provided in person, it shall be provided on a form prescribed by the chief county assessment officer, and the chief county assessment officer shall provide a date stamped copy of the notice. Except as provided in item (6) of subsection (a) of Section 9-260, item (6) of Section 16-135, and item (6) of Section 16-140 of this Code, if the failure to give such notification results in the assessment officer listing the property as exempt in subsequent years, the property shall be considered omitted property for purposes of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 96-1553, eff. 3-10-11.)

35 ILCS 200/15-25

    (35 ILCS 200/15-25)
    Sec. 15-25. Removal of exemptions. If the Department determines that any property has been unlawfully exempted from taxation, or is no longer entitled to exemption, the Department shall, before January 1 of any year, direct the chief county assessment officer to assess the property and return it to the assessment rolls for the next assessment year. The Department shall give notice of its decision to the owner of the property by certified mail. The decision shall be subject to review and hearing under Section 8-35, upon application by the owner filed within 60 days after the notice of decision is mailed. However, the extension of taxes on the assessment shall not be delayed by any proceedings under this Section. If the property is determined to be exempt, any taxes extended upon the assessment shall be abated or, if already paid, be refunded.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

35 ILCS 200/15-30

    (35 ILCS 200/15-30)
    Sec. 15-30. Payment to taxing districts for services. Any taxing district may enter into a mutually acceptable agreement with the owner of any exempt property whereby the owner agrees to make payments to the taxing district for the direct and indirect cost of services provided by the district. However, an agreement is not required to establish tax exempt status for the property, nor shall a taxing district use the absence of an agreement to defer or delay zoning changes, site exceptions from zoning, or other administrative measures to coerce an owner of property exempt from taxation to enter into an agreement to make voluntary payments in lieu of property taxes for the direct or indirect costs of services provided by the taxing district. However, any such zoning change, site exception from zoning, or other variance or special use granted by a municipality shall be reversed and returned to its prior status if the property is acquired by a taxable entity or used for a taxable purpose within 10 years after the change in zoning, site exception from zoning, or other variance or special use is granted. No agreement may be of more than 5 years duration, survive a change of use, or require payments in excess of taxes reasonably calculated to be due if such an agreement were not in effect and the property were not granted an exemption. An agreement may be renewed for periods of no more than 5 years.
(Source: P.A. 87-895; 87-1189; 88-455; incorporates 88-234; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/15-35

    (35 ILCS 200/15-35)
    Sec. 15-35. Schools. All property donated by the United States for school purposes, and all property of schools, not sold or leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, is exempt, whether owned by a resident or non-resident of this State or by a corporation incorporated in any state of the United States. Also exempt is:
        (a) property of schools which is leased to a
municipality to be used for municipal purposes on a not-for-profit basis;
        (b) property of schools on which the schools are
located and any other property of schools used by the schools exclusively for school purposes, including, but not limited to, student residence halls, dormitories and other housing facilities for students and their spouses and children, staff housing facilities, and school-owned and operated dormitory or residence halls occupied in whole or in part by students who belong to fraternities, sororities, or other campus organizations;
        (c) property donated, granted, received or used for
public school, college, theological seminary, university, or other educational purposes, whether held in trust or absolutely;
        (d) in counties with more than 200,000 inhabitants
which classify property, property (including interests in land and other facilities) on or adjacent to (even if separated by a public street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or other public way) the grounds of a school, if that property is used by an academic, research or professional society, institute, association or organization which serves the advancement of learning in a field or fields of study taught by the school and which property is not used with a view to profit;
        (e) property owned by a school district. The
exemption under this subsection is not affected by any transaction in which, for the purpose of obtaining financing, the school district, directly or indirectly, leases or otherwise transfers the property to another for which or whom property is not exempt and immediately after the lease or transfer enters into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the school district a right to use, control, and possess the property. In the case of a conveyance of the property, the school district must retain an option to purchase the property at a future date or, within the limitations period for reverters, the property must revert back to the school district.
            (1) If the property has been conveyed as
described in this subsection, the property is no longer exempt under this Section as of the date when:
                (A) the right of the school district to use,
control, and possess the property is terminated;
                (B) the school district no longer has an
option to purchase or otherwise acquire the property; and
                (C) there is no provision for a reverter of
the property to the school district within the limitations period for reverters.
            (2) Pursuant to Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this
Code, the school district shall notify the chief county assessment officer of any transaction under this subsection. The chief county assessment officer shall determine initial and continuing compliance with the requirements of this subsection for tax exemption. Failure to notify the chief county assessment officer of a transaction under this subsection or to otherwise comply with the requirements of Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
            (3) No provision of this subsection shall be
construed to affect the obligation of the school district to which an exemption certificate has been issued under this Section from its obligation under Section 15-10 of this Code to file an annual certificate of status or to notify the chief county assessment officer of transfers of interest or other changes in the status of the property as required by this Code.
            (4) The changes made by this amendatory Act of
the 91st General Assembly are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment; and
        (f) in counties with more than 200,000 inhabitants
which classify property, property of a corporation, which is an exempt entity under paragraph (3) of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor law, used by the corporation for the following purposes: (1) conducting continuing education for professional development of personnel in energy-related industries; (2) maintaining a library of energy technology information available to students and the public free of charge; and (3) conducting research in energy and environment, which research results could be ultimately accessible to persons involved in education.
(Source: P.A. 91-513, eff. 8-13-99; 91-578, eff. 8-14-99; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

35 ILCS 200/15-37

    (35 ILCS 200/15-37)
    Sec. 15-37. Educational trade schools. Property that is owned by a non-profit trust fund and used exclusively for the purposes of educating and training individuals for occupational, trade, and technical careers and is certified by the United States Department of Labor as registered with the Office of Apprenticeship is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)

35 ILCS 200/15-40

    (35 ILCS 200/15-40)
    Sec. 15-40. Religious purposes, orphanages, or school and religious purposes.
    (a) Property used exclusively for:
        (1) religious purposes, or
        (2) school and religious purposes, or
        (3) orphanages
qualifies for exemption as long as it is not used with a view to profit.
    (b) Property that is owned by
        (1) churches or
        (2) religious institutions or
        (3) religious denominations
and that is used in conjunction therewith as housing facilities provided for ministers (including bishops, district superintendents and similar church officials whose ministerial duties are not limited to a single congregation), their spouses, children and domestic workers, performing the duties of their vocation as ministers at such churches or religious institutions or for such religious denominations, including the convents and monasteries where persons engaged in religious activities reside also qualifies for exemption.
    A parsonage, convent or monastery or other housing facility shall be considered under this Section to be exclusively used for religious purposes when the persons who perform religious related activities shall, as a condition of their employment or association, reside in the facility.
    (c) In Cook County, whenever any interest in a property exempt under this Section is transferred, notice of that transfer must be filed with the county clerk. The chief county assessment officer shall prepare and make available a form notice for this purpose. Whenever a notice is filed, the county clerk shall transmit a copy of that recorded notice to the chief county assessment officer within 14 days after receipt.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/15-45

    (35 ILCS 200/15-45)
    Sec. 15-45. Cemetery purposes. All property used exclusively for cemetery purposes is exempt. Property used exclusively for cemetery purposes includes cemetery grounds and improvements such as offices, maintenance buildings, mausoleums, and other structures in which human or cremated remains are buried, interred, entombed, or inurned and real property that is used exclusively in the establishment, operation, administration, preservation, security, repair, or maintenance of the cemetery.
(Source: P.A. 92-733, eff. 7-25-02.)

35 ILCS 200/15-50

    (35 ILCS 200/15-50)
    Sec. 15-50. United States property. All property of the United States is exempt, except such property as the United States has permitted or may permit to be taxed.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1549, 1554, 2219, and 2224; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-55

    (35 ILCS 200/15-55)
    Sec. 15-55. State property.
    (a) All property belonging to the State of Illinois is exempt. However, the State agency holding title shall file the certificate of ownership and use required by Section 15-10, together with a copy of any written lease or agreement, in effect on March 30 of the assessment year, concerning parcels of 1 acre or more, or an explanation of the terms of any oral agreement under which the property is leased, subleased or rented.
    The leased property shall be assessed to the lessee and the taxes thereon extended and billed to the lessee, and collected in the same manner as for property which is not exempt. The lessee shall be liable for the taxes and no lien shall attach to the property of the State.
    For the purposes of this Section, the word "leases" includes licenses, franchises, operating agreements and other arrangements under which private individuals, associations or corporations are granted the right to use property of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and includes all property of the Authority used by others without regard to the size of the leased parcel.
    (b) However, all property of every kind belonging to the State of Illinois, which is or may hereafter be leased to the Illinois Prairie Path Corporation, shall be exempt from all assessments, taxation or collection, despite the making of any such lease, if it is used for:
        (1) conservation, nature trail or any other
charitable, scientific, educational or recreational purposes with public benefit, including the preserving and aiding in the preservation of natural areas, objects, flora, fauna or biotic communities;
        (2) the establishment of footpaths, trails and other
protected areas;
        (3) the conservation of the proper use of natural
resources or the promotion of the study of plant and animal communities and of other phases of ecology, natural history and conservation;
        (4) the promotion of education in the fields of
nature, preservation and conservation; or
        (5) similar public recreational activities conducted
by the Illinois Prairie Path Corporation.
    No lien shall attach to the property of the State. No tax liability shall become the obligation of or be enforceable against Illinois Prairie Path Corporation.
    (c) If the State sells the James R. Thompson Center or the Elgin Mental Health Center and surrounding land located at 750 S. State Street, Elgin, Illinois, as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of Section 7.4 of the State Property Control Act, to another entity whose property is not exempt and immediately thereafter enters into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the State a right to use, control, and possess the property, that portion of the property leased and occupied exclusively by the State shall remain exempt under this Section. For the property to remain exempt under this subsection (c), the State must retain an option to purchase the property at a future date or, within the limitations period for reverters, the property must revert back to the State.
    If the property has been conveyed as described in this subsection (c), the property is no longer exempt pursuant to this Section as of the date when:
        (1) the right of the State to use, control, and
possess the property has been terminated; or
        (2) the State no longer has an option to purchase or
otherwise acquire the property and there is no provision for a reverter of the property to the State within the limitations period for reverters.
    Pursuant to Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code, the State shall notify the chief county assessment officer of any transaction under this subsection (c). The chief county assessment officer shall determine initial and continuing compliance with the requirements of this Section for tax exemption. Failure to notify the chief county assessment officer of a transaction under this subsection (c) or to otherwise comply with the requirements of Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
    (c-1) If the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority sells the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority headquarters building and surrounding land, located at 2700 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of Section 7.5 of the State Property Control Act, to another entity whose property is not exempt and immediately thereafter enters into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the State or the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority a right to use, control, and possess the property, that portion of the property leased and occupied exclusively by the State or the Authority shall remain exempt under this Section. For the property to remain exempt under this subsection (c), the Authority must retain an option to purchase the property at a future date or, within the limitations period for reverters, the property must revert back to the Authority.
    If the property has been conveyed as described in this subsection (c), the property is no longer exempt pursuant to this Section as of the date when:
        (1) the right of the State or the Authority to use,
control, and possess the property has been terminated; or
        (2) the Authority no longer has an option to purchase
or otherwise acquire the property and there is no provision for a reverter of the property to the Authority within the limitations period for reverters.
    Pursuant to Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code, the Authority shall notify the chief county assessment officer of any transaction under this subsection (c). The chief county assessment officer shall determine initial and continuing compliance with the requirements of this Section for tax exemption. Failure to notify the chief county assessment officer of a transaction under this subsection (c) or to otherwise comply with the requirements of Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
    (d) For tax years prior to 2019, the fair market rent of each parcel of real property in Will County owned by the State of Illinois for the purpose of developing an airport by the Department of Transportation shall include the assessed value of leasehold tax. The lessee of each parcel of real property in Will County owned by the State of Illinois for the purpose of developing an airport by the Department of Transportation shall not be liable for the taxes thereon. In order for the State to compensate taxing districts for the loss of revenue under this paragraph, the Will County Supervisor of Assessments shall annually certify, in writing, to the Department of Transportation, the following amounts: (1) for tax years prior to 2019, the amount of leasehold taxes extended for the 2002 property tax year for each such exempt parcel; and (2) for tax years 2019 through 2030, the amount of taxes that would have been extended for the current tax year for each such exempt parcel if those parcels had been owned by a person whose property is not exempt. The Department of Transportation shall pay to the Will County Treasurer, from the Tax Recovery Fund, on or before July 1 of each year, the amount certified by the Will County Supervisor of Assessments. The tax compensation shall terminate on December 31, 2030. It is the duty of the Department of Transportation to file with the Office of the Will County Supervisor of Assessments an affidavit stating the termination date for rental of each such parcel due to airport construction. The affidavit shall include the property identification number for each such parcel. In no instance shall tax compensation for property owned by the State be deemed delinquent or bear interest. In no instance shall a lien attach to the property of the State. In no instance shall the State be required to pay compensation under this subsection in excess of the lesser of (i) the Tax Recovery Fund's balance or (ii) $600,000 in any tax year.
    (e) Public Act 81-1026 applies to all leases or agreements entered into or renewed on or after September 24, 1979.
    (f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Code, all property owned by the State that is the Illiana Expressway, as defined in the Public Private Agreements for the Illiana Expressway Act, and that is used for transportation purposes and that is leased for those purposes to another entity whose property is not exempt shall remain exempt, and any leasehold interest in the property shall not be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 of this Act.
    (g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, all property owned by the State or the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority that is defined as a transportation project under the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act and that is used for transportation purposes and that is leased for those purposes to another entity whose property is not exempt shall remain exempt, and any leasehold interest in the property shall not be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 of this Act.
    (h) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Code, all property owned by the State that is the South Suburban Airport, as defined in the Public-Private Agreements for the South Suburban Airport Act, and that is used for airport purposes and that is leased for those purposes to another entity whose property is not exempt shall remain exempt, and any leasehold interest in the property shall not be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 101-532, eff. 8-23-19.)

35 ILCS 200/15-60

    (35 ILCS 200/15-60)
    Sec. 15-60. Taxing district property. All property belonging to any county or municipality used exclusively for the maintenance of the poor is exempt, as is all property owned by a taxing district that is being held for future expansion or development, except if leased by the taxing district to lessees for use for other than public purposes.
    Also exempt are:
        (a) all swamp or overflowed lands belonging to any
        (b) all public buildings belonging to any county,
township, or municipality, with the ground on which the buildings are erected;
        (c) all property owned by any municipality located
within its incorporated limits. Any such property leased by a municipality shall remain exempt, and the leasehold interest of the lessee shall be assessed under Section 9-195 of this Act, (i) for a lease entered into on or after January 1, 1994, unless the lease expressly provides that this exemption shall not apply; (ii) for a lease entered into on or after the effective date of Public Act 87-1280 and before January 1, 1994, unless the lease expressly provides that this exemption shall not apply or unless evidence other than the lease itself substantiates the intent of the parties to the lease that this exemption shall not apply; and (iii) for a lease entered into before the effective date of Public Act 87-1280, if the terms of the lease do not bind the lessee to pay the taxes on the leased property or if, notwithstanding the terms of the lease, the municipality has filed or hereafter files a timely exemption petition or complaint with respect to property consisting of or including the leased property for an assessment year which includes part or all of the first 12 months of the lease period. The foregoing clause (iii) added by Public Act 87-1280 shall not operate to exempt property for any assessment year as to which no timely exemption petition or complaint has been filed by the municipality or as to which an administrative or court decision denying exemption has become final and nonappealable. For each assessment year or portion thereof that property is made exempt by operation of the foregoing clause (iii), whether such year or portion is before or after the effective date of Public Act 87-1280, the leasehold interest of the lessee shall, if necessary, be considered omitted property for purposes of this Act;
        (c-5) Notwithstanding clause (i) of subsection (c),
or any other law to the contrary, for a municipality with a population over 100,000, all property owned by the municipality, or property interests or rights held by the municipality, regardless of whether such property, interests, or rights are, in whole or in part, within or without its corporate limits, that is used for toll road or toll bridge purposes and that is leased or licensed for those purposes to another entity whose property or property interests or rights are not exempt shall remain exempt, and any leasehold interest in such property, interest, or rights shall not be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 of this Code;
        (d) all property owned by any municipality located
outside its incorporated limits but within the same county when used as a tuberculosis sanitarium, farm colony in connection with a house of correction, or nursery, garden, or farm, or for the growing of shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables, and plants for use in beautifying, maintaining, and operating playgrounds, parks, parkways, public grounds, buildings, and institutions owned or controlled by the municipality;
        (e) all property owned by a township and operated as
senior citizen housing under Sections 35-50 through 35-50.6 of the Township Code; and
        (f) all property owned by the Executive Board of the
Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS), a unit of intergovernmental cooperation, that is used for the public purpose of disaster preparedness and response for units of local government and the State of Illinois pursuant to Section 10 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act.
    All property owned by any municipality outside of its corporate limits is exempt if used exclusively for municipal or public purposes.
    For purposes of this Section, "municipality" means a municipality, as defined in Section 1-1-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-398, eff. 8-16-19.)

35 ILCS 200/15-65

    (35 ILCS 200/15-65)
    Sec. 15-65. Charitable purposes. All property of the following is exempt when actually and exclusively used for charitable or beneficent purposes, and not leased or otherwise used with a view to profit:
        (a) Institutions of public charity.
        (b) Beneficent and charitable organizations
incorporated in any state of the United States, including organizations whose owner, and no other person, uses the property exclusively for the distribution, sale, or resale of donated goods and related activities and uses all the income from those activities to support the charitable, religious or beneficent activities of the owner, whether or not such activities occur on the property.
        (c) Old people's homes, facilities for persons with a
developmental disability, and not-for-profit organizations providing services or facilities related to the goals of educational, social and physical development, if, upon making application for the exemption, the applicant provides affirmative evidence that the home or facility or organization is an exempt organization under paragraph (3) of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor, and either: (i) the bylaws of the home or facility or not-for-profit organization provide for a waiver or reduction, based on an individual's ability to pay, of any entrance fee, assignment of assets, or fee for services, or (ii) the home or facility is qualified, built or financed under Section 202 of the National Housing Act of 1959, as amended.
        An applicant that has been granted an exemption under
this subsection on the basis that its bylaws provide for a waiver or reduction, based on an individual's ability to pay, of any entrance fee, assignment of assets, or fee for services may be periodically reviewed by the Department to determine if the waiver or reduction was a past policy or is a current policy. The Department may revoke the exemption if it finds that the policy for waiver or reduction is no longer current.
        If a not-for-profit organization leases property that
is otherwise exempt under this subsection to an organization that conducts an activity on the leased premises that would entitle the lessee to an exemption from real estate taxes if the lessee were the owner of the property, then the leased property is exempt.
        (d) Not-for-profit health maintenance organizations
certified by the Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance under the Health Maintenance Organization Act, including any health maintenance organization that provides services to members at prepaid rates approved by the Illinois Department of Insurance if the membership of the organization is sufficiently large or of indefinite classes so that the community is benefited by its operation. No exemption shall apply to any hospital or health maintenance organization which has been adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to have denied admission to any person because of race, color, creed, sex or national origin.
        (e) All free public libraries.
        (f) Historical societies.
    Property otherwise qualifying for an exemption under this Section shall not lose its exemption because the legal title is held (i) by an entity that is organized solely to hold that title and that qualifies under paragraph (2) of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor, whether or not that entity receives rent from the charitable organization for the repair and maintenance of the property, (ii) by an entity that is organized as a partnership or limited liability company, in which the charitable organization, or an affiliate or subsidiary of the charitable organization, is a general partner of the partnership or managing member of the limited liability company, for the purposes of owning and operating a residential rental property that has received an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits for 100% of the dwelling units under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or (iii) for any assessment year including and subsequent to January 1, 1996 for which an application for exemption has been filed and a decision on which has not become final and nonappealable, by a limited liability company organized under the Limited Liability Company Act provided that (A) the limited liability company's sole member or members, as that term is used in Section 1-5 of the Limited Liability Company Act, are the institutions of public charity that actually and exclusively use the property for charitable and beneficent purposes; (B) the limited liability company is a disregarded entity for federal and Illinois income tax purposes and, as a result, the limited liability company is deemed exempt from income tax liability by virtue of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) status of its sole member or members; and (C) the limited liability company does not lease the property or otherwise use it with a view to profit.
(Source: P.A. 96-763, eff. 8-25-09.)

35 ILCS 200/15-66

    (35 ILCS 200/15-66)
    Sec. 15-66. Library systems and public library districts. All property used exclusively for public purposes belonging to a library system established under the Illinois Library System Act or belonging to a public library district established under the Public Library District Act of 1991 is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 91-897, eff. 7-6-00.)

35 ILCS 200/15-70

    (35 ILCS 200/15-70)
    Sec. 15-70. Fire protection purposes. All property used exclusively for fire protection purposes and belonging to any city, village, or incorporated town is exempt.
    All property of a corporation or an association which maintains a fire patrol and salvage corps for the public benefit is exempt if the property is:
        (a) used exclusively for providing suitable rooms,
housing and storage facilities for fire and rescue equipment, and
        (b) necessary for the accommodation of a fire patrol
and salvage corps, or otherwise used exclusively for the purpose of the fire patrol and salvage corps, and
        (c) used to provide a service that is rendered
indiscriminately and without charge to the public, except reasonable charges for the use of fire covers after the lapse of 10 days following the occurrence of loss or damage.
    If a portion of the property of the corporation or association is used exclusively for fire protection purposes, the property shall be exempt only to the extent of the value of that portion, and the remaining portion shall be subject to taxation.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-75

    (35 ILCS 200/15-75)
    Sec. 15-75. Municipal corporations. All market houses, public squares and other public grounds owned by a municipal corporation and used exclusively for public purposes are exempt.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 1725; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-80

    (35 ILCS 200/15-80)
    Sec. 15-80. Installment purchase of property by a governmental body. All property that is being purchased by a governmental body under an installment contract pursuant to statutory authority and used exclusively for the public purposes of the governmental body is exempt, except such property as the governmental body has permitted or may permit to be taxed.
(Source: P.A. 83-1371; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-85

    (35 ILCS 200/15-85)
    Sec. 15-85. Agricultural or horticultural societies. All property used exclusively by societies for agricultural or horticultural purposes, and not used with a view to profit, is exempt.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1549, 1554, 2219, and 2224; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-86

    (35 ILCS 200/15-86)
    Sec. 15-86. Exemptions related to access to hospital and health care services by low-income and underserved individuals.
    (a) The General Assembly finds:
        (1) Despite the Supreme Court's decision in Provena Covenant Medical Center v. Dept. of Revenue, 236
Ill.2d 368, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the test for charitable property tax exemption, especially regarding the application of a quantitative or monetary threshold. In Provena, the Department stated that the primary basis for its decision was the hospital's inadequate amount of charitable activity, but the Department has not articulated what constitutes an adequate amount of charitable activity. After Provena, the Department denied property tax exemption applications of 3 more hospitals, and, on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, at least 20 other hospitals are awaiting rulings on applications for property tax exemption.
        (2) In Provena, two Illinois Supreme Court justices opined
that "setting a monetary or quantum standard is a complex decision which should be left to our legislature, should it so choose". The Appellate Court in Provena stated: "The language we use in the State of Illinois to determine whether real property is used for a charitable purpose has its genesis in our 1870 Constitution. It is obvious that such language may be difficult to apply to the modern face of our nation's health care delivery systems". The court noted the many significant changes in the health care system since that time, but concluded that taking these changes into account is a matter of public policy, and "it is the legislature's job, not ours, to make public policy".
        (3) It is essential to ensure that tax exemption law
relating to hospitals accounts for the complexities of the modern health care delivery system. Health care is moving beyond the walls of the hospital. In addition to treating individual patients, hospitals are assuming responsibility for improving the health status of communities and populations. Low-income and underserved communities benefit disproportionately by these activities.
        (4) The Supreme Court has explained that: "the
fundamental ground upon which all exemptions in favor of charitable institutions are based is the benefit conferred upon the public by them, and a consequent relief, to some extent, of the burden upon the state to care for and advance the interests of its citizens". Hospitals relieve the burden of government in many ways, but most significantly through their participation in and substantial financial subsidization of the Illinois Medicaid program, which could not operate without the participation and partnership of Illinois hospitals.
        (5) Working with the Illinois hospital community and
other interested parties, the General Assembly has developed a comprehensive combination of related legislation that addresses hospital property tax exemption, significantly increases access to free health care for indigent persons, and strengthens the Medical Assistance program. It is the intent of the General Assembly to establish a new category of ownership for charitable property tax exemption to be applied to not-for-profit hospitals and hospital affiliates in lieu of the existing ownership category of "institutions of public charity". It is also the intent of the General Assembly to establish quantifiable standards for the issuance of charitable exemptions for such property. It is not the intent of the General Assembly to declare any property exempt ipso facto, but rather to establish criteria to be applied to the facts on a case-by-case basis.
    (b) For the purpose of this Section and Section 15-10, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
        (1) "Hospital" means any institution, place,
building, buildings on a campus, or other health care facility located in Illinois that is licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act and has a hospital owner.
        (2) "Hospital owner" means a not-for-profit
corporation that is the titleholder of a hospital, or the owner of the beneficial interest in an Illinois land trust that is the titleholder of a hospital.
        (3) "Hospital affiliate" means any corporation,
partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, association or other organization, other than a hospital owner, that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with one or more hospital owners and that supports, is supported by, or acts in furtherance of the exempt health care purposes of at least one of those hospital owners' hospitals.
        (4) "Hospital system" means a hospital and one or
more other hospitals or hospital affiliates related by common control or ownership.
        (5) "Control" relating to hospital owners, hospital
affiliates, or hospital systems means possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the entity, whether through ownership of assets, membership interest, other voting or governance rights, by contract or otherwise.
        (6) "Hospital applicant" means a hospital owner or
hospital affiliate that files an application for a property tax exemption pursuant to Section 15-5 and this Section.
        (7) "Relevant hospital entity" means (A) the hospital
owner, in the case of a hospital applicant that is a hospital owner, and (B) at the election of a hospital applicant that is a hospital affiliate, either (i) the hospital affiliate or (ii) the hospital system to which the hospital applicant belongs, including any hospitals or hospital affiliates that are related by common control or ownership.
        (8) "Subject property" means property for which a
hospital applicant files an application for an exemption pursuant to Section 15-5 and this Section.
        (9) "Hospital year" means the fiscal year of the
relevant hospital entity, or the fiscal year of one of the hospital owners in the hospital system if the relevant hospital entity is a hospital system with members with different fiscal years, that ends in the year for which the exemption is sought.
    (c) A hospital applicant satisfies the conditions for an exemption under this Section with respect to the subject property, and shall be issued a charitable exemption for that property, if the value of services or activities listed in subsection (e) for the hospital year equals or exceeds the relevant hospital entity's estimated property tax liability, as determined under subsection (g), for the year for which exemption is sought. For purposes of making the calculations required by this subsection (c), if the relevant hospital entity is a hospital owner that owns more than one hospital, the value of the services or activities listed in subsection (e) shall be calculated on the basis of only those services and activities relating to the hospital that includes the subject property, and the relevant hospital entity's estimated property tax liability shall be calculated only with respect to the properties comprising that hospital. In the case of a multi-state hospital system or hospital affiliate, the value of the services or activities listed in subsection (e) shall be calculated on the basis of only those services and activities that occur in Illinois and the relevant hospital entity's estimated property tax liability shall be calculated only with respect to its property located in Illinois.
    Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, any parcel or portion thereof, that is owned by a for-profit entity whether part of the hospital system or not, or that is leased, licensed or operated by a for-profit entity regardless of whether healthcare services are provided on that parcel shall not qualify for exemption. If a parcel has both exempt and non-exempt uses, an exemption may be granted for the qualifying portion of that parcel. In the case of parking lots and common areas serving both exempt and non-exempt uses those parcels or portions thereof may qualify for an exemption in proportion to the amount of qualifying use.
    (d) The hospital applicant shall include information in its exemption application establishing that it satisfies the requirements of subsection (c). For purposes of making the calculations required by subsection (c), the hospital applicant may for each year elect to use either (1) the value of the services or activities listed in subsection (e) for the hospital year or (2) the average value of those services or activities for the 3 fiscal years ending with the hospital year. If the relevant hospital entity has been in operation for less than 3 completed fiscal years, then the latter calculation, if elected, shall be performed on a pro rata basis.
    (e) Services that address the health care needs of low-income or underserved individuals or relieve the burden of government with regard to health care services. The following services and activities shall be considered for purposes of making the calculations required by subsection (c):
        (1) Charity care. Free or discounted services
provided pursuant to the relevant hospital entity's financial assistance policy, measured at cost, including discounts provided under the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act.
        (2) Health services to low-income and underserved
individuals. Other unreimbursed costs of the relevant hospital entity for providing without charge, paying for, or subsidizing goods, activities, or services for the purpose of addressing the health of low-income or underserved individuals. Those activities or services may include, but are not limited to: financial or in-kind support to affiliated or unaffiliated hospitals, hospital affiliates, community clinics, or programs that treat low-income or underserved individuals; paying for or subsidizing health care professionals who care for low-income or underserved individuals; providing or subsidizing outreach or educational services to low-income or underserved individuals for disease management and prevention; free or subsidized goods, supplies, or services needed by low-income or underserved individuals because of their medical condition; and prenatal or childbirth outreach to low-income or underserved persons.
        (3) Subsidy of State or local governments. Direct or
indirect financial or in-kind subsidies of State or local governments by the relevant hospital entity that pay for or subsidize activities or programs related to health care for low-income or underserved individuals.
        (4) Support for State health care programs for
low-income individuals. At the election of the hospital applicant for each applicable year, either (A) 10% of payments to the relevant hospital entity and any hospital affiliate designated by the relevant hospital entity (provided that such hospital affiliate's operations provide financial or operational support for or receive financial or operational support from the relevant hospital entity) under Medicaid or other means-tested programs, including, but not limited to, General Assistance, the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program or (B) the amount of subsidy provided by the relevant hospital entity and any hospital affiliate designated by the relevant hospital entity (provided that such hospital affiliate's operations provide financial or operational support for or receive financial or operational support from the relevant hospital entity) to State or local government in treating Medicaid recipients and recipients of means-tested programs, including but not limited to General Assistance, the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The amount of subsidy for purposes of this item (4) is calculated in the same manner as unreimbursed costs are calculated for Medicaid and other means-tested government programs in the Schedule H of IRS Form 990 in effect on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly; provided, however, that in any event unreimbursed costs shall be net of fee-for-services payments, payments pursuant to an assessment, quarterly payments, and all other payments included on the schedule H of the IRS form 990.
        (5) Dual-eligible subsidy. The amount of subsidy
provided to government by treating dual-eligible Medicare/Medicaid patients. The amount of subsidy for purposes of this item (5) is calculated by multiplying the relevant hospital entity's unreimbursed costs for Medicare, calculated in the same manner as determined in the Schedule H of IRS Form 990 in effect on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, by the relevant hospital entity's ratio of dual-eligible patients to total Medicare patients.
        (6) Relief of the burden of government related to
health care of low-income individuals. Except to the extent otherwise taken into account in this subsection, the portion of unreimbursed costs of the relevant hospital entity attributable to providing, paying for, or subsidizing goods, activities, or services that relieve the burden of government related to health care for low-income individuals. Such activities or services shall include, but are not limited to, providing emergency, trauma, burn, neonatal, psychiatric, rehabilitation, or other special services; providing medical education; and conducting medical research or training of health care professionals. The portion of those unreimbursed costs attributable to benefiting low-income individuals shall be determined using the ratio calculated by adding the relevant hospital entity's costs attributable to charity care, Medicaid, other means-tested government programs, Medicare patients with disabilities under age 65, and dual-eligible Medicare/Medicaid patients and dividing that total by the relevant hospital entity's total costs. Such costs for the numerator and denominator shall be determined by multiplying gross charges by the cost to charge ratio taken from the hospitals' most recently filed Medicare cost report (CMS 2252-10 Worksheet C, Part I). In the case of emergency services, the ratio shall be calculated using costs (gross charges multiplied by the cost to charge ratio taken from the hospitals' most recently filed Medicare cost report (CMS 2252-10 Worksheet C, Part I)) of patients treated in the relevant hospital entity's emergency department.
        (7) Any other activity by the relevant hospital
entity that the Department determines relieves the burden of government or addresses the health of low-income or underserved individuals.
    (f) For purposes of making the calculations required by subsections (c) and (e):
        (1) particular services or activities eligible for
consideration under any of the paragraphs (1) through (7) of subsection (e) may not be counted under more than one of those paragraphs; and
        (2) the amount of unreimbursed costs and the amount
of subsidy shall not be reduced by restricted or unrestricted payments received by the relevant hospital entity as contributions deductible under Section 170(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    (g) Estimation of Exempt Property Tax Liability. The estimated property tax liability used for the determination in subsection (c) shall be calculated as follows:
        (1) "Estimated property tax liability" means the
estimated dollar amount of property tax that would be owed, with respect to the exempt portion of each of the relevant hospital entity's properties that are already fully or partially exempt, or for which an exemption in whole or in part is currently being sought, and then aggregated as applicable, as if the exempt portion of those properties were subject to tax, calculated with respect to each such property by multiplying:
            (A) the lesser of (i) the actual assessed value,
if any, of the portion of the property for which an exemption is sought or (ii) an estimated assessed value of the exempt portion of such property as determined in item (2) of this subsection (g), by:
            (B) the applicable State equalization rate
(yielding the equalized assessed value), by
            (C) the applicable tax rate.
        (2) The estimated assessed value of the exempt
portion of the property equals the sum of (i) the estimated fair market value of buildings on the property, as determined in accordance with subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this item (2), multiplied by the applicable assessment factor, and (ii) the estimated assessed value of the land portion of the property, as determined in accordance with subparagraph (C).
            (A) The "estimated fair market value of buildings
on the property" means the replacement value of any exempt portion of buildings on the property, minus depreciation, determined utilizing the cost replacement method whereby the exempt square footage of all such buildings is multiplied by the replacement cost per square foot for Class A Average building found in the most recent edition of the Marshall & Swift Valuation Services Manual, adjusted by any appropriate current cost and local multipliers.
            (B) Depreciation, for purposes of calculating the
estimated fair market value of buildings on the property, is applied by utilizing a weighted mean life for the buildings based on original construction and assuming a 40-year life for hospital buildings and the applicable life for other types of buildings as specified in the American Hospital Association publication "Estimated Useful Lives of Depreciable Hospital Assets". In the case of hospital buildings, the remaining life is divided by 40 and this ratio is multiplied by the replacement cost of the buildings to obtain an estimated fair market value of buildings. If a hospital building is older than 35 years, a remaining life of 5 years for residual value is assumed; and if a building is less than 8 years old, a remaining life of 32 years is assumed.
            (C) The estimated assessed value of the land
portion of the property shall be determined by multiplying (i) the per square foot average of the assessed values of three parcels of land (not including farm land, and excluding the assessed value of the improvements thereon) reasonably comparable to the property, by (ii) the number of square feet comprising the exempt portion of the property's land square footage.
        (3) The assessment factor, State equalization rate,
and tax rate (including any special factors such as Enterprise Zones) used in calculating the estimated property tax liability shall be for the most recent year that is publicly available from the applicable chief county assessment officer or officers at least 90 days before the end of the hospital year.
        (4) The method utilized to calculate estimated
property tax liability for purposes of this Section 15-86 shall not be utilized for the actual valuation, assessment, or taxation of property pursuant to the Property Tax Code.
    (h) Application. Each hospital applicant applying for a property tax exemption pursuant to Section 15-5 and this Section shall use an application form provided by the Department. The application form shall specify the records required in support of the application and those records shall be submitted to the Department with the application form. Each application or affidavit shall contain a verification by the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital applicant under oath or affirmation stating that each statement in the application or affidavit and each document submitted with the application or affidavit are true and correct. The records submitted with the application pursuant to this Section shall include an exhibit prepared by the relevant hospital entity showing (A) the value of the relevant hospital entity's services and activities, if any, under paragraphs (1) through (7) of subsection (e) of this Section stated separately for each paragraph, and (B) the value relating to the relevant hospital entity's estimated property tax liability under subsections (g)(1)(A), (B), and (C), subsections (g)(2)(A), (B), and (C), and subsection (g)(3) of this Section stated separately for each item. Such exhibit will be made available to the public by the chief county assessment officer. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as limiting the Attorney General's authority under the Illinois False Claims Act.
    (i) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the ability of otherwise eligible hospitals, hospital owners, hospital affiliates, or hospital systems to obtain or maintain property tax exemptions pursuant to a provision of the Property Tax Code other than this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

35 ILCS 200/15-90

    (35 ILCS 200/15-90)
    Sec. 15-90. Military schools and academies. All property of military schools and academies is exempt, including buildings, equipment and lands, not exceeding 10 acres, if used exclusively for school purposes and wherein military science and instruction are part of the course of study and are regularly taught, and where there is detailed by the Department of the Army at Washington, D. C., an officer from the United States Army, as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and the graduates of which are eligible to appointment as Brevet Second Lieutenants in the Illinois National Guard, or are eligible to appointment as Second Lieutenants in the Officers' Reserve Corps of the United States Army.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1549, 1554, 2219, and 2224; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-95

    (35 ILCS 200/15-95)
    Sec. 15-95. Housing authorities.
    (a) All property of housing authorities created under the Housing Authorities Act is exempt, if the property and improvements are used for low rent housing and related uses. However, property or portions thereof intended or used for stores or other commercial purposes are not exempt. Nothing herein shall exempt property of housing authorities or any part thereof from special assessments or special taxation for local improvements. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed as limiting the power of any political subdivision of this State to sell or furnish a housing authority with water, electricity, gas, or other services and facilities under the same basis that those services and facilities are rendered to others under similar circumstances.
    (b) Property otherwise qualifying for an exemption under this Section shall not lose its exemption because the legal title is held by either: (i) an entity that is organized as a partnership or limited liability company, in which the housing authority, or an affiliate or subsidiary of the housing authority, is a general partner of the partnership or managing member of the limited liability company; or (ii) an entity that is organized as a partnership or limited liability company, in which the housing authority, or an affiliate or subsidiary of the housing authority, is a general partner of the partnership or managing member of the limited liability company, for the purposes of owning and operating a residential rental property that has received an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits for 100% of the dwelling units under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 97-451, eff. 8-19-11.)

35 ILCS 200/15-100

    (35 ILCS 200/15-100)
    Sec. 15-100. Public transportation systems.
    (a) All property belonging to any municipal corporation created for the sole purpose of owning and operating a transportation system for public service is exempt.
    (b) Property owned by (i) a municipal corporation of 500,000 or more inhabitants, used for public transportation purposes, and operated by the Chicago Transit Authority; (ii) the Regional Transportation Authority; (iii) any service board or division of the Regional Transportation Authority; (iv) the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation; or (v) the Chicago Transit Authority shall be exempt. For purposes of this Section alone, the Regional Transportation Authority, any service board or division of the Regional Transportation Authority, the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation, the Chicago Transit Authority, or a municipal corporation, as defined in item (i), shall be deemed an "eligible transportation authority". The exemption provided in this subsection shall not be affected by any transaction in which, for the purpose of obtaining financing, the eligible transportation authority, directly or indirectly, leases or otherwise transfers such property to another whose property is not exempt and immediately thereafter enters into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the eligible transportation authority a right to use, control, and possess the property. In the case of a conveyance of such property, the eligible transportation authority must retain an option to purchase the property at a future date or, within the limitations period for reverters, the property must revert back to the eligible transportation authority.
    (c) If such property has been conveyed as described in subsection (b), the property will no longer be exempt pursuant to this Section as of the date when:
        (1) the right of the eligible transportation
authority to use, control, and possess the property has been terminated;
        (2) the eligible transportation authority no longer
has an option to purchase or otherwise acquire the property; and
        (3) there is no provision for a reverter of the
property to the eligible transportation authority within the limitations period for reverters.
    (d) Pursuant to Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code, the eligible transportation authority shall notify the chief county assessment officer of any transaction under subsection (b) of this Section. The chief county assessment officer shall determine initial and continuing compliance with the requirements of this Section for tax exemption. Failure to notify the chief county assessment officer of a transaction under this Section or to otherwise comply with the requirements of Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
    (e) No provision of this Section shall be construed to affect the obligation of the eligible transportation authority to which an exemption certificate has been issued under this Section from its obligation under Section 15-10 of this Code to file an annual certificate of status or to notify the chief county assessment officer of transfers of interest or other changes in the status of the property as required by this Code.
    (f) The changes made by this amendatory Act of 1997 are declarative of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 90-562, eff. 12-16-97.)

35 ILCS 200/15-103

    (35 ILCS 200/15-103)
    Sec. 15-103. Bi-State Development Agency.
    (a) Property owned by the Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District is exempt.
    (b) The exemption under this Section is not affected by any transaction in which, for the purpose of obtaining financing, the Agency, directly or indirectly, leases or otherwise transfers the property to another for which or whom property is not exempt and immediately after the lease or transfer enters into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the Agency a right to use, control, and possess the property. In the case of a conveyance of the property, the Agency must retain an option to purchase the property at a future date or, within the limitations period for reverters, the property must revert back to the Agency.
    (c) If the property has been conveyed as described in subsection (b), the property is no longer exempt under this Section as of the date when:
        (1) the right of the Agency to use, control, and
possess the property is terminated;
        (2) the Agency no longer has an option to purchase or
otherwise acquire the property; and
        (3) there is no provision for a reverter of the
property to the Agency within the limitations period for reverters.
    (d) Pursuant to Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code, the Agency shall notify the chief county assessment officer of any transaction under subsection (b). The chief county assessment officer shall determine initial and continuing compliance with the requirements of this Section for tax exemption. Failure to notify the chief county assessment officer of a transaction under this Section or to otherwise comply with the requirements of Sections 15-15 and 15-20 of this Code shall, in the discretion of the chief county assessment officer, constitute cause to terminate the exemption, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
    (e) No provision of this Section shall be construed to affect the obligation of the Agency under Section 15-10 of this Code to file an annual certificate of status or to notify the chief county assessment officer of transfers of interest or other changes in the status of the property as required by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-513, eff. 8-13-99.)

35 ILCS 200/15-105

    (35 ILCS 200/15-105)
    Sec. 15-105. Park and conservation districts.
    (a) All property within a park or conservation district with 2,000,000 or more inhabitants and owned by that district is exempt, as is all property located outside the district but owned by it and used as a nursery, garden, or farm for the growing of shrubs, trees, flowers and plants for use in beautifying, maintaining and operating playgrounds, parks, parkways, public grounds, and buildings owned or controlled by the district.
    (b) All property belonging to any park or conservation district with less than 2,000,000 inhabitants is exempt. All property leased to such park district for $1 or less per year and used exclusively as open space for recreational purposes not exceeding 50 acres in the aggregate for each district is exempt.
    (c) All property belonging to a park district organized pursuant to the Metro-East Park and Recreation District Act is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 91-103, eff. 7-13-99; 91-490, eff. 8-13-99; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

35 ILCS 200/15-110

    (35 ILCS 200/15-110)
    Sec. 15-110. Municipal building corporations. All property of any municipal corporation created for the purpose of providing buildings, or space therein, and other facilities to or for the use of municipal corporations and other governmental agencies, including, but not limited to, any Public Building Commission created under the Public Building Commission Act, is exempt.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1549, 1554, 2219, and 2224; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-115

    (35 ILCS 200/15-115)
    Sec. 15-115. Municipal power agencies. Property that is part of a project owned by a municipal power agency organized under Division 119.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 83-997; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-120

    (35 ILCS 200/15-120)
    Sec. 15-120. Municipal natural gas agencies. Property that is part of a project owned by a municipal natural gas agency organized under Division 119.2 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 84-1221; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-125

    (35 ILCS 200/15-125)
    Sec. 15-125. Parking areas.
    (a) Parking areas, not leased or used for profit other than those lease or rental agreements subject to subsection (b) of this Section, when used as a part of a use for which an exemption is provided by this Code and owned by any school district, non-profit hospital, school, or religious or charitable institution which meets the qualifications for exemption, are exempt.
    (b) Parking areas owned by any religious institution that meets the qualifications for exemption, when leased or rented to a mass transportation entity for the limited free parking of the commuters of the mass transportation entity, are exempt.
    (c) Parking areas owned by any religious institution that meets the qualifications for exemption, when leased or rented to a municipality for the purpose of providing free public parking, are exempt, so long as the lease is for no more than nominal consideration. For purposes of this Section, maintenance and insurance of the parking areas by the municipality shall be considered nominal consideration.
(Source: P.A. 100-455, eff. 8-25-17.)

35 ILCS 200/15-130

    (35 ILCS 200/15-130)
    Sec. 15-130. Municipal corporations providing railroad terminals. All property of any municipal corporation created for provision of railroad terminals, railroad terminal facilities and the approaches to them, is exempt including, but not limited to, any Railroad Terminal Authority created under the Railroad Terminal Authority Act.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1549, 1554, 2219, and 2224; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-135

    (35 ILCS 200/15-135)
    Sec. 15-135. School districts and community college districts. All property of public school districts or public community college districts not leased by those districts or otherwise used with a view to profit is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 83-1312; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-140

    (35 ILCS 200/15-140)
    Sec. 15-140. Public water districts and water and drainage works. All property belonging to any public water district organized or existing under the Public Water District Act is exempt, as is all property belonging exclusively to any incorporated town, village or city, and used exclusively for conveying water to the incorporated town, village or city, and all property of drainage districts, when used exclusively for pumping water from the ditches and drains of the district for drainage purposes.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 4030; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-141

    (35 ILCS 200/15-141)
    Sec. 15-141. Water commission property. All property belonging to any water commission organized or existing under joint acquisition and operation of a water supply and waterworks system, a common source of supply of water, or both, as provided in Division 135 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 100-1187, eff. 1-1-20.)

35 ILCS 200/15-143

    (35 ILCS 200/15-143)
    Sec. 15-143. Metropolitan Water Reclamation Districts in counties with a population greater than 3,000,000.
    (a) All property that is located in a county with a population greater than 3,000,000 and that is owned by a metropolitan water reclamation district in a county with a population greater than 3,000,000 is exempt. Any such property leased to an entity that is not exempt shall remain exempt, and the leasehold interest of the lessee shall be assessed under Section 9-195 of this Code. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly are declaratory of existing law.
    (b) Property that is owned by a metropolitan water reclamation district in a county with a population greater than 3,000,000 is exempt, and the leasehold interest is exempt, if the property is:
        (1) located in Will County; and
        (2) leased to the Will County Forest Preserve
District for a de minimis amount for use for public purposes.
(Source: P.A. 93-767, eff. 7-20-04; 94-1086, eff. 1-19-07.)

35 ILCS 200/15-145

    (35 ILCS 200/15-145)
    Sec. 15-145. Property of veterans' organizations. All property of veterans' organizations used exclusively for charitable, patriotic and civic purposes is exempt.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 4030; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-150

    (35 ILCS 200/15-150)
    Sec. 15-150. Forest preserve districts. All property belonging to any forest preserve district organized or existing under the laws of this State and any property as described in Section 18.6d of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act is exempt.
(Source: P.A. 87-1191; 88-455; incorporates 88-503; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/15-151

    (35 ILCS 200/15-151)
    Sec. 15-151. Joliet Arsenal Development Authority. All property owned by the Joliet Arsenal Development Authority is exempt. Any property owned by the Joliet Arsenal Development Authority and leased to an entity that is not exempt shall remain exempt. The leasehold interest of the lessee shall be assessed under Section 9-195 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 93-421, eff. 8-5-03.)

35 ILCS 200/15-155

    (35 ILCS 200/15-155)
    Sec. 15-155. Port districts. All property belonging to the Chicago Regional Port District or any other port district created by the legislature of this State is exempt. However, a tax may be levied upon a lessee of such property based on the value of a leasehold estate separate and apart from the fee, or upon improvements constructed and owned by others than the Port District.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3370; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-160

    (35 ILCS 200/15-160)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 97-1161, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 15-160. Airport authorities and airports.
    (a) All property belonging to any Airport Authority and used for Airport Authority purposes or leased to another entity, which property use would be exempt from taxation under this Code if it were owned by the lessee entity, is exempt. However, the provision added by Public Act 86-219 shall not apply to any property of any Airport Authority located in a county with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants. Property acquired for airport purposes by an Authority shall remain subject to any tax previously levied to pay bonds issued and outstanding on the date of acquisition.
    (b) Also exempt is any airport or restricted land area or other air navigation facility owned, controlled, operated or leased by another state or a political subdivision of another state under the provisions of Sections 25.01 to 25.04, both inclusive, of the "Illinois Aeronautics Act". However if at the time of the acquisition of property to be used for public airport purposes the city, village, township or school district, in which said property is located is indebted for any amount for payment of which it provided for the collection of taxes, the property acquired for public airport purposes shall be subject to taxation for the payment of said indebtedness in the same proportion as said property bore to the taxable property in said city, village, township or school district immediately before the acquisition thereof, according to the last assessment for taxation.
    (c) If property of the Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County is leased to a fixed base operator that provides aeronautical services to the public, then those leasehold interests and any improvements thereon are exempt.
(Source: P.A. 97-1161, eff. 6-1-13.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 97-1161, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 15-160. Airport authorities and airports. All property belonging to any Airport Authority and used for Airport Authority purposes or leased to another entity, which property use would be exempt from taxation under this Code if it were owned by the lessee entity, is exempt. However, the provision added by Public Act 86-219 shall not apply to any property of any Airport Authority located in a county with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants. Property acquired for airport purposes by an Authority shall remain subject to any tax previously levied to pay bonds issued and outstanding on the date of acquisition.
    Also exempt is any airport or restricted land area or other air navigation facility owned, controlled, operated or leased by another state or a political subdivision of another state under the provisions of Sections 25.01 to 25.04, both inclusive, of the "Illinois Aeronautics Act". However if at the time of the acquisition of property to be used for public airport purposes the city, village, township or school district, in which said property is located is indebted for any amount for payment of which it provided for the collection of taxes, the property acquired for public airport purposes shall be subject to taxation for the payment of said indebtedness in the same proportion as said property bore to the taxable property in said city, village, township or school district immediately before the acquisition thereof, according to the last assessment for taxation.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/15-165

    (35 ILCS 200/15-165)
    Sec. 15-165. Veterans with disabilities. Property up to an assessed value of $100,000, owned and used exclusively by a veteran with a disability, or the spouse or unmarried surviving spouse of the veteran, as a home, is exempt. As used in this Section, a "veteran with a disability" means a person who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States and whose disability is of such a nature that the Federal Government has authorized payment for purchase or construction of Specially Adapted Housing as set forth in the United States Code, Title 38, Chapter 21, Section 2101.
    The exemption applies to housing where Federal funds have been used to purchase or construct special adaptations to suit the veteran's disability.
    The exemption also applies to housing that is specially adapted to suit the veteran's disability, and purchased entirely or in part by the proceeds of a sale, casualty loss reimbursement, or other transfer of a home for which the Federal Government had previously authorized payment for purchase or construction as Specially Adapted Housing.
    However, the entire proceeds of the sale, casualty loss reimbursement, or other transfer of that housing shall be applied to the acquisition of subsequent specially adapted housing to the extent that the proceeds equal the purchase price of the subsequently acquired housing.
    Beginning with the 2015 tax year, the exemption also applies to housing that is specifically constructed or adapted to suit a qualifying veteran's disability if the housing or adaptations are donated by a charitable organization, the veteran has been approved to receive funds for the purchase or construction of Specially Adapted Housing under Title 38, Chapter 21, Section 2101 of the United States Code, and the home has been inspected and certified by a licensed home inspector to be in compliance with applicable standards set forth in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration Pamphlet 26-13 Handbook for Design of Specially Adapted Housing.
    For purposes of this Section, "charitable organization" means any benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or eleemosynary entity that solicits and collects funds for charitable purposes and includes each local, county, or area division of that charitable organization.
    For purposes of this Section, "unmarried surviving spouse" means the surviving spouse of the veteran at any time after the death of the veteran during which such surviving spouse is not married.
    This exemption must be reestablished on an annual basis by certification from the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs to the Department, which shall forward a copy of the certification to local assessing officials.
    A taxpayer who claims an exemption under Section 15-168 or 15-169 may not claim an exemption under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-1145, eff. 12-30-14; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

35 ILCS 200/15-167

    (35 ILCS 200/15-167)
    Sec. 15-167. Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption.
    (a) Beginning with taxable year 2007, a homestead exemption, limited to a reduction set forth under subsection (b), from the property's value, as equalized or assessed by the Department, is granted for property that is owned and occupied as the principal residence of a veteran returning from an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States who is liable for paying real estate taxes on the property and is an owner of record of the property or has a legal or equitable interest therein as evidenced by a written instrument, except for a leasehold interest, other than a leasehold interest of land on which a single family residence is located, which is occupied as the principal residence of a veteran returning from an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States who has an ownership interest therein, legal, equitable or as a lessee, and on which he or she is liable for the payment of property taxes. For purposes of the exemption under this Section, "veteran" means an Illinois resident who has served as a member of the United States Armed Forces, a member of the Illinois National Guard, or a member of the United States Reserve Forces.
    (b) In all counties, the reduction is $5,000 for the taxable year in which the veteran returns from active duty in an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States; however, if the veteran first acquires his or her principal residence during the taxable year in which he or she returns, but after January 1 of that year, and if the property is owned and occupied by the veteran as a principal residence on January 1 of the next taxable year, he or she may apply the exemption for the next taxable year, and only the next taxable year, after he or she returns. Beginning in taxable year 2010, the reduction shall also be allowed for the taxable year after the taxable year in which the veteran returns from active duty in an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States. For land improved with an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, must be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a veteran returning from an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States who is liable, by contract with the owner or owners of record, for paying property taxes on the property and is an owner of record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building, other than a leasehold interest. In a cooperative where a homestead exemption has been granted, the cooperative association or the management firm of the cooperative or facility shall credit the savings resulting from that exemption only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner or resident who qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the savings is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (c) Application must be made during the application period in effect for the county of his or her residence. The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of residential property to receive the homestead exemption provided by this Section by application, visual inspection, questionnaire, or other reasonable methods. The determination must be made in accordance with guidelines established by the Department.
    (d) The exemption under this Section is in addition to any other homestead exemption provided in this Article 15. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 96-1288, eff. 7-26-10; 96-1418, eff. 8-2-10; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)

35 ILCS 200/15-168

    (35 ILCS 200/15-168)
    Sec. 15-168. Homestead exemption for persons with disabilities.
    (a) Beginning with taxable year 2007, an annual homestead exemption is granted to persons with disabilities in the amount of $2,000, except as provided in subsection (c), to be deducted from the property's value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue. The person with a disability shall receive the homestead exemption upon meeting the following requirements:
        (1) The property must be occupied as the primary
residence by the person with a disability.
        (2) The person with a disability must be liable for
paying the real estate taxes on the property.
        (3) The person with a disability must be an owner of
record of the property or have a legal or equitable interest in the property as evidenced by a written instrument. In the case of a leasehold interest in property, the lease must be for a single family residence.
    A person who has a disability during the taxable year is eligible to apply for this homestead exemption during that taxable year. Application must be made during the application period in effect for the county of residence. If a homestead exemption has been granted under this Section and the person awarded the exemption subsequently becomes a resident of a facility licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, then the exemption shall continue (i) so long as the residence continues to be occupied by the qualifying person's spouse or (ii) if the residence remains unoccupied but is still owned by the person qualified for the homestead exemption.
    (b) For the purposes of this Section, "person with a disability" means a person unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. Persons with disabilities filing claims under this Act shall submit proof of disability in such form and manner as the Department shall by rule and regulation prescribe. Proof that a claimant is eligible to receive disability benefits under the Federal Social Security Act shall constitute proof of disability for purposes of this Act. Issuance of an Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card stating that the claimant is under a Class 2 disability, as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois Identification Card Act, shall constitute proof that the person named thereon is a person with a disability for purposes of this Act. A person with a disability not covered under the Federal Social Security Act and not presenting an Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card stating that the claimant is under a Class 2 disability shall be examined by a physician, optometrist (if the person qualifies because of a visual disability), advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant designated by the Department, and his status as a person with a disability determined using the same standards as used by the Social Security Administration. The costs of any required examination shall be borne by the claimant.
    (c) For land improved with (i) an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative or (ii) a life care facility as defined under Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act that is considered to be a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized or assessed by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a person with a disability. The person with a disability shall receive the homestead exemption upon meeting the following requirements:
        (1) The property must be occupied as the primary
residence by the person with a disability.
        (2) The person with a disability must be liable by
contract with the owner or owners of record for paying the apportioned property taxes on the property of the cooperative or life care facility. In the case of a life care facility, the person with a disability must be liable for paying the apportioned property taxes under a life care contract as defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act.
        (3) The person with a disability must be an owner of
record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building. A leasehold interest does not meet this requirement.
If a homestead exemption is granted under this subsection, the cooperative association or management firm shall credit the savings resulting from the exemption to the apportioned tax liability of the qualifying person with a disability. The chief county assessment officer may request reasonable proof that the association or firm has properly credited the exemption. A person who willfully refuses to credit an exemption to the qualified person with a disability is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (d) The chief county assessment officer shall determine the eligibility of property to receive the homestead exemption according to guidelines established by the Department. After a person has received an exemption under this Section, an annual verification of eligibility for the exemption shall be mailed to the taxpayer.
    In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer shall provide to each person granted a homestead exemption under this Section a form to designate any other person to receive a duplicate of any notice of delinquency in the payment of taxes assessed and levied under this Code on the person's qualifying property. The duplicate notice shall be in addition to the notice required to be provided to the person receiving the exemption and shall be given in the manner required by this Code. The person filing the request for the duplicate notice shall pay an administrative fee of $5 to the chief county assessment officer. The assessment officer shall then file the executed designation with the county collector, who shall issue the duplicate notices as indicated by the designation. A designation may be rescinded by the person with a disability in the manner required by the chief county assessment officer.
    (d-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2019 taxable year, provided that:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2020 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2019;
        (3) the exemption for the 2019 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the applicant for the 2019 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2019 or 2020 taxable years.
    (d-10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2021 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, if:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2021 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2020;
        (3) the exemption for the 2020 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the taxpayer for the 2020 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2020 or 2021 taxable years.
    (d-15) For taxable years 2022 through 2027, in any county of more than 3,000,000 residents, and in any other county where the county board has authorized such action by ordinance or resolution, a chief county assessment officer may renew this exemption for any person who applied for the exemption and presented proof of eligibility, as described in subsection (b), without an annual application as required under subsection (d). A chief county assessment officer shall not automatically renew an exemption under this subsection if: the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, optometrist, or physician assistant who examined the claimant determined that the disability is not expected to continue for 12 months or more; the exemption has been deemed erroneous since the last application; or the claimant has reported their ineligibility to receive the exemption. A chief county assessment officer who automatically renews an exemption under this subsection shall notify a person of a subsequent determination not to automatically renew that person's exemption and shall provide that person with an application to renew the exemption.
    (e) A taxpayer who claims an exemption under Section 15-165 or 15-169 may not claim an exemption under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-136, eff. 7-23-21; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

35 ILCS 200/15-169

    (35 ILCS 200/15-169)
    Sec. 15-169. Homestead exemption for veterans with disabilities and veterans of World War II.
    (a) Beginning with taxable year 2007, an annual homestead exemption, limited as provided in this Section, is granted for property that is used as a qualified residence by a veteran with a disability, and beginning with taxable year 2024, an annual homestead exemption, limited to the amounts set forth in subsection (b-4), is granted for property that is used as a qualified residence by a veteran who was a member of the United States Armed Forces during World War II.
    (b) For taxable years prior to 2015, the amount of the exemption under this Section is as follows:
        (1) for veterans with a service-connected disability
of at least (i) 75% for exemptions granted in taxable years 2007 through 2009 and (ii) 70% for exemptions granted in taxable year 2010 and each taxable year thereafter, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the annual exemption is $5,000; and
        (2) for veterans with a service-connected disability
of at least 50%, but less than (i) 75% for exemptions granted in taxable years 2007 through 2009 and (ii) 70% for exemptions granted in taxable year 2010 and each taxable year thereafter, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the annual exemption is $2,500.
    (b-3) For taxable years 2015 through 2022:
        (1) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 30% or more but less than 50%, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, then the annual exemption is $2,500;
        (2) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 50% or more but less than 70%, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, then the annual exemption is $5,000;
        (3) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 70% or more, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, then the property is exempt from taxation under this Code; and
        (4) (Blank).
    (b-3.1) For taxable year 2023 and thereafter:
        (1) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 30% or more but less than 50%, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as of the date the application is submitted for the exemption under this Section for the applicable taxable year, then the annual exemption is $2,500;
        (2) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 50% or more but less than 70%, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as of the date the application is submitted for the exemption under this Section for the applicable taxable year, then the annual exemption is $5,000;
        (3) if the veteran has a service connected disability
of 70% or more, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as of the date the application is submitted for the exemption under this Section for the applicable taxable year, then the first $250,000 in equalized assessed value of the property is exempt from taxation under this Code; and
        (4) if the taxpayer is the surviving spouse of a
veteran whose death was determined to be service-connected and who is certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as a recipient of dependency and indemnity compensation under federal law as of the date the application is submitted for the exemption under this Section for the applicable taxable year, then the first $250,000 in equalized assessed value of the property is also exempt from taxation under this Code.
    This amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly shall not be used as the basis for any appeal filed with the chief county assessment officer, the board of review, the Property Tax Appeal Board, or the circuit court with respect to the scope or meaning of the exemption under this Section for a tax year prior to tax year 2023.
    (b-4) For taxable years on or after 2024, if the veteran was a member of the United States Armed Forces during World War II, then the property is exempt from taxation under this Code regardless of the veteran's level of disability.
    (b-5) If a homestead exemption is granted under this Section and the person awarded the exemption subsequently becomes a resident of a facility licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act or a facility operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, then the exemption shall continue (i) so long as the residence continues to be occupied by the qualifying person's spouse or (ii) if the residence remains unoccupied but is still owned by the person who qualified for the homestead exemption.
    (c) The tax exemption under this Section carries over to the benefit of the veteran's surviving spouse as long as the spouse holds the legal or beneficial title to the homestead, permanently resides thereon, and does not remarry. If the surviving spouse sells the property, an exemption not to exceed the amount granted from the most recent ad valorem tax roll may be transferred to his or her new residence as long as it is used as his or her primary residence and he or she does not remarry.
    As used in this subsection (c):
        (1) for taxable years prior to 2015, "surviving
spouse" means the surviving spouse of a veteran who obtained an exemption under this Section prior to his or her death;
        (2) for taxable years 2015 through 2022, "surviving
spouse" means (i) the surviving spouse of a veteran who obtained an exemption under this Section prior to his or her death and (ii) the surviving spouse of a veteran who was killed in the line of duty at any time prior to the expiration of the application period in effect for the exemption for the taxable year for which the exemption is sought; and
        (3) for taxable year 2023 and thereafter, "surviving
spouse" means: (i) the surviving spouse of a veteran who obtained the exemption under this Section prior to his or her death; (ii) the surviving spouse of a veteran who was killed in the line of duty at any time prior to the expiration of the application period in effect for the exemption for the taxable year for which the exemption is sought; (iii) the surviving spouse of a veteran who did not obtain an exemption under this Section before death, but who would have qualified for the exemption under this Section in the taxable year for which the exemption is sought if he or she had survived, and whose surviving spouse has been a resident of Illinois from the time of the veteran's death through the taxable year for which the exemption is sought; and (iv) the surviving spouse of a veteran whose death was determined to be service-connected, but who would not otherwise qualify under item (i), (ii), or (iii), if the spouse (A) is certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as a recipient of dependency and indemnity compensation under federal law at any time prior to the expiration of the application period in effect for the exemption for the taxable year for which the exemption is sought and (B) remains eligible for that dependency and indemnity compensation as of January 1 of the taxable year for which the exemption is sought.
    (c-1) Beginning with taxable year 2015, nothing in this Section shall require the veteran to have qualified for or obtained the exemption before death if the veteran was killed in the line of duty.
    (d) The exemption under this Section applies for taxable year 2007 and thereafter. A taxpayer who claims an exemption under Section 15-165 or 15-168 may not claim an exemption under this Section.
    (e) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (e), each taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section must reapply on an annual basis, except that a veteran who qualifies as a result of his or her service in World War II need not reapply. Application must be made during the application period in effect for the county of his or her residence. The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of residential property to receive the homestead exemption provided by this Section by application, visual inspection, questionnaire, or other reasonable methods. The determination must be made in accordance with guidelines established by the Department.
    On and after May 23, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-895), if a veteran has a combined service connected disability rating of 100% and is deemed to be permanently and totally disabled, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section shall no longer be required to reapply for the exemption on an annual basis, and the exemption shall be in effect for as long as the exemption would otherwise be permitted under this Section.
    (e-1) If the person qualifying for the exemption does not occupy the qualified residence as of January 1 of the taxable year, the exemption granted under this Section shall be prorated on a monthly basis. The prorated exemption shall apply beginning with the first complete month in which the person occupies the qualified residence.
    (e-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2019 taxable year, provided that:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2020 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2019;
        (3) the exemption for the 2019 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the applicant for the 2019 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2019 or 2020 taxable years.
    Nothing in this subsection shall preclude a veteran whose service connected disability rating has changed since the 2019 exemption was granted from applying for the exemption based on the subsequent service connected disability rating.
    (e-10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2021 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, if:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2021 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2020;
        (3) the exemption for the 2020 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the taxpayer for the 2020 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2020 or 2021 taxable years.
    Nothing in this subsection shall preclude a veteran whose service connected disability rating has changed since the 2020 exemption was granted from applying for the exemption based on the subsequent service connected disability rating.
    (f) For the purposes of this Section:
    "Qualified residence" means, before tax year 2023, real property, but less any portion of that property that is used for commercial purposes, with an equalized assessed value of less than $250,000 that is the primary residence of a veteran with a disability. "Qualified residence" means, for tax year 2023 and thereafter, real property, but less any portion of that property that is used for commercial purposes, that is the primary residence of a veteran with a disability. Property rented for more than 6 months is presumed to be used for commercial purposes.
    "Service-connected disability" means an illness or injury (i) that was caused by or worsened by active military service, (ii) that is a current disability as of the date of the application for the exemption under this Section for the applicable tax year, as demonstrated by the veteran's United States Department of Veterans Affairs certification, and (iii) for which the veteran receives disability compensation.
    For tax years 2022 and prior, "veteran" means an Illinois resident who has served as a member of the United States Armed Forces on active duty or State active duty, a member of the Illinois National Guard, or a member of the United States Reserve Forces and who has received an honorable discharge. For taxable years 2023 and thereafter, "veteran" means an Illinois resident who has served as a member of the United States Armed Forces on active duty or State active duty, a member of the Illinois National Guard, or a member of the United States Reserve Forces and who has a service-connected disability, as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and receives disability compensation.
(Source: P.A. 102-136, eff. 7-23-21; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-596, eff. 7-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/15-170

    (35 ILCS 200/15-170)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 15-170. Senior citizens homestead exemption.
    (a) An annual homestead exemption limited, except as described here with relation to cooperatives or life care facilities, to a maximum reduction set forth below from the property's value, as equalized or assessed by the Department, is granted for property that is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years of age or older who is liable for paying real estate taxes on the property and is an owner of record of the property or has a legal or equitable interest therein as evidenced by a written instrument, except for a leasehold interest, other than a leasehold interest of land on which a single family residence is located, which is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years or older who has an ownership interest therein, legal, equitable or as a lessee, and on which he or she is liable for the payment of property taxes. Before taxable year 2004, the maximum reduction shall be $2,500 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $2,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2004 through 2005, the maximum reduction shall be $3,000 in all counties. For taxable years 2006 and 2007, the maximum reduction shall be $3,500. For taxable years 2008 through 2011, the maximum reduction is $4,000 in all counties. For taxable year 2012, the maximum reduction is $5,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $4,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2013 through 2016, the maximum reduction is $5,000 in all counties. For taxable years 2017 through 2022, the maximum reduction is $8,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2023 and thereafter, the maximum reduction is $8,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and counties that are contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5,000 in all other counties.
    (b) For land improved with an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a person 65 years of age or older who is liable, by contract with the owner or owners of record, for paying property taxes on the property and is an owner of record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building, other than a leasehold interest. For land improved with a life care facility, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by persons 65 years of age or older, irrespective of any legal, equitable, or leasehold interest in the facility, who are liable, under a contract with the owner or owners of record of the facility, for paying property taxes on the property. In a cooperative or a life care facility where a homestead exemption has been granted, the cooperative association or the management firm of the cooperative or facility shall credit the savings resulting from that exemption only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner or resident who qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the savings shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Under this Section and Sections 15-175, 15-176, and 15-177, "life care facility" means a facility, as defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act, with which the applicant for the homestead exemption has a life care contract as defined in that Act.
    (c) When a homestead exemption has been granted under this Section and the person qualifying subsequently becomes a resident of a facility licensed under the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the exemption shall continue so long as the residence continues to be occupied by the qualifying person's spouse if the spouse is 65 years of age or older, or if the residence remains unoccupied but is still owned by the person qualified for the homestead exemption.
    (d) A person who will be 65 years of age during the current assessment year shall be eligible to apply for the homestead exemption during that assessment year. Application shall be made during the application period in effect for the county of his residence.
    (e) Beginning with assessment year 2003, for taxes payable in 2004, property that is first occupied as a residence after January 1 of any assessment year by a person who is eligible for the senior citizens homestead exemption under this Section must be granted a pro-rata exemption for the assessment year. The amount of the pro-rata exemption is the exemption allowed in the county under this Section divided by 365 and multiplied by the number of days during the assessment year the property is occupied as a residence by a person eligible for the exemption under this Section. The chief county assessment officer must adopt reasonable procedures to establish eligibility for this pro-rata exemption.
    (f) The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of a life care facility to receive the benefits provided by this Section, by affidavit, application, visual inspection, questionnaire or other reasonable methods in order to insure that the tax savings resulting from the exemption are credited by the management firm to the apportioned tax liability of each qualifying resident. The assessor may request reasonable proof that the management firm has so credited the exemption.
    (g) The chief county assessment officer of each county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall provide to each person allowed a homestead exemption under this Section a form to designate any other person to receive a duplicate of any notice of delinquency in the payment of taxes assessed and levied under this Code on the property of the person receiving the exemption. The duplicate notice shall be in addition to the notice required to be provided to the person receiving the exemption, and shall be given in the manner required by this Code. The person filing the request for the duplicate notice shall pay a fee of $5 to cover administrative costs to the supervisor of assessments, who shall then file the executed designation with the county collector. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the filing of such an executed designation requires the county collector to provide duplicate notices as indicated by the designation. A designation may be rescinded by the person who executed such designation at any time, in the manner and form required by the chief county assessment officer.
    (h) The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of residential property to receive the homestead exemption provided by this Section by application, visual inspection, questionnaire or other reasonable methods. The determination shall be made in accordance with guidelines established by the Department.
    (i) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for taxable years 2010 through 2018, and beginning again in taxable year 2024, each taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section must reapply on an annual basis.
    If a reapplication is required, then the chief county assessment officer shall mail the application to the taxpayer at least 60 days prior to the last day of the application period for the county.
    For taxable years 2019 through 2023, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, a taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section need not reapply. However, if the property ceases to be qualified for the exemption under this Section in any year for which a reapplication is not required under this Section, then the owner of record of the property shall notify the chief county assessment officer that the property is no longer qualified. In addition, for taxable years 2019 through 2023, the chief county assessment officer of a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the county clerk of that county and the Department of Public Health, as well as any other appropriate governmental agency, to obtain information that documents the death of a taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the county clerk and the Department of Public Health shall provide that information to the chief county assessment officer. The Department of Public Health shall supply this information no less frequently than every calendar quarter. Information concerning the death of a taxpayer may be shared with the county treasurer. The chief county assessment officer shall also enter into a data exchange agreement with the Social Security Administration or its agent to obtain access to the information regarding deaths in possession of the Social Security Administration. The chief county assessment officer shall, subject to the notice requirements under subsection (m) of Section 9-275, terminate the exemption under this Section if the information obtained indicates that the property is no longer qualified for the exemption. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the assessor and the county recorder of deeds shall establish policies and practices for the regular exchange of information for the purpose of alerting the assessor whenever the transfer of ownership of any property receiving an exemption under this Section has occurred. When such a transfer occurs, the assessor shall mail a notice to the new owner of the property (i) informing the new owner that the exemption will remain in place through the year of the transfer, after which it will be canceled, and (ii) providing information pertaining to the rules for reapplying for the exemption if the owner qualifies. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the chief county assessment official shall conduct audits of all exemptions granted under this Section no later than December 31, 2022 and no later than December 31, 2024. The audit shall be designed to ascertain whether any senior homestead exemptions have been granted erroneously. If it is determined that a senior homestead exemption has been erroneously applied to a property, the chief county assessment officer shall make use of the appropriate provisions of Section 9-275 in relation to the property that received the erroneous homestead exemption.
    (j) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county board may by resolution provide that if a person has been granted a homestead exemption under this Section, the person qualifying need not reapply for the exemption.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if the assessor or chief county assessment officer requires annual application for verification of eligibility for an exemption once granted under this Section, the application shall be mailed to the taxpayer.
    (l) The assessor or chief county assessment officer shall notify each person who qualifies for an exemption under this Section that the person may also qualify for deferral of real estate taxes under the Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral Act. The notice shall set forth the qualifications needed for deferral of real estate taxes, the address and telephone number of county collector, and a statement that applications for deferral of real estate taxes may be obtained from the county collector.
    (m) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-453, eff. 8-23-19; 101-622, eff. 1-14-20; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 15-170. Senior citizens homestead exemption.
    (a) An annual homestead exemption limited, except as described here with relation to cooperatives or life care facilities, to a maximum reduction set forth below from the property's value, as equalized or assessed by the Department, is granted for property that is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years of age or older who is liable for paying real estate taxes on the property and is an owner of record of the property or has a legal or equitable interest therein as evidenced by a written instrument, except for a leasehold interest, other than a leasehold interest of land on which a single family residence is located, which is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years or older who has an ownership interest therein, legal, equitable or as a lessee, and on which he or she is liable for the payment of property taxes. Before taxable year 2004, the maximum reduction shall be $2,500 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $2,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2004 through 2005, the maximum reduction shall be $3,000 in all counties. For taxable years 2006 and 2007, the maximum reduction shall be $3,500. For taxable years 2008 through 2011, the maximum reduction is $4,000 in all counties. For taxable year 2012, the maximum reduction is $5,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $4,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2013 through 2016, the maximum reduction is $5,000 in all counties. For taxable years 2017 through 2022, the maximum reduction is $8,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2023 and thereafter, the maximum reduction is $8,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and counties that are contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5,000 in all other counties.
    (b) For land improved with an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a person 65 years of age or older who is liable, by contract with the owner or owners of record, for paying property taxes on the property and is an owner of record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building, other than a leasehold interest. For land improved with a life care facility, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by persons 65 years of age or older, irrespective of any legal, equitable, or leasehold interest in the facility, who are liable, under a contract with the owner or owners of record of the facility, for paying property taxes on the property. In a cooperative or a life care facility where a homestead exemption has been granted, the cooperative association or the management firm of the cooperative or facility shall credit the savings resulting from that exemption only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner or resident who qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the savings shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Under this Section and Sections 15-175, 15-176, and 15-177, "life care facility" means a facility, as defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act, with which the applicant for the homestead exemption has a life care contract as defined in that Act.
    (c) When a homestead exemption has been granted under this Section and the person qualifying subsequently becomes a resident of a facility licensed under the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the exemption shall continue so long as the residence continues to be occupied by the qualifying person's spouse if the spouse is 65 years of age or older, or if the residence remains unoccupied but is still owned by the person qualified for the homestead exemption.
    (d) A person who will be 65 years of age during the current assessment year shall be eligible to apply for the homestead exemption during that assessment year. Application shall be made during the application period in effect for the county of his residence.
    (e) Beginning with assessment year 2003, for taxes payable in 2004, property that is first occupied as a residence after January 1 of any assessment year by a person who is eligible for the senior citizens homestead exemption under this Section must be granted a pro-rata exemption for the assessment year. The amount of the pro-rata exemption is the exemption allowed in the county under this Section divided by 365 and multiplied by the number of days during the assessment year the property is occupied as a residence by a person eligible for the exemption under this Section. The chief county assessment officer must adopt reasonable procedures to establish eligibility for this pro-rata exemption.
    (f) The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of a life care facility to receive the benefits provided by this Section, by affidavit, application, visual inspection, questionnaire or other reasonable methods in order to ensure that the tax savings resulting from the exemption are credited by the management firm to the apportioned tax liability of each qualifying resident. The assessor may request reasonable proof that the management firm has so credited the exemption.
    (g) The chief county assessment officer of each county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall provide to each person allowed a homestead exemption under this Section a form to designate any other person to receive a duplicate of any notice of delinquency in the payment of taxes assessed and levied under this Code on the property of the person receiving the exemption. The duplicate notice shall be in addition to the notice required to be provided to the person receiving the exemption, and shall be given in the manner required by this Code. The person filing the request for the duplicate notice shall pay a fee of $5 to cover administrative costs to the supervisor of assessments, who shall then file the executed designation with the county collector. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the filing of such an executed designation requires the county collector to provide duplicate notices as indicated by the designation. A designation may be rescinded by the person who executed such designation at any time, in the manner and form required by the chief county assessment officer.
    (h) The assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of residential property to receive the homestead exemption provided by this Section by application, visual inspection, questionnaire or other reasonable methods. The determination shall be made in accordance with guidelines established by the Department.
    (i) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for taxable years 2010 through 2018, each taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section must reapply on an annual basis.
    If a reapplication is required, then the chief county assessment officer shall mail the application to the taxpayer at least 60 days prior to the last day of the application period for the county.
    For taxable years 2019 and thereafter, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, a taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section need not reapply. However, if the property ceases to be qualified for the exemption under this Section in any year for which a reapplication is not required under this Section, then the owner of record of the property shall notify the chief county assessment officer that the property is no longer qualified. In addition, for taxable years 2019 and thereafter, the chief county assessment officer of a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the county clerk of that county and the Department of Public Health, as well as any other appropriate governmental agency, to obtain information that documents the death of a taxpayer who has been granted an exemption under this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the county clerk and the Department of Public Health shall provide that information to the chief county assessment officer. The Department of Public Health shall supply this information no less frequently than every calendar quarter. Information concerning the death of a taxpayer may be shared with the county treasurer. The chief county assessment officer shall also enter into a data exchange agreement with the Social Security Administration or its agent to obtain access to the information regarding deaths in possession of the Social Security Administration. The chief county assessment officer shall, subject to the notice requirements under subsection (m) of Section 9-275, terminate the exemption under this Section if the information obtained indicates that the property is no longer qualified for the exemption. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the assessor and the county clerk shall establish policies and practices for the regular exchange of information for the purpose of alerting the assessor whenever the transfer of ownership of any property receiving an exemption under this Section has occurred. When such a transfer occurs, the assessor shall mail a notice to the new owner of the property (i) informing the new owner that the exemption will remain in place through the year of the transfer, after which it will be canceled, and (ii) providing information pertaining to the rules for reapplying for the exemption if the owner qualifies. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the chief county assessment official shall conduct, by no later than December 31 of the first year of each reassessment cycle, as determined by Section 9-220, a review of all exemptions granted under this Section for the preceding reassessment cycle under this Section. The review shall be designed to ascertain whether any senior homestead exemptions have been granted erroneously. If it is determined that a senior homestead exemption has been erroneously applied to a property, the chief county assessment officer shall make use of the appropriate provisions of Section 9-275 in relation to the property that received the erroneous homestead exemption.
    (j) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county board may by resolution provide that if a person has been granted a homestead exemption under this Section, the person qualifying need not reapply for the exemption. In counties in which the county board passes such a resolution, the chief county assessment official shall, prior to the submission of the final abstract for the first year of each reassessment cycle, as determined by Section 9-215, review all exemptions granted for the preceding reassessment cycle under this Section. The review shall be designed to ascertain whether any senior homestead exemptions have been granted erroneously.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if the assessor or chief county assessment officer requires annual application for verification of eligibility for an exemption once granted under this Section, the application shall be mailed to the taxpayer.
    (l) The assessor or chief county assessment officer shall notify each person who qualifies for an exemption under this Section that the person may also qualify for deferral of real estate taxes under the Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral Act. The notice shall set forth the qualifications needed for deferral of real estate taxes, the address and telephone number of county collector, and a statement that applications for deferral of real estate taxes may be obtained from the county collector.
    (m) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-592, eff. 1-1-25.)

35 ILCS 200/15-172

    (35 ILCS 200/15-172)
    Sec. 15-172. Low-Income Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption.
    (a) This Section may be cited as the Low-Income Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption.
    (b) As used in this Section:
    "Applicant" means an individual who has filed an application under this Section.
    "Base amount" means the base year equalized assessed value of the residence plus the first year's equalized assessed value of any added improvements which increased the assessed value of the residence after the base year.
    "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the taxable year for which the applicant first qualifies and applies for the exemption provided that in the prior taxable year the property was improved with a permanent structure that was occupied as a residence by the applicant who was liable for paying real property taxes on the property and who was either (i) an owner of record of the property or had legal or equitable interest in the property as evidenced by a written instrument or (ii) had a legal or equitable interest as a lessee in the parcel of property that was single family residence. If in any subsequent taxable year for which the applicant applies and qualifies for the exemption the equalized assessed value of the residence is less than the equalized assessed value in the existing base year (provided that such equalized assessed value is not based on an assessed value that results from a temporary irregularity in the property that reduces the assessed value for one or more taxable years), then that subsequent taxable year shall become the base year until a new base year is established under the terms of this paragraph. For taxable year 1999 only, the Chief County Assessment Officer shall review (i) all taxable years for which the applicant applied and qualified for the exemption and (ii) the existing base year. The assessment officer shall select as the new base year the year with the lowest equalized assessed value. An equalized assessed value that is based on an assessed value that results from a temporary irregularity in the property that reduces the assessed value for one or more taxable years shall not be considered the lowest equalized assessed value. The selected year shall be the base year for taxable year 1999 and thereafter until a new base year is established under the terms of this paragraph.
    "Chief County Assessment Officer" means the County Assessor or Supervisor of Assessments of the county in which the property is located.
    "Equalized assessed value" means the assessed value as equalized by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
    "Household" means the applicant, the spouse of the applicant, and all persons using the residence of the applicant as their principal place of residence.
    "Household income" means the combined income of the members of a household for the calendar year preceding the taxable year.
    "Income" has the same meaning as provided in Section 3.07 of the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, except that, beginning in assessment year 2001, "income" does not include veteran's benefits.
    "Internal Revenue Code of 1986" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor law or laws relating to federal income taxes in effect for the year preceding the taxable year.
    "Life care facility that qualifies as a cooperative" means a facility as defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act.
    "Maximum income limitation" means:
        (1) $35,000 prior to taxable year 1999;
        (2) $40,000 in taxable years 1999 through 2003;
        (3) $45,000 in taxable years 2004 through 2005;
        (4) $50,000 in taxable years 2006 and 2007;
        (5) $55,000 in taxable years 2008 through 2016;
        (6) for taxable year 2017, (i) $65,000 for qualified
property located in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and (ii) $55,000 for qualified property located in a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants; and
        (7) for taxable years 2018 and thereafter, $65,000
for all qualified property.
    As an alternative income valuation, a homeowner who is enrolled in any of the following programs may be presumed to have household income that does not exceed the maximum income limitation for that tax year as required by this Section: Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled (AABD) Program or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), both of which are administered by the Department of Human Services; the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; The Benefit Access program, which is administered by the Department on Aging; and the Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral Program.
    A chief county assessment officer may indicate that he or she has verified an applicant's income eligibility for this exemption but may not report which program or programs, if any, enroll the applicant. Release of personal information submitted pursuant to this Section shall be deemed an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy under the Freedom of Information Act.
    "Residence" means the principal dwelling place and appurtenant structures used for residential purposes in this State occupied on January 1 of the taxable year by a household and so much of the surrounding land, constituting the parcel upon which the dwelling place is situated, as is used for residential purposes. If the Chief County Assessment Officer has established a specific legal description for a portion of property constituting the residence, then that portion of property shall be deemed the residence for the purposes of this Section.
    "Taxable year" means the calendar year during which ad valorem property taxes payable in the next succeeding year are levied.
    (c) Beginning in taxable year 1994, a low-income senior citizens assessment freeze homestead exemption is granted for real property that is improved with a permanent structure that is occupied as a residence by an applicant who (i) is 65 years of age or older during the taxable year, (ii) has a household income that does not exceed the maximum income limitation, (iii) is liable for paying real property taxes on the property, and (iv) is an owner of record of the property or has a legal or equitable interest in the property as evidenced by a written instrument. This homestead exemption shall also apply to a leasehold interest in a parcel of property improved with a permanent structure that is a single family residence that is occupied as a residence by a person who (i) is 65 years of age or older during the taxable year, (ii) has a household income that does not exceed the maximum income limitation, (iii) has a legal or equitable ownership interest in the property as lessee, and (iv) is liable for the payment of real property taxes on that property.
    In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the amount of the exemption for all taxable years is the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount. In all other counties, the amount of the exemption is as follows: (i) through taxable year 2005 and for taxable year 2007 and thereafter, the amount of this exemption shall be the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount; and (ii) for taxable year 2006, the amount of the exemption is as follows:
        (1) For an applicant who has a household income of
$45,000 or less, the amount of the exemption is the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount.
        (2) For an applicant who has a household income
exceeding $45,000 but not exceeding $46,250, the amount of the exemption is (i) the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount (ii) multiplied by 0.8.
        (3) For an applicant who has a household income
exceeding $46,250 but not exceeding $47,500, the amount of the exemption is (i) the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount (ii) multiplied by 0.6.
        (4) For an applicant who has a household income
exceeding $47,500 but not exceeding $48,750, the amount of the exemption is (i) the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount (ii) multiplied by 0.4.
        (5) For an applicant who has a household income
exceeding $48,750 but not exceeding $50,000, the amount of the exemption is (i) the equalized assessed value of the residence in the taxable year for which application is made minus the base amount (ii) multiplied by 0.2.
    When the applicant is a surviving spouse of an applicant for a prior year for the same residence for which an exemption under this Section has been granted, the base year and base amount for that residence are the same as for the applicant for the prior year.
    Each year at the time the assessment books are certified to the County Clerk, the Board of Review or Board of Appeals shall give to the County Clerk a list of the assessed values of improvements on each parcel qualifying for this exemption that were added after the base year for this parcel and that increased the assessed value of the property.
    In the case of land improved with an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative or a building that is a life care facility that qualifies as a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the equalized assessed value of the property is limited to the sum of the reductions calculated for each unit occupied as a residence by a person or persons (i) 65 years of age or older, (ii) with a household income that does not exceed the maximum income limitation, (iii) who is liable, by contract with the owner or owners of record, for paying real property taxes on the property, and (iv) who is an owner of record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building, other than a leasehold interest. In the instance of a cooperative where a homestead exemption has been granted under this Section, the cooperative association or its management firm shall credit the savings resulting from that exemption only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner who qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses to credit that savings to an owner who qualifies for the exemption is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    When a homestead exemption has been granted under this Section and an applicant then becomes a resident of a facility licensed under the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the exemption shall be granted in subsequent years so long as the residence (i) continues to be occupied by the qualified applicant's spouse or (ii) if remaining unoccupied, is still owned by the qualified applicant for the homestead exemption.
    Beginning January 1, 1997, when an individual dies who would have qualified for an exemption under this Section, and the surviving spouse does not independently qualify for this exemption because of age, the exemption under this Section shall be granted to the surviving spouse for the taxable year preceding and the taxable year of the death, provided that, except for age, the surviving spouse meets all other qualifications for the granting of this exemption for those years.
    When married persons maintain separate residences, the exemption provided for in this Section may be claimed by only one of such persons and for only one residence.
    For taxable year 1994 only, in counties having less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, to receive the exemption, a person shall submit an application by February 15, 1995 to the Chief County Assessment Officer of the county in which the property is located. In counties having 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for taxable year 1994 and all subsequent taxable years, to receive the exemption, a person may submit an application to the Chief County Assessment Officer of the county in which the property is located during such period as may be specified by the Chief County Assessment Officer. The Chief County Assessment Officer in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall annually give notice of the application period by mail or by publication. In counties having less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, beginning with taxable year 1995 and thereafter, to receive the exemption, a person shall submit an application by July 1 of each taxable year to the Chief County Assessment Officer of the county in which the property is located. A county may, by ordinance, establish a date for submission of applications that is different than July 1. The applicant shall submit with the application an affidavit of the applicant's total household income, age, marital status (and if married the name and address of the applicant's spouse, if known), and principal dwelling place of members of the household on January 1 of the taxable year. The Department shall establish, by rule, a method for verifying the accuracy of affidavits filed by applicants under this Section, and the Chief County Assessment Officer may conduct audits of any taxpayer claiming an exemption under this Section to verify that the taxpayer is eligible to receive the exemption. Each application shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury. A taxpayer's signing a fraudulent application under this Act is perjury, as defined in Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The applications shall be clearly marked as applications for the Low-Income Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption and must contain a notice that any taxpayer who receives the exemption is subject to an audit by the Chief County Assessment Officer.
    Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, in counties having fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an applicant fails to file the application required by this Section in a timely manner and this failure to file is due to a mental or physical condition sufficiently severe so as to render the applicant incapable of filing the application in a timely manner, the Chief County Assessment Officer may extend the filing deadline for a period of 30 days after the applicant regains the capability to file the application, but in no case may the filing deadline be extended beyond 3 months of the original filing deadline. In order to receive the extension provided in this paragraph, the applicant shall provide the Chief County Assessment Officer with a signed statement from the applicant's physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant stating the nature and extent of the condition, that, in the physician's, advanced practice registered nurse's, or physician assistant's opinion, the condition was so severe that it rendered the applicant incapable of filing the application in a timely manner, and the date on which the applicant regained the capability to file the application.
    Beginning January 1, 1998, notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, in counties having fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an applicant fails to file the application required by this Section in a timely manner and this failure to file is due to a mental or physical condition sufficiently severe so as to render the applicant incapable of filing the application in a timely manner, the Chief County Assessment Officer may extend the filing deadline for a period of 3 months. In order to receive the extension provided in this paragraph, the applicant shall provide the Chief County Assessment Officer with a signed statement from the applicant's physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant stating the nature and extent of the condition, and that, in the physician's, advanced practice registered nurse's, or physician assistant's opinion, the condition was so severe that it rendered the applicant incapable of filing the application in a timely manner.
    In counties having less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an applicant was denied an exemption in taxable year 1994 and the denial occurred due to an error on the part of an assessment official, or his or her agent or employee, then beginning in taxable year 1997 the applicant's base year, for purposes of determining the amount of the exemption, shall be 1993 rather than 1994. In addition, in taxable year 1997, the applicant's exemption shall also include an amount equal to (i) the amount of any exemption denied to the applicant in taxable year 1995 as a result of using 1994, rather than 1993, as the base year, (ii) the amount of any exemption denied to the applicant in taxable year 1996 as a result of using 1994, rather than 1993, as the base year, and (iii) the amount of the exemption erroneously denied for taxable year 1994.
    For purposes of this Section, a person who will be 65 years of age during the current taxable year shall be eligible to apply for the homestead exemption during that taxable year. Application shall be made during the application period in effect for the county of his or her residence.
    The Chief County Assessment Officer may determine the eligibility of a life care facility that qualifies as a cooperative to receive the benefits provided by this Section by use of an affidavit, application, visual inspection, questionnaire, or other reasonable method in order to insure that the tax savings resulting from the exemption are credited by the management firm to the apportioned tax liability of each qualifying resident. The Chief County Assessment Officer may request reasonable proof that the management firm has so credited that exemption.
    Except as provided in this Section, all information received by the chief county assessment officer or the Department from applications filed under this Section, or from any investigation conducted under the provisions of this Section, shall be confidential, except for official purposes or pursuant to official procedures for collection of any State or local tax or enforcement of any civil or criminal penalty or sanction imposed by this Act or by any statute or ordinance imposing a State or local tax. Any person who divulges any such information in any manner, except in accordance with a proper judicial order, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
    Nothing contained in this Section shall prevent the Director or chief county assessment officer from publishing or making available reasonable statistics concerning the operation of the exemption contained in this Section in which the contents of claims are grouped into aggregates in such a way that information contained in any individual claim shall not be disclosed.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for taxable year 2017 and thereafter, in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the amount of the exemption shall be the greater of (i) the amount of the exemption otherwise calculated under this Section or (ii) $2,000.
    (c-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2019 taxable year, provided that:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2020 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2019;
        (3) the exemption for the 2019 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the applicant for the 2019 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2019 or 2020 taxable years.
    Nothing in this subsection shall preclude or impair the authority of a chief county assessment officer to conduct audits of any taxpayer claiming an exemption under this Section to verify that the taxpayer is eligible to receive the exemption as provided elsewhere in this Section.
    (c-10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each chief county assessment officer may approve this exemption for the 2021 taxable year, without application, for any property that was approved for this exemption for the 2020 taxable year, if:
        (1) the county board has declared a local disaster as
provided in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act related to the COVID-19 public health emergency;
        (2) the owner of record of the property as of January
1, 2021 is the same as the owner of record of the property as of January 1, 2020;
        (3) the exemption for the 2020 taxable year has not
been determined to be an erroneous exemption as defined by this Code; and
        (4) the taxpayer for the 2020 taxable year has not
asked for the exemption to be removed for the 2020 or 2021 taxable years.
    Nothing in this subsection shall preclude or impair the authority of a chief county assessment officer to conduct audits of any taxpayer claiming an exemption under this Section to verify that the taxpayer is eligible to receive the exemption as provided elsewhere in this Section.
    (d) Each Chief County Assessment Officer shall annually publish a notice of availability of the exemption provided under this Section. The notice shall be published at least 60 days but no more than 75 days prior to the date on which the application must be submitted to the Chief County Assessment Officer of the county in which the property is located. The notice shall appear in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.
    Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-635, eff. 6-5-20; 102-136, eff. 7-23-21; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)

35 ILCS 200/15-173

    (35 ILCS 200/15-173)
    Sec. 15-173. Natural Disaster Homestead Exemption.
    (a) This Section may be cited as the Natural Disaster Homestead Exemption.
    (b) As used in this Section:
    "Base amount" means the base year equalized assessed value of the residence.
    "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the taxable year in which the natural disaster occurred.
    "Chief county assessment officer" means the County Assessor or Supervisor of Assessments of the county in which the property is located.
    "Equalized assessed value" means the assessed value as equalized by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
    "Homestead property" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 15-175 of this Code.
    "Natural disaster" means an occurrence of widespread or severe damage or loss of property resulting from any catastrophic cause including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, or extended period of severe inclement weather. In the case of a residential structure affected by flooding, the structure shall not be eligible for this homestead improvement exemption unless it is located within a local jurisdiction which is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. A proclamation of disaster by the President of the United States or Governor of the State of Illinois is not a prerequisite to the classification of an occurrence as a natural disaster under this Section.
    (c) A homestead exemption shall be granted by the chief county assessment officer for homestead properties containing a residential structure that has been rebuilt following a natural disaster occurring in taxable year 2012 or any taxable year thereafter. The amount of the exemption is the equalized assessed value of the residence in the first taxable year for which the taxpayer applies for an exemption under this Section minus the base amount. To be eligible for an exemption under this Section: (i) the residential structure must be rebuilt within 2 years after the date of the natural disaster; and (ii) the square footage of the rebuilt residential structure may not be more than 110% of the square footage of the original residential structure as it existed immediately prior to the natural disaster. The taxpayer's initial application for an exemption under this Section must be made no later than the first taxable year after the residential structure is rebuilt. The exemption shall continue at the same annual amount until the taxable year in which the property is sold or transferred.
    (d) To receive the exemption, the taxpayer shall submit an application to the chief county assessment officer of the county in which the property is located by July 1 of each taxable year. A county may, by resolution, establish a date for submission of applications that is different than July 1. The chief county assessment officer may require additional documentation to be provided by the applicant. The applications shall be clearly marked as applications for the Natural Disaster Homestead Exemption.
    (e) Property is not eligible for an exemption under this Section and Section 15-180 for the same natural disaster or catastrophic event. The property may, however, remain eligible for an additional exemption under Section 15-180 for any separate event occurring after the property qualified for an exemption under this Section.
    (f) The exemption under this Section carries over to the benefit of the surviving spouse as long as the spouse holds the legal or beneficial title to the homestead and permanently resides thereon.
    (g) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-716, eff. 6-29-12.)

35 ILCS 200/15-174

    (35 ILCS 200/15-174)
    Sec. 15-174. Community stabilization assessment freeze pilot program.
    (a) Beginning January 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2029, the chief county assessment officer of any county may reduce the assessed value of improvements to residential real property in accordance with subsection (b) for 10 taxable years after the improvements are put in service, if and only if all of the following factors have been met:
        (1) the improvements are residential;
        (2) the parcel was purchased or otherwise conveyed to
the taxpayer after January 1 of the taxable year and that conveyance was not a tax sale as required under the Property Tax Code;
        (3) the parcel is located in a targeted area;
        (4) for single family homes, the taxpayer occupies
the improvements on the parcel as his or her primary residence; for residences of one to 6 units that will not be owner-occupied, the taxpayer replaces 2 primary building systems as outlined in this Section;
        (5) the transfer from the holder of the prior
mortgage to the taxpayer was an arm's length transaction, in that the taxpayer has no legal relationship to the holder of the prior mortgage;
        (6) an existing residential dwelling structure of no
more than 6 units on the parcel was unoccupied at the time of conveyance for a minimum of 6 months, or the parcel was ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction to be deconverted in accordance with the provisions governing distressed condominiums as provided in the Condominium Property Act;
        (7) the parcel is clear of unreleased liens and has
no outstanding tax liabilities attached against it; and
        (8) the purchase price did not exceed the Federal
Housing Administration's loan limits then in place for the area in which the improvement is located.
    To be eligible for the benefit conferred by this Section, residential units must (i) meet local building codes, or if there are no local building codes, Housing Quality Standards, as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time and (ii) be owner-occupied or in need of substantial rehabilitation. "Substantial rehabilitation" means, at a minimum, compliance with local building codes and the replacement or renovation of at least 2 primary building systems. Although the cost of each primary building system may vary, the combined expenditure for making the building compliant with local codes and replacing primary building systems must be at least $5 per square foot, adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published annually by the U.S. Department of Labor. "Primary building systems", together with their related rehabilitations, specifically approved for this program are:
        (1) Electrical. All electrical work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of a combination of any of the following alternatives:
            (A) installing individual equipment and appliance
branch circuits as required by code (the minimum being a kitchen appliance branch circuit);
            (B) installing a new emergency service, including
emergency lighting with all associated conduits and wiring;
            (C) rewiring all existing feeder conduits ("home
runs") from the main switchgear to apartment area distribution panels;
            (D) installing new in-wall conduits for
receptacles, switches, appliances, equipment, and fixtures;
            (E) replacing power wiring for receptacles,
switches, appliances, equipment, and fixtures;
            (F) installing new light fixtures throughout the
building including closets and central areas;
            (G) replacing, adding, or doing work as necessary
to bring all receptacles, switches, and other electrical devices into code compliance;
            (H) installing a new main service, including
conduit, cables into the building, and main disconnect switch; and
            (I) installing new distribution panels, including
all panel wiring, terminals, circuit breakers, and all other panel devices.
        (2) Heating. All heating work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of a combination of any of the following alternatives:
            (A) installing a new system to replace one of the
following heat distribution systems: (i) piping and heat radiating units, including new main line venting and radiator venting; or (ii) duct work, diffusers, and cold air returns; or (iii) any other type of existing heat distribution and radiation/diffusion components; or
            (B) installing a new system to replace one of the
following heat generating units: (i) hot water/steam boiler; (ii) gas furnace; or (iii) any other type of existing heat generating unit.
        (3) Plumbing. All plumbing work must comply with
applicable codes. Replace all or a part of the in-wall supply and waste plumbing; however, main supply risers, waste stacks and vents, and code-conforming waste lines need not be replaced.
        (4) Roofing. All roofing work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of either of the following alternatives, separately or in combination:
            (A) replacing all rotted roof decks and
insulation; or
            (B) replacing or repairing leaking roof membranes
(10% is the suggested minimum replacement of membrane); restoration of the entire roof is an acceptable substitute for membrane replacement.
        (5) Exterior doors and windows. Replace the exterior
doors and windows. Renovation of ornate entry doors is an acceptable substitute for replacement.
        (6) Floors, walls, and ceilings. Finishes must be
replaced or covered over with new material. Acceptable replacement or covering materials are as follows:
            (A) floors must have new carpeting, vinyl tile,
ceramic, refurbished wood finish, or a similar substitute;
            (B) walls must have new drywall, including joint
taping and painting; or
            (C) new ceilings must be either drywall,
suspended type, or a similar substitute.
        (7) Exterior walls.
            (A) replace loose or crumbling mortar and masonry
with new material;
            (B) replace or paint wall siding and trim as
            (C) bring porches and balconies to a sound
condition; or
            (D) any combination of (A), (B), and (C).
        (8) Elevators. Where applicable, at least 4 of the
following 7 alternatives must be accomplished:
            (A) replace or rebuild the machine room controls
and refurbish the elevator machine (or equivalent mechanisms in the case of hydraulic elevators);
            (B) replace hoistway electro-mechanical items
including: ropes, switches, limits, buffers, levelers, and deflector sheaves (or equivalent mechanisms in the case of hydraulic elevators);
            (C) replace hoistway wiring;
            (D) replace door operators and linkage;
            (E) replace door panels at each opening;
            (F) replace hall stations, car stations, and
signal fixtures; or
            (G) rebuild the car shell and refinish the
        (9) Health and safety.
            (A) install or replace fire suppression systems;
            (B) install or replace security systems; or
            (C) environmental remediation of lead-based
paint, asbestos, leaking underground storage tanks, or radon.
        (10) Energy conservation improvements undertaken to
limit the amount of solar energy absorbed by a building's roof or to reduce energy use for the property, including any of the following activities:
            (A) installing or replacing reflective roof
coatings (flat roofs);
            (B) installing or replacing R-38 roof insulation;
            (C) installing or replacing R-19 perimeter wall
            (D) installing or replacing insulated entry
            (E) installing or replacing Low E, insulated
            (F) installing or replacing low-flow plumbing
            (G) installing or replacing 90% sealed combustion
heating systems;
            (H) installing or replacing direct exhaust hot
water heaters;
            (I) installing or replacing mechanical
ventilation to exterior for kitchens and baths;
            (J) installing or replacing Energy Star
            (K) installing low VOC interior paints on
interior finishes;
            (L) installing or replacing fluorescent lighting
in common areas; or
            (M) installing or replacing grading and
landscaping to promote on-site water retention.
    (b) For the first 7 years after the improvements are placed in service, the assessed value of the improvements shall be reduced by an amount equal to 90% of the difference between the base year assessed value of the improvements and the assessed value of the improvements in the current taxable year. The property will continue to be eligible for the benefits under this Section in the eighth and ninth taxable years after the improvements are placed in service, calculated as follows, if and only if all of the factors in subsection (a) of this Section continue to be met: in the eighth taxable year, the assessed value of the improvements shall be reduced by an amount equal to 65% of the difference between the base year assessed value of the improvements and the assessed value of the improvements in the current taxable year, and in the ninth taxable year, the assessed value of the improvements shall be reduced by an amount equal to 35% of the difference between the base year assessed value of the improvements and the assessed value of the improvements in the current taxable year. The benefit will cease in the tenth taxable year.
    (c) In order to receive benefits under this Section, in addition to any information required by the chief county assessment officer, the taxpayer must also submit the following information to the chief county assessment officer for review:
        (1) the owner's name;
        (2) the postal address and permanent index number of
the parcel;
        (3) a deed or other instrument conveying the parcel
to the current owner;
        (4) evidence that the purchase price is within the
Federal Housing Administration's loan limits for the area in which the improvement is located;
        (5) certification that the parcel was unoccupied at
the time of conveyance to the current owner for a minimum of at least 6 months;
        (6) evidence that the parcel is clear of unreleased
liens and has no outstanding tax liabilities attached against it;
        (7) evidence that the improvements meet local
building codes, or if there are no local building codes, Housing Quality Standards, as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time, which may be shown by a certificate of occupancy issued by the appropriate local government or the certification by a home inspector licensed by the State of Illinois; and
        (8) any additional information as reasonably required
by the chief county assessment officer.
    (d) The chief county assessment officer shall notify the taxpayer as to whether or not the parcel meets the requirements of this Section. If the parcel does not meet the requirements of this Section, the chief county assessment officer shall provide written notice of any deficiencies to the taxpayer, who will then have 14 days from the date of notification to provide supplemental information showing compliance with this Section. If the taxpayer does not exercise this right to cure the deficiency, or if the information submitted, in the sole judgment of the chief county assessment officer, is insufficient to meet the requirements of this Section, the chief county assessment officer shall provide a written explanation of the reasons for denial. A taxpayer may subsequently reapply for the benefit if the deficiencies are cured at a later date, but no later than 2019. The chief county assessment officer may charge a reasonable application fee to offset the administrative expenses associated with the program.
    (e) The benefit conferred by this Section is limited as follows:
        (1) The owner is eligible to apply for the benefit
conferred by this Section beginning January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019. If approved, the reduction will be effective for the current taxable year, which will be reflected in the tax bill issued in the following taxable year.
        (2) The reduction outlined in this Section shall
continue for a period of 10 years, and may not be extended or renewed for any additional period.
        (3) At the completion of the assessment freeze
period described here, the entire parcel will be assessed as otherwise provided in this Code.
        (4) If there is a transfer of ownership during the
period of the assessment freeze, then the benefit conferred by this Section shall not apply on or after the date of that transfer unless (i) the property is conveyed by an owner who does not occupy the improvements as a primary residence to an owner who will occupy the improvements as a primary residence and (ii) all requirements of this Section continue to be met.
    (f) If the taxpayer does not occupy or intend to occupy the residential dwelling as his or her principal residence within a reasonable time, as determined by the chief county assessment officer, the taxpayer must:
        (1) immediately secure the residential dwelling in
accordance with the requirements of this Section;
        (2) complete sufficient rehabilitation to bring the
improvements into compliance with local building codes, including, without limitation, regulations concerning lead-based paint and asbestos remediation; and
        (3) complete rehabilitation within 18 months of
    (g) For the purposes of this Section,
        "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the
taxable year in which the property is purchased by the eligible homeowner.
        "Secure" means that:
            (1) all doors and windows are closed and secured
using secure doors, windows without broken or cracked panes, commercial-quality metal security panels filled with like-kind material as the surrounding wall, or plywood installed and secured in accordance with local ordinances; at least one building entrance shall be accessible from the exterior and secured with a door that is locked to allow access only to authorized persons;
            (2) all grass and weeds on the vacant residential
property are maintained below 10 inches in height, unless a local ordinance imposes a lower height;
            (3) debris, trash, and litter on any portion of
the exterior of the vacant residential property is removed in compliance with local ordinance;
            (4) fences, gates, stairs, and steps that lead to
the main entrance of the building are maintained in a structurally sound and reasonable manner;
            (5) the property is winterized when appropriate;
            (6) the exterior of the improvements are
reasonably maintained to ensure the safety of passersby; and
            (7) vermin and pests are regularly exterminated
on the exterior and interior of the property.
        "Targeted area" means a distressed community that
meets the geographic, poverty, and unemployment criteria for a distressed community set forth in 12 C.F.R. 1806.200.
(Source: P.A. 98-789, eff. 1-1-15.)

35 ILCS 200/15-174.5

    (35 ILCS 200/15-174.5)
    Sec. 15-174.5. Special homestead exemption for certain municipality-built homes.
    (a) This Section applies to property located in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. This Section also applies to property located in a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants if the county board of that county has so provided by ordinance or resolution.
    (b) For tax year 2024 and thereafter, eligible property qualifies for a homestead exemption under this Section for a 10-year period beginning with the tax year following the year in which the property is first sold by the municipality to a private homeowner. Eligible property is not eligible for a refund of taxes paid for tax years prior to the year in which this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly takes effect. In the case of mixed-use property, the exemption under this Section applies only to the residential portion of the property that is used as a primary residence by the owner.
    (c) The exemption under this Section shall be a reduction in the equalized assessed value of the property equal to:
        (1) in the first 8 years of eligibility, 50% of the
equalized assessed value of the property in the year following the initial sale by the municipality; and
        (2) in the ninth and tenth years of eligibility, 33%
of the equalized assessed value of the property in the year following the initial sale by the municipality.
    (d) A homeowner seeking the exemption under this Section shall file an application with the chief county assessment officer. Once approved by the assessor, the exemption shall renew annually and automatically without another application, unless the exemption is waived by the current homeowner as provided in this subsection. The exemption under this Section is transferable to new owners of the home, provided that (i) the exemption runs from the sale of the property by a municipality to the first private owner, (ii) the new owner notifies the assessor that they have taken possession of the property, and (iii) the property is used by the owner as their principal residence. A property owner who has received a reduction under this Section may waive the exemption at any time prior to the expiration of the 10-year exemption period and begin to receive the benefits of other exemptions at their sole and irrevocable discretion. Owners who decide to waive the exemption shall notify the assessor on a form provided by the assessor. The current property owner shall notify the assessor and waive the exemption if the property ceases to be their primary residence.
    (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no property that receives an exemption under this Section may simultaneously receive a reduction or exemption under Section 15-168 (persons with disabilities), Section 15-169 (standard homestead for veterans with disabilities); Section 15-170 (senior citizens), Section 15-172 (low-income senior citizens), or Section 15-175 (general homestead). In the first year following the expiration or waiver of the exemption under this Section, a property owner that is eligible for the Low-Income Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze exemption in that year may establish a base amount under Section 15-172 at the value of their home in their first year of eligibility for that exemption during the time when they were receiving this exemption, provided that they demonstrate retrospectively that they were eligible for that exemption at that point in time while receiving this exemption.
    (f) As used in this Section:
    "Eligible property" means property that:
        (1) contains a single family residence that was built
no earlier than January 1, 2021 by a municipality and was sold to a private homeowner before January 1, 2035;
        (2) is zoned for residential or mixed use; and
        (3) meets either or both of the following criteria:
            (A) the property was exempt from property taxes
prior to the construction of the home; or
            (B) the municipality conducted environmental
remediation on the property pursuant to Title XVII of the Environmental Protection Act.
(Source: P.A. 103-793, eff. 8-9-24.)

35 ILCS 200/15-175

    (35 ILCS 200/15-175)
    Sec. 15-175. General homestead exemption.
    (a) Except as provided in Sections 15-176 and 15-177, homestead property is entitled to an annual homestead exemption limited, except as described here with relation to cooperatives or life care facilities, to a reduction in the equalized assessed value of homestead property equal to the increase in equalized assessed value for the current assessment year above the equalized assessed value of the property for 1977, up to the maximum reduction set forth below. If however, the 1977 equalized assessed value upon which taxes were paid is subsequently determined by local assessing officials, the Property Tax Appeal Board, or a court to have been excessive, the equalized assessed value which should have been placed on the property for 1977 shall be used to determine the amount of the exemption.
    (b) Except as provided in Section 15-176, the maximum reduction before taxable year 2004 shall be $4,500 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $3,500 in all other counties. Except as provided in Sections 15-176 and 15-177, for taxable years 2004 through 2007, the maximum reduction shall be $5,000, for taxable year 2008, the maximum reduction is $5,500, and, for taxable years 2009 through 2011, the maximum reduction is $6,000 in all counties. For taxable years 2012 through 2016, the maximum reduction is $7,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $6,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2017 through 2022, the maximum reduction is $10,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $6,000 in all other counties. For taxable years 2023 and thereafter, the maximum reduction is $10,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, $8,000 in counties that are contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, and $6,000 in all other counties. If a county has elected to subject itself to the provisions of Section 15-176 as provided in subsection (k) of that Section, then, for the first taxable year only after the provisions of Section 15-176 no longer apply, for owners who, for the taxable year, have not been granted a senior citizens assessment freeze homestead exemption under Section 15-172 or a long-time occupant homestead exemption under Section 15-177, there shall be an additional exemption of $5,000 for owners with a household income of $30,000 or less.
    (c) In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if, based on the most recent assessment, the equalized assessed value of the homestead property for the current assessment year is greater than the equalized assessed value of the property for 1977, the owner of the property shall automatically receive the exemption granted under this Section in an amount equal to the increase over the 1977 assessment up to the maximum reduction set forth in this Section.
    (d) If in any assessment year beginning with the 2000 assessment year, homestead property has a pro-rata valuation under Section 9-180 resulting in an increase in the assessed valuation, a reduction in equalized assessed valuation equal to the increase in equalized assessed value of the property for the year of the pro-rata valuation above the equalized assessed value of the property for 1977 shall be applied to the property on a proportionate basis for the period the property qualified as homestead property during the assessment year. The maximum proportionate homestead exemption shall not exceed the maximum homestead exemption allowed in the county under this Section divided by 365 and multiplied by the number of days the property qualified as homestead property.
    (d-1) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, where the chief county assessment officer provides a notice of discovery, if a property is not occupied by its owner as a principal residence as of January 1 of the current tax year, then the property owner shall notify the chief county assessment officer of that fact on a form prescribed by the chief county assessment officer. That notice must be received by the chief county assessment officer on or before March 1 of the collection year. If mailed, the form shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the form is provided in person, the chief county assessment officer shall provide a date stamped copy of the notice. Failure to provide timely notice pursuant to this subsection (d-1) shall result in the exemption being treated as an erroneous exemption. Upon timely receipt of the notice for the current tax year, no exemption shall be applied to the property for the current tax year. If the exemption is not removed upon timely receipt of the notice by the chief assessment officer, then the error is considered granted as a result of a clerical error or omission on the part of the chief county assessment officer as described in subsection (h) of Section 9-275, and the property owner shall not be liable for the payment of interest and penalties due to the erroneous exemption for the current tax year for which the notice was filed after the date that notice was timely received pursuant to this subsection. Notice provided under this subsection shall not constitute a defense or amnesty for prior year erroneous exemptions.
    For the purposes of this subsection (d-1):
    "Collection year" means the year in which the first and second installment of the current tax year is billed.
    "Current tax year" means the year prior to the collection year.
    (e) The chief county assessment officer may, when considering whether to grant a leasehold exemption under this Section, require the following conditions to be met:
        (1) that a notarized application for the exemption,
signed by both the owner and the lessee of the property, must be submitted each year during the application period in effect for the county in which the property is located;
        (2) that a copy of the lease must be filed with the
chief county assessment officer by the owner of the property at the time the notarized application is submitted;
        (3) that the lease must expressly state that the
lessee is liable for the payment of property taxes; and
        (4) that the lease must include the following
language in substantially the following form:
            "Lessee shall be liable for the payment of real
estate taxes with respect to the residence in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 15-175 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/15-175). The permanent real estate index number for the premises is (insert number), and, according to the most recent property tax bill, the current amount of real estate taxes associated with the premises is (insert amount) per year. The parties agree that the monthly rent set forth above shall be increased or decreased pro rata (effective January 1 of each calendar year) to reflect any increase or decrease in real estate taxes. Lessee shall be deemed to be satisfying Lessee's liability for the above mentioned real estate taxes with the monthly rent payments as set forth above (or increased or decreased as set forth herein).".
    In addition, if there is a change in lessee, or if the lessee vacates the property, then the chief county assessment officer may require the owner of the property to notify the chief county assessment officer of that change.
    This subsection (e) does not apply to leasehold interests in property owned by a municipality.
    (f) "Homestead property" under this Section includes residential property that is occupied by its owner or owners as his or their principal dwelling place, or that is a leasehold interest on which a single family residence is situated, which is occupied as a residence by a person who has an ownership interest therein, legal or equitable or as a lessee, and on which the person is liable for the payment of property taxes. For land improved with an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, the maximum reduction from the equalized assessed value shall be limited to the increase in the value above the equalized assessed value of the property for 1977, up to the maximum reduction set forth above, multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a person or persons who is liable, by contract with the owner or owners of record, for paying property taxes on the property and is an owner of record of a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building, other than a leasehold interest. For land improved with a life care facility, the maximum reduction from the value of the property, as equalized by the Department, shall be multiplied by the number of apartments or units occupied by a person or persons, irrespective of any legal, equitable, or leasehold interest in the facility, who are liable, under a life care contract with the owner or owners of record of the facility, for paying property taxes on the property. For purposes of this Section, the term "life care facility" has the meaning stated in Section 15-170.
    "Household", as used in this Section, means the owner, the spouse of the owner, and all persons using the residence of the owner as their principal place of residence.
    "Household income", as used in this Section, means the combined income of the members of a household for the calendar year preceding the taxable year.
    "Income", as used in this Section, has the same meaning as provided in Section 3.07 of the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, except that "income" does not include veteran's benefits.
    (g) In a cooperative or life care facility where a homestead exemption has been granted, the cooperative association or the management of the cooperative or life care facility shall credit the savings resulting from that exemption only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner or resident who qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the savings shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (h) Where married persons maintain and reside in separate residences qualifying as homestead property, each residence shall receive 50% of the total reduction in equalized assessed valuation provided by this Section.
    (i) In all counties, the assessor or chief county assessment officer may determine the eligibility of residential property to receive the homestead exemption and the amount of the exemption by application, visual inspection, questionnaire or other reasonable methods. The determination shall be made in accordance with guidelines established by the Department, provided that the taxpayer applying for an additional general exemption under this Section shall submit to the chief county assessment officer an application with an affidavit of the applicant's total household income, age, marital status (and, if married, the name and address of the applicant's spouse, if known), and principal dwelling place of members of the household on January 1 of the taxable year. The Department shall issue guidelines establishing a method for verifying the accuracy of the affidavits filed by applicants under this paragraph. The applications shall be clearly marked as applications for the Additional General Homestead Exemption.
    (i-5) This subsection (i-5) applies to counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. In the event of a sale of homestead property, the homestead exemption shall remain in effect for the remainder of the assessment year of the sale. Upon receipt of a transfer declaration transmitted by the recorder pursuant to Section 31-30 of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law for property receiving an exemption under this Section, the assessor shall mail a notice and forms to the new owner of the property providing information pertaining to the rules and applicable filing periods for applying or reapplying for homestead exemptions under this Code for which the property may be eligible. If the new owner fails to apply or reapply for a homestead exemption during the applicable filing period or the property no longer qualifies for an existing homestead exemption, the assessor shall cancel such exemption for any ensuing assessment year.
    (j) In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, in the event of a sale of homestead property the homestead exemption shall remain in effect for the remainder of the assessment year of the sale. The assessor or chief county assessment officer may require the new owner of the property to apply for the homestead exemption for the following assessment year.
    (k) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
    (l) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly are effective for the 2018 tax year and thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 102-895, eff. 5-23-22.)

35 ILCS 200/15-176

    (35 ILCS 200/15-176)
    Sec. 15-176. Alternative general homestead exemption.
    (a) For the assessment years as determined under subsection (j), in any county that has elected, by an ordinance in accordance with subsection (k), to be subject to the provisions of this Section in lieu of the provisions of Section 15-175, homestead property is entitled to an annual homestead exemption equal to a reduction in the property's equalized assessed value calculated as provided in this Section.
    (b) As used in this Section:
        (1) "Assessor" means the supervisor of assessments or
the chief county assessment officer of each county.
        (2) "Adjusted homestead value" means the lesser of
the following values:
            (A) The property's base homestead value increased
by 7% for each tax year after the base year through and including the current tax year, or, if the property is sold or ownership is otherwise transferred, the property's base homestead value increased by 7% for each tax year after the year of the sale or transfer through and including the current tax year. The increase by 7% each year is an increase by 7% over the prior year.
            (B) The property's equalized assessed value for
the current tax year minus: (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in all other counties in tax year 2003; (ii) $5,000 in all counties in tax years 2004 and 2005; and (iii) the lesser of the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175 or an amount equal to the increase in the equalized assessed value for the current tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977 in tax year 2006 and thereafter.
        (3) "Base homestead value".
            (A) Except as provided in subdivision (b)(3)(A-5)
or (b)(3)(B), "base homestead value" means the equalized assessed value of the property for the base year prior to exemptions, minus (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in all other counties in tax year 2003, (ii) $5,000 in all counties in tax years 2004 and 2005, or (iii) the lesser of the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175 or an amount equal to the increase in the equalized assessed value for the current tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977 in tax year 2006 and thereafter, provided that it was assessed for that year as residential property qualified for any of the homestead exemptions under Sections 15-170 through 15-175 of this Code, then in force, and further provided that the property's assessment was not based on a reduced assessed value resulting from a temporary irregularity in the property for that year. Except as provided in subdivision (b)(3)(B), if the property did not have a residential equalized assessed value for the base year, then "base homestead value" means the base homestead value established by the assessor under subsection (c).
            (A-5) On or before September 1, 2007, in Cook
County, the base homestead value, as set forth under subdivision (b)(3)(A) and except as provided under subdivision (b) (3) (B), must be recalculated as the equalized assessed value of the property for the base year, prior to exemptions, minus:
                (1) if the general assessment year for the
property was 2003, the lesser of (i) $4,500 or (ii) the amount equal to the increase in equalized assessed value for the 2002 tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977;
                (2) if the general assessment year for the
property was 2004, the lesser of (i) $4,500 or (ii) the amount equal to the increase in equalized assessed value for the 2003 tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977;
                (3) if the general assessment year for the
property was 2005, the lesser of (i) $5,000 or (ii) the amount equal to the increase in equalized assessed value for the 2004 tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977.
            (B) If the property is sold or ownership is
otherwise transferred, other than sales or transfers between spouses or between a parent and a child, "base homestead value" means the equalized assessed value of the property at the time of the sale or transfer prior to exemptions, minus: (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in all other counties in tax year 2003; (ii) $5,000 in all counties in tax years 2004 and 2005; and (iii) the lesser of the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175 or an amount equal to the increase in the equalized assessed value for the current tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977 in tax year 2006 and thereafter, provided that it was assessed as residential property qualified for any of the homestead exemptions under Sections 15-170 through 15-175 of this Code, then in force, and further provided that the property's assessment was not based on a reduced assessed value resulting from a temporary irregularity in the property.
        (3.5) "Base year" means (i) tax year 2002 in Cook
County or (ii) tax year 2008 or 2009 in all other counties in accordance with the designation made by the county as provided in subsection (k).
        (4) "Current tax year" means the tax year for which
the exemption under this Section is being applied.
        (5) "Equalized assessed value" means the property's
assessed value as equalized by the Department.
        (6) "Homestead" or "homestead property" means:
            (A) Residential property that as of January 1 of
the tax year is occupied by its owner or owners as his, her, or their principal dwelling place, or that is a leasehold interest on which a single family residence is situated, that is occupied as a residence by a person who has a legal or equitable interest therein evidenced by a written instrument, as an owner or as a lessee, and on which the person is liable for the payment of property taxes. Residential units in an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, or as a life care facility, which are occupied by persons who hold a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building or life care facility as owners or lessees, and who are liable by contract for the payment of property taxes, shall be included within this definition of homestead property.
            (B) A homestead includes the dwelling place,
appurtenant structures, and so much of the surrounding land constituting the parcel on which the dwelling place is situated as is used for residential purposes. If the assessor has established a specific legal description for a portion of property constituting the homestead, then the homestead shall be limited to the property within that description.
        (7) "Life care facility" means a facility as defined
in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act.
    (c) If the property did not have a residential equalized assessed value for the base year as provided in subdivision (b)(3)(A) of this Section, then the assessor shall first determine an initial value for the property by comparison with assessed values for the base year of other properties having physical and economic characteristics similar to those of the subject property, so that the initial value is uniform in relation to assessed values of those other properties for the base year. The product of the initial value multiplied by the equalized factor for the base year for homestead properties in that county, less: (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in all other counties in tax year 2003; (ii) $5,000 in all counties in tax years 2004 and 2005; and (iii) the lesser of the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175 or an amount equal to the increase in the equalized assessed value for the current tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977 in tax year 2006 and thereafter, is the base homestead value.
    For any tax year for which the assessor determines or adjusts an initial value and hence a base homestead value under this subsection (c), the initial value shall be subject to review by the same procedures applicable to assessed values established under this Code for that tax year.
    (d) The base homestead value shall remain constant, except that the assessor may revise it under the following circumstances:
        (1) If the equalized assessed value of a homestead
property for the current tax year is less than the previous base homestead value for that property, then the current equalized assessed value (provided it is not based on a reduced assessed value resulting from a temporary irregularity in the property) shall become the base homestead value in subsequent tax years.
        (2) For any year in which new buildings, structures,
or other improvements are constructed on the homestead property that would increase its assessed value, the assessor shall adjust the base homestead value as provided in subsection (c) of this Section with due regard to the value added by the new improvements.
        (3) If the property is sold or ownership is otherwise
transferred, the base homestead value of the property shall be adjusted as provided in subdivision (b)(3)(B). This item (3) does not apply to sales or transfers between spouses or between a parent and a child.
        (4) the recalculation required in Cook County under
subdivision (b)(3)(A-5).
    (e) The amount of the exemption under this Section is the equalized assessed value of the homestead property for the current tax year, minus the adjusted homestead value, with the following exceptions:
        (1) In Cook County, the exemption under this Section
shall not exceed $20,000 for any taxable year through tax year:
            (i) 2005, if the general assessment year for the
property is 2003;
            (ii) 2006, if the general assessment year for the
property is 2004; or
            (iii) 2007, if the general assessment year for
the property is 2005.
        (1.1) Thereafter, in Cook County, and in all other
counties, the exemption is as follows:
            (i) if the general assessment year for the
property is 2006, then the exemption may not exceed: $33,000 for taxable year 2006; $26,000 for taxable year 2007; $20,000 for taxable years 2008 and 2009; $16,000 for taxable year 2010; and $12,000 for taxable year 2011;
            (ii) if the general assessment year for the
property is 2007, then the exemption may not exceed: $33,000 for taxable year 2007; $26,000 for taxable year 2008; $20,000 for taxable years 2009 and 2010; $16,000 for taxable year 2011; and $12,000 for taxable year 2012; and
            (iii) if the general assessment year for the
property is 2008, then the exemption may not exceed: $33,000 for taxable year 2008; $26,000 for taxable year 2009; $20,000 for taxable years 2010 and 2011; $16,000 for taxable year 2012; and $12,000 for taxable year 2013.
    (1.5) In Cook County, for the 2006 taxable year only, the maximum amount of the exemption set forth under subsection (e)(1.1)(i) of this Section may be increased: (i) by $7,000 if the equalized assessed value of the property in that taxable year exceeds the equalized assessed value of that property in 2002 by 100% or more; or (ii) by $2,000 if the equalized assessed value of the property in that taxable year exceeds the equalized assessed value of that property in 2002 by more than 80% but less than 100%.
        (2) In the case of homestead property that also
qualifies for the exemption under Section 15-172, the property is entitled to the exemption under this Section, limited to the amount of (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in all other counties in tax year 2003, (ii) $5,000 in all counties in tax years 2004 and 2005, or (iii) the lesser of the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175 or an amount equal to the increase in the equalized assessed value for the current tax year above the equalized assessed value for 1977 in tax year 2006 and thereafter.
    (f) In the case of an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, or as a life care facility, that contains residential units that qualify as homestead property under this Section, the maximum cumulative exemption amount attributed to the entire building or facility shall not exceed the sum of the exemptions calculated for each qualified residential unit. The cooperative association, management firm, or other person or entity that manages or controls the cooperative apartment building or life care facility shall credit the exemption attributable to each residential unit only to the apportioned tax liability of the owner or other person responsible for payment of taxes as to that unit. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the exemption is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (g) When married persons maintain separate residences, the exemption provided under this Section shall be claimed by only one such person and for only one residence.
    (h) In the event of a sale or other transfer in ownership of the homestead property, the exemption under this Section shall remain in effect for the remainder of the tax year and be calculated using the same base homestead value in which the sale or transfer occurs, but (other than for sales or transfers between spouses or between a parent and a child) shall be calculated for any subsequent tax year using the new base homestead value as provided in subdivision (b)(3)(B). The assessor may require the new owner of the property to apply for the exemption in the following year.
    (i) The assessor may determine whether property qualifies as a homestead under this Section by application, visual inspection, questionnaire, or other reasonable methods. Each year, at the time the assessment books are certified to the county clerk by the board of review, the assessor shall furnish to the county clerk a list of the properties qualified for the homestead exemption under this Section. The list shall note the base homestead value of each property to be used in the calculation of the exemption for the current tax year.
    (j) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the provisions of this Section apply as follows:
        (1) If the general assessment year for the property
is 2003, this Section applies for assessment years 2003 through 2011. Thereafter, the provisions of Section 15-175 apply.
        (2) If the general assessment year for the property
is 2004, this Section applies for assessment years 2004 through 2012. Thereafter, the provisions of Section 15-175 apply.
        (3) If the general assessment year for the property
is 2005, this Section applies for assessment years 2005 through 2013. Thereafter, the provisions of Section 15-175 apply.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, this Section applies for assessment years (i) 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 if tax year 2008 is the designated base year or (ii) 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 if tax year 2009 is the designated base year. Thereafter, the provisions of Section 15-175 apply.
    (k) To be subject to the provisions of this Section in lieu of Section 15-175, a county must adopt an ordinance to subject itself to the provisions of this Section within 6 months after August 2, 2010 (the effective date of Public Act 96-1418). In a county other than Cook County, the ordinance must designate either tax year 2008 or tax year 2009 as the base year.
    (l) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/15-177

    (35 ILCS 200/15-177)
    Sec. 15-177. The long-time occupant homestead exemption.
    (a) If the county has elected, under Section 15-176, to be subject to the provisions of the alternative general homestead exemption, then, for taxable years 2007 and thereafter, regardless of whether the exemption under Section 15-176 applies, qualified homestead property is entitled to an annual homestead exemption equal to a reduction in the property's equalized assessed value calculated as provided in this Section.
    (b) As used in this Section:
    "Adjusted homestead value" means the lesser of the following values:
        (1) The property's base homestead value increased
by: (i) 10% for each taxable year after the base year through and including the current tax year for qualified taxpayers with a household income of more than $75,000 but not exceeding $100,000; or (ii) 7% for each taxable year after the base year through and including the current tax year for qualified taxpayers with a household income of $75,000 or less. The increase each year is an increase over the prior year; or
        (2) The property's equalized assessed value for
the current tax year minus the general homestead deduction.
    "Base homestead value" means:
        (1) if the property did not have an adjusted
homestead value under Section 15-176 for the base year, then an amount equal to the equalized assessed value of the property for the base year prior to exemptions, minus the general homestead deduction, provided that the property's assessment was not based on a reduced assessed value resulting from a temporary irregularity in the property for that year; or
        (2) if the property had an adjusted homestead value
under Section 15-176 for the base year, then an amount equal to the adjusted homestead value of the property under Section 15-176 for the base year.
    "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the taxable year in which the taxpayer first qualifies for the exemption under this Section.
    "Current taxable year" means the taxable year for which the exemption under this Section is being applied.
    "Equalized assessed value" means the property's assessed value as equalized by the Department.
    "Homestead" or "homestead property" means residential property that as of January 1 of the tax year is occupied by a qualified taxpayer as his or her principal dwelling place, or that is a leasehold interest on which a single family residence is situated, that is occupied as a residence by a qualified taxpayer who has a legal or equitable interest therein evidenced by a written instrument, as an owner or as a lessee, and on which the person is liable for the payment of property taxes. Residential units in an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, or as a life care facility, which are occupied by persons who hold a legal or equitable interest in the cooperative apartment building or life care facility as owners or lessees, and who are liable by contract for the payment of property taxes, are included within this definition of homestead property. A homestead includes the dwelling place, appurtenant structures, and so much of the surrounding land constituting the parcel on which the dwelling place is situated as is used for residential purposes. If the assessor has established a specific legal description for a portion of property constituting the homestead, then the homestead is limited to the property within that description.
    "Household income" has the meaning set forth under Section 15-172 of this Code.
    "General homestead deduction" means the amount of the general homestead exemption under Section 15-175.
    "Life care facility" means a facility defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities Act.
    "Qualified homestead property" means homestead property owned by a qualified taxpayer.
    "Qualified taxpayer" means any individual:
        (1) who, for at least 10 continuous years as of
January 1 of the taxable year, has occupied the same homestead property as a principal residence and domicile or who, for at least 5 continuous years as of January 1 of the taxable year, has occupied the same homestead property as a principal residence and domicile if that person received assistance in the acquisition of the property as part of a government or nonprofit housing program; and
        (2) who has a household income of $100,000 or less.
    (c) The base homestead value must remain constant, except that the assessor may revise it under any of the following circumstances:
        (1) If the equalized assessed value of a homestead
property for the current tax year is less than the previous base homestead value for that property, then the current equalized assessed value (provided it is not based on a reduced assessed value resulting from a temporary irregularity in the property) becomes the base homestead value in subsequent tax years.
        (2) For any year in which new buildings, structures,
or other improvements are constructed on the homestead property that would increase its assessed value, the assessor shall adjust the base homestead value with due regard to the value added by the new improvements.
    (d) The amount of the exemption under this Section is the greater of: (i) the equalized assessed value of the homestead property for the current tax year minus the adjusted homestead value; or (ii) the general homestead deduction.
    (e) In the case of an apartment building owned and operated as a cooperative, or as a life care facility, that contains residential units that qualify as homestead property of a qualified taxpayer under this Section, the maximum cumulative exemption amount attributed to the entire building or facility shall not exceed the sum of the exemptions calculated for each unit that is a qualified homestead property. The cooperative association, management firm, or other person or entity that manages or controls the cooperative apartment building or life care facility shall credit the exemption attributable to each residential unit only to the apportioned tax liability of the qualified taxpayer as to that unit. Any person who willfully refuses to so credit the exemption is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (f) When married persons maintain separate residences, the exemption provided under this Section may be claimed by only one such person and for only one residence. No person who receives an exemption under Section 15-172 of this Code may receive an exemption under this Section. No person who receives an exemption under this Section may receive an exemption under Section 15-175 or 15-176 of this Code.
    (g) In the event of a sale or other transfer in ownership of the homestead property between spouses or between a parent and a child, the exemption under this Section remains in effect if the new owner has a household income of $100,000 or less.
    (h) In the event of a sale or other transfer in ownership of the homestead property other than subsection (g) of this Section, the exemption under this Section shall remain in effect for the remainder of the tax year and be calculated using the same base homestead value in which the sale or transfer occurs.
    (i) To receive the exemption, a person must submit an application to the county assessor during the period specified by the county assessor.
    The county assessor shall annually give notice of the application period by mail or by publication.
    The taxpayer must submit, with the application, an affidavit of the taxpayer's total household income, marital status (and if married the name and address of the applicant's spouse, if known), and principal dwelling place of members of the household on January 1 of the taxable year. The Department shall establish, by rule, a method for verifying the accuracy of affidavits filed by applicants under this Section, and the Chief County Assessment Officer may conduct audits of any taxpayer claiming an exemption under this Section to verify that the taxpayer is eligible to receive the exemption. Each application shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury. A taxpayer's signing a fraudulent application under this Act is perjury, as defined in Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The applications shall be clearly marked as applications for the Long-time Occupant Homestead Exemption and must contain a notice that any taxpayer who receives the exemption is subject to an audit by the Chief County Assessment Officer.
    (j) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

35 ILCS 200/15-178

    (35 ILCS 200/15-178)
    Sec. 15-178. Reduction in assessed value for affordable rental housing construction or rehabilitation.
    (a) The General Assembly finds that there is a shortage of high quality affordable rental homes for low-income and very-low-income households throughout Illinois; that owners and developers of rental housing face significant challenges building newly constructed apartments or undertaking rehabilitation of existing properties that results in rents that are affordable for low-income and very-low-income households; and that it will help Cook County and other parts of Illinois address the extreme shortage of affordable rental housing by developing a statewide policy to determine the assessed value for newly constructed and rehabilitated affordable rental housing that both encourages investment and incentivizes property owners to keep rents affordable.
    (b) Each chief county assessment officer shall implement special assessment programs to reduce the assessed value of all eligible newly constructed residential real property or qualifying rehabilitation to all eligible existing residential real property in accordance with subsection (c) for 10 taxable years after the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property are put in service. Any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants may decide not to implement one or both of the special assessment programs defined in subparagraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section and subparagraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section upon passage of an ordinance by a majority vote of the county board. Subsequent to a vote to opt out of this special assessment program, any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants may decide to implement one or both of the special assessment programs defined in subparagraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section and subparagraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section upon passage of an ordinance by a majority vote of the county board. Property is eligible for the special assessment program if and only if all of the following factors have been met:
        (1) at the conclusion of the new construction or
qualifying rehabilitation, the property consists of a newly constructed multifamily building containing 7 or more rental dwelling units or an existing multifamily building that has undergone qualifying rehabilitation resulting in 7 or more rental dwelling units; and
        (2) the property meets the application requirements
defined in subsection (f).
    (c) For those counties that are required to implement the special assessment program and do not opt out of such special assessment program, the chief county assessment officer for that county shall require that residential real property is eligible for the special assessment program if and only if one of the additional factors have been met:
        (1) except as defined in subparagraphs (E), (F), and
(G) of paragraph (1) of subsection (f) of this Section, prior to the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property being put in service, the owner of the residential real property commits that, for a period of 10 years, at least 15% of the multifamily building's units will have rents as defined in this Section that are at or below maximum rents and are occupied by households with household incomes at or below maximum income limits; or
        (2) except as defined in subparagraphs (E), (F), and
(G) of paragraph (1) of subsection (f) of this Section, prior to the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property located in a low affordability community being put in service, the owner of the residential real property commits that, for a period of 30 years after the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property are put in service, at least 20% of the multifamily building's units will have rents as defined in this Section that are at or below maximum rents and are occupied by households with household incomes at or below maximum income limits.
    If a reduction in assessed value is granted under one special assessment program provided for in this Section, then that same residential real property is not eligible for an additional special assessment program under this Section at the same time.
    (d) The amount of the reduction in assessed value for residential real property meeting the conditions set forth in subparagraph (1) of subsection (c) shall be calculated as follows:
        (1) if the owner of the residential real property
commits for a period of at least 10 years that at least 15% but fewer than 35% of the multifamily building's units have rents at or below maximum rents and are occupied by households with household incomes at or below maximum income limits, the assessed value of the property used to calculate the tax bill shall be reduced by an amount equal to 25% of the assessed value of the property as determined by the assessor for the property in the current taxable year for the newly constructed residential real property or based on the improvements to an existing residential real property; and
        (2) if the owner of the residential real property
commits for a period of at least 10 years that at least 35% of the multifamily building's units have rents at or below maximum rents and are occupied by households with household incomes at or below maximum income limits, the assessed value of the property used to calculate the tax bill shall be reduced by an amount equal to 35% of the assessed value of the property as determined by the assessor for the property in the current assessment year for the newly constructed residential real property or based on the improvements to an existing residential real property.
    (e) The amount of the reduction for residential real property meeting the conditions set forth in subparagraph (2) of subsection (c) shall be calculated as follows:
        (1) for the first, second, and third taxable year
after the residential real property is placed in service, the residential real property is entitled to a reduction in its assessed value in an amount equal to the difference between the assessed value in the year for which the incentive is sought and the assessed value for the residential real property in the base year;
        (2) for the fourth, fifth, and sixth taxable year
after the residential real property is placed in service, the property is entitled to a reduction in its assessed value in an amount equal to 80% of the difference between the assessed value in the year for which the incentive is sought and the assessed value for the residential real property in the base year;
        (3) for the seventh, eighth, and ninth taxable year
after the property is placed in service, the residential real property is entitled to a reduction in its assessed value in an amount equal to 60% of the difference between the assessed value in the year for which the incentive is sought and the assessed value for the residential real property in the base year;
        (4) for the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth taxable year
after the residential real property is placed in service, the residential real property is entitled to a reduction in its assessed value in an amount equal to 40% of the difference between the assessed value in the year for which the incentive is sought and the assessed value for the residential real property in the base year; and
        (5) for the thirteenth through the thirtieth taxable
year after the residential real property is placed in service, the residential real property is entitled to a reduction in its assessed value in an amount equal to 20% of the difference between the assessed value in the year for which the incentive is sought and the assessed value for the residential real property in the base year.
    (f) Application requirements.
        (1) In order to receive the reduced valuation under
this Section, the owner must submit an application containing the following information to the chief county assessment officer for review in the form and by the date required by the chief county assessment officer:
            (A) the owner's name;
            (B) the postal address and permanent index
number or numbers of the parcel or parcels for which the owner is applying to receive reduced valuation under this Section;
            (C) a deed or other instrument conveying the
parcel or parcels to the current owner;
            (D) written evidence that the new construction
or qualifying rehabilitation has been completed with respect to the residential real property, including, but not limited to, copies of building permits, a notarized contractor's affidavit, and photographs of the interior and exterior of the building after new construction or rehabilitation is completed;
            (E) written evidence that the residential real
property meets local building codes, or if there are no local building codes, Housing Quality Standards, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development;
            (F) a list identifying the affordable units in
residential real property and a written statement that the affordable units are comparable to the market rate units in terms of unit type, number of bedrooms per unit, quality of exterior appearance, energy efficiency, and overall quality of construction;
            (G) a written schedule certifying the rents in
each affordable unit and a written statement that these rents do not exceed the maximum rents allowable for the area in which the residential real property is located;
            (H) documentation from the administering agency
verifying the owner's participation in a qualifying income-based rental subsidy program as defined in subsection (e) of this Section if units receiving rental subsidies are to be counted among the affordable units in order to meet the thresholds defined in this Section;
            (I) a written statement identifying the
household income for every household occupying an affordable unit and certifying that the household income does not exceed the maximum income limits allowable for the area in which the residential real property is located;
            (J) a written statement that the owner has
verified and retained documentation of household income for every household occupying an affordable unit; and
            (K) any additional information consistent with
this Section as reasonably required by the chief county assessment officer, including, but not limited to, any information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable local ordinances and to ensure the owner is complying with the provisions of this Section.
        (1.1) In order for a development to receive the
reduced valuation under subsection (e), the owner must provide evidence to the county assessor's office of a fully executed project labor agreement entered into with the applicable local building trades council, prior to commencement of any and all construction, building, renovation, demolition, or any material change to the structure or land.
        (2) The application requirements contained in
paragraph (1) of subsection (f) are continuing requirements for the duration of the reduction in assessed value received and may be annually or periodically verified by the chief county assessment officer for the county whereby the benefit is being issued.
        (3) In lieu of submitting an application containing
the information prescribed in paragraph (1) of subsection (f), the chief county assessment officer may allow for submission of a substantially similar certification granted by the Illinois Housing Development Authority or a comparable local authority provided that the chief county assessment officer independently verifies the veracity of the certification with the Illinois Housing Development Authority or comparable local authority.
        (4) The chief county assessment officer shall notify
the owner as to whether or not the property meets the requirements of this Section. If the property does not meet the requirements of this Section, the chief county assessment officer shall provide written notice of any deficiencies to the owner, who shall then have 30 days from the date of notification to provide supplemental information showing compliance with this Section. The chief county assessment officer shall, in its discretion, grant additional time to cure any deficiency. If the owner does not exercise this right to cure the deficiency, or if the information submitted, in the sole judgment of the chief county assessment officer, is insufficient to meet the requirements of this Section, the chief county assessment officer shall provide a written explanation of the reasons for denial.
        (5) The chief county assessment officer may charge a
reasonable application fee to offset the administrative expenses associated with the program.
        (6) The reduced valuation conferred by this Section
is limited as follows:
            (A) The owner is eligible to apply for the
reduced valuation conferred by this Section beginning in the first assessment year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly through December 31, 2027. If approved, the reduction will be effective for the current assessment year, which will be reflected in the tax bill issued in the following calendar year. Owners that are approved for the reduced valuation under paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section before December 31, 2027 shall, at minimum, be eligible for annual renewal of the reduced valuation during an initial 10-year period if annual certification requirements are met for each of the 10 years, as described in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (4) of subsection (d) of this Section.
            (B) Property receiving a reduction outlined in
paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section shall continue to be eligible for an initial period of up to 10 years if annual certification requirements are met for each of the 10 years, but shall be extended for up to 2 additional 10-year periods with annual renewals if the owner continues to meet the requirements of this Section, including annual certifications, and excluding the requirements regarding new construction or qualifying rehabilitation defined in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1) of this subsection.
            (C) The annual certification materials in the
year prior to final year of eligibility for the reduction in assessed value must include a dated copy of the written notice provided to tenants informing them of the date of the termination if the owner is not seeking a renewal.
            (D) If the property is sold or transferred, the
purchaser or transferee must comply with all requirements of this Section, excluding the requirements regarding new construction or qualifying rehabilitation defined in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1) of this subsection, in order to continue receiving the reduction in assessed value. Purchasers and transferees who comply with all requirements of this Section excluding the requirements regarding new construction or qualifying rehabilitation defined in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1) of this subsection are eligible to apply for renewal on the schedule set by the initial application.
            (E) The owner may apply for the reduced valuation
if the residential real property meets all requirements of this Section and the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property were put in service on or after January 1, 2015. However, the initial 10-year eligibility period or 30-year eligibility period, depending on the applicable program, shall be reduced by the number of years between the placed in service date and the date the owner first receives this reduced valuation.
            (F) The owner may apply for the reduced valuation
within 2 years after the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property are put in service. However, the initial 10-year eligibility period or 30-year eligibility period, depending on the applicable program, shall be reduced for the number of years between the placed in service date and the date the owner first receives this reduced valuation.
            (G) Owners of a multifamily building receiving a
reduced valuation through the Cook County Class 9 program during the year in which this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly takes effect shall be deemed automatically eligible for the reduced valuation defined in paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section in terms of meeting the criteria for new construction or substantial rehabilitation for a specific multifamily building regardless of when the newly constructed residential real property or improvements to existing residential real property were put in service. If a Cook County Class 9 owner had Class 9 status revoked on or after January 1, 2017 but can provide documents sufficient to prove that the revocation was in error or any deficiencies leading to the revocation have been cured, the chief county assessment officer may deem the owner to be eligible. However, owners may not receive both the reduced valuation under this Section and the reduced valuation under the Cook County Class 9 program in any single assessment year. In addition, the number of years during which an owner has participated in the Class 9 program shall count against the 3 10-year periods of eligibility for the reduced valuation as defined in subparagraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Section.
            (H) At the completion of the assessment reduction
period described in this Section: the entire parcel will be assessed as otherwise provided by law.
    (g) As used in this Section:
    "Affordable units" means units that have rents that do not exceed the maximum rents as defined in this Section.
    "Assessed value for the residential real property in the base year" means the assessed value used to calculate the tax bill, as certified by the board of review, for the tax year immediately prior to the tax year in which the building permit is issued. For property assessed as other than residential property, the "assessed value for the residential real property in the base year" means the assessed value that would have been obtained had the property been classified as residential as derived from the board of review's certified market value.
    "Household income" includes the annual income for all the people who occupy a housing unit that is anticipated to be received from a source outside of the family during the 12-month period following admission or the annual recertification, including related family members and all the unrelated people who share the housing unit. Household income includes the total of the following income sources: wages, salaries and tips before any payroll deductions; net business income; interest and dividends; payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay; Social Security income, including lump sum payments; payments from insurance policies, annuities, pensions, disability benefits and other types of periodic payments, alimony, child support, and other regular monetary contributions; and public assistance, except for assistance from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). "Household income" does not include: earnings of children under age 18; temporary income such as cash gifts; reimbursement for medical expenses; lump sums from inheritance, insurance payments, settlements for personal or property losses; student financial assistance paid directly to the student or to an educational institution; foster child care payments; receipts from government-funded training programs; assistance from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
    "Low affordability community" means (1) a municipality or jurisdiction with less than 1,000,000 inhabitants in which 40% or less of its total year-round housing units are affordable, as determined by the Illinois Housing Development Authority during the exemption determination process under the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act; (2) "D" zoning districts as now or hereafter designated in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance; or (3) a jurisdiction located in a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants that has been designated as a low affordability community by passage of a local ordinance by that municipality, specifying the census tract or property by permanent index number or numbers.
    "Maximum income limits" means the maximum regular income limits for 60% of area median income for the geographic area in which the multifamily building is located for multifamily programs as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and published annually by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. A property may be deemed to have satisfied the maximum income limits with a weighted average if municipal, state, or federal laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations requires the use of a weighted average of no more than 60% of area median income for that property.
    "Maximum rent" means the maximum regular rent for 60% of the area median income for the geographic area in which the multifamily building is located for multifamily programs as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and published annually by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. To be eligible for the reduced valuation defined in this Section, maximum rents are to be consistent with the Illinois Housing Development Authority's rules; or if the owner is leasing an affordable unit to a household with an income at or below the maximum income limit who is participating in qualifying income-based rental subsidy program, "maximum rent" means the maximum rents allowable under the guidelines of the qualifying income-based rental subsidy program. A property may be deemed to have satisfied the maximum rent with a weighted average if municipal, state, or federal laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations requires the use of a weighted average of no more than 60% of area median income for that property.
    "Qualifying income-based rental subsidy program" means a Housing Choice Voucher issued by a housing authority under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, a tenant voucher converted to a project-based voucher by a housing authority or any other program administered or funded by a housing authority, the Illinois Housing Development Authority, another State agency, a federal agency, or a unit of local government where participation is limited to households with incomes at or below the maximum income limits as defined in this Section and the tenants' portion of the rent payment is based on a percentage of their income or a flat amount that does not exceed the maximum rent as defined in this Section.
    "Qualifying rehabilitation" means, at a minimum, compliance with local building codes and the replacement or renovation of at least 2 primary building systems to be approved for the reduced valuation under paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of this Section and at least 5 primary building systems to be approved for the reduced valuation under subsection (e) of this Section. Although the cost of each primary building system may vary, to be approved for the reduced valuation under paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of this Section, the combined expenditure for making the building compliant with local codes and replacing primary building systems must be at least $8 per square foot for work completed between January 1 of the year in which this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly takes effect and December 31 of the year in which this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly takes effect and, in subsequent years, $8 adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published annually by the U.S. Department of Labor. To be approved for the reduced valuation under paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of this Section, the combined expenditure for making the building compliant with local codes and replacing primary building systems must be at least $12.50 per square foot for work completed between January 1 of the year in which this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly takes effect and December 31 of the year in which this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly takes effect, and in subsequent years, $12.50 adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published annually by the U.S. Department of Labor. To be approved for the reduced valuation under subsection (e) of this Section, the combined expenditure for making the building compliant with local codes and replacing primary building systems must be at least $60 per square foot for work completed between January 1 of the year that this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly becomes effective and December 31 of the year that this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly becomes effective and, in subsequent years, $60 adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published annually by the U.S. Department of Labor. "Primary building systems", together with their related rehabilitations, specifically approved for this program are:
        (1) Electrical. All electrical work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of a combination of any of the following alternatives:
            (A) installing individual equipment and appliance
branch circuits as required by code (the minimum being a kitchen appliance branch circuit);
            (B) installing a new emergency service, including
emergency lighting with all associated conduits and wiring;
            (C) rewiring all existing feeder conduits ("home
runs") from the main switchgear to apartment area distribution panels;
            (D) installing new in-wall conduits for
receptacles, switches, appliances, equipment, and fixtures;
            (E) replacing power wiring for receptacles,
switches, appliances, equipment, and fixtures;
            (F) installing new light fixtures throughout the
building including closets and central areas;
            (G) replacing, adding, or doing work as necessary
to bring all receptacles, switches, and other electrical devices into code compliance;
            (H) installing a new main service, including
conduit, cables into the building, and main disconnect switch; and
            (I) installing new distribution panels, including
all panel wiring, terminals, circuit breakers, and all other panel devices.
        (2) Heating. All heating work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of a combination of any of the following alternatives:
            (A) installing a new system to replace one of the
following heat distribution systems:
                (i) piping and heat radiating units,
including new main line venting and radiator venting; or
                (ii) duct work, diffusers, and cold air
returns; or
                (iii) any other type of existing heat
distribution and radiation/diffusion components; or
            (B) installing a new system to replace one of the
following heat generating units:
                (i) hot water/steam boiler;
                (ii) gas furnace; or
                (iii) any other type of existing heat
generating unit.
        (3) Plumbing. All plumbing work must comply with
applicable codes. Replace all or a part of the in-wall supply and waste plumbing; however, main supply risers, waste stacks and vents, and code-conforming waste lines need not be replaced.
        (4) Roofing. All roofing work must comply with
applicable codes; it may consist of either of the following alternatives, separately or in combination:
            (A) replacing all rotted roof decks and
insulation; or
            (B) replacing or repairing leaking roof membranes
(10% is the suggested minimum replacement of membrane); restoration of the entire roof is an acceptable substitute for membrane replacement.
        (5) Exterior doors and windows. Replace the exterior
doors and windows. Renovation of ornate entry doors is an acceptable substitute for replacement.
        (6) Floors, walls, and ceilings. Finishes must be
replaced or covered over with new material. Acceptable replacement or covering materials are as follows:
            (A) floors must have new carpeting, vinyl tile,
ceramic, refurbished wood finish, or a similar substitute;
            (B) walls must have new drywall, including joint
taping and painting; or
            (C) new ceilings must be either drywall,
suspended type, or a similar material.
        (7) Exterior walls.
            (A) replace loose or crumbling mortar and
masonry with new material;
            (B) replace or paint wall siding and trim as
            (C) bring porches and balconies to a sound
condition; or
            (D) any combination of (A), (B), and (C).
        (8) Elevators. Where applicable, at least 4 of the
following 7 alternatives must be accomplished:
            (A) replace or rebuild the machine room controls
and refurbish the elevator machine (or equivalent mechanisms in the case of hydraulic elevators);
            (B) replace hoistway electro-mechanical items
including: ropes, switches, limits, buffers, levelers, and deflector sheaves (or equivalent mechanisms in the case of hydraulic elevators);
            (C) replace hoistway wiring;
            (D) replace door operators and linkage;
            (E) replace door panels at each opening;
            (F) replace hall stations, car stations, and
signal fixtures; or
            (G) rebuild the car shell and refinish the
        (9) Health and safety.
            (A) Install or replace fire suppression systems;
            (B) install or replace security systems; or
            (C) environmental remediation of lead-based
paint, asbestos, leaking underground storage tanks, or radon.
        (10) Energy conservation improvements undertaken to
limit the amount of solar energy absorbed by a building's roof or to reduce energy use for the property, including, but not limited to, any of the following activities:
            (A) installing or replacing reflective roof
coatings (flat roofs);
            (B) installing or replacing R-49 roof insulation;
            (C) installing or replacing R-19 perimeter wall
            (D) installing or replacing insulated entry
            (E) installing or replacing Low E, insulated
            (F) installing or replacing WaterSense labeled
plumbing fixtures;
            (G) installing or replacing 90% or better sealed
combustion heating systems;
            (H) installing Energy Star hot water heaters;
            (I) installing or replacing mechanical
ventilation to exterior for kitchens and baths;
            (J) installing or replacing Energy Star
            (K) installing or replacing Energy Star certified
lighting in common areas; or
            (L) installing or replacing grading and
landscaping to promote on-site water retention if the retained water is used to replace water that is provided from a municipal source.
        (11) Accessibility improvements. All accessibility
improvements must comply with applicable codes. An owner may make accessibility improvements to residential real property to increase access for people with disabilities. As used in this paragraph (11), "disability" has the meaning given to that term in the Illinois Human Rights Act. As used in this paragraph (11), "accessibility improvements" means a home modification listed under the Home Services Program administered by the Department of Human Services (Part 686 of Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code) including, but not limited to: installation of ramps, grab bars, or wheelchair lifts; widening doorways or hallways; re-configuring rooms and closets; and any other changes to enhance the independence of people with disabilities.
        (12) Any applicant who has purchased the property in
an arm's length transaction not more than 90 days before applying for this reduced valuation may use the cost of rehabilitation or repairs required by documented code violations, up to a maximum of $2 per square foot, to meet the qualifying rehabilitation requirements.
(Source: P.A. 102-175, eff. 7-29-21; 102-893, eff. 5-20-22.)

35 ILCS 200/15-180

    (35 ILCS 200/15-180)
    Sec. 15-180. Homestead improvements. Homestead properties that have been improved and residential structures on homestead property that have been rebuilt following a catastrophic event are entitled to a homestead improvement exemption, limited to $30,000 per year through December 31, 1997, $45,000 beginning January 1, 1998 and through December 31, 2003, and $75,000 per year for that homestead property beginning January 1, 2004 and thereafter, in fair cash value, when that property is owned and used exclusively for a residential purpose and upon demonstration that a proposed increase in assessed value is attributable solely to a new improvement of an existing structure or the rebuilding of a residential structure following a catastrophic event. To be eligible for an exemption under this Section after a catastrophic event, the residential structure must be rebuilt within 2 years after the catastrophic event. The exemption for rebuilt structures under this Section applies to the increase in value of the rebuilt structure over the value of the structure before the catastrophic event. The amount of the exemption shall be limited to the fair cash value added by the new improvement or rebuilding and shall continue for 4 years from the date the improvement or rebuilding is completed and occupied, or until the next following general assessment of that property, whichever is later.
    A proclamation of disaster by the President of the United States or Governor of the State of Illinois is not a prerequisite to the classification of an occurrence as a catastrophic event under this Section. A "catastrophic event" may include an occurrence of widespread or severe damage or loss of property resulting from any catastrophic cause including but not limited to fire, including arson (provided the fire was not caused by the willful action of an owner or resident of the property), flood, earthquake, wind, storm, explosion, or extended periods of severe inclement weather. In the case of a residential structure affected by flooding, the structure shall not be eligible for this homestead improvement exemption unless it is located within a local jurisdiction which is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program.
    In counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, in addition to the notice requirement under Section 12-30, a supervisor of assessments, county assessor, or township or multi-township assessor responsible for adding an assessable improvement to a residential property's assessment shall either notify a taxpayer whose assessment has been changed since the last preceding assessment that he or she may be eligible for the exemption provided under this Section or shall grant the exemption automatically.
    Beginning January 1, 1999, in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, an application for a homestead improvement exemption for a residential structure that has been rebuilt following a catastrophic event must be submitted to the Chief County Assessment Officer with a valuation complaint and a copy of the building permit to rebuild the structure. The Chief County Assessment Officer may require additional documentation which must be provided by the applicant.
    Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 93-715, eff. 7-12-04.)

35 ILCS 200/15-185

    (35 ILCS 200/15-185)
    Sec. 15-185. Exemption for leaseback property and qualified leased property.
    (a) Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, all property owned by a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, a unit of local government whose jurisdiction includes territory located in whole or in part within a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, or a municipality with home rule powers that is contiguous to a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, shall remain exempt from taxation and any leasehold interest in that property shall not be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 if the property is directly or indirectly leased, sold, or otherwise transferred to another entity whose property is not exempt and immediately thereafter is the subject of a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the municipality or unit of local government (i) a right to use, control, and possess the property or (ii) a right to require the other entity, or the other entity's designee or assignee, to use the property in the performance of services for the municipality or unit of local government. Property shall no longer be exempt under this subsection as of the date when the right of the municipality or unit of local government to use, control, and possess the property or to require the performance of services is terminated and the municipality or unit of local government no longer has any option to purchase or otherwise reacquire the interest in the property which was transferred by the municipality or unit of local government.
    (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, all property owned by a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, a unit of local government whose jurisdiction includes territory located in whole or in part within a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, or a municipality with home rule powers that is contiguous to a municipality with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants, shall remain exempt from taxation and any leasehold interest in that property is not subject to taxation under Section 9-195 if the property, including dedicated public property, is used by a municipality or other unit of local government for the purpose of parking and is leased for continued use for the same purpose to another entity whose property is not exempt. If property located in a municipality with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants is not subject to taxation due to its use for the purpose of parking, and any portion of the property is used for a purpose other than parking, that portion of the property shall be subject to taxation under Section 9-195 for the period of time during which it is used for that non-exempt purpose; provided, however, that the use of a portion of such property for a non-exempt purpose shall have no effect on (i) the exemption of the remaining portion of the property that continues to be used for an exempt purpose, as identified in this subsection, or (ii) the future exemption of that same portion of the property if it ceases to be used for a non-exempt purpose and returned to use for an exempt purpose as identified in this subsection. No taxes shall be assessed on any portion of the property identified in this subsection prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly.
    Any transaction described under this subsection must be undertaken in accordance with all appropriate federal laws and regulations.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, "municipality" means a municipality as defined in Section 1-1-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and "unit of local government" means a unit of local government as defined in Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois. The provisions of this Section supersede and control over any conflicting provisions of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-551, eff. 1-1-20.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 5 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 heading)
Article 16. Review of Assessment Decisions

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. General provisions

35 ILCS 200/16-5

    (35 ILCS 200/16-5)
    Sec. 16-5. Information from assessors to board of review and board of appeals. The chief county assessment officer shall furnish to the board of review or board of appeals all books, papers and information in his or her office requested by the board to assist it in the proper discharge of its duties.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-8

    (35 ILCS 200/16-8)
    Sec. 16-8. Books and records of chief county assessment officer.
    (a) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the chief county assessment officer shall maintain records of the assessed value of each parcel of property and shall enter upon the property record card of each town or city lot or parcel of land the elements (or basis) of valuation and computations that are taken into consideration by the chief county assessment officer in ascertaining and determining the fair cash value of each town or city lot or parcel of land and of each improvement thereon, including the elements (shown by percentages or otherwise) that were taken into consideration as enhancing or detracting elements (such as depth, corner, alley, railway or other elements). The assessment officer shall maintain the records for at least 10 years. Upon request by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), the officer shall immediately furnish all of the requested records to the board. The records shall be available, on request, to the taxpayer. The chief county assessment officer shall certify, in writing, the amount of the assessment to the board. If the records maintained by the chief county assessment officer at the time the assessment is certified to the board under subsection (a) contain none of the elements (or basis) of valuation for the parcel, then any increase by the chief county assessment officer shall be considered invalid by the board acting on a complaint under Section 16-120; and no action by the board under Section 16-120 shall result in an increase in the valuation for the parcel for the current assessment year.
    (b) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the notice given by the chief county assessment officer to a taxpayer of a proposed increase in assessment shall designate the reason for the increase. If a taxpayer files an assessment complaint with the chief county assessment officer, the notification to the taxpayer of a determination on the assessment complaint shall designate the reason for the result.
    (c) The provisions of this Section shall be applicable beginning with the assessment for the 1997 tax year.
(Source: P.A. 89-718, eff. 3-7-97; 90-4, eff. 3-7-97.)

35 ILCS 200/16-10

    (35 ILCS 200/16-10)
    Sec. 16-10. Summons by the board of review or board of appeals. A board of review or board of appeals may summon any assessor, deputy, or other person to appear before it to be examined under oath concerning the method by which any evaluation has been ascertained, and its correctness. Any person so summoned who fails, without good cause, to appear or appearing refuses to submit to the inquiry or answer questions asked by any member of the board, or any attorney representing the board, shall be guilty of a petty offense.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-15

    (35 ILCS 200/16-15)
    Sec. 16-15. Adjustments to prior year's assessments. Each county clerk shall compile final adjustments made during the preceding calendar year by the State Property Tax Appeal Board to the aggregate assessed value of a school district for which such adjustments are greater than $250,000 or 2% of the aggregate assessed value of a school district, whichever is less, and report that information to the Department. By July 1 annually, the Department shall transmit the adjusted assessments reported since the prior July 1 to the Illinois State Board of Education for purposes of calculating the amount of State aid to be apportioned to the various school districts under the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 86-237; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Boards of review
in counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants

35 ILCS 200/16-20

    (35 ILCS 200/16-20)
    Sec. 16-20. Powers and duties of boards of review. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the board of review shall, in any year, whether the year of the general assessment or not, perform the functions set forth in Sections 16-25 through 16-90.
(Source: P.A. 86-345; 86-413; 86-1028; 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-25

    (35 ILCS 200/16-25)
    Sec. 16-25. Review after complaint by taxing bodies. Any taxing body that has an interest in an assessment made by any local assessment officer or officers may have the assessment reviewed by the board of review by filing a complaint in writing with the board within 30 calendar days after publication of the assessment list under Section 12-10. All complaints shall identify and describe the particular property and shall be filed with the board in duplicate. The board shall make a determination as to the correct amount of the assessment, but the board shall not increase the amount of the assessment without first giving due notice and an opportunity to be heard to the taxpayer affected.
(Source: P.A. 78-450; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-30

    (35 ILCS 200/16-30)
    Sec. 16-30. Board of review meetings. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the board of review may meet at times it deems necessary for supervising and directing the clerk in the duties prescribed in this Article, and shall meet on or before the first Monday each June to revise the assessment of property. At the meeting, the board of review upon application of any taxpayer or upon its own motion may revise the entire assessment of any taxpayer or any part of the assessment as appears to it to be just. The assessment of the property of any person shall not be increased unless that person or his or her agent first has been notified in writing at the address that appears on the assessment books, and been given an opportunity to be heard. The meeting may be recessed as necessary.
(Source: P.A. 84-582; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-35

    (35 ILCS 200/16-35)
    Sec. 16-35. Adjournment of boards of review. The final adjournment of the board of review in counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall be when the work for that assessment year is completed and the assessment books certified to the county clerk but no later than March 15 of the following year.
(Source: P.A. 96-298, eff. 8-11-09.)

35 ILCS 200/16-40

    (35 ILCS 200/16-40)
    Sec. 16-40. Prohibition of per diem compensation. Except under Section 6-30, no per diem compensation shall be paid by the county board to any member of the board of review.
(Source: P.A. 84-582; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-45

    (35 ILCS 200/16-45)
    Sec. 16-45. Consolidated hearings. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the board of review, on request of a taxpayer complainant, shall consolidate 2 or more complaints into one hearing, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16-55 relating to the consideration of complaints by townships or taxing districts. When it is impractical to do so because the assessment books necessary to determine all complaints at one time are not available, those complaints for which the necessary books are available shall be consolidated.
(Source: P.A. 80-613; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-50

    (35 ILCS 200/16-50)
    Sec. 16-50. Omitted property. The Board of review shall assess all omitted property as provided in Sections 9-265 and 9-270. An assessment of omitted property by the board of review in the manner provided in this Code shall not be subject to review by any succeeding board.
    For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Code, the several taxing bodies interested therein are hereby empowered to employ counsel to appear before the board and take all necessary steps to enforce the assessment on such omitted property.
(Source: P.A. 86-345; 86-413; 86-1028; 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-55

    (35 ILCS 200/16-55)
    Sec. 16-55. Complaints.
    (a) On written complaint that any property is overassessed or underassessed, the board shall review the assessment, and correct it, as appears to be just, but in no case shall the property be assessed at a higher percentage of fair cash value than other property in the assessment district prior to equalization by the board or the Department.
    (b) The board shall include compulsory sales in reviewing and correcting assessments, including, but not limited to, those compulsory sales submitted by the complainant, if the board determines that those sales reflect the same property characteristics and condition as those originally used to make the assessment. The board shall also consider whether the compulsory sale would otherwise be considered an arm's length transaction.
    (c) If a complaint is filed by an attorney on behalf of a complainant, all notices and correspondence from the board relating to the appeal shall be directed to the attorney. The board may require proof of the attorney's authority to represent the taxpayer. If the attorney fails to provide proof of authority within the compliance period granted by the board pursuant to subsection (d), the board may dismiss the complaint. The Board shall send, electronically or by mail, notice of the dismissal to the attorney and complainant.
    (d) A complaint to affect the assessment for the current year shall be filed on or before 30 calendar days after the date of publication of the assessment list under Section 12-10. Upon receipt of a written complaint that is timely filed under this Section, the board of review shall docket the complaint. If the complaint does not comply with the board of review rules adopted under Section 9-5 entitling the complainant to a hearing, the board shall send, electronically or by mail, notification acknowledging receipt of the complaint. The notification must identify which rules have not been complied with and provide the complainant with not less than 10 business days to bring the complaint into compliance with those rules. If the complainant complies with the board of review rules either upon the initial filing of a complaint or within the time as extended by the board of review for compliance, then the board of review shall send, electronically or by mail, a notice of hearing and the board shall hear the complaint and shall issue and send, electronically or by mail, a decision upon resolution. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c), if the complainant has not complied with the rules within the time as extended by the board of review, the board shall nonetheless issue and send a decision. The board of review may adopt rules allowing any party to attend and participate in a hearing by telephone or electronically.
    (d-5) Complaints and other written correspondence sent by the United States mail shall be considered filed as of the postmark date in accordance with Section 1.25 of the Statute on Statutes. Complaints and other written correspondence sent by a delivery service other than the United States Postal System shall be considered as filed as of the date sent as indicated by the shipper's tracking label. If allowed by board of review rule, complaints and other written correspondence transmitted electronically shall be considered filed as of the date received.
    (e) The board may also, at any time before its revision of the assessments is completed in every year, increase, reduce or otherwise adjust the assessment of any property, making changes in the valuation as may be just, and shall have full power over the assessment of any person and may do anything in regard thereto that it may deem necessary to make a just assessment, but the property shall not be assessed at a higher percentage of fair cash value than the assessed valuation of other property in the assessment district prior to equalization by the board or the Department.
    (f) No assessment shall be increased until the person to be affected has been notified and given an opportunity to be heard, except as provided below.
    (g) Before making any reduction in assessments of its own motion, the board of review shall give notice to the assessor or chief county assessment officer who certified the assessment, and give the assessor or chief county assessment officer an opportunity to be heard thereon.
    (h) All complaints of errors in assessments of property shall be in writing, and shall be filed by the complaining party with the board of review, in the number of copies required by board of review rule. A copy shall be filed by the board of review with the assessor or chief county assessment officer who certified the assessment.
    (i) In all cases where a change in assessed valuation of $100,000 or more is sought, the board of review shall also serve a copy of the petition on all taxing districts as shown on the last available tax bill at least 14 days prior to the hearing on the complaint. Service may be by electronic means if the taxing district consents to electronic service and provides the board of review with a valid e-mail address for the purpose of receiving service. All taxing districts shall have an opportunity to be heard on the complaint. A taxing district wishing to intervene shall file a request to intervene with the board of review at least five days in advance of a scheduled hearing. If board of review rules require the appellant to submit evidence in advance of a hearing, then any evidence in support of the intervenor's opinion of assessed value must be submitted to the board of review and complainant no later than five calendar days prior to the hearing. Service shall be made as set forth in subsection (d-5), but if board of review rules allow complaints and correspondence to be transmitted electronically, then the intervenor's evidence shall be transmitted electronically.
    (i-5) If board of review rules require the appellant to submit evidence in advance of a hearing, then any evidence to support the assessor's opinion of assessed value must be submitted to the board of review and the complainant (or, if represented by an attorney, to the attorney) no later than five calendar days prior to the hearing. Service shall be made as set forth in subsection (d-5), but if board of review rules allow complaints and correspondence to be transmitted electronically, then the assessor's evidence shall be transmitted electronically.
    (j) Complaints shall be classified by townships or taxing districts by the clerk of the board of review. All classes of complaints shall be docketed numerically, each in its own class, in the order in which they are presented, in books kept for that purpose, which books shall be open to public inspection. Complaints shall be considered by townships or taxing districts until all complaints have been heard and passed upon by the board.
(Source: P.A. 98-322, eff. 8-12-13; 99-98, eff. 1-1-16; 99-579, eff. 7-15-16.)

35 ILCS 200/16-60

    (35 ILCS 200/16-60)
    Sec. 16-60. Equalization within counties - Publication and hearing. After notice and hearing as required by Section 12-40, the board of review may increase or reduce the entire assessment, or the assessment of any class included therein, if, in its opinion, the assessment has not been made upon the proper basis. The board may also equalize the assessment in any multi-township or township, or part thereof, or any portion of the county.
(Source: P.A. 86-345; 86-413; 86-1028; 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-65

    (35 ILCS 200/16-65)
    Sec. 16-65. Equalization process. The board of review shall act as an equalizing authority, if after equalization by the supervisor of assessments the equalized assessed value of property in the county is not 33 1/3% of the total fair cash value. The board shall, after notice and hearing as required by Section 12-40, lower or raise the total assessed value of property in any assessment district within the county so that the property, other than farm and coal property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and Sections 10-170 through 10-200, will be assessed at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value.
    For each assessment district of the county, the board of review shall annually determine the percentage relationship between the valuations at which property other than farm and coal property is listed and the estimated 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of such property. To make this analysis, the board shall use at least 25 property transfers, or a combination of at least 25 property transfers and property appraisals, such information as may be submitted by interested taxing bodies, or any other means as it deems proper and reasonable. If there are not 25 property transfers available, or if these 25 property transfers do not represent a fair sample of the types of properties and their proportional distribution in the assessment district, the board shall select a random sample of properties of a number necessary to provide a combination of at least 25 property transfers and property appraisals as much as possible representative of the entire assessment district, and provide for their appraisal. The township or multi-township assessor shall be notified of and participate in the deliberations and determinations.
    In assessment year 2011, the board of review shall consider compulsory sales in its equalization process.
    The board of review, in conjunction with the chief county assessment officer, shall determine the number of compulsory sales from the prior year for the purpose of revising and correcting assessments. The board of review shall determine if the number of compulsory sales is at least 25% of all property transfers within the neighborhood, township, multi-township assessment district, or other specific geographic region in the county for that class of property, but shall exclude from the calculation (i) all property transfers for which the property characteristics and condition are not the same as those characteristics and condition used to determine the assessed value and (ii) any property transfer that is not an arm's length transaction based on existing sales ratio study standards (except for compulsory sales). If the board determines that the number of compulsory sales is at least 25% of all property transfers within the defined geographic region for that class of property, then the board of review must determine (i) the median assessment level of arm's length transactions and (ii) the median assessment level of compulsory sales. If the median assessment level of compulsory sales is higher than the median assessment level of arm's length transactions, then compulsory sales shall be included in the arm's length transaction study and the board must calculate the new median assessment level. Assessed values of properties within the specific geographic area for that class of property must be revised to reflect this new median assessment level. The revised median assessment level shall be the basis for equalization as otherwise provided in this Section.
    With the ratio determined for each assessment district, the board shall ascertain the amount to be added or deducted from the aggregate assessment on property subject to local assessment jurisdiction, other than farm and coal property, to produce a ratio of assessed value to 33 1/3% of the fair cash value equivalent to 100%. However, in determining the amount to be added to the aggregate assessment on property subject to local jurisdiction in order to produce a ratio of assessed value to 33 1/3% of the fair cash value equivalent to 100%, the board shall not, in any one year, increase or decrease the aggregate assessment of any assessment district by more than 25% of the equalized valuation of the district for the previous year, except that additions, deletions or depletions to the taxable property shall be excluded in computing the 25% limitation. The board shall complete the equalization by the date prescribed in Section 16-35 for the board's adjournment, and, within 10 days thereafter, shall report the results of its work under this Section to the Department. At least 30 days prior to its adjournment, the board shall publish a notice declaring whether it intends to equalize assessments as provided in this Section. The notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. If the board fails to report to the Department within the required time, or if the report discloses that the board has failed to make a proper and adequate equalization of assessments, the Department shall direct, determine, and supervise the assessment so that all assessments of property are relatively just and equal as provided in Section 8-5.
(Source: P.A. 96-1083, eff. 7-16-10.)

35 ILCS 200/16-70

    (35 ILCS 200/16-70)
    Sec. 16-70. Determination of exemptions. The board of review shall hear and determine the application of any person who is assessed on property claimed to be exempt from taxation. However, the decision of the board shall not be final, except as to homestead exemptions and exemptions provided under subsection (b) of Section 15-5. With the exception of homestead exemptions and exemptions provided under subsection (b) of Section 15-5, upon filing of any application for an exemption which would reduce the assessed valuation of any property by more than $100,000, the owner shall deliver, in person or by mail, a copy of the application to any municipality, school district, community college district, and fire protection district in which the property is situated. Failure of a municipality, school district, community college district, or fire protection district to receive the notice shall not invalidate any exemption. The board shall give the municipalities, school districts, community college districts, fire protection districts, and the taxpayer an opportunity to be heard. The clerk of the board in all cases other than homestead exemptions, under the direction of the board, shall make out and forward to the Department, a full and complete statement of all the facts in the case. The Department shall determine whether the property is legally liable to taxation. It shall notify the board of review of its decision, and the board shall correct the assessment if necessary. The decision of the Department is subject to review under Sections 8-35 and 8-40. The extension of taxes on any assessment shall not be delayed by any proceedings under this Section, and, if the Department rules that the property is exempt, any taxes extended upon the unauthorized assessment shall be abated or, if paid, shall be refunded.
(Source: P.A. 102-815, eff. 5-13-22.)

35 ILCS 200/16-75

    (35 ILCS 200/16-75)
    Sec. 16-75. Certificates of error. The board of review shall, at any time before judgment, if an error or mistake is discovered (other than errors of judgment as to the valuation), in any assessment, issue to the person erroneously assessed a certificate setting forth the nature of the error and its cause or causes. The certificate when properly endorsed by the chief county assessment officer, showing concurrence therein, and not otherwise, may be used in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction, and when so introduced in evidence, shall become a part of the court records, and shall not be removed from the files except upon the order of the court.
    After the board of review has issued a certificate of error and it has been properly endorsed by the chief county assessment officer, 2 copies of the certificate shall be made and one copy given to the county clerk and one copy to the collector. The county clerk shall keep records of the changes or corrections made in the certificate and shall certify such corrections to the collector so that he or she can account for the proper amount of taxes chargeable to him or her.
(Source: P.A. 91-377, eff. 7-30-99.)

35 ILCS 200/16-80

    (35 ILCS 200/16-80)
    Sec. 16-80. Reduced assessment of homestead property. In any county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if the board of review lowers the assessment of a particular parcel on which a residence occupied by the owner is situated, the reduced assessment, subject to equalization, shall remain in effect for the remainder of the general assessment period as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, unless the taxpayer, county assessor, or other interested party can show substantial cause why the reduced assessment should not remain in effect, or unless the decision of the board is reversed or modified upon review.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-85

    (35 ILCS 200/16-85)
    Sec. 16-85. Certification of assessment books. The board of review in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, shall, on or before the annual date for adjournment as fixed by Section 16-35, complete its work and make the entries in the assessment books required to make the assessment conform to the changes made therein by the board of review, and shall attach to each book an affidavit signed by at least 2 members of the board, which affidavit shall be substantially in the following form: State of Illinois, County of ....,
    We, and each of us, as a member of the board of review of the county of .... in the State of Illinois, do solemnly swear that the book to which this affidavit is attached contains a full and complete list of all the property in the county subject to taxation for the year .... so far as we have been able to ascertain, and that the assessed value set down opposite the description of a property, is, in our opinion, a just and equal assessment of the property for the purposes of taxation according to law, and that the footings of the columns in the book are correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief.
    Dated ....
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-90

    (35 ILCS 200/16-90)
    Sec. 16-90. Delivery of assessment books. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, when the books are completed, the board of review shall deliver one set of the books to the county clerk, who shall file it in his or her office; and one set to the chief county assessment officer. All of the books shall be public records. All assessors' books shall be retained for a period of 5 years, after which the County Board may order the officer having custody of the books to dispose of them and to certify that fact, when completed, to the county board. The assessment completed by the board of review and certified to the county clerk, as equalized, shall be the assessment upon which the taxes of that year shall be extended by the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Board of review;
counties of 3,000,000 or more

35 ILCS 200/16-95

    (35 ILCS 200/16-95)
    Sec. 16-95. Powers and duties of board of appeals or review; complaints. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, until the first Monday in December 1998, the board of appeals in any year shall, on complaint that any property is overassessed or underassessed, or is exempt, review and order the assessment corrected.
    Beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of review:
        (1) shall, on written complaint of any taxpayer or
any taxing district that has an interest in the assessment that any property is overassessed, underassessed, or exempt, review the assessment and confirm, revise, correct, alter, or modify the assessment, as appears to be just; and
        (2) may, upon written motion of any one or more
members of the board that is made on or before the dates specified in notices given under Section 16-110 for each township and upon good cause shown, revise, correct, alter, or modify any assessment (or part of an assessment) of real property regardless of whether the taxpayer or owner of the property has filed a complaint with the board; and
        (3) shall, after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 9-260, 9-265, 2-270, 16-135, and 16-140, review any omitted assessment proposed by the county assessor and confirm, revise, correct, alter, or modify the proposed assessment, as appears to be just.
        No assessment may be changed by the board on its own
motion until the taxpayer in whose name the property is assessed and the chief county assessment officer who certified the assessment have been notified and given an opportunity to be heard thereon. All taxing districts shall have an opportunity to be heard on the matter.
(Source: P.A. 96-1553, eff. 3-10-11.)

35 ILCS 200/16-100

    (35 ILCS 200/16-100)
    Sec. 16-100. Correction orders. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in any year shall order the county assessor to correct any mistake or error (other than mistakes or errors of judgment as to the valuation of any property) in the manner provided in Sections 14-10 and 16-145.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-105

    (35 ILCS 200/16-105)
    Sec. 16-105. Time of meeting - Public records. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall meet on or before the second Monday in September in each year for the purpose of revising the assessment of property as provided for in this Code. The meeting may be adjourned from day to day as may be necessary.
    All hearings conducted by the board under this Code shall be open to the public. All files maintained by the board relating to the matters specified in Sections 16-95, 16-100, and 16-140 shall be available for public inspection during regular office hours. However, only the actual portions of the income tax return relating to the property for which a complaint has been filed shall be a public record. Copies of such records shall be furnished upon request. The board may charge for the costs of copying, at 35¢ per page of legal size or smaller and $1 for each larger page.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-110

    (35 ILCS 200/16-110)
    Sec. 16-110. Notice of meetings - Filing complaints. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, at least one week before its meeting to revise and correct assessments, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall publish a notice of the time and place of that meeting. The board shall, from time to time, publish notices which shall specify the date and place at which complaints may be filed for those townships or taxing districts for which property assessments have been completed by the county assessor, and which will then be considered for revision and correction at that time. All notices required by this Section may provide for a revision and correction at the specified time of one or more townships or taxing districts. All such notices shall be published once in at least one newspaper of general circulation published in the county. The board at the time and place fixed, and upon notice as provided in this Section, may receive and hold hearings on all those complaints and revise and correct assessments within those townships or taxing districts. Taxpayers shall have at least 20 days after the date of publication of the notice within which to file complaints.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-115

    (35 ILCS 200/16-115)
    Sec. 16-115. Filing complaints. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, complaints that any property is overassessed or underassessed or is exempt may be made by any taxpayer. Complaints that any property is overassessed or underassessed or is exempt may be made by a taxing district that has an interest in the assessment to a board of review. All complaints shall be in writing, identify and describe the particular property, otherwise comply with the rules in force, be either signed by the complaining party or his or her attorney or, if filed electronically, signed with the electronic signature of the complaining party or his or her attorney, and be filed with the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in at least duplicate. The board shall forward one copy of each complaint to the county assessor.
    Complaints by taxpayers and taxing districts and certificates of correction by the county assessor as provided in this Code shall be filed with the board according to townships on or before the dates specified in the notices given in Section 16-110.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/16-120

    (35 ILCS 200/16-120)
    Sec. 16-120. Decision on complaints. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, at its meeting for the purpose of revising and correcting the assessments, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), upon complaint filed by a taxpayer or taxing district as prescribed in this Code, may revise the entire assessment of any taxpayer, or any part thereof, and correct the same as shall appear to the board to be just. The assessment of the property of any taxpayer shall not be increased unless that taxpayer or his agent shall first have been notified in writing and been given an opportunity to be heard.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-125

    (35 ILCS 200/16-125)
    Sec. 16-125. Hearings. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, complaints filed with the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall be classified by townships. All complaints shall be docketed numerically, in the order in which they are presented, as nearly as possible, in books or computer records kept for that purpose, which shall be open to public inspection. The complaints shall be considered by townships until they have been heard and passed upon by the board. After completing final action on all matters in a township, the board shall transmit such final actions to the county assessor.
    A hearing upon any complaint shall not be held until the taxpayer affected and the county assessor have each been notified and have been given an opportunity to be heard. All hearings shall be open to the public and the board shall sit together and hear the representations of the interested parties or their representatives. An order for a correction of any assessment shall not be made unless both commissioners of the board, or a majority of the members in the case of a board of review, concur therein, in which case, an order for correction shall be made in open session and entered in the records of the board. When an assessment is ordered corrected, the board shall transmit a computer printout of the results, or make and sign a brief written statement of the reason for the change and the manner in which the method used by the assessor in making the assessment was erroneous, and shall deliver a copy of the statement to the county assessor. Upon request the board shall hear any taxpayer in opposition to a proposed reduction in any assessment.
    The board may destroy or otherwise dispose of complaints and records pertaining thereto after the lapse of 5 years from the date of filing.
(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/16-130

    (35 ILCS 200/16-130)
    Sec. 16-130. Exemption procedures; board of appeals; board of review. Whenever the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants determines that any property is or is not exempt from taxation, the decision of the board shall not be final, except as to homestead exemptions and exemptions provided under subsection (b) of Section 15-5. With the exception of homestead exemptions and exemptions provided under subsection (b) of Section 15-5, upon filing of any application for an exemption which would, if approved, reduce the assessed valuation of any property by more than $100,000, other than a homestead exemption, the owner shall give timely notice of the application by mailing a copy of it to any municipality, fire protection district, school district, and community college district in which such property is situated. Failure of a municipality, fire protection district, school district, or community college district to receive the notice shall not invalidate any exemption. The board shall give the municipalities, fire protection districts, school districts, and community college districts and the taxpayer an opportunity to be heard. In all exemption cases other than homestead exemptions, the secretary of the board shall comply with the provisions of Section 5-15. The Department shall then determine whether the property is or is not legally liable to taxation. It shall notify the board of its decision and the board shall correct the assessment accordingly, if necessary. The decision of the Department is subject to review under Sections 8-35 and 8-40. The extension of taxes on any assessment shall not be delayed by any proceedings under this paragraph, and, in case the property is determined to be exempt, any taxes extended upon the unauthorized assessment shall be abated or, if already paid, shall be refunded.
(Source: P.A. 102-815, eff. 5-13-22.)

35 ILCS 200/16-135

    (35 ILCS 200/16-135)
    Sec. 16-135. Omitted property; Notice provisions. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the owner of property and the executor, administrator, or trustee of a decedent whose property has been omitted in the assessment in any year or years or on which a tax for which the property was liable has not been paid, and the several taxing bodies interested therein, shall be given at least 30 days notice in writing by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) or county assessor of the hearing on the proposed assessments of the omitted property. The board or assessor shall have full power to examine the owner, or the executor, administrator, trustee, legatee, or heirs of the decedent, or other person concerning the ownership, kind, character, amount and the value of the omitted property.
    If the board determines that the property of any decedent was omitted from assessment during any year or years, or that a tax for which the property was liable, has not been paid, the board shall direct the county assessor to assess the property. However, if the county assessor, on his or her own initiative, makes such a determination, then the assessor shall assess the property. No charge for tax of previous years shall be made against any property prior to the date of ownership of the person owning the property at the time the liability for such omitted tax is first ascertained. Ownership as used in this Section refers to bona fide legal and equitable titles or interests acquired for value and without notice of the tax, as may appear by deed, deed of trust, mortgage, certificate of purchase or sale, or other form of contract. No such charge for tax of previous years shall be made against any property if:
        (1) the assessor failed to notify the board of review
of an omitted assessment in accordance with subsection (a-1) of Section 9-260 of this Code; or
        (2) the property was last assessed as unimproved,
the owner of the property, gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9-180, and reassessment of the property was not made within 16 months of receipt of that notice; or
        (3) the owner of the property gave notice as required
by Section 9-265; or
        (4) the assessor received a building permit for the
property evidencing that new construction had occurred or was occurring on the property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; or
        (5) the assessor received a plat map, plat of survey,
ALTA survey, mortgage survey, or other similar document containing the omitted property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; or
        (6) the assessor received a real estate transfer
declaration indicating a sale from an exempt property owner to a non-exempt property owner but failed to list the property on the tax rolls; or
        (7) the property was the subject of an assessment
appeal before the assessor or the board of review that had included the intended omitted property as part of the assessment appeal and provided evidence of its market value.
    The assessment of omitted property by the county assessor may be reviewed by the board in the same manner as other assessments are reviewed under the provisions of this Code and when so reviewed, the assessment shall not thereafter be subject to review by any succeeding board.
    For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Code, relating to property omitted from assessment, the taxing bodies interested therein are hereby empowered to employ counsel to appear before the board or assessor (as the case may be) and take all necessary steps to enforce the assessment on the omitted property.
(Source: P.A. 96-1553, eff. 3-10-11.)

35 ILCS 200/16-140

    (35 ILCS 200/16-140)
    Sec. 16-140. Omitted property. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in any year shall direct the county assessor, in accordance with Section 16-135, when he or she fails to do so on his or her own initiative, to assess all property which has not been assessed, for any reason, and enter the same upon the assessment books and to list and assess all property that has been omitted in the assessment for the current year and not more than 3 years prior to the current year. If the tax for which that property was liable has not been paid or if any property, by reason of defective description or assessment thereof, fails to pay taxes for any year or years, the property, when discovered by the board shall be listed and assessed by the county assessor. The board may order the county assessor to make such alterations in the description of property as it deems necessary. No charge for tax of previous years shall be made against any property if:
        (1) the assessor failed to notify the board of review
of an omitted assessment in accordance with subsection (a-1) of Section 9-260 of this Code; or
        (2) the property was last assessed as unimproved,
the owner of the property gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9-180, and reassessment of the property was not made within 16 months of receipt of that notice; or
        (3) the owner of the property gave notice as required
by Section 9-265; or
        (4) the assessor received a building permit for the
property evidencing that new construction had occurred or was occurring on the property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; or
        (5) the assessor received a plat map, plat of survey,
ALTA survey, mortgage survey, or other similar document containing the omitted property but failed to list the improvement on the tax rolls; or
        (6) the assessor received a real estate transfer
declaration indicating a sale from an exempt property owner to a non-exempt property owner but failed to list the property on the tax rolls; or
        (7) the property was the subject of an assessment
appeal before the assessor or the board of review that had included the intended omitted property as part of the assessment appeal and provided evidence of its market value.
    The board shall hear complaints and revise assessments of any particular parcel of property of any person identified and described in a complaint filed with the board and conforming to the requirements of Section 16-115. The board shall make revisions in no other cases.
(Source: P.A. 96-1553, eff. 3-10-11.)

35 ILCS 200/16-145

    (35 ILCS 200/16-145)
    Sec. 16-145. Assessment list changes. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), in revising assessments in any year, shall require the county assessor to note all changes in the valuation of property upon an assessment list and books certified by the county assessor.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-147

    (35 ILCS 200/16-147)
    Sec. 16-147. Reduced assessment of homestead property. In any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the board of review or board of appeals lowers the assessment of a particular parcel on which a residence occupied by the owner is situated, the reduced assessment, subject to equalization, shall remain in effect for the remainder of the general assessment period as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, unless the taxpayer, county assessor, or other interested party can show substantial cause why the reduced assessment should not remain in effect, or unless the decision of the board is reversed or modified upon review.
(Source: P.A. 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-150

    (35 ILCS 200/16-150)
    Sec. 16-150. Certification of assessment books. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall, on or before the annual date for final adjournment as fixed by this Section, complete its work, and order the county assessor to make those entries in the assessment books and lists as may be required to make the assessments conform with the changes directed to be made therein by the board. The county assessor and a majority of the members of the board shall attach to each of the assessment books in the possession of the county assessor and the county clerk an affidavit signed by the county assessor and a majority of the members of the board, which affidavit shall be in substantially the following form:
State of Illinois)
                 ) ss.
County of .......)
    We, and each of us, as county assessor and as members of the (board of appeals or board of review) of the County of ...., in the State of Illinois, do solemnly swear that the books .... in number .... to which this affidavit is attached, contain a full and complete list of all the property in this county subject to taxation for the year (insert year) so far as we have been able to ascertain them, and that the assessed value set down in the proper column opposite the several kinds and descriptions of property, is, in our opinion, a just and equal assessment of the property for the purposes of taxation according to law, and that the footings of the several columns in these books are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
    The final date of adjournment of the board shall be 60 days after the date of the last delivery to it of the assessment books for any township or taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/16-155

    (35 ILCS 200/16-155)
    Sec. 16-155. Use of certified assessments. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the assessments of property after review by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) shall be certified to the county clerk and shall be the basis of that clerk's reports of assessments to the Department and, as equalized, shall be used by the county clerk in ascertaining tax rates and extending taxes.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Property Tax Appeal Board

35 ILCS 200/16-160

    (35 ILCS 200/16-160)
    Sec. 16-160. Property Tax Appeal Board; process. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, beginning with assessments made for the 1996 assessment year for residential property of 6 units or less and beginning with assessments made for the 1997 assessment year for all other property, and for all property in any county other than a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any taxpayer dissatisfied with the decision of a board of review or board of appeals as such decision pertains to the assessment of his or her property for taxation purposes, or any taxing body that has an interest in the decision of the board of review or board of appeals on an assessment made by any local assessment officer, may, (i) in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants within 30 days after the date of written notice of the decision of the board of review or (ii) in assessment year 1999 and thereafter in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants within 30 days after the date of the board of review notice or within 30 days after the date that the board of review transmits to the county assessor pursuant to Section 16-125 its final action on the township in which the property is located, whichever is later, appeal the decision to the Property Tax Appeal Board for review. In any appeal where the board of review or board of appeals has given written notice of the hearing to the taxpayer 30 days before the hearing, failure to appear at the board of review or board of appeals hearing shall be grounds for dismissal of the appeal unless a continuance is granted to the taxpayer. If an appeal is dismissed for failure to appear at a board of review or board of appeals hearing, the Property Tax Appeal Board shall have no jurisdiction to hear any subsequent appeal on that taxpayer's complaint. Such taxpayer or taxing body, hereinafter called the appellant, shall file a petition with the clerk of the Property Tax Appeal Board, setting forth the facts upon which he or she bases the objection, together with a statement of the contentions of law which he or she desires to raise, and the relief requested. If a petition is filed by a taxpayer, the taxpayer is precluded from filing objections based upon valuation, as may otherwise be permitted by Sections 21-175 and 23-5. However, any taxpayer not satisfied with the decision of the board of review or board of appeals as such decision pertains to the assessment of his or her property need not appeal the decision to the Property Tax Appeal Board before seeking relief in the courts. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly shall be effective beginning with the 1999 assessment year.
    An association may, on behalf of all or several of the owners that constitute the association, file an appeal to the Property Tax Appeal Board or intervene in an appeal to the Property Tax Appeal Board filed by a taxing body. For purposes of this Section, "association" means: (1) a common interest community association, as that term is defined in Section 1-5 of the Common Interest Community Association Act; (2) a unit owners' association, as that term is defined in subsection (o) of Section 2 of the Condominium Property Act; or (3) a master association, as that term is defined in subsection (u) of Section 2 of the Condominium Property Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-1000, eff. 1-1-23.)

35 ILCS 200/16-165

    (35 ILCS 200/16-165)
    Sec. 16-165. Forms for appeal. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall supply forms for appeal to the Boards of Review or Boards of Appeals. Each Board of Review or Board of Appeals shall provide such forms to each person or taxing body entitled to appeal a decision of the Board of Review or Board of Appeals.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-671, eff. 8-14-96.)

35 ILCS 200/16-170

    (35 ILCS 200/16-170)
    Sec. 16-170. Hearings. A hearing shall be granted if any party to the appeal so requests, and, upon motion of any party to the appeal or by direction of the Property Tax Appeal Board, any appeal may be set down for a hearing, with proper notice to the interested parties. Notice to all interested taxing bodies shall be deemed to have been given when served upon the State's Attorney of the county from which the appeal has been taken. Hearings may be held before less than a majority of the members of the Board, and the chairman may assign members or hearing officers to hold hearings. Such hearings shall be open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of practice and procedure promulgated by the Board. The Board, any member or hearing officer may require the production of any books, records, papers or documents that may be material or relevant as evidence in any matter pending before it and necessary for the making of a just decision.
(Source: P.A. 76-689; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-175

    (35 ILCS 200/16-175)
    Sec. 16-175. Subpoenas. The Chairman of the Property Tax Appeal Board or his or her designee may issue subpoenas which shall be served by any person lawfully authorized to serve a subpoena under the laws of the State of Illinois. In case of disobedience to a subpoena, the Board may petition any circuit court of the State for an order requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses. Witnesses attending any hearing held by the Property Tax Appeal Board, pursuant to any subpoena, shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the circuit courts of the State.
(Source: P.A. 83-1250; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-180

    (35 ILCS 200/16-180)
    Sec. 16-180. Procedure for determination of correct assessment. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall establish by rules an informal procedure for the determination of the correct assessment of property which is the subject of an appeal. The procedure, to the extent that the Board considers practicable, shall eliminate formal rules of pleading, practice and evidence, and except for any reasonable filing fee determined by the Board, may provide that costs shall be in the discretion of the Board. A copy of the appellant's petition shall be mailed or sent by electronic means by the clerk of the Property Tax Appeal Board to the board of review whose decision is being appealed. In all cases where a change in assessed valuation of $100,000 or more is sought, the board of review shall serve a copy of the petition on all taxing districts as shown on the last available tax bill. The chairman of the Property Tax Appeal Board shall provide for the speedy hearing of all such appeals. Each appeal shall be limited to the grounds listed in the petition filed with the Property Tax Appeal Board. All appeals shall be considered de novo and the Property Tax Appeal Board shall not be limited to the evidence presented to the board of review of the county. A party participating in the hearing before the Property Tax Appeal Board is entitled to introduce evidence that is otherwise proper and admissible without regard to whether that evidence has previously been introduced at a hearing before the board of review of the county. Where no complaint has been made to the board of review of the county where the property is located and the appeal is based solely on the effect of an equalizing factor assigned to all property or to a class of property by the board of review, the Property Tax Appeal Board shall not grant a reduction in assessment greater than the amount that was added as the result of the equalizing factor.
    The provisions added to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly shall be construed as declaratory of existing law and not as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 99-626, eff. 7-22-16.)

35 ILCS 200/16-183

    (35 ILCS 200/16-183)
    Sec. 16-183. Compulsory sales. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall consider compulsory sales of comparable properties for the purpose of revising and correcting assessments, including those compulsory sales of comparable properties submitted by the taxpayer.
(Source: P.A. 96-1083, eff. 7-16-10.)

35 ILCS 200/16-185

    (35 ILCS 200/16-185)
    Sec. 16-185. Decisions. The Board shall make a decision in each appeal or case appealed to it, and the decision shall be based upon equity and the weight of evidence and not upon constructive fraud, and shall be binding upon appellant and officials of government. The extension of taxes on any assessment so appealed shall not be delayed by any proceeding before the Board, and, in case the assessment is altered by the Board, any taxes extended upon the unauthorized assessment or part thereof shall be abated, or, if already paid, shall be refunded with interest as provided in Section 23-20.
    The decision or order of the Property Tax Appeal Board in any such appeal, shall, within 10 days thereafter, be certified at no charge to the appellant and to the proper authorities, including the board of review or board of appeals whose decision was appealed, the county clerk who extends taxes upon the assessment in question, and the county collector who collects property taxes upon such assessment.
    The final administrative decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board shall be deemed served on a party when a copy of the decision is: (1) deposited in the United States Mail, in a sealed package, with postage prepaid, addressed to that party at the address listed for that party in the pleadings; except that, if the party is represented by an attorney, the notice shall go to the attorney at the address listed in the pleadings; or (2) sent electronically to the party at the e-mail addresses provided for that party in the pleadings. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall allow each party to designate one or more individuals to receive electronic correspondence on behalf of that party and shall allow each party to change, add, or remove designees selected by that party during the course of the proceedings. Decisions and all electronic correspondence shall be directed to each individual so designated.
    If the Property Tax Appeal Board renders a decision lowering the assessment of a particular parcel after the deadline for filing complaints with the board of review or board of appeals or after adjournment of the session of the board of review or board of appeals at which assessments for the subsequent year or years of the same general assessment period, as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, are being considered, the taxpayer may, within 30 days after the date of written notice of the Property Tax Appeal Board's decision, appeal the assessment for such subsequent year or years directly to the Property Tax Appeal Board.
    If the Property Tax Appeal Board renders a decision lowering the assessment of a particular parcel on which a residence occupied by the owner is situated, such reduced assessment, subject to equalization, shall remain in effect for the remainder of the general assessment period as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, unless that parcel is subsequently sold in an arm's length transaction establishing a fair cash value for the parcel that is different from the fair cash value on which the Board's assessment is based, or unless the decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board is reversed or modified upon review.
(Source: P.A. 99-626, eff. 7-22-16; 100-216, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/16-190

    (35 ILCS 200/16-190)
    Sec. 16-190. Record of proceedings and orders.
    (a) The Property Tax Appeal Board shall keep a record of its proceedings and orders and the record shall be a public record. In all cases where the contesting party is seeking a change of $100,000 or more in assessed valuation, the contesting party must provide a court reporter at his or her own expense. The original certified transcript of such hearing shall be forwarded to the Springfield office of the Property Tax Appeal Board and shall become part of the Board's official record of the proceeding on appeal. Each year the Property Tax Appeal Board shall publish a volume containing a synopsis of representative cases decided by the Board during that year. The publication shall be organized by or cross-referenced by the issue presented before the Board in each case contained in the publication. The publication shall be available for inspection by the public at the Property Tax Appeal Board offices and copies shall be available for a reasonable cost, except as provided in Section 16-191.
    (b) The Property Tax Appeal Board shall provide annually, no later than February 1, to the Governor and the General Assembly a report that contains for each county the following:
        (1) the total number of cases for commercial and
industrial property requesting a reduction in assessed value of $100,000 or more for each of the last 5 years;
        (2) the total number of cases for commercial and
industrial property decided by the Property Tax Appeal Board for each of the last 5 years; and
        (3) the total change in assessed value based on the
Property Tax Appeal Board decisions for commercial property and industrial property for each of the last 5 years.
    (c) The requirement for providing a report to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by filing copies of the report with the following:
        (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
        (2) the Minority Leader of the House of
        (3) the Clerk of the House of Representatives;
        (4) the President of the Senate;
        (5) the Minority Leader of the Senate;
        (6) the Secretary of the Senate;
        (7) the Commission on Government Forecasting and
Accountability, as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act; and
        (8) the State Government Report Distribution Center
for the General Assembly, as required by subsection (t) of Section 7 of the State Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-1148, eff. 12-10-18.)

35 ILCS 200/16-191

    (35 ILCS 200/16-191)
    Sec. 16-191. Publications for Chief County Assessment Officers. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall annually distribute to each chief county assessment officer, free of charge, one copy of the volume published pursuant to Section 16-190 and one copy of any other publication produced by the Property Tax Appeal Board, upon request.
    In addition, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the Property Tax Appeal Board shall electronically distribute every 30 days to the chief county assessment officer, free of charge, appeal information containing the following:
        (1) appeal year and appeal docket number;
        (2) Property Tax Appeal Board class and requested
level of reduction;
        (3) appellant name;
        (4) permanent index number or numbers;
        (5) scheduled hearing dates;
        (6) final assessed value determined by the Property
Tax Appeal Board;
        (7) date case closed at Property Tax Appeal Board;
        (8) reason for action;
        (9) intervenor name; and
        (10) intervenor representatives.
(Source: P.A. 93-248, eff. 7-22-03.)

35 ILCS 200/16-195

    (35 ILCS 200/16-195)
    Sec. 16-195. Review of decisions. Final administrative decisions of the Property Tax Appeal Board are subject to review under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, except that in every case where a change in assessed valuation of $300,000 or more was sought, that review shall be afforded directly in the Appellate Court for the district in which the property involved in the Board's decision is situated, and not in the circuit court. The Property Tax Appeal Board shall certify the record of its proceedings only if the taxpayer or other entity seeking review under the Administrative Review Law pays to it for each page of legal size or smaller, the sum of 75¢ per page for testimony taken before the Board and 25¢ per page for all other matters contained in the record, and for any page larger than legal size the sum of $1, except that these charges may be waived when the Board is satisfied that the aggrieved party cannot afford to pay such charges. There shall be no charge to the taxpayer or other entity for certification by the Property Tax Appeal Board of any pages of the record which are furnished for inclusion in the record by the taxpayer or other entity seeking review. If payment for the record is not made by the taxpayer or other entity within 30 days after notice from the Board or the Attorney General of the cost thereof, the court in which the proceeding is pending, on motion of the Board, shall dismiss the complaint.
(Source: P.A. 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 16 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Department of Revenue

35 ILCS 200/16-200

    (35 ILCS 200/16-200)
    Sec. 16-200. Review of farmland and coal assessments. Assessments in each county made under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200 shall be subject to review by the Department to determine whether they are being made in accordance with those Sections. If it appears to the Department that local assessing officials are not assigning values determined under the Sections cited above, the Department may order a reassessment under Section 13-10 or may order that the Board of Review reconvene to correct those assessments.
(Source: P.A. 80-1386; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/16-205

    (35 ILCS 200/16-205)
    Sec. 16-205. Limitation on Department review of individual assessments. Nothing in this Code shall be construed to give the Department any power, jurisdiction or authority to review, revise, correct or change any individual assessment made by any local assessment officer.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 17

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 17 heading)
Article 17. State Equalization Process

35 ILCS 200/17-5

    (35 ILCS 200/17-5)
    Sec. 17-5. Equalization among counties. The Department shall act as an equalizing authority. It shall examine the abstracts of property assessed for taxation in the counties and in the assessment districts in counties having assessment districts, as returned by the county clerks, and shall equalize the assessments between counties as provided in this Code. Except as hereinafter provided, the Department shall lower or raise the total assessed value of property in each county as returned by the county clerk, other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200, so that the property will be assessed at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value.
    The Department shall annually determine the percentage relationship, for each county of the State, between the valuations at which locally-assessed property, other than property assessed under the Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200, as listed by assessors and revised by boards of review, and the estimated 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property. To make this analysis, the Department shall use property transfers, property appraisals, and other means as it deems proper and reasonable.
    With the ratio determined for each county, the Department shall then determine the percentage to be added to or deducted from the aggregate reviewed assessment on property subject to local assessment jurisdiction, other than property assessed under the Sections cited above, to produce a ratio of assessed value to 33 1/3% of the fair cash value equivalent to 100%.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/17-10

    (35 ILCS 200/17-10)
    Sec. 17-10. Sales ratio studies. The Department shall monitor the quality of local assessments by designing, preparing and using ratio studies, and shall use the results as the basis for equalization decisions. In compiling sales ratio studies, the Department shall exclude from the reported sales price of any property any amounts included for personal property and, for sales occurring through December 31, 1999, shall exclude seller paid points. The Department shall not include in its sales ratio studies sales of property which have been platted and for which an increase in the assessed valuation is restricted by Section 10-30. The Department shall not include in its sales ratio studies the initial sale of residential property that has been converted to condominium property. The Department shall include compulsory sales occurring on or after January 1, 2011 in its sales ratio studies. The Department shall also consider whether the compulsory sale would otherwise be considered an arm's length transaction, based on existing sales ratio study standards.
    When the declaration required under the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law contains financing information required under Section 31-25, the Department shall adjust sales prices to exclude seller-paid points and shall adjust sales prices to "cash value" when seller related financing is used that is different than the prevailing cost of cash. The prevailing cost of cash for sales occurring on or after January 1, 1992 shall be established as the monthly average 30-year fixed Primary Mortgage Market Survey rate for the North Central Region as published weekly by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, as computed by the Department, or such other rate as determined by the Department. This rate shall be known as the survey rate. For sales occurring on or after January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1999, adjustments in the prevailing cost of cash shall be made only after the survey rate has been at or above 13% for 12 consecutive months and will continue until the survey rate has been below 13% for 12 consecutive months. For sales occurring on or after January 1, 2000, adjustments for seller paid points and adjustments in the prevailing cost of cash shall be made only after the survey rate has been at or above 13% for 12 consecutive months and will continue until the survey rate has been below 13% for 12 consecutive months. The Department shall make public its adjustment procedure upon request.
(Source: P.A. 96-1083, eff. 7-16-10.)

35 ILCS 200/17-15

    (35 ILCS 200/17-15)
    Sec. 17-15. Tentative equalization factor. The Department shall forward to the County Clerk of each county in each year its estimate of the percentage, established under Section 17-5, to be added to or deducted from the aggregate of the locally assessed property in that county, other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200. The percentage relationship to be certified to each county by the Department as provided by Section 17-25 shall be determined by the ratio between the percentage estimate so made and forwarded, as provided by this Section, and the level of assessments of the assessed valuations as made by the assessors and thereafter finally revised by the board of review of that county. Such estimate shall be forwarded by the Department to the County Clerk of any County within 15 days after the chief county assessment officer files with the Department an abstract of the assessments of the locally assessed property in the county, as finally revised. The abstract shall be in substantially the same form as required of the County Clerk by Sections 9-250 and 9-255 after completion of the revisions thereafter to be made by the board of review of the county, except that the abstract shall specify separately the amount of omitted property, and the amount of improvements upon property assessed for the first time in that year. The chief county assessment officer shall forward the abstract to the Department within 30 days after returning the county assessment books to the county board of review.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/17-20

    (35 ILCS 200/17-20)
    Sec. 17-20. Hearing on tentative equalization factor. The Department shall, after publishing its tentative equalization factor and giving notice of hearing to the public in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, hold a hearing on its estimate not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days from the date of the publication. The notice shall state the provided hearing platform and accessibility instructions, date, and time of the hearing, the basis for the estimate of the Department, and further information as the Department may prescribe. The Department shall, after giving a hearing to all interested parties and opportunity for submitting testimony and evidence in support of or adverse to the estimate as the Department considers requisite, either confirm or revise the estimate so as to correctly represent the considered judgment of the Department respecting the estimated percentage to be added to or deducted from the aggregate assessment of all locally assessed property in the county except property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 or 10-170 through 10-200. Within 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing the Department shall mail to the County Clerk, by certified mail, its determination with respect to such estimated percentage to be added to or deducted from the aggregate assessment.
(Source: P.A. 102-1019, eff. 1-1-23.)

35 ILCS 200/17-25

    (35 ILCS 200/17-25)
    Sec. 17-25. Application of final equalization factor. The assessments of all property, other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200, as returned by the county clerks, shall be equalized by adding to the aggregate assessed value thereof in every county in which the Department finds the valuation to be less than 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property, the rate per cent which will raise the aggregate assessed valuation to 33 1/3% of fair cash value, and by deducting from the aggregate assessed value thereof, in every county in which the Department finds the valuation to be more than 33 1/3% of the fair cash value, the rate per cent which will reduce the aggregate assessed valuation to 33 1/3% of fair cash value.
    However, no equalization factor shall be certified by the Department to raise or reduce the aggregate assessed value of any county in which the aggregate assessed value of property other than that assessed under the Sections cited above, is more than 99% and less than 101% of 33 1/3% of fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/17-30

    (35 ILCS 200/17-30)
    Sec. 17-30. Certification of final equalization factor. When the Department has completed its equalization of assessments in each year, it shall certify to each county clerk the percentage finally determined by it to be added to or deducted from the listed or assessed valuation of property in the county as returned by the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/17-35

    (35 ILCS 200/17-35)
    Sec. 17-35. Certification of assessments. The Department shall certify to the county clerks of the proper counties the assessments made by it on certified pollution control facilities, low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices and on property owned or used by railroad companies operating within this State, along with the distribution of those railroad assessments among the respective taxing districts within the counties. The county clerks shall extend the taxes for all purposes on the amounts so certified, in the same manner as taxes are extended against other property in the taxing districts in which the pollution control facilities, low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices and railroad property are allocated or distributed.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/17-40

    (35 ILCS 200/17-40)
    Sec. 17-40. Publication of final equalization factor. The Department shall publish in each county the percentage and equalization factor certified to each county clerk under Section 17-30. If the percentage differs from the percentage derived from the initial estimate certified under Section 17-15, a statement as to the basis for the final percentage shall also be published. The Department shall provide the statement to any member of the public upon request.
(Source: P.A. 79-703; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 6

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 6 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 heading)
Article 18. Levy and Extension Process

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Levying process

35 ILCS 200/18-10

    (35 ILCS 200/18-10)
    Sec. 18-10. County levies. The county board of each county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants shall, annually, at the September session, determine the amount of county taxes to be levied for all purposes. Any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which has changed its fiscal year may, at the September session or at any adjourned meeting thereof, instead of determining the amount of all county taxes to be levied for a one-year period, determine the amount of taxes to be levied during a period greater or less than a year as required by the change of the fiscal year. The county board of each county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall, annually, prior to the third Monday of March, determine the amount of county taxes to be levied for all purposes. The amount for each purpose shall be stated separately. All counties shall certify to the county clerk annually, on or before the last Tuesday in December the amounts that they have levied.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-15

    (35 ILCS 200/18-15)
    Sec. 18-15. Filing of levies of taxing districts.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, all taxing districts, other than a school district subject to the authority of a Financial Oversight Panel pursuant to Article 1H of the School Code, and except as provided in Section 18-17, shall annually certify to the county clerk, on or before the last Tuesday in December, the several amounts that they have levied.
    (a-5) Certification to the county clerk under subsection (a), including any supplemental or supportive documentation, may be submitted electronically.
    (b) A school district subject to the authority of a Financial Oversight Panel pursuant to Article 1H of the School Code shall file a certificate of tax levy, necessary to effect the implementation of the approved financial plan and the approval of the Panel, as otherwise provided by this Section, except that the certificate must be certified to the county clerk on or before the first Tuesday in November.
    (c) If a school district as specified in subsection (b) of this Section fails to certify and return the certificate of tax levy, necessary to effect the implementation of the approved financial plan and the approval of the Financial Oversight Panel, to the county clerk on or before the first Tuesday in November, then the Financial Oversight Panel for the school district shall proceed to adopt, certify, and return a certificate of tax levy for the school district to the county clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December.
(Source: P.A. 102-625, eff. 1-1-22; 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-17

    (35 ILCS 200/18-17)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
    Sec. 18-17. Supplemental levy for LaMoille Community Unit School District #303. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, LaMoille Community Unit School District #303 may, by ordinance adopted on or before June 30, 2024, amend or supplement its levy for the 2023 tax year for taxes scheduled to be collected in calendar year 2024. The District shall certify the amount of the amended or supplemental levy to the county clerk as soon as possible after the amended or supplemental levy is adopted, and the county clerk shall include those amounts in the extension of taxes for the 2023 tax year. In no event shall the amended or supplemental levy adopted under this Section cause the District's property tax rate for the 2023 tax year to exceed the District's limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law or any other limitation on the extension of property taxes applicable to the District. This Section is repealed on January 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-20

    (35 ILCS 200/18-20)
    Sec. 18-20. Abatement of levies.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, if any taxing district receives funds under Section 12 of the State Revenue Sharing Act, which may lawfully be used by the district, the governing authority of the district, upon determining that a surplus of funds is available for any purpose, shall adopt a resolution or ordinance reducing its tax levy for the year for which the resolution or ordinance is adopted.
    (b) If any taxing district reduces its levy, the governing authority of the district shall certify its action to the county clerk of each county collecting those taxes. The county clerk shall abate the levy of the district in accordance with the provisions of the certified resolution or ordinance.
(Source: P.A. 81-1255; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-25

    (35 ILCS 200/18-25)
    Sec. 18-25. County clerk to provide collector's books. The county clerk shall, annually, make out for the use of collectors, in books to be furnished by the county, correct lists of taxable property, as assessed and equalized.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-30

    (35 ILCS 200/18-30)
    Sec. 18-30. Books by township. In counties not under township organization, the collector's books shall be made up by congressional townships; but fractional townships may be added to full townships, at the discretion of the county board. In counties under township organization, the books shall correspond with the organized townships. Separate books may be made for the collection of all taxes within the corporate limits of cities, incorporated towns and villages. These books shall be in addition to the tax book provided for in this Code, for the use of county collectors, for collecting taxes against railroad property.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-35

    (35 ILCS 200/18-35)
    Sec. 18-35. Collector's books; columns. Each county clerk shall prepare the collector's books with 4 columns for the value of each property, the first to show the assessed value by the chief county assessment officer, the second to show the value as corrected by the board of review or board of appeals, the third to show the value as equalized by the board of review under Sections 16-60 and 16-65, and the fourth to show the value as equalized or assessed by the Department. Such books may be created, transmitted, and stored in an electronic format. If a municipality has adopted tax increment allocation financing under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the county clerk, or clerks if a municipality is located in more than one county, shall provide additional columns for the initial equalized assessed value, for the extension of the taxes and other purposes, and for the amount of the tax to be deposited in the special tax allocation fund. The books also shall contain a column to insert opposite each parcel of property any tax sale or forfeiture for taxes or special assessments for the 2 preceding years not canceled or withdrawn from collection at any tax sale. Tax sales shall be designated by the word "sold", forfeited, withdrawn or other appropriate designation to be stamped in the proper column opposite the property listing not released prior to December 1st of each year. Each county collector shall stamp upon all receipts given for taxes the information in those columns, to be known as the tax sale column and the delinquent special assessment column. The county clerk shall collect the same fee for stamping forfeitures, as for tax sales and withdrawals.
(Source: P.A. 98-840, eff. 8-1-14.)

35 ILCS 200/18-40

    (35 ILCS 200/18-40)
    Sec. 18-40. Application of equalization factor. Each county clerk shall apply the percentages certified by the Department and enter the equalized valuations in the columns provided for that purpose. The percentages certified by the Department shall be applied to the assessed valuation of property, as corrected and equalized by the board of review, board of appeals, or local assessment officers. In all cases of extension of valuations where the equalized valuations are fractional, the clerk shall reject all fractions that fall below 50¢. Fractions of 50¢ or more shall be extended as $1.
    If the equalized assessed value of any property is less than $150 for an assessment year, the county clerk may declare the imposition and collection of all tax for that year to be extended on the parcel to be unfeasible and cancelled. No tax shall be extended or collected on the parcel for that year and the parcel shall not be sold for delinquent taxes.
(Source: P.A. 85-312; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-45

    (35 ILCS 200/18-45)
    Sec. 18-45. Computation of rates. Except as provided below, each county clerk shall estimate and determine the rate per cent upon the equalized assessed valuation for the levy year of the property in the county's taxing districts and special service areas, as established under Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, so that the rate will produce, within the proper divisions of that county, not less than the net amount that will be required by the county board or certified to the county clerk according to law. Prior to extension, the county clerk shall determine the maximum amount of tax authorized to be levied by any statute. If the amount of any tax certified to the county clerk for extension exceeds the maximum, the clerk shall extend only the maximum allowable levy.
    The county clerk shall exclude from the total equalized assessed valuation, whenever estimating and determining it under this Section and Sections 18-50 through 18-105, the equalized assessed valuation in the percentage which has been agreed to by each taxing district, of any property or portion thereof within an Enterprise Zone upon which an abatement of taxes was made under Section 18-170. However, if a municipality has adopted tax increment financing under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the county clerk shall estimate and determine rates in accordance with Sections 11-74.4-7 through 11-74.4-9 of that Act. Beginning on January 1, 1998 and thereafter, the equalized assessed value of all property for the computation of the amount to be extended within a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall be the sum of (i) the equalized assessed value of such property for the year immediately preceding the levy year as established by the assessment and equalization process for the year immediately prior to the levy year, (ii) the equalized assessed value of any property that qualifies as new property, as defined in Section 18-185, or annexed property, as defined in Section 18-225, for the current levy year, and (iii) any recovered tax increment value, as defined in Section 18-185, for the current levy year, less the equalized assessed value of any property that qualifies as disconnected property, as defined in Section 18-225, for the current levy year.
(Source: P.A. 90-320, eff. 1-1-98.)

35 ILCS 200/18-50

    (35 ILCS 200/18-50)
    Sec. 18-50. Filing of budget and appropriation ordinance. The governing authority of each taxing district shall file with the county clerk within 30 days of their adoption a certified copy of its appropriation and budget ordinances or resolutions, as well as an estimate, certified by its chief fiscal officer, of revenues, by source, anticipated to be received by the taxing district in the following fiscal year. If the governing authority fails to file the required documents, the county clerk shall have the authority, after giving timely notice of the failure to the taxing district, to refuse to extend the tax levy until the documents are so filed.
    In determining the amount of maximum tax authorized to be levied by any statute of this State, the assessed valuation of the current year of property as assessed and reviewed by the local assessment officials or the Department, and as equalized or confirmed by the Department, shall be used.
(Source: P.A. 86-233; 86-953; 86-957; 86-1475; 87-17; 87-477; 87-895; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-50.1

    (35 ILCS 200/18-50.1)
    Sec. 18-50.1. School Finance Authority and Financial Oversight Panel levies.
    (a) (Blank).
    (b) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any levy adopted by a Financial Oversight Panel created under Article 1H of the School Code and levied pursuant to Section 1H-75 of the School Code is valid and shall be extended by the county clerk if it is certified to the county clerk by the Panel in sufficient time to allow the county clerk to include the levy in the extension for the taxable year.
(Source: P.A. 102-894, eff. 5-20-22.)

35 ILCS 200/18-50.2

    (35 ILCS 200/18-50.2)
    Sec. 18-50.2. Vendor information reporting. Beginning in levy year 2022, each taxing district that has an aggregate property tax levy of more than $5,000,000 for the applicable levy year shall make a good faith effort to collect and electronically publish data from all vendors and subcontractors doing business with the taxing district as to: (1) whether the vendor or subcontractor is a minority-owned, women-owned, or veteran-owned business, as defined in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act; and (2) whether the vendor or subcontractor holds any certifications for those categories or if they are self-certifying; if the vendor self-certifies, then the taxing district shall publish whether the vendor qualifies as a small business under federal Small Business Administration standards. This Section is a denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
    The taxing district may use existing software to comply with this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-265, eff. 8-6-21.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Truth in taxation

35 ILCS 200/18-55

    (35 ILCS 200/18-55)
    Sec. 18-55. Short title and definitions. This Division 2 may be cited as the Truth in Taxation Law. As used in this Division 2:
    (a) "Taxing district" has the meaning specified in Section 1-150 and includes home rule units, but from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2002 does not include taxing districts that have territory in Cook County.
    (b) "Aggregate levy" means the annual corporate levy of the taxing district and those special purpose levies which are made annually (other than debt service levies and levies made for the purpose of paying amounts due under public building commission leases).
    (c) "Special purpose levies" include, but are not limited to, levies made on an annual basis for contributions to pension plans, unemployment and worker's compensation, or self-insurance.
    (d) "Debt service" means levies made by any taxing district pursuant to home rule authority, statute, referendum, ordinance, resolution, indenture, agreement, or contract to retire the principal or pay interest on bonds, notes, debentures or other financial instruments which evidence indebtedness.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-523, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/18-56

    (35 ILCS 200/18-56)
    Sec. 18-56. Legislative purpose. The purpose of this Law is to require taxing districts to disclose by publication and to hold a public hearing on their intention to adopt an aggregate levy in amounts more than 105% of the amount of property taxes extended or estimated to be extended, including any amount abated by the taxing district prior to such extension, upon the final aggregate levy of the preceding year.
(Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)

35 ILCS 200/18-60

    (35 ILCS 200/18-60)
    Sec. 18-60. Estimate of taxes to be levied. Not less than 20 days prior to the adoption of its aggregate levy, hereafter referred to as "levy", the corporate authority of each taxing district shall determine the amounts of money, exclusive of any portion of that levy attributable to the cost of conducting an election required by the general election law, hereafter referred to as "election costs", estimated to be necessary to be raised by taxation for that year upon the taxable property in its district.
(Source: P.A. 82-102; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-65

    (35 ILCS 200/18-65)
    Sec. 18-65. Restriction on extension. Until it has complied with the notice and hearing provisions of this Article, no taxing district shall levy an amount of ad valorem tax which is more than 105% of the amount, exclusive of election costs, which has been extended or is estimated will be extended, plus any amount abated by the taxing district before extension, upon the final aggregate levy of the preceding year.
(Source: P.A. 86-957; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-70

    (35 ILCS 200/18-70)
    Sec. 18-70. More than 5% increase; notice and hearing required. If the estimate of the corporate authority made as provided in Section 18-60 is more than 105% of the amount extended or estimated to be extended, plus any amount abated by the corporate authority prior to extension, upon the final aggregate levy of the preceding year, exclusive of election costs, the corporate authority shall give public notice of and hold a public hearing on its intent to adopt an aggregate levy in an amount which is more than 105% of the amount extended or estimated to be extended upon the final aggregate levy extensions, plus any amount abated, exclusive of election costs, for the preceding year. The hearing shall not coincide with the hearing on the proposed budget of the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 86-957; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-72

    (35 ILCS 200/18-72)
    Sec. 18-72. A school board shall give public notice of and hold a public hearing on its intent to amend a certificate of tax levy under Section 17-11.1 of the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-850, eff. 6-22-00.)

35 ILCS 200/18-75

    (35 ILCS 200/18-75)
    Sec. 18-75. Notice; place of publication. If the taxing district is located entirely in one county, the notice shall be published in an English language newspaper of general circulation published in the taxing district, or if there is no such newspaper, in an English language newspaper of general circulation published in the county and having circulation in the taxing district.
    If the taxing district is located primarily in one county but extends into smaller portions of adjoining counties, the notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation published in the taxing district, or if there is no such newspaper, in a newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which any part of the district is located.
    If the taxing district includes all or a large portion of 2 or more counties, the notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which any part of the district is located.
    If a taxing district has a website maintained by the full-time staff of the taxing district, then the notice shall be posted on the website in addition to the other requirements of this Section. The failure of a taxing district to post the notice on its website shall not invalidate the notice or any action taken on the tax levy.
(Source: P.A. 99-367, eff. 1-1-16.)

35 ILCS 200/18-80

    (35 ILCS 200/18-80)
    Sec. 18-80. Time and form of notice. The notice shall appear not more than 14 days nor less than 7 days prior to the date of the public hearing. The notice shall be no less than 1/8 page in size, and the smallest type used shall be 12 point and shall be enclosed in a black border no less than 1/4 inch wide. The notice shall not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. The notice shall be published in substantially the following form:
    Notice of Proposed Property Tax Increase for ... (commonly known name of taxing district).
    I. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy increase for ... (legal name of the taxing district)... for ... (year) ... will be held on ... (date) ... at ... (time) ... at ... (location).
    Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact ... (name, title, address and telephone number of an appropriate official).
    II. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount of the final aggregate levy as extended, plus the amount abated by the taxing district prior to extension).
    The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount of the proposed aggregate levy). This represents a ... (percentage) ... increase over the previous year.
    III. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount).
    The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount). This represents a ... (percentage increase or decrease) ... over the previous year.
    IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount).
    The estimated total property taxes to be levied for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount). This represents a ... (percentage increase or decrease) ... over the previous year.
    Any notice which includes any information not specified and required by this Article shall be an invalid notice.
    All hearings shall be open to the public. The corporate authority of the taxing district shall explain the reasons for the proposed increase and shall permit persons desiring to be heard an opportunity to present testimony within reasonable time limits as it determines.
(Source: P.A. 92-382, eff. 8-16-01.)

35 ILCS 200/18-85

    (35 ILCS 200/18-85)
    Sec. 18-85. Notice if adopted levy exceeds proposed levy. If the final aggregate tax levy resolution or ordinance adopted is more than 105% of the amount, exclusive of election costs, which was extended or is estimated to be extended, plus any amount abated by the taxing district prior to extension, upon the final aggregate levy of the preceding year and is in excess of the amount of the proposed levy stated in the notice published under Section 18-70, or is more than 105% of that amount and no notice was required under Section 18-70, the corporate authority shall give public notice of its action within 15 days of the adoption of the levy in the following form:
    Notice of Adopted Property Tax Increase for ... (commonly known name of taxing district).
    I. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount of the final aggregate levy as extended).
    The adopted corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount of the proposed aggregate levy). This represents a ... (percentage) ... increase over the previous year.
    II. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount).
    The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount). This represents a ... (percentage increase or decrease) ... over the previous year.
    III. The total property taxes extended or abated for ... (preceding year) ... were ... (dollar amount).
    IV. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for ... (current year) ... are ... (dollar amount). This represents a ... (percentage increase or decrease) ... over the previous year.
    A taxing district may, in its discretion and if applicable, include the following in the notice:
    V. The taxing district has estimated its equalized assessed valuation to secure new growth revenue and must adhere to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL or "tax cap" law). PTELL limits the increase over the prior year in the property tax extension of this taxing district to the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is (insert applicable CPI percentage increase).
(Source: P.A. 96-504, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/18-90

    (35 ILCS 200/18-90)
    Sec. 18-90. Limitation on extension of county clerk. The tax levy resolution or ordinance approved in the manner provided for in this Article shall be filed with the county clerk in the manner and at the time otherwise provided by law. No amount more than 105% of the amount, exclusive of election costs, which has been extended or is estimated to be extended, plus any amount abated by the taxing district prior to extension, upon the final aggregate levy of the preceding year shall be extended unless the tax levy ordinance or resolution is accompanied by a certification by the presiding officer of the corporate authority certifying compliance with or inapplicability of the provisions of Sections 18-60 through 18-85. An amount extended under Section 18-107 in 1994 for a multi-township assessment district that did not file a certification of compliance with the Truth in Taxation Law may not exceed 105% of the amount, exclusive of election costs, that was extended in 1993, plus a proportional amount abated before extension, upon the levy or portion of a levy that is allocable to assessment purposes in each township that is a member of that multi-township assessment district.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)

35 ILCS 200/18-92

    (35 ILCS 200/18-92)
    Sec. 18-92. Downstate School Finance Authority for Elementary Districts Law and Financial Oversight Panel Law.
    (a) The provisions of the Truth in Taxation Law are subject to the Downstate School Finance Authority for Elementary Districts Law.
    (b) A Financial Oversight Panel created under Article 1H of the School Code is subject to the provisions of the Truth in Taxation Law with respect to tax levies filed by it on behalf of a school district, as well as with respect to any tax levies it may file on its own behalf.
(Source: P.A. 97-429, eff. 8-16-11.)

35 ILCS 200/18-93

    (35 ILCS 200/18-93)
    Sec. 18-93. Maywood Public Library District Tax Levy Validation (2002) Law. The provisions of the Truth in Taxation Law are subject to the Maywood Public Library District Tax Levy Validation (2002) Law.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

35 ILCS 200/18-95

    (35 ILCS 200/18-95)
    Sec. 18-95. Effect of Truth in Taxation Law. Nothing contained in Sections 18-55 through 18-90 shall serve to extend or authorize any tax rate in excess of the maximum permitted by law nor prevent the reduction of any tax rate.
(Source: P.A. 82-102; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-100

    (35 ILCS 200/18-100)
    Sec. 18-100. Defective publication. A levy of a taxing district shall not be invalidated for failure to comply with the provisions of this Article if the failure is attributable to the newspaper's failure to reproduce the information in the notice accurately or to publish the notice as directed by the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 87-201; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-103

    (35 ILCS 200/18-103)
    Sec. 18-103. General Community Mental Health Act Validation Law. On and after January 1, 1994 and on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, the provisions of the Truth in Taxation Law are subject to the Community Mental Health Act, Section 5-25025 of the Counties Code, the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, and those referenda under those Acts authorizing and creating boards and levies. The purpose of this Section is to validate boards and levies created on or after January 1, 1994 and on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly that relied on conflicting referenda language contained in the Community Mental Health Act, the Counties Code, and the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-839, eff. 5-13-22; 103-565, eff. 11-17-23.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 2.1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 2.1 heading)
(Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-03)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Extension procedures

35 ILCS 200/18-105

    (35 ILCS 200/18-105)
    Sec. 18-105. Extension exceeding authorized rate. No county clerk shall extend a tax levy imposed by any taxing district, other than a home rule unit, based on a rate that exceeds the rate authorized by statute or referendum for that taxing district. If a taxing district is in violation of Section 18-90, no county clerk shall extend the final aggregate levy, as defined in Section 18-55, in an amount more than 105% of the final aggregate levy extended for the preceding year.
(Source: P.A. 86-233; 86-953; 86-957; 86-1475; 87-17; 87-477; 87-895; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-107

    (35 ILCS 200/18-107)
    Sec. 18-107. Multi-township assessment district; 1994 extension validated. For property tax extensions in 1994 only, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, if a 1993 levy was filed before the last Tuesday in December 1993 by a multi-township assessment district that was promulgated by the Department under Section 2-10 effective January 1, 1994 either for the first time or with different township members than in 1993, and if that levy has not been excluded from the 1994 extension of taxes in the county in which the district is situated, that levy is not an invalid levy because the multi-township assessment district allegedly lacked authority to adopt that levy in 1993, and that levy may be extended in 1994. All taxes collected from that extension shall be distributed to the multi-township assessment district by the collector in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)

35 ILCS 200/18-110

    (35 ILCS 200/18-110)
    Sec. 18-110. Chicago school district. In each county in which there is a school district and a School Finance Authority organized under Articles 34 and 34a respectively of the School Code, the county clerk shall each year determine the rate for that year's extension of taxes levied by or on behalf of the Authority, and then immediately certify to the school district that rate. However, in making such determination and certification, the county clerk shall disregard the tax rate calculated for the extension of any taxes levied to pay and discharge the principal of and interest on any bonds issued by the Authority under Article 34A of the School Code on or after January 1, 1984 and prior to July 1, 1993 (other than bonds issued to refund or to continue the refunding of bonds issued before January 1, 1984).
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 87-477; 87-895; 88-455; 88-511.)

35 ILCS 200/18-112

    (35 ILCS 200/18-112)
    Sec. 18-112. Extension of taxes for additional or supplemental budget of school district. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code and in accordance with Section 17-3.2 of the School Code, if a school district adopts, in a fiscal year, an additional or supplemental budget under the authority of Section 17-3.2 of the School Code, the county clerk shall include, in the extension of taxes made during that fiscal year, the extension of taxes for the supplemental or additional budget adopted by the school district.
(Source: P.A. 93-346, eff. 7-24-03.)

35 ILCS 200/18-115

    (35 ILCS 200/18-115)
    Sec. 18-115. Use of equalized assessed valuation. The equalized assessed value of all property, as determined under this Code, after equalization by the Department, shall be the assessed valuation for all purposes of taxation, limitation of taxation, and limitation of indebtedness prescribed in any statute.
(Source: P.A. 86-233; 86-953; 86-957; 86-1475; 87-17; 87-477; 87-895; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-120

    (35 ILCS 200/18-120)
    Sec. 18-120. Increase or decrease of rate limit. This Sec. applies only to rates which are specifically made subject to increase or decrease according to the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of Illinois. The question of establishing a maximum tax rate limit other than that applicable to the next taxes to be extended may be presented to the legal voters of any taxing district by resolution of the corporate authorities of the taxing district at any regular election. Whenever any taxing district establishes a maximum tax rate lower than that otherwise applicable, it shall publish the ordinance or resolution establishing the maximum tax rate in one or more newspapers in the district within 10 days after the maximum tax rate is established. If no newspaper is published in the district, the ordinance or resolution shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation within the district. The publication of the ordinance or resolution shall include a notice of (a) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the maximum tax rate be submitted to the voters of the district; (b) the time within which the petition must be filed; and (c) the date of the prospective referendum. The district clerk or secretary shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    Either in response to the taxing district's publication or by the voters' own initiative, the question of establishing a maximum tax rate lower than that in effect shall be submitted to the voters of any taxing district at the regular election for officers of the taxing district in accordance with the general election law, but only if the voters have submitted a petition signed by not fewer than 10% of the legal voters in the taxing district. That percentage shall be based on the number of votes cast at the last general election preceding the filing of the petition. The petition shall specify the tax rate to be submitted. The petition shall be filed with the clerk, secretary or other recording officer of the taxing district not more than 10 months nor less than 6 months prior to the election at which the question is to be submitted to the voters, and its validity shall be determined as provided by the general election law. The officer receiving the petition shall certify the question to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question to the voters.
    Notice shall be given in the manner provided by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1253; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-125

    (35 ILCS 200/18-125)
    Sec. 18-125. Rate limit referenda. Referenda initiated under Section 18-120 shall be subject to the provisions and limitations of the general election law.
    The question of adopting a maximum tax rate other than that applicable shall be in substantially the following form for all elections held after March 21, 2006:
        Shall the maximum tax rate for . . . purposes of . .
. (insert legal name, number, if any, and county or counties of taxing district), Illinois, be established at . . . % of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein instead of . . . %, the maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxes to be extended?
The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    The ballot shall have printed thereon, but not as a part of the proposition submitted, (i) a statement of the purpose or reason for the proposed change in the tax rate, (ii) an estimate of the approximate amount extendable under the proposed rate and of the approximate amount extendable under the current rate applicable to the next taxes extended, such amounts being computed upon the last known equalized assessed value, and (iii) the approximate amount of the tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value of $100,000 at the current maximum rate and at the proposed rate. The approximate amount of the tax extendable against property containing a single family residence shall be calculated (i) without regard to any property tax exemptions and (ii) based upon the percentage level of assessment prescribed for such property by statute or by ordinance of the county board in counties which classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution. Any error, miscalculation or inaccuracy in computing such amounts that is not deliberate shall not invalidate or affect the validity of any maximum tax rate so adopted.
    If a majority of all ballots cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposition, the maximum tax rate so established shall become effective with the levy next following the referendum. It is the duty of the county clerk to reduce, if necessary, the amount of any taxes levied thereafter. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as precluding the extension of taxes at rates less than that authorized by the referendum.
(Source: P.A. 94-976, eff. 6-30-06.)

35 ILCS 200/18-130

    (35 ILCS 200/18-130)
    Sec. 18-130. Restrictions. The proposition to authorize a maximum tax rate other than that applicable may, in the discretion of the corporate authorities, be restricted to the tax levy of a given year or series of years, either by resolution of the corporate authorities or by the petitioners requesting a vote on that proposition. The maximum rate limitation thereafter shall revert to that prior to the referendum. If more than one proposition is submitted for any one fund of any taxing district at any one election and a majority of votes cast on any one or more of the propositions are in favor thereof, only the maximum tax rate authorized in the proposition receiving the highest number of favorable votes shall become effective. Propositions to establish a maximum tax rate other than those applicable shall not be submitted more than once in any one year.
    No proposition to increase or decrease a maximum tax rate under the referendum provisions of this Section, when there is no other applicable statute for an increase or decrease in a tax rate limit by referendum or otherwise, shall increase or decrease the maximum tax rate in effect on the date of the referendum by more than 25%.
    Except as provided in this Section and Sections 18-120 and 18-125, the referenda authorized by Sections 18-120 and 18-125 shall be conducted in all respects as provided by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1253; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-135

    (35 ILCS 200/18-135)
    Sec. 18-135. Taxing district in 2 or more counties.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, in counties which have an overlapping taxing district or districts that extend into one or more other counties, the county clerk, upon receipt of the assessments from the Board of Review or Board of Appeals, and of the equalization factor from the Department, may use estimated valuations or estimated rates, as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, for the overlapping taxing district or districts if the county clerk in any other county into which the overlapping taxing district or districts extend cannot certify the actual valuations or rates for the district or districts.
    (b) If the county clerk of a county which has an overlapping taxing district which extends into another county has not received the certified valuations or rates from the county clerk of any county into which such districts overlap, he or she may subsequent to March 15, make written demand for actual or estimated valuations or rates upon the county clerk of that county. Within 10 days of receiving a written demand, the county clerk receiving the demand shall furnish certified or estimated valuations or rates for the overlapping taxing district, as pertaining to his or her county, to the county clerk who made the request. If no valuations or rates are received, the requesting county may make the estimate.
    (c) If the use of estimated valuations or rates results in over or under extension for the overlapping taxing district in the county using estimated valuations or rates, the county clerk shall make appropriate adjustments in the subsequent year. Any adjustments necessitated by the estimation procedure authorized by this Section shall be made by increasing or decreasing the tax extension by fund for each taxing district where the estimation procedures were used.
    (d) For taxing districts subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, the adjustment for paragraph (c) shall be made after the limiting rate has been calculated using the aggregate extension base, as defined in Section 18-185, adjusted for the over or under extension due to the use of an estimated valuation by the county on the last preceding aggregate extension.
(Source: P.A. 95-404, eff. 1-1-08.)

35 ILCS 200/18-140

    (35 ILCS 200/18-140)
    Sec. 18-140. Extension upon equalized assessment of current levy year. All taxes shall be extended by each county clerk upon the valuation produced by the equalization and assessment of property by the Department for the levy year. In the computation of rates, a fraction of a mill shall be extended as the next higher mill. Rates may be calculated beyond 3 decimal points to allow the extension to be as close to the levy requested as possible. Each installment of taxes shall be extended in a separate column. Installments shall be equal and as to each installment a fraction of a cent shall be extended as one cent.
(Source: P.A. 98-863, eff. 8-8-14.)

35 ILCS 200/18-145

    (35 ILCS 200/18-145)
    Sec. 18-145. Error in calculation of rate or extension. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, if, because of an error in the calculation of tax rates or extension of taxes by the county clerk, the taxes paid on any property are higher than required by law, the county clerk shall in the following year abate an amount equal to the excess taxes from the property taxes extended for any tax levy or fund affected by the error. This Section shall not deprive any taxpayer of the right to maintain a tax objection under Sections 23-5 and 23-10 challenging the legality of the county clerk's actions; but the amount of any subsequent tax abatement shall be credited toward the payment of any refund ordered by the court.
(Source: P.A. 86-422; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-150

    (35 ILCS 200/18-150)
    Sec. 18-150. Extension in one total. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county clerk shall, and in all other counties the county clerk may, extend on each valuation of property the sum of the taxes to be extended upon the property in one total. When collected, the taxes shall be divided among the taxing bodies levying the same in proportion to the rates as determined by the clerk, after deducting from any tax the amount or amounts, if any, ruled invalid by the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, and in the event a municipality has adopted tax increment financing under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, after deducting from any tax, except from a tax levied by a township to retire bonds issued to satisfy court-ordered damages, the amount to be placed in the special tax allocation fund, and distributing the amount to be placed in the special fund to the municipal treasurer under Section 11-74.4-8 of that Act. The clerk shall certify in the collector's books the rates as determined for extension in such manner as to indicate the different taxes entering into each total. All officers dealing with such extensions, shall record them by totals. The clerk shall show in the collector's books the total tax due each taxing body as extended.
    If (i) a county clerk does not extend in one total on each valuation of property the sum of the taxes to be extended upon the property and (ii) a municipality has adopted tax increment financing under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, then the clerk may not deduct the amount to be placed in the special tax allocation fund from a tax levied by a township to retire bonds issued to satisfy court-ordered damages.
(Source: P.A. 91-190, eff. 7-20-99.)

35 ILCS 200/18-155

    (35 ILCS 200/18-155)
    Sec. 18-155. Apportionment of taxes for district in two or more counties. The burden of taxation of property in taxing districts that lie in more than one county shall be fairly apportioned as provided in Article IX, Section 7, of the Constitution of 1970.
    The Department may, and on written request made before July 1 to the Department shall, proceed to apportion the tax burden. The request may be made only by an assessor, chief county assessment officer, Board of Review, Board of Appeals, overlapping taxing district or 25 or more interested taxpayers. The request shall specify one or more taxing districts in the county which lie in one or more other specified counties, and also specify the civil townships, if any, in which the overlapping taxing districts lie. When the Department has received a written request for equalization for overlapping tax districts as provided in this Section, the Department shall promptly notify the county clerk and county treasurer of each county affected by that request that tax bills with respect to property in the parts of the county which are affected by the request may not be prepared or mailed until the Department certifies the apportionment among counties of the taxing districts' levies, except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section. To apportion, the Department shall:
    (a) On or before December 31 of that year cause an assessment ratio study to be made in each township in which each of the named overlapping taxing districts lies, using equalized assessed values as certified by the county clerk, and an analysis of property transfers prior to January 1 of that year. The property transfers shall be in an amount deemed reasonable and proper by the Department. The Department may conduct hearings, at which the evidence shall be limited to the written presentation of assessment ratio study data.
    (b) Request from the County Clerk in each County in which the overlapping taxing districts lie, certification of the portion of the assessed value of the prior year for each overlapping taxing district's portion of each township. Beginning with the 1999 taxable year, for those counties that classify property by county ordinance pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, the certification shall be listed by property class as provided in the classification ordinance. The clerk shall return the certification within 30 days of receipt of the request.
    (c) Use the township assessment ratio studies to apportion the amount to be raised by taxation upon property within the district so that each county in which the district lies bears that burden of taxation as though all parts of the overlapping taxing district had been assessed at the same proportion of actual value. The Department shall certify to each County Clerk, by March 15, the percent of burden. Except as provided below, the County Clerk shall apply the percentage to the extension as provided in Section 18-45 to determine the amount of tax to be raised in the county.
    If the Department does not certify the percent of burden in the time prescribed, the county clerk shall use the most recent prior certification to determine the amount of tax to be raised in the county.
    If the use of a prior certified percentage results in over or under extension for the overlapping taxing district in the county using same, the county clerk shall make appropriate adjustments in the subsequent year, except as provided by Section 18-156. Any adjustments necessitated by the procedure authorized by this Section shall be made by increasing or decreasing the tax extension by fund for each taxing district where a prior certified percentage was used. No tax rate limit shall render any part of a tax levy illegally excessive which has been apportioned as herein provided. The percentages certified by the Department shall remain until changed by reason of another assessment ratio study made under this Section.
    To determine whether an overlapping district has met any qualifying rate prescribed by law for eligibility for State aid, the tax rate of the district shall be considered to be that rate which would have produced the same amount of revenue had the taxes of the district been extended at a uniform rate throughout the district, even if by application of this Section the actual rate of extension in a portion of the district is less than the qualifying rate.
(Source: P.A. 99-335, eff. 8-10-15.)

35 ILCS 200/18-156

    (35 ILCS 200/18-156)
    Sec. 18-156. Correction of apportionment of taxes for a district in 2 or more counties.
    (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, these definitions shall apply:
    "Apportioned property tax levy" means the total property tax extension of a taxing district in one or more counties that has been apportioned by the Department pursuant to Section 18-155.
    "Over-apportionment" means that any single county's share of an apportioned property tax levy is subsequently determined to exceed 105% of what that county's share should have been.
    (b) If, subsequent to the calculation of an apportioned property tax levy, the Department determines that an over-apportionment has taken place, the Department shall notify the county clerk and county treasurer of each county affected by the incorrect apportionment and shall provide those county clerks and county treasurers with correct apportionment data.
    (c) If the notification under this Section is made prior to the due date of the final installment of property tax payments for that taxable year, the county treasurer of a county where an over-apportionment has taken place may, at the treasurer's sole discretion, issue a refund of the over-apportioned amount by either a reduced final installment, a refund of taxes paid, or both, to each taxpayer who is entitled to a refund because of the over-apportionment. Additionally, if the treasurer of the county where an over-apportionment has taken place issues a refund under this subsection, the county treasurer of each other county affected by the incorrect apportionment shall issue a corrected final installment or an additional bill for the amount owed as a result of the under-apportionment of that county's share of the property tax levy to each taxpayer whose taxes were underpaid as a result of the apportionment error.
    (d) Any refund issued under subsection (c) due to any over-apportionment may be made from funds held by the county treasurer for the specific taxing district that was the subject of the over-apportionment; once those funds have been disbursed to the taxing districts, the authority of the county treasurer to issue refunds under subsection (c) ends.
    (e) This Section applies for taxable year 2015 and thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 99-335, eff. 8-10-15.)

35 ILCS 200/18-157

    (35 ILCS 200/18-157)
    Sec. 18-157. Apportionment; tax objections; court decisions; adjustments of levies and refunds to tax objectors. If a court, in any tax objection based on the apportionment of an overlapping taxing district under Section 18-155, enters a final judgment that there was an over extension or under extension of taxes for an overlapping taxing district based on the apportionment under Section 18-155 for the year for which the objection was filed, the county clerks of each county in which there was an under extension shall proportionately increase the levy of that taxing district by an amount specified in the court order in that county in the subsequent year or in any subsequent year following the final judgment of the court. The increase in the levy, when extended, shall be set forth as a separate item on the tax bills of affected taxpayers. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the increase in the levy and the extension thereof shall not be subject to any limitations on levies or extensions imposed by the School Code or this Code. The funds collected pursuant to a levy increase authorized by this Section shall be delivered to the county collector of each county in which there was an over extension for distribution to the tax objectors in accordance with the court order.
    No person who, under any other provision of this Code, has received any payment in satisfaction of a tax objection based in whole or in part on apportionment under Section 18-155 may receive any payment under this Section in satisfaction of a tax objection based in whole or in part on apportionment under Section 18-155.
(Source: P.A. 92-377, eff. 8-16-01; 93-855, eff. 8-2-04.)

35 ILCS 200/18-160

    (35 ILCS 200/18-160)
    Sec. 18-160. Notification of local officials. The Department shall notify, in writing, the overlapping taxing district of the proposed apportionment under this Section, by August 1 of the year in question. If the overlapping taxing district enacts a resolution in opposition to the apportionment and files a certified copy of the resolution with the Department by the following December 31, the Department shall not apportion the tax burden of the overlapping district for that tax year or any subsequent tax year unless a written request for apportionment in accordance with Section 18-155 is received in a subsequent year.
(Source: P.A. 86-905; 87-17; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Abatement procedures

35 ILCS 200/18-165

    (35 ILCS 200/18-165)
    Sec. 18-165. Abatement of taxes.
    (a) Any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its governing authority, may, after the determination of the assessed valuation of its property, order the clerk of that county to abate any portion of its taxes on the following types of property:
        (1) Commercial and industrial.
            (A) The property of any commercial or industrial
firm, including but not limited to the property of (i) any firm that is used for collecting, separating, storing, or processing recyclable materials, locating within the taxing district during the immediately preceding year from another state, territory, or country, or having been newly created within this State during the immediately preceding year, or expanding an existing facility, or (ii) any firm that is used for the generation and transmission of electricity locating within the taxing district during the immediately preceding year or expanding its presence within the taxing district during the immediately preceding year by construction of a new electric generating facility that uses natural gas as its fuel, or any firm that is used for production operations at a new, expanded, or reopened coal mine within the taxing district, that has been certified as a High Impact Business by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. The property of any firm used for the generation and transmission of electricity shall include all property of the firm used for transmission facilities as defined in Section 5.5 of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall not exceed $4,000,000.
            (A-5) Any property in the taxing district of a
new electric generating facility, as defined in Section 605-332 of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years. The abatement shall be subject to the following limitations:
                (i) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $25,000,000 but less than $50,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 5% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 20% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility;
                (ii) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $50,000,000 but less than $75,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 10% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 35% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility;
                (iii) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $75,000,000 but less than $100,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 20% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 50% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility;
                (iv) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $100,000,000 but less than $125,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 30% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 60% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility;
                (v) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $125,000,000 but less than $150,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 40% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 60% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility;
                (vi) if the equalized assessed valuation of
the new electric generating facility is equal to or greater than $150,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 50% of the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new electric generating facility and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 60% of the taxing district's taxes from the new electric generating facility.
            The abatement is not effective unless the owner
of the new electric generating facility agrees to repay to the taxing district all amounts previously abated, together with interest computed at the rate and in the manner provided for delinquent taxes, in the event that the owner of the new electric generating facility closes the new electric generating facility before the expiration of the entire term of the abatement.
            The authorization of taxing districts to abate
taxes under this subdivision (a)(1)(A-5) expires on January 1, 2010.
            (B) The property of any commercial or industrial
development of at least (i) 500 acres or (ii) 225 acres in the case of a commercial or industrial development that applies for and is granted designation as a High Impact Business under paragraph (F) of item (3) of subsection (a) of Section 5.5 of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, having been created within the taxing district. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 20 years and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall not exceed $12,000,000.
            (C) The property of any commercial or industrial
firm currently located in the taxing district that expands a facility or its number of employees. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall not exceed $4,000,000. The abatement period may be renewed at the option of the taxing districts.
        (2) Horse racing. Any property in the taxing
district which is used for the racing of horses and upon which capital improvements consisting of expansion, improvement or replacement of existing facilities have been made since July 1, 1987. The combined abatements for such property from all taxing districts in any county shall not exceed $5,000,000 annually and shall not exceed a period of 10 years.
        (3) Auto racing. Any property designed exclusively
for the racing of motor vehicles. Such abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years.
        (4) Academic or research institute. The property of
any academic or research institute in the taxing district that (i) is an exempt organization under paragraph (3) of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, (ii) operates for the benefit of the public by actually and exclusively performing scientific research and making the results of the research available to the interested public on a non-discriminatory basis, and (iii) employs more than 100 employees. An abatement granted under this paragraph shall be for at least 15 years and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall not exceed $5,000,000.
        (5) Housing for older persons. Any property in the
taxing district that is devoted exclusively to affordable housing for older households. For purposes of this paragraph, "older households" means those households (i) living in housing provided under any State or federal program that the Department of Human Rights determines is specifically designed and operated to assist elderly persons and is solely occupied by persons 55 years of age or older and (ii) whose annual income does not exceed 80% of the area gross median income, adjusted for family size, as such gross income and median income are determined from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 15 years, and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts shall not exceed $3,000,000.
        (6) Historical society. For assessment years 1998
through 2018, the property of an historical society qualifying as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code.
        (7) Recreational facilities. Any property in the
taxing district (i) that is used for a municipal airport, (ii) that is subject to a leasehold assessment under Section 9-195 of this Code and (iii) which is sublet from a park district that is leasing the property from a municipality, but only if the property is used exclusively for recreational facilities or for parking lots used exclusively for those facilities. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years.
        (8) Relocated corporate headquarters. If approval
occurs within 5 years after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, any property or a portion of any property in a taxing district that is used by an eligible business for a corporate headquarters as defined in the Corporate Headquarters Relocation Act. Instead of an abatement under this paragraph (8), a taxing district may enter into an agreement with an eligible business to make annual payments to that eligible business in an amount not to exceed the property taxes paid directly or indirectly by that eligible business to the taxing district and any other taxing districts for premises occupied pursuant to a written lease and may make those payments without the need for an annual appropriation. No school district, however, may enter into an agreement with, or abate taxes for, an eligible business unless the municipality in which the corporate headquarters is located agrees to provide funding to the school district in an amount equal to the amount abated or paid by the school district as provided in this paragraph (8). Any abatement ordered or agreement entered into under this paragraph (8) may be effective for the entire term specified by the taxing district, except the term of the abatement or annual payments may not exceed 20 years.
        (9) United States Military Public/Private Residential
Developments. Each building, structure, or other improvement designed, financed, constructed, renovated, managed, operated, or maintained after January 1, 2006 under a "PPV Lease", as set forth under Division 14 of Article 10, and any such PPV Lease.
        (10) Property located in a business corridor that
qualifies for an abatement under Section 18-184.10.
        (11) Under Section 11-15.4-25 of the Illinois
Municipal Code, property located within an urban agricultural area that is used by a qualifying farmer for processing, growing, raising, or otherwise producing agricultural products.
    (b) Upon a majority vote of its governing authority, any municipality may, after the determination of the assessed valuation of its property, order the county clerk to abate any portion of its taxes on any property that is located within the corporate limits of the municipality in accordance with Section 8-3-18 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-1133, eff. 1-1-19.)

35 ILCS 200/18-170

    (35 ILCS 200/18-170)
    Sec. 18-170. Enterprise zone and River Edge Redevelopment Zone abatement. In addition to the authority to abate taxes under Section 18-165, any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its governing authority, may order the county clerk to abate any portion of its taxes on property, or any class thereof, located within an Enterprise Zone created under the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act or a River Edge Redevelopment Zone created under the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act, and upon which either new improvements have been constructed or existing improvements have been renovated or rehabilitated after December 7, 1982. However, any abatement of taxes on any parcel shall not exceed the amount attributable to the construction of the improvements and the renovation or rehabilitation of existing improvements on the parcel. In the case of property within a redevelopment area created under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, the abatement shall not apply unless a business enterprise or individual with regard to new improvements or renovated or rehabilitated improvements has met the requirements of Section 5.4.1 of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act or under Section 10-5.4.1 of the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act. If an abatement is discontinued under this Section, a municipality shall notify the county clerk and the board of review or board of appeals of the change in writing not later than July 1 of the assessment year to be first affected by the change. However, within a county economic development project area created under the County Economic Development Project Area Property Tax Allocation Act, any municipality or county which has adopted tax increment allocation financing under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act or the County Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Allocation Act may abate any portion of its taxes as provided in this Section. Any other taxing district within the county economic development project area may order any portion or all of its taxes abated as provided above if the county or municipality which created the tax increment district has agreed, in writing, to the abatement.
    A copy of an abatement order adopted under this Section shall be delivered to the county clerk and to the board of review or board of appeals not later than July 1 of the assessment year to be first affected by the order. If it is delivered on or after that date, it will first affect the taxes extended on the assessment of the following year. The board of review or board of appeals shall, each time the assessment books are delivered to the county clerk, also deliver a list of parcels affected by an abatement and the assessed value attributable to new improvements or to the renovation or rehabilitation of existing improvements.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

35 ILCS 200/18-173

    (35 ILCS 200/18-173)
    Sec. 18-173. Housing opportunity area abatement program.
    (a) For the purpose of promoting access to housing near work and in order to promote economic diversity throughout Illinois and to alleviate the concentration of low-income households in areas of high poverty, a housing opportunity area tax abatement program is created.
    (b) As used in this Section:
    "Housing authority" means either a housing authority created under the Housing Authorities Act or other government agency that is authorized by the United States government under the United States Housing Act of 1937 to administer a housing choice voucher program, or the authorized agent of such a housing authority that is authorized to act upon that authority's behalf.
    "Housing choice voucher" means a tenant voucher issued by a housing authority under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and a tenant voucher converted to a project-based voucher by a housing authority.
    "Housing opportunity area" means a census tract where less than 10% of the residents live below the poverty level, as defined by the United States government and determined by the most recent United States census, that is located within a qualified township, except for census tracts located within any township that is located wholly within a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants. A census tract that is located within a township that is located wholly within a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants is considered a housing opportunity area if less than 12% of the residents of the census tract live below the poverty level.
    "Housing opportunity unit" means a dwelling unit located in residential property that is located in a housing opportunity area, that is owned by the applicant, and that is rented to and occupied by a tenant who is participating in a housing choice voucher program administered by a housing authority as of January 1st of the tax year for which the application is made.
    "Qualified units" means the number of housing opportunity units located in the property with the limitation that no more than 2 units or 20% of the total units contained within the property, whichever is greater, may be considered qualified units. Further, no unit may be considered qualified unless the property in which it is contained is in substantial compliance with local building codes, and, moreover, no unit may be considered qualified unless it meets the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's housing quality standards as of the most recent housing authority inspection.
    "Qualified township" means a township located within a county with 200,000 or more inhabitants whose tax capacity exceeds 80% of the average tax capacity of the county in which it is located, except for townships located within a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, where a qualified township means a township whose tax capacity exceeds 115% of the average tax capacity of the county except for townships located wholly within a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants. All townships located wholly within a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants are considered qualified townships.
    "Tax capacity" means the equalized assessed value of all taxable real estate located within a township or county divided by the total population of that township or county.
    (c) The owner of property located within a housing opportunity area who has a housing choice voucher contract with a housing authority may apply for a housing opportunity area tax abatement by annually submitting an application to the housing authority that administers the housing choice voucher contract. The application must include the number of housing opportunity units as well as the total number of dwelling units contained within the property. The owner must, under oath, self-certify as to the total number of dwelling units in the property and must self-certify that the property is in substantial compliance with local building codes. The housing authority shall annually determine the number of qualified units located within each property for which an application is made.
    The housing authority shall establish rules and procedures governing the application processes and may charge an application fee. The county clerk may audit the applications to determine that the properties subject to the tax abatement meet the requirements of this Section. The determination of eligibility of a property for the housing opportunity area abatement shall be made annually; however, no property may receive an abatement for more than 10 tax years.
    (d) The housing authority shall determine housing opportunity areas within its service area and annually deliver to the county clerk, in a manner determined by the county clerk, a list of all properties containing qualified units within that service area by December 31st of the tax year for which the property is eligible for abatement; the list shall include the number of qualified units and the total number of dwelling units for each property.
    The county clerk shall deliver annually to a housing authority, upon that housing authority's request, the most recent available equalized assessed value for the county as a whole and for those taxing districts and townships so specified by the requesting housing authority.
    (e) The county clerk shall abate the tax attributed to a portion of the property determined to be eligible for a housing opportunity area abatement. The portion eligible for abatement shall be determined by reducing the equalized assessment value by a percentage calculated using the following formula: 19% of the equalized assessed value of the property multiplied by a fraction where the numerator is the number of qualified units and denominator is the total number of dwelling units located within the property.
    (f) Any municipality, except for municipalities with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, may annually petition the county clerk to be excluded from a housing opportunity area if it is able to demonstrate that more than 2.5% of the total residential units located within that municipality are occupied by tenants under the housing choice voucher program. Properties located within an excluded municipality shall not be eligible for the housing opportunity area abatement for the tax year in which the petition is made.
    (g) Applicability. This Section applies to tax years 2004 through 2034, unless extended by law.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-175

    (35 ILCS 200/18-175)
    Sec. 18-175. Leasehold abatement. The county clerk may abate property taxes levied by one or more taxing districts under this Code on any leasehold interest in a property leased from the Department of Natural Resources on which is situated a restaurant and overnight lodging facility that was constructed using at least 50% private, non-State funding and that first opened for business after January 1, 1992.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

35 ILCS 200/18-177

    (35 ILCS 200/18-177)
    Sec. 18-177. Leased low-rent housing abatement.
    (a) In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county clerk shall abate property taxes levied by any taxing district under this Code on property that meets the following requirements:
        (1) The property does not qualify as exempt property
under Section 15-95 of this Code.
        (2) The property is situated in a municipality with
1,000,000 or more inhabitants and improved with either a multifamily dwelling or a multi-building development that is subject to a leasing agreement, regulatory and operating agreement, or other similar instrument with a Housing Authority created under the Housing Authorities Act that sets forth the terms for leasing low-rent housing.
        (3) For a period of not less than 20 years, the
property and improvements are used solely for low-rent housing and related uses.
Property and portions of property used or intended to be used for commercial purposes are not eligible for the abatement provided in this Section.
    A housing authority created under the Housing Authorities Act shall file annually with the county clerk for any property eligible for an abatement under this Section, on a form prescribed by the county clerk, a certificate of the property's use during the immediately preceding year. The certificate shall certify that the property or a portion of the property meets the requirements of this Section and that the eligible residential units have been inspected within the previous 90 days and meet or exceed all housing quality standards of the authority. If only a portion of the property meets these requirements, the certificate shall state the amount of that portion as a percentage of the total equalized and assessed value of the property. If the property is improved with an eligible multifamily dwelling or multi-building development containing residential units that are individually assessed, then, except as provided in subsection (b), no more than 40% of those residential units may be certified. If the property is improved with an eligible multifamily dwelling or multi-building development containing residential units that are not individually assessed, then, except as provided in subsection (b), the portion of the property certified shall represent no more than 40% of those residential units.
    The county clerk shall abate the taxes only if a certificate of use has been timely filed for that year. If only a portion of the property has been certified as eligible, the county clerk shall abate the taxes in the percentage so certified.
    Whenever property receives an abatement under this Section, the rental rate set under the lease, regulatory and operating agreement, or other similar instrument for that property shall not include property taxes.
    No property shall be eligible for abatement under this Section if the owner of the property has any outstanding and overdue debts to the municipality in which the property is situated.
    (b) The percentage limitation on the certification of residential units set forth in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be satisfied in the case of developments described in resolutions adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Housing Authority on September 19, 2000, December 17, 2002, or September 16, 2003, as amended, approving the disposition of certain land and buildings on which all or a portion of the developments are or will be situated, if no more than 50% of the units in the development are so certified.
(Source: P.A. 94-296, eff. 7-21-05.)

35 ILCS 200/18-178

    (35 ILCS 200/18-178)
    Sec. 18-178. Abatement for the residence of a surviving spouse of a fallen police officer, soldier, or rescue worker.
    (a) The governing body of any county or municipality may, by ordinance, order the county clerk to abate any percentage of the taxes levied by the county or municipality on each parcel of qualified property within the boundaries of the county or municipality that is owned by the surviving spouse of a fallen police officer, soldier, or rescue worker.
    (b) The governing body may provide, by ordinance, for the percentage amount and duration of an abatement under this Section and for any other provision necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section. Upon passing an ordinance under this Section, the county or municipality must deliver a certified copy of the ordinance to the county clerk.
    (c) As used in this Section:
    "Fallen police officer, soldier, or rescue worker" means an individual who dies:
        (1) as a result of or in the course of employment as
a police officer;
        (2) while in the active service of a fire, rescue, or
emergency medical service; or
        (3) while on active duty as a member of the United
States Armed Services, including the National Guard, serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
"Fallen police officer, soldier, or rescue worker", however, does not include any individual whose death was the result of that individual's own willful misconduct or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
    "Qualified property" means a parcel of real property that is occupied by not more than 2 families, that is used as the principal residence by a surviving spouse, and that:
        (1) was owned by the fallen police officer, soldier,
or rescue worker or surviving spouse at the time of the police officer's, soldier's, or rescue worker's death;
        (2) was acquired by the surviving spouse within 2
years after the police officer's, soldier's, or rescue worker's death if the surviving spouse was domiciled in the State at the time of that death; or
        (3) was acquired more than 2 years after the police
officer's, soldier's, or rescue worker's death if surviving spouse qualified for an abatement for a former qualified property located in that municipality.
    "Surviving spouse" means a spouse, who has not remarried, of a fallen police officer, soldier, or rescue worker.
(Source: P.A. 97-767, eff. 7-9-12.)

35 ILCS 200/18-180

    (35 ILCS 200/18-180)
    Sec. 18-180. Abatement; urban decay.
    (a) Except as provided below, a home rule municipality upon adoption of an ordinance by majority vote of its governing authority, may order the county clerk to abate, for a period not to exceed 10 years, any percentage of the taxes levied by the municipality and any other taxing district on each parcel of property located in an area of urban decay within the corporate limits of the municipality and upon which a newly constructed or newly remodeled single-family or duplex residential dwelling unit is located, except that the total abatement for any levy year shall not be in an amount in excess of 2% of the taxes extended by all taxing districts on all parcels located within the township that contain residential dwelling units of 6 units or less. In the case of a newly remodeled single-family or duplex residential dwelling unit, the amount of the abatement may not exceed the amount of property taxes attributable to the improvements, and no abatement shall be granted with respect to the value of the land. An abatement adopted under this Section shall be extended to all subsequent owners of an eligible property during the abatement period. The ordinance shall provide that the same percentage abatement of taxes shall apply to all eligible property subject to the abatement ordinance, except that any abatement granted for any parcel that is within a redevelopment area created under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code at the time the ordinance is adopted shall not exceed the amount of taxes allocable to taxing districts. No abatement adopted under this Section shall apply to a parcel of property if the owner does not live in the single-family or one of the duplex residential units. Before final adoption of an abatement ordinance under this Section, the governing authority of the home rule municipality shall notify by mail each affected taxing district of the pending ordinance. This Section does not apply to property annexed by a municipality after January 1, 1989. For the purposes of this Section, a zero lot line dwelling, such as a townhouse or development, is considered a single-family residence.
    (b) The governing authority of each affected taxing district shall within 10 days appoint one member to serve on an Abatement Review Board to review the terms and conditions of the proposed abatement ordinance. The Board shall be convened by the mayor or village president of the municipality considering the abatement ordinance. The ordinance shall not be adopted less than 45 days after the Board is convened. Failure to appoint a member to the Board does not affect work of the Board. The Board shall report the findings and conclusions to the governing authority of the municipality not later than 30 days after it is convened.
    (c) Any abatement granted under this Section prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly shall be reduced in 20% increments annually during the last 4 years of the abatement period for the property.
    (d) For purposes of this Section:
        (1) "Area of urban decay" means an area demonstrating
conditions of a "blighted area" or "conservation area" as defined by Section 11-74.4-3 of the Illinois Municipal Code, notwithstanding the minimum acreage requirement contained in the definition of a "redevelopment project area" under that Section. Qualifying factors of blight or conservation shall be defined as those present within the year prior to adoption of the ordinance designating the area of urban decay.
        (2) "Duplex" means a 2 family residence that is not
more than 2 stories plus a basement in height and is located on a single parcel of property.
        (3) "Newly constructed" means constructed and ready
for occupancy not earlier than one year before the date the municipality first orders the abatement for the parcel under this Section.
        (4) "Newly remodeled" means that the property
contains improvements that were completed not earlier than one year before the date the municipality first orders the abatement for the parcel under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 103-931, eff. 8-9-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-181

    (35 ILCS 200/18-181)
    Sec. 18-181. Abatement of neighborhood redevelopment corporation property. The county clerk shall abate the property taxes imposed on the property of a neighborhood redevelopment corporation as provided in Section 15-5 of the Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation Law.
(Source: P.A. 93-1037, eff. 6-1-05.)

35 ILCS 200/18-183

    (35 ILCS 200/18-183)
    Sec. 18-183. Cancellation and repayment of tax benefits. Beginning with tax year 1996, if any taxing district enters into an agreement that explicitly sets forth the terms and length of a contract and thereby grants a tax abatement or other tax benefit under Sections 18-165 through 18-180 of this Code, under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, the County Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Allocation Act of 1991, the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law, the Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Allocation Act of 1995, or under any other statutory or constitutional authority implemented under the Property Tax Code to a private individual or entity for the purpose of originating, locating, maintaining, rehabilitating, or expanding a business facility within the taxing district and the individual or entity relocates the entire facility from the taxing district in violation of the terms and length of the contract explicitly set forth in the agreement, the abatement or other tax benefit for the remainder of the term is cancelled and the amount of the abatements or other tax benefits granted before cancellation shall be repaid to the taxing district within 30 days. This Section may be waived by the mutual agreement of the individual or entity and the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 89-591, eff. 8-1-96; 90-14, eff. 7-1-97.)

35 ILCS 200/18-184

    (35 ILCS 200/18-184)
    Sec. 18-184. Abatement; annexation agreement. Upon a majority vote of its governing authority, any municipality may, after the determination of the assessed valuation of its property, order the county clerk to abate any portion of its taxes on any property that is the subject of an annexation agreement between the municipality and the property owner.
(Source: P.A. 89-537, eff. 1-1-97; 90-14, eff. 7-1-97.)

35 ILCS 200/18-184.5

    (35 ILCS 200/18-184.5)
    Sec. 18-184.5. Abatement for vacant facilities. Upon a majority vote of its governing body, any taxing district may, after the determination of the assessed valuation of its property, order the county clerk to abate any portion of its taxes on any property if (i) a new business first occupies a facility located on the property during the taxable year, and (ii) the facility was vacant for a period of at least 24 continuous months prior to being occupied by the business. The abatement shall not exceed a period of 2 years and the aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall not exceed $4,000,000.
(Source: P.A. 96-755, eff. 1-1-10.)

35 ILCS 200/18-184.10

    (35 ILCS 200/18-184.10)
    Sec. 18-184.10. Business corridors; abatement.
    (a) Each taxing district may, by a majority vote of its governing authority, order the county clerk to abate any portion of its taxes on property that meets the following requirements:
        (1) the property does not qualify as exempt property
under Section 15-95 of this Code; and
        (2) the property is situated in a business corridor
created by intergovernmental agreement between 2 adjoining disadvantaged municipalities.
    An abatement under this Section may not exceed a period of 10 years.
    (b) A business corridor created under this Section shall encompass only territory along the common border of the municipalities that is (i) undeveloped or underdeveloped and (ii) not likely to be developed without the creation of the business corridor.
    The intergovernmental agreement shall specify the territory to be included in the business corridor. The agreement shall also provide for the duration of an abatement under this Section and for any other provision necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section. No abatement under this Section shall exceed 10 years in duration. Upon adoption of the agreement provided for under this Section, the municipalities must deliver a certified copy of the agreement to the county clerk.
    (c) Before adopting an intergovernmental agreement proposing the designation of a business corridor, each municipality, by its corporate authorities, must adopt an ordinance or resolution fixing a time and place for a public hearing. At least 10 days before adopting the ordinance or resolution establishing the time and place for the public hearing, the municipality must make available for public inspection the boundaries of the proposed business corridor.
    At the public hearing, any interested person or affected taxing district may file with the municipal clerk written objections to the business corridor and may be heard orally with respect to any issues embodied in the notice. The municipality must hear all protests and objections at the hearing, and the hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place of the subsequent hearing. At the public hearing or at any time before the municipality adopts an ordinance approving the intergovernmental agreement, the municipality may make changes to the boundaries of the business corridor. Changes that add additional parcels of property to the proposed business corridor may be made only after each municipality gives notice and conducts a public hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, notice of the public hearing must be given by publication. Notice by publication must be given by publication at least twice. The first publication must be not more than 30 nor less than 10 days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the taxing districts having property in the proposed business corridor. The notice must include the following:
        (1) the time and place of the public hearing;
        (2) the boundaries of the proposed business corridor
by legal description and by street location, if possible;
        (3) a statement that all interested persons will be
given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing; and
        (4) such other matters as the municipality may deem
    (d) As used in this Section:
    "Disadvantaged municipality" means a municipality with (i) a per capita equalized assessed valuation (EAV) less than 60% of the State average and (ii) more than 15% of its population below the national poverty level.
(Source: P.A. 97-577, eff. 1-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/18-184.15

    (35 ILCS 200/18-184.15)
    Sec. 18-184.15. REV Illinois project facilities for electric vehicles, electric vehicle component parts, or electric vehicle power supply equipment; abatement.
    (a) Any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its governing body, may, after determination of the assessed value as set forth in this Code, order the clerk of the appropriate municipality or county to abate, for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive years, any portion of real property taxes otherwise levied or extended by the taxing district on a REV Illinois Project facility that is subject to an agreement with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under Section 45 of the Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois Act, during the period of time such agreement is in effect as specified by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
    (b) Two or more taxing districts, upon a majority vote of each of their respective governing bodies, may agree to abate, for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive tax years, a portion of the real property taxes otherwise levied or extended by those taxing districts on a REV Illinois Project facility that is subject to an agreement with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under Section 45 of the Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois Act. The agreement entered into by the taxing districts under this subsection (b) shall be filed with the county clerk who shall, for the period the agreement remains in effect, abate the portion of the real estate taxes levied or extended by those taxing districts as directed in the agreement. Any such agreement entered into by 2 or more taxing districts before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly that is not inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection (b) is hereby declared valid and enforceable for the effective period of that agreement.
(Source: P.A. 102-669, eff. 11-16-21; 102-1125, eff. 2-3-23; 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-184.20

    (35 ILCS 200/18-184.20)
    Sec. 18-184.20. MICRO Illinois project facilities. Any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its governing body, may, after determination of the assessed value as set forth in this Code, order the clerk of the appropriate municipality or county to abate, for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive years, any portion of real property taxes otherwise levied or extended by the taxing district on a MICRO Illinois Project facility that is subject to an agreement with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under the Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) Act, during the period of time such agreement is in effect as specified by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
(Source: P.A. 102-700, eff. 4-19-22; 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Property Tax Extension Limitation Law

35 ILCS 200/18-185

    (35 ILCS 200/18-185)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-587)
    Sec. 18-185. Short title; definitions. This Division 5 may be cited as the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. As used in this Division 5:
    "Consumer Price Index" means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor.
    "Extension limitation" means (a) the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year or (b) the rate of increase approved by voters under Section 18-205.
    "Affected county" means a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants or a county contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
    "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section 1-150, except as otherwise provided in this Section. For the 1991 through 1994 levy years only, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district having the majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value within any county or counties contiguous to a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Beginning with the 1995 levy year, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year and each non-home rule taxing district not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year having the majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value in an affected county or counties. Beginning with the levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to a taxing district as provided in Section 18-213, "taxing district" also includes those taxing districts made subject to this Law as provided in Section 18-213.
    "Aggregate extension" for taxing districts to which this Law applied before the 1995 levy year means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after October 1, 1991 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before October 1, 1991 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before October 1, 1991, to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before October 1, 1991; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), (e), and (h) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made by a school district that participates in the Special Education District of Lake County, created by special education joint agreement under Section 10-22.31 of the School Code, for payment of the school district's share of the amounts required to be contributed by the Special Education District of Lake County to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund under Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code; the amount of any extension under this item (k) shall be certified by the school district to the county clerk; (l) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (m) made for temporary relocation loan repayment purposes pursuant to Sections 2-3.77 and 17-2.2d of the School Code; (n) made for payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.2d of the School Code; (o) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; and (p) made for road purposes in the first year after a township assumes the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and responsibilities of a road district abolished under the provisions of Section 6-133 of the Illinois Highway Code.
    "Aggregate extension" for the taxing districts to which this Law did not apply before the 1995 levy year (except taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213) means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 1, 1995 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 1, 1995 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 1, 1995 to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 1, 1995; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (h-4) made for stormwater management purposes by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago under Section 12 of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act; (h-8) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 9.6a of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to make contributions to the pension fund established under Article 13 of the Illinois Pension Code; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum and bonds described in subsections (h) and (h-8) of this definition; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium or museum projects and bonds issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for the purpose of making contributions to the pension fund established under Article 12 of the Illinois Pension Code; (l) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 87-1191 or 93-601 and (i) issued pursuant to Section 21.2 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act, (ii) issued under Section 42 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for zoological park projects, or (iii) issued under Section 44.1 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for botanical gardens projects; (m) made pursuant to Section 34-53.5 of the School Code, whether levied annually or not; (n) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (o) made by the Chicago Park District for recreational programs for persons with disabilities under subsection (c) of Section 7.06 of the Chicago Park District Act; (p) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (q) made by Ford Heights School District 169 under Section 17-9.02 of the School Code; and (r) made for the purpose of making employer contributions to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago under Section 34-53 of the School Code.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those taxing districts subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held if the bonds were approved by referendum after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; and (m) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued pursuant to Section 19-3.10 of the School Code.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) if the bonds were approved by referendum after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; and (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code.
    "Debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for a taxing district for the 1994 levy year, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, for the levy year in which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 for the 1996 levy year, constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the taxing district without referendum, but not including excluded non-referendum bonds. For park districts (i) that were first subject to this Law in 1991 or 1995 and (ii) whose extension for the 1994 levy year for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds) was less than 51% of the amount for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds), "debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds). A debt service extension base established or increased at any time pursuant to any provision of this Law, except Section 18-212, shall be increased each year commencing with the later of (i) the 2009 levy year or (ii) the first levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to the taxing district, by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year. The debt service extension base may be established or increased as provided under Section 18-212. "Excluded non-referendum bonds" means (i) bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium and museum projects; (ii) bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; or (iii) refunding obligations issued to refund or to continue to refund obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum.
    "Special purpose extensions" include, but are not limited to, extensions for levies made on an annual basis for unemployment and workers' compensation, self-insurance, contributions to pension plans, and extensions made pursuant to Section 6-601 of the Illinois Highway Code for a road district's permanent road fund whether levied annually or not. The extension for a special service area is not included in the aggregate extension.
    "Aggregate extension base" means the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233. Beginning with levy year 2022, for taxing districts that are specified in Section 18-190.7, the taxing district's aggregate extension base shall be calculated as provided in Section 18-190.7. An adjustment under Section 18-135 shall be made for the 2007 levy year and all subsequent levy years whenever one or more counties within which a taxing district is located (i) used estimated valuations or rates when extending taxes in the taxing district for the last preceding levy year that resulted in the over or under extension of taxes, or (ii) increased or decreased the tax extension for the last preceding levy year as required by Section 18-135(c). Whenever an adjustment is required under Section 18-135, the aggregate extension base of the taxing district shall be equal to the amount that the aggregate extension of the taxing district would have been for the last preceding levy year if either or both (i) actual, rather than estimated, valuations or rates had been used to calculate the extension of taxes for the last levy year, or (ii) the tax extension for the last preceding levy year had not been adjusted as required by subsection (c) of Section 18-135.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2012, the aggregate extension base for West Northfield School District No. 31 in Cook County shall be $12,654,592.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the purpose of calculating the limiting rate for levy year 2023, the last preceding aggregate extension base for Homewood School District No. 153 in Cook County shall be $19,535,377.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2022, the aggregate extension base of a home equity assurance program that levied at least $1,000,000 in property taxes in levy year 2019 or 2020 under the Home Equity Assurance Act shall be the amount that the program's aggregate extension base for levy year 2021 would have been if the program had levied a property tax for levy year 2021.
    "Levy year" has the same meaning as "year" under Section 1-155.
    "New property" means (i) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of new improvements or additions to existing improvements on any parcel of real property that increase the assessed value of that real property during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, (ii) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of real property not exempt from real estate taxation, which real property was exempt from real estate taxation for any portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, including the assessed value, upon final stabilization of occupancy after new construction is complete, of any real property located within the boundaries of an otherwise or previously exempt military reservation that is intended for residential use and owned by or leased to a private corporation or other entity, (iii) in counties that classify in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, an incentive property's additional assessed value resulting from a scheduled increase in the level of assessment as applied to the first year final board of review market value, and (iv) any increase in assessed value due to oil or gas production from an oil or gas well required to be permitted under the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act that was not produced in or accounted for during the previous levy year. In addition, the county clerk in a county containing a population of 3,000,000 or more shall include in the 1997 recovered tax increment value for any school district, any recovered tax increment value that was applicable to the 1995 tax year calculations.
    "Qualified airport authority" means an airport authority organized under the Airport Authorities Act and located in a county bordering on the State of Wisconsin and having a population in excess of 200,000 and not greater than 500,000.
    "Recovered tax increment value" means, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value, in the first year after a municipality terminates the designation of an area as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Act of 1995, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. For the taxes which are extended for the 1997 levy year, the recovered tax increment value for a non-home rule taxing district that first became subject to this Law for the 1995 levy year because a majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value was in an affected county or counties shall be increased if a municipality terminated the designation of an area in 1993 as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, by an amount equal to the 1994 equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. In the first year after a municipality removes a taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property from a redevelopment project area established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, "recovered tax increment value" means the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property removed from the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of that real property before removal from the redevelopment project area.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, "limiting rate" means a fraction the numerator of which is the last preceding aggregate extension base times an amount equal to one plus the extension limitation defined in this Section and the denominator of which is the current year's equalized assessed value of all real property in the territory under the jurisdiction of the taxing district during the prior levy year. For those taxing districts that reduced their aggregate extension for the last preceding levy year, except for school districts that reduced their extension for educational purposes pursuant to Section 18-206, the highest aggregate extension in any of the last 3 preceding levy years shall be used for the purpose of computing the limiting rate. The denominator shall not include new property or the recovered tax increment value. If a new rate, a rate decrease, or a limiting rate increase has been approved at an election held after March 21, 2006, then (i) the otherwise applicable limiting rate shall be increased by the amount of the new rate or shall be reduced by the amount of the rate decrease, as the case may be, or (ii) in the case of a limiting rate increase, the limiting rate shall be equal to the rate set forth in the proposition approved by the voters for each of the years specified in the proposition, after which the limiting rate of the taxing district shall be calculated as otherwise provided. In the case of a taxing district that obtained referendum approval for an increased limiting rate on March 20, 2012, the limiting rate for tax year 2012 shall be the rate that generates the approximate total amount of taxes extendable for that tax year, as set forth in the proposition approved by the voters; this rate shall be the final rate applied by the county clerk for the aggregate of all capped funds of the district for tax year 2012.
(Source: P.A. 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-311, eff. 8-6-21; 102-519, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-707, eff. 4-22-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-587, eff. 5-28-24.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-591)
    Sec. 18-185. Short title; definitions. This Division 5 may be cited as the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. As used in this Division 5:
    "Consumer Price Index" means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor.
    "Extension limitation" means (a) the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year or (b) the rate of increase approved by voters under Section 18-205.
    "Affected county" means a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants or a county contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
    "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section 1-150, except as otherwise provided in this Section. For the 1991 through 1994 levy years only, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district having the majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value within any county or counties contiguous to a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Beginning with the 1995 levy year, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year and each non-home rule taxing district not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year having the majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value in an affected county or counties. Beginning with the levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to a taxing district as provided in Section 18-213, "taxing district" also includes those taxing districts made subject to this Law as provided in Section 18-213.
    "Aggregate extension" for taxing districts to which this Law applied before the 1995 levy year means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after October 1, 1991 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before October 1, 1991 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before October 1, 1991, to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before October 1, 1991; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), (e), and (h) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made by a school district that participates in the Special Education District of Lake County, created by special education joint agreement under Section 10-22.31 of the School Code, for payment of the school district's share of the amounts required to be contributed by the Special Education District of Lake County to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund under Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code; the amount of any extension under this item (k) shall be certified by the school district to the county clerk; (l) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (m) made for temporary relocation loan repayment purposes pursuant to Sections 2-3.77 and 17-2.2d of the School Code; (n) made for payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.2d of the School Code; (o) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (p) made for road purposes in the first year after a township assumes the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and responsibilities of a road district abolished under the provisions of Section 6-133 of the Illinois Highway Code; and (q) made for the payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.11 of the School Code or to refund or continue to refund those bonds.
    "Aggregate extension" for the taxing districts to which this Law did not apply before the 1995 levy year (except taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213) means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 1, 1995 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 1, 1995 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 1, 1995 to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 1, 1995; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (h-4) made for stormwater management purposes by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago under Section 12 of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act; (h-8) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 9.6a of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to make contributions to the pension fund established under Article 13 of the Illinois Pension Code; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum and bonds described in subsections (h) and (h-8) of this definition; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium or museum projects and bonds issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for the purpose of making contributions to the pension fund established under Article 12 of the Illinois Pension Code; (l) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 87-1191 or 93-601 and (i) issued pursuant to Section 21.2 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act, (ii) issued under Section 42 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for zoological park projects, or (iii) issued under Section 44.1 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for botanical gardens projects; (m) made pursuant to Section 34-53.5 of the School Code, whether levied annually or not; (n) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (o) made by the Chicago Park District for recreational programs for persons with disabilities under subsection (c) of Section 7.06 of the Chicago Park District Act; (p) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (q) made by Ford Heights School District 169 under Section 17-9.02 of the School Code; (r) made for the purpose of making employer contributions to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago under Section 34-53 of the School Code; and (s) made for the payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.11 of the School Code or to refund or continue to refund those bonds.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those taxing districts subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held if the bonds were approved by referendum after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (m) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued pursuant to Section 19-3.10 of the School Code; and (n) made for the payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.11 of the School Code or to refund or continue to refund those bonds.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) if the bonds were approved by referendum after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; and (m) made for the payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.11 of the School Code or to refund or continue to refund those bonds.
    "Debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for a taxing district for the 1994 levy year, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, for the levy year in which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 for the 1996 levy year, constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the taxing district without referendum, but not including excluded non-referendum bonds. For park districts (i) that were first subject to this Law in 1991 or 1995 and (ii) whose extension for the 1994 levy year for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds) was less than 51% of the amount for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds), "debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds). A debt service extension base established or increased at any time pursuant to any provision of this Law, except Section 18-212, shall be increased each year commencing with the later of (i) the 2009 levy year or (ii) the first levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to the taxing district, by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year. The debt service extension base may be established or increased as provided under Section 18-212. "Excluded non-referendum bonds" means (i) bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium and museum projects; (ii) bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; or (iii) refunding obligations issued to refund or to continue to refund obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum.
    "Special purpose extensions" include, but are not limited to, extensions for levies made on an annual basis for unemployment and workers' compensation, self-insurance, contributions to pension plans, and extensions made pursuant to Section 6-601 of the Illinois Highway Code for a road district's permanent road fund whether levied annually or not. The extension for a special service area is not included in the aggregate extension.
    "Aggregate extension base" means the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233. Beginning with levy year 2022, for taxing districts that are specified in Section 18-190.7, the taxing district's aggregate extension base shall be calculated as provided in Section 18-190.7. An adjustment under Section 18-135 shall be made for the 2007 levy year and all subsequent levy years whenever one or more counties within which a taxing district is located (i) used estimated valuations or rates when extending taxes in the taxing district for the last preceding levy year that resulted in the over or under extension of taxes, or (ii) increased or decreased the tax extension for the last preceding levy year as required by Section 18-135(c). Whenever an adjustment is required under Section 18-135, the aggregate extension base of the taxing district shall be equal to the amount that the aggregate extension of the taxing district would have been for the last preceding levy year if either or both (i) actual, rather than estimated, valuations or rates had been used to calculate the extension of taxes for the last levy year, or (ii) the tax extension for the last preceding levy year had not been adjusted as required by subsection (c) of Section 18-135.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2012, the aggregate extension base for West Northfield School District No. 31 in Cook County shall be $12,654,592.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2022, the aggregate extension base of a home equity assurance program that levied at least $1,000,000 in property taxes in levy year 2019 or 2020 under the Home Equity Assurance Act shall be the amount that the program's aggregate extension base for levy year 2021 would have been if the program had levied a property tax for levy year 2021.
    "Levy year" has the same meaning as "year" under Section 1-155.
    "New property" means (i) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of new improvements or additions to existing improvements on any parcel of real property that increase the assessed value of that real property during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, (ii) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of real property not exempt from real estate taxation, which real property was exempt from real estate taxation for any portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, including the assessed value, upon final stabilization of occupancy after new construction is complete, of any real property located within the boundaries of an otherwise or previously exempt military reservation that is intended for residential use and owned by or leased to a private corporation or other entity, (iii) in counties that classify in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, an incentive property's additional assessed value resulting from a scheduled increase in the level of assessment as applied to the first year final board of review market value, and (iv) any increase in assessed value due to oil or gas production from an oil or gas well required to be permitted under the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act that was not produced in or accounted for during the previous levy year. In addition, the county clerk in a county containing a population of 3,000,000 or more shall include in the 1997 recovered tax increment value for any school district, any recovered tax increment value that was applicable to the 1995 tax year calculations.
    "Qualified airport authority" means an airport authority organized under the Airport Authorities Act and located in a county bordering on the State of Wisconsin and having a population in excess of 200,000 and not greater than 500,000.
    "Recovered tax increment value" means, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value, in the first year after a municipality terminates the designation of an area as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Act of 1995, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. For the taxes which are extended for the 1997 levy year, the recovered tax increment value for a non-home rule taxing district that first became subject to this Law for the 1995 levy year because a majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value was in an affected county or counties shall be increased if a municipality terminated the designation of an area in 1993 as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, by an amount equal to the 1994 equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. In the first year after a municipality removes a taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property from a redevelopment project area established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, "recovered tax increment value" means the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property removed from the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of that real property before removal from the redevelopment project area.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, "limiting rate" means a fraction the numerator of which is the last preceding aggregate extension base times an amount equal to one plus the extension limitation defined in this Section and the denominator of which is the current year's equalized assessed value of all real property in the territory under the jurisdiction of the taxing district during the prior levy year. For those taxing districts that reduced their aggregate extension for the last preceding levy year, except for school districts that reduced their extension for educational purposes pursuant to Section 18-206, the highest aggregate extension in any of the last 3 preceding levy years shall be used for the purpose of computing the limiting rate. The denominator shall not include new property or the recovered tax increment value. If a new rate, a rate decrease, or a limiting rate increase has been approved at an election held after March 21, 2006, then (i) the otherwise applicable limiting rate shall be increased by the amount of the new rate or shall be reduced by the amount of the rate decrease, as the case may be, or (ii) in the case of a limiting rate increase, the limiting rate shall be equal to the rate set forth in the proposition approved by the voters for each of the years specified in the proposition, after which the limiting rate of the taxing district shall be calculated as otherwise provided. In the case of a taxing district that obtained referendum approval for an increased limiting rate on March 20, 2012, the limiting rate for tax year 2012 shall be the rate that generates the approximate total amount of taxes extendable for that tax year, as set forth in the proposition approved by the voters; this rate shall be the final rate applied by the county clerk for the aggregate of all capped funds of the district for tax year 2012.
(Source: P.A. 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-311, eff. 8-6-21; 102-519, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-707, eff. 4-22-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-591, eff. 7-1-24.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 18-185. Short title; definitions. This Division 5 may be cited as the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. As used in this Division 5:
    "Consumer Price Index" means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor.
    "Extension limitation" means (a) the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year or (b) the rate of increase approved by voters under Section 18-205.
    "Affected county" means a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants or a county contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
    "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section 1-150, except as otherwise provided in this Section. For the 1991 through 1994 levy years only, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district having the majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value within any county or counties contiguous to a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Beginning with the 1995 levy year, "taxing district" includes only each non-home rule taxing district subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year and each non-home rule taxing district not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year having the majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value in an affected county or counties. Beginning with the levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to a taxing district as provided in Section 18-213, "taxing district" also includes those taxing districts made subject to this Law as provided in Section 18-213.
    "Aggregate extension" for taxing districts to which this Law applied before the 1995 levy year means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before October 1, 1991; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after October 1, 1991 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before October 1, 1991 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before October 1, 1991, to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before October 1, 1991; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), (e), and (h) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made by a school district that participates in the Special Education District of Lake County, created by special education joint agreement under Section 10-22.31 of the School Code, for payment of the school district's share of the amounts required to be contributed by the Special Education District of Lake County to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund under Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code; the amount of any extension under this item (k) shall be certified by the school district to the county clerk; (l) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (m) made for temporary relocation loan repayment purposes pursuant to Sections 2-3.77 and 17-2.2d of the School Code; (n) made for payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued under the authority of Section 17-2.2d of the School Code; (o) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (p) made for road purposes in the first year after a township assumes the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and responsibilities of a road district abolished under the provisions of Section 6-133 of the Illinois Highway Code; and (q) made under Section 4 of the Community Mental Health Act to provide the necessary funds or to supplement existing funds for community mental health facilities and services, including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance use disorder.
    "Aggregate extension" for the taxing districts to which this Law did not apply before the 1995 levy year (except taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213) means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 1, 1995 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 1, 1995 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 1, 1995 to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 1, 1995; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991; (h-4) made for stormwater management purposes by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago under Section 12 of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act; (h-8) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 9.6a of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to make contributions to the pension fund established under Article 13 of the Illinois Pension Code; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum and bonds described in subsections (h) and (h-8) of this definition; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (k) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium or museum projects and bonds issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for the purpose of making contributions to the pension fund established under Article 12 of the Illinois Pension Code; (l) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds authorized by Public Act 87-1191 or 93-601 and (i) issued pursuant to Section 21.2 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act, (ii) issued under Section 42 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for zoological park projects, or (iii) issued under Section 44.1 of the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act for botanical gardens projects; (m) made pursuant to Section 34-53.5 of the School Code, whether levied annually or not; (n) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (o) made by the Chicago Park District for recreational programs for persons with disabilities under subsection (c) of Section 7.06 of the Chicago Park District Act; (p) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (q) made by Ford Heights School District 169 under Section 17-9.02 of the School Code; (r) made for the purpose of making employer contributions to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago under Section 34-53 of the School Code; and (s) made under Section 4 of the Community Mental Health Act to provide the necessary funds or to supplement existing funds for community mental health facilities and services, including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance use disorder.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those taxing districts subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held if the bonds were approved by referendum after the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before the date on which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held; (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; (m) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued pursuant to Section 19-3.10 of the School Code; and (n) made under Section 4 of the Community Mental Health Act to provide the necessary funds or to supplement existing funds for community mental health facilities and services, including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance use disorder.
    "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which this Law applies in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) if the bonds were approved by referendum after March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718) to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 7, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 89-718); (h) made for payments of principal and interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount not to exceed the debt service extension base less the amount in items (b), (c), and (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; (j) made for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying obligations due under, or financing airport facilities required to be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped pursuant to, contracts entered into before March 1, 1996 (but not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect on or after that date); (k) made to fund expenses of providing joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 5-8 of the Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code; (l) made for contributions to a firefighter's pension fund created under Article 4 of the Illinois Pension Code, to the extent of the amount certified under item (5) of Section 4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code; and (m) made under Section 4 of the Community Mental Health Act to provide the necessary funds or to supplement existing funds for community mental health facilities and services, including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance use disorder.
    "Debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for a taxing district for the 1994 levy year, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213, except for those subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, for the levy year in which the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district is held, or for those taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213 for the 1996 levy year, constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the taxing district without referendum, but not including excluded non-referendum bonds. For park districts (i) that were first subject to this Law in 1991 or 1995 and (ii) whose extension for the 1994 levy year for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds) was less than 51% of the amount for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds), "debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the extension for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by the park district without referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds). A debt service extension base established or increased at any time pursuant to any provision of this Law, except Section 18-212, shall be increased each year commencing with the later of (i) the 2009 levy year or (ii) the first levy year in which this Law becomes applicable to the taxing district, by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year. The debt service extension base may be established or increased as provided under Section 18-212. "Excluded non-referendum bonds" means (i) bonds authorized by Public Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium and museum projects; (ii) bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act; or (iii) refunding obligations issued to refund or to continue to refund obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum.
    "Special purpose extensions" include, but are not limited to, extensions for levies made on an annual basis for unemployment and workers' compensation, self-insurance, contributions to pension plans, and extensions made pursuant to Section 6-601 of the Illinois Highway Code for a road district's permanent road fund whether levied annually or not. The extension for a special service area is not included in the aggregate extension.
    "Aggregate extension base" means the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233. Beginning with levy year 2022, for taxing districts that are specified in Section 18-190.7, the taxing district's aggregate extension base shall be calculated as provided in Section 18-190.7. An adjustment under Section 18-135 shall be made for the 2007 levy year and all subsequent levy years whenever one or more counties within which a taxing district is located (i) used estimated valuations or rates when extending taxes in the taxing district for the last preceding levy year that resulted in the over or under extension of taxes, or (ii) increased or decreased the tax extension for the last preceding levy year as required by Section 18-135(c). Whenever an adjustment is required under Section 18-135, the aggregate extension base of the taxing district shall be equal to the amount that the aggregate extension of the taxing district would have been for the last preceding levy year if either or both (i) actual, rather than estimated, valuations or rates had been used to calculate the extension of taxes for the last levy year, or (ii) the tax extension for the last preceding levy year had not been adjusted as required by subsection (c) of Section 18-135.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2012, the aggregate extension base for West Northfield School District No. 31 in Cook County shall be $12,654,592.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for levy year 2022, the aggregate extension base of a home equity assurance program that levied at least $1,000,000 in property taxes in levy year 2019 or 2020 under the Home Equity Assurance Act shall be the amount that the program's aggregate extension base for levy year 2021 would have been if the program had levied a property tax for levy year 2021.
    "Levy year" has the same meaning as "year" under Section 1-155.
    "New property" means (i) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of new improvements or additions to existing improvements on any parcel of real property that increase the assessed value of that real property during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, (ii) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of real property not exempt from real estate taxation, which real property was exempt from real estate taxation for any portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, including the assessed value, upon final stabilization of occupancy after new construction is complete, of any real property located within the boundaries of an otherwise or previously exempt military reservation that is intended for residential use and owned by or leased to a private corporation or other entity, (iii) in counties that classify in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, an incentive property's additional assessed value resulting from a scheduled increase in the level of assessment as applied to the first year final board of review market value, and (iv) any increase in assessed value due to oil or gas production from an oil or gas well required to be permitted under the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act that was not produced in or accounted for during the previous levy year. In addition, the county clerk in a county containing a population of 3,000,000 or more shall include in the 1997 recovered tax increment value for any school district, any recovered tax increment value that was applicable to the 1995 tax year calculations.
    "Qualified airport authority" means an airport authority organized under the Airport Authorities Act and located in a county bordering on the State of Wisconsin and having a population in excess of 200,000 and not greater than 500,000.
    "Recovered tax increment value" means, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value, in the first year after a municipality terminates the designation of an area as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Act of 1995, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. For the taxes which are extended for the 1997 levy year, the recovered tax increment value for a non-home rule taxing district that first became subject to this Law for the 1995 levy year because a majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value was in an affected county or counties shall be increased if a municipality terminated the designation of an area in 1993 as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, by an amount equal to the 1994 equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area. In the first year after a municipality removes a taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property from a redevelopment project area established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act in the Illinois Municipal Code, the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, "recovered tax increment value" means the amount of the current year's equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property removed from the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of that real property before removal from the redevelopment project area.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, "limiting rate" means a fraction the numerator of which is the last preceding aggregate extension base times an amount equal to one plus the extension limitation defined in this Section and the denominator of which is the current year's equalized assessed value of all real property in the territory under the jurisdiction of the taxing district during the prior levy year. For those taxing districts that reduced their aggregate extension for the last preceding levy year, except for school districts that reduced their extension for educational purposes pursuant to Section 18-206, the highest aggregate extension in any of the last 3 preceding levy years shall be used for the purpose of computing the limiting rate. The denominator shall not include new property or the recovered tax increment value. If a new rate, a rate decrease, or a limiting rate increase has been approved at an election held after March 21, 2006, then (i) the otherwise applicable limiting rate shall be increased by the amount of the new rate or shall be reduced by the amount of the rate decrease, as the case may be, or (ii) in the case of a limiting rate increase, the limiting rate shall be equal to the rate set forth in the proposition approved by the voters for each of the years specified in the proposition, after which the limiting rate of the taxing district shall be calculated as otherwise provided. In the case of a taxing district that obtained referendum approval for an increased limiting rate on March 20, 2012, the limiting rate for tax year 2012 shall be the rate that generates the approximate total amount of taxes extendable for that tax year, as set forth in the proposition approved by the voters; this rate shall be the final rate applied by the county clerk for the aggregate of all capped funds of the district for tax year 2012.
(Source: P.A. 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-311, eff. 8-6-21; 102-519, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-707, eff. 4-22-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-190

    (35 ILCS 200/18-190)
    Sec. 18-190. Direct referendum; new rate or increased limiting rate.
    (a) If a new rate is authorized by statute to be imposed without referendum or is subject to a backdoor referendum, as defined in Section 28-2 of the Election Code, the governing body of the affected taxing district before levying the new rate shall submit the new rate to direct referendum under the provisions of this Section and of Article 28 of the Election Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the levies authorized by Sections 21-110 and 21-110.1 of the Illinois Pension Code shall not be considered new rates; however, nothing in this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly authorizes a taxing district to increase its limiting rate or its aggregate extension without first obtaining referendum approval as provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the levy authorized by Section 18-17 is considered part of the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and is not considered a new rate. Notwithstanding the provisions, requirements, or limitations of any other law, any tax levied for the 2005 levy year and all subsequent levy years by any taxing district subject to this Law may be extended at a rate exceeding the rate established for that tax by referendum or statute, provided that the rate does not exceed the statutory ceiling above which the tax is not authorized to be further increased either by referendum or in any other manner. Notwithstanding the provisions, requirements, or limitations of any other law, all taxing districts subject to this Law shall follow the provisions of this Section whenever seeking referenda approval after March 21, 2006 to (i) levy a new tax rate authorized by statute or (ii) increase the limiting rate applicable to the taxing district. All taxing districts subject to this Law are authorized to seek referendum approval of each proposition described and set forth in this Section.
    The proposition seeking to obtain referendum approval to levy a new tax rate as authorized in clause (i) shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall ... (insert legal name, number, if any, and
county or counties of taxing district and geographic or other common name by which a school or community college district is known and referred to), Illinois, be authorized to levy a new tax for ... purposes and have an additional tax of ...% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein extended for such purposes?
The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    The proposition seeking to obtain referendum approval to increase the limiting rate as authorized in clause (ii) shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax
Extension Limitation Law for ... (insert legal name, number, if any, and county or counties of taxing district and geographic or other common name by which a school or community college district is known and referred to), Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to ...% above the limiting rate for the purpose of...(insert purpose) for levy year ... (insert the most recent levy year for which the limiting rate of the taxing district is known at the time the submission of the proposition is initiated by the taxing district) and be equal to ...% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year(s) (insert each levy year for which the increase will be applicable, which years must be consecutive and may not exceed 4)?
    The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    The ballot for any proposition submitted pursuant to this Section shall have printed thereon, but not as a part of the proposition submitted, only the following supplemental information (which shall be supplied to the election authority by the taxing district) in substantially the following form:
        (1) The approximate amount of taxes extendable at the
most recently extended limiting rate is $..., and the approximate amount of taxes extendable if the proposition is approved is $....
        (2) For the ... (insert the first levy year for which
the new rate or increased limiting rate will be applicable) levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $....
        (3) Based upon an average annual percentage increase
(or decrease) in the market value of such property of %... (insert percentage equal to the average annual percentage increase or decrease for the prior 3 levy years, at the time the submission of the proposition is initiated by the taxing district, in the amount of (A) the equalized assessed value of the taxable property in the taxing district less (B) the new property included in the equalized assessed value), the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against such property for the ... levy year is estimated to be $... and for the ... levy year is estimated to be $ ....
        (4) If the proposition is approved, the aggregate
extension for ... (insert each levy year for which the increase will apply) will be determined by the limiting rate set forth in the proposition, rather than the otherwise applicable limiting rate calculated under the provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (commonly known as the Property Tax Cap Law).
The approximate amount of taxes extendable shown in paragraph (1) shall be computed upon the last known equalized assessed value of taxable property in the taxing district (at the time the submission of the proposition is initiated by the taxing district). Paragraph (3) shall be included only if the increased limiting rate will be applicable for more than one levy year and shall list each levy year for which the increased limiting rate will be applicable. The additional tax shown for each levy year shall be the approximate dollar amount of the increase over the amount of the most recently completed extension at the time the submission of the proposition is initiated by the taxing district. The approximate amount of the additional taxes extendable shown in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be calculated by multiplying $100,000 (the fair market value of the property without regard to any property tax exemptions) by (i) the percentage level of assessment prescribed for that property by statute, or by ordinance of the county board in counties that classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution; (ii) the most recent final equalization factor certified to the county clerk by the Department of Revenue at the time the taxing district initiates the submission of the proposition to the electors; and (iii) either the new rate or the amount by which the limiting rate is to be increased. This amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly is intended to clarify the existing requirements of this Section, and shall not be construed to validate any prior non-compliant referendum language. Paragraph (4) shall be included if the proposition concerns a limiting rate increase but shall not be included if the proposition concerns a new rate. Any notice required to be published in connection with the submission of the proposition shall also contain this supplemental information and shall not contain any other supplemental information regarding the proposition. Any error, miscalculation, or inaccuracy in computing any amount set forth on the ballot and in the notice that is not deliberate shall not invalidate or affect the validity of any proposition approved. Notice of the referendum shall be published and posted as otherwise required by law, and the submission of the proposition shall be initiated as provided by law.
    If a majority of all ballots cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposition, the following provisions shall be applicable to the extension of taxes for the taxing district:
        (A) a new tax rate shall be first effective for the
levy year in which the new rate is approved;
        (B) if the proposition provides for a new tax rate,
the taxing district is authorized to levy a tax after the canvass of the results of the referendum by the election authority for the purposes for which the tax is authorized;
        (C) a limiting rate increase shall be first effective
for the levy year in which the limiting rate increase is approved, provided that the taxing district may elect to have a limiting rate increase be effective for the levy year prior to the levy year in which the limiting rate increase is approved unless the extension of taxes for the prior levy year occurs 30 days or less after the canvass of the results of the referendum by the election authority in any county in which the taxing district is located;
        (D) in order for the limiting rate increase to be
first effective for the levy year prior to the levy year of the referendum, the taxing district must certify its election to have the limiting rate increase be effective for the prior levy year to the clerk of each county in which the taxing district is located not more than 2 days after the date the results of the referendum are canvassed by the election authority; and
        (E) if the proposition provides for a limiting rate
increase, the increase may be effective regardless of whether the proposition is approved before or after the taxing district adopts or files its levy for any levy year.
    Rates required to extend taxes on levies subject to a backdoor referendum in each year there is a levy are not new rates or rate increases under this Section if a levy has been made for the fund in one or more of the preceding 3 levy years. Changes made by this amendatory Act of 1997 to this Section in reference to rates required to extend taxes on levies subject to a backdoor referendum in each year there is a levy are declarative of existing law and not a new enactment.
    (b) Whenever other applicable law authorizes a taxing district subject to the limitation with respect to its aggregate extension provided for in this Law to issue bonds or other obligations either without referendum or subject to backdoor referendum, the taxing district may elect for each separate bond issuance to submit the question of the issuance of the bonds or obligations directly to the voters of the taxing district, and if the referendum passes the taxing district is not required to comply with any backdoor referendum procedures or requirements set forth in the other applicable law. The direct referendum shall be initiated by ordinance or resolution of the governing body of the taxing district, and the question shall be certified to the proper election authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-190.5

    (35 ILCS 200/18-190.5)
    Sec. 18-190.5. School districts. The requirements of Section 18-190 of this Code for a direct referendum on the imposition of a new or increased tax rate do not apply to tax levies that are not included in the aggregate extension for those taxing districts to which this Law did not apply before the 1995 levy year (except taxing districts subject to this Law in accordance with Section 18-213 of this Code) pursuant to clauses (m) and (q) of Section 18-185 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-1078, eff. 1-9-07.)

35 ILCS 200/18-190.7

    (35 ILCS 200/18-190.7)
    Sec. 18-190.7. Alternative aggregate extension base for certain taxing districts; recapture.
    (a) This Section applies to the following taxing districts that are subject to this Division 5:
        (1) school districts that have a designation of
recognition or review according to the State Board of Education's School District Financial Profile System as of the first day of the levy year for which the taxing district seeks to increase its aggregate extension under this Section;
        (2) park districts;
        (3) library districts; and
        (4) community college districts.
    (b) Subject to the limitations of subsection (c), beginning in levy year 2022, a taxing district specified in subsection (a) may recapture certain levy amounts that are otherwise unavailable to the taxing district as a result of the taxing district not extending the maximum amount permitted under this Division 5 in a previous levy year. For that purpose, the taxing district's aggregate extension base shall be the greater of: (1) the taxing district's aggregate extension limit; or (2) the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension, as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233.
    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the aggregate extension of a taxing district that uses an aggregate extension limit under this Section for a particular levy year may not exceed the taxing district's aggregate extension for the immediately preceding levy year by more than 5% unless the increase is approved by the voters under Section 18-205; however, if a taxing district is unable to recapture the entire unrealized levy amount in a single levy year due to the limitations of this subsection (c), the taxing district may increase its aggregate extension in each immediately succeeding levy year until the entire levy amount is recaptured, except that the increase in each succeeding levy year may not exceed the greater of (i) 5% or (ii) the increase approved by the voters under Section 18-205.
    In order to be eligible for recapture under this Section, the taxing district must certify to the county clerk that the taxing district did not extend the maximum amount permitted under this Division 5 for a particular levy year. That certification must be made not more than 60 days after the taxing district files its levy ordinance or resolution with the county clerk for the levy year for which the taxing district did not extend the maximum amount permitted under this Division 5.
    (d) As used in this Section, "aggregate extension limit" means the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension if the district had utilized the maximum limiting rate permitted without referendum for each of the 3 immediately preceding levy years, as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233.
(Source: P.A. 102-895, eff. 5-23-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

35 ILCS 200/18-195

    (35 ILCS 200/18-195)
    Sec. 18-195. Limitation. Tax extensions made under Sections 18-45 and 18-105 are further limited by the provisions of this Law.
    For those taxing districts that have levied in any previous levy year for any funds included in the aggregate extension, the county clerk shall extend a rate for the sum of these funds that is no greater than the limiting rate.
    For those taxing districts that have never levied for any funds included in the aggregate extension, the county clerk shall extend an amount no greater than the amount approved by the voters in a referendum under Section 18-210.
    If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of a taxing district by provisions of this Law, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund unless otherwise requested by the taxing district.
    Upon written request of the corporate authority of a village, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for the library funds and for the aggregate of the other village funds in order to reduce the funds as may be required under provisions of this Law. In calculating the limiting rate for the library, the county clerk shall use only the part of the aggregate extension base applicable to the library, and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230 the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase applicable to the library funds and the part of the rate applicable to the library in determining factors under that Section. The county clerk shall calculate the limiting rate for all other village funds using only the part of the aggregate extension base not applicable to the library, and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230 the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase not applicable to the library funds and the part of the rate not applicable to the library in determining factors under that Section. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the library portion of the levy, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each library fund unless otherwise requested by the library board. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the portion of the levy not applicable to the library, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund not applicable to the library unless otherwise requested by the village.
    Beginning with the 1998 levy year upon written direction of a county or township community mental health board, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for the community mental health funds and for the aggregate of the other county or township funds in order to reduce the funds as may be required under provisions of this Law. In calculating the limiting rate for the community mental health funds, the county clerk shall use only the part of the aggregate extension base applicable to the community mental health funds; and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230, the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase applicable to the community mental health funds and the part of the rate applicable to the community mental health board in determining factors under that Section. The county clerk shall calculate the limiting rate for all other county or township funds using only the part of the aggregate extension base not applicable to community mental health funds; and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230, the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase not applicable to the community mental health funds and the part of the rate not applicable to the community mental health board in determining factors under that Section. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the community mental health board portion of the levy, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each community mental health fund unless otherwise directed by the community mental health board. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the portion of the levy not applicable to the community mental health board, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund not applicable to the community mental health board unless otherwise directed by the county or township.
    If the governmental unit is not subject to Section 1.1 or 1.2 of the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, then: (i) beginning with the 2001 levy year for a county or township board before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, upon written direction of a county or township board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for the funds for persons with a developmental disability and for the aggregate of the other county or township funds in order to reduce the funds as may be required under provisions of this Law; and (ii) beginning with the levy year next following the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, upon written direction of the board of a governmental unit not covered under item (i) for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for the funds for persons with a developmental disability and for the aggregate of the other governmental unit funds in order to reduce the funds as may be required under provisions of this Law. If the governmental unit is subject to Section 1.1 or 1.2 of the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, then, beginning with the levy year in which the voters approve the tax under Section 1.1 or 1.2 of that Act, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for the funds for persons with a developmental disability and for the aggregate of the other governmental unit funds in order to reduce the funds as may be required under provisions of this Law. In calculating the limiting rate for the funds for persons with a developmental disability, the county clerk shall use only the part of the aggregate extension base applicable to the funds for persons with a developmental disability; and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230, the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase applicable to the funds for persons with a developmental disability and the part of the rate applicable to the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability in determining factors under that Section. The county clerk shall calculate the limiting rate for all other governmental unit funds using only the part of the aggregate extension base not applicable to funds for persons with a developmental disability; and for any rate increase or decrease factor under Section 18-230, the county clerk shall use only any new rate or rate increase not applicable to the funds for persons with a developmental disability and the part of the rate not applicable to the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability in determining factors under that Section. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability portion of the levy, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund for persons with a developmental disability unless otherwise directed by the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability. If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of the portion of the levy not applicable to the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund not applicable to the board for care and treatment of persons with a developmental disability unless otherwise directed by the governmental unit.
    As used in this Section, "governmental unit" has the meaning given to that term in Section 0.05 of the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-1129, eff. 1-1-19.)

35 ILCS 200/18-197

    (35 ILCS 200/18-197)
    Sec. 18-197. Maywood Public Library District Tax Levy Validation (2002) Law. The provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law are subject to the Maywood Public Library District Tax Levy Validation (2002) Law.
(Source: P.A. 92-884, eff. 1-13-03.)

35 ILCS 200/18-198

    (35 ILCS 200/18-198)
    Sec. 18-198. Summit Park District Tax Levy Validation (2010) Act. The provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law are subject to the Summit Park District Tax Levy Validation (2010) Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1205, eff. 7-22-10.)

35 ILCS 200/18-200

    (35 ILCS 200/18-200)
    Sec. 18-200. School Code. A school district's State aid shall not be reduced under the computation under subsections 5(a) through 5(h) of Part A of Section 18-8 of the School Code or under Section 18-8.15 of the School Code due to the operating tax rate falling from above the minimum requirement of that Section of the School Code to below the minimum requirement of that Section of the School Code due to the operation of this Law.
(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)

35 ILCS 200/18-205

    (35 ILCS 200/18-205)
    Sec. 18-205. Referendum to increase the extension limitation. A taxing district is limited to an extension limitation of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year, whichever is less. A taxing district may increase its extension limitation for one or more levy years if that taxing district holds a referendum before the levy date for the first levy year at which a majority of voters voting on the issue approves adoption of a higher extension limitation. Referenda shall be conducted at a regularly scheduled election in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be presented in substantially the following manner for all elections held after March 21, 2006:
        Shall the extension limitation under the Property Tax
Extension Limitation Law for (insert the legal name, number, if any, and county or counties of the taxing district and geographic or other common name by which a school or community college district is known and referred to), Illinois, be increased from the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index over the prior levy year to (insert the percentage of the proposed increase)% per year for (insert each levy year for which the increased extension limitation will apply)?
The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
If a majority of voters voting on the issue approves the adoption of the increase, the increase shall be applicable for each levy year specified.
    The ballot for any question submitted pursuant to this Section shall have printed thereon, but not as a part of the question submitted, only the following supplemental information (which shall be supplied to the election authority by the taxing district) in substantially the following form:
        (1) For the (insert the first levy year for which the
increased extension limitation will be applicable) levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $....
        (2) Based upon an average annual percentage increase
(or decrease) in the market value of such property of ...% (insert percentage equal to the average annual percentage increase or decrease for the prior 3 levy years, at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district, in the amount of (A) the equalized assessed value of the taxable property in the taxing district less (B) the new property included in the equalized assessed value), the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against such property for the ... levy year is estimated to be $... and for the ... levy year is estimated to be $....
    Paragraph (2) shall be included only if the increased extension limitation will be applicable for more than one year and shall list each levy year for which the increased extension limitation will be applicable. The additional tax shown for each levy year shall be the approximate dollar amount of the increase over the amount of the most recently completed extension at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district. The approximate amount of the additional tax extendable shown in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be calculated by multiplying $100,000 (the fair market value of the property without regard to any property tax exemptions) by (i) the percentage level of assessment prescribed for that property by statute, or by ordinance of the county board in counties that classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution; (ii) the most recent final equalization factor certified to the county clerk by the Department of Revenue at the time the taxing district initiates the submission of the proposition to the electors; (iii) the last known aggregate extension base of the taxing district at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district; and (iv) the difference between the percentage increase proposed in the question and the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for the prior levy year (or an estimate of the percentage increase for the prior levy year if the increase is unavailable at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district); and dividing the result by the last known equalized assessed value of the taxing district at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district. This amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly is intended to clarify the existing requirements of this Section, and shall not be construed to validate any prior non-compliant referendum language. Any notice required to be published in connection with the submission of the question shall also contain this supplemental information and shall not contain any other supplemental information. Any error, miscalculation, or inaccuracy in computing any amount set forth on the ballot or in the notice that is not deliberate shall not invalidate or affect the validity of any proposition approved. Notice of the referendum shall be published and posted as otherwise required by law, and the submission of the question shall be initiated as provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 97-1087, eff. 8-24-12.)

35 ILCS 200/18-206

    (35 ILCS 200/18-206)
    Sec. 18-206. Decrease in extension for educational purposes.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for those school districts whose adequacy targets, as defined in Section 18-8.15 of this Code, exceed 110% for the school year that begins during the calendar year immediately preceding the levy year for which the reduction under this Section is sought, the question of whether the school district shall reduce its extension for educational purposes for the levy year in which the election is held to an amount that is less than the extension for educational purposes for the immediately preceding levy year shall be submitted to the voters of the school district at the next consolidated election but only upon submission of a petition signed by not fewer than 10% of the registered voters in the school district. In no event shall the reduced extension be more than 10% lower than the amount extended for educational purposes in the previous levy year, and in no event shall the reduction cause the school district's adequacy target to fall below 110% for the levy year for which the reduction is sought.
    (b) The petition shall be filed with the applicable election authority, as defined in Section 1-3 of the Election Code, or, in the case of multiple election authorities, with the State Board of Elections, not more than 10 months nor less than 6 months prior to the election at which the question is to be submitted to the voters, and its validity shall be determined as provided by Article 28 of the Election Code and general election law. The election authority or Board, as applicable, shall certify the question and the proper election authority or authorities shall submit the question to the voters. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, this referendum shall be subject to all other general election law requirements.
    (c) The proposition seeking to reduce the extension for educational purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the amount extended for educational purposes by
(school district) be reduced from (previous levy year's extension) to (proposed extension) for (levy year), but in no event lower than the amount required to maintain an adequacy target of 110%?
    Votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    If a majority of all votes cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposition, then, for the levy year in which the election is held, the amount extended by the school district for educational purposes shall be reduced as provided in the referendum; however, in no event shall the reduction exceed the amount that would cause the school district to have an adequacy target of 110% for the applicable school year.
    Once the question is submitted to the voters, then the question may not be submitted again for the same school district at any of the next 2 consolidated elections.
    (d) For school districts that approve a reduction under this Section, the county clerk shall extend a rate for educational purposes that is no greater than the limiting rate for educational purposes. If the school district is otherwise subject to this Law for the applicable levy year, then, for the levy year in which the reduction occurs, the county clerk shall calculate separate limiting rates for educational purposes and for the aggregate of the school district's other funds.
    As used in this Section:
    "School district" means each school district in the State, regardless of whether or not that school district is otherwise subject to this Law.
    "Limiting rate for educational purposes" means a fraction the numerator of which is the greater of (i) the amount approved by the voters in the referendum under subsection (c) of this Section or (ii) the amount that would cause the school district to have an adequacy target of 110% for the applicable school year, but in no event more than the school district's extension for educational purposes in the immediately preceding levy year, and the denominator of which is the current year's equalized assessed value of all real property under the jurisdiction of the school district during the prior levy year.
(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)

35 ILCS 200/18-210

    (35 ILCS 200/18-210)
    Sec. 18-210. Establishing a new levy. Except as provided in Section 18-215, as it relates to a transfer of a service, before a county clerk may extend taxes for funds subject to the limitations of this Law, a new taxing district or a taxing district with an aggregate extension base of zero shall hold a referendum establishing a maximum aggregate extension for the levy year. The maximum aggregate extension is established for the current levy year if a taxing district has held a referendum before the levy date at which the majority voting on the issue approves its adoption. The referendum under this Section may be held at the same time as the referendum on creating a new taxing district. The question shall be submitted to the voters at a regularly scheduled election in accordance with the Election Code provided that notice of referendum, if held before July 1, 1999, has been given in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-5 of the Election Code in effect at the time of the bond referendum, at least 10 and not more than 45 days before the date of the election, notwithstanding the time for publication otherwise imposed by Section 12-5. Notices required in connection with the submission of public questions on or after July 1, 1999 shall be as set forth in Section 12-5 of the Election Code. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
    Under the Property Tax Extension
Limitation Law, may an                      YES
aggregate extension not to exceed ...
(aggregate extension amount) ...        ----------------------
be made for the ... (taxing
district name) ... for the                  NO
... (levy year) ... levy year?
If a majority of voters voting on the increase approves the adoption of the aggregate extension, the extension shall be effective for the levy year specified.
    The question of establishing a maximum aggregate extension may be combined with the question of forming or establishing a new taxing district, in which case the question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
        Shall the (taxing district) be formed (or
established) and have an aggregate extension under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law not to exceed (aggregate extension amount) for the (levy year)?
    The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    If a majority of voters voting on the proposition approves it, then the taxing district shall be formed (or established) with the aggregate extension amount for the designated levy year.
(Source: P.A. 97-1149, eff. 6-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/18-212

    (35 ILCS 200/18-212)
    Sec. 18-212. Referendum on debt service extension base. A taxing district may establish or increase its debt service extension base if (i) that taxing district holds a referendum before the date on which the levy must be filed with the county clerk of the county or counties in which the taxing district is situated and (ii) a majority of voters voting on the issue approves the establishment of or increase in the debt service extension base. A debt service extension base established or increased by a referendum held pursuant to this Section after February 2, 2010, shall be increased each year, commencing with the first levy year beginning after the date of the referendum, by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year if the optional language concerning the annual increase is included in the question submitted to the electors of the taxing district. Referenda under this Section shall be conducted at a regularly scheduled election in accordance with the Election Code. The governing body of the taxing district shall certify the question to the proper election authorities who shall submit the question to the electors of the taxing district in substantially the following form:
    "Shall the debt service extension base under the Property
Tax Extension Limitation Law for ... (taxing district name) ... for payment of principal and interest on limited bonds be .... ((established at $ ....) . (or) (increased from $ .... to $ ....)) .. for the ..... levy year and all subsequent levy years (optional language: , such debt service extension base to be increased each year by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year)?"
    Votes on the question shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    If a majority of voters voting on the issue approves the establishment of or increase in the debt service extension base, the establishment of or increase in the debt service extension base shall be applicable for the levy years specified.
(Source: P.A. 96-1202, eff. 7-22-10.)

35 ILCS 200/18-213

    (35 ILCS 200/18-213)
    Sec. 18-213. Referenda on applicability of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
    (a) The provisions of this Section do not apply to a taxing district subject to this Law because a majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value is in a county or counties contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, or because a majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value is in an affected county and the taxing district was not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year.
    (b) The county board of a county that is not subject to this Law may, by ordinance or resolution, submit to the voters of the county the question of whether to make all non-home rule taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation situated in the county subject to this Law in the manner set forth in this Section.
    For purposes of this Section only:
    "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section 1-150.
    "Equalized assessed valuation" means the equalized assessed valuation for a taxing district for the immediately preceding levy year.
    (c) The ordinance or resolution shall request the submission of the proposition at any election, except a consolidated primary election, for the purpose of voting for or against making the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law applicable to all non-home rule taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation situated in the county.
    The question shall be placed on a separate ballot and shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (35
ILCS 200/18-185 through 18-245), which limits annual property tax extension increases, apply to non-home rule taxing districts with all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation located in (name of county)?
Votes on the question shall be recorded as "yes" or "no".
    (d) The county clerk shall order the proposition submitted to the electors of the county at the election specified in the ordinance or resolution. If part of the county is under the jurisdiction of a board or boards of election commissioners, the county clerk shall submit a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution to each board of election commissioners, which shall order the proposition submitted to the electors of the taxing district within its jurisdiction at the election specified in the ordinance or resolution.
    (e) (1) With respect to taxing districts having all of
their equalized assessed valuation located in the county, if a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposition, then this Law becomes applicable to the taxing district beginning on January 1 of the year following the date of the referendum.
        (2) With respect to taxing districts that meet all
the following conditions this Law shall become applicable to the taxing district beginning on January 1, 1997. The districts to which this paragraph (2) is applicable
            (A) do not have all of their equalized assessed
valuation located in a single county,
            (B) have equalized assessed valuation in an
affected county,
            (C) meet the condition that each county, other
than an affected county, in which any of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located has held a referendum under this Section at any election, except a consolidated primary election, held prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, and
            (D) have a majority of the district's equalized
assessed valuation located in one or more counties in each of which the voters have approved a referendum under this Section prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997. For purposes of this Section, in determining whether a majority of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located in one or more counties in which the voters have approved a referendum under this Section, the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district in any affected county shall be included with the equalized assessed value of the taxing district in counties in which the voters have approved the referendum.
        (3) With respect to taxing districts that do not have
all of their equalized assessed valuation located in a single county and to which paragraph (2) of subsection (e) is not applicable, if each county other than an affected county in which any of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located has held a referendum under this Section at any election, except a consolidated primary election, held in any year and if a majority of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located in one or more counties that have each approved a referendum under this Section, then this Law shall become applicable to the taxing district on January 1 of the year following the year in which the last referendum in a county in which the taxing district has any equalized assessed valuation is held. For the purposes of this Law, the last referendum shall be deemed to be the referendum making this Law applicable to the taxing district. For purposes of this Section, in determining whether a majority of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located in one or more counties that have approved a referendum under this Section, the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district in any affected county shall be included with the equalized assessed value of the taxing district in counties that have approved the referendum.
    (f) Immediately after a referendum is held under this Section, the county clerk of the county holding the referendum shall give notice of the referendum having been held and its results to all taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation located in the county, the county clerk of any other county in which any of the equalized assessed valuation of any taxing district is located, and the Department of Revenue. After the last referendum affecting a multi-county taxing district is held, the Department of Revenue shall determine whether the taxing district is subject to this Law and, if so, shall notify the taxing district and the county clerks of all of the counties in which a portion of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located that, beginning the following January 1, the taxing district is subject to this Law. For each taxing district subject to paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of this Section, the Department of Revenue shall notify the taxing district and the county clerks of all of the counties in which a portion of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located that, beginning January 1, 1997, the taxing district is subject to this Law.
    (g) Referenda held under this Section shall be conducted in accordance with the Election Code.
(Source: P.A. 89-510, eff. 7-11-96; 89-718, eff. 3-7-97.)

35 ILCS 200/18-214

    (35 ILCS 200/18-214)
    Sec. 18-214. Referenda on removal of the applicability of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law to non-home rule taxing districts.
    (a) The provisions of this Section do not apply to a taxing district that is subject to this Law because a majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value is in a county or counties contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, or because a majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value is in an affected county and the taxing district was not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year.
    (b) For purposes of this Section only:
    "Taxing district" means any non-home rule taxing district that became subject to this Law under Section 18-213 of this Law.
    "Equalized assessed valuation" means the equalized assessed valuation for a taxing district for the immediately preceding levy year.
    (c) The county board of a county that became subject to this Law by a referendum approved by the voters of the county under Section 18-213 may, by ordinance or resolution, in the manner set forth in this Section, submit to the voters of the county the question of whether this Law applies to all non-home rule taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation situated in the county in the manner set forth in this Section.
    (d) The ordinance or resolution shall request the submission of the proposition at any election, except a consolidated primary election, for the purpose of voting for or against the continued application of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law to all non-home rule taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation situated in the county.
    The question shall be placed on a separate ballot and shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (35
ILCS 200/18-185 through 35 ILCS 200/18-245), which limits annual property tax extension increases, apply to non-home rule taxing districts with all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation located in (name of county)?
Votes on the question shall be recorded as "yes" or "no".
    (e) The county clerk shall order the proposition submitted to the electors of the county at the election specified in the ordinance or resolution. If part of the county is under the jurisdiction of a board or boards of election commissioners, the county clerk shall submit a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution to each board of election commissioners, which shall order the proposition submitted to the electors of the taxing district within its jurisdiction at the election specified in the ordinance or resolution.
    (f) With respect to taxing districts having all of their equalized assessed valuation located in one county, if a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are against the proposition, then this Law shall not apply to the taxing district beginning on January 1 of the year following the date of the referendum.
    (g) With respect to taxing districts that do not have all of their equalized assessed valuation located in a single county, if both of the following conditions are met, then this Law shall no longer apply to the taxing district beginning on January 1 of the year following the date of the referendum.
        (1) Each county in which the district has any
equalized assessed valuation must either, (i) have held a referendum under this Section, (ii) be an affected county, or (iii) have held a referendum under Section 18-213 at which the voters rejected the proposition at the most recent election at which the question was on the ballot in the county.
        (2) The majority of the equalized assessed valuation
of the taxing district, other than any equalized assessed valuation in an affected county, is in one or more counties in which the voters rejected the proposition. For purposes of this Section, in determining whether a majority of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located in one or more counties in which the voters have rejected the proposition under this Section, the equalized assessed valuation of any taxing district in a county which has held a referendum under Section 18-213 at which the voters rejected that proposition, at the most recent election at which the question was on the ballot in the county, will be included with the equalized assessed value of the taxing district in counties in which the voters have rejected the referendum held under this Section.
    (h) Immediately after a referendum is held under this Section, the county clerk of the county holding the referendum shall give notice of the referendum having been held and its results to all taxing districts that have all or a portion of their equalized assessed valuation located in the county, the county clerk of any other county in which any of the equalized assessed valuation of any such taxing district is located, and the Department of Revenue. After the last referendum affecting a multi-county taxing district is held, the Department of Revenue shall determine whether the taxing district is no longer subject to this Law and, if the taxing district is no longer subject to this Law, the Department of Revenue shall notify the taxing district and the county clerks of all of the counties in which a portion of the equalized assessed valuation of the taxing district is located that, beginning on January 1 of the year following the date of the last referendum, the taxing district is no longer subject to this Law.
(Source: P.A. 89-718, eff. 3-7-97.)

35 ILCS 200/18-215

    (35 ILCS 200/18-215)
    Sec. 18-215. Merging and consolidating taxing districts; transfer of service. For purposes of this Law, when 2 or more taxing districts merge or consolidate, the sum of the last preceding aggregate extensions for each taxing district shall be combined for the resulting merged or consolidated taxing district. When a service performed by one taxing district is transferred to another taxing district, that part of the aggregate extension base for that purpose shall be transferred and added to the aggregate extension base of the transferee taxing district for purposes of this Law and shall be deducted from the aggregate extension base of the transferor taxing district. If the service and corresponding portion of the aggregate extension base transferred to the taxing district are for a service that the transferee district does not currently levy for, the provisions of Section 18-190 of this Law requiring a referendum to establish a new levy shall not apply.
(Source: P.A. 90-719, eff. 8-7-98.)

35 ILCS 200/18-220

    (35 ILCS 200/18-220)
    Sec. 18-220. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/18-225

    (35 ILCS 200/18-225)
    Sec. 18-225. Annexed or disconnected property. If property is annexed into the taxing district or is disconnected from a taxing district during the current levy year, the calculation of the limiting rate under Section 18-185 is not affected. The rates as limited under this Law are applied to all property in the district for the current levy year, excluding property that was annexed after the adoption of the levy for the current levy year.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/18-230

    (35 ILCS 200/18-230)
    Sec. 18-230. Rate increase or decrease factor. Only when a new rate or a rate increase or decrease has been approved by referendum held prior to March 22, 2006, the aggregate extension base, as adjusted in Section 18-215, shall be multiplied by a rate increase (or decrease) factor. The numerator of the rate increase (or decrease) factor is the total combined rate for the funds that made up the aggregate extension for the taxing district for the prior year plus the rate increase approved or minus the rate decrease approved. The denominator of the rate increase or decrease factor is the total combined rate for the funds that made up the aggregate extension for the prior year. For those taxing districts for which a new rate or a rate increase has been approved by referendum held after December 31, 1988 and prior to March 22, 2006, and that did not increase their rate to the new maximum rate for that fund, the rate increase factor shall be adjusted for 4 levy years after the year of the referendum (unless the governing body of a taxing district to which this Law applied before the 1995 levy year that approved a tax rate increase at a general election held after 2002 directs the county clerk or clerks by resolution to make such adjustment for a lesser number of years) by a factor the numerator of which is the portion of the new or increased rate for which taxes were not extended plus the aggregate rate in effect for the levy year prior to the levy year in which the referendum was passed and the denominator of which is the aggregate rate in effect for the levy year prior to the levy year in which the referendum was passed.
(Source: P.A. 94-976, eff. 6-30-06.)

35 ILCS 200/18-233

    (35 ILCS 200/18-233)
    Sec. 18-233. Adjustments for certificates of error, certain court orders, or final administrative decisions of the Property Tax Appeal Board. Beginning in levy year 2021, a taxing district levy shall be increased by a prior year adjustment whenever an assessment decrease due to the issuance of a certificate of error, a court order issued pursuant to an assessment valuation complaint under Section 23-15, or a final administrative decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board results in a refund from the taxing district of a portion of the property tax revenue distributed to the taxing district. On or before November 15 of each year, the county treasurer shall certify the aggregate refunds paid by a taxing district during such 12-month period for purposes of this Section. For purposes of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, the taxing district's most recent aggregate extension base shall not include the prior year adjustment authorized under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-519, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/18-235

    (35 ILCS 200/18-235)
    Sec. 18-235. Tax increment financing districts. Extensions allocable to a special tax allocation fund and the amount of taxes abated under Sections 18-165 and 18-170 are not included in the aggregate extension base when computing the limiting rate.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-240

    (35 ILCS 200/18-240)
    Sec. 18-240. Certification of new property.
    (a) The township assessor, the multi-township assessor, the chief county assessment officer, the board of review, and the board of appeals shall cause the assessed value attributable to new property to be entered and certified in the assessment books under rules promulgated by the Department.
    (b) For the levy year in which this Law first becomes applicable to a county pursuant to Section 18-213, the chief county assessment officer shall certify to the county clerk, after all changes by the board of review or board of appeals, as the case may be, the assessed value of new property by taxing districts for that levy year under rules promulgated by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-510, eff. 1-1-97.)

35 ILCS 200/18-241

    (35 ILCS 200/18-241)
    Sec. 18-241. School Finance Authority and Financial Oversight Panel.
    (a) A School Finance Authority established under Article 1E of the School Code shall not be a taxing district for purposes of this Law. A Financial Oversight Panel established under Article 1H of the School Code shall not be a taxing district for purposes of this Law.
    (b) This Law shall not apply to the extension of taxes for a school district for the levy year in which a School Finance Authority for the district is created pursuant to Article 1E of the School Code. This Law shall not apply to the extension of taxes for the purpose of repaying an emergency financial assistance loan levied pursuant to Section 1H-65 of the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-894, eff. 5-20-22.)

35 ILCS 200/18-243

    (35 ILCS 200/18-243)
    Sec. 18-243. Severability. The provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
(Source: P.A. 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/18-245

    (35 ILCS 200/18-245)
    Sec. 18-245. Rules. The Department shall make and promulgate reasonable rules relating to the administration of the purposes and provisions of Sections 18-185 through 18-240 as may be necessary or appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 5.1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 5.1 heading)
Division 5.1. One-year Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.

35 ILCS 200/18-246

    (35 ILCS 200/18-246)
    Sec. 18-246. Short title; definitions. This Division 5.1 may be cited as the One-year Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
    As used in this Division 5.1:
    "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section 1-150, except that it includes only each non-home rule taxing district with the majority of its 1993 equalized assessed value contained in one or more affected counties, as defined in Section 18-185, other than those taxing districts subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law before February 12, 1995 (the effective date of Public Act 89-1).
    "Aggregate extension" means the annual corporate extension for the taxing district and those special purpose extensions that are made annually for the taxing district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for the taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds that were approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (c) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (d) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or continue to refund bonds issued after March 1, 1995 that were approved by referendum; (e) made for any taxing district to pay interest or principal on revenue bonds issued before March 1, 1995 for payment of which a property tax levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local government is pledged; however, a tax for the payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of local government finds that all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; (f) made for payments under a building commission lease when the lease payments are for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission before March 1, 1995, to pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due under installment contracts entered into before March 1, 1995; and (h) made for payments of principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects initiated before October 1, 1991.
    "Special purpose extensions" includes, but is not limited to, extensions for levies made on an annual basis for unemployment compensation, workers' compensation, self-insurance, contributions to pension plans, and extensions made under Section 6-601 of the Illinois Highway Code for a road district's permanent road fund, whether levied annually or not. The extension for a special service area is not included in the aggregate extension.
    "Aggregate extension base" means the taxing district's aggregate extension for the 1993 levy year as adjusted under Section 18-248.
    "Levy year" has the same meaning as "year" under Section 1-155.
    "New property" means (i) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of new improvements or additions to existing improvements on any parcel of real property that increase the assessed value of that real property during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30 and (ii) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of real property not exempt from real estate taxation, which real property was exempt from real estate taxation for any portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30.
    "Recovered tax increment value" means the amount of the 1994 equalized assessed value, in the first year after a city terminates the designation of an area as a redevelopment project area previously established under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code or previously established under the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law of the Illinois Municipal Code, or previously established under the Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, "limiting rate" means a fraction the numerator of which is the aggregate extension base times 1.05 and the denominator of which is the 1994 equalized assessed value of all real property in the territory under the jurisdiction of the taxing district during the 1993 levy year. The denominator shall not include new property and shall not include the recovered tax increment value.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/18-247

    (35 ILCS 200/18-247)
    Sec. 18-247. Limitation. Tax extensions for the 1994 levy year made under Sections 18-45 and 18-105 are further limited by the provisions of this Law.
    For those taxing districts for which the county clerk extended taxes for any funds included in the aggregate extension base for the 1993 levy year, the county clerk shall extend a rate for the sum of the funds in the aggregate extension base that is no greater than the limiting rate.
    This limitation does not apply to those taxing districts for which the county clerk did not extend taxes for any funds included in the aggregate extension base for the 1993 levy year, except that it does apply to those districts that have an aggregate extension base established under subsection (a) of Section 18-248.
    If the county clerk is required to reduce the aggregate extension of a taxing district by provisions of this Law, the county clerk shall proportionally reduce the extension for each fund unless otherwise requested by the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/18-248

    (35 ILCS 200/18-248)
    Sec. 18-248. Adjustments to the limiting rate.
    (a) Merging and consolidating taxing districts. For purpose of this Law, when 2 or more taxing districts merge or consolidate, the sum of the last preceding aggregate extension for each taxing district shall be combined for the resulting merged or consolidated taxing district. When a service performed by one taxing district is transferred to another taxing district, that part of the aggregate extension base for that purpose shall be transferred and added to the aggregate extension base of the transferee taxing district for purposes of this Law and shall be deducted from the aggregate extension base of the transferor taxing district.
    (b) Annexed or disconnected property. If property is annexed into the taxing district or is disconnected from a taxing district during the current levy year, the calculation of the limiting rate under Section 18-246 is not affected. The rates as limited under this Law are applied to all property in the district for the 1994 levy year, excluding property that was annexed after the adoption of the levy for the current levy year.
    (c) Rate increase or decrease factor. When a new rate or a rate increase or decrease that is first effective for the 1994 levy year has been approved by referendum, the aggregate extension base, as adjusted in subsection (a), shall be multiplied by a rate increase or decrease factor. The numerator of the rate increase or decrease factor is the total combined rate for the funds that made up the aggregate extension for the taxing district for the 1993 levy year plus the rate increase approved or minus the rate decrease approved. The denominator of the rate increase or decrease factor is the total combined rate for the funds that made up the aggregate extension for the 1993 levy year. For those taxing districts for which a new rate or a rate increase has been approved by referendum held after December 31, 1989, and that did not increase their rate to the new maximum rate for that fund, the rate increase factor for the 1994 levy year shall be adjusted by a factor the numerator of which is the portion of the new or increased rate for which taxes were not extended plus the aggregate rate in effect for the levy year prior to the levy year in which the referendum was passed and the denominator of which is the aggregate rate in effect for the levy year prior to the levy year in which the referendum was passed.
    (d) Tax increment financing districts. Extensions allocable to a special tax allocation fund and the amount of taxes abated under Sections 18-165 and 18-170 are not included in the aggregate extension base when computing the limiting rate.
(Source: P.A. 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/18-249

    (35 ILCS 200/18-249)
    Sec. 18-249. Miscellaneous provisions.
    (a) Certification of new property. For the 1994 levy year, the chief county assessment officer shall certify to the county clerk, after all changes by the board of review or board of appeals, as the case may be, the assessed value of new property by taxing district for the 1994 levy year under rules promulgated by the Department.
    (b) School Code. A school district's State aid shall not be reduced under the computation under subsections 5(a) through 5(h) of Part A of Section 18-8 of the School Code or under Section 18-8.15 of the School Code due to the operating tax rate falling from above the minimum requirement of that Section of the School Code to below the minimum requirement of that Section of the School Code due to the operation of this Law.
    (c) Rules. The Department shall make and promulgate reasonable rules relating to the administration of the purposes and provisions of Sections 18-246 through 18-249 as may be necessary or appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)

35 ILCS 200/18-249.5

    (35 ILCS 200/18-249.5)
    Sec. 18-249.5. Severability. The provisions of the One-year Property Tax Extension Limitation Law are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
(Source: P.A. 89-1, eff. 2-12-95.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 6

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 18 Div. 6 heading)
Division 6. Preparation and delivery of books

35 ILCS 200/18-250

    (35 ILCS 200/18-250)
    Sec. 18-250. Additions to forfeited taxes and unpaid special assessments; fee for estimate.
    (a) When any property has been forfeited for taxes or special assessments, the clerk shall compute the amount of back taxes and special assessments, interest, statutory costs, and printer's fees remaining due, with one year's interest on all taxes forfeited, and enter them upon the collector's books as separate items. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21-375, the aggregate so computed shall be collected in the same manner as the taxes on other property for that year. The county clerk shall examine the forfeitures, and strike all errors and make corrections as necessary. For counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, interest added to forfeitures under this Section shall be at the rate of 12% per year. For counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, interest added to forfeitures under this Section shall accrue at the rate of (i) 12% per year if the forfeiture is for a tax year before tax year 2023 or (ii) 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, if the forfeiture is for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter.
    (b) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, taxes first extended for prior years, or previously extended for prior years for which application for judgment and order of sale is not already pending, shall be added to the tax of the current year, with interest and costs as provided by law. Forfeitures shall not be so added, but they shall remain a lien on the property upon which they were charged until paid or sold as provided by law. There shall be added to such forfeitures annually the same interest as would be added if forfeited annually, until paid or sold, and the addition of each year's interest shall be considered a separate forfeiture. Forfeitures may be redeemed in the manner provided in Section 21-370 or 21-375. Taxes and special assessments for which application for judgment and order of sale is pending, or entered but not enforced for any reason, shall not be added to the tax for the current year. However, if the taxes and special assessments remain unpaid, the property, shall be advertised and sold under judgments and orders of sale to be entered in pending applications, or already entered in prior applications, including judgments and orders of sale under which the purchaser fails to complete his or her purchase.
    (c) In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, on or before January 1, 2001 and during each year thereafter, the county clerk shall compute the amount of taxes on each property that remain due or forfeited for any year prior to the current year and have not become subject to Sections 20-180 through 20-190, and the clerk shall enter the same upon the collector's warrant books of the current and all following years as separate items in a suitable column. The county clerk shall examine the collector's warrant books and the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture records for the appropriate years and may take any other actions as the clerk finds to be necessary or convenient in order to comply with this subsection. On and after January 1, 2001, any taxes for any year remaining due or forfeited against real property in such county not entered on the current collector's warrant books shall be deemed uncollectible and void, but shall not be subject to the posting or other requirements of Sections 20-180 through 20-190.
    (d) In counties with 100,000 or more inhabitants, the county clerk shall, when making the annual collector's books, in a suitable column, insert and designate previous forfeitures of general taxes by the word "forfeiture", to be stamped opposite each property forfeited at the last previous tax sale for general taxes and not redeemed or purchased previous to the completion of the collector's books. The collectors of general taxes shall stamp upon all bills rendered and receipts given the information on the collector's books regarding forfeiture of general taxes, and the stamped notation shall also refer the recipient to the county clerk for full information. The county clerk shall be allowed to collect from the person requesting an estimate of costs of redemption of a forfeited property, the fee provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/18-255

    (35 ILCS 200/18-255)
    Sec. 18-255. Abstract of assessments and extensions. When the collector's books are completed, the county clerk shall make a complete statement of the assessment and extensions, in conformity to the instructions of the Department. The clerk shall certify the statement to the Department.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-260

    (35 ILCS 200/18-260)
    Sec. 18-260. Equalization certificate. The county clerk shall make, in each collector's book, a certificate of the equalization factor as determined by the Department.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-265

    (35 ILCS 200/18-265)
    Sec. 18-265. Collector's warrant. A warrant, under the signature and official seal of the county clerk, shall be annexed to each collector's book, commanding the collector to collect from the persons named in the book the sums entered opposite their respective names. The warrant shall direct the collector to pay the taxes collected to the officers entitled to them.
(Source: P.A. 84-550; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-270

    (35 ILCS 200/18-270)
    Sec. 18-270. Delivery of collector's books. County clerks shall deliver the books for the collection of taxes and the books for the collection of taxes charged against railroad property to the duly qualified county or township collectors on or before December 31 annually, or as soon as practicable. Each collector shall receive the books or as soon as he or she is qualified. However, for the 10 years next following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants made under an order of the Department, as soon as such books are ready for delivery the county clerk shall specify a day for the delivery of the books to the collectors, shall give notice to the collectors of the specified day, and shall deliver the books on that day.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/18-275

    (35 ILCS 200/18-275)
    Sec. 18-275. Delivery to township collectors. On the delivery of the tax books to the township collectors, the clerk shall make a certified statement setting forth the name of each township collector, the amount of taxes to be collected and paid for each purpose for which the tax is levied in each taxing district and furnish the same statement to the county collector.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 7

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 7 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 19

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 19 heading)
Article 19. Tax Collection Officials

35 ILCS 200/19-5

    (35 ILCS 200/19-5)
    Sec. 19-5. Township collector's bond and oath. Each township collector, before entering upon the duties of office, shall execute a bond, with surety or sureties to be approved by the supervisor and the township clerk. The bond shall be given for a sum equal to 160% of the largest amount of taxes collected by that officer or predecessor in office in any one year during the preceding 5 years if individuals act as sureties, or equal to 110% of such largest amount if the security is given by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, estimated by the supervisor and township clerk, that will be in his or her custody or control at any one time. Signatures to such bond, signed with a mark, shall be witnessed, but in no other case shall witness be required. The bond shall be substantially in the following form:
    We A. B. of the .... of .... in the County of .... in the State of Illinois, as township collector, and C. D. and E. F. of that county and State, as securities, are obligated to the People of the State of Illinois, in the penal sum of $.... for the payment of which, we obligate ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns. Signed on (insert date).
    The condition of the foregoing bond is such, that if the above obligated A. B. performs all the duties required to be performed as collector of the taxes for the year (insert year) in the township of .... in the county of ...., Illinois, in the time and manner prescribed by law, and when he or she shall be succeeded in office, shall surrender and deliver over to his or her successor in office all books, papers and moneys pertaining to the office, except as hereinafter provided, then the foregoing bond to be void; otherwise to remain in full force.
    It is expressly understood and intended that the obligation of the above named sureties shall not extend to any loss sustained by the insolvency, failure or closing of any bank or trust company organized and operating either under the laws of the State of Illinois or the United States wherein the collector has placed the funds in his or her custody or control, or any part thereof.
A. B. ....(Signature)
C. D. ....(Signature)
E. F. ....(Signature)

    He or she shall also take and subscribe an oath, to be endorsed on the back of the bond, substantially as follows:
    I do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of township collector, according to the best of my ability.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/19-10

    (35 ILCS 200/19-10)
    Sec. 19-10. Filing of bond. The township supervisor shall, within six business days after approval of the township collector's bond, file the bond, with the approval endorsed thereon, in the office of the county recorder, who shall record the bond, including the oath, in a book for that purpose. When recorded, the oath and bond shall be filed by the county recorder in the office of the county clerk. A bond, when so filed for record, shall be a lien against the property of the township collector until he or she has complied with the conditions thereof.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-15

    (35 ILCS 200/19-15)
    Sec. 19-15. Township collector's warrant. The county clerk, upon request by any collector, shall attach a warrant, under his or her signature and the seal of office, to any list furnished by the collector to his or her deputy. The warrant shall be in the same form as in the original collector's list or book, except that the amount collected by the deputy shall be paid to the collector, who shall pay it to the proper officer or persons.
(Source: P.A. 84-550; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-20

    (35 ILCS 200/19-20)
    Sec. 19-20. Township collector; vacancy. If any township collector refuses to serve, is prevented from completing his or her duties, or the office becomes vacant for any reason, the township board of trustees shall forthwith appoint a collector for the remainder of the year, who shall give the same security, be subject to the same penalties, and have the same power and compensation as the township collector that he or she replaces. The county collector shall forthwith be notified of the appointment. The appointment shall not relieve the former township collector or his or her sureties from any liability incurred. The person resigning shall not be reappointed to complete the collections in any township in the county.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-23

    (35 ILCS 200/19-23)
    Sec. 19-23. Township collector fees. Collectors in cities or incorporated towns, in counties of the first and second classes, shall receive such fees as may be prescribed by the common council or board of trustees of their respective cities or incorporated towns, not exceeding in any case 2% of the amount collected by them.
(Source: P.A. 89-233, eff. 1-1-96.)

35 ILCS 200/19-25

    (35 ILCS 200/19-25)
    Sec. 19-25. Extension of collection time after appointment of new collector. In case of an appointment under Section 19-20, the chairman of the county board, or the supervisor of the township, may extend the time for the collection of taxes for a period not exceeding 20 days. The county collector shall be notified of the extension, but the extension shall not affect the date on which taxes become delinquent.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-30

    (35 ILCS 200/19-30)
    Sec. 19-30. Record keeping after appointment of new collector. The appointed township collector shall keep an account of all collections made by the former collector, so far as he or she can determine. When anyone presents a receipt for taxes paid to the former collector, the appointed collector shall note in the collector's book to whom and when paid.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-35

    (35 ILCS 200/19-35)
    Sec. 19-35. County collectors. The treasurers of all counties shall be ex-officio county collectors of their counties.
(Source: P.A. 76-2516; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-40

    (35 ILCS 200/19-40)
    Sec. 19-40. County collector's bond and oath. Each county collector as soon as elected and qualified and before entering upon the duties of office as collector, in addition to the bond as treasurer, shall furnish a bond in such penalty and with such security as the county board considers sufficient. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the bond shall be in a penal sum of not less than $1,500,000. The signatures to the bond, signed by a mark, shall be witnessed, but in no other case shall witness be required. The bond shall be substantially in the following form:
    Know All Men by These Presents, that we, A. B. collector, and C. D. and E. F. securities, all of the county of .... and State of Illinois, are held and firmly bound unto the People of the State of Illinois, in the penal sum of .... dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, each of us, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, firmly by these presents.
    Signed and sealed on (insert date).
    The condition of the foregoing bond is such that if the above bound A.B. performs all the duties required to be performed as collector of the taxes in the county of ...., in the State of Illinois, in the time and manner prescribed by law, and when succeeded in office, shall surrender and deliver to his or her successor in office, all books, papers and moneys appertaining to the office, except as hereinafter provided, then the foregoing bond to be void; otherwise to remain in full force.
    It is expressly understood and intended that the obligation of the above named sureties shall not extend to any loss sustained by the insolvency, failure or closing of any bank or trust company organized and operating either under the laws of the State of Illinois, or the United States wherein the collector has placed the funds in his or her custody or control, or any part thereof.
A. B. ....(SEAL)
C. D. ....(SEAL)
E. F. ....(SEAL)
    He or she shall also take and subscribe an oath, to be endorsed on the back of the bond substantially as follows:
    I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of county collector according to the best of my ability.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/19-45

    (35 ILCS 200/19-45)
    Sec. 19-45. Approval of bond. The county collector's bond shall be approved by the county board and recorded on the board's records. The county clerk shall attach his or her certificate to the bond, under the seal of the office, showing that it has been duly approved and recorded. The bond, when approved and recorded, shall, from that time until 2 years after the expiration of the term of office of the collector for or during which the bond is furnished, be a lien against the property of the collector, situated in the county of which such collector is the collector, until he or she has complied with the conditions thereof.
    The chairman of the county board, a circuit judge residing in the county and the county clerk also may approve the bond of the county collector, and the bond, when so approved, shall be subject to the same provisions as if approved by the county board.
(Source: P.A. 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-50

    (35 ILCS 200/19-50)
    Sec. 19-50. Filing of county collector's bond. Tax books or lists shall not be placed in the hands of the county collector until the bond has been approved and recorded as required by Section 19-45. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as relieving the securities of a collector from liabilities incurred under a bond not approved and recorded as required by Section 19-45.
(Source: P.A. 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-55

    (35 ILCS 200/19-55)
    Sec. 19-55. Sureties on collector's bonds. No chairman of the county board, clerk of the circuit court, county clerk, sheriff, deputy sheriff or coroner shall be permitted to be a surety on the bond of a county, township or deputy collector or county treasurer.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 631; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-60

    (35 ILCS 200/19-60)
    Sec. 19-60. Bond as security for taxes collected. The bond of every county or township collector shall be held to be security for the payment by the collector to the county treasurer and the taxing districts and proper authorities, of all taxes, special assessments which are collected or received on their behalf, and of all penalties which are recovered against him.
(Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

35 ILCS 200/19-65

    (35 ILCS 200/19-65)
    Sec. 19-65. Release of sureties - New bond. A surety on any bond may ask to be released from any further liability at any time after the execution of that bond, if the surety has reason to believe that the officer named in the bond will fail to comply with the conditions thereof. To be released, the surety shall file with the county clerk a notice in writing, verified under oath, setting forth the facts in the case; whereupon the clerk with whom the notice is filed, shall notify the officer to give additional security, equal to the security about to be released by the county board. The notice may be served by the clerk, or by any person appointed by the board or clerk. If the officer so notified does not appear and give additional security within 2 days after notification, the county board may remove him or her from office. The presiding officer of the county board, with the advice and consent of the county board, shall appoint some person to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal, who shall execute bond, qualify and perform the duties required.
(Source: P.A. 78-1128; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-70

    (35 ILCS 200/19-70)
    Sec. 19-70. Improper use of funds by collector. If a surety on any collector's bond is satisfied that the collector is making improper use of the funds collected by him or her, or has absconded, or is about to abscond, whereby the surety may become liable to pay any sum of money, the surety may obtain a court order against the goods and chattels of the collector just as he or she would be authorized to do if the collector was personally indebted to the surety. The money collected on that property shall be paid to the appointed county collector for distribution to those taxing districts entitled to the proceeds.
(Source: P.A. 83-346; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-75

    (35 ILCS 200/19-75)
    Sec. 19-75. Appointment of deputies; Bond. Collectors may appoint deputies by an instrument in writing, duly signed, and may also revoke any such appointment at their pleasure and may require bonds or other securities from the deputies, to secure themselves. Each deputy shall have the same authority as the collector to collect the taxes levied or assessed within the portion of the taxing district assigned to him or her. Each collector shall be responsible to the taxing districts and taxpayers for all moneys collected and for all actions by any deputy while acting as a deputy, and for any omission of duty. Any bond or security taken from a deputy by a collector, under this Section, shall be available to the collector, his or her representatives and securities, to indemnify them for any loss or damage arising from any act of the deputy.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/19-80

    (35 ILCS 200/19-80)
    Sec. 19-80. Death of county collector. Upon the death of any county collector during the time the tax books are in his or her hands, and before the time for making settlements, the county clerk shall take charge of the tax books. The clerk shall appoint one or more competent persons to examine the tax books. The appointed persons shall ascertain the amount remaining uncollected, and make out an abstract of the same, except that if there is only a small portion of the taxes collected at the time of the death of the collector, the amount actually collected shall be ascertained, and the same books used in completing the collections.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 heading)
Article 20. Tax Collection Process

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Billing procedures

35 ILCS 200/20-5

    (35 ILCS 200/20-5)
    Sec. 20-5. Mailing or e-mailing tax bill to owner.
    (a) Every township collector, and every county collector in cases where there is no township collector, upon receiving the tax book or books, shall prepare tax bills showing each installment of property taxes assessed, which shall be filled out in accordance with Section 20-40. A copy of the bill shall be mailed by the collector, at least 30 days prior to the date upon which unpaid taxes become delinquent, to the owner of the property taxed or to the person in whose name the property is taxed.
    (b) The collector may send the bill via e-mail as provided in subsection (b) of Section 20-20. However, no bill shall be sent to a property owner or taxpayer via e-mail unless that owner or taxpayer shall have first made such a request to the collector in writing.
(Source: P.A. 98-628, eff. 1-1-15.)

35 ILCS 200/20-10

    (35 ILCS 200/20-10)
    Sec. 20-10. Mailing to mortgage lender. When the copy of the tax bill is mailed by the collector to the owner or person at or in care of the address of a mortgage lender, the mortgage lender, within 15 days of receiving the copy, shall furnish and mail an additional copy of the bill to each mortgagor of the property at his or her last known address as shown on the records of the mortgage lender. However, if the property referred to in the copy is situated in a county which uses the estimated or accelerated billing methods, only an additional copy of the bill for the final installment of taxes due with respect to the real property shall be furnished and mailed by the mortgage lender to the mortgagor. A copy may be used by the collector in receipting for the tax paid, and a copy or record shall be retained by the collector.
(Source: P.A. 86-957; 87-818; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-12

    (35 ILCS 200/20-12)
    Sec. 20-12. Duplicate copies of tax bills. The collector, upon approval by the county board, shall assess a fee of up to $5 for each duplicate tax bill provided to any mortgage lender as defined in Section 1-90 who is not the property owner of record. All amounts collected under this Section shall be deposited into the Tax Sale Automation Fund established in Section 21-245 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-551, eff. 8-14-99.)

35 ILCS 200/20-15

    (35 ILCS 200/20-15)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 20-15. Information on bill or separate statement. There shall be printed on each bill, or on a separate slip which shall be mailed with the bill:
        (a) a statement itemizing the rate at which taxes
have been extended for each of the taxing districts in the county in whose district the property is located, and in those counties utilizing electronic data processing equipment the dollar amount of tax due from the person assessed allocable to each of those taxing districts, including a separate statement of the dollar amount of tax due which is allocable to a tax levied under the Illinois Local Library Act or to any other tax levied by a municipality or township for public library purposes,
        (b) a separate statement for each of the taxing
districts of the dollar amount of tax due which is allocable to a tax levied under the Illinois Pension Code or to any other tax levied by a municipality or township for public pension or retirement purposes,
        (b-5) a list of each tax increment financing (TIF)
district in which the property is located and the dollar amount of tax due that is allocable to the TIF district,
        (c) the total tax rate,
        (d) the total amount of tax due, and
        (e) the amount by which the total tax and the tax
allocable to each taxing district differs from the taxpayer's last prior tax bill.
    The county treasurer shall ensure that only those taxing districts in which a parcel of property is located shall be listed on the bill for that property.
    In all counties the statement shall also provide:
        (1) the property index number or other suitable
        (2) the assessment of the property,
        (3) the statutory amount of each homestead exemption
applied to the property,
        (4) the assessed value of the property after
application of all homestead exemptions,
        (5) the equalization factors imposed by the county
and by the Department, and
        (6) the equalized assessment resulting from the
application of the equalization factors to the basic assessment.
    In all counties which do not classify property for purposes of taxation, for property on which a single family residence is situated the statement shall also include a statement to reflect the fair cash value determined for the property. In all counties which classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, for parcels of residential property in the lowest assessment classification the statement shall also include a statement to reflect the fair cash value determined for the property.
    In all counties, the statement must include information that certain taxpayers may be eligible for tax exemptions, abatements, and other assistance programs and that, for more information, taxpayers should consult with the office of their township or county assessor and with the Illinois Department of Revenue.
    In counties which use the estimated or accelerated billing methods, these statements shall only be provided with the final installment of taxes due. The provisions of this Section create a mandatory statutory duty. They are not merely directory or discretionary. The failure or neglect of the collector to mail the bill, or the failure of the taxpayer to receive the bill, shall not affect the validity of any tax, or the liability for the payment of any tax.
(Source: P.A. 100-621, eff. 7-20-18; 101-134, eff. 7-26-19.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-592)
    Sec. 20-15. Information on bill or separate statement. There shall be printed on each bill, or on a separate slip which shall be mailed with the bill:
        (a) a statement itemizing the rate at which taxes
have been extended for each of the taxing districts in the county in whose district the property is located, and in those counties utilizing electronic data processing equipment the dollar amount of tax due from the person assessed allocable to each of those taxing districts, including a separate statement of the dollar amount of tax due which is allocable to a tax levied under the Illinois Local Library Act or to any other tax levied by a municipality or township for public library purposes,
        (b) a separate statement for each of the taxing
districts of the dollar amount of tax due which is allocable to a tax levied under the Illinois Pension Code or to any other tax levied by a municipality or township for public pension or retirement purposes,
        (b-5) a list of each tax increment financing (TIF)
district in which the property is located and the dollar amount of tax due that is allocable to the TIF district,
        (c) the total tax rate,
        (d) the total amount of tax due, and
        (e) the amount by which the total tax and the tax
allocable to each taxing district differs from the taxpayer's last prior tax bill.
    The county treasurer shall ensure that only those taxing districts in which a parcel of property is located shall be listed on the bill for that property.
    In all counties the statement shall also provide:
        (1) the property index number or other suitable
        (2) the assessment of the property,
        (3) the statutory amount of each homestead exemption
applied to the property,
        (4) the assessed value of the property after
application of all homestead exemptions,
        (5) the equalization factors imposed by the county
and by the Department, and
        (6) the equalized assessment resulting from the
application of the equalization factors to the basic assessment.
    In all counties which do not classify property for purposes of taxation, for property on which a single family residence is situated the statement shall also include a statement to reflect the fair cash value determined for the property. In all counties which classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, for parcels of residential property in the lowest assessment classification the statement shall also include a statement to reflect the fair cash value determined for the property.
    In all counties, the statement must include information that certain taxpayers may be eligible for tax exemptions, abatements, and other assistance programs and that, for more information, taxpayers should consult with the office of their township or county assessor and with the Department of Revenue. For bills mailed on or after January 1, 2026, the statement must include, in bold face type, a list of exemptions available to taxpayers and contact information for the chief county assessment officer.
    In counties which use the estimated or accelerated billing methods, these statements shall only be provided with the final installment of taxes due. The provisions of this Section create a mandatory statutory duty. They are not merely directory or discretionary. The failure or neglect of the collector to mail the bill, or the failure of the taxpayer to receive the bill, shall not affect the validity of any tax, or the liability for the payment of any tax.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 1-1-25.)

35 ILCS 200/20-20

    (35 ILCS 200/20-20)
    Sec. 20-20. Changes in address for mailing tax bill.
    (a) To insure that a person requesting a change of the address to which a property tax bill is sent has a legal interest in the property or authority to act on behalf of the owner of the property, the county collector in every county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants or less shall establish and enforce a procedure for requiring identification or certification of the identity of taxpayers who request a change in the address to which their tax bill is mailed. No change of address shall be implemented unless the person requesting the change is the owner of the property, a trustee or a person holding the power of attorney from the owner or trustee of the property. However, if a property owner conveys a permanent change of address in writing to the United States Postal Service, then, on or after the effective date of that change of address, the county collector may mail a property tax bill to the property owner at his or her new address regardless of whether or not the owner notifies the collector of the address change.
    (b) As an alternative to mailing a copy of the bill, the collector may send the tax bill via e-mail at the request of the taxpayer, subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of Section 20-5 of this Act. If the taxpayer makes such a request, then the taxpayer shall notify the collector of any change in his or her e-mail address as soon as possible after the address is changed.
(Source: P.A. 97-1084, eff. 8-24-12; 98-628, eff. 1-1-15.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Payment and handling of funds

35 ILCS 200/20-25

    (35 ILCS 200/20-25)
    Sec. 20-25. Forms of payment.
    (a) Taxes levied by taxing districts may be satisfied by payment in legal money of the United States, cashier's check, certified check, post office money order, bank money order issued by a national or state bank that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or by a personal or corporate check drawn on such a bank, to the respective collection officers who are entitled by law to receive the tax payments or by credit card in accordance with the Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act. A county collector may refuse to accept a personal or corporate check within 45 days before a tax sale or at any time if a previous payment by the same payer was returned by a bank for any reason.
    (b) Beginning on January 1, 2012, subject to compliance with all applicable purchasing requirements, a county with a population of more than 3,000,000 is required to accept payment by credit card for each installment of property taxes; provided that all service charges or fees, as determined by the county, associated with the processing or accepting of a credit card payment by the county shall be paid by the taxpayer. If a taxpayer elects to make a property tax payment by credit card and a service charge or fee is imposed, the payment of that service charge or fee shall be deemed voluntary by the taxpayer and shall not be refundable. Nothing in this subsection requires a county with a population of more than 3,000,000 to accept payment by credit card for the payment on any installment of taxes that is delinquent under Section 21-10, 21-25, or 21-30 of the Property Tax Code or for the purposes of any tax sale or scavenger sale under Division 3.5, 4, or 5 of Article 21 of the Property Tax Code. A county that accepts payment of property taxes by credit card in accordance with the terms of this subsection shall not incur liability for or associated with the collection of a property tax payment by credit card. The public hearing requirement of subsection (a) of Section 20 of the Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act shall not apply to this subsection. This subsection is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 96-1248, eff. 7-23-10; 96-1250, eff. 7-23-10; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)

35 ILCS 200/20-27

    (35 ILCS 200/20-27)
    Sec. 20-27. Reimbursement of tax proceeds for annexed property. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, beginning in taxable year 2010, if property is annexed to a municipality under Section 7-1-13 of the Illinois Municipal Code at any time during the taxable year, any taxpayer who is liable for paying property taxes on the property during the taxable year may apply to the municipality for a refund of the amount of property taxes (i) paid by the taxpayer, (ii) distributed to the municipality, and (ii) attributable to the annexed property for the portion of the taxable year during which the property was not included in the municipality. The municipality shall refund those amounts to the taxpayer within 60 days after the application is received.
    A home rule unit may not regulate the collection or distribution of tax proceeds in a manner inconsistent with this Section. This subsection is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 96-1351, eff. 7-28-10.)

35 ILCS 200/20-30

    (35 ILCS 200/20-30)
    Sec. 20-30. Designation of depository for township collector. When requested by the township collector, the township board of trustees or, where the powers and duties of that board have been succeeded to by some other governing body, then that governing body, shall designate one or more banks or savings and loan associations in which the funds received by the township collector, by virtue of the office, may be deposited. Once a bank or savings and loan association has been designated it shall continue as a designated depository until 10 days after a new depository is designated and qualified under this Section. When a new depository is designated, the township board of trustees or other governing body shall notify the sureties of the township collector of that fact, in writing, at least 5 days before the transfer of funds. The township collector is discharged from responsibility for all funds deposited in the bank or savings and loan association while those funds are so deposited.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds under this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements of Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act.
(Source: P.A. 83-541; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-35

    (35 ILCS 200/20-35)
    Sec. 20-35. Investments by county collector. The county collector shall, as provided in Section 2 of the Public Funds Investment Act, invest and reinvest the proceeds of the lesser of any taxes paid under protest or funds withheld from distribution and held in a Protest Fund, as provided in Section 23-20. The investments shall be obligations of the United States Government maturing not more than 91 days after the date of purchase, or savings accounts, including certificates of deposit, investment certificates or time deposit open accounts, in banks or savings and loan associations insured by the United States or other federal agency. Investments made in obligations of the United States Government shall be at then existing market price and in any event not to exceed par plus accrued interest. The cost price of the obligations and all savings accounts in banks or savings and loan associations shall be considered as cash in the custody of the county collector. All earnings accruing on any Protest Fund investment or bank or savings and loan association savings account in excess of those amounts paid as interest on moneys refunded to taxpayers shall be credited to and paid into the county corporate fund, except as provided in Section 23-20.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds under this Section unless it has complied with Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act.
    After the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, no additional funds shall be deposited into a Protest Fund, other than interest on investments of funds that were deposited into a Protest Fund prior to this amendatory Act of 1997.
(Source: P.A. 90-556, eff. 12-12-97.)

35 ILCS 200/20-40

    (35 ILCS 200/20-40)
    Sec. 20-40. Record of tax payments. When any person pays the taxes charged on any property, the collector shall enter the payment in his or her book, specifying by whom paid (if other than the assessee and if so requested), the amount paid, what year paid for, and the property and value thereof on which the same was paid, according to its description in the collector's books, and in case the tax was paid under protest, also that the tax was so paid. The entry and any receipt, if given, shall bear the genuine or facsimile signature or printed name of the collector or deputy receiving the payment. Evidence of payment shall consist of the taxpayer's cancelled check or money order and the receipt, where they exist, together with the entry in the collector's books. The collector or deputy shall be required to issue a receipt to a taxpayer only if (a) the taxpayer makes a payment in cash, or (b) the taxpayer requests a receipt as evidence of payment. If a taxpayer requests a receipt, the collector or deputy shall mail the receipt to the taxpayer. The collector shall enter, opposite each property, the name and post office address of the person paying the tax if that person is other than the assessee and has requested a receipt specifying by whom the tax was paid.
(Source: P.A. 82-1028; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-45

    (35 ILCS 200/20-45)
    Sec. 20-45. Receipts. On the application of any person to pay any tax or delinquent special assessment, previously filed with the county collector, upon any property, the county collector shall make out to the person a receipt in which shall be noted all taxes and assessments upon the property returned to the collector and not previously paid.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1977; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-50

    (35 ILCS 200/20-50)
    Sec. 20-50. Payment to taxing districts by township collectors; intermediate settlements.
    (a) Township collectors shall, every 30 days, when required to do so by the proper authorities of incorporated towns, cities, villages, and road and school districts for which any tax is collected, render to those authorities a statement of the amount of each kind of tax collected for the entity and the amount paid under protest. At the same time, subject to Sections 3.1-35-60 through 3.1-35-80 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the collectors shall pay over to the authorities the amount of all taxes shown to be collected, other than those paid under protest. The payments shall be made as directed in the warrant attached to the collector's books.
    (b) Township collectors shall, every 30 days, render a similar account of county taxes, to the county collector, and at the same time, the collectors shall pay over the amount collected to the county collector.
    (c) Each township collector shall make final settlement for all taxes charged in the tax books at or before the time fixed in Section 20-55. In making the settlements, the collectors shall be entitled to credit for the amount uncollected on the tax books as determined by the settlement with the county collector.
    (d) The officer to whom any moneys are paid under this Section shall deliver to the collector duplicate receipts for those payments.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/20-55

    (35 ILCS 200/20-55)
    Sec. 20-55. Final settlements by township collectors. Township collectors shall return the tax books and make final settlement for the amount of taxes placed in their hands for collection, within 60 days after receiving the tax books, except the county collector may first notify, in writing, the several township collectors upon what day, within 20 days after the expiration of 60 days from the day the tax books are received by the township collector, that they shall appear at his or her office to make final settlement. Township collectors in townships organized under the provisions of Article 15 of the Township Code shall make a partial settlement with the county collector of all taxes collected at the expiration of 60 days from the day the tax books are received by the township collectors, but shall retain the tax books until on or before the first day of September at which time they shall make final settlement for the amount of taxes placed in their hands for collection together with the amount of interest and penalties which may have accrued thereon, which interest and penalties the township collector shall collect, and return the tax books to the county collector. In the 10 years following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, the return and settlement shall be made on or before the twenty-first day after the day specified by the county clerk for the delivery of the books for the collection of taxes to the collectors, but the county collector may first notify in writing the several township collectors upon what day within 20 days after the 21 day period they shall appear at his or her office to make final settlement.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/20-60

    (35 ILCS 200/20-60)
    Sec. 20-60. Statement of taxes collected by township collector. At the time of making return to the county collector, each township collector shall make out and deliver to the county collector a detailed statement, in writing, of the amount of taxes paid under protest and the amount of taxes he or she has been unable to collect on property, the same as in the tax books delivered to him or her by the county clerk, and shall show the property index number, or the number of the page of the tax book and the number of the line of the page to identify the item that appears to be delinquent. When no taxes have been paid on any one page on the collector's book, the page footings of the taxes on such page may be copied into the statement. It is not necessary to give in the statement the description of the delinquent property, nor the names of the owners. The township collector shall add up the delinquent taxes in the statement, and make a summary thereof, setting forth the aggregate amount of tax and the total delinquent, in the same manner as in his or her warrant, and shall make oath that the statement is true and correct. At the time of making the final settlement the township collectors shall pay over to the county collector all taxes paid to them under protest.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-65

    (35 ILCS 200/20-65)
    Sec. 20-65. Affidavit of collections. Each township collector, at the time of returning the tax books to the county collector, shall make affidavit, to be entered upon the book and subscribed by the collector, that the taxes charged against each property remain due and unpaid at the date of making the affidavit in each case where there does not appear in the proper column the amount of taxes as having been paid to the collector, and the date of payment and the name of any person as having paid the same; which affidavit shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-70

    (35 ILCS 200/20-70)
    Sec. 20-70. Credit for collections; township collector. Upon the filing of the tax book, the county collector shall allow the township collector credit for the amount of taxes therein stated to be unpaid, and shall credit the same to the funds for which the tax was charged. When the county collector makes settlement with the county board, those statements shall be sufficient voucher to entitle him or her to credit for the amount therein stated, less such amount, if any, that may have been collected by him or her.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-75

    (35 ILCS 200/20-75)
    Sec. 20-75. Satisfaction piece for township collector. Upon the final settlement of the amount of taxes directed to be collected by any collector, in any township, the county collector shall, if requested, give to the township collector, or any of his or her sureties, a satisfaction piece in writing. The satisfaction piece may be recorded in the recorder's office, and when so recorded shall operate as a discharge of the sureties and of the lien upon the property of the collector, except as to all suits commenced upon the bond within 3 years after the recording of the satisfaction piece.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-80

    (35 ILCS 200/20-80)
    Sec. 20-80. Failure of township collector to make final settlement. If the township collector fails to appear and make final settlement, or pay over the amount in his or her hands, when required in this Code, the county collector shall forthwith cause the bond of the collector to be put in suit, and recovery may be had thereon for the sum due, for all taxes and special assessments, plus 25% thereon as damages, with costs of suit.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Procedures for county collectors

35 ILCS 200/20-85

    (35 ILCS 200/20-85)
    Sec. 20-85. Powers and duties of county collectors. County collectors shall have the same powers and may proceed in the same manner, for the collection of any tax on property, as township collectors. If in any township the office of township collector is or becomes vacant, and the vacancy is not filled on or before the first day of May next following the vacancy, the county clerk shall deliver all the collectors' books to the county collector of the county, having annexed to each book a warrant under the signature and official seal of the county clerk, commanding the county collector to collect from the persons named in the books the sum of taxes charged opposite their names, except as otherwise provided in Section 21-375. The county collector shall then collect and pay over all taxes, assessments and other charges shown in the books, and do all acts required by law as if the taxes, assessments and other charges had been duly returned delinquent by a township collector. The collectors' books so delivered to the county collector shall, for all purposes, in all subsequent proceedings, be used in the same manner and have the same force and effect as if the books were delivered to the township collectors, and returned by them, as provided by law. In the 10 years next following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under order of the Department, if for any reason the books have not been delivered to the township collector within 5 days after the day specified by the county clerk for that delivery, the county clerk shall deliver the books to the county collector, and all provisions of this Section shall apply. When any injunction restraining the collection of taxes is dissolved after the tax books are returned to the county collector, the taxes or the portion thereof upon which the injunction has been dissolved, shall be paid to the county collector, who shall proceed as though collection of the taxes had never been enjoined.
(Source: P.A. 84-550; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-90

    (35 ILCS 200/20-90)
    Sec. 20-90. Tax proceeds of taxing districts; escrow accounts. The county collector shall deposit any amount of the tax proceeds of any taxing district, in accordance with the authorization of that district, directly into a designated escrow account established by the district to repay specific bonded, note, lease or installment contract indebtedness. The ordinance or resolution of the taxing district authorizing that disposition shall, within 10 days after adoption by the governing authority of the taxing district, be delivered to the county collector or county collectors in which the taxing district is situated.
(Source: P.A. 84-676; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-95

    (35 ILCS 200/20-95)
    Sec. 20-95. Continuation of county collector's powers after settlement. The power and duty to collect any tax due and unpaid shall continue in and devolve upon the county collector and his or her successors in office, after his or her return and final settlement, until the tax is paid. The warrant attached to the collector's book shall continue in force and confer authority upon the collector to whom the warrant was issued, and upon his or her successors in office, to collect any tax due and uncollected thereon, although the books have been returned, or the tax carried forward into any other book.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-100

    (35 ILCS 200/20-100)
    Sec. 20-100. Collection of delinquent special assessments; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, when any special assessment made by any city, incorporated town or village, under its charter, or by any corporate authorities, commissioners or persons, pursuant to law, remains unpaid in whole or in part, return thereof shall be made to the county collector on or before the first day of August next after it became payable, in the same manner as returns are made for delinquent property tax.
    The subsequent advertisement, judgment and sale of property on account of delinquent special assessments, as provided below, shall be considered supplemental to but also a part of the sale of delinquent general taxes of the year in which the judgment and sale on account of delinquent special assessments is ordered. The penalties provided by law shall attach to both general taxes and special assessments in the same manner as if there were only one judgment and order of sale.
    In cases where application for judgment and order of sale for special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, may be made under Section 21-155, notwithstanding that the special assessments, special taxes, or installments, and interest, have not been returned as delinquent to the county collector on or before the first day of August in the year in which application is made, and notwithstanding that the assessments, taxes, installments and interest, were not marked on the general tax books of the county collector on or before the tenth day of March of the same year, or within 15 days after the county collector received the general tax books in that year, the advertisement, judgment and order of sale for delinquent special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, need not be subsequent to or regarded as supplemental to or as a part of the sale on account of delinquent general taxes of the year in which such separate advertisement, judgment and order of sale on account of delinquent special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, is had. However, the penalties provided by law shall attach to the special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, in the same manner as if there were only one judgment and order of sale. County collectors shall collect, account for, and pay over the special assessments, special taxes, or installments to the authorities or persons having authority to receive them, in the same manner as they are required to collect, account for, and pay over taxes.
    Upon return of delinquent special assessments to the county collector, he or she may transfer the amounts stated on the returns to the tax books, setting down opposite the respective properties, in proper columns, the amounts assessed against each property.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-105

    (35 ILCS 200/20-105)
    Sec. 20-105. Demand for payment of special assessment when general tax is paid; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, when any special assessment is returned to the county collector on a property on which the general taxes have been paid to the township collector, or on which any special assessment which has been withdrawn at any previous sale or sales is returned to the county collector, and the general taxes on the property have been paid, the county collector shall demand payment of the special assessment, or shall mail a demand notice to the owner, if the place of residence is known. The certificate of a collector that a demand was made or notice given shall be evidence thereof.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-110

    (35 ILCS 200/20-110)
    Sec. 20-110. Prior year's taxes to be added to current taxes. The amount due for general taxes on property previously forfeited to the State or otherwise remaining unpaid prior to the issuance of the collector's warrant, shall, except as otherwise provided in Section 18-250, be added to the tax of the current year; and the amount thereof shall be charged to the county collector with the amount of taxes for the current year. The amount so charged shall be placed on the tax books, and, except as otherwise provided in Section 21-375, shall be collected and paid over in like manner as other taxes. The county collector is authorized to advertise and sell the property in the manner required by this Code, as if said property had never been forfeited to the State. The county, city, village, incorporated town or school district may, by their agent attend the sale for taxes and buy the property and acquire the same rights that individuals now have under the law, and acquire, hold, sell and dispose of title thereto, the same as and in the same manner as individuals may do under the laws of this State, in case of sale for taxes. The additions and sales shall be continued from year to year until the taxes on the property are paid, by sale or otherwise.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1080; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-115

    (35 ILCS 200/20-115)
    Sec. 20-115. Report of taxes collected; credits. The county collector shall, on the first of every month, report to the county clerk, in writing, which may be transmitted electronically, the amount of county tax received during the preceding month. The county collector shall keep the account as collector of taxes separate from the account as county treasurer. He or she shall credit the account as collector with the amount of his or her monthly reports to the county clerk, and with the amount of bankruptcies, removals, errors, forfeitures, and other credits allowed him or her on settlement with the county board. As county treasurer, he or she shall charge himself or herself with the amount shown in his or her monthly report to the county clerk and such other amounts as may be received as county treasurer. The county board may examine the account and vouchers at any time, by committee or otherwise.
(Source: P.A. 94-412, eff. 8-2-05.)

35 ILCS 200/20-120

    (35 ILCS 200/20-120)
    Sec. 20-120. Accounts for collector and treasurer. Each county clerk and county collector shall keep, in written or electronic format, an account stating the amount of county tax to be collected, and the county tax received by him or her from sales and redemptions of forfeited property, and any other county funds that shall come into the collector's hands. All persons paying money into the county treasury, for all purposes except the county taxes, must deposit it with the treasurer. The treasurer shall give duplicate receipts to the person paying, one to be retained by the person paying and the other filed in the county treasurer's office.
(Source: P.A. 94-412, eff. 8-2-05.)

35 ILCS 200/20-125

    (35 ILCS 200/20-125)
    Sec. 20-125. Statement of taxes collected. On or before July 10, after settlement has been made with the township collectors and on or before October 10, the county collector shall make a sworn statement, showing the total amounts of each kind of tax received by him or her from township collectors, the total amount of each that he or she collected and the total amount of taxes paid under protest for which the court has not fixed the correct amount. The statement shall be filed in the office of the county clerk. However, in the 10 years following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, that statement shall be made within 30 days after the date upon which property taxes or any installment thereof become delinquent.
    The clerk shall immediately, on receipt of the statement, certify to the proper authorities, the amount for which the collector is required to settle with each of them.
    The county collector shall annually, during the month of December, submit to the Department an annual report showing the amount of taxes collected, the amount protested, and the amount of taxes delinquent.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-130

    (35 ILCS 200/20-130)
    Sec. 20-130. Distribution of taxes in counties of less than 3,000,000; return of erroneous distribution.
    (a) All distributions of taxes collected by a county on behalf of taxing districts must be made by the county treasurer, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, within 30 days after the due date and at 30 days intervals thereafter, unless the amount to be distributed is less than $5. The county treasurer shall distribute the taxes collected at the next 30-day interval if the taxes collected are $5 or more. If the tax collections for a taxing district are less than $5 for 3 consecutive 30-day intervals, the county treasurer shall automatically distribute the taxes collected to the unit of local government on the third 30-day interval. All interest earned by a county on behalf of taxing districts must be distributed by the county treasurer, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, no later than the last distribution of taxes. The county treasurer shall determine the manner in which all distributions under this Section are to be made. The manner of distribution may include, but is not limited to, check or electronic funds transfer.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, if a county makes an erroneous distribution of taxes collected and interest earned thereon, upon majority vote of the governing board of the taxing district that received the erroneous distribution, the taxing district shall return the funds to the county treasurer.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/20-135

    (35 ILCS 200/20-135)
    Sec. 20-135. Interest on amount collected in counties of less than 3,000,000. All taxing districts have a vested interest in interest earned by the county collector on all collected but undistributed taxes due the taxing district. The county collector shall maintain an account into which all tax payments shall be deposited when they are available for investment, and from which all interest distribution shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Section. Taxes collected in counties with a population of less than 3,000,000 shall be invested in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of the Public Funds Deposit Act. All interest earned on this account shall be disbursed in accordance with the provisions of Section 20-130 to each district which is entitled to receive the interest in the same proportionate ratio that district shared in the distribution of principal taxes to all units of local government.
    On or before January 31st of each year the county collector shall file with the Office of the County Clerk and with each taxing district which received interest during the last year, a report identifying each of the receiving taxing districts with the interest amounts paid to each for the entire preceding year.
(Source: P.A. 84-1454; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-140

    (35 ILCS 200/20-140)
    Sec. 20-140. Payment due date for county collector. Subject to the provisions of the Public Funds Statement Publication Act and Sections 3.1-35-60 through 3.1-35-80 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the county collector in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, shall on the first day of June and the first day of every month thereafter pay over to the other proper authorities or persons the amounts in his or her possession and payable to them as taxes and not previously paid over. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county collector shall (i) pay over to the other proper authorities or persons, as provided in Section 20-130, the amounts in the collector's hands and payable to them as taxes and (ii) together with the final payment, pay over to the other proper authorities or persons the amounts in the collector's hands and payable to them as interest and not previously paid over. The county treasurer shall determine the manner in which all payments required by a county collector under this Section are to be made. The manner of payment may include, but is not limited to, check or electronic funds transfer. Taxes collected in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and not distributed shall be invested in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Funds Deposit Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-378, eff. 7-30-99.)

35 ILCS 200/20-145

    (35 ILCS 200/20-145)
    Sec. 20-145. Penalty for failure to make a timely distribution. Any county collector who wilfully fails to pay over the amount of taxes due and payable at the time or times required by Section 20-140, shall be subject to a penalty at the rate of 0.1% per day on the amount unpaid, from the time the amount becomes due and payable until it is paid. The sureties on the official bond of the collector shall be liable for the payment of the penalty. The penalty may be recovered in a civil action against the collector and his or her sureties, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, in any court of competent jurisdiction. The amount of the penalty, when recovered, shall be paid (i) in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, to the proper authorities for whom the tax was collected and (ii) in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, into the county treasury.
(Source: P.A. 87-1119; 88-455; incorporates 88-45; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/20-150

    (35 ILCS 200/20-150)
    Sec. 20-150. Payment on demand; collections on delinquent property. The county collector shall report and distribute the amount of taxes and special assessments collected on delinquent property and due to taxing districts, at least once every 10 days, when demanded by the proper authorities.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-155

    (35 ILCS 200/20-155)
    Sec. 20-155. Failure to report and pay; suit on collector's bond. If any county collector fails to make the reports and payments required by this Code, for 5 days after the time specified for that purpose, or after demand made under Section 20-150, suit may be brought on the collector's bond. Taxing districts or persons aggrieved, may prosecute suit against any collector or other officer collecting or receiving funds for their use, by suit upon the bond, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, for their use, in the circuit court.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/20-160

    (35 ILCS 200/20-160)
    Sec. 20-160. Office may be declared vacant. If any county collector fails to account and pay over as required in Sections 20-140 and 20-150, the office may be declared vacant by the circuit court of the judicial circuit in which the county seat is located and in which suit is brought on his or her official bond. If such a suit is brought in the circuit court and, based on preliminary evidence, the court determines that it is necessary that a temporary county collector be appointed, then the county board may, subject to the consent of the court, appoint an interim county collector to serve for the duration of the suit.
(Source: P.A. 95-582, eff. 8-31-07.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Errors and adjustments

35 ILCS 200/20-165

    (35 ILCS 200/20-165)
    Sec. 20-165. List of errors and inability to collect. On or before the third Monday in December, annually, the county collector shall make out and file with the county clerk a detailed list of errors in assessment of property and errors in footing of tax books, giving in each case a description of the property, the valuation and amount of each tax and special assessment, and cause of error. County collectors, in cases of removals and bankruptcies of taxpayers, may give the same cause for the inability to collect as sworn to by the township collectors, stating in their return that such was the statement made by the township collector, and that the tax still remains uncollected.
(Source: P.A. 94-412, eff. 8-2-05.)

35 ILCS 200/20-170

    (35 ILCS 200/20-170)
    Sec. 20-170. Double payment. When taxes on a property have been paid more than once for the same year, by different claimants, the county collector shall report to the county clerk all surplus taxes so received, together with the names of the claimants. Certified copies of the report, or the county clerk's record thereof, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of the payment of tax on the property therein described for the year or years mentioned. The township collectors shall report to the county collector taxes paid more than once, by different claimants for the same year, and the county collector shall report to the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-175

    (35 ILCS 200/20-175)
    Sec. 20-175. Refund for erroneous assessments or overpayments.
    (a) In counties other than Cook County, if any property is twice assessed for the same year, or assessed before it becomes taxable, and the erroneously assessed taxes have been paid either at sale or otherwise, or have been overpaid by the same claimant or by different claimants, the County Collector, upon being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall refund the taxes to the proper claimant. When the County Collector is unable to determine the proper claimant, the circuit court, on petition of the person paying the taxes, or his or her agent, and being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall direct the county collector to refund the taxes and deduct the amount thereof, pro rata, from the moneys due to taxing bodies which received the taxes erroneously paid, or their legal successors. Pleadings in connection with the petition provided for in this Section shall conform to that prescribed in the Civil Practice Law. Appeals may be taken from the judgment of the circuit court, either by the county collector or by the petitioner, as in other civil cases. A claim for refund shall not be allowed unless a petition is filed within 5 years from the date the right to a refund arose. If a certificate of error results in the allowance of a homestead exemption not previously allowed, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest on the amount of taxes paid that are attributable to the amount of the additional allowance, at the rate of 6% per year. To cover the cost of interest, the county collector shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated. Any sum of money payable under this subsection which remains unclaimed for 3 years after the amount was payable shall be presumed to be abandoned and subject to disposition under the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
    (a-1) In Cook County, if any property is twice assessed for the same year, or assessed before it becomes taxable, and the erroneously assessed taxes have been paid either at sale or otherwise, or have been overpaid by the same claimant or by different claimants, the Cook County Treasurer, upon being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall refund the taxes to the proper claimant. When the Cook County Treasurer is unable to determine the proper claimant, the circuit court, on petition of the person paying the taxes, or his or her agent, and being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall direct the Cook County Treasurer to refund the taxes plus costs of suit and deduct the amount thereof, pro rata, from the moneys due to taxing bodies which received the taxes erroneously paid, or their legal successors. Pleadings in connection with the petition provided for in this Section shall conform to that prescribed in the Civil Practice Law. Appeals may be taken from the judgment of the circuit court, either by the Cook County Treasurer or by the petitioner, as in other civil cases. A claim for refund shall not be allowed unless a petition is filed within 20 years from the date the right to a refund arose. The total amount of taxes and interest refunded for claims under this subsection for which the right to a refund arose prior to January 1, 2009 shall not exceed $5,000,000 per year. If the payment of a claim for a refund would cause the aggregate total of taxes and interest for all claims to exceed $5,000,000 in any year, the refund shall be paid in the next succeeding year. If a certificate of error results in the allowance of a homestead exemption not previously allowed, the Cook County Treasurer shall pay the taxpayer interest on the amount of taxes paid that are attributable to the amount of the additional allowance, at the rate of 6% per year. To cover the cost of interest, the Cook County Treasurer shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated. Any sum of money payable under this subsection which remains unclaimed for 3 years after the amount was payable shall be presumed to be abandoned and subject to disposition under the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in Cook County a claim for refund under this Section is also allowed if the application therefor is filed between September 1, 2011 and September 1, 2012 and the right to a refund arose more than 5 years prior to the date the application is filed but not earlier than January 1, 2000. The Cook County Treasurer, upon being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall refund the taxes to the proper claimant and shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated. Refunds under this subsection shall be paid in the order in which the claims are received. The Cook County Treasurer shall not accept a claim for refund under this subsection before September 1, 2011. For the purposes of this subsection, the Cook County Treasurer shall accept a claim for refund by mail or in person. In no event shall a refund be paid under this subsection if the issuance of that refund would cause the aggregate total of taxes and interest refunded for all claims under this subsection to exceed $350,000. The Cook County Treasurer shall notify the public of the provisions of this subsection on the Treasurer's website. A home rule unit may not regulate claims for refunds in a manner that is inconsistent with this Act. This Section is a limitation of home rule powers under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
(Source: P.A. 103-148, eff. 6-30-23.)

35 ILCS 200/20-178

    (35 ILCS 200/20-178)
    Sec. 20-178. Certificate of error; refund; interest. When the county collector makes any refunds due on certificates of error issued under Sections 14-15 through 14-25 that have been either certified or adjudicated, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest on the amount of the refund at the rate of 0.5% per month.
    No interest shall be due under this Section for any time prior to 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. For certificates of error issued prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest from 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly until the date the refund is paid. For certificates of error issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, interest shall be paid from 60 days after the certificate of error is issued by the chief county assessment officer to the date the refund is made. To cover the cost of interest, the county collector shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated.
    This Section shall not apply to any certificate of error granting a homestead exemption under Section 15-170, 15-172, 15-175, 15-176, or 15-177.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/20-180

    (35 ILCS 200/20-180)
    Sec. 20-180. Uncollectible delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments. In cases where general taxes levied on real property have been delinquent for a period of 20 years, the taxes shall be presumed to be uncollectible. In those cases, the County Clerk and the County Collector shall enter upon the tax records in their respective offices where those taxes appear the word "Uncollectible", and shall adjust the books and records of their respective offices as provided in this Code. In cases where any installments of special assessments or special taxes levied on real property have been delinquent for a period of 30 years, the installments shall be presumed to be uncollectible. In those cases, the Collector of the municipality which levied the special assessment or special tax and the County Clerk and the County Collector shall enter upon the tax records in their respective offices where those assessments or taxes appear the word "Uncollectible" and shall adjust the books and records of their respective offices. When taxes have been designated "uncollectible" under this Section, the municipality may use any money it holds for payment of the special assessments or special taxes for improvements similar to the projects for which the moneys were collected, and for the purchase of real or personal property, in connection with those improvements.
(Source: P.A. 92-201, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/20-185

    (35 ILCS 200/20-185)
    Sec. 20-185. Bonds secured by uncollectible revenue. When bonds issued by a municipality are secured either by ad valorem tax levies or by specific revenues other than ad valorem tax levies and the payment of the tax or specific revenue has been delinquent for a period of 30 years the taxes or revenue shall be presumed to be uncollectable and in those cases, the municipal treasurer shall enter upon the appropriate bond issue records where the bonds appear the words "CANCELLED - Revenue Uncollectable", and shall adjust the books and records accordingly.
    When bonds have been designated as specified above the municipality may use any money it holds for the payment of those bonds for any general corporate purpose.
(Source: P.A. 81-692; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-190

    (35 ILCS 200/20-190)
    Sec. 20-190. Statute of limitation for collection of delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments.
    (a) If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes for a reason other than administrative error, actions for the collection of any delinquent general tax, or the enforcement or foreclosure of the tax lien shall be commenced within 20 years after the tax became delinquent, and not thereafter. After 20 years the tax lien shall be discharged and released.
    Actions for the collection of any delinquent installments of special assessments or special taxes, or the enforcement or foreclosure of the special assessment lien shall be commenced within 30 years after the installments became delinquent. After 30 years the lien for the installments shall be discharged and released.
    (b) If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes due to an administrative error, the county may not bill, collect, claim a lien for, or sell the arrearages of taxes for tax years earlier than the 2 most recent tax years, including the current tax year.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, "administrative error" includes but is not limited to failure to include an extension for a taxing district on the tax bill, an error in the calculations of tax rates or extensions or any other mathematical error by the county clerk, or a defective coding by the county, but does not include a failure by the county to send a tax bill to the taxpayer, the failure by the taxpayer to notify the assessor of a change in the tax-exempt status of property, or any error concerning the assessment of the property.
(Source: P.A. 92-201, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/20-195

    (35 ILCS 200/20-195)
    Sec. 20-195. Omitted property. The provisions of Sections 20-180 through 20-190 do not apply to taxes which have been levied as provided in Section 16-135.
(Source: P.A. 77-2747; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-200

    (35 ILCS 200/20-200)
    Sec. 20-200. Application to pending actions. The provisions of Sections 20-180 through 20-190 do not apply to any actions now pending in court or instituted within the time limitations of Section 20-190 for the collection of taxes or special assessments.
(Source: P.A. 78-245; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-205

    (35 ILCS 200/20-205)
    Sec. 20-205. Unpaid suspense tax fund. The amount of all general taxes appearing upon the tax records of the counties of the State against which the limitations in Sections 20-180 through 20-190 have run shall be transferred by the collector or clerk of each county to a special account in the office of the collector or clerk to be designated "Unpaid Suspense Tax Fund" and for all accounting or other purposes the amount appearing on the books of the collector or clerk shall not be given any value or held as having any value for any purpose.
(Source: P.A. 78-245; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-210

    (35 ILCS 200/20-210)
    Sec. 20-210. Taxes payable in installments; payment under specification. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21-30, current taxes shall be payable in 2 equal installments. The collector, when requested by the party paying the taxes, shall receive and receipt for the taxes in installments. The collector shall receive taxes on part of any property charged with taxes when a particular specification of the part is furnished. If the tax on the remainder of the property remains unpaid, the collector shall enter that specification in his or her return, so that the part on which the tax remains unpaid may be clearly known. The tax may be paid on an undivided share of property. In that case, the collector shall designate on his or her record upon whose undivided share the tax has been paid.
(Source: P.A. 95-948, eff. 1-1-09.)

35 ILCS 200/20-215

    (35 ILCS 200/20-215)
    Sec. 20-215. Application of tax payments. In the payment of any installment of real property taxes, the collector shall first apply the payments to interest (including interest added upon forfeiture to real property taxes) and costs. After the payment of interest and costs the payments shall be applied upon the total tax.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-220

    (35 ILCS 200/20-220)
    Sec. 20-220. Certificate of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities. Within 15 days after the receipt of a request by a taxing district, the collector shall issue a certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificate") to the governing body or corporate authorities of the taxing district setting forth (i) the aggregate amount of all taxes collected on extensions upon pollution control facilities, as defined in Section 11-10, by and distributed to the taxing district prior to the date of the issuance of the Certificate, if those taxes have been held illegal by the final order of a court, or any board, body or entity having jurisdiction, because the pollution control facilities within the taxing district were incorrectly assessed or valued, based upon the method of valuation under Section 11-15, at the time taxes levied by or on behalf of the taxing district were extended (hereinafter referred to as the "illegal taxes"), (ii) the aggregate amount of the illegal taxes required to be deducted from the taxes of the taxing district during the same calendar year as, and during the 2 full calendar years immediately following, the date of the issuance of the Certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "taxes to be deducted"), and (iii) the aggregate amount of the illegal taxes deducted during the same calendar year as, and during the 2 full calendar years immediately preceding, the date of the issuance of the Certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "deducted taxes").
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-225

    (35 ILCS 200/20-225)
    Sec. 20-225. Bonds for reimbursement of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities. When a taxing district, prior to January 1, 1988, issued its full faith and credit bonds for reimbursement of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities, as set out in this Section, it may issue additional bonds for purposes of refunding those bonds, whether in advance of or at maturity or prior redemption, and whether by exchange, payment or establishment of an irrevocable escrow. The principal amount of the refunding bonds may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded.
    The full faith and credit bonds, hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds", may have been issued by the taxing district whenever and as often as the current aggregate amount of the taxes to be deducted and the deducted taxes set forth in the Certificate equaled or exceeded $10,000, for the purpose of (i) reducing the amount of the taxes to be deducted by depositing proceeds of the Bonds with the collector, (ii) reimbursing its treasury for all or a portion of the deducted taxes for which no Bonds were previously issued, (iii) paying the expenses of issuing the Bonds, (iv) paying interest on the Bonds, or (v) any combination thereof. Any Certificate issued not more than 6 months prior to the issuance of the Bonds shall be conclusive evidence of all the facts set forth therein and any error or inaccuracy therein or any failure of future events to conform to the Certificate shall not affect the validity of the Bonds in any manner.
    The Bonds issued under this Section shall not count as indebtedness, or act as a limitation on the amount of indebtedness permitted to be issued by any taxing district, under the provisions of any law regarding limitations on indebtedness. The Bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, shall mature within 20 years after the date of the issuance thereof and shall be sold at a price of not less than par plus accrued interest to the date of delivery of the Bonds. The denomination of the Bonds and the manner of sale shall be determined by the taxing district.
    In order to authorize and issue the Bonds, the governing body or corporate authorities of the taxing district shall adopt an ordinance or resolution fixing the amount of Bonds, the date thereof, the maturities thereof, the rate or rates of interest thereof, the place or places of payment, the manner of execution and the denomination or denominations thereof and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property in the taxing district sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the Bonds to maturity. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the ordinance or resolution shall not be required to be published and shall be effective immediately upon passage and approval. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of each county in which any portion of the taxing district is located of a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution, each county clerk shall extend the tax therefor in addition to and in excess of all other taxes authorized to be levied by or on behalf of such taxing district.
    This Section is cumulative and constitutes complete authority for the issuance of the Bonds notwithstanding any other statute or law to the contrary.
    This Section does not apply to taxing districts located entirely within a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Settlement of Accounts

35 ILCS 200/20-230

    (35 ILCS 200/20-230)
    Sec. 20-230. Settlement with county board. On the third Monday in December, annually, for all property taxes, the county board shall settle with and allow the county collector credit for the allowance to which he or she is legally entitled. In the 10 years following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, settlement shall be made at the regular meeting of the county board held next after the 45th day after all taxes upon property become delinquent and have begun to bear interest.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-235

    (35 ILCS 200/20-235)
    Sec. 20-235. Credit for forfeited property. If any property is forfeited to the State for taxes or special assessments, the collector shall be entitled to a credit in the final settlement, for the amount of the taxes or special assessments on the forfeited properties. The county shall allow the amount of printers' fees expended, and be entitled to the fees, when collected.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-240

    (35 ILCS 200/20-240)
    Sec. 20-240. Settlement lists to be filed with county clerk. If there is no session of the county board held at the proper time for settling and adjusting the accounts of the county collector, the collector shall file the lists with the county clerk, who shall examine the lists and correct the same, if necessary, in like manner as the board is required to do. The county clerk shall make an accurate computation of the value of the property and the amount of the delinquent tax and special assessments returned, for which the collector is entitled to credit.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-245

    (35 ILCS 200/20-245)
    Sec. 20-245. Certification by county clerk. The county clerk shall immediately certify to the several authorities or persons with whom the county collector is to make settlement, showing the valuation of property and amount of taxes and special assessments due thereon allowable to the collector in the settlement of their several accounts.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-250

    (35 ILCS 200/20-250)
    Sec. 20-250. Verification of certified amounts. The proper authorities or persons shall, in their final settlements with the collector, allow him or her credit for the amount so certified. However, if those authorities or persons have reason to believe that the amount stated in the certificate is not correct, or that the allowance was illegally made, he or they shall return it for correction. When it appears to be necessary, in the opinion of those authorities or persons, he or they shall designate and appoint some competent person to examine the collector's books and settlement. The person so designated and appointed shall have access to the collector's books and papers, appertaining to the collector's office or settlement, for the purpose of making the examination.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-255

    (35 ILCS 200/20-255)
    Sec. 20-255. County board examination of settlement. In all cases when the adjustment is made with the county clerk, the county board shall, at the first session thereafter, examine the settlement. If found correct, the board shall enter an order to that effect. However, if any omission or error is found, the board shall cause it to be corrected, and a correct statement of the facts in the case forwarded to the proper authorities or persons, who shall correct and adjust the collector's accounts accordingly.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/20-260

    (35 ILCS 200/20-260)
    Sec. 20-260. Failure to obtain judgment; effect on settlement. The failure of any county collector to obtain judgment shall not prevent him or her from presenting a statement of credits and making settlement for taxes, and special assessments in his or her hands, at the time required by this Code. If, from no fault of the collector, he or she fails to obtain judgment and sale of delinquent property, or judgment fixing the correct amount of any taxes paid under protest at the time required by this Code, he or she shall be allowed, in the settlements, a temporary credit for the amount of taxes and special assessments in the delinquent list and for the amount of those taxes paid under protest. The delinquent taxes and special assessments shall be accounted for and paid immediately after sale is held. The amount of any taxes paid under protest shall be distributed as provided for in Section 23-15 and 23-20 and any refund ordered by the court shall be accounted for and paid in accordance with the judgment of the court. Protested taxes not so distributed by a county collector, but withheld for the making of refunds ordered by the court, in any event, shall be distributed within 3 years from the date the protest was filed with the collector.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 2559; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 heading)
Article 21. Due Dates, Delinquencies,
and Enforcement of Payments

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 1

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Due dates and delinquencies

35 ILCS 200/21-5

    (35 ILCS 200/21-5)
    Sec. 21-5. Forfeiture tax extension records; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county clerk shall quadrennially or at regular intervals prescribed by county resolution under Section 9-220 prepare a set of records to be known as the county clerk's forfeiture tax extension records, showing in separate columns and items the legal description of all property which has previously been forfeited for the non-payment of general taxes, the amount of the forfeited taxes of prior years, the interest added before forfeiture, the interest added after forfeiture, and all printers' fees and costs chargeable against each property. The records shall also show in proper spaces all annual new and additional amounts of forfeited general taxes, interest added before forfeiture, interest added after forfeiture, and all printers' fees and costs chargeable against the properties which become so chargeable during the years following the general assessment year. The records are to remain at all times at the county clerk's office for use in preparing estimates of costs of redemption and in issuing orders upon the county collector to receive amounts necessary for the redemption of forfeited general taxes. Nothing in this section shall be construed as abolishing or interfering in any way with the collector's tax books, the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture records or any other records or books provided for in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-10

    (35 ILCS 200/21-10)
    Sec. 21-10. Delinquent tax ledger; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county board may by resolution or ordinance require the County Auditor to prepare a delinquent property tax ledger system, or adopt such a system already prepared and give custody of the same to the County Auditor, in which all the delinquent taxes due upon the various properties in the county shall be listed under the legal description of each property provided that the resolution or ordinance of the county board in adopting the system shall provide that a Delinquent Property Tax Ledger shall be installed and maintained by the County Auditor. The ledger shall contain all unpaid general property taxes. The resolution or ordinance shall also provide that a Property Tax Docket shall be installed and maintained by the County Clerk. The docket shall contain and list all court proceedings which affect the general property taxes levied upon any property. The Property Tax Docket and the Property Tax Ledger shall be installed by the respective County Officers within 60 days from the date of the adoption of the ordinance or resolution by the county board. The ordinance or resolution shall prescribe the form and manner of maintenance of the system, which system may also include such other related matters as the ordinance or resolution requires. The ordinance or resolution may also provide for a similar system for delinquent special assessments in the office of the County Clerk. Upon the adoption of such a system by the county board, the County Clerk upon application shall issue a certificate stating the total amount of general taxes, special assessment taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are delinquent upon any property, or if none is delinquent, a statement to that effect. The certificate as issued by the County Clerk may contain such additional information as the resolution or ordinance of the county board adopting such a system requires. That part of the certificate issued by the County Clerk showing the amount of delinquent general property taxes due upon any property shall be certified to by the County Auditor or if none is delinquent, a certification by the County Auditor to that effect. The county board may provide a fee not to exceed $5 for each certificate to be paid to the County Clerk and shall provide that a portion of the fee shall be placed in an indemnity fund in the custody of the County Treasurer to indemnify any person, municipal corporation, quasi-municipal or district which may be damaged by reason of any erroneous certificate.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-15

    (35 ILCS 200/21-15)
    Sec. 21-15. General tax due dates; default by mortgage lender. Except as otherwise provided in this Section or Section 21-40, all property upon which the first installment of taxes remains unpaid on the later of (i) June 1 or (ii) the day after the date specified on the real estate tax bill as the first installment due date annually shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date. For property located in a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the unpaid taxes shall bear interest at the rate of 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof. For property located in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the unpaid taxes shall bear interest at the rate of (i) 1.5% per month, or portion thereof, if the unpaid taxes are for a tax year before 2023 or (ii) 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, if the unpaid taxes are for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter. Except as otherwise provided in this Section or Section 21-40, all property upon which the second installment of taxes remains due and unpaid on the later of (i) September 1 or (ii) the day after the date specified on the real estate tax bill as the second installment due date, annually, shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date at the same interest rate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if a taxpayer owes an arrearage of taxes due to an administrative error, and if the county collector sends a separate bill for that arrearage as provided in Section 14-41, then any part of the arrearage of taxes that remains unpaid on the day after the due date specified on that tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date at the rate of 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if a taxpayer owes an arrearage of taxes due to an administrative error, and if the county collector sends a separate bill for that arrearage as provided in Section 14-41, then any part of the arrearage of taxes that remains unpaid on the day after the due date specified on that tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date at the rate of (i) 1 1/2% per month, or portion thereof, if the arrearage is for a tax year before tax year 2023 or (ii) 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, if the arrearage is for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter. All interest collected shall be paid into the general fund of the county. Payment received by mail and postmarked on or before the required due date is not delinquent.
    Property not subject to the interest charge in Section 9-260 or Section 9-265 shall also not be subject to the interest charge imposed by this Section until such time as the owner of the property receives actual notice of and is billed for the principal amount of back taxes due and owing.
    If an Illinois resident who is a member of the Illinois National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and who has an ownership interest in property taxed under this Act is called to active duty for deployment outside the continental United States and is on active duty on the due date of any installment of taxes due under this Act, he or she shall not be deemed delinquent in the payment of the installment and no interest shall accrue or be charged as a penalty on the installment until 180 days after that member returns from active duty. To be deemed not delinquent in the payment of an installment of taxes and any interest on that installment, the reservist or guardsperson must make a reasonable effort to notify the county clerk and the county collector of his or her activation to active duty and must notify the county clerk and the county collector within 180 days after his or her deactivation and provide verification of the date of his or her deactivation. An installment of property taxes on the property of any reservist or guardsperson who fails to provide timely notice and verification of deactivation to the county clerk is subject to interest and penalties as delinquent taxes under this Code from the date of deactivation.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when any unpaid taxes become delinquent under this Section through the fault of the mortgage lender, (i) the interest assessed under this Section for delinquent taxes shall be charged against the mortgage lender and not the mortgagor and (ii) the mortgage lender shall pay the taxes, redeem the property and take all necessary steps to remove any liens accruing against the property because of the delinquency. In the event that more than one entity meets the definition of mortgage lender with respect to any mortgage, the interest shall be assessed against the mortgage lender responsible for servicing the mortgage. Unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent through the fault of the mortgage lender only if: (a) the mortgage lender has received all payments due the mortgage lender for the property being taxed under the written terms of the mortgage or promissory note secured by the mortgage, (b) the mortgage lender holds funds in escrow to pay the taxes, and (c) the funds are sufficient to pay the taxes after deducting all amounts reasonably anticipated to become due for all hazard insurance premiums and mortgage insurance premiums and any other assessments to be paid from the escrow under the terms of the mortgage. For purposes of this Section, an amount is reasonably anticipated to become due if it is payable within 12 months from the time of determining the sufficiency of funds held in escrow. Unpaid taxes shall not be deemed delinquent through the fault of the mortgage lender if the mortgage lender was directed in writing by the mortgagor not to pay the property taxes, or if the failure to pay the taxes when due resulted from inadequate or inaccurate parcel information provided by the mortgagor, a title or abstract company, or by the agency or unit of government assessing the tax.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-16

    (35 ILCS 200/21-16)
    Sec. 21-16. Property owned by a governmental entity; delinquency.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a lessee is liable for the payment of property taxes extended against property that is owned by a governmental entity, and those taxes remain unpaid in whole or in part 60 days after the final installment due date, then the county treasurer shall promptly notify the governmental entity that owns the property of the delinquency in writing. The governmental entity shall promptly notify the county supervisor of assessments upon the execution of a new lease or the termination of a lease for property owned by the governmental entity. The State's Attorney of the county in which the property is located may bring an action against the lessee in the circuit court in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, and, upon proof of liability, the court shall enter judgment against the lessee in a sum equal to the full amount of delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and costs. This judgment shall be enforceable against the lessee, or any other parties provided by applicable law, in any manner permitted by law for the collection of a debt or judgment. The proceeds of any judgment under this Section shall be distributed to the taxing districts as otherwise provided in this Code.
    (b) Before tax year 2024, this Section applies to property located in a county with more than 800,000 inhabitants but fewer than 1,000,000 inhabitants. For tax year 2024 and thereafter, this Section applies in all counties.
    (c) As used in this Section:
    "Governmental entity" means, before tax year 2024, a taxing district, as defined in Section 1-150.
    "Governmental entity" means, for tax year 2024 and thereafter, a unit of federal, State, or local government, a school district, or a community college district.
(Source: P.A. 103-873, eff. 8-9-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-20

    (35 ILCS 200/21-20)
    Sec. 21-20. Due dates; accelerated billing in counties of less than 3,000,000. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21-40, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants in which the accelerated method of billing and paying taxes provided for in Section 21-30 is in effect, the estimated first installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after a date not later than June 1 annually as provided for in the ordinance or resolution of the county board adopting the accelerated method, at the rate of 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof until paid or forfeited. The second installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after August 1 annually at the same interest rate until paid or forfeited. Payment received by mail and postmarked on or before the required due date is not delinquent. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a taxpayer owes an arrearage of taxes due to an administrative error, and if the county collector sends a separate bill for that arrearage as provided in Section 14-41, then any part of the arrearage of taxes that remains unpaid on the day after the due date specified on that tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date at the rate of 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof.
    If an Illinois resident who is a member of the Illinois National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and who has an ownership interest in property taxed under this Act is called to active duty for deployment outside the continental United States and is on active duty on the due date of any installment of taxes due under this Act, he or she shall not be deemed delinquent in the payment of the installment and no interest shall accrue or be charged as a penalty on the installment until 180 days after that member returns from active duty. To be deemed not delinquent in the payment of an installment of taxes and any interest on that installment, the reservist or guardsperson must make a reasonable effort to notify the county clerk and the county collector of his or her activation to active duty and must notify the county clerk and the county collector within 180 days after his or her deactivation and provide verification of the date of his or her deactivation. An installment of property taxes on the property of any reservist or guardsperson who fails to provide timely notice and verification of deactivation to the county clerk is subject to interest and penalties as delinquent taxes under this Code from the date of deactivation.
(Source: P.A. 98-286, eff. 1-1-14.)

35 ILCS 200/21-25

    (35 ILCS 200/21-25)
    Sec. 21-25. Due dates; accelerated billing in counties of 3,000,000 or more. Except as hereinafter provided and as provided in Section 21-40, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants in which the accelerated method of billing and paying taxes provided for in Section 21-30 is in effect, the estimated first installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after March 1 and until paid or forfeited at the rate of (i) 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof if the unpaid taxes are for a tax year before 2023 or (ii) 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, if the unpaid taxes are for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter. For tax year 2010, the estimated first installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after April 1 at the rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof until paid or forfeited. For tax year 2022, the estimated first installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after April 1, 2023 at the rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof until paid or forfeited. For all tax years, the second installment of unpaid taxes shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after August 1 annually at the same interest rate until paid or forfeited. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a taxpayer owes an arrearage of taxes due to an administrative error, and if the county collector sends a separate bill for that arrearage as provided in Section 14-41, then any part of the arrearage of taxes that remains unpaid on the day after the due date specified on that tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest after that date at the rate of (i) 1 1/2% per month, or portion thereof, if the unpaid taxes are for a tax year before 2023 or (ii) 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, if the unpaid taxes are for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter.
    If the county board elects by ordinance adopted prior to July 1 of a levy year to provide for taxes to be paid in 4 installments, each installment for that levy year and each subsequent year shall be deemed delinquent and shall begin to bear interest 30 days after the date specified by the ordinance for mailing bills, at the rate of 1 1/2% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited. If the unpaid taxes are for a tax year before 2023, then interest shall accrue at the rate of 1.5% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited. If the unpaid taxes are for tax year 2023 or any tax year thereafter, then interest shall accrue at the rate of 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited.
    Payment received by mail and postmarked on or before the required due date is not delinquent.
    Taxes levied on homestead property in which a member of the National Guard or reserves of the armed forces of the United States who was called to active duty on or after August 1, 1990, and who has an ownership interest, shall not be deemed delinquent and no interest shall accrue or be charged as a penalty on such taxes due and payable in 1991 or 1992 until one year after that member returns to civilian status.
    If an Illinois resident who is a member of the Illinois National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and who has an ownership interest in property taxed under this Act is called to active duty for deployment outside the continental United States and is on active duty on the due date of any installment of taxes due under this Act, he or she shall not be deemed delinquent in the payment of the installment and no interest shall accrue or be charged as a penalty on the installment until 180 days after that member returns to civilian status. To be deemed not delinquent in the payment of an installment of taxes and any interest on that installment, the reservist or guardsperson must make a reasonable effort to notify the county clerk and the county collector of his or her activation to active duty and must notify the county clerk and the county collector within 180 days after his or her deactivation and provide verification of the date of his or her deactivation. An installment of property taxes on the property of any reservist or guardsperson who fails to provide timely notice and verification of deactivation to the county clerk is subject to interest and penalties as delinquent taxes under this Code from the date of deactivation.
(Source: P.A. 102-1112, eff. 12-21-22; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-27

    (35 ILCS 200/21-27)
    Sec. 21-27. Waiver of interest penalty.
    (a) On the recommendation of the county treasurer, the county board may adopt a resolution under which an interest penalty for the delinquent payment of taxes for any year that otherwise would be imposed under Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25 shall be waived in the case of any person who meets all of the following criteria:
        (1) The person is determined eligible for a grant
under the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act with respect to the taxes for that year.
        (2) The person requests, in writing, on a form
approved by the county treasurer, a waiver of the interest penalty, and the request is filed with the county treasurer on or before the first day of the month that an installment of taxes is due.
        (3) The person pays the installment of taxes due, in
full, on or before the third day of the month that the installment is due.
        (4) The county treasurer approves the request for a
    (b) With respect to property that qualifies as a brownfield site under Section 58.2 of the Environmental Protection Act, the county board, upon the recommendation of the county treasurer, may adopt a resolution to waive an interest penalty for the delinquent payment of taxes for any year that otherwise would be imposed under Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25 if all of the following criteria are met:
        (1) the property has delinquent taxes and an
outstanding interest penalty and the amount of that interest penalty is so large as to, possibly, result in all of the taxes becoming uncollectible;
        (2) the property is part of a redevelopment plan of a
unit of local government and that unit of local government does not oppose the waiver of the interest penalty;
        (3) the redevelopment of the property will benefit
the public interest by remediating the brownfield contamination;
        (4) the taxpayer delivers to the county treasurer (i)
a written request for a waiver of the interest penalty, on a form approved by the county treasurer, and (ii) a copy of the redevelopment plan for the property;
        (5) the taxpayer pays, in full, the amount of up to
the amount of the first 2 installments of taxes due, to be held in escrow pending the approval of the waiver, and enters into an agreement with the county treasurer setting forth a schedule for the payment of any remaining taxes due; and
        (6) the county treasurer approves the request for a
    (c) For the 2019 taxable year (payable in 2020) only, the county board of a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants may adopt an ordinance or resolution under which some or all of the interest penalty for the delinquent payment of any installment other than the final installment of taxes for the 2019 taxable year that otherwise would be imposed under Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25 shall be waived for all taxpayers in the county, for a period of (i) 120 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly or (ii) until the first day of the first month during which there is no longer a statewide COVID-19 public health emergency, as evidenced by an effective disaster declaration of the Governor covering all counties in the State.
(Source: P.A. 101-635, eff. 6-5-20.)

35 ILCS 200/21-30

    (35 ILCS 200/21-30)
    Sec. 21-30. Accelerated billing. Except as provided in this Section, Section 9-260, and Section 21-40, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, by January 31 annually, estimated tax bills setting out the first installment of property taxes for the preceding year, payable in that year, shall be prepared and mailed. The first installment of taxes on the estimated tax bills shall be computed at (i) 50% of the total of each tax bill for the preceding year for taxes payable on or before December 31, 2009, and (ii) 55% of the total of each tax bill for the preceding year beginning with the first installment payable in 2010. If, prior to the preparation of the estimated tax bills, a certificate of error has been either approved by a court on or before November 30 of the preceding year or certified pursuant to Section 14-15 on or before November 30 of the preceding year, then the first installment of taxes on the estimated tax bills shall be computed at (i) 50% of the total taxes for the preceding year as corrected by the certificate of error for taxes payable on or before December 31, 2009, and (ii) 55% of the total taxes for the preceding year, as corrected by the certificate of error, beginning with the first installment payable in 2010. By June 30 annually, actual tax bills shall be prepared and mailed. These bills shall set out total taxes due and the amount of estimated taxes billed in the first installment, and shall state the balance of taxes due for that year as represented by the sum derived from subtracting the amount of the first installment from the total taxes due for that year.
    The county board may provide by ordinance, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for taxes to be paid in 4 installments. For the levy year for which the ordinance is first effective and each subsequent year, estimated tax bills setting out the first, second, and third installment of taxes for the preceding year, payable in that year, shall be prepared and mailed not later than the date specified by ordinance. Each installment on estimated tax bills shall be computed at 25% of the total of each tax bill for the preceding year. By the date specified in the ordinance, actual tax bills shall be prepared and mailed. These bills shall set out total taxes due and the amount of estimated taxes billed in the first, second, and third installments and shall state the balance of taxes due for that year as represented by the sum derived from subtracting the amount of the estimated installments from the total taxes due for that year.
    The county board of any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants may, by ordinance or resolution, adopt an accelerated method of tax billing. The county board may subsequently rescind the ordinance or resolution and revert to the method otherwise provided for in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 96-490, eff. 8-14-09.)

35 ILCS 200/21-35

    (35 ILCS 200/21-35)
    Sec. 21-35. Estimated billing in overlapping districts. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, when the certified assessed valuations for that portion of overlapping taxing districts lying in another county for the preceding year have not been received by the county clerk by March 1, the county board, upon petition of the county clerk, may by resolution or ordinance adopted on or prior to April 1 of that year, adopt the estimated property tax billing system provided for in this Section for taxes for the preceding year. The resolution or ordinance shall be effective only for the year in which it is adopted.
    When authorized by the county board to use the estimated property tax billing system, the county clerk shall estimate the assessed valuations for the other counties in the overlapping taxing districts from which certified assessed valuations for the preceding year have not been received by March 1. The estimated assessed valuations shall, for purposes of computing the first installment tax billing in the current year, be treated in the same manner as certified assessed valuations. Where estimated assessed valuations are used, the first installment billing shall be prepared and mailed on or before May 1.
    The county clerk shall make adjustments in the assessments, based on the actual certified assessed valuations later received from the other counties, and such adjustments shall be included in the tax billings for the second installment. A county using the estimated billing system shall complete and mail the adjusted second installment tax billing on or before August 1.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/21-40

    (35 ILCS 200/21-40)
    Sec. 21-40. Ordinance for delayed due date; accrual of interest.
    (a) In any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county board may adopt an ordinance under which 50% of each installment of taxes shall not become delinquent until 60 days after each installment would otherwise become delinquent under Sections 21-15, 21-20, 21-25 or 21-30.
    (b) Beginning with installments of taxes and special assessments payable in 1994, in any county that has been designated, in whole or in part, as a disaster area by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Illinois due to a disaster that occurred during the calendar year in which the taxes are payable or in the preceding calendar year, the county board may adopt an ordinance or resolution under which interest allowed to be assessed on special assessments or allowed to be assessed under Sections 21-15, 21-20, and 21-25 on delinquent installments of taxes for real property within one or more townships (or congressional townships if the assessor's books are organized by congressional townships) designated by the county board, that have been affected by the disaster does not accrue until the court enters the order for sale of the property. The ordinance or resolution shall provide that a person may pay a delinquent installment of taxes or special assessment without interest being assessed until the last working day before the court enters the order for sale of the property. If adopted, the ordinance or resolution must establish a procedure for affected property owners to make application to a designated county official who shall determine, according to the guidelines in the ordinance or resolution, whether the property is substantially damaged or adversely affected and shall approve damaged or adversely affected property for the delay in accrual of interest specified in the ordinance or resolution. The designated county official shall notify the county collector of the parcel number and the name of the owner of property approved for relief.
    (c) (1) The governing authority of any county that has been designated, in whole or in part, as a disaster area by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Illinois may adopt an ordinance or resolution modifying the provisions of this Act relating to any specified installment or installments of real property tax or special assessment on real property that is situated within the designated disaster area and that is determined, in the manner provided in the ordinance or resolution, to be substantially damaged or adversely affected as a result of that disaster.
    The ordinance or resolution may:
        (A) postpone the date on which any specified
installment or installments of tax due on that real property in the current year becomes or became delinquent under Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25;
        (B) exempt any specified installment or installments
of tax due on that real property from the interest penalty provided under Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25 until the postponed delinquency date established by the ordinance or resolution;
        (C) postpone the date on which a special assessment
due on that real property in the current year becomes or became delinquent; and exempt a special assessment due on that real property from any interest penalty until the postponed delinquency date established by the ordinance or resolution; and
        (D) order the county collector not to give notice of
application for judgment for sale under Section 21-110 or 21-120 and not to apply for judgment and order of sale under Section 21-150, until after the postponed delinquency date for the final installment of tax or special assessment due on that real property as established in the ordinance or resolution.
    (2) The ordinance or resolution shall establish a procedure for owners of real property situated in the designated disaster area to make application to a designated county official, who shall determine, within the guidelines established by the ordinance or resolution, if the property is substantially damaged or adversely affected and approve the property for relief as specified in the ordinance or resolution adopted under this subsection (c). The designated county official shall notify the county collector of the parcel number and name of the property owner of property approved for relief.
    (3) The ordinance or resolution may also direct the county collector to give a credit against a special assessment or the extension of the general corporate levy of the county for the year following the year in which the disaster is declared to the owner of property approved for relief in an amount equal to any interest penalty paid by that owner on any specified installment or installments of tax due on that property in the year the disaster is declared, if that interest penalty was paid before the ordinance or resolution was adopted or before the postponed delinquency dates.
    (4) The ordinance or resolution may also direct the county collector to refund any installment or installments, and any special assessment or interest penalties thereon, of tax due, in the year the disaster is declared, on property approved for relief, that have been paid by the holder of a certificate of purchase for a prior year on that property.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-518; 88-660, eff. 9-16-94; 89-89, eff. 6-30-95.)

35 ILCS 200/21-45

    (35 ILCS 200/21-45)
    Sec. 21-45. Failure to issue tax bill in prior year. In the event no tax bill was issued as provided in Section 21-30, on any property in any previous year for any reason, one tax bill shall be prepared and mailed by July 1 of the year subsequent to the year in which no tax bill was issued, and taxes on that property for that year only shall bear interest after the first day of August of that year. In counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, interest shall accrue at the rate of 1 1/2% per month or portion thereof until paid or forfeited. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the taxes are for a tax year before tax year 2023, then interest shall accrue at the rate of 1.5% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the taxes are for the 2023 tax year or any tax year thereafter, then interest shall accrue at the rate of 0.75% per month, or portion thereof, until paid or forfeited.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-50

    (35 ILCS 200/21-50)
    Sec. 21-50. Annexations, disconnection or dissolution - Accelerated billing. In the event any property becomes newly liable for taxes levied by any taxing district because of an incorporation or annexation of the taxing district or liability does not exist because of a disconnection of any area of the unit of local government or school district or the dissolution thereof, each estimated installment of property taxes provided for in Section 21-30 shall be computed at 25% of the total of the tax bill for the property for the preceding year. Taxes for which the property becomes newly liable or for which liability does not exist for the property because of a disconnection of any area of, or the dissolution of, any taxing district, shall be added to or subtracted from the balance of taxes due for that year under Section 21-30.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-55

    (35 ILCS 200/21-55)
    Sec. 21-55. Cancellation of accelerated tax bill. Any person may object to an estimated tax bill under Section 21-30 on forms provided by the county collector solely on the grounds that the estimate is based on (a) a tax bill pertaining to any property which was divided subsequent to the time for preparation of the collector's books in the year previous to the year the tax bill on which the estimate is based became delinquent, or (b) the property is no longer located within the corporate limits of any taxing district. Upon a finding by the county collector that the protest is factually correct and that tax bills for that property, or divisions thereof, have been or are being prepared and will be mailed as otherwise provided in this Code, the county collector shall mark the estimated bill and his or her books in an appropriate manner and so inform the county clerk and the estimated tax bill shall be cancelled. No payment of taxes shall be required prior to the filing of an objection permitted by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-60

    (35 ILCS 200/21-60)
    Sec. 21-60. Refund of overpayment; accelerated billing. In any county in which the accelerated method of billing and paying taxes as provided for in Section 21-30 is in effect, if a taxpayer has paid an amount on his or her estimated tax bills which exceeds the total taxes for the year as shown on the actual tax bill, the county collector shall refund the amount of the overpayment to the person who paid the estimated installments.
    When a payment in full satisfaction of a year's taxes has been made, but an open balance is shown unpaid on the Warrant Book because of an over estimation of the taxes in the estimated installments, the County Collector shall provide for an appropriate entry in the Warrant Book to close the item.
(Source: P.A. 87-17; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 2

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Enforcement actions

35 ILCS 200/21-70

    (35 ILCS 200/21-70)
    Sec. 21-70. Lien - Payments by representative or agent. When property is assessed to any person as agent for another, or in a representative capacity, the agent or representative shall have a lien on the property, or any property of his or her principal in the agent's possession, until he or she is indemnified against the payment thereof, or, if he or she has paid the tax, until he or she is reimbursed for the payment.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-75

    (35 ILCS 200/21-75)
    Sec. 21-75. Lien for taxes. The taxes upon property, together with all penalties, interests and costs that may accrue thereon, shall be a prior and first lien on the property, superior to all other liens and encumbrances, from and including the first day of January in the year in which the taxes are levied until the taxes are paid or until the property is sold under this Code.
    (a) Foreclosure - Property forfeited for 2 or more years. A lien may be foreclosed, in the circuit court in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, whenever the taxes for 2 or more years on the same description of property have been forfeited to the State. The property may be sold under the order of the court by the person having authority to receive County taxes, with notice to interested parties and right of redemption from the sale, (except that the interest or any other amount to be paid upon redemption in addition to the amount for which the property was sold shall be as provided herein), as provided in Sections 21-345 through 21-365 and 21-380, and in conformity with Section 8 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.
    In any action to foreclose the lien for delinquent taxes brought by the People of the State of Illinois when the taxes for 2 or more years on the same description of property have been forfeited to the State, service of process shall be made in the manner now prescribed by law. All owners, parties interested, and occupants of any property against which tax liens are sought to be foreclosed shall be named as parties defendant, and shall be served in the manner and form as provided by law for the service of defendants in foreclosures of lien or encumbrances upon real estate. In case there are other parties with ownership interests in the property, they shall be named in the notice under the designation "unknown owners".
    (b) Redemption interest. The interest to be paid upon redemption from all tax foreclosure sales held under this Section shall be:
        (1) If redeemed within 2 months from the date of the
sale, 3% per month upon the amount for which the property was sold for each of the first 2 months, or fraction thereof;
        (2) If redeemed between 2 and 6 months from the date
of the sale, 12% of the amount of sale;
        (3) If redeemed between 6 and 12 months from the date
of the sale, 24% of the amount of sale;
        (4) If redeemed between 12 and 18 months from the
date of the sale, 36% of the amount of sale;
        (5) If redeemed between 18 and 24 months from the
date of the sale, 48% of the amount of sale;
        (6) If redeemed after 24 months from the date of
sale, the 48% for the 24 months plus interest at 6% per year thereafter.
    (c) Enforcement of lien from rents and profits. A lien under this Section may be enforced at any time after 6 months from the day the tax becomes delinquent out of the rents and profits of the land accruing, or accrued and under the control or jurisdiction of a court. This process may be initiated by the county board of the county or by the corporate authorities of any taxing body entitled to receive any part of the delinquent tax, by petition in any pending suit having jurisdiction of the land, or in any application for judgment and order of sale of lands for delinquent taxes in which the land is included, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois.
    The process, practice and procedure under this subsection shall be the same as provided in the Civil Practice Law and the Supreme Court Rules adopted in relation to that Law, except that receivers may be appointed on not less than 3 days' written notice to owners of record or persons in possession. In all petitions the court shall have power to appoint the county collector to take possession of the property only for the purpose of collecting the rents, issues and profits therefrom, and to apply them in satisfaction of the tax lien. When the taxes set forth in the petition are paid in full, the receiver shall be discharged. If the taxes described in the petition are reduced by the final judgment of a court, the county collector shall immediately refund all moneys collected by him or her as receiver over and above the taxes as reduced, and shall deduct that amount from the moneys thereafter distributed to the taxing bodies which received the tax revenue.
    In proceedings to foreclose the tax lien, or in petitions to enforce the lien, the amount due on the collector's books against the property shall be prima facie evidence of the amount of taxes against the property. When any taxes are collected, they shall be paid to the county collector, to be distributed by him or her to the authorities entitled to them. All sales made under this Section shall be conducted under the order and supervision of the court by the county collector.
    An action to foreclose the lien for delinquent taxes under this Code is an action in rem.
(Source: P.A. 84-551; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-80

    (35 ILCS 200/21-80)
    Sec. 21-80. Preventing waste to property; receiver. During the pendency of any tax foreclosure proceeding and until the time to redeem the property sold expires, or redemption is made, from any sale made under any judgment foreclosing the lien of taxes, no waste shall be committed or suffered on any of the property involved. The property shall be maintained in good condition and repair. When violations of local building, health or safety codes make the property dangerous or hazardous, when taxes on the property are delinquent for 2 years or more, or when in the judgment of the court it is to the best interest of the parties, the court may, upon the verified petition of any party to the proceeding, or the holder of the certificate of purchase, appoint a receiver for the property with like powers and duties of receivers as in other cases of foreclosure of mortgages or trust deeds. The court in its discretion, may take any other action as may be necessary or desirable to prevent waste and maintain the property in good condition and repair.
(Source: P.A. 85-795; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-85

    (35 ILCS 200/21-85)
    Sec. 21-85. No receiver for farm or homestead dwelling. No receiver shall be appointed under the provisions of Section 21-80 for property used for farming or for property improved in whole or in part as a family dwelling and occupied by the owner as a residence at the time the unpaid taxes became a lien and continuously thereafter.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 877; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-90

    (35 ILCS 200/21-90)
    Sec. 21-90. Purchase and sale by county; distribution of proceeds.
    (a) When any property is offered for sale under any of the provisions of this Code, the county board of the county in which the property is located, in its discretion, may bid, or, in the case of forfeited property, may apply to purchase it or otherwise acquire the tax lien or certificate in the name of the county as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the property's taxes or special assessments for the nonpayment of which the property is sold. The presiding officer of the county board, with the advice and consent of the board, may appoint on its behalf some officer, person, or entity to attend such sales, bid on tax liens or certificates, and act on behalf of the county when exercising its authority under this Section. The county shall apply on the bid or purchase the unpaid taxes and special assessments due upon the property. No cash need be paid.
    (b) The county, as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the property's taxes or special assessments, shall be the designated holder of all tax liens or certificates that are forfeited to the State or county. No cash need be paid for the forfeited tax lien or certificate.
    (c) For any tax lien or certificate acquired under subsection (a) or (b) of this Section, the county may take steps necessary to acquire title to the property and may manage and operate the property, including, but not limited to, mowing of grass, removal of nuisance greenery, removal of garbage, waste, debris or other materials, or the demolition, repair, or remediation of unsafe structures. When a county, or other taxing district within the county, is a petitioner for a tax deed, no filing fee shall be required. When a county or other taxing district within the county is the petitioner for a tax deed, one petition may be filed including all parcels that are tax delinquent within the county or taxing district, and any publication made under Section 22-20 of this Code may combine all such parcels within a single notice. The notice may include the street address as listed on the most recent available tax bills, if available, and shall list the Property Index Number of the parcels for informational purposes. The county, as tax creditor and as trustee for other tax creditors, or other taxing district within the county, shall not be required to allege and prove that all taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after the sale or forfeiture to the county have been paid nor shall the county be required to pay the subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments at any time. The county board or its designee may prohibit the county collector from including the property in the tax sale of one or more subsequent years. The lien of taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after a sale to a county shall merge in the fee title of the county, or other taxing district within the county, on the issuance of a deed.
    The county may sell any property acquired with authority provided in this Section, or assign any tax certificate to any party, including, but not limited to, taxing districts, municipalities, land banks created pursuant to Illinois law, or non-profit developers focused on constructing affordable housing.
    The assigned tax certificate shall be void with no further rights given to the assignee, including no right to refund or reimbursement, if a tax deed has not been recorded within 4 years after the date of the assignment unless a court extends the assignment period as provided in this Section. Upon a motion by the assignee, a court may toll the 4-year deadline for a specified period of time if the court finds the assignee is prevented from obtaining or recording a deed by injunction or order of any court, by the refusal or inability of any court to act upon the application for a tax deed, by a municipality's refusal to issue necessary transfer stamps or approvals for recording, or by the refusal of the clerk to execute the deed. If an assigned tax certificate is void under this Section, it shall be forfeited to the county and held as a valid certificate of sale in the county's name pursuant to this Section 21-90. The proceeds of any sale or assignment under this Section, less all costs of the county incurred in the acquisition, operation, maintenance, and sale of the property or assignment of the tax certificate, including all costs associated with county staff and overhead used to perform the duties of the trustee set forth in this Section, shall be distributed to the taxing districts in proportion to their respective interests therein.
    Under Sections 21-110, 21-115, 21-120, and 21-190, a county may bid or purchase only in the absence of other bidders.
(Source: P.A. 102-363, eff. 1-1-22; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-95

    (35 ILCS 200/21-95)
    Sec. 21-95. Tax abatement after acquisition by a governmental unit. When any county, municipality, school district, forest preserve district, or park district acquires property through the foreclosure of a lien, through a judicial deed, through the foreclosure of receivership certificate lien, or by acceptance of a deed of conveyance in lieu of foreclosing any lien against the property, or when a government unit acquires property under the Abandoned Housing Rehabilitation Act or a blight reduction or abandoned property program administered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, or when any county or other taxing district acquires a deed for property under Section 21-90 or Sections 21-145 and 21-260, or when any county, municipality, school district, forest preserve district, or park district acquires title to property that was to be transferred to that county, municipality, school district, forest preserve district, or park district under the terms of an annexation agreement, development agreement, donation agreement, plat of subdivision, or zoning ordinance by an entity that has been dissolved or is being dissolved or has been in bankruptcy proceedings or is in bankruptcy proceedings, all due or unpaid property taxes and existing liens for unpaid property taxes imposed or pending under any law or ordinance of this State or any of its political subdivisions shall become null and void.
(Source: P.A. 100-314, eff. 8-24-17; 100-445, eff. 1-1-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)

35 ILCS 200/21-100

    (35 ILCS 200/21-100)
    Sec. 21-100. Notice to county officials; voiding of tax bills. The county board or corporate authorities of the county, or other taxing district acquiring property under Section 21-95 shall give written notice of the acquisition to the chief county assessment officer and the county collector and the county clerk of the county in which the property is located, and request the voiding of the tax liens as provided in this Section. The notice shall describe the acquired property by legal description or property index number.
    Upon receipt of the notice, the county collector and county clerk shall void the current and all prior unpaid taxes on the records in their respective offices by entering the following statement upon their records for the property: "Acquired by ... (name of county, municipality, school district, or park district acquiring the property under Section 21-95). Taxes due and unpaid on this property ... (give legal description or property index number and address of the property) ... are waived and null and void under Section 21-100 of the Property Tax Code. The tax bills of this property are hereby voided and liens for the taxes are extinguished."
(Source: P.A. 96-1142, eff. 7-21-10.)

35 ILCS 200/21-105

    (35 ILCS 200/21-105)
    Sec. 21-105. Liability of owner; rights of tax purchaser. Nothing in Sections 21-95 and 21-100 shall relieve any owner liable for delinquent property taxes under this Code from the payment of any delinquent taxes or liens which have become null and void under those Sections.
    Sections 21-95 and 21-100 shall not adversely affect the rights or interests of the holder of any bona fide certificate of purchase of the property for delinquent taxes. However, upon acquisition of property by a governmental unit as set forth in Section 21-95, the rights and interests of the holder of any bona fide certificate of purchase of the property for delinquent taxes shall be limited to a sale in error and a refund as provided under Section 21-310.
(Source: P.A. 91-177, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/21-110

    (35 ILCS 200/21-110)
    Sec. 21-110. Published notice of annual application for judgment and sale; delinquent taxes. At any time after all taxes have become delinquent in any year, the Collector shall publish an advertisement, giving notice of the intended application for judgment and sale of the delinquent properties. The advertisement may include the street address on file with the county collector, if available, and shall include the PIN number of each delinquent property. Except as provided below, the advertisement shall be in a newspaper published in the township or road district in which the properties are located. If there is no newspaper published in the township or road district, then the notice shall be published in some newspaper in the same county as the township or road district, to be selected by the county collector. When the property is in a city with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the advertisement may be in any newspaper published in the same county. When the property is in an incorporated town which has superseded a civil township, the advertisement shall be in a newspaper published in the incorporated town or if there is no such newspaper, then in a newspaper published in the county.
    The provisions of this Section relating to the time when the Collector shall advertise intended application for judgment for sale are subject to modification by the governing authority of a county in accordance with the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 21-40.
(Source: P.A. 97-557, eff. 7-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/21-112

    (35 ILCS 200/21-112)
    Sec. 21-112. Publication time limit.
    (a) The Collector may recommend to a county board that the board pass an ordinance or resolution stating that the Collector shall no longer publish or send notice of delinquent or forfeited property taxes owed by a lessee of the property, pursuant to a leasehold assessment under Section 9-195 or Section 15-55 of the Property Tax Code or their predecessor provisions in the Revenue Act of 1939, if the taxes have been delinquent or forfeited for at least 10 years and there are no current delinquent or forfeited taxes. The Collector shall discontinue publishing and sending notice of the delinquent or forfeited taxes upon passage of the ordinance or resolution.
    (b) The Collector shall no longer publish delinquent or forfeited property taxes for any property under Section 10-35 or any other property that is exempt from taxation under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-1095, eff. 1-1-19.)

35 ILCS 200/21-115

    (35 ILCS 200/21-115)
    Sec. 21-115. Times of publication of notice. The advertisement shall be published once at least 10 days before the day on which judgment is to be applied for, and shall contain a list of the delinquent properties upon which the taxes or any part thereof remain due and unpaid, the names of owners, if known, the total amount due, and the year or years for which they are due. In counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, advertisement shall include notice of the registration requirement for persons bidding at the sale. Properties upon which taxes have been paid in full under protest shall not be included in the list.
    The collector shall give notice that he or she will apply to the circuit court on a specified day for judgment against the properties for the taxes, and costs, and for an order to sell the properties for the satisfaction of the amount due.
    The collector shall also give notice of a date within the next 5 business days after the date of application on which all the properties for the sale of which an order is made will be exposed to public sale at a location within the county designated by the county collector, for the amount of taxes, and cost due. The advertisement published according to the provisions of this Section shall be deemed to be sufficient notice of the intended application for judgment and of the sale of properties under the order of the court. A county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants may, by joint agreement, combine its tax sale with the tax sale of one or more other contiguous counties; such a joint tax sale shall be held at a location in one of the participating counties. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section and Section 21-110, in the 10 years following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, the publication shall be made not sooner than 10 days nor more than 90 days after the date when all unpaid taxes on property have become delinquent.
(Source: P.A. 101-379, eff. 1-1-20.)

35 ILCS 200/21-117

    (35 ILCS 200/21-117)
    Sec. 21-117. Costs of publishing delinquent list. A county shall pay for the printer for advertising delinquent lists the following fees:
        (1) in all counties, for tracts of land, $0.40 per
column line; and
        (2) for town lots, (i) in counties of the first and
second class, $0.40 per column line and (ii) in counties of the third class, $0.50 per column line, to be taxed and collected as costs.
    The printer shall receive for printing the preamble, the descriptive headings, the affidavit, and any other matter accompanying the delinquent list, the sum of $0.40 per column line, to be paid by the county.
    No costs except printer's fee shall be charged on any lands or lots forfeited to the State.
(Source: P.A. 93-963, eff. 8-20-04.)

35 ILCS 200/21-118

    (35 ILCS 200/21-118)
    Sec. 21-118. Tax sale; online database. At least 10 days prior to any tax sale authorized under this Article 21, the county collector may post on his or her website a list of all properties that are eligible to be sold at the sale. The list shall include the street address on file with the county collector, if available, and shall include the PIN number assigned to the property. The list may not include the name of the property owner. The list may designate properties on which a sale in error has previously been declared, provided that those designations are posted at least 7 days before any tax sale authorized under this Article 21. If the list designates properties as properties on which a sale in error has previously been declared, the list shall also include the court case number or administrative number under which the declaration of the sale in error was made and the basis for the sale in error. No sale in error may be declared under this Code based upon an omission from or error on the list of designated properties.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-120

    (35 ILCS 200/21-120)
    Sec. 21-120. Publication of notice of application for judgment; special assessments; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In all cities, villages and incorporated towns in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, separate advertisements may be made giving notice of an intended application for judgment and for an order of sale on account of delinquent special assessments at any time after the first day of August after the special assessments have become delinquent. The procedure in that case is to be in all other respects, except as to the time of making advertisement and application for judgment and sale, the same as in the case of delinquent general taxes. There shall not be included in the advertisement and application for judgment and sale provided by this Section any properties which are included in the advertisement and application for judgment and sale under Section 21-145.
    No advertisement or publication may include parcels for which, under Section 14-15, certificates of error have been executed by the county assessor, or by both the county assessor and board of appeals. In the absence of notice under Section 21-135, or the absence of publication under this Section, the court shall retain jurisdiction to enter final judgments sustaining the assessor's objection on certificates of error. However, the court shall provide for publication and mailing prior to the entry of a final judgment in any case in which the assessor's objection is denied.
    The provisions of this Section relating to the time when the Collector shall advertise intended application for judgment for sale are subject to modification by the governing authority of a county in accordance with the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 21-40.
(Source: P.A. 87-1189; 88-455; 88-518.)

35 ILCS 200/21-125

    (35 ILCS 200/21-125)
    Sec. 21-125. Sale of properties previously ordered sold. Property ordered sold by unexecuted judgments and orders of sale, previously entered, shall be included in the advertisement for sale only under the previous orders, and shall be sold in the order in which they appear in the delinquent list contained in the advertisement. At any time between annual sales the county collector also may advertise for sale any properties subject to sale under orders previously entered and not executed for any reason. The advertisement and sale shall be regulated by the provisions regulating the annual advertisement and sale of delinquent properties, as far as applicable.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-130

    (35 ILCS 200/21-130)
    Sec. 21-130. Use of figures and letters in advertisement and other lists. In all advertisements for the sale of properties for taxes or special assessments, and in entries required to be made by the clerk of the court or other officer, letters, figures, characters or property index numbers may be used to denote townships, ranges, sections, parts of sections, lots or blocks, or parts thereof, the year or the years for which the taxes were due, and the amount of taxes, special assessments, interest and costs. The county collector may subsequently advertise and obtain judgment on properties that have been omitted, or that have been erroneously advertised or described in the first advertisement.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 3

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Notice and publication provisions

35 ILCS 200/21-135

    (35 ILCS 200/21-135)
    Sec. 21-135. Mailed notice of application for judgment and sale. Not less than 15 days before the date of application for judgment and sale of delinquent properties, the county collector shall mail, by registered or certified mail, a notice of the forthcoming application for judgment and sale to the person shown by the current collector's warrant book to be the party in whose name the taxes were last assessed or to the current owner of record and, if applicable, to the party specified under Section 15-170. The notice shall include the intended dates of application for judgment and sale and commencement of the sale, and a description of the properties. The county collector must present proof of the mailing to the court along with the application for judgement.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, a copy of this notice shall also be mailed by the county collector by registered or certified mail to any lienholder of record who annually requests a copy of the notice. The failure of the county collector to mail a notice or its non-delivery to the lienholder shall not affect the validity of the judgment.
    In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, notice shall not be mailed to any person when, under Section 14-15, a certificate of error has been executed by the county assessor or by both the county assessor and board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), except as provided by court order under Section 21-120.
    The collector shall collect $10 from the proceeds of each sale to cover the costs of registered or certified mailing and the costs of advertisement and publication. If a taxpayer pays the taxes on the property after the notice of the forthcoming application for judgment and sale is mailed but before the sale is made, then the collector shall collect $10 from the taxpayer to cover the costs of registered or certified mailing and the costs of advertisement and publication.
(Source: P.A. 93-899, eff. 8-10-04.)

35 ILCS 200/21-140

    (35 ILCS 200/21-140)
    Sec. 21-140. Printer's error in advertisement. In all cases where there is a printer's error in the advertised list which prevents judgment from being obtained against any property, or against all of the delinquent list, at the time stated in the advertisement, the printer shall lose the compensation allowed by this Code for those properties containing errors, or for the entire list, as the case may be.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-145

    (35 ILCS 200/21-145)
    Sec. 21-145. Scavenger sale. At the same time the county collector annually publishes the collector's annual sale advertisement under Sections 21-110, 21-115, and 21-120, counties may, if the county board so orders by resolution, publish an advertisement giving notice of the intended sale of certain tax liens and certificates that have been forfeited and are held by the county pursuant to Section 21-90. Under no circumstance may a tax year be offered at a scavenger sale prior to the annual tax sale for that tax year (or, for omitted assessments issued pursuant to Section 9-260, the annual tax sale for that omitted assessment's warrant year, as defined herein).
    The county collector shall include in the advertisement and in the application for judgment and sale under this Section and Section 21-260 the total amount of all general taxes upon those properties which are delinquent as of the date of the advertisement. In lieu of a single annual advertisement and application for judgment and sale under this Section and Section 21-260, the county collector may, from time to time, beginning on the date of the publication of the annual sale advertisement and before August 1 of the next year, publish separate advertisements and make separate applications on eligible properties described in one or more volumes of the delinquent list. The separate advertisements and applications shall, in the aggregate, include all the properties which otherwise would have been included in the single annual advertisement and application for judgment and sale under this Section. Upon the written request of the taxing district which levied the same, the county collector may also include in the advertisement the special taxes and special assessments, together with interest, penalties and costs thereon upon those properties which are delinquent as of the date of the advertisement. The advertisement and application for judgment and sale shall be in the manner prescribed by this Code relating to the annual advertisement and application for judgment and sale of delinquent properties.
    As used in this Section, the term delinquent also includes tax liens and certificates forfeited to the county as trustee and held pursuant to Section 21-90, if those tax liens or certificates are approved for sale by the county board. Any tax lien or certificate held by the county pursuant to Section 21-90 that is offered at a scavenger sale shall be assigned by the county to the winning bidder at the scavenger sale as set forth in Section 21-90. After 4 years from the date of assignment, the assignment is void and the tax certificate shall be forfeited back to the county and held pursuant to Section 21-90, unless a tax deed has been issued and recorded by the assignee or a court order to toll the deadline pursuant to Section 21-90 is entered.
    As used in this Section, "warrant year" means the year preceding the calendar year in which the omitted assessment first became due and payable.
(Source: P.A. 102-519, eff. 8-20-21; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 3.5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 3.5 heading)
Division 3.5. Judgments and sales

35 ILCS 200/21-150

    (35 ILCS 200/21-150)
    Sec. 21-150. Time of applying for judgment. Except as otherwise provided in this Section or by ordinance or resolution enacted under subsection (c) of Section 21-40, in any county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants, all applications for judgment and order of sale for taxes and special assessments on delinquent properties shall be made within 90 days after the second installment due date. In Cook County, all applications for judgment and order of sale for taxes and special assessments on delinquent properties shall be made (i) by July 1, 2011 for tax year 2009, (ii) by July 1, 2012 for tax year 2010, (iii) by July 1, 2013 for tax year 2011, (iv) by July 1, 2014 for tax year 2012, (v) by July 1, 2015 for tax year 2013, (vi) by May 1, 2016 for tax year 2014, (vii) by March 1, 2017 for tax year 2015, (viii) by April 1 of the next calendar year after the second installment due date for tax year 2016 and 2017, and (ix) within 365 days of the second installment due date for each tax year thereafter. Notwithstanding these dates, in Cook County, the application for judgment and order of sale for the 2018 annual tax sale that would normally be held in calendar year 2020 shall not be filed earlier than the first day of the first month during which there is no longer a statewide COVID-19 public health emergency, as evidenced by an effective disaster declaration of the Governor covering all counties in the State, except that in no event may this application for judgment and order of sale be filed later than October 1, 2021. When a tax sale is delayed because of a statewide COVID-19 public health emergency, no subsequent annual tax sale may begin earlier than 180 days after the last day of the prior delayed tax sale, and no scavenger tax sale may begin earlier than 90 days after the last day of the prior delayed tax sale. In those counties which have adopted an ordinance under Section 21-40, the application for judgment and order of sale for delinquent taxes shall be made in December. In the 10 years next following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, applications for judgment and order of sale shall be made as soon as may be and on the day specified in the advertisement required by Section 21-110 and 21-115. If for any cause the court is not held on the day specified, the cause shall stand continued, and it shall be unnecessary to re-advertise the list or notice.
    Within 30 days after the day specified for the application for judgment the court shall hear and determine the matter. If judgment is rendered, the sale shall begin on the date within 5 business days specified in the notice as provided in Section 21-115. If the collector is prevented from advertising and obtaining judgment within the time periods specified by this Section, the collector may obtain judgment at any time thereafter; but if the failure arises by the county collector's not complying with any of the requirements of this Code, he or she shall be held on his or her official bond for the full amount of all taxes and special assessments charged against him or her. Any failure on the part of the county collector shall not be allowed as a valid objection to the collection of any tax or assessment, or to entry of a judgment against any delinquent properties included in the application of the county collector.
(Source: P.A. 101-635, eff. 6-5-20; 102-519, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/21-155

    (35 ILCS 200/21-155)
    Sec. 21-155. Application for judgment on special assessments or special taxes; counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the application for judgment upon delinquent special assessments or special taxes in each year shall include only special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, as are returned as delinquent to the county collector on or before August 1 in the year in which the application is made, and in the case of those levied upon property in any city with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, as were marked on the general tax books of the county collector on or before March 10 of the same year or within 15 days after the county collector received the general tax books that year. The judgment of sale shall include interest on matured installments up to the date of the judgment.
    In the 10 years following the completion of a general reassessment in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department, the application shall be made during the month of October for judgment and order of sale for special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, in each year on delinquent properties, notwithstanding that such special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest are not returned as delinquent to the county collector, on or before August 1 in the year in which the application is made, and in the case of those levied upon property in any city with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, notwithstanding that such special assessments, special taxes or installments thereof, and interest, were not marked on the general tax books of the county collector, on or before March 10 of the same year or within 15 days after the county collector received the general tax books in that year, in that case, the county collector shall include in the application all special assessments, special taxes, and installments thereof, and interest, then remaining unpaid. Within 30 days after the county collector has received the general tax books, the special assessments, special taxes, or installments thereof, and interest, then remaining unpaid, shall be marked therein. If for any reason, the application cannot be made during the month of October, it shall be made at any time not later than January 1.
(Source: P.A. 83-1312; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-160

    (35 ILCS 200/21-160)
    Sec. 21-160. Annual tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record. The collector shall transcribe into a record prepared for that purpose, and known as the annual tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record, the list of delinquent properties. On or before the day on which application for judgment is to be made, the record shall be made out in numerical order and contain all the information necessary to be recorded.
    The record shall set forth the name of the owner, if known; the description of the property; the year or years for which the tax or, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the tax or special assessments is due; the valuation on which the tax is extended; the amount of the consolidated and other taxes or in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the consolidated and other taxes and special assessments; the costs; and the total amount of charges against the property.
    The final record shall also be ruled in columns, to show in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants the withdrawal of any special assessments from collection and in all counties to show the amount paid before entry of judgment; the amount of judgment and a column for remarks; the amount paid before sale and after entry of judgment; the amount of the sale; amount of interest or penalty; amount of cost; amount forfeited to the State; date of sale; acres or part sold; name of purchaser; amount of sale and penalty; taxes of succeeding years; interest and when paid, interest and cost; total amount of redemption; date of redemption; when deed executed; by whom redeemed; and a column for remarks or receipt of redemption money.
    The final record shall be kept in the office of the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 95-269, eff. 8-17-07.)

35 ILCS 200/21-165

    (35 ILCS 200/21-165)
    Sec. 21-165. Payment of delinquent tax before sale. Any person owning or claiming properties upon which application for judgment is applied for and any lienholder of record may, in person or by agent, pay the taxes, and costs due, or in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the taxes, special assessments, interest and costs due, to the county collector at any time on or before the business day immediately preceding the day the taxes are sold, and the collector must accept those payments. A home rule unit may not regulate the hours and procedures employed by the county collector in a manner that is inconsistent with this Section. No deadline for the payment of taxes, special assessments, interest, or costs may be imposed by any county, including a home rule unit, if the deadline is inconsistent with this Section. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 97-557, eff. 7-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/21-170

    (35 ILCS 200/21-170)
    Sec. 21-170. Report of payments and corrections. On the day on which application for judgment on delinquent property is applied for, the collector, assisted by the county clerk, shall post all payments compare and correct the list, and shall make and subscribe an affidavit, which shall be substantially in the following form:
State of Illinois)
                 ) ss.
County of .......)
    I ...., collector of the county of ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the foregoing is a true and correct list of the delinquent property within the county of ...., upon which I have been unable to collect the taxes (and special assessments, interest, and printer's fees, if any), charged thereon, as required by law, for the year or years therein set forth; and that the taxes now remain due and unpaid, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    Dated ..........
    The affidavit shall be entered at the end of the list, and signed by the collector.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/21-175

    (35 ILCS 200/21-175)
    Sec. 21-175. Proceedings by court. Defenses to the entry of judgment against properties included in the delinquent list shall be entertained by the court only when: (a) the defense includes a writing specifying the particular grounds for the objection; and (b) except as otherwise provided in Sections 14-15, 14-25, 23-5, and 23-25, the taxes to which objection is made are paid under protest under Section 23-5 and a tax objection complaint is filed under Section 23-10.
    If any party objecting is entitled to a refund of all or any part of a tax paid, the court shall enter judgment accordingly, and also shall enter judgment for the taxes, special assessments, interest and penalties as appear to be due. The judgment shall be considered as a several judgment against each property or part thereof, for each kind of tax or special assessment included therein. The court shall direct the clerk to prepare and enter an order for the sale of the property against which judgment is entered. However, if a defense is made that the property, or any part thereof, is exempt from taxation and it is demonstrated that a proceeding to determine the exempt status of the property is pending under Section 16-70 or 16-130 or is being conducted under Section 8-35 or 8-40, the court shall not enter a judgment relating to that property until the proceedings being conducted under Section 8-35 or Section 8-40 have terminated.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-642, eff. 9-9-94; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/21-180

    (35 ILCS 200/21-180)
    Sec. 21-180. Form of court order. A judgment and order of sale shall be substantially in the following form:
    Whereas, due notice has been given of the intended application for a judgment against properties, and no sufficient defense having been made or cause shown why judgment should not be entered against the properties, for taxes (special assessments, if any), interest, penalties and costs due and unpaid thereon for the year or years herein set forth, therefore the court hereby enters judgment against the above stated properties or parts of properties, in favor of the People of the State of Illinois, for the amount of taxes (and special assessments, if any), interest, penalties and costs due thereon. It is ordered by the court that the properties, or so much of each of them as shall be sufficient to satisfy the amount of taxes (and special assessments, if any), interest, penalties and costs due thereon, be sold as the law directs.
    The order shall be signed by the judge. In all judicial proceedings of any kind, for the collection of taxes and special assessments, all amendments may be made which, by law, could be made in any personal action pending in that court.
(Source: P.A. 84-1275; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-185

    (35 ILCS 200/21-185)
    Sec. 21-185. Cure of error or informality in assessment rolls or tax list or in the assessment, levy or collection of the taxes. No assessment of property or charge for any of the taxes shall be considered illegal on account of any irregularity in the tax lists or assessment rolls, or on account of the assessment rolls or tax lists not having been made, completed or returned within the time required by law, or on account of the property having been charged or listed in the assessment or tax list without name, or in any other name than that of the rightful owner. No error or informality in the proceedings of any of the officers connected with the assessment, levying or collection of the taxes, not affecting the substantial justice of the tax itself, shall vitiate or in any manner affect the tax or the assessment thereof. Any irregularity or informality in the assessment rolls or tax lists, or in any of the proceedings connected with the assessment or levy of the taxes, or any omission or defective act of any other officer or officers connected with the assessment or levying of the taxes, may be, in the discretion of the court, corrected, supplied and made to conform to law by the court, or by the person (in the presence of the court) from whose neglect or default it was occasioned. Where separate advertisement and application for judgment and order of sale is made on account of delinquent special taxes or special assessments in all cities, villages and incorporated towns in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, and in cities, villages and incorporated towns in other counties in which the county board by resolution has extended the time in which the return, required in Section 20-100, may be made, the procedure shall, in all respects, be the same as in this section prescribed, except that there shall be 2 separate judgments and orders for sale, one on account of delinquent special taxes and special assessments and the other on account of delinquent general taxes.
(Source: P.A. 84-1275; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 4

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Annual tax sale procedure

35 ILCS 200/21-190

    (35 ILCS 200/21-190)
    Sec. 21-190. Entry of judgment for sale. If judgment is rendered against any property for any tax or, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, for any tax or special assessment, the county collector shall, after publishing a notice for sale in compliance with the requirements of Sections 21-110 and 21-115 or 21-120, proceed to offer the property for sale pursuant to the judgment. However, in the case of an appeal from the judgment, if the party, when filing notice of appeal deposits with the county collector the amount of the judgment and costs, the collector shall not sell the property until the appeal is disposed of.
(Source: P.A. 79-451; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-195

    (35 ILCS 200/21-195)
    Sec. 21-195. Examination of record; certificate of correctness. On the day advertised for sale, the county clerk, assisted by the collector, shall examine the list upon which judgment has been entered and ascertain that all payments have been properly noted thereon. The county clerk shall make a certificate to be entered on the record, following the order of court that the record is correct, and that judgment was entered upon the property therein mentioned for the taxes, interest and costs due thereon. The certificate shall be attested by the circuit court clerk under seal of the court and shall be the process on which the property or any interest therein shall be sold for taxes, special assessments, interest and costs due thereon, and may be substantially in the following form:
State of Illinois County of .....
    I, ...., clerk of the circuit court, in and for the county of ...., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct record of the delinquent property in the county, against which judgment and order of sale was duly entered in the circuit court for the county, on (insert date), for the amount of the taxes, special assessments, interest and costs due severally thereon as therein set forth, and that the judgment and order of court in relation thereto fully appears on the record.
Dated (insert date).
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/21-200

    (35 ILCS 200/21-200)
    Sec. 21-200. County clerk assistance at sale. The county clerk, in person or by deputy, shall attend all sales for taxes, made by the collector, and shall assist at the sales.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-205

    (35 ILCS 200/21-205)
    Sec. 21-205. Tax sale procedures.
    (a) The collector, in person or by deputy, shall attend, on the day and in the place specified in the notice for the sale of property for taxes, and shall, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., or later at the collector's discretion, proceed to offer for sale, separately and in consecutive order, all property in the list on which the taxes, special assessments, interest or costs have not been paid. However, in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the offer for sale shall be made between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The collector's office shall be kept open during all hours in which the sale is in progress. The sale shall be continued from day to day, until all property in the delinquent list has been offered for sale. However, any city, village or incorporated town interested in the collection of any tax or special assessment, may, in default of bidders, withdraw from collection the special assessment levied against any property by the corporate authorities of the city, village or incorporated town. In case of a withdrawal, there shall be no sale of that property on account of the delinquent special assessment thereon.
    (b) Until January 1, 2013, in every sale of property pursuant to the provisions of this Code, the collector may employ any automated means that the collector deems appropriate. Beginning on January 1, 2013, either (i) the collector shall employ an automated bidding system that is programmed to accept the lowest redemption price bid by an eligible tax purchaser, subject to the penalty percentage limitation set forth in Section 21-215, or (ii) all tax sales shall be digitally recorded with video and audio. All bidders are required to personally attend the sale and, if automated means are used, all hardware and software used with respect to those automated means must be certified by the Department and re-certified by the Department every 5 years. If the tax sales are digitally recorded and no automated bidding system is used, then the recordings shall be maintained by the collector for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the tax sale. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly are declarative of existing law.
    (b-5) For any annual tax sale conducted on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, each county collector in a county with 275,000 or more inhabitants shall adopt a single bidder rule sufficient to prohibit a tax purchaser from registering more than one related bidding entity at the tax sale. The corporate authorities in any county with less than 275,000 inhabitants may, by ordinance, allow the county collector of that county to adopt such a single bidder rule. In any county that has adopted a single bidder rule under this subsection (b-5), the county treasurer shall include a representation and warranty form in each registration package attesting to compliance with the single bidder rule, except that the county may, by ordinance, opt out of this representation and warranty form requirement. A single bidder rule under this subsection may be in the following form:
        (1) A registered tax buying entity (principal) may
only have one registered buyer at the tax sale and may not have a related bidding entity directly or indirectly register as a buyer or participate in the tax sale. A registered tax buying entity may not engage in any multiple bidding strategy for the purpose of having more than one related bidding entity submit bids at the tax sale.
        (2) A related bidding entity is defined as any
individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, business organization, or other entity that has a shareholder, partner, principal, officer, general partner, or other person or entity having (i) an ownership interest in a bidding entity in common with any other registered participant in the tax sale or (ii) a common guarantor in connection with a source of financing with any other registered participant in the tax sale. The determination of whether registered entities are related so as to prohibit those entities from submitting duplicate bids in violation of the single bidder rule is at the sole and exclusive discretion of the county treasurer or his or her designated representatives.
    (c) County collectors may, when applicable, eject tax bidders who disrupt the tax sale or use illegal bid practices.
(Source: P.A. 102-519, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/21-210

    (35 ILCS 200/21-210)
    Sec. 21-210. Bids by taxing districts. Any city, incorporated town or village, corporate authorities, commissioners, or persons interested in any special assessment or installment thereof, may become purchaser at any sale, and may designate and appoint some officer or person to attend and bid at the sale on its behalf.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-215

    (35 ILCS 200/21-215)
    Sec. 21-215. Penalty bids. The person at the sale offering to pay the amount due on each property for the least penalty percentage shall be the purchaser of that property. No bid shall be accepted for a penalty exceeding 9% of the amount of the tax or special assessment on property.
(Source: P.A. 102-363, eff. 1-1-22.)

35 ILCS 200/21-220

    (35 ILCS 200/21-220)
    Sec. 21-220. Letter of credit or bond in counties of 3,000,000 or more; registration in other counties. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, no person shall make an offer to pay the amount due on any property and the collector shall not accept or acknowledge an offer from any person who has not deposited with the collector, not less than 10 days prior to making such offer, an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit or such other unconditional bond payable to the order of the collector in an amount not less than 1.5 times the amount of any tax or special assessment due upon the property, provided that in no event shall the irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit or such other unconditional bond be in an amount less than $1,000. The collector may without notice draw upon the letter of credit or bond in the event payment of the amount due together with interest and costs thereon is not made forthwith by the person purchasing any property. At all times during the sale, any person making an offer or offers to pay the amount or amounts due on any properties shall maintain the letter of credit or bond with the collector in an amount not less than 1.5 times the amount due on the properties which he or she has purchased and for which he or she has not paid.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, unless the county board provides otherwise, no person shall be eligible to bid who did not register with the county collector at least 10 business days prior to the first day of sale authorized under Section 21-115. The registration must be accompanied by a deposit in an amount determined by the county collector, but not to exceed $250 in counties of less than 50,000 inhabitants or $500 in all other counties, which must be applied to the amount due on the properties that the registrant has purchased. If the registrant cannot participate in the tax sale, then he or she may notify the tax collector, no later than 5 business days prior to the sale, of the name of the substitute person who will participate in the sale in the registrant's place, and an additional deposit is not required for any such substitute person. If the registrant does not attend the sale, then the deposit is forfeited to the Tax Sale Automation Fund established under Section 21-245. If the registrant does attend the sale and attempts, but fails, to purchase any parcels offered for sale, then the deposit must be refunded to the registrant.
(Source: P.A. 95-537, eff. 8-28-07.)

35 ILCS 200/21-225

    (35 ILCS 200/21-225)
    Sec. 21-225. Forfeited tax liens and certificates. Every tax lien or certificate for property offered at public sale, and not sold for want of bidders, unless it is released from sale by the withdrawal from collection of a special assessment levied thereon, shall be forfeited to the county, as trustee for the taxing districts, and managed pursuant to Section 21-90. Tax certificates are also forfeited to the county in those circumstances described in subsection (d) of Section 21-310 and subsection (f) of Section 22-40 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-230

    (35 ILCS 200/21-230)
    Sec. 21-230. Record of sales and redemptions. When any property is sold, the county clerk shall enter on the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, in the blank columns provided for that purpose, the name of the purchaser and the final bid. When any property is redeemed from sale, the county clerk shall enter the name of the person redeeming, the redemption date and the amount of redemption, in the proper column.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 631; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-235

    (35 ILCS 200/21-235)
    Sec. 21-235. Record of forfeitures. All tax liens and certificates forfeited to the county at the sale shall be noted on the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, a list of all property charged with delinquent special assessments and forfeited to the county at the sale shall be returned to the collector of the levying municipality.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-240

    (35 ILCS 200/21-240)
    Sec. 21-240. Payment for property purchased at tax sale; reoffering for sale. Except as otherwise provided below, the person purchasing any property, or any part thereof, shall be liable to the county for the amount due and shall forthwith pay to the county collector the amount charged on the property. Upon failure to do so, the amount due shall be recoverable in a civil action brought in the name of the People of the State of Illinois in any court of competent jurisdiction. The person so purchasing shall be relieved of liability only by payment of the amount due together with interest and costs thereon, or if the property is reoffered at the sale, purchased and paid for. Reoffering of the property for sale shall be at the discretion of the collector. The sale shall not be closed until payment is made or the property again offered for sale. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, only the taxes, special assessments, interest and costs as advertised in the sale shall be required to be paid forthwith. Except if the purchaser is the county as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, the general taxes charged on the land remaining due and unpaid, including amounts subject to certificates of error, not included in the advertisement, shall be paid by the purchaser within 10 days after the sale, except that upon payment of the fee provided by law to the County Clerk (which fee shall be deemed part of the costs of sale) the purchaser may make written application, within the 10 day period, to the county clerk for a statement of all taxes, interest and costs due and an estimate of the cost of redemption of all forfeited general taxes, which were not included in the advertisement. After obtaining such statement and estimate and an order on the county collector to receive the amount of forfeited general taxes, if any, the purchaser shall pay to the county collector all the remaining taxes, interest and costs, and the amount necessary to redeem the forfeited general taxes. The county collector shall issue the purchaser a receipt therefor. Any delay in providing the statement or in accepting payment, and delivering receipt therefor, shall not be counted as a part of the 10 days. When the receipt of the collector is issued, a copy shall be filed with the county clerk and the county clerk shall include the amount shown in such receipt in the amount of the purchase price of the property in the certificate of purchase. The purchaser then shall be entitled to a certificate of purchase. If a purchaser fails to complete his or her purchase as provided in this Section, the purchase shall become void, and be of no effect, but the collector shall not refund the amount paid in cash at the time of the sale, except in cases of sale in error under subsection (a) of Section 21-310. That amount shall be treated as a payment and distributed to the taxing bodies as other collections are distributed. The lien for taxes for the amount paid shall remain on the property, in favor of the purchaser, his or her heirs or assigns, until paid with 5% interest per year on that amount from the date the purchaser paid it. The amount and fact of such ineffective purchase shall be entered in the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record opposite the property upon which the lien remains. No redemption shall be made without payment of this amount for the benefit of the purchaser, and no future sale of the property shall be made except subject to the lien of such purchaser. This section shall not apply to any purchase by any city, village or incorporated town in default of other bidders at any sale for delinquent special assessments.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-245

    (35 ILCS 200/21-245)
    Sec. 21-245. Automation fee. In all counties, each person purchasing any property at a sale under this Code shall pay to the county collector, prior to the issuance of any tax certificate, an automation fee set by the county collector of not more than $10 for each item purchased. A like sum shall be paid for each year that all or a portion of the subsequent taxes are paid by a tax purchaser and posted to the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record where the underlying certificate is recorded. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants:
        (a) The fee shall be paid at the time of the purchase
if the record keeping system used for processing the delinquent property tax sales is automated or has been approved for automation by the county board. The fee shall be collected in the same manner as other fees or costs.
        (b) Fees collected under this Section shall be
retained by the county treasurer in a fund designated as the Tax Sale Automation Fund. The fund shall be audited by the county auditor. The county board, with the approval of the county treasurer, shall make expenditures from the fund (1) to pay any costs related to the automation of property tax collections and delinquent property tax sales, including the cost of hardware, software, research and development, and personnel and (2) to defray the cost of providing electronic access to property tax collection records and delinquent tax sale records.
(Source: P.A. 100-1070, eff. 1-1-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)

35 ILCS 200/21-250

    (35 ILCS 200/21-250)
    Sec. 21-250. Certificate of purchase. The county clerk shall make out and deliver to the purchaser of any property sold under Section 21-205, or to the county if the lien is acquired pursuant to Section 21-90 and a certificate is requested by the county or its agent, a tax certificate countersigned by the collector, describing the property sold, the date of sale, the amount of taxes, special assessments, interest and cost for which they were sold and that payment of the sale price has been made. If any person becomes the purchaser of more than one property owned by one party or person, the purchaser may have the whole or one or more of them included in one certificate, but separate certificates shall be issued in all other cases. A tax certificate shall be assignable by endorsement. An assignment shall vest in the assignee or his or her legal representatives, all the right and title of the original purchaser.
    If the tax certificate is lost or destroyed, the county clerk shall issue a duplicate certificate upon written request and a sworn affidavit by the tax sale purchaser, or his or her assignee, that the tax certificate is lost or destroyed. The county clerk shall cause a notation to be made in the tax sale and judgment book that a duplicate certificate has been issued, and redemption payments shall be made only to the holder of the duplicate certificate.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-251

    (35 ILCS 200/21-251)
    Sec. 21-251. Registry of owners of certificates of purchase.
    (a) The county clerk of each county shall create and maintain a registry system that permanently records the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of owners or assignees of certificates of purchase issued pursuant to any tax sale conducted under this Code. The registry may consist of a single record or a combination of records maintained in paper or electronic form and may include copies of records kept by the county treasurer for other purposes, all to be used as the county clerk deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Section. The information in the registry shall be made available to the public.
    (b) The county clerk of each county is authorized to promulgate reasonable rules, procedures, and forms for purposes of creating and maintaining the registry and for access to the registry information by members of the public. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any owner of a certificate of purchase pursuant to assignment may elect whether to register that assignment as provided in this Section, but all owners of certificates of purchase shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this Section. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county clerk shall provide by rule whether registration of assignments of certificates of purchase shall be elective or mandatory.
    (c) The owner of a certificate of purchase pursuant to assignment, in order to register that assignment, shall submit to the county clerk the owner's name, address, and telephone number in accordance with any rules, procedures, and forms promulgated by the clerk. Any registered owner of a certificate of purchase may update the registration at any time without charge by submitting to the county clerk any lawful change of name, address, or telephone number.
    (d) If notice is required to be given to the owner of the certificate of purchase in any proceeding, whether judicial or administrative, affecting a tax sale conducted under any provision of this Code, the notice may be directed to the most recent owner of the certificate of purchase appearing in the county clerk's registry under this Section. Any notice that has been directed as provided in this Section shall be conclusively presumed to be properly directed to the owner of the certificate of purchase for all purposes related to the proceeding in which the notice is given. No objection or assertion by any assignee of a certificate of purchase in any proceeding shall be heard on grounds that a notice to the tax purchaser was misdirected, unless that assignee's current and lawful name, address, and telephone number were submitted to the county clerk's registry at the time of the notice in question.
    (e) The county clerk may assess an automation fee of no more than $10 to be paid by the owner of the certificate of purchase for each assignment of the certificate that is registered under this Section. The fee shall be collected in the same manner as other fees and costs and shall be held by the county clerk in a fund for purposes of automating his or her office. The fee provided for under this Section shall not be chargeable to the cost of redemption under Section 21-355 nor shall it be posted under Section 21-360 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-729, eff. 7-25-02.)

35 ILCS 200/21-252

    (35 ILCS 200/21-252)
    Sec. 21-252. Index of tax sale records. The county clerk may make an index of tax-sale records. The index shall be kept in the county clerk's office as a public record, open to inspection during office hours.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-253

    (35 ILCS 200/21-253)
    Sec. 21-253. Annual tax sale postponed. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the annual tax sale that would ordinarily be held in calendar year 2020 shall be held no earlier than (i) 120 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly or (2) until the first day of the first month during which there is no longer a statewide COVID-19 public health emergency, as evidenced by an effective disaster declaration of the Governor covering all counties in the State.
(Source: P.A. 101-635, eff. 6-5-20.)

35 ILCS 200/21-255

    (35 ILCS 200/21-255)
    Sec. 21-255. County clerk's books and records - Prima facie evidence. The books and records of the county clerk, or copies thereof, certified by the clerk, shall be prima facie evidence to prove the sale of any property for taxes or special assessments, the redemption of the property, or payment of taxes or special assessments thereon.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 5

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 5 heading)
Division 5. Scavenger sales; procedures

35 ILCS 200/21-260

    (35 ILCS 200/21-260)
    Sec. 21-260. Collector's scavenger sale. Upon the county collector's application under Section 21-145, to be known as the Scavenger Sale Application, the Court shall enter judgment for the general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, interest, penalties and costs as are included in the advertisement and appear to be due thereon after allowing an opportunity to object and a hearing upon the objections as provided in Section 21-175, and order those properties sold by the County Collector at public sale, or by electronic automated sale if the collector chooses to conduct an electronic automated sale pursuant to Section 21-261, to the highest bidder for cash, notwithstanding the bid may be less than the full amount of taxes, special taxes, special assessments, interest, penalties and costs for which judgment has been entered.
    (a) Conducting the sale; bidding. All properties shall be offered for sale in consecutive order as they appear in the delinquent list. The minimum bid for any property shall be $250 or one-half of the tax if the total liability is less than $500. For in-person scavenger sales, the successful bidder shall pay the amount of the minimum bid to the County Collector by the end of the business day on which the bid was placed. That amount shall be paid in cash, by certified or cashier's check, by money order, or, if the successful bidder is a governmental unit, by a check issued by that governmental unit. For electronic automated scavenger sales, the successful bidder shall pay the minimum bid amount by the close of the business day on which the bid was placed. That amount shall be paid online via ACH debit or by the electronic payment method required by the county collector. For in-person scavenger sales, if the bid exceeds the minimum bid, the successful bidder shall pay the balance of the bid to the county collector in cash, by certified or cashier's check, by money order, or, if the successful bidder is a governmental unit, by a check issued by that governmental unit by the close of the next business day. For electronic automated scavenger sales, the successful bidder shall pay, by the close of the next business day, the balance of the bid online via ACH debit or by the electronic payment method required by the county collector. If the minimum bid is not paid at the time of sale or if the balance is not paid by the close of the next business day, then the sale is void and the minimum bid, if paid, is forfeited to the county general fund. In that event, the property shall be reoffered for sale within 30 days of the last offering of property in regular order. The collector shall make available to the public a list of all properties to be included in any reoffering due to the voiding of the original sale. The collector is not required to serve or publish any other notice of the reoffering of those properties. In the event that any of the properties are not sold upon reoffering, or are sold for less than the amount of the original voided sale, the original bidder who failed to pay the bid amount shall remain liable for the unpaid balance of the bid in an action under Section 21-240. Liability shall not be reduced where the bidder upon reoffering also fails to pay the bid amount, and in that event both bidders shall remain liable for the unpaid balance of their respective bids. A sale of properties under this Section shall not be final until confirmed by the court.
    (b) Confirmation of sales. The county collector shall file his or her report of sale in the court within 30 days of the date of sale of each property. No notice of the county collector's application to confirm the sales shall be required except as prescribed by rule of the court. Upon confirmation, except in cases where the sale becomes void under Section 22-85, or in cases where the order of confirmation is vacated by the court, a sale under this Section shall extinguish the in rem lien of the general taxes, special taxes and special assessments for which judgment has been entered and a redemption shall not revive the lien. Confirmation of the sale shall in no event affect the owner's personal liability to pay the taxes, interest and penalties as provided in this Code or prevent institution of a proceeding under Section 21-440 to collect any amount that may remain due after the sale.
    (c) Issuance of tax sale certificates. Upon confirmation of the sale, the County Clerk and the County Collector shall issue to the purchaser a certificate of purchase in the form prescribed by Section 21-250 as near as may be. A certificate of purchase shall not be issued to any person who is ineligible to bid at the sale or to receive a certificate of purchase under Section 21-265.
    (d) Scavenger Tax Judgment, Sale and Redemption Record; sale of parcels not sold. The county collector shall prepare a Scavenger Tax Judgment, Sale and Redemption Record. The county clerk shall write or stamp on the scavenger tax judgment, sale, forfeiture and redemption record opposite the description of any property offered for sale and not sold, or not confirmed for any reason, the words "offered but not sold". The properties which are offered for sale under this Section and not sold or not confirmed shall be offered for sale annually thereafter in the manner provided in this Section until sold, except in the case of mineral rights, which after 10 consecutive years of being offered for sale under this Section and not sold or confirmed shall no longer be required to be offered for sale. At any time between annual sales the County Collector may advertise for sale any properties subject to sale under judgments for sale previously entered under this Section and not executed for any reason. The advertisement and sale shall be regulated by the provisions of this Code as far as applicable.
    (e) Proceeding to tax deed. The owner of the certificate of purchase shall give notice as required by Sections 22-5 through 22-30, and may extend the period of redemption as provided by Section 21-385. At any time within 6 months prior to expiration of the period of redemption from a sale under this Code, the owner of a certificate of purchase may file a petition and may obtain a tax deed under Sections 22-30 through 22-55. All proceedings for the issuance of a tax deed and all tax deeds for properties sold under this Section shall be subject to Sections 22-30 through 22-55. Deeds issued under this Section are subject to Section 22-70. This Section shall be liberally construed so that the deeds provided for in this Section convey merchantable title.
    (f) Redemptions from scavenger sales. Redemptions may be made from sales under this Section in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as redemptions from sales made under the County Collector's annual application for judgment and order of sale, except that in lieu of penalty the person redeeming shall pay interest as follows if the sale occurs before September 9, 1993:
        (1) If redeemed within the first 2 months from the
date of the sale, 3% per month or portion thereof upon the amount for which the property was sold;
        (2) If redeemed between 2 and 6 months from the date
of the sale, 12% of the amount for which the property was sold;
        (3) If redeemed between 6 and 12 months from the date
of the sale, 24% of the amount for which the property was sold;
        (4) If redeemed between 12 and 18 months from the
date of the sale, 36% of the amount for which the property was sold;
        (5) If redeemed between 18 and 24 months from the
date of the sale, 48% of the amount for which the property was sold;
        (6) If redeemed after 24 months from the date of
sale, the 48% herein provided together with interest at 6% per year thereafter.
    If the sale occurs on or after September 9, 1993, the person redeeming shall pay interest on that part of the amount for which the property was sold equal to or less than the full amount of delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs, included in the judgment and order of sale as follows:
        (1) If redeemed within the first 2 months from the
date of the sale, 3% per month upon the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due for each of the first 2 months, or fraction thereof.
        (2) If redeemed at any time between 2 and 6 months
from the date of the sale, 12% of the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due.
        (3) If redeemed at any time between 6 and 12 months
from the date of the sale, 24% of the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due.
        (4) If redeemed at any time between 12 and 18 months
from the date of the sale, 36% of the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due.
        (5) If redeemed at any time between 18 and 24 months
from the date of the sale, 48% of the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due.
        (6) If redeemed after 24 months from the date of
sale, the 48% provided for the 24 months together with interest at 6% per annum thereafter on the amount of taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due.
    The person redeeming shall not be required to pay any interest on any part of the amount for which the property was sold that exceeds the full amount of delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs included in the judgment and order of sale.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, except for owner-occupied single family residential units which are condominium units, cooperative units or dwellings, the amount required to be paid for redemption shall also include an amount equal to all delinquent taxes on the property which taxes were delinquent at the time of sale. The delinquent taxes shall be apportioned by the county collector among the taxing districts in which the property is situated in accordance with law. In the event that all moneys received from any sale held under this Section exceed an amount equal to all delinquent taxes on the property sold, which taxes were delinquent at the time of sale, together with all publication and other costs associated with the sale, then, upon redemption, the County Collector and the County Clerk shall apply the excess amount to the cost of redemption.
    (g) Bidding by county or other taxing districts. Any taxing district may bid at a scavenger sale. The county board of the county in which properties offered for sale under this Section are located may bid as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the taxes for the nonpayment of which the parcels are offered. The County shall apply on the bid the unpaid taxes due upon the property and no cash need be paid. The County or other taxing district acquiring a tax sale certificate shall take all steps necessary to acquire title to the property and may manage and operate the property so acquired.
    When a county, or other taxing district within the county, is a petitioner for a tax deed, no filing fee shall be required on the petition. The county as a tax creditor and as trustee for other tax creditors, or other taxing district within the county shall not be required to allege and prove that all taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after the sale to the county have been paid. The county shall not be required to pay the subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments at any time. Upon the written request of the county board or its designee, the county collector shall not offer the property for sale at any tax sale subsequent to the sale of the property to the county under this Section. The lien of taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after a sale to a county shall merge in the fee title of the county, or other taxing district, on the issuance of a deed. The County may sell the properties so acquired, or the certificate of purchase thereto, and the proceeds of the sale shall be distributed to the taxing districts in proportion to their respective interests therein. The presiding officer of the county board, with the advice and consent of the County Board, may appoint some officer or person to attend scavenger sales and bid on its behalf.
    (h) Miscellaneous provisions. In the event that the tract of land or lot sold at any such sale is not redeemed within the time permitted by law and a tax deed is issued, all moneys that may be received from the sale of properties in excess of the delinquent taxes, together with all publication and other costs associated with the sale, shall, upon petition of any interested party to the court that issued the tax deed, be distributed by the County Collector pursuant to order of the court among the persons having legal or equitable interests in the property according to the fair value of their interests in the tract or lot. Section 21-415 does not apply to properties sold under this Section. Appeals may be taken from the orders and judgments entered under this Section as in other civil cases. The remedy herein provided is in addition to other remedies for the collection of delinquent taxes.
    (i) The changes to this Section made by Public Act 95-477 apply only to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after June 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-477).
    (j) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly apply to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. Failure of any party or any public official to comply with the changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-528 does not invalidate any tax deed issued prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-519, eff. 8-20-21; 102-528, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1003, eff. 5-27-22.)

35 ILCS 200/21-261

    (35 ILCS 200/21-261)
    Sec. 21-261. Scavenger sale automation. Beginning in calendar year 2021, for every scavenger sale held pursuant to Section 21-260 of this Code, the county collector may employ any electronic automated means that the collector deems appropriate, provided that any electronic automated bidding system so used shall be programmed to accept the highest cash bid made by an eligible tax purchaser. If the county collector conducts the scavenger sale using an electronic automated bidding system, no personal attendance by bidders will be required at the scavenger sale. If automated means are used, all hardware and software used with respect to those automated means must be certified by the Department and re-certified by the Department every 5 years.
(Source: P.A. 102-519, eff. 8-20-21.)

35 ILCS 200/21-265

    (35 ILCS 200/21-265)
    Sec. 21-265. Scavenger sale; persons ineligible to bid or purchase. No person, except a unit of local government, shall be eligible to bid or receive a certificate of purchase at any sale under Section 21-260 unless that person has completed and delivered to the county clerk a true, accurate and complete application for certificate of purchase which shall affirm that:
        (1) the person has not bid upon or applied to
purchase any property at the sale for a person who is the party or agent of the party who owns the property or is responsible for the payment of the delinquent taxes;
        (2) the person is not, nor is he or she the agent
for, the owner or party responsible for payment of the general taxes on any property which is located in the same county in which the sale is held and which is tax delinquent or forfeited for all or any part of each of 2 or more years, excepting any year for which a certificate of error issued under Sections 14-15, 14-20, and 14-25 is pending for adjudication; and
        (3) the person, although otherwise eligible to bid,
has not either directly or through an agent twice during the same sale failed to complete a purchase by the immediate payment of the minimum bid or the payment of the balance of a bid within the time provided by Section 21-260.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)

35 ILCS 200/21-270

    (35 ILCS 200/21-270)
    Sec. 21-270. Scavenger sale registration. No person, except a unit of local government, shall be eligible to bid or to receive a certificate of purchase who did not register with the county collector at least 5 business days in advance of the first day of the sale under Section 21-260. The collector may charge, for each registration, a fee of not more than $50 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and not more than $100 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Registration shall be made upon such forms and according to such regulations as the county collector deems necessary in order to effect complete and accurate disclosure of the identity of all persons beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in each sale under Section 21-260. The information to be disclosed shall include, but not be limited to, the name, address and telephone number of the purchaser to whom the clerk and collector will be requested to issue a certificate of purchase; if the purchaser is a corporation, the place of incorporation and the names and addresses of its shareholders unless the corporation is publicly held; if the purchaser is a partnership, the names and addresses of all general and limited partners; if the purchaser is doing business under an assumed business name, the county where such name is registered and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all persons having an ownership interest in the business; and the identity and location of any other tax delinquent property owned by the bidder and purchaser.
     Every application for certificate of purchase and form for registration authorized and required by this Section and Section 21-275 shall be executed under penalty of perjury as though under oath or affirmation, but no acknowledgement is required.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 87-669; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-275

    (35 ILCS 200/21-275)
    Sec. 21-275. Scavenger sale; application for certificate of purchase. The application for certificate of purchase shall be executed by the purchaser and by any individual bidder acting in the purchaser's behalf. The application shall be initially executed and delivered to the county clerk at the time of registration for the sale as provided in this Section. Before receiving any certificate of purchase, each purchaser and individual bidder acting in the purchaser's behalf shall sign and deliver to the county clerk a schedule or schedules of the properties for which that purchaser has successfully bid and is applying to purchase, which schedule(s) shall be attached to and incorporated within the application. The schedule(s) shall be accompanied by a fee, for each property listed, of $10 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and $20 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. The application and schedule(s) shall be in substantially the following form:
Date of Application: ...............
Name of Purchaser: .................
Address: ...........................
Name of Bidder: ....................
Address: ...........................
    I (we) hereby apply to the County Clerk and County Treasurer of ..... County for issuance of a certificate of purchase for each of the properties on the attached schedule(s), and state as follows:
    1. I (we) made (or authorized) the successful bid on each property listed on the attached schedule(s) at the sale of delinquent properties under Section 21-260 of the Property Tax Code conducted by the County Treasurer of ..... County, Illinois, on the dates indicated for each property on the schedule(s).
    2. At least 5 business days before the first day of this sale, I (we) submitted a truthful, accurate and complete registration to the Treasurer of ..... County on the form(s) and according to the regulations prescribed by the Treasurer's office.
    3. Neither I (we) nor any person or firm identified in the registration submitted to the Treasurer of ..... County was an owner or agent of an owner, mortgagee or agent of a mortgagee, lienholder or agent of a lienholder, holder of beneficial interest or agent of a holder of a beneficial interest in or of any property identified on the schedule(s) attached to this application on January 1st of any years for which taxes were delinquent at the time of my (our) bid(s) described in the schedule(s).
    4. Neither I (we) nor any person or firm identified in the registration submitted to the Treasurer of ..... County was an owner or agent of an owner, mortgagee or agent of a mortgagee, lienholder or agent of a lienholder, holder of a beneficial interest or agent of a holder of a beneficial interest in or of the property identified on the schedule(s) attached to this application at the time of the bid(s) described in the schedule.
    5. Neither I (we) nor any person or firm identified in the registration submitted to the Treasurer of ..... County was an owner or agent for an owner, or party or agent for a party responsible for the payment of delinquent taxes, on any property in the county which was tax delinquent or forfeited for all or any part of each of 2 or more years when the registration was submitted.
    6. Neither I (we) nor any person acting in my (our) behalf has twice failed to complete a purchase at the sale during which the properties on the attached schedule(s) were offered by failing to immediately pay a minimum bid or by failing to pay the balance of a bid for any property within one business day thereafter.
    I (we) hereby affirm that I (we) have read this application and that the statements made in it are personally known by me (us) to be true, accurate and complete, under penalty of perjury as provided by law.
    I (we) further understand that this application shall be void unless the schedule(s) of properties referred to in the application is (are) completed and delivered to the County Clerk.
........................                 Dated: ..............
(Signature of Purchaser)
........................                 Dated: ..............
(Signature of Bidder)
Permanent Index Number                             Date of Bid
(insert number)                                  (insert date)
    I (we) hereby affirm that I (we) successfully bid upon the above properties at the sale conducted by the County Treasurer of ..... County on the indicated dates, and I (we) request that the County Clerk of ..... County attach this schedule to my (our) application for certificate of purchase dated ......
    Signed under penalty of perjury as provided by law:
........................                 Dated: ..............
(Signature of Purchaser)
........................                 Dated: ..............
(Signature of Bidder)
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 87-669; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-280

    (35 ILCS 200/21-280)
    Sec. 21-280. Scavenger sale; ineligible bid; liability.
    (a) Any person who is ineligible under Section 21-265 to bid or to receive a certificate of purchase from a sale under Section 21-260, who nevertheless registers to bid or bids or receives or acquires ownership of a certificate of purchase from a sale, and any person who registers to bid or bids at a sale on behalf of an ineligible person, shall be personally liable, jointly and severally, in a sum equal to the full amount of delinquent or forfeited general taxes, special taxes or special assessments, interest, penalties, and costs for which the judgment for sale under Section 21-260 was entered. The liability provided by this Section shall be in addition to the liability for the general taxes imposed by Section 9-175 through 9-185 and shall not be offset by any other payment of the taxes.
    (b) The state's attorney of the county in which the sale under Section 21-260 was conducted may bring an action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois against the person and, upon a finding of liability under this Section, the court shall enter judgment against the person in a sum equal to the full amount of delinquent or forfeited general taxes, special taxes or special assessments, interest, penalties, and costs for which judgment for sale under Section 21-260 was entered, together with the costs of the action and reasonable attorney's fees. The proceeds of any judgment under this Section shall be paid into the county general fund.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-285

    (35 ILCS 200/21-285)
    Sec. 21-285. Tax scavenger sale fraud; definitions. For purposes of Section 21-290:
        (1) "Ownership interest" means any title or other
interest in property, including without limitation any beneficial interest in a land trust, the holder of which is considered to be the owner of the property for purposes of taxation under Section 9-175.
        (2) "Nonownership interest" means any interest in
real property other than a contingent interest and other than an ownership interest as defined in this Section, including without limitation a mortgage, equitable mortgage or other interest in the nature of a mortgage, leasehold, easement, or lien.
        (3) "Real property" has the same meaning as defined
in Section 1-130, and includes leasehold estates subject to taxation as property under Section 9-195.
        (4) "Beneficial interest" and "land trust" have the
meanings given to those terms in the Land Trust Beneficial Interest Disclosure Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-290

    (35 ILCS 200/21-290)
    Sec. 21-290. Offense of scavenger sale fraud. A person commits the offense of tax sale fraud who knowingly:
        (a) enters a bid or authorizes or procures the entry
of a bid on any property offered for sale under Section 21-260, when the person in whose behalf the bid is made or authorized or procured has an ownership interest or nonownership interest in the property, or where that person had such an interest on January 1 of any year for which delinquent taxes were included within the judgment for sale under Section 21-260;
        (b) acquires, or attempts to acquire, ownership of
any certificate of purchase for property sold under Section 21-260, when the person in whose behalf such certificate of purchase is or would be acquired has an ownership interest or nonownership interest in the property, or where that person had that interest on January 1 of any year for which delinquent taxes were included within the judgment for sale under Section 21-260;
        (c) conveys or assigns any certificate of purchase
for property sold under Section 21-260 to any person who has an ownership interest or nonownership interest in the property, or who had that interest on January 1 of any year for which delinquent taxes were included within the judgment for sale under Section 21-260;
        (d) makes a false statement in any application for
certificate of purchase or registration form submitted under Sections 21-270 and 21-275; or
        (e) forfeits 2 or more bids at any one sale under
Section 21-260 by failing to pay the minimum cash bid timely or by failing to pay the balance of the bid timely as required by Section 21-260.
    Tax sale fraud is a Class A misdemeanor. A subsequent conviction for tax sale fraud as defined in subsections (a) through (d) of this Section is a Class 4 felony.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 6

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 6 heading)
Division 6. Indemnity fund; sales in error

35 ILCS 200/21-295

    (35 ILCS 200/21-295)
    Sec. 21-295. Creation of indemnity fund.
    (a) In counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, each person purchasing any property at a sale under this Code shall pay to the County Collector, prior to the issuance of any certificate of purchase, an indemnity fee set by the county collector of not more than $20 for each item purchased. A like sum shall be paid for each year that all or a portion of subsequent taxes are paid by the tax purchaser and posted to the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record where the underlying certificate of purchase is recorded.
    (a-5) In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, each person purchasing property at a sale under this Code shall pay to the County Collector a nonrefundable fee of $80 for each item purchased plus an additional sum equal to 5% of the taxes, interest, and penalties paid under Section 21-240. In these counties, the certificate holder shall also pay to the County Collector a fee of $80 for each year that all or a portion of subsequent taxes are paid by the tax purchaser and posted to the tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record. The changes to this subsection made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are not a new enactment, but declaratory of existing law.
    (b) The amount paid prior to issuance of the certificate of purchase pursuant to subsection (a) or (a-5) shall be included in the purchase price of the property in the certificate of purchase and all amounts paid under this Section shall be included in the amount required to redeem under Section 21-355, except for the nonrefundable $80 fee for each item purchased at the tax sale as provided in this Section. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of Section 21-300, all money received under subsection (a) or (a-5) shall be paid by the Collector to the County Treasurer of the County in which the land is situated, for the purpose of an indemnity fund. The County Treasurer, as trustee of that fund, shall invest all of that fund, principal and income, in his or her hands from time to time, if not immediately required for payments of indemnities under subsection (a) of Section 21-305, in investments permitted by the Illinois State Board of Investment under Article 22A of the Illinois Pension Code. The county collector shall report annually to the county clerk on the condition and income of the fund. The indemnity fund shall be held to satisfy judgments obtained against the County Treasurer, as trustee of the fund. No payment shall be made from the fund, except upon a judgment of the court which ordered the issuance of a tax deed.
(Source: P.A. 100-1070, eff. 1-1-19; 101-659, eff. 3-23-21.)

35 ILCS 200/21-300

    (35 ILCS 200/21-300)
    Sec. 21-300. Amount to be retained in indemnity fund.
    (a) The county board in each county shall determine the amount of the fund to be maintained in that county, which amount shall not be less than 0.03% of the total assessed valuation, as equalized by the Department, of property within the County, or $50,000, whichever is greater, and shall not be greater than $1,000,000 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, and not greater than $2,000,000 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Any moneys accumulated by the County Treasurer in excess of the amount so established, as trustee of the fund, shall be paid by him or her annually to the general fund of the County.
    (b) In counties in which a Tort Liability Fund is established, all sums of money received under subsection (a) of Section 21-295 may be deposited in the general fund of the county for general county governmental purposes, if the county board provides by ordinance that the indemnity required by this Section shall be provided by the Tort Liability Fund.
(Source: P.A. 86-1028; 86-1431; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-305

    (35 ILCS 200/21-305)
    Sec. 21-305. Payments from Indemnity Fund.
    (a) Any owner of property sold under any provision of this Code who sustains loss or damage by reason of the issuance of a tax deed under Section 21-445 or 22-40 and who is barred or is in any way precluded from bringing an action for the recovery of the property shall have the right to indemnity for the loss or damage sustained, limited as follows:
        (1) An owner who resided on property that contained 4
or less dwelling units on the last day of the period of redemption and who is equitably entitled to compensation for the loss or damage sustained has the right to indemnity. An equitable indemnity award shall be limited to the fair cash value of the property as of the date the tax deed was issued less any mortgages or liens on the property, and the award will not exceed $99,000. The Court shall liberally construe this equitable entitlement standard to provide compensation wherever, in the discretion of the Court, the equities warrant the action.
        An owner of a property that contained 4 or less
dwelling units who requests an award in excess of $99,000 must prove that the loss of his or her property was not attributable to his or her own fault or negligence before an award in excess of $99,000 will be granted.
        (2) An owner who sustains the loss or damage of any
property occasioned by reason of the issuance of a tax deed, without fault or negligence of his or her own, has the right to indemnity limited to the fair cash value of the property less any mortgages or liens on the property. In determining the existence of fault or negligence, the court shall consider whether the owner exercised ordinary reasonable diligence under all of the relevant circumstances.
        (3) In determining the fair cash value of property
less any mortgages or liens on the property, the fair cash value shall be reduced by the principal amount of all taxes paid by the tax purchaser or his or her assignee before the issuance of the tax deed.
        (4) If an award made under paragraph (1) or (2) is
subject to a reduction by the amount of an outstanding mortgage or lien on the property, other than the principal amount of all taxes paid by the tax purchaser or his or her assignee before the issuance of the tax deed and the petitioner would be personally liable to the mortgagee or lienholder for all or part of that reduction amount, the court shall order an additional indemnity award to be paid directly to the mortgagee or lienholder sufficient to discharge the petitioner's personal liability. The court, in its discretion, may order the joinder of the mortgagee or lienholder as an additional party to the indemnity action.
    (b) Indemnity fund; subrogation.
        (1) Any person claiming indemnity hereunder shall
petition the Court which ordered the tax deed to issue, shall name the County Treasurer, as Trustee of the indemnity fund, as defendant to the petition, and shall ask that judgment be entered against the County Treasurer, as Trustee, in the amount of the indemnity sought. The provisions of the Civil Practice Law shall apply to proceedings under the petition, except that neither the petitioner nor County Treasurer shall be entitled to trial by jury on the issues presented in the petition. The Court shall liberally construe this Section to provide compensation wherever in the discretion of the Court the equities warrant such action.
        (2) The County Treasurer, as Trustee of the indemnity
fund, shall be subrogated to all parties in whose favor judgment may be rendered against him or her, and by third party complaint may bring in as a defendant any person, other than the tax deed grantee and its successors in title, not a party to the action who is or may be liable to him or her, as subrogee, for all or part of the petitioner's claim against him or her.
    (c) Any contract involving the proceeds of a judgment for indemnity under this Section, between the tax deed grantee or its successors in title and the indemnity petitioner or his or her successors, shall be in writing. In any action brought under Section 21-305, the Collector shall be entitled to discovery regarding, but not limited to, the following:
        (1) the identity of all persons beneficially
interested in the contract, directly or indirectly, including at least the following information: the names and addresses of any natural persons; the place of incorporation of any corporation and the names and addresses of its shareholders unless it is publicly held; the names and addresses of all general and limited partners of any partnership; the names and addresses of all persons having an ownership interest in any entity doing business under an assumed name, and the county in which the assumed business name is registered; and the nature and extent of the interest in the contract of each person identified;
        (2) the time period during which the contract was
negotiated and agreed upon, from the date of the first direct or indirect contact between any of the contracting parties to the date of its execution;
        (3) the name and address of each natural person who
took part in negotiating the contract, and the identity and relationship of the party that the person represented in the negotiations; and
        (4) the existence of an agreement for payment of
attorney's fees by or on behalf of each party.
    Any information disclosed during discovery may be subject to protective order as deemed appropriate by the court. The terms of the contract shall not be used as evidence of value.
    (d) A petition of indemnity under this Section must be filed within 10 years after the date the tax deed was issued.
(Source: P.A. 97-557, eff. 7-1-12.)

35 ILCS 200/21-306

    (35 ILCS 200/21-306)
    Sec. 21-306. Indemnity fund fraud.
    (a) A person commits the offense of indemnity fund fraud when that person knowingly:
        (1) offers or agrees to become a party to, or to
acquire an interest in, a contract involving the proceeds of a judgment for indemnity under Section 21-305 before the end of the period of redemption from the tax sale to which the judgment relates;
        (2) fraudulently induces a party to forego bringing
an action for the recovery of the property;
        (3) makes a deceptive misrepresentation during the
course of negotiating an agreement under subsection (c) of Section 21-305; or
        (4) conspires to violate any of the provisions of
this subsection.
    (b) Commission of any one act described in subsection (a) is a Class A misdemeanor. Commission of more than one act described in subsection (a) during a single course of conduct is a Class 4 felony. A second or subsequent conviction for violation of any portion of this Section is a Class 4 felony.
    (c) The State's Attorney of the county in which a judgment for indemnity under Section 21-305 is entered may bring a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois against a person who violates paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a). Upon a finding of liability in the action the court shall enter judgment in favor of the People in a sum equal to three times the amount of the judgment for indemnity, together with costs of the action and reasonable attorney's fees. The proceeds of any judgment under this subsection shall be paid into the general fund of the county.
(Source: P.A. 91-564, eff. 8-14-99.)

35 ILCS 200/21-310

    (35 ILCS 200/21-310)
    Sec. 21-310. Sales in error.
    (a) When, upon application of the county collector, the owner of the certificate of purchase, the holder of a 5% lien issued pursuant to Section 21-240, or a municipality which owns or has owned the property ordered sold, it appears to the satisfaction of the court which ordered the property sold that any of the following subsections are applicable, the court shall declare the sale to be a sale in error:
        (1) the property was not subject to taxation, or all
or any part of the lien of taxes sold has become null and void pursuant to Section 21-95 or unenforceable pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 18-250 or subsection (b) of Section 22-40;
        (2) the taxes or special assessments had been paid
prior to the sale of the property;
        (3) there is a double assessment;
        (4) the description is void for uncertainty;
        (5) the assessor, chief county assessment officer,
board of review, board of appeals, or other county official has made an error material to the tax certificate at issue (other than an error of judgment as to the value of any property), provided, however, that a sale in error may not be declared upon application of the owner of the certificate of purchase under this paragraph (5) if the county collector provided notice in accordance with Section 21-118 that the same property received a previous sale in error on the same facts;
        (5.5) the owner of the homestead property had
tendered timely and full payment to the county collector that the owner reasonably believed was due and owing on the homestead property, and the county collector did not apply the payment to the homestead property; provided that this provision applies only to homeowners, not their agents or third-party payors;
        (6) a voluntary or involuntary petition was filed by
or against the legal or beneficial owner of the property requesting relief under the provisions of 11 U.S.C. Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13, and the bankruptcy case was open on the date the collector's application for judgment was filed pursuant to Section 21-150 or 21-155 or the date of the tax sale;
        (7) the property is owned by the United States, the
State of Illinois, a municipality, or a taxing district; or
        (8) the owner of the property is a reservist or
guardsperson who is granted an extension of his or her due date under Sections 21-15, 21-20, and 21-25 of this Act.
    (b) When, upon application of the owner of the certificate of purchase only, it appears to the satisfaction of the court which ordered the property sold that any of the following subsections are applicable, the court shall declare the sale to be a sale in error:
        (1) A voluntary or involuntary petition under the
provisions of 11 U.S.C. Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 has been filed subsequent to the tax sale and prior to the issuance of the tax deed, and the bankruptcy case was open on the date the petition for a sale in error was filed.
        (2) The improvements upon the property sold have been
substantially destroyed subsequent to the tax sale and prior to the issuance of the tax deed; however, if the court declares a sale in error under this paragraph (2), the court may order the holder of the certificate of purchase to assign the certificate to the county collector if requested by the county collector. The county collector may, upon request of the county, as trustee, or upon request of a taxing district having an interest in the taxes sold, further assign any certificate of purchase received pursuant to this paragraph (2) to the county acting as trustee for taxing districts pursuant to Section 21-90 of this Code or to the taxing district having an interest in the taxes sold.
        (3) There is an interest held by the United States in
the property sold which could not be extinguished by the tax deed.
        (4) The real property contains a hazardous substance,
hazardous waste, or underground storage tank that would require cleanup or other removal under any federal, State, or local law, ordinance, or regulation, only if the tax purchaser purchased the property without actual knowledge of the hazardous substance, hazardous waste, or underground storage tank. The presence of a grease trap on the property is not grounds for a sale in error under this paragraph (4). This paragraph (4) applies only if the owner of the certificate of purchase has made application for a sale in error at any time before the issuance of a tax deed. If the court declares a sale in error under this paragraph (4), the court may order the holder of the certificate of purchase to assign the certificate to the county collector if requested by the county collector. The county collector may, upon request of the county, as trustee, or upon request of a taxing district having an interest in the taxes sold, further assign any certificate of purchase received pursuant to this paragraph (4) to the county acting as trustee for taxing districts pursuant to Section 21-90 of this Code or to the taxing district having an interest in the taxes sold.
    Whenever a court declares a sale in error under this subsection (b), the State's attorney shall promptly notify the county collector in writing.
    (c) When the county collector discovers, prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, that a tax sale should not have occurred for one or more of the reasons set forth in subdivision (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5.5), (a)(6), (a)(7), or (a)(8) of this Section, the county collector shall notify the last known owner of the tax certificate by certified and regular mail, or other means reasonably calculated to provide actual notice, that the county collector intends to declare an administrative sale in error and of the reasons therefor, including documentation sufficient to establish the reason why the sale should not have occurred. The owner of the certificate of purchase may object in writing within 28 days after the date of the mailing by the county collector. If an objection is filed, the county collector shall not administratively declare a sale in error, but may apply to the circuit court for a sale in error as provided in subsection (a) of this Section. Thirty days following the receipt of notice by the last known owner of the certificate of purchase, or within a reasonable time thereafter, the county collector shall make a written declaration, based upon clear and convincing evidence, that the taxes were sold in error and shall deliver a copy thereof to the county clerk within 30 days after the date the declaration is made for entry in the tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record pursuant to subsection (d) of this Section. The county collector shall promptly notify the last known owner of the certificate of purchase of the declaration by regular mail and shall, except if the certificate was issued pursuant to a no-cash bid, promptly pay the amount of the tax sale, together with interest and costs as provided in Section 21-315, upon surrender of the original certificate of purchase.
    (d) If a sale is declared to be a sale in error for any reason set forth in Section 22-35, Section 22-50, or subdivision (a)(5), (b)(2), or (b)(4) of this Section, the tax certificate shall be forfeited to the county as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90 of this Code, unless the county collector informs the county and the county clerk in writing that the tax certificate shall not be forfeited to the county as trustee. The county clerk shall make entry in the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record, that the property was erroneously sold and that the tax certificate is forfeited to the county pursuant to Section 21-90, and the county collector shall, on demand of the owner of the certificate of purchase, refund the amount paid, except for the nonrefundable $80 fee paid, pursuant to Section 21-295, for each item purchased at the tax sale, pay any interest and costs as may be ordered under Sections 21-315 through 21-335, and cancel the certificate so far as it relates to the property. The county collector shall deduct from the accounts of the appropriate taxing bodies their pro rata amounts paid.
    (e) Whenever the collector declares an administrative sale in error under this Section, the collector must send a copy of the declaration of the administrative sale in error, and documentation sufficient to establish the reason why the sale should not have occurred, to the government entity responsible for maintaining assessment books and property record cards for the subject property. That entity must review the documentation sent by the collector, make a determination as to whether an update to the assessment books or property record cards is necessary to prevent a recurrence of the sale in error, and update the assessment books or property record cards as appropriate.
    (f) Whenever a court declares a sale in error under this Section, the State's attorney must send a copy of the application and order declaring the sale in error to the county collector, the county clerk, and the government entity responsible for maintaining the assessment books and property record cards for the subject property. The collector, the county clerk, and the other government entity must each review the application and order sent by the State's attorney and make a determination as to whether an update to its respective records is necessary to prevent a recurrence of the sale in error, and update its records as appropriate.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning tax certificates issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-315

    (35 ILCS 200/21-315)
    Sec. 21-315. Refund of costs; interest on refund.
    (a) If a sale in error under Section 21-310, 22-35, or 22-50 is declared, the amount refunded shall also include all costs paid by the owner of the certificate of purchase or his or her assignor which were posted to the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record, except that if the sale in error is declared under Section 22-50, in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants the amount refunded shall not include the $100 fee paid in accordance with Section 21-330.
    (b) In those cases which arise solely under grounds set forth in Section 21-310, the amount refunded shall also include interest on the refund of the amount paid for the certificate of purchase, except as otherwise provided in this Section. Interest shall be awarded and paid to the tax purchaser at the rate of 1% per month from the date of sale to the date of payment, or in an amount equivalent to the penalty interest which would be recovered on a redemption at the time of payment pursuant to the order for sale in error, whichever is less. Interest shall not be paid when the sale in error is made pursuant to Section 22-35, Section 22-50, subdivision (a)(5), (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(4) of Section 21-310, any ground not enumerated in Section 21-310, or in any other case where the court determines that the tax purchaser had actual knowledge prior to the sale of the grounds on which the sale is declared to be erroneous.
    (c) When the county collector files a petition for sale in error under Section 21-310 and mails a notice thereof by certified or registered mail to the last known owner of the certificate of purchase, any interest otherwise payable under this Section shall cease to accrue as of the date the petition is filed, unless the tax purchaser agrees to an order for sale in error upon the presentation of the petition to the court. Notices under this subsection may be mailed to the last known owner of the certificate of purchase. When the owner of the certificate of purchase contests the collector's petition solely to determine whether the grounds for sale in error are such as to support a claim for interest, the court may direct that the principal amount of the refund be paid to the owner of the certificate of purchase forthwith. If the court thereafter determines that a claim for interest lies under this Section, it shall award such interest from the date of sale to the date the principal amount was paid. If the owner of the certificate of purchase files an objection to the county collector's intention to declare an administrative sale in error, as provided under subsection (c) of Section 21-310, and, thereafter, the county collector elects to apply to the circuit court for a sale in error under subsection (a) of Section 21-310, then, if the circuit court grants the county collector's application for a sale in error, the court may not award interest to the owner of the certificate of purchase for the period after the mailing date of the county collector's notice of intention to declare an administrative sale in error.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-320

    (35 ILCS 200/21-320)
    Sec. 21-320. Refund of other taxes paid by holder of certificate of purchase. If a sale in error under Section 21-310, 22-35, or 22-50 is declared, the amount refunded shall also include other taxes paid or redeemed by the owner of the certificate of purchase or his or her assignor subsequent to the tax sale, together with interest on those other taxes under the same terms as interest is otherwise payable under Section 21-315. The interest under this subsection shall be calculated at the rate of 1% per month from the date the other taxes were paid and not from the date of sale. The collector shall take credit in settlement of his or her accounts for the refund of the other taxes as in other cases of sale in error under Section 21-310.
(Source: P.A. 92-224, eff. 1-1-02; 92-729, eff. 7-25-02.)

35 ILCS 200/21-325

    (35 ILCS 200/21-325)
    Sec. 21-325. Payment of interest - Counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, all payments of interest or costs under Sections 21-315 and 21-320 and subsection (c) of Section 21-310 shall be paid as provided in Sections 21-330, 21-335 and 21-340. In all other counties, the county treasurer may determine in his or her discretion whether payment of interest and costs shall be made as provided in Sections 21-330, 21-335 and 21-340. In the other counties, where the treasurer determines not to make payment as provided in those subsections, the treasurer shall pay any interest or costs under this Section pro rata from those accounts where the principal refund of the tax sale purchase price under Section 21-310 is taken.
(Source: P.A. 92-729, eff. 7-25-02.)

35 ILCS 200/21-330

    (35 ILCS 200/21-330)
    Sec. 21-330. Fund for payment of interest. In all counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the county board, by resolution, may impose a fee for payment of interest and costs. Each person purchasing any property at a sale under this Code shall pay to the county collector, prior to the issuance of any certificate of purchase, a fee of up to $60 for each item purchased. Each person purchasing any property at a sale held under this Code in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall pay to the county collector, prior to the issuance of any certificate of purchase, a fee of $100 for each item purchased. That amount shall be included in the price paid for the certificate of purchase and the amount required to redeem under Section 21-355.
    All sums of money received under this Section shall be paid by the collector to the county treasurer of the county in which the property is situated for deposit into a special fund. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer, as trustee of the fund, to invest the principal and income of the fund from time to time, if not immediately required for payments under this Section, in investments as are authorized by Sections 3-10009 and 3-11002 of the Counties Code. The fund shall be held to pay interest and costs by the county treasurer as trustee of the fund. No payment shall be made from the fund except by order of the court declaring a sale in error under Section 21-310, 22-35, or 22-50 or by declaration of the county collector under subsection (c) of Section 21-310. Payments under this Section are subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of Section 21-315 concerning sales in error declared under Section 22-50 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. Any moneys accumulated in the fund by the county treasurer in excess of (i) $100,000 in counties with 250,000 or less inhabitants or (ii) $500,000 in counties with more than 250,000 inhabitants shall be paid each year prior to the commencement of the annual tax sale, first to satisfy any existing unpaid judgments entered pursuant to Section 21-295, and any funds remaining thereafter shall be paid to the general fund of the county.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-335

    (35 ILCS 200/21-335)
    Sec. 21-335. Claims for interest and costs. Any person claiming interest or costs under Sections 21-315 through 21-330 shall include the claim in his or her petition for sale in error under Section 21-310, 22-35, or 22-50. Any claim for interest or costs which is not included in the petition is waived. Interest or costs may be awarded, however, to the extent permitted by this Section upon a sale in error petition filed by the county collector or municipality or upon a declaration by the county collector pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 21-310, without requiring a separate filing by the claimant. Any refund of interest or costs upon the petition for sale in error or upon a declaration by the county collector pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 21-310 shall be paid by the county treasurer as trustee of the fund created by this Section. The fund shall be the sole source for payment and satisfaction of orders for interest or costs, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. If the court determines that the fund has been depleted and will not be restored in time to pay an award with reasonable promptness, the court may authorize the collector to pay the interest portion of the award pro rata from those accounts where the principal refund of the tax sale purchase price under Section 21-310 is taken.
(Source: P.A. 92-224, eff. 1-1-02; 92-729, eff. 7-25-02.)

35 ILCS 200/21-340

    (35 ILCS 200/21-340)
    Sec. 21-340. Recovery of amount of tax or special assessment paid by purchaser at erroneous sale. In addition to all other remedies, when the purchaser or assignee of a certificate of purchase that has been declared an erroneous sale, has paid any tax or special assessment upon the property sold, which was not paid by the owner of the property and was not refunded to the tax purchaser or assignee by the county, the purchaser or assignee may recover from the owner the amount he or she paid, with 10% interest, as money paid for the owner's use.
(Source: P.A. 84-644; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 7

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 7 heading)
Division 7. Redemption procedures and notice requirements

35 ILCS 200/21-345

    (35 ILCS 200/21-345)
    Sec. 21-345. Right of redemption.
    (a) Property sold under this Code may be redeemed only by those persons having a right of redemption as defined in this Section and only in accordance with this Code.
    A right to redeem property from any sale under this Code shall exist in any owner or person interested in that property, other than an undisclosed beneficiary of an Illinois land trust, whether or not the interest in the property sold is recorded or filed. Any redemption shall be presumed to have been made by or on behalf of the owners and persons interested in the property and shall inure to the benefit of the persons having the legal or equitable title to the property redeemed, subject to the right of the person making the redemption to be reimbursed by the persons benefited. No redemption shall be held invalid by reason of the failure of the person redeeming to have recorded or filed the document evidencing an interest in the property prior to redemption, other than an undisclosed beneficiary of an Illinois land trust.
    (b) Any person who desires to redeem and does not desire to contest the validity of a petition for tax deed may redeem pursuant to this Section and related Sections of this Code without submitting a written protest under Section 21-380. This subsection (b) shall be construed as declarative of existing law and not as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 91-564, eff. 8-14-99.)

35 ILCS 200/21-350

    (35 ILCS 200/21-350)
    Sec. 21-350. Period of redemption. Property sold under this Code may be redeemed at any time before the expiration of 2.5 years from the date of sale, except that:
        (a) If on the date of sale the property is vacant
non-farm property or property containing an improvement consisting of a structure or structures with 7 or more residential units or that is commercial or industrial property, it may be redeemed at any time before the expiration of 1 year from the date of sale.
        (b) (Blank).
        (c) If the period of redemption has been extended by
the certificate holder as provided in Section 21-385 or Section 22-5, the property may be redeemed on or before the extended redemption date. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning tax certificates issued on or after January 1, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-355

    (35 ILCS 200/21-355)
    Sec. 21-355. Amount of redemption. Any person desiring to redeem shall deposit an amount specified in this Section with the county clerk of the county in which the property is situated, in legal money of the United States, or by cashier's check, certified check, post office money order or money order issued by a financial institution insured by an agency or instrumentality of the United States, payable to the county clerk of the proper county. The deposit shall be deemed timely only if actually received in person at the county clerk's office prior to the close of business as defined in Section 3-2007 of the Counties Code on or before the expiration of the period of redemption or by United States mail with a post office cancellation mark dated not less than one day prior to the expiration of the period of redemption. The deposit shall be in an amount equal to the total of the following:
        (a) the certificate amount, which shall include all
tax principal, special assessments, interest and penalties paid by the tax purchaser together with costs and fees of sale and fees paid under Sections 21-295 and 21-315 through 21-335, except for the nonrefundable $80 fee paid, pursuant to Section 21-295, for each item purchased at the tax sale;
        (b) the accrued penalty, computed through the date of
redemption as a percentage of the certificate amount, as follows:
            (1) if the redemption occurs on or before the
expiration of 6 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times the penalty bid at sale;
            (2) if the redemption occurs after 6 months from
the date of sale, and on or before the expiration of 12 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times 2 times the penalty bid at sale;
            (3) if the redemption occurs after 12 months from
the date of sale and on or before the expiration of 18 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times 3 times the penalty bid at sale;
            (4) if the redemption occurs after 18 months from
the date of sale and on or before the expiration of 24 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times 4 times the penalty bid at sale;
            (5) if the redemption occurs after 24 months from
the date of sale and on or before the expiration of 30 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times 5 times the penalty bid at sale;
            (6) if the redemption occurs after 30 months from
the date of sale and on or before the expiration of 36 months from the date of sale, the certificate amount times 6 times the penalty bid at sale.
        In the event that the property to be redeemed has
been purchased under Section 21-405 before January 1, 2024, the penalty bid shall be 12% per penalty period as set forth in subparagraphs (1) through (6) of this subsection (b). The changes to this subdivision (b)(6) made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are not a new enactment, but declaratory of existing law.
        For counties with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants,
if the property to be redeemed is property with respect to which a tax lien or certificate is acquired after January 1, 2024 by the county as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, the penalty bid at sale shall accrue according to the penalty periods established in subparagraphs (1) through (6) of this subsection (b).
        For counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if
the property to be redeemed is property with respect to which a tax lien or certificate is acquired on or after January 1, 2024 by the county as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, the penalty bid is 0.75% and shall accrue monthly instead of according to the penalty periods established in subparagraphs (1) through (6) of this subsection (b).
        (c) The total of all taxes, special assessments,
accrued interest on those taxes and special assessments and costs charged in connection with the payment of those taxes or special assessments, except for the nonrefundable $80 fee paid, pursuant to Section 21-295, for each item purchased at the tax sale, which have been paid by the tax certificate holder on or after the date those taxes or special assessments became delinquent together with 12% penalty on each amount so paid for each year or portion thereof intervening between the date of that payment and the date of redemption. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, however, a tax certificate holder may not pay all or part of an installment of a subsequent tax or special assessment for any year, nor shall any tender of such a payment be accepted, until after the second or final installment of the subsequent tax or special assessment has become delinquent or until after the holder of the certificate of purchase has filed a petition for a tax deed under Section 22.30. The person redeeming shall also pay the amount of interest charged on the subsequent tax or special assessment and paid as a penalty by the tax certificate holder. This amendatory Act of 1995 applies to tax years beginning with the 1995 taxes, payable in 1996, and thereafter.
        (d) Any amount paid to redeem a forfeiture occurring
before January 1, 2024 but after the tax sale together with 12% penalty thereon for each year or portion thereof intervening between the date of the forfeiture redemption and the date of redemption from the sale.
        (e) Any amount paid by the certificate holder for
redemption of a subsequently occurring tax sale, including tax liens or certificates held by the county as trustee, pursuant to Section 21-90.
        (f) All fees paid to the county clerk under Section
        (g) All fees paid to the registrar of titles incident
to registering the tax certificate in compliance with the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act.
        (h) All fees paid to the circuit clerk and the
sheriff, a licensed or registered private detective, or the coroner in connection with the filing of the petition for tax deed and service of notices under Sections 22-15 through 22-30 and 22-40 in addition to (1) a fee of $35 if a petition for tax deed has been filed, which fee shall be posted to the tax judgement, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record, to be paid to the purchaser or his or her assignee; (2) a fee of $4 if a notice under Section 22-5 has been filed, which fee shall be posted to the tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record, to be paid to the purchaser or his or her assignee; (3) all costs paid to record a lis pendens notice in connection with filing a petition under this Code; and (4) if a petition for tax deed has been filed, all fees up to $150 per redemption paid to a registered or licensed title insurance company or title insurance agent for a title search to identify all owners, parties interested, and occupants of the property, to be paid to the purchaser or his or her assignee. The fees in (1) and (2) of this paragraph (h) shall be exempt from the posting requirements of Section 21-360. The costs incurred in causing notices to be served by a licensed or registered private detective under Section 22-15, may not exceed the amount that the sheriff would be authorized by law to charge if those notices had been served by the sheriff.
        (i) All fees paid for publication of notice of the
tax sale in accordance with Section 22-20.
        (j) All sums paid to any county, city, village or
incorporated town for reimbursement under Section 22-35.
        (k) All costs and expenses of receivership under
Section 21-410, to the extent that these costs and expenses exceed any income from the property in question, if the costs and expenditures have been approved by the court appointing the receiver and a certified copy of the order or approval is filed and posted by the certificate holder with the county clerk. Only actual costs expended may be posted on the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24; 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-360

    (35 ILCS 200/21-360)
    Sec. 21-360. Posting requirements. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21-355, the county clerk shall not be required to include amounts described in paragraphs (c) through (k) of Section 21-355 in the payment for redemption or the amount received for redemption, nor shall payment thereof be a charge on the property sold for taxes, unless the tax certificate holder has filed and posted with the county clerk prior to redemption and in any event not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the period of redemption or extended period of redemption an official, original or duplicate receipt for payment of those fees, costs and expenses permitted under paragraphs (c) through (k) of Section 21-355. Upon submission of an official original or duplicate receipt, the county clerk shall stamp the date upon each document received. If, in a county where the county clerk accepts electronic records, a tax certificate holder submits to the county clerk an official original or duplicate receipt as an electronic record, the county clerk shall acknowledge receipt of the record and shall provide confirmation in the same manner to the certificate holder. The confirmation from the county clerk shall indicate the date of receipt and shall serve as proof that the document was received by the county clerk. The county clerk shall not be required to include amounts described in paragraphs (c) through (k) of Section 21-355 in the payment for redemption or the amount received for redemption, nor shall payment thereof be a charge on the property sold for taxes, unless the purchaser or his or her assignee obtains this acknowledgement of delivery.
(Source: P.A. 100-975, eff. 8-19-18.)

35 ILCS 200/21-365

    (35 ILCS 200/21-365)
    Sec. 21-365. Deficiency judgment. If the sold property is not redeemed, a deficiency judgment shall not be taken on account of the receivership proceedings against the owner or owners of the property. In the event that income to the receiver exceeds expenditures, net income is to be deposited with the clerk of the court ordering the tax sale and shall be distributed as determined by the court ordering the appointment of the receiver.
(Source: P.A. 86-286; 86-413; 86-418; 86-949; 86-1028; 86-1158; 86-1481; 87-145; 87-236; 87-435; 87-895; 87-1189; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-370

    (35 ILCS 200/21-370)
    Sec. 21-370. Redemption of forfeited property. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21-375, any property forfeited to the county may be redeemed or sold in the following manner:
    When property has been forfeited for delinquent general taxes, the person desiring to redeem shall apply to the county clerk who shall order the county collector to receive from the person the amount of the forfeited general taxes, statutory costs, interest prior to forfeiture, printer's fees due thereon and, in addition, forfeiture interest at a rate of 12% per year or fraction thereof. Upon presentation of the county clerk's order to the county collector, the collector shall receive the amount due on account of forfeited general taxes and give the person duplicate receipts, setting forth a description of the property and amount received. One of the receipts shall be countersigned by the county clerk and, when so countersigned, shall be evidence of the redemption of the property. The receipt shall not be valid until it is countersigned by the county clerk. The other receipt shall be filed by the county clerk in his or her office, and the clerk shall make a proper entry of the redemption of the property on the appropriate books in his or her office and charge the amount of the redemption to the county collector.
    In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, when property has been forfeited because of the nonpayment of delinquent special assessments, the county clerk shall collect from the person desiring to redeem the amount due on the delinquent special assessment, together with the interest, costs and penalties fixed by law, and shall issue a receipt therefor setting forth a description of the property and the amount received. The receipt shall be evidence of the redemption of the property therein described. In addition, the city comptroller or other officer designated and authorized by the city council, board of trustees or other governing body of any municipal corporation which levied any special assessment shall have power to collect the amounts due on properties which have been forfeited, and the interest and penalties due thereon, based upon an estimate of the cost of redemption computed by the county clerk and at a rate to be fixed by the city council, board of trustees or other governing body as to the interest and penalties due thereon and shall issue a receipt therefor. The person receiving the receipt shall file with the county clerk the receipt of the municipal officer that such special assessments and interest and penalties have been paid. Upon the presentation of the receipt the county clerk shall issue to the person a certificate of cancellation setting forth a description of the property, the special assessment warrant and installment, and the amount received by the municipal officer. The certificate of cancellation shall be evidence of the redemption of the property therein described. The city council, board of trustees, or other governing body may authorize the municipal officer to waive penalties for the first year in excess of 7%. The form of the receipt of redemption for filing with the county clerk shall be as prescribed by law.
    In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, when property has been forfeited in whole or in part for the non-payment of delinquent special assessments, the person desiring to redeem shall apply to the municipal collector who shall receive the amount due on the delinquent special assessment, together with the interest, costs and penalties fixed by law, and issue a certificate therefor. The recipient shall file the certificate of the municipal collector that the special assessments and the costs, interest and penalties thereon have been paid with the county clerk. The municipal collector's certificate of payment shall be filed by the county clerk in his or her office and the clerk shall make a proper entry of the redemption on the books in his or her office.
    This Section 21-370 does not apply to any forfeiture that occurs on or after January 1, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-375

    (35 ILCS 200/21-375)
    Sec. 21-375. Partial redemption of forfeited properties. In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, when forfeited taxes on a property remain unpaid for one or more years, it is permissible to pay to the county or township collector, one or more full years of back or forfeited taxes, interest prior to forfeiture, statutory costs, printers' fees, and forfeiture interest or penalties, attaching thereto beginning with the earliest year for which the taxes are unpaid. In no case shall payment on account of a designated years' taxes be accepted unless the sums due for prior years have first been paid or are tendered at the same time.
    Any person seeking to make payments under this Section shall notify the county clerk of his or her intention in person or by agent or in writing. If notice is given while the collector has possession of the collector's books, the county clerk shall prepare an addendum to be presented to the collector and attached, by the collector, to the collector's books on which the description of the property involved appears, which addendum shall become a part of the collector's books. If notice is given after the tax sale, but before receipt by the county collector of the current collector's books, the county clerk shall prepare an addendum and attach it to the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption, and Forfeiture record, on which the property involved appears, which addendum shall become a part of that record.
    The addendum shall show separately, for the year or years to be paid, (a) the amount of back or forfeited taxes, (b) interest prior to forfeiture, (c) statutory costs and printers' fees, and (d) forfeiture interest or penalties attaching thereto. The county clerk shall, at the same time, order the county or town collector to receive from the person the amount due on account of the taxes, for the year or years determined as provided above, of the back or forfeited taxes, interest prior to forfeiture, statutory costs, printers' fees, and forfeiture interest or penalties to date attaching to the back or forfeited taxes.
    Upon presentation of the order from the county clerk, and receipt of the addendum if the books are in the collector's possession, the collector shall receive the sum tendered on account of the taxes for the year or years designated, and make out duplicate receipts therefor. The receipts shall set forth a description of the property, the year or years paid, and the total amount received. One copy of the receipt shall be given the person making payment and, when countersigned by the county clerk, shall be evidence of the payment therein set forth. The second copy shall be filed by the county clerk in his or her office.
    If the collector's books are in the collector's possession, he or she shall enter the payment on the current collector's books or addendum, and he or she shall also enter any unpaid balance on the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture record at the proper time.
    After the tax sale and before receipt by the county collector of the current collector's books, the county clerk shall make a proper entry on the Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture record, and shall charge the county collector with the sum received. The county clerk shall also enter any unpaid balance on the county collector's books at the proper time.
    The county collector shall distribute all sums received as required by law.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-380

    (35 ILCS 200/21-380)
    Sec. 21-380. Redemption under protest. Any person redeeming under this Section at a time subsequent to the filing of a petition under Section 22-30 or 21-445, who desires to preserve his or her right to defend against the petition for a tax deed, shall accompany the deposit for redemption with a writing substantially in the following form:
Redemption Under Protest
Tax Deed Case No. ............................................
Vol. No. .....................................................
Property Index No.
    or Legal Description. ....................................
Original Amount of Tax $. ....................................
Amount Deposited for Redemption $. ...........................
Name of Petitioner. ..........................................
Tax Year Included in Judgment. ...............................
Date of Sale. ................................................
Expiration Date of the Period of Redemption. .................
To the county clerk of ........ County:
    This redemption is made under protest for the following reasons: (here set forth and specify the grounds relied upon for the objection)
Name of party redeeming. .....................................
Address. .....................................................
    Any grounds for the objection not specified at the time of the redemption under protest shall not be considered by the court. The specified grounds for the objections shall be limited to those defenses as would provide sufficient basis to deny entry of an order for issuance of a tax deed. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize or revive any objection to the tax sale or underlying taxes which was estopped by entry of the order for sale as set forth in Section 22-75.
    The person protesting shall present to the county clerk 3 copies of the written protest signed by himself or herself. The clerk shall write or stamp the date of receipt upon the copies and sign them. He or she shall retain one of the copies, another he or she shall deliver to the person making the redemption, who shall file the copy with the clerk of the court in which the tax deed petition is pending, and the third he or she shall forward to the petitioner named therein.
    The county clerk shall enter the redemption as provided in Section 21-230 and shall note the redemption under protest. The redemption money so deposited shall not be distributed to the holder of the certificate of purchase but shall be retained by the county clerk pending disposition of the petition filed under Section 22-30.
    Redemption under protest constitutes the appearance of the person protesting in the proceedings under Sections 22-30 through 22-55 and that person shall present a defense to the petition for tax deed at the time which the court directs. Failure to appear and defend shall constitute a waiver of the protest and the court shall order the redemption money distributed to the holder of the certificate of purchase upon surrender of that certificate and shall dismiss the proceedings.
    When the party redeeming appears and presents a defense, the court shall hear and determine the matter. If the defense is not sustained, the court shall order the protest stricken and direct the county clerk to distribute the redemption money upon surrender of the certificate of purchase and shall order the party redeeming to pay the petitioner reasonable expenses, actually incurred, including the cost of withheld redemption money, together with a reasonable attorneys fee. Upon a finding sustaining the protest in whole or in part, the court may declare the sale to be a sale in error under Section 21-310 or Section 22-45, and shall direct the county clerk to return all or part of the redemption money or deposit to the party redeeming.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/21-385

    (35 ILCS 200/21-385)
    Sec. 21-385. Extension of period of redemption.
    (a) For any tax certificates held by a county pursuant to Section 21-90, the redemption period for each tax certificate shall be extended by operation of law until the date established by the county as the redemption deadline in a petition for tax deed filed under Section 22-30. The redemption deadline established in the petition shall be identified in the notices provided under Sections 22-10 through 22-25 of this Code. After a redemption deadline is established in the petition for tax deed, the county may further extend the redemption deadline by filing with the county clerk of the county in which the property is located a written notice to that effect describing the property, identifying the certificate number, and specifying the extended period of redemption. Notwithstanding any expiration of a prior redemption period, all tax certificates forfeited to the county and held pursuant to Section 21-90 shall remain enforceable by the county or its assignee, and redemption shall be extended by operation of law until the date established by the county as the redemption deadline in a petition for tax deed filed under Section 22-30.
    (b) Within 60 days of the date of assignment, assignees of forfeited certificates under Section 21-90 or Section 21-145 of this Code must file with the county clerk of the county in which the property is located a written notice describing the property, stating the date of the assignment, identifying the certificate number and specifying a deadline for redemption that is not later than 3 years from the date of assignment. Upon receiving the notice, the county clerk shall stamp the date of receipt upon the notice. If the notice is submitted as an electronic record, the county clerk shall acknowledge receipt of the record and shall provide confirmation in the same manner to the certificate holder. The confirmation from the county clerk shall include the date of receipt and shall serve as proof that the notice was filed with the county clerk. In no event shall a county clerk permit an assignee of forfeited certificates under Section 21-90 or Section 21-145 of this Code to extend the period of redemption beyond 3 years from the date of assignment. If the redemption period expires and no petition for tax deed has been filed under Section 22-30, the assigned tax certificate shall be forfeited to and held by the county pursuant to Section 21-90.
    (c) Except for the county as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, the purchaser or his or her assignee of property sold for nonpayment of general taxes or special assessments may extend the period of redemption at any time before the expiration of the original period of redemption, or thereafter prior to the expiration of any extended period of redemption, but only for a period that will expire not later than 3 years from the date of sale, by filing with the county clerk of the county in which the property is located a written notice to that effect describing the property, stating the date of the sale and specifying the extended period of redemption. Upon receiving the notice, the county clerk shall stamp the date of receipt upon the notice. If the notice is submitted as an electronic record, the county clerk shall acknowledge receipt of the record and shall provide confirmation in the same manner to the certificate holder. The confirmation from the county clerk shall include the date of receipt and shall serve as proof that the notice was filed with the county clerk. The county clerk shall not be required to extend the period of redemption unless the purchaser or his or her assignee obtains this acknowledgement of delivery. If prior to the expiration of the period of redemption or extended period of redemption a petition for tax deed has been filed under Section 22-30, upon application of the petitioner, the court shall allow the purchaser or his or her assignee to extend the period of redemption after expiration of the original period or any extended period of redemption, provided that any extension allowed will expire not later than 3 years from the date of sale. If the period of redemption is extended, the purchaser or his or her assignee must give the notices provided for in Section 22-10 at the specified times prior to the expiration of the extended period of redemption by causing a sheriff (or if he or she is disqualified, a coroner) of the county in which the property, or any part thereof, is located to serve the notices as provided in Sections 22-15 and 22-20. The notices may also be served as provided in Sections 22-15 and 22-20 by a special process server appointed by the court under Section 22-15 and as provided in Sections 22-15 and 22-20.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning tax certificates issued on or after January 1, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-390

    (35 ILCS 200/21-390)
    Sec. 21-390. Effect of receipt of redemption money, forfeiture, withdrawal or return of certificate. The receipt of the redemption money on any property by any purchaser or assignee, on account of any forfeiture or withdrawal, or the return of the certificate of purchase, withdrawal or forfeiture for cancellation, shall operate as a release of the claim to the property under, or by virtue of, the purchase, withdrawal or forfeiture. However, when a certificate of purchase has been recorded in the office of the county recorder by any city, incorporated town or village with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants in which the property is situated, the recording of a certificate by the County Clerk, reciting the cancellation of the certificate of purchase on the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record, shall operate as a release of the lien of the city, incorporated town, or village under the certificate of purchase.
(Source: P.A. 83-358; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-395

    (35 ILCS 200/21-395)
    Sec. 21-395. County clerk to pay successor redemption money collected. At the expiration of his or her term of office, the county clerk shall pay over to the successor in office all moneys in his or her hands received for redemption from sale for taxes on property.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-397

    (35 ILCS 200/21-397)
    Sec. 21-397. Notice of order setting aside redemption. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if an order is entered setting aside a redemption made within the time allowed by law after a petition for tax deed has been filed, the holder of the certificate of purchase shall mail a copy of the order within 7 days of entry of the order by registered or certified mail to the county clerk, to the person who made the redemption, and to all parties entitled to notice of the petition under Section 22-10, 22-15, or 22-25. The order shall provide that any person who was entitled to redeem may pay to the county clerk within 30 days after the entry of the order the amount necessary to redeem the property from the sale as of the last day of the period of redemption. The county clerk shall make an entry in the annual tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record reflecting the entry of the order and shall immediately upon request provide an estimate of the amount required to effect a redemption as of the last date of the period of redemption. If the amount is paid within 30 days after entry of the order, then the court shall enter an order declaring the taxes to be paid as if the property had been redeemed within the time required by law and dismissing the petition for tax deed. A tax deed shall not be issued within the 30-day period. Upon surrender of the certificate of purchase, the county clerk shall distribute the funds deposited as if a timely redemption had been made. This Section applies to all redemptions that occur after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 91-564, eff. 8-14-99.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 8

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 21 Div. 8 heading)
Division 8. Other procedures

35 ILCS 200/21-400

    (35 ILCS 200/21-400)
    Sec. 21-400. Special assessments withdrawn.
    In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county clerk, upon request of the city comptroller or other municipal officer authorized by the city council or board of trustees of any city, village or incorporated town to make such request, shall issue to the city, village or incorporated town, a certificate of withdrawal countersigned by the county collector for each property withdrawn for non-payment of any special assessment. The certificate of withdrawal shall describe the property withdrawn, the date of the withdrawal or forfeiture, and the amount of the special assessment, interest and costs.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-405

    (35 ILCS 200/21-405)
    Sec. 21-405. Special assessments withdrawn or forfeited.
    When property has been forfeited for delinquent general taxes or special assessments, a person desiring to purchase the property shall make application to the county clerk. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of $10 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants for each item on which application is made. The county clerk shall promptly send notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party in whose name the general taxes were last assessed or paid. The notice shall adequately describe the property, shall state the name and address of the party in whose name the general taxes were last assessed or paid, shall recite that application has been made to purchase the property for forfeited taxes or special assessments and that the property will be sold unless redemption is made within 30 days of the mailing of notice. For 30 days after the mailing, the property may be redeemed under Section 21-370.
    If redemption is not made, the county clerk shall receive from the purchaser the amount due on forfeited special assessments, together with the interest, costs and penalties thereon fixed by law, and shall issue an order to the county collector directing him or her to receive from the purchaser the amount of the forfeited general taxes, together with the costs, interest, fees and forfeiture interest provided in Section 21-370. In the order, the county clerk shall recite the amounts received by him or her on account of forfeited special assessments and shall direct the county collector to issue a receipt in the form of a certificate of purchase. Upon presentation of the order of the county clerk, the county collector shall receive the amount due on account of forfeited general taxes, and shall issue a receipt therefor in the form of a certificate of purchase.
    The certificate of purchase shall set forth a description of the property, and the amount paid by the purchaser on account of general taxes and special assessments, and shall be countersigned by the county clerk. When so countersigned, the certificate of purchase shall be evidence of the sale of the property and of the receipt by the county collector of the amounts ordered to be received by him or her by the county clerk on account of general taxes, and evidence of receipt by the county clerk of the amount received by him or her on account of forfeited special assessments. A certificate of purchase shall not be valid until it is countersigned by the county clerk. Upon countersigning the certificate, the county clerk shall make a proper entry of the sale of the property on the appropriate books, and charge the amount of the sale money of forfeited general taxes to the collector.
    Property purchased under this Section shall be subject to redemption, notice, etc., the same as if sold under Section 21-110 through 21-120. Any special assessment which has been withdrawn from collection by the municipality levying it shall not be subject to sale, but the purchaser, prior to the entry of any order for the issuance of a tax deed based on a sale under this Section, shall pay to the officer entitled to receive the amount due on all the withdrawn special assessments. The purchaser may file his or her receipts with the county clerk and have them posted on the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record at the same rate of penalty and in the same manner as in the case of payment of taxes and special assessments accruing after the sale, as provided in Section 21-355.
    This Section does not apply to any application or forfeiture that occurs on or after January 1, 2024.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-410

    (35 ILCS 200/21-410)
    Sec. 21-410. Waste; appointment of receiver. After any sale of property under this Code and until a tax deed has been issued or until redemption has been made, no waste shall be committed on any of the properties involved. The court which ordered the property to be sold may, upon verified petition of the holder of the certificate of purchase, take such action as the court deems necessary and desirable to prevent the commission of waste.
    If the property sold is improved with an abandoned building or structure or if any municipality or other local governmental body has legal action pending because the property violates local building, housing, or fire ordinances, or because the taxes on the property are delinquent for 2 or more years, the court which ordered the property to be sold may, upon verified petition of the holder of the certificate of purchase, enter an order for appointment of a receiver. Notice of the hearing for appointment of the receiver shall be given to the owner or owners of the property and to the person in whose name the taxes were last assessed, by certified or registered mail sent to their last known addresses, at least 5 days prior to the date of the hearing.
    The receiver may take only that action, subject to court approval, as is necessary for the preservation of the property or is necessary to correct conditions at the property that fail to conform to minimum standards of health and safety, as set forth in local ordinances. If a receiver is appointed, all costs and expenses advanced by the receiver shall be repaid as provided for in Section 21-355 before any redemption is considered complete. The receiver shall be discharged upon redemption from the tax sale or upon entry of an order directing issuance of a tax deed. Nothing herein contained is intended to prevent a court from appointing the holder of the certificate of purchase as receiver. The holder of the certificate of purchase shall be made a party to any action or proceeding to demolish or destroy improvements on property where the property has been sold for failure to pay taxes and the period of redemption has not expired.
(Source: P.A. 85-795; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-415

    (35 ILCS 200/21-415)
    Sec. 21-415. Reconveyance. When the grantee of a tax deed issued pursuant to a sale held on or prior to September 1, 1951, or any one claiming thereunder, has not perfected his title in accordance with Section 13-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure, it is lawful for the owner of the property or his agent or attorney to pay or tender to the tax title holder the moneys expended by the tax title holder upon the sale with 7% interest per year thereon, together with subsequent taxes and special assessments paid and the statutory fees and costs incurred. When the payment or tender is made the tax title holder shall reconvey the property to the owner thereof. The amount of the tender may be based upon an estimate prepared by the county clerk. However, the county clerk is not required to include any subsequent taxes or special assessments in his certificate of redemption, nor shall the payment thereof be a charge upon the property, unless the purchaser, assignee, or holder of the tax certificate has filed with the county clerk, before redemption, an official, original or duplicate tax collector's receipt for the payment of the subsequent taxes or special assessments, and the tax collector shall execute and furnish such duplicate tax receipts.
    In preparing the estimates, the county clerk shall include, in addition to the amount of moneys herein provided for, the following fees to the tax title holder:
        (a) For preparing the affidavit of compliance with
law, $1 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and $2 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
        (b) For service of the notices provided by law, which
must be served by holders of certificates of sale, to occupants, owners or parties interested in property sold for taxes, $3 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and $5 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants for each property listed, assessed and sold in one description.
        (c) The actual cost of recording the tax deed.
    The county clerk may charge $5 for preparing the estimate which shall be prima facie evidence of the amount due the tax title holder.
(Source: P.A. 87-669; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-420

    (35 ILCS 200/21-420)
    Sec. 21-420. Failure to reconvey. Any tax title holder failing or refusing to reconvey the property to the owner on demand after payment or tender or deposit of the amounts due, as provided in Section 21-415, shall be guilty of a petty offense. One-half of the fine shall go to the property owner and one-half to the county.
(Source: P.A. 77-2236; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-425

    (35 ILCS 200/21-425)
    Sec. 21-425. Reconveyance by sheriff. If the grantee of a tax deed, or any one claiming thereunder, fails or refuses to reconvey the property to the owner or owners thereof on demand after payment or tender or deposit of the amount due as provided in Section 21-415, the owner or owners may petition the circuit court in the same proceeding in which the order for issuance of tax deed was entered, asking that the amount of the tender, if not already deposited, may be deposited with the county treasurer and that the sheriff in that county be ordered to reconvey in the name of the holder of the tax title the property to the owner or owners thereof. Notice of the filing of the petition and the date of hearing thereon shall be given as the court may direct. Upon proof that the required amount has been deposited with the county treasurer and that the petitioner has complied with all requirements of law entitling him or her to a reconveyance of the tax title, the court shall enter an order directing the sheriff to reconvey the property in the name of the holder of the tax title to the owner or owners thereof.
    Whenever the tax purchaser makes application to withdraw moneys deposited with the county treasurer he or she shall deliver to the county treasurer a reconveyance of the tax title to the person or persons who made the deposit.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3718; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-430

    (35 ILCS 200/21-430)
    Sec. 21-430. Partial settlement. In the event an owner or party interested requests to make settlement on a part of the property sold to a municipality, withdrawn from collection or forfeited to the county for the non-payment of special assessments, the municipal officer is hereby authorized to accept the pro rata amount of any or all installments of the special assessment. That amount shall be computed by the board of local improvements, or other board or officer levying the special assessment, together with interest, costs and penalties as provided by law.
    A petition containing the computation shall then be presented by the municipality to the court wherein the original assessment was confirmed. The petition shall bear the same number and title as the original proceeding. At least 10 days before the date set for the hearing of the petition, notices shall be sent by mail, postpaid, to each of the persons who last paid the general taxes on the property originally assessed. The notices shall contain the description of the property as originally assessed, as it is to be divided, and the division of the original assessment, or installments thereof, together with interest, costs and penalties, showing the amount to be charged against each part of the property of land so divided, the date when the petition is to be heard, and the date when objections thereto may be filed.
    An affidavit by one of the members of the board of local improvements, or other board or officer computing the division, attesting to the mailing is prima facie evidence of a compliance with this Section. The court shall proceed to determine a fair and equitable division of the assessment, or any installment thereof, together with all interest, penalties and costs. The court shall order the cancellation of the certificate of sale, withdrawal or forfeiture on any part of the property if settlement is made within 10 days from the date of the court's order.
    The county clerk may note on the certificate the partial cancellation and shall issue a certificate of cancellation on that part of the property and return the certificate to the municipality. Where a certificate of forfeiture or withdrawal has not been issued, the county clerk may accept the Receipt of Deposit for Redemption, issued by the municipal officer, as provided by law, and the clerk shall issue a certificate of cancellation on that part of the property. He or she shall make proper entry on his or her records showing the part of the property on which settlement has been made and the amount due on the balance.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/21-435

    (35 ILCS 200/21-435)
    Sec. 21-435. Duty of county clerk to pay over to municipality. The county clerk shall, within 30 days after they have been collected by him or her, pay over to the office of the municipality entitled to receive them all special assessments, penalties and interest on those special assessments, and statutory costs advanced by the municipality due on account of the redemption or sale of the forfeited property.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-440

    (35 ILCS 200/21-440)
    Sec. 21-440. Action for collection of taxes and special assessments. The county board may, at any time after final judgment and order of sale against delinquent property under Section 21-180, institute a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois in the circuit court for the whole amount due for taxes and special assessments on the delinquent or forfeited property. Any county, city, village, incorporated town, school district or other municipal corporation to which any tax or special assessment is due, may, at any time after final judgment under Section 21-180, institute a civil action in its own name, in the circuit court, for the amount of the tax or special assessment due to it on the delinquent or forfeited property, and prosecute the same to final judgment. On the sale of any property following judgment in the civil action, the county, city, village, incorporated town, school district or other municipal corporation, interested in the collection of the tax, may become purchaser at the sale. If the property so sold is not redeemed the purchaser may acquire, hold, sell or dispose of the title thereto, the same as individuals may do under the laws of this State. In any action for delinquent or forfeited taxes, the fact that property was assessed to a person shall be prima facie evidence that the person was the owner thereof, and was liable for the taxes for the year or years for which the assessment was made. That fact may be proved by the introduction in evidence of the proper assessment book or roll, or other competent proof. Any judgment rendered for delinquent or forfeited general taxes under this Section shall include the costs of the action and reasonable attorney's fees.
(Source: P.A. 86-949; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/21-445

    (35 ILCS 200/21-445)
    Sec. 21-445. Tax and special assessment foreclosure proceedings. In tax and special assessment foreclosure proceedings, the purchaser or assignee shall file a petition for a deed in the proceeding in which the foreclosure order was entered. Notice of the filing of the petition and of the hearing on the petition shall be given in conformity with rule or practice of court in regard to motions as in other civil actions.
(Source: P.A. 79-1366; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 22

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 22 heading)
Article 22. Tax Deeds and Procedures

35 ILCS 200/22-5

    (35 ILCS 200/22-5)
    Sec. 22-5. Notice of sale and redemption rights. In order to be entitled to a tax deed, within 4 months and 15 days after any sale held under this Code, the purchaser or his or her assignee, and the county for all forfeited certificates from the annual sale, shall deliver to the county clerk a notice to be given to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books, in at least 10 point type in the following form completely filled in:
    County of ................................................
    Date Premises Sold or Forfeited ..........................
    Certificate No. ..........................................
    Sold for General Taxes of (year) .........................
    Sold for Special Assessment of (Municipality)
    and special assessment number ............................
    Warrant No. ............... Inst. No. .................
Property Address (as identified on the most recent tax bill, if available) .
Legal Description or Property Index No. ......................
    This notice is to advise you that a petition may be filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of the above-referenced property ("Property") if redemption is not made on or before the redemption deadline.
    To determine the redemption deadline and the total amount you must pay to redeem the sold taxes, you must immediately contact the County Clerk at the address, phone number, or email address below. Check with the County Clerk for the exact amount you owe before redeeming. Payment must be made by certified check, cashier's check, money order, or in cash to the County Clerk.
    Property sold under the Property Tax Code may be redeemed by any owner or person holding an interest in the Property at any time before the following deadlines (based on property classification as of the Date of Sale):
    You must redeem your taxes within one year of the Date of Sale for the following classifications:
        (1) vacant non-farm property;
        (2) property containing an improvement consisting of
a structure or structures with 7 or more residential units; and
        (3) commercial or industrial property.
    You must redeem your taxes within 2 1/2 years of the Date of Sale for the following classifications:
        (1) all residential property with less than 6 units;
        (2) all other property not covered by the 1-year
redemption period outlined above.
    Redemption deadlines may have been extended by the certificate holder or pursuant to Illinois law. To confirm the redemption deadline, you must contact the County Clerk at the address, telephone number, or email address below. Redemption can be made at any time on or before .... by applying to the County Clerk of .... County, Illinois at the Office of the County Clerk in ...., Illinois. The address, telephone number, and email address for the County Clerk is as follows:
TELEPHONE AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESS:..........................
    For further information about the redemption deadline, redemption amount, or payment process, please contact the County Clerk.
    Within 10 days after receipt of said notice, the county clerk shall mail to the addresses supplied by the purchaser or assignee, by registered or certified mail, copies of said notice to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books. With the exception of a county or taxing district acquiring certificates pursuant to Section 21-90 and 21-260, all purchasers or assignees shall pay to the clerk postage plus the sum of $10. The clerk shall write or stamp the date of receiving the notices upon the copies of the notices, and retain one copy.
    With the exception of forfeited tax liens or certificates held by the county pursuant to Section 21-90, all redemption periods shall begin on the date of sale. For forfeited tax liens or certificates held by the county pursuant to Section 21-90, the county may cure any defect in a notice, or failure to send a notice as required by this Section, by delivering to the county clerk a notice to be given to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books. The redemption period begins on the date the county delivered the corrected notice to the clerk, if such extension is otherwise permitted by law.
    The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly apply only to tax sales that occur on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning tax certificates issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-815, eff. 5-13-22; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-10

    (35 ILCS 200/22-10)
    Sec. 22-10. Notice of expiration of period of redemption. A purchaser or assignee shall not be entitled to a tax deed to the property sold unless, not less than 3 months nor more than 6 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, he or she gives notice of the sale and the date of expiration of the period of redemption to the owners, occupants, and parties interested in the property, including any mortgagee of record, as provided below. For counties or taxing districts holding certificates pursuant to Section 21-90, the date of expiration of the period of redemption shall be designated by the county or taxing district in its petition for tax deed and identified in the notice below, which shall be filed with the county clerk.
    The Notice to be given to the parties shall be in at least 10-point type in the following form completely filled in:
TAX DEED NO. .................... FILED ....................
    County of ................................................
    Date Premises Sold or Forfeited ..........................
    Certificate No. .........................................
    Sold or Forfeited for General Taxes of (year) ............
    Sold for Special Assessment of (Municipality)
    and special assessment number ............................
    Warrant No. ................ Inst. No. .................
Property Address (as identified on the most recent tax bill, if available) .
Legal Description or Property Index No. ......................
    This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on .
    Check with the county clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming.
    This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before .
    This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this county in ...., Illinois on .....
    You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time.
    Redemption can be made at any time on or before .... by applying to the County Clerk of ...., County, Illinois at the Office of the County Clerk in ...., Illinois.
    For further information contact the County Clerk
Purchaser or Assignee.
Dated (insert date).

    In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the notice shall also state the address, room number, and time at which the matter is set for hearing.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 97-557 apply only to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after July 1, 2012 (the effective date of Public Act 97-557).
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 102-1003 apply to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1003). Failure of any party or any public official to comply with the changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-528 does not invalidate any tax deed issued prior to May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1003).
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning tax certificates issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-528, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1003, eff. 5-27-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-15

    (35 ILCS 200/22-15)
    Sec. 22-15. Service of notice. The purchaser or his or her assignee shall give the notice required by Section 22-10 by causing it to be published in a newspaper as set forth in Section 22-20. In addition, the notice shall be served upon owners who reside on any part of the subject property by leaving a copy of the notice with those owners personally. The notice must be served by a sheriff (or if he or she is disqualified, by a coroner) of the county in which the property, or any part thereof, is located or, by a person who is licensed or registered as a private detective under the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004.
    In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the notice required by Section 22-10 is to be served by the sheriff, no sale in error may be declared pursuant to Section 22-50 or subparagraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 21-310 based upon the sheriff's failure to serve the notice in accordance with this Section unless the notice and service list for the first service attempt is delivered by the purchaser or assignee to the sheriff at least 5 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption. Purchasers or assignees may request that the sheriff make additional service attempts to the same entities and locations, and the sheriff may make those additional attempts within the noticing period established in Section 22-10, but the sheriff's failure to make such additional service attempts is not grounds for a sale in error under Section 22-50 or subparagraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 21-310.
    In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the purchaser or assignee requests that the sheriff make an additional service attempt upon an entity or to a location that was not included on the service list for the first attempt, then the purchaser or assignee must deliver the notice and service list for the additional service attempt to the sheriff at least 4 months before the expiration of the period of redemption. If the purchaser or assignee delivers the notice and service list for an additional service attempt upon an entity or to a location that was not included on the service list for the first attempt to the sheriff at least 4 months before the expiration of the period of redemption, then the sheriff's failure to serve the notice in accordance with this Section may be grounds for a sale in error under Section 22-50 but not under subparagraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 21-310. If the purchaser or assignee fails to deliver the notice and service list for an additional service attempt upon an entity or to a location that was not included on the first service list to the sheriff at least 4 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, then the sheriff's failure to serve that additional notice in accordance with this Section is not grounds for a sale in error under either Section 22-50 or subparagraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 21-310.
    In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants where a taxing district is a petitioner for tax deed pursuant to Section 21-90, in lieu of service by the sheriff or coroner the notice may be served by a special process server appointed by the circuit court as provided in this Section. The taxing district may move prior to filing one or more petitions for tax deed for appointment of such a special process server. The court, upon being satisfied that the person named in the motion is at least 18 years of age and is capable of serving notice as required under this Code, shall enter an order appointing such person as a special process server for a period of one year. The appointment may be renewed for successive periods of one year each by motion and order, and a copy of the original and any subsequent order shall be filed in each tax deed case in which a notice is served by the appointed person. Delivery of the notice to and service of the notice by the special process server shall have the same force and effect as its delivery to and service by the sheriff or coroner.
    The same form of notice shall also be served, in the manner set forth under Sections 2-203, 2-204, 2-205, 2-205.1, and 2-211 of the Code of Civil Procedure, upon all other owners and parties interested in the property, if upon diligent inquiry they can be found in the county, and upon the occupants of the property.
    If the property sold has more than 4 dwellings or other rental units, and has a managing agent or party who collects rents, that person shall be deemed the occupant and shall be served with notice instead of the occupants of the individual units. If the property has no dwellings or rental units, but economic or recreational activities are carried on therein, the person directing such activities shall be deemed the occupant. Holders of rights of entry and possibilities of reverter shall not be deemed parties interested in the property.
    When a party interested in the property is a trustee, notice served upon the trustee shall be deemed to have been served upon any beneficiary or note holder thereunder unless the holder of the note is disclosed of record.
    When a judgment is a lien upon the property sold, the holder of the lien shall be served with notice if the name of the judgment debtor as shown in the transcript, certified copy or memorandum of judgment filed of record is identical, as to given name and surname, with the name of the party interested as it appears of record.
    If any owner or party interested, upon diligent inquiry and effort, cannot be found or served with notice in the county as provided in this Section, and the person in actual occupancy and possession is tenant to, or in possession under the owners or the parties interested in the property, then service of notice upon the tenant, occupant or person in possession shall be deemed service upon the owners or parties interested.
    If any owner or party interested, upon diligent inquiry and effort cannot be found or served with notice in the county, then the person making the service shall cause a copy of the notice to be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to that party at his or her residence, if ascertainable.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 95-477 apply only to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after June 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-477).
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-20

    (35 ILCS 200/22-20)
    Sec. 22-20. Proof of service of notice; publication of notice. The sheriff or coroner serving notice under Section 22-15 shall endorse his or her return thereon and file it with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and it shall be a part of the court record. A private detective or a special process server appointed under Section 22-15 shall make his or her return by affidavit and shall file it with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, where it shall be a part of the court record. If a sheriff, private detective, special process server, or coroner to whom any notice is delivered for service, neglects or refuses to make the return, the purchaser or his or her assignee may petition the court to enter a rule requiring the sheriff, private detective, special process server, or coroner to make return of the notice on a day to be fixed by the court, or to show cause on that day why he or she should not be attached for contempt of the court. The purchaser or assignee shall cause a written notice of the rule to be served upon the sheriff, private detective, special process server, or coroner. If good and sufficient cause to excuse the sheriff, private detective, special process server, or coroner is not shown, the court shall adjudge him or her guilty of a contempt, and shall proceed to punish him as in other cases of contempt.
    If the property is located in a municipality in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the purchaser or his or her assignee shall also publish a notice as to the owner or party interested, in some newspaper published in the municipality. If the property is not in a municipality in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, or if no newspaper is published therein, or if the property is in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the notice shall be published in some newspaper in the county. If no newspaper is published in the county, then the notice shall be published in the newspaper that is published nearest the county seat of the county in which the property is located. If the owners and parties interested in the property upon diligent inquiry are unknown to the purchaser or his or her assignee, the publication as to such owner or party interested, may be made to unknown owners or parties interested. Any notice by publication given under this Section shall be given 3 times at any time after filing a petition for tax deed, but not less than 3 months nor more than 6 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption. The publication shall contain (a) notice of the filing of the petition for tax deed, (b) the date on which the petitioner intends to make application for an order on the petition that a tax deed issue, (c) a description of the property, (d) the date upon which the property was sold, (e) the taxes or special assessments for which it was sold and (f) the date on which the period of redemption will expire. The publication shall not include more than one property listed and sold in one description, except as provided in Section 21-90, and except that when more than one property is owned by one person, all of the parcels owned by that person may be included in one notice.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 95-477 apply only to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after June 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-477).
(Source: P.A. 95-195, eff. 1-1-08; 95-477, eff. 6-1-08; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08.)

35 ILCS 200/22-25

    (35 ILCS 200/22-25)
    Sec. 22-25. Mailed notice. In addition to the notice required to be served not less than one month nor more than 6 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, the purchaser or his or her assignee shall prepare and deliver to the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in which the property is located, not more than 6 months and not less than 3 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, the notice provided for in this Section, together with the statutory costs for mailing the notice by certified mail, return receipt requested. The form of notice to be mailed by the clerk shall be identical in form to that provided by Section 22-10 for service upon owners residing upon the property sold, except that it shall bear the signature of the clerk instead of the name of the purchaser or assignee and shall designate the parties to whom it is to be mailed. The clerk may furnish the form. The clerk shall mail the notices delivered to him or her by certified mail, return receipt requested, not less than 3 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption. The certificate of the clerk that he or she has mailed the notices, together with the return receipts, shall be filed in and made a part of the court record. The notices shall be mailed to the owners of the property at their last known addresses, and to those persons who are entitled to service of notice as occupants.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 97-557 shall be construed as being declaratory of existing law and not as a new enactment.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 102-1003 apply to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1003). Failure of any party or any public official to comply with the changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-528 does not invalidate any tax deed issued prior to May 27, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act 102-1003).
(Source: P.A. 102-528, eff. 1-1-22; 102-815, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1003, eff. 5-27-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-30

    (35 ILCS 200/22-30)
    Sec. 22-30. Petition for deed. At any time within 6 months but not less than 3 months prior to the expiration of the redemption period for property sold pursuant to judgment and order of sale under Sections 21-110 through 21-120 or 21-260 or otherwise acquired by the county pursuant to Section 21-90, the purchaser, or the agent pursuant to Section 21-90, may file a petition in the circuit court in the same proceeding in which the judgment and order of sale were entered, asking that the court direct the county clerk to issue a tax deed if the property is not redeemed from the sale. The petition shall be accompanied by the statutory filing fee.
    Notice of filing the petition and a date for redemption, after which the petitioner intends to apply for an order to issue a tax deed if the taxes are not redeemed, shall be given to occupants, owners and persons interested in the property as part of the notice provided in Sections 22-10 through 22-25, except that only one publication is required. The county clerk shall be notified of the filing of the petition and any person owning or interested in the property may, if he or she desires, appear in the proceeding.
    The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly apply only to matters in which a petition for tax deed is filed on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-35

    (35 ILCS 200/22-35)
    Sec. 22-35. Reimbursement of a county or municipality before issuance of tax deed. Except in any proceeding in which the tax purchaser is a county acting as a trustee for taxing districts as provided in Section 21-90, an order for the issuance of a tax deed under this Code shall not be entered affecting the title to or interest in any property in which a county, city, village or incorporated town has an interest under the police and welfare power by advancements made from public funds, until the purchaser or assignee makes reimbursement to the county, city, village or incorporated town of the money so advanced or the county, city, village, or town waives its lien on the property for the money so advanced. In lieu of reimbursing the county, city, village, or town for any advancement of money that have not been waived, the purchaser or his or her assignee may make application for and the court shall order that the tax purchase be set aside as a sale in error. However, a sale in error may not be granted under this Section if:
        (1) the lien has been released, satisfied,
discharged, or waived; or
        (2) the following conditions apply:
            (A) the county, city, village, or town does not
agree to release, discharge, or waive the lien;
            (B) the aggregate total of all such liens
recorded against the property by the county, city, village, or town is less than $5,000; and
            (C) the lien or liens secure money advanced by
the county, city, village, or town to abate conditions on the property that are in violation of Section 11-20-7, Section 11-20-12, or Section 11-20-13 of the Illinois Municipal Code or any other applicable codes or ordinances adopted by a county, city, village or town pursuant to its emergency authority to abate neglected weeds, grass, trees, bushes, garbage, debris, or graffiti from property.
    A filing or appearance fee shall not be required of a county, city, village or incorporated town seeking to enforce its claim under this Section in a tax deed proceeding.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-40

    (35 ILCS 200/22-40)
    Sec. 22-40. Issuance of deed; possession.
    (a) To obtain an order for issuance of tax deed, the petitioner must provide sufficient evidence that:
        (1) the redemption period has expired and the
property has not been redeemed;
        (2) all taxes and special assessments which became
due and payable subsequent to the sale have been paid, unless the county or its agent, as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, is the petitioner;
        (3) all forfeitures and sales which occur subsequent
to the sale are paid or redeemed, unless the county or its agent, as trustee pursuant to Section 21-90, is the petitioner;
        (4) the notices required by law have been given, and
all advancements of public funds under the police power made by a county, city, village or town under Section 22-35 have been paid; and
        (5) the petitioner has complied with all the
provisions of law entitling him or her to a deed.
    Upon receipt of sufficient evidence of the requirements under this subsection (a), the court shall find that the petitioner complied with those requirements and shall enter an order directing the county clerk, on the production of the tax certificate and a certified copy of the order, to issue to the purchaser or its assignee a tax deed. The court shall insist on strict compliance with Section 22-10 through 22-25. Prior to the entry of an order directing the issuance of a tax deed, the petitioner shall furnish the court with a report of proceedings of the evidence received on the application for tax deed and the report of proceedings shall be filed and made a part of the court record.
    (b) Except as provided in subsection (e), if taxes for years prior to the year or years sold are or become delinquent subsequent to the date of sale, the court shall find that the lien of those delinquent taxes has been or will be merged into the tax deed grantee's title if the court determines that the tax deed grantee or any prior holder of the certificate of purchase, or any person or entity under common ownership or control with any such grantee or prior holder of the certificate of purchase, was at no time the holder of any certificate of purchase for the years sought to be merged. If delinquent taxes are merged into the tax deed pursuant to this subsection, the court shall enter an order declaring which specific taxes have been or will be merged into the tax deed title and directing the county treasurer and county clerk to reflect that declaration in the warrant and judgment records; provided, that no such order shall be effective until a tax deed has been issued and timely recorded. Nothing contained in this Section shall relieve any owner liable for delinquent property taxes under this Code from the payment of the taxes that have been merged into the title upon issuance of the tax deed.
    (c) The county clerk is entitled to a fee of $10 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants for the issuance of the tax deed, with the exception of deeds issued to the county pursuant to its authority under Section 21-90. The clerk may not include in a tax deed more than one property as listed, assessed and sold in one description, except in cases where several properties are owned by one person.
    Upon application the court shall, enter an order to place the tax deed grantee or the grantee's successor in interest in possession of the property and may enter orders and grant relief as may be necessary or desirable to maintain the grantee or the grantee's successor in interest in possession.
    (d) The court shall retain jurisdiction to enter orders pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this Section. This amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly and this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and not as a new enactment.
    (e) Prior to the issuance of any tax deed under this Section, the petitioner must redeem all taxes and special assessments on the property that are subject to a pending tax petition filed by a county or its assignee pursuant to Section 21-90.
    (f) If, for any reason, a purchaser fails to obtain an order for tax deed within the required time period and no sale in error was granted or redemption paid, then the certificate shall be forfeited to the county, as trustee, pursuant to Section 21-90.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-45

    (35 ILCS 200/22-45)
    Sec. 22-45. Tax deed incontestable unless order appealed or relief petitioned. Tax deeds issued under Section 22-40 are incontestable except by appeal from the order of the court directing the county clerk to issue the tax deed. However, relief from such order may be had under Sections 2-1203 or 2-1401 of the Code of Civil Procedure in the same manner and to the same extent as may be had under those Sections with respect to final orders and judgments in other proceedings. The grounds for relief under Section 2-1401 shall be limited to:
        (1) proof that the taxes were paid prior to sale;
        (2) proof that the property was exempt from taxation;
        (3) proof by clear and convincing evidence that the
tax deed had been procured by fraud or deception by the tax purchaser or his or her assignee; or
        (4) proof by a person or party holding a recorded
ownership or other recorded interest in the property that he or she was not named as a party in the publication notice as set forth in Section 22-20, and that the tax purchaser or his or her assignee did not make a diligent inquiry and effort to serve that person or party with the notices required by Sections 22-10 through 22-30.
    In cases of the sale of homestead property in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, a tax deed may also be voided by the court upon petition, filed not more than 3 months after an order for tax deed was entered, if the court finds that the property was owner occupied on the expiration date of the period of redemption and that the order for deed was effectuated pursuant to a negligent or willful error made by an employee of the county clerk or county collector during the period of redemption from the sale that was reasonably relied upon to the detriment of any person having a redeemable interest. In such a case, the tax purchaser shall be entitled to the original amount required to redeem the property plus interest from the sale as of the last date of redemption together with costs actually expended subsequent to the expiration of the period of redemption and reasonable attorney's fees, all of which shall be dispensed from the fund created by Section 21-295. In those cases of error where the court vacates the tax deed, it may award the petitioner reasonable attorney's fees and court costs actually expended, payable from that fund. The court hearing a petition filed under this Section or Section 2-1401 of the Code of Civil Procedure may concurrently hear a petition filed under Section 21-295 and may grant relief under any Section.
    This amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and not as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 95-477, eff. 6-1-08.)

35 ILCS 200/22-50

    (35 ILCS 200/22-50)
    Sec. 22-50. Denial of deed. If the court refuses to enter an order directing the county clerk to execute and deliver the tax deed, because of the failure of the purchaser to fulfill any of the above provisions, and if the purchaser, or his or her assignee has made a bona fide attempt to comply with the statutory requirements for the issuance of the tax deed, then upon application of the owner of the certificate of purchase the court shall declare the sale to be a sale in error.
(Source: P.A. 92-224, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/22-55

    (35 ILCS 200/22-55)
    Sec. 22-55. Tax deeds to convey merchantable title. This Section shall be liberally construed so that tax deeds shall convey merchantable title. In the event the property has been taken by eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act, the tax purchaser shall be entitled to the award which is the substitute for the property. Tax deeds issued pursuant to this Section are subject to Section 22-70.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/22-60

    (35 ILCS 200/22-60)
    Sec. 22-60. Contents of deed; recording. Every tax deed shall contain the full names and the true post office address and residence of grantee. A county receiving a tax deed pursuant to Section 21-90 may designate a specific county agency to be named as the deed grantee. It shall not be of any force or effect, and the recipient shall not take title to the property, until after the deed has been recorded in the office of the recorder.
(Source: P.A. 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)

35 ILCS 200/22-65

    (35 ILCS 200/22-65)
    Sec. 22-65. Form of deed. A tax deed executed by the county clerk under the official seal of the county shall be recorded in the same manner as other conveyances of property, and vests in the grantee, his or her heirs and assigns, the title of the property therein described without further acknowledgment or evidence of the conveyance. The conveyance shall be substantially in the following form:
State of Illinois)
                 ) ss.
County of .......)
    At a public sale of property for the nonpayment of taxes, held in the county above stated, on (insert date), the following described property was sold: (here place description of property conveyed). The property not having been redeemed from the sale, and it appearing that the holder of the certificate of purchase of the property has complied with the laws of the State of Illinois necessary to entitle (insert him, her or them) to a deed of the property: I ...., county clerk of the county of ...., in consideration of the property and by virtue of the statutes of the State of Illinois in such cases provided, grant and convey to ...., his or her heirs and assigns forever, the property described above.
    Dated (insert date).
Signature of .................. County Clerk
Seal of County of ...., Illinois
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/22-70

    (35 ILCS 200/22-70)
    Sec. 22-70. Easements and covenants running with the land. A tax deed issued with respect to any property sold under this Code shall not extinguish or affect any conservation right, easement, covenant running with the land or right-of-way for water, sewer, electricity, gas, telephone or other public service use which was created, on or over that real property before the time that property was sold under this Code and which is evidenced either by a recorded instrument or by wires, poles, pipes, equipment or other public service facilities. When the property described in a tax deed issued under this Code is a dominant or a servient tenement with respect to any private easement or easements, created in good faith expressly or by operation of law for the benefit of a dominant tenement or tenements, with respect to the easement or easements the tax deed shall have the same effect as a deed of conveyance made by the owner of the property to the tax deed grantee, just prior to the issuance of the deed.
    This Section does not apply to tax deeds issued because the owner of any easement, covenant running with the land or right-of-way has failed to pay taxes or special assessments assessed for that easement, covenant running with the land or right-of-way.
(Source: P.A. 91-497, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/22-75

    (35 ILCS 200/22-75)
    Sec. 22-75. Deed; prima facie evidence of regularity of sale.
    (a) As to the property conveyed therein, tax deeds executed by the county clerk are prima facie evidence of the following facts in all controversies and suits in relation to the rights of the tax deed grantee and his or her heirs or assigns:
        (1) the property conveyed was subject to taxation at
the time it was assessed, and was listed and assessed in the time and manner required by law;
        (2) the taxes or special assessments were not paid at
any time before the sale;
        (3) the property was advertised for sale in the
manner and for the length of time required by law;
        (4) the property was sold for taxes or special
assessments as stated in the deed;
        (5) the sale was conducted in the manner required by
        (6) the property conveyed was not redeemed from the
sale within the time permitted by law;
        (7) the grantee in the deed was the purchaser or
assignee of the purchaser.
    (b) Any order for the sale of property for delinquent taxes, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall estop all parties from raising any objections to the order or to a tax title based thereon, which existed at or before the rendition of the order, and which could have been presented as a defense to the application for the order. The order itself is conclusive evidence of its regularity and validity in all collateral proceedings, except in cases where the tax or special assessments were paid prior to the sale or the property was exempt from general taxes or was not subject to special assessment.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-342, eff. 1-1-96.)

35 ILCS 200/22-80

    (35 ILCS 200/22-80)
    Sec. 22-80. Order of court setting aside tax deed; payments to holder of deed.
    (a) Any order of court vacating an order directing the county clerk to issue a tax deed based upon a finding that the property was not subject to taxation or special assessment, or that the taxes or special assessments had been paid prior to the sale of the property, or that the tax sale was otherwise void, shall declare the tax sale to be a sale in error pursuant to Section 21-310 of this Act. The order shall direct the county collector to refund to the tax deed grantee or his or her successors and assigns (or, if a tax deed has not yet issued, the holder of the certificate) the following amounts:
        (1) all taxes and special assessments purchased,
paid, or redeemed by the tax purchaser or his or her assignee, or by the tax deed grantee or his or her successors and assigns, whether before or after entry of the order for tax deed, with interest at the rate of 1% per month from the date each amount was paid until the date of payment pursuant to this Section;
        (2) all costs paid and posted to the judgment record
and not included in paragraph (1) of this subsection (a); and
        (3) court reporter fees for the hearing on the
application for tax deed and transcript thereof, cost of certification of tax deed order, cost of issuance of tax deed, and cost of recording of tax deed.
    (b) Except in those cases described in subsection (a) of this Section, and unless the court on motion of the tax deed petitioner extends the redemption period to a date not later than 3 years from the date of sale, any order of court finding that an order directing the county clerk to issue a tax deed should be vacated shall direct the party who successfully contested the entry of the order to pay to the tax deed grantee or his or her successors and assigns (or, if a tax deed has not yet issued, the holder of the certificate) within 90 days after the date of the finding:
        (1) the amount necessary to redeem the property from
the sale as of the last day of the period of redemption, except that, if the sale is a scavenger sale pursuant to Section 21-260 of this Act, the redemption amount shall not include an amount equal to all delinquent taxes on such property which taxes were delinquent at the time of sale; and
        (2) amounts in satisfaction of municipal liens paid
by the tax purchaser or his or her assignee, and the amounts specified in paragraphs (1) and (3) of subsection (a) of this Section, to the extent the amounts are not included in paragraph (1) of this subsection (b).
    If the payment is not made within the 90-day period, the petition to vacate the order directing the county clerk to issue a tax deed shall be denied with prejudice, and the order directing the county clerk to issue a tax deed shall remain in full force and effect. No final order vacating any order directing the county clerk to issue a tax deed shall be entered pursuant to this subsection (b) until the payment has been made.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/22-85

    (35 ILCS 200/22-85)
    Sec. 22-85. Failure to timely take out and record deed; deed is void. Unless the holder of the certificate purchased at any tax sale under this Code takes out the deed in the time provided by law, and records the same within one year from and after the time for redemption expires, the certificate or deed, and the sale on which it is based, shall, after the expiration of the one year period, be absolutely void with no right to reimbursement. If the holder of the certificate is prevented from obtaining a deed by injunction or order of any court, or by the refusal or inability of any court to act upon the application for a tax deed, or by the refusal of the clerk to execute the same deed, the time he or she is so prevented shall be excluded from computation of the one year period. Certificates of purchase and deeds executed by the clerk shall recite the qualifications required in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 87-669; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/22-90

    (35 ILCS 200/22-90)
    Sec. 22-90. Recording of certificate of purchase by municipality. If any city, village or incorporated town, interested in the collection of any special tax or assessment, acquires a certificate of purchase at a tax sale, it is not required to take out a deed, but may preserve its lien under the certificate of purchase, beyond the period of redemption, by recording the certificate of purchase or evidence thereof within 1 year from the expiration of the period of redemption or extended period of redemption, in the office of the recorder of the county in which the property is situated, or by presenting the certificate for registration in the manner provided by law, to the registrar of titles in the case of property registered under the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act. The recorded certificate of purchase or the evidence thereof shall contain language in substantially the following form:
STATE OF ....)
    The following described property was sold to the (here place name of city, village, or incorporated town), at a public sale for the nonpayment of special taxes or assessments in the above stated county, on (insert date), to-wit: (here place property description). The sale was for the delinquent special tax or assessment (here place the special assessment warrant number and installment). Unless payment or settlement is made at the office of (here place proper city, village or incorporated town officer), the municipality for which the above lien or liens were created may at any time after expiration of the period of redemption, sell and assign the certificate of purchase. Either the municipality or its assignee at any time after expiration of the period of redemption may file a complaint to foreclose or bring an action for the amount of the special tax or assessment due.
    Dated (insert date).
(Proper Officer)
    (Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/22-95

    (35 ILCS 200/22-95)
    Sec. 22-95. Order of court setting aside certificate of purchase; payments. Any judgment or order of the circuit court, setting aside the lien under the certificate of purchase filed in accordance with Section 22-90 shall provide that the claimant pay to the city, village or incorporated town, or its assignee holding the certificate of purchase, the following:
        (a) the amount for which the same was sold, together
with the amount of the penalty bid at the tax sale, if set aside before the expiration of 6 months from the day of sale;
        (b) if between 6 and 12 months, the amount for which
the same was sold together with twice the amount of the penalty bid;
        (c) if between 12 and 18 months, the amount for which
the same was sold together with 3 times the amount of the penalty bid;
        (d) if between 18 months and 2 years, the amount for
which the same was sold together with 4 times the amount of the penalty bid at the sale;
        (e) if after 2 years, the amount for which the same
was sold together with 4 times the amount of the penalty bid at the sale, and interest thereafter at the rate of 5% per year on the amount for which the same was sold.
    In all cases, the claimant shall also pay costs of $10 in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $5 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants.
    A final judgment or order of the circuit court in any case or in an eminent domain proceeding under the Eminent Domain Act involving the title to or interest in any property in which the city, village or incorporated town, or its assignee holding a certificate of purchase, has an interest, or setting aside any lien under the certificate filed under this Code shall not be entered, until the claimant makes reimbursement to the city, village or incorporated town or its assignee holding the certificate of purchase. The county clerk is entitled to a fee of $5 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants and $2 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants for preparing the estimate of the amount required to redeem. The estimate of the county clerk is prima facie evidence in all courts of the amount due to such city, village or incorporated town or its assignee.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 8

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 8 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 23

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 23 heading)
Article 23. Procedures and
Adjudication for Tax Objections

35 ILCS 200/23-5

    (35 ILCS 200/23-5)
    Sec. 23-5. Payment under protest. Beginning with the 1994 tax year in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, and beginning with the 1995 tax year in all other counties, if any person desires to object to all or any part of a property tax for any year, for any reason other than that the property is exempt from taxation, he or she shall pay all of the tax due within 60 days from the first penalty date of the final installment of taxes for that year. Whenever taxes are paid in compliance with this Section and a tax objection complaint is filed in compliance with Section 23-10, 100% of the taxes shall be deemed paid under protest without the filing of a separate letter of protest with the county collector.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-1195.)

35 ILCS 200/23-10

    (35 ILCS 200/23-10)
    Sec. 23-10. Tax objections and copies. Beginning with the 2003 tax year, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the person paying the taxes due as provided in Section 23-5 may file a tax objection complaint under Section 23-15 within 165 days after the first penalty date of the final installment of taxes for the year in question. Beginning with the 2003 tax year, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the person paying the taxes due as provided in Section 23-5 may file a tax objection complaint under Section 23-15 within 75 days after the first penalty date of the final installment of taxes for the year in question. However, in all counties in cases in which the complaint is permitted to be filed without payment under Section 23-5, it must be filed prior to the entry of judgment under Section 21-175. In addition, the time specified for payment of the tax provided in Section 23-5 shall not be construed to delay or prevent the entry of judgment against, or the sale of, tax delinquent property if the taxes have not been paid prior to the entry of judgment under Section 21-175. An objection to an assessment for any year shall not be allowed by the court, however, if an administrative remedy was available by complaint to the board of appeals or board of review under Section 16-55 or Section 16-115, unless that remedy was exhausted prior to the filing of the tax objection complaint.
    When any complaint is filed with the court in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the plaintiff shall file 3 copies of the complaint with the clerk of the circuit court. Any complaint or amendment thereto shall contain (i) on the first page a listing of the taxing districts against which the complaint is directed and (ii) a summary of the reasons for the tax objections set forth in the complaint with enough copies of the summary to be distributed to each of the taxing districts against which the complaint is directed. Within 10 days after the complaint is filed, the clerk of the circuit court shall deliver one copy to the State's Attorney and one copy to the county clerk, taking their receipts therefor. The county clerk shall, within 30 days from the last day for the filing of complaints, notify the duly elected or appointed custodian of funds for each taxing district that may be affected by the complaint, stating (i) that a complaint has been filed and (ii) the summary of the reasons for the tax objections set forth in the complaint. Any amendment to a complaint, except any amendment permitted to be made in open court during the course of a hearing on the complaint, shall also be filed in triplicate, with one copy delivered to the State's Attorney and one copy delivered to the county clerk by the clerk of the circuit court. The State's Attorney shall within 10 days of receiving his or her copy of the amendment notify the duly elected or appointed custodian of funds for each taxing district whose tax monies may be affected by the amendment, stating (i) that the amendment has been filed and (ii) the summary of the reasons for the tax objections set forth in the amended complaint. The State's Attorney shall also notify the custodian and the county clerk in writing of the date, time and place of any hearing before the court to be held upon the complaint or amended complaint not later than 4 days prior to the hearing. The notices provided in this Section shall be by letter addressed to the custodian or the county clerk and may be mailed by regular mail, postage prepaid, postmarked within the required period, but not less than 4 days before a hearing.
(Source: P.A. 93-378, eff. 7-24-03.)

35 ILCS 200/23-15

    (35 ILCS 200/23-15)
    Sec. 23-15. Tax objection procedure and hearing.
    (a) A tax objection complaint under Section 23-10 shall be filed in the circuit court of the county in which the subject property is located. Joinder of plaintiffs shall be permitted to the same extent permitted by law in any personal action pending in the court and shall be in accordance with Section 2-404 of the Code of Civil Procedure; provided, however, that no complaint shall be filed as a class action. The complaint shall name the county collector as defendant and shall specify any objections that the plaintiff may have to the taxes in question. No appearance or answer by the county collector to the tax objection complaint, nor any further pleadings, need be filed. Amendments to the complaint may be made to the same extent which, by law, could be made in any personal action pending in the court.
    (b) (1) The court, sitting without a jury, shall hear and determine all objections specified to the taxes, assessments, or levies in question. This Section shall be construed to provide a complete remedy for any claims with respect to those taxes, assessments, or levies, excepting only matters for which an exclusive remedy is provided elsewhere in this Code.
    (2) The taxes, assessments, and levies that are the subject of the objection shall be presumed correct and legal, but the presumption is rebuttable. The plaintiff has the burden of proving any contested matter of fact by clear and convincing evidence.
    (3) Objections to assessments shall be heard de novo by the court. The court shall grant relief in the cases in which the objector meets the burden of proof under this Section and shows an assessment to be incorrect or illegal. If an objection is made claiming incorrect valuation, the court shall consider the objection without regard to the correctness of any practice, procedure, or method of valuation followed by the assessor, board of appeals, or board of review in making or reviewing the assessment, and without regard to the intent or motivation of any assessing official. The doctrine known as constructive fraud is hereby abolished for purposes of all challenges to taxes, assessments, or levies.
    (c) If the court orders a refund of any part of the taxes paid, it shall also order the payment of interest as provided in Section 23-20. Appeals may be taken from final judgments as in other civil cases.
    (d) This amendatory Act of 1995 shall apply to all tax objection matters still pending for any tax year, except as provided in Sections 23-5 and 23-10 regarding procedures and time limitations for payment of taxes and filing tax objection complaints.
    (e) In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if the court renders a decision lowering the assessment of a particular parcel on which a residence occupied by the owner is situated, the reduced assessment, subject to equalization, shall remain in effect for the remainder of the general assessment period as provided in Sections 9-215 through 9-225, unless that parcel is subsequently sold in an arm's length transaction establishing a fair cash value for the parcel that is different from the fair cash value on which the court's assessment is based, or unless the decision of the court is reversed or modified upon review.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 88-642, eff. 9-9-94; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 89-290, eff. 1-1-96; 89-593, eff. 8-1-96; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)

35 ILCS 200/23-20

    (35 ILCS 200/23-20)
    Sec. 23-20. Effect of protested payments; refunds. No protest shall prevent or be a cause of delay in the distribution of tax collections to the taxing districts of any taxes collected which were not paid under protest. If the final order of the Property Tax Appeal Board or of a court results in a refund to the taxpayer, refunds shall be made by the collector from funds remaining in the Protest Fund until such funds are exhausted and thereafter from the next funds collected after entry of the final order until full payment of the refund and interest thereon has been made. Interest from the date of payment, regardless of whether the payment was made before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, or from the date payment is due, whichever is later, to the date of refund shall also be paid to the taxpayer at the annual rate of the lesser of (i) 5% or (ii) the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year for which the refund was made, as published by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
    A claim for a refund resulting from a final order of the Property Tax Appeal Board shall not be allowed unless the claim is filed within 20 years from the date the right to a refund arose; provided, however, that the aggregate total of refunded taxes and interest shall not exceed $5,000,000 in any calendar year for claims filed more than 7 years after the right to the refund arose. If the payment of a claim for a refund would cause the aggregate total of taxes and interest to exceed $5,000,000 in any year, the refund shall be paid in the next succeeding year.
    The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly apply to matters concerning refund claims filed on or after the first day of the first month following the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 103-655, eff. 7-19-24.)

35 ILCS 200/23-25

    (35 ILCS 200/23-25)
    Sec. 23-25. Tax exempt property; restriction on judicial determinations.
    (a) No taxpayer may file an objection as provided in Section 21-175 or Section 23-10 on the grounds that the property is exempt from taxation, or otherwise seek a judicial determination as to tax exempt status, except as provided in Section 8-40 and except as otherwise provided in this Section and Section 14-25 and Section 21-175.
    (b) Nothing in this Section shall affect the right of a governmental agency to seek a judicial determination as to the exempt status of property for those years during which eminent domain proceedings were pending before a court, once a certificate of exemption for the property is obtained by the governmental agency under Section 8-35 or Section 8-40.
    (c) This Section shall not apply to exemptions granted under Sections 15-165 through 15-180.
    (d) The limitation in this Section shall not apply to court proceedings relating to an exemption for the 1985 assessment year and preceding assessment years. However, an order entered in any such proceeding shall not preclude the necessity of applying for an exemption for 1986 or later assessment years in the manner provided by Section 16-70 or 16-130.
    (e) The limitation in this Section shall not apply to court proceedings to establish an exemption for any specific assessment year, provided that the plaintiff or its predecessor in interest in the property has established an exemption for any subsequent or prior assessment year on grounds comparable to those alleged in the court proceedings. For purposes of this subsection, the exemption for a subsequent or prior year must have been determined under Section 8-35 or a prior similar law by the Department or a predecessor agency, or under Section 8-40. Court proceedings permitted by this subsection may be initiated while proceedings for the subsequent or prior year under Section 16-70, 16-130, 8-35, or 8-40 are still pending, but judgment shall not be entered until the proceedings under Section 8-35 or 8-40 have terminated.
(Source: P.A. 89-126, eff. 7-11-95; 90-679, eff. 7-31-98.)

35 ILCS 200/23-30

    (35 ILCS 200/23-30)
    Sec. 23-30. Conference on tax objection. Following the filing of an objection under Section 23-10, the court may hold a conference with the objector and the State's Attorney. Compromise agreements on tax objections reached by conference shall be filed with the court, and the parties shall prepare an order covering the settlement and submit the order to the court for entry.
(Source: P.A. 88-455; 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/23-35

    (35 ILCS 200/23-35)
    Sec. 23-35. Tax objection based on budget or appropriation ordinance. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23-10, no objection to any property tax levied by any municipality shall be sustained by any court because of the forms of any budget or appropriation ordinance, or the degree of itemization or classification of items therein, or the reasonableness of any amount budgeted or appropriated thereby, if:
        (a) a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance
was prepared at the direction of the governing body of the municipality and made conveniently available to public inspection for at least 30 days prior to the public hearing specified below and to final action thereon;
        (b) at least one public hearing has been held by the
governing body as to the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance prior to final action thereon, and notice of the time and place where copies of the tentative budget and appropriation ordinances are available for public inspection, and the time and place of the hearing, has been given by publication in a newspaper published in the municipality at least 30 days prior to the time of the hearing, or, if there is no newspaper published in the municipality, notice of the public hearing has been given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality; and
        (c) the budget and appropriation ordinance finally
adopted is substantially identical, as to the matters to which objection is made, with the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance submitted at the public hearing, unless the taxpayer making the objection has made the same objection in writing and with the same specificity to the governing body of the municipality prior to the adoption of the budget and appropriation ordinance.
    "Municipality", as used in this Section, means all municipal corporations in, and political subdivisions of, this State except the following: counties; cities, villages and incorporated towns; sanitary districts created under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act; forest preserve districts having a population of 3,000,000 or more, created under the Cook County Forest Preserve Park District Act; boards of education of school districts in cities exceeding 1,000,000 inhabitants; the Chicago Park District created under the Chicago Park District Act; and park districts as defined in subsection (b) of Section 1-3 of the Park District Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

35 ILCS 200/23-40

    (35 ILCS 200/23-40)
    Sec. 23-40. Error or informality in making levy or in certifying or filing. In all judicial proceedings concerning the levying and collection of taxes, an error or informality of any officer or officers in making any tax levy or in certifying or filing the levy not affecting the substantial justice of the levy itself, shall not vitiate or void the levy or affect the tax. When the error or informality in a levy, its certification, filing or publication can be corrected by amendment, or a levy can be sufficiently itemized, the purpose defined and made certain by amendment, made prior to the entry of any order of court affecting the levy or the collection of taxes thereon, an amendment or amendments, certification, filing or publication may be made by the taxing bodies affected. The ordinance, resolution, publication or certificate, as amended, certified, filed or published, shall, upon proof of such amendment or amendments, certification, filing or publication being made to the court, have the same force and effect as though originally adopted, published, filed and certified in the amended form. The aggregate amount or rate of the original levy shall not be increased by an action taken under this Section. A statute terminating the time within which appropriations or tax levies may be made, published, certified or filed, shall not apply to any republication, recertification or refiling, or to any amendment or revision authorized or permitted by this Section.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/23-45

    (35 ILCS 200/23-45)
    Sec. 23-45. Time limit after objection is filed with the Court. If, after 10 years from the date an objection is filed there has been no further action on the objection, the objection shall be dismissed as a matter of law with prejudice. The circuit clerk shall enter the dismissal of record. The Collector may then distribute the taxes. The Collector shall determine whether to use the tax rates for the year the objection was filed or the tax rates for the most recent tax year in distributing the taxes. This Section applies to tax objections filed before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996.
(Source: P.A. 89-695, eff. 12-31-96.)

35 ILCS 200/Tit. 9

    (35 ILCS 200/Tit. 9 heading)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 24

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 24 heading)
Article 24. General Provisions

35 ILCS 200/24-5

    (35 ILCS 200/24-5)
    Sec. 24-5. Tax on personal property. Ad valorem personal property taxes shall not be levied on any personal property having tax situs in this State. However, this Section shall not prohibit the collection after January 1, 1979 of any taxes levied under this Code prior to January 1, 1979, on personal property subject to assessment and taxation under this Code prior to January 1, 1979. No property lawfully assessed and taxed as personal property prior to January 1, 1979, or property of like kind acquired or placed in use after January 1, 1979, shall be classified as real property subject to assessment and taxation. No property lawfully assessed and taxed as real property prior to January 1, 1979, or property of like kind acquired or placed in use after January 1, 1979, shall be classified as personal property.
(Source: P.A. 82-935; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-10

    (35 ILCS 200/24-10)
    Sec. 24-10. Statute of limitations for collection of penalties and interest on delinquent personal property taxes. Any interest or penalty on personal property tax levied pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1939 by any taxing district, as defined in that Act, located in a county of less than 400,000 inhabitants, shall not be collected more than 7 years after the date on which the tax was initially levied, notwithstanding any judgment which has been obtained in relation to collection of the tax. For purposes of this Section, "personal property tax" means a tax on personal property imposed by taxing districts pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1939 prior to abolition of authority to impose personal property tax in Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 86-179; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-15

    (35 ILCS 200/24-15)
    Sec. 24-15. Forms and instructions. The Department shall make out and forward to each county clerk for the use of the clerks and other officers, suitable forms and instructions. All instructions shall be strictly complied with by the officers in the performance of their duties. The Department shall give its opinion and advice on all questions of doubt as to the intent and meaning of the provisions of this Code.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 1, p. 1136; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-20

    (35 ILCS 200/24-20)
    Sec. 24-20. Subpoenas. Any person may serve any subpoena issued under this Code.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 354; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-25

    (35 ILCS 200/24-25)
    Sec. 24-25. Notices. All notices required by this Code shall be written or printed notices and shall be served personally upon the persons entitled to notice, or their agents, or by sending the notice by mail to the person so entitled to notice, or to his or her agent, if the residence or business address of the person is known, or by reasonable effort can be ascertained. If the address of a person can not be ascertained, then the notice shall be sent to the address of the person who last paid the taxes upon the property in question. A failure to give any notice required by this Code shall not impair or affect the validity of any assessment as finally made.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-30

    (35 ILCS 200/24-30)
    Sec. 24-30. Oaths. Any oath, authorized to be administered under this Code, may be administered by an assessor or deputy assessor, or by any other officer having authority to administer oaths.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/24-35

    (35 ILCS 200/24-35)
    Sec. 24-35. Property Tax Reform and Relief Task Force.
    (a) There is created the Property Tax Reform and Relief Task Force consisting of 9 members appointed as follows: 3 members appointed by the President of the Senate, one of whom shall be designated as the chair of the Task Force upon appointment; 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
    (b) The Task Force shall conduct a study of the property tax system in Illinois and investigate methods of reducing the reliance on property taxes and alternative methods of funding.
    (c) The members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses from funds appropriated for that purpose.
    (d) The Task Force shall submit its findings to the General Assembly no later than January 1, 2010, at which time the Task Force is dissolved.
    (e) The Department of Revenue shall provide administrative support to the Task Force.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

35 ILCS 200/24-36

    (35 ILCS 200/24-36)
    Sec. 24-36. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 101-181, eff. 8-2-19. Repealed internally, eff. 12-31-20.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 25

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 25 heading)
Article 25. Penalties

35 ILCS 200/25-5

    (35 ILCS 200/25-5)
    Sec. 25-5. Delivery and receipt of collector's book before bond approved. If any county clerk delivers the tax books into the hands of the county collector, or if any collector receives the books or collects any taxes before the collector's bond has been approved and filed, as required by this Code, the clerk and collector, and each of them, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $500, and all damages and costs, to be recovered in a civil action. The State's Attorney shall bring suit, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as relieving the sureties of a collector from liabilities incurred under a bond not approved and filed as required by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 76-2254; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-10

    (35 ILCS 200/25-10)
    Sec. 25-10. Failure of collector to obtain timely judgment or present list of errors. If any collector, by his own neglect, fails to obtain judgment within the time prescribed by this Code, or fails to present his list of errors in assessment of property at the time required by this Code, he shall lose the benefit of any abatement to which he might have been entitled, and shall pay to the county the full amount charged against him, except that in the 10 years next following the completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the collector is under no duty to obtain judgment earlier than 30 days after taxes upon property have become delinquent and have begun to bear interest.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-15

    (35 ILCS 200/25-15)
    Sec. 25-15. Knowing failure of local assessment officer to perform duties. Any local assessment officer or other person whose duty it is to assess property for taxation or equalize any assessment, who refuses or knowingly or wilfully neglects any duty required of him by law, or who consents to or connives at any evasion of this Code whereby any property required to be assessed is unlawfully exempted in whole or in part, or the valuation thereof is set down at more or less than is required by law, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. He or she shall also be liable upon his bond to the party injured for all damages sustained by that party. He or she shall also be removed from office by the judge of the court before whom he or she is tried and convicted.
(Source: P.A. 77-2236; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-20

    (35 ILCS 200/25-20)
    Sec. 25-20. Knowing failure of public officer to perform duties. Every public officer who refuses to perform or knowingly neglects any duty enjoined upon him by this Code, or who consents or connives to evade its provisions, whereby any proceeding required by this Code shall be prevented or hindered, or whereby any property required to be listed for taxation is unlawfully exempted or the same be entered upon the assessment or collector's books at less than the value required by this Code, or the percentage as may be provided by a county ordinance adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution of Illinois, shall, for every such offense, neglect or refusal, be liable, on the complaint of any person, for double the amount of the loss or damage caused thereby, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois in any court having jurisdiction, and may be removed from office at the discretion of the court.
(Source: P.A. 80-247; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-25

    (35 ILCS 200/25-25)
    Sec. 25-25. Failure of officer to perform duties if no other penalty provided. If any officer fails or neglects to perform any of the duties required of him by this Code, upon being required so to do by any person interested in the matter, and for the failure or neglect to perform that duty there is no other or specific penalty provided in this Code, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $500, to be recovered in a civil action in the circuit court of the proper county, and may be removed from office at the discretion of the court. Any officer who knowingly violates any of the provisions of this Code, for the violation of which there is no other specific penalty provided in this Code, shall be liable to a fine not less than $10 nor more than $1,000 to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, in any court having jurisdiction and may be removed from office at the discretion of the court. Fines when recovered shall be paid into the county treasury.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-30

    (35 ILCS 200/25-30)
    Sec. 25-30. Failure of collector to attend tax sale. If any county collector or designated deputy fails to attend any sale advertised under this Code, and offer property for sale as required by law, he or she shall be liable to pay the amount of taxes, special assessments and costs due on the advertised property. The county collector may afterwards advertise and sell the delinquent property to reimburse himself or herself for the amount advanced by him or her, but at the sale no property shall be forfeited to the State.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-35

    (35 ILCS 200/25-35)
    Sec. 25-35. Failure of county clerk to attend tax sale or keep required records. If any county clerk or designated deputy fails to attend any tax sale, or to make and keep the record, as required by this Code, he or she shall forfeit and pay the sum of $500, and shall be liable to indictment for that failure. Upon conviction he or she shall be removed from office. The sum shall be sued for in civil action, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, and when recovered shall be paid into the county treasury.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-40

    (35 ILCS 200/25-40)
    Sec. 25-40. Fraudulent return or schedule. Any person who, with intent to defeat or evade the law in relation to the assessment of property, delivers or discloses to any assessor or deputy assessor a false or fraudulent list, return or schedule of his or her property not exempted by law from taxation, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 77-2236; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/25-45

    (35 ILCS 200/25-45)
    Sec. 25-45. Duty of state's attorney to prosecute. The State's Attorney of each county shall prosecute all violators of this Code. They shall receive as fees the sum of $20 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants and $40 in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants for each conviction, to be taxed as costs, and 10% of all fines collected. The residue of all fines collected under this Code shall be paid into the county treasury for use of the county.
(Source: P.A. 87-669; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 26

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 26 heading)
Article 26. Savings Provisions

35 ILCS 200/26-5

    (35 ILCS 200/26-5)
    Sec. 26-5. Failure to complete assessment in time. An assessment completed beyond the time limits required by this Code shall be as legal and valid as if completed in the time required by law.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/26-10

    (35 ILCS 200/26-10)
    Sec. 26-10. Informality in assessments or lists. An assessment of property or charge for taxes thereon, shall not be considered illegal on account of any informality in making the assessment, or in the tax lists, or on account of the assessments not being made or completed within the time required by law.
(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/26-15

    (35 ILCS 200/26-15)
    Sec. 26-15. Failure to deliver collector's books on time. Any failure to deliver the collector's books within the time required by this Code shall in no way affect the validity of the assessment and levy of taxes. In all cases of failure, the assessment and levy of taxes shall be held to be as valid and binding as if the books had been delivered at or within the time required by law.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/26-20

    (35 ILCS 200/26-20)
    Sec. 26-20. Tax charged to wrong owner. A sale of property for taxes shall not be considered invalid on account of the taxes having been charged in any other name than that of the rightful owner.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/26-25

    (35 ILCS 200/26-25)
    Sec. 26-25. Savings clause for pending proceedings. The enactment of this Code of 1993 shall not be construed to impair any right existing, or affect any proceeding pending, at the time this Code takes effect; but all proceedings for the assessment of any tax, or collection of any tax or special assessment then remaining incomplete, may be completed pursuant to the provisions of this Code. The provisions of this Act shall apply to redemptions from sales made for taxes or special assessment previous to the taking effect hereof, and the mode of giving notice, and of issuing deeds upon certificates of purchase made for taxes.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 27

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 27 heading)
Article 27. Special Service Area Tax Law

35 ILCS 200/27-5

    (35 ILCS 200/27-5)
    Sec. 27-5. Short title; definitions. This Article may be cited as the Special Service Area Tax Law.
    When used in this Article:
    "Services contract" means an agreement between a service provider agency and a municipality or county for the purpose of providing special services in and for a special service area.
    "Service provider agency" means an entity that enters into a services contract with a municipality or county for the purpose of providing special services in and for a special service area.
    "Special Service Area" means a contiguous area within a municipality or county in which special governmental services are provided in addition to those services provided generally throughout the municipality or county, the cost of the special services to be paid from revenues collected from taxes levied or imposed upon property within that area. Territory shall be considered contiguous for purposes of this Article even though certain completely surrounded portions of the territory are excluded from the special service area. A county may create a special service area within a municipality or municipalities when the municipality or municipalities consent to the creation of the special service area. A municipality may create a special service area within a municipality and the unincorporated area of a county or within another municipality when the county or other municipality consents to the creation of the special service area.
    "Special service area commission" means a local board established by the corporate authorities of a municipality or county for the purpose of managing a particular special service area.
    "Special Services" means all forms of services pertaining to the government and affairs of the municipality or county, including but not limited to weather modification and improvements permissible under Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and contracts for the supply of water as described in Section 11-124-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code which may be entered into by the municipality or by the county on behalf of a county service area.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-10

    (35 ILCS 200/27-10)
    Sec. 27-10. Providing special services. In any case in which a municipality or county exercises the power granted in item (6) of Section 7 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution or in item (2) of subsection (l) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution to provide special services, a tax to provide those special services or provide for the payment of debt incurred for that purpose shall be levied or imposed in accordance with this Article.
(Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

35 ILCS 200/27-15

    (35 ILCS 200/27-15)
    Sec. 27-15. Governing body. The corporate authorities of the municipality or county shall be the governing body of the special service area.
(Source: P.A. 78-901; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-20

    (35 ILCS 200/27-20)
    Sec. 27-20. Proposals to establish a special service area. To propose the establishment of a special service area, other than one initiated by the corporate authorities, an application shall be filed with the chief elected official of the municipality or county explaining, at a minimum, the following: the name and legal status of the applicant; the special services to be provided; the boundaries of the proposed special service area; the estimated amount of funding required; and the stated need and local support for the proposed special service area. The application must be signed by an owner of record within the proposed special service area. The corporate authorities may accept or reject the application.
(Source: P.A. 87-588; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-25

    (35 ILCS 200/27-25)
    Sec. 27-25. Form of hearing notice. Taxes may be levied or imposed by the municipality or county in the special service area at a rate or amount of tax sufficient to produce revenues required to provide the special services. Prior to the first levy of taxes in the special service area, notice shall be given and a hearing shall be held under the provisions of Sections 27-30 and 27-35. For purposes of this Section the notice shall include:
        (a) The time and place of hearing;
        (b) The boundaries of the area by legal description
and, where possible, by street location;
        (c) The permanent tax index number of each parcel
located within the area;
        (d) The nature of the proposed special services to be
provided within the special service area and a statement as to whether the proposed special services are for new construction, maintenance, or other purposes;
        (d-5) The proposed amount of the tax levy for
special services for the initial year for which taxes will be levied within the special service area;
        (e) A notification that all interested persons,
including all persons owning taxable real property located within the special service area, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing regarding the tax levy and an opportunity to file objections to the amount of the tax levy if the tax is a tax upon property;
        (f) The maximum rate of taxes to be extended within
the special service area in any year and the maximum number of years taxes will be levied if a maximum number of years is to be established; and
        (g) If funds received through the special service
area are going to be used by a person or entity other than the municipality or county, then a statement to that effect.
     After the first levy of taxes within the special service area, taxes may continue to be levied in subsequent years without the requirement of an additional public hearing if the tax rate does not exceed the rate specified in the notice for the original public hearing and the taxes are not extended for a longer period than the number of years specified in the notice if a number of years is specified. Tax rates may be increased and the period specified may be extended, if notice is given and new public hearings are held in accordance with Sections 27-30 and 27-35.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-30

    (35 ILCS 200/27-30)
    Sec. 27-30. Manner of notice. Prior to or within 60 days after the adoption of the ordinance proposing the establishment of a special service area the municipality or county shall fix a time and a place for a public hearing. The public hearing shall be held not less than 60 days after the adoption of the ordinance proposing the establishment of a special service area. Notice of the hearing shall be given by publication and mailing, except that notice of a public hearing to propose the establishment of a special service area for weather modification purposes may be given by publication only. Notice by publication shall be given by publication at least once not less than 15 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality or county. Notice by mailing shall be given by depositing the notice in the United States mails addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each property lying within the special service area. A notice shall be mailed not less than 10 days prior to the time set for the public hearing. In the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the notice shall be sent to the person last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of the property.
(Source: P.A. 97-1053, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/27-32

    (35 ILCS 200/27-32)
    Sec. 27-32. More than 5% increase; hearing. If, in any year other than the initial levy year, the estimated special service area tax levy is more than 105% of the amount extended for special service area purposes for the preceding levy year, notice shall be given and a hearing held on the reason for the increase. Notice of the hearing shall be given in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. A meeting open to the public and convened in a location convenient to property included within the boundaries of the special service area is considered a hearing for purposes of this Section. The hearing may be held prior to the adoption of the proposed ordinance to adopt the annual levy of the special service area, but not more than 30 days prior to the adoption of the ordinance, or at the same time the proposed ordinance to adopt the annual levy of the special service area is considered.
(Source: P.A. 97-1053, eff. 1-1-13.)

35 ILCS 200/27-35

    (35 ILCS 200/27-35)
    Sec. 27-35. Public hearing; protests and objections. At the public hearing, any interested person, including all persons owning taxable property located within the proposed special service area, may file with the municipal clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, written objections to and may be heard orally in respect to any issues embodied in the notice. The municipality or county shall hear and determine all protests and objections at the hearing and the hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place it will reconvene. At the public hearing or at the first regular meeting of the corporate authorities thereafter, the municipality or county may delete area from the special service area. However, the special service area must still be a contiguous area as defined in Section 27-5.
(Source: P.A. 82-640; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-40

    (35 ILCS 200/27-40)
    Sec. 27-40. Boundaries of special service area. No lien shall be established against any real property in a special service area nor shall a special service area create a valid tax before a certified copy of an ordinance establishing or altering the boundaries of a special service area, containing a legal description of the territory of the area, the permanent tax index numbers of the parcels located within the territory of the area, an accurate map of the territory, a copy of the notice of the public hearing, and a description of the special services to be provided is filed for record in the office of the recorder in each county in which any part of the area is located. The ordinance must be recorded no later than 60 days after the date the ordinance was adopted. An ordinance establishing a special service area recorded beyond the 60 days is not valid. The requirement for recording within 60 days shall not apply to any establishment or alteration of the boundaries of a service area that occurred before September 23, 1991.
(Source: P.A. 93-1013, eff. 8-24-04.)

35 ILCS 200/27-45

    (35 ILCS 200/27-45)
    Sec. 27-45. Issuance of bonds. Bonds secured by the full faith and credit of the area included in the special service area may be issued for providing the special services. Bonds, when so issued, shall be retired by the levy of taxes in addition to the taxes specified in Section 27-25 against all of the taxable real property included in the area as provided in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds or by the imposition of another tax within the special service area. The county clerk shall annually extend taxes against all of the taxable property situated in the county and contained in such special service area in amounts sufficient to pay maturing principal and interest of those bonds without limitation as to rate or amount and in addition to and in excess of any taxes that may now or hereafter be authorized to be levied by the municipality or county. Prior to the issuance of those bonds, notice shall be given and a hearing shall be held pursuant to the provisions of Sections 27-30 and 27-35. For purposes of this Section a notice shall include:
        (a) The time and place of hearing;
        (b) The boundaries of the area by legal description
and, where possible, by street location;
        (c) The permanent tax index number of each parcel
located within the area;
        (d) The nature of the special services to be provided
within the proposed special service area and a statement as to whether the proposed special services are for new construction, maintenance, or other purposes;
        (e) If the special services are to be maintained
other than by the municipality or the county after the life of the bonds, then a statement indicating who will be responsible for maintenance of the special services after the life of the bonds;
        (f) A notification that all interested persons,
including all persons owning taxable property located within the special service area, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing regarding the issuance of the bonds and an opportunity to file objections to the issuance of the bonds; and
        (g) The maximum amount of bonds proposed to be
issued, the maximum period of time over which the bonds will be retired, and the maximum interest rate the bonds will bear.
    The question of the creation of a special service area, the levy or imposition of a tax in the special service area and the issuance of bonds for providing special services may all be considered together at one hearing.
    Any bonds issued shall not exceed the number of bonds, the interest rate and the period of extension set forth in the notice, unless an additional hearing is held.
    If the municipality or county finds that refunding is in the best interest of the taxpayers of the special service area, special service area bonds may be issued to refund or advance refund special service area bonds without meeting any of the notice or hearing requirements set forth in this Section, except that the interest rate on the refunding bonds and the maximum period of time over which the refunding bonds will be retired may not be greater than that set forth in the original notice for the refunded bonds. Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the debt service of the refunding bonds issued pursuant to this Section may not exceed the debt service estimated to be paid over the remaining duration of the refunded bonds.
    Property taxes levied under the provisions of Section 27-75 of this Code in 2 or more special service areas established under this Article 27 may be pledged to secure a single bond issue benefitting the special service areas if those special service areas are within the corporate limits of a municipality. Any such property taxes must be levied on a basis that provides a rational relationship between the amount of the tax levied against each lot, block, tract, and parcel of land in each special service area and the special service benefit rendered. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly do not change any other terms, duties, or powers of a special service area under this Article.
    Bonds issued pursuant to this Article shall not be regarded as indebtedness of the municipality or county, as the case may be, for the purpose of any limitation imposed by any law.
(Source: P.A. 96-884, eff. 3-1-10.)

35 ILCS 200/27-50

    (35 ILCS 200/27-50)
    Sec. 27-50. Enlargement of special service area. Boundaries of a special service area may be enlarged, but only after hearing and notice as provided in Sections 27-30 and 27-35. The notice shall be served in the original area of the special service area and in any areas proposed to be added to the special service area, except when the property being added represents less than 5% of the equalized assessed valuation of the entire original area, as determined by the clerk of the county in which the land is located, the notice by mailing requirement of Section 27-30 shall be limited only to the area to be added and not to the original special service area. The property added to the area shall be subject to all taxes levied in the area after the property becomes a part of the area and shall become additional security for bonded indebtedness outstanding at the time the property is added to the area.
(Source: P.A. 81-819; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-55

    (35 ILCS 200/27-55)
    Sec. 27-55. Objection petition. If a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within the special service area and by at least 51% of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of the special service area is filed with the municipal clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, within 60 days following the final adjournment of the public hearing, objecting to the creation of the special service district, the enlargement of the area, the levy or imposition of a tax or the issuance of bonds for the provision of special services to the area, or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, the district shall not be created or enlarged, or the tax shall not be levied or imposed nor the rate increased, or no bonds may be issued. The subject matter of the petition shall not be proposed relative to any signatories of the petition within the next 2 years. Each resident of the special service area registered to vote at the time of the public hearing held with regard to the special service area shall be considered an elector. Each person in whose name legal title to land included within the boundaries of the special service area is held according to the records of the county in which the land is located shall be considered an owner of record. Owners of record shall be determined at the time of the public hearing held with regard to a special service area. Land owned in the name of a land trust, corporation, estate or partnership shall be considered to have a single owner of record.
(Source: P.A. 82-640; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-55a

    (35 ILCS 200/27-55a)
    Sec. 27-55a. Restrictive covenants; waiver of certain rights. A deed restriction, restrictive covenant, or similar provision may not waive, prohibit, or restrict the statutory rights to notice of a public hearing or the right to object, oppose, or challenge (i) the creation of a special service area, (ii) the levy of any tax of a special service area, or (iii) the issuance of bonds of a special service area. Any such deed restriction, restrictive covenant, or similar provision shall not be enforceable and is null and void against the property owner, lot or unit owner of the common interest community, condominium, or cooperative. The term "common interest community" in this Section has the same meaning as set forth in Section 9-102(c) of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 97-533, eff. 8-23-11.)

35 ILCS 200/27-60

    (35 ILCS 200/27-60)
    Sec. 27-60. Petition for disconnection from special service area.
    (a) Any territory located within the boundaries of any special service area organized under this Article, other than a special service area for weather modification, may become disconnected from the area in the manner provided in this Section.
    (b) A majority of the resident electors and a majority of the record owners of land in the territory sought to be disconnected from the area may sign a petition. The petition shall be addressed to the circuit court and shall contain a definite description of the boundaries of the territory and recite as a fact, that as of the date the petition is filed, the territory was not, is not, and is not intended by the corporate authority which created the special service area to be, either benefited or served by any work or services either then existing or then authorized by the special service area, and that the territory constitutes less than 1 1/2% of the special service area's total equalized assessed valuation.
    (c) In addition, the corporate authorities of a municipality in which a special service area, other than a special service area for weather modification, is located may file a petition with the circuit court to disconnect territory from the special service area. The petition shall contain a definite description of the boundaries of the territory to be disconnected and recite as a fact that, as of the date the petition is filed, the territory was not, is not, and is not intended by the corporate authority that created the special service area to be either benefited or served by any work or services either then existing or then authorized by the special service area.
(Source: P.A. 96-1031, eff. 7-14-10.)

35 ILCS 200/27-65

    (35 ILCS 200/27-65)
    Sec. 27-65. Public hearing on petition; court order. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set it for public hearing within 60 days after the date of the filing of the petition. The court shall give at least 45 days notice of the hearing by publishing notice of the hearing once in a newspaper having a general circulation within the special service area from which the territory is sought to be disconnected. The notice (a) shall refer to the petition filed within the court, (b) shall describe the territory proposed to be disconnected, (c) shall indicate the prayer of the petition and the date, time and place at which the public hearing will be held, and (d) shall further indicate that the corporate authority which created the special service area and any persons residing in or owning property in the territory involved or in the special service area from which the territory is sought to be disconnected shall have an opportunity to be heard on the prayer of the petition. Notice of the filing of the petition, the substance of which shall be as prescribed above for the published notice, shall also be mailed to the presiding officer of the corporate authority from which the territory is sought to be disconnected.
    The public hearing may be continued from time to time by the court. After the public hearing and having heard all persons desiring to be heard, including the corporate authority and all persons residing in or owning property in the territory involved or in the special service area from which the territory is sought to be disconnected, if the court finds that all the allegations of the petition are true, the court shall grant the prayer of the petition and shall enter an order disconnecting the territory from the special service area. The order shall be entered at length in the records of the court, and the clerk of the court shall file a certified copy of the order with the clerk of the municipality or county which created the special service area from which the territory has been disconnected. If the court finds that the allegations contained in the petition are not true, the court shall enter an order dismissing it.
(Source: P.A. 83-1245; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-70

    (35 ILCS 200/27-70)
    Sec. 27-70. Effect of disconnection. Any disconnected territory shall cease to be subject to any taxes levied under this Article and shall not be security for any future bonded indebtedness. When the amount of any special service area levied taxes is cancelled due to disconnection of territory, the court may, in the same disconnection proceeding, distribute this cancellation upon the other property in the area assessed, in such manner as the court finds just and equitable, not exceeding, however, the amount by which the property will benefit from the special service.
(Source: P.A. 83-1245; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-75

    (35 ILCS 200/27-75)
    Sec. 27-75. Extension of tax levy. If a property tax is levied, the tax shall be extended by the county clerk in the special service area in the manner provided by Articles 1 through 26 of this Code based on equalized assessed values as established under Articles 1 through 26. The municipality or county shall file a certified copy of the ordinance creating the special service area, including an accurate map thereof, a copy of the public hearing notice, and a description of the special services to be provided, with the county clerk. The corporate authorities of the municipality or county may levy taxes in the special service area prior to the date the levy must be filed with the county clerk, for the same year in which the ordinance and map are filed with the county clerk. In addition, the corporate authorities shall file a certified copy of each ordinance levying taxes in the special service area on or before the last Tuesday of December of each year and shall file a certified copy of any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds and providing for a property tax levy in the area by December 31 of the year of the first levy.
    In lieu of or in addition to an ad valorem property tax, a special tax may be levied and extended within the special service area on any other basis that provides a rational relationship between the amount of the tax levied against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land in the special service area and the special service benefit rendered. In that case, a special tax roll shall be prepared containing: (a) a description of the special services to be provided, (b) an explanation of the method of spreading the special tax, (c) a list of lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land in the special service area, and (d) the amount assessed against each. The special tax roll shall be included in the ordinance establishing the special service area or in an amendment of the ordinance, and shall be filed with the county clerk for use in extending the tax. The lien and foreclosure remedies provided in Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code shall apply upon non-payment of the special tax.
    As an alternative to an ad valorem tax based on the whole equalized assessed value of the property, the corporate authorities may provide for the ad valorem tax to be extended solely upon the equalized assessed value of the land in a special service area, without regard to improvements, if the equalized assessed value of the land in the special service area is at least 75% of the total of the whole equalized assessed value of property within the special service area at the time that it was established. If the corporate authorities choose to provide for this method of taxation on the land value only, then each notice given in connection with the special service area must include a statement in substantially the following form: "The taxes to be extended shall be upon the equalized assessed value of the land in the proposed special service area, without regard to improvements." Section 10-30 of this Code does not apply to any property that is part of a special service area created under this paragraph, namely, property for which the ad valorem taxes are extended solely upon the equalized assessed value of the land in the special service area, without regard to improvements.
(Source: P.A. 96-1396, eff. 7-29-10; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)

35 ILCS 200/27-80

    (35 ILCS 200/27-80)
    Sec. 27-80. Weather modification referendum. A special service area for weather modification shall not be established by a municipality or county until the question of establishing the special service area has first been submitted to the voters of the proposed area and approved by a majority of the voters voting on the question. The corporate authorities proposing a special service area shall certify the proposition for establishment of the area to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition to the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall a special service area for
weather modification be created by               YES
....., and be authorized to levy a tax       -----------------
not to exceed .....%  of the equalized           NO
and assessed value of farmland?
    If a majority of votes cast on the proposition are in favor, the special service area is established. Notwithstanding any other provision, a special service area established for weather modification purposes shall not levy a tax in excess of .05% of the equalized assessed value of all taxable property assessed as farmland pursuant to Sections 10-110 through 10-140. Taxes levied by the municipality or county for a special service area for weather modification may be used only for purposes of weather modification, and may not be used for administrative purposes. Any taxes levied under this Section for weather modification purposes which are unpaid shall be treated as delinquent taxes under Article 21 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 83-1245; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-85

    (35 ILCS 200/27-85)
    Sec. 27-85. Dissolution of weather modification area. If 10% of the electors residing in a special service area for weather modification petition the corporate authorities for dissolution of the special service area, the proposition shall be certified to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition to the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the special service area       YES
for weather modification purposes  ---------------------------
created by ..... be dissolved?            NO
    If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are in favor, the special service area is dissolved. If a special service area is dissolved and any unexpended funds remain from previous levies, the funds shall be paid to owners of property located in the special service area. The payments shall be prorated among the owners on the basis of acreage.
(Source: P.A. 82-282; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/27-87

    (35 ILCS 200/27-87)
    Sec. 27-87. Special service areas to protect the health and safety of workers, tenants, and visitors in buildings. A municipality may propose a special service area as provided in this Law for the purpose of providing improvements to any one or more buildings if the improvements are required by municipal ordinance in order to protect the health and safety of workers, tenants, and visitors in the buildings; provided that if the owners of 100% of the number of lots, tracts, and parcels of the real estate that are to be subject to the tax file a petition with the clerk of the municipality agreeing with the establishment of a special service area, then the corporate authorities of the municipality may proceed with the establishment of the special service area. If a petition is not filed or contains an insufficient number of signatures, the corporate authorities of the municipality may not proceed further, and the same establishment of a special service area shall not again be initiated for a period of one year.
(Source: P.A. 94-689, eff. 1-1-06.)

35 ILCS 200/27-90

    (35 ILCS 200/27-90)
    Sec. 27-90. Special service area for privately owned or maintained roads. If at least 30% of the street or road mileage within the corporate limits of a municipality is comprised of streets and roadways not owned or controlled by the municipality or any other unit of government, and if the streets and roadways (including related drainage facilities and appurtenances) provide access for police, fire, and other emergency vehicles, the municipality may propose a special service area as provided in this Law for the purpose of repairing, reconstructing, or maintaining those streets and roadways; provided that if the owners of 51% or more in number of the lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate that are to be subject to the tax file a petition with the clerk of the municipality agreeing with the establishment of a special service area, then the corporate authorities of the municipality shall proceed with the establishment of a special service area. If a petition is not filed or contains an insufficient number of signatures, the corporate authorities of the municipality shall proceed no further and the same establishment of a special service area shall not again be initiated for a period of one year.
(Source: P.A. 90-299, eff. 8-1-97.)

35 ILCS 200/27-93

    (35 ILCS 200/27-93)
    Sec. 27-93. Refunds; special service area fund. If the corporate authorities determine that excess revenues exist in a special service area fund at the end of the life of the special service area and if the option to abate a portion of the final tax levy for the special service area is no longer available, then the excess funds must be refunded to the taxpayers of record for all parcels within the special service area, as of the date the refund is declared, on a pro rata basis based upon each parcel's proportionate share of the total equalized assessed valuation of all parcels within the special service area. In processing the refund, the county or municipality may deduct not more than 5% of the amount declared to be refunded to cover its costs and expenses relative to declaring and making the refund.
(Source: P.A. 92-226, eff. 1-1-02.)

35 ILCS 200/27-95

    (35 ILCS 200/27-95)
    Sec. 27-95. Special service area for privately owned or maintained roads in unincorporated areas.
    (a) If an unincorporated area of a county under township organization in subdivisions initially platted before January 1, 1995 contains at least one mile of streets or roadways situated entirely within a township and not owned by the county or any other unit of government, and if the streets and roadways, including related drainage facilities and appurtenances, provide access for police, fire, and other emergency vehicles, the highway commissioner, upon consultation with the county engineer or county superintendent of highways, may propose a special service area as provided in this Section for the purpose of repairing, reconstructing, or maintaining those streets and roadways, and the corporate authorities of the county within which the streets and roadways are located may levy or impose additional taxes upon property within the area for the provision of special services and for the payment of debt incurred in order to provide those special services; provided that if the owners of 51% or more in the number of the lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate that are to be subject to the tax file a petition with the county clerk agreeing with the establishment of a special service area, then the corporate authorities of the county shall proceed with the establishment of the special service area. If a petition is not filed or contains an insufficient number of signatures, the County Board shall proceed no further and the same establishment of a special service area shall not again be initiated for a period of one year.
    (b) The county engineer or county superintendent of highways may expend county highway funds in providing consultation to a highway commissioner concerning the establishment of a special service area or its administration by the road district.
    (c) The corporate authorities of the county may issue bonds as provided in this Code to fund the provision of special services within the boundaries of the special service area.
    (d) The highway commissioner shall make or let contracts, employ labor, and purchase materials and machinery necessary for repairing, reconstructing, or maintaining streets and roadways within a special service area established as provided in this Section. The cost of these obligations shall be reimbursed by the county with special service area tax revenues or bond proceeds, subject to supervision by the county engineer or county superintendent of highways as provided in the Illinois Highway Code.
    (e) The highway commissioner may propose an increase in the tax rate whenever available funding is or may become insufficient to meet the cost of providing special services under this Section, provided notice is given and new public hearings are held in accordance with Sections 27-30 and 27-35. If a petition by at least 51% of the electors and 51% of the owners of record is filed in accordance with Section 27-55 objecting to a proposed increase in the tax rate, the tax rate shall not be increased, and the road district shall have no further obligation beyond available funding to provide any services for repairing, reconstructing, or maintaining streets and roadways within the special service area. Upon satisfaction of all bonded indebtedness and other obligations incurred in providing the special services, the special service area shall be dissolved.
(Source: P.A. 93-193, eff. 7-14-03.)

35 ILCS 200/27-100

    (35 ILCS 200/27-100)
    Sec. 27-100. Special service area commissions.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no member of a special service area commission may be an executive officer, owner, or member of the board of directors of the service provider agency selected for a services contract for that special service area.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no business owned by a member of a special service area commission may, for valuable consideration, provide goods or services as a subcontractor of a service provider agency pursuant to a services contract for the special service area that is the subject of that special service area commission. No business owned by an employee or elected official of a municipality may, for valuable consideration, provide goods or services as a subcontractor of a service provider agency pursuant to a services contract for any special service area located within that municipality.
    (c) At least one membership position for a special service area commission in a special service area which contains one or more homestead properties, as defined in Section 15-175, shall be reserved as a first priority membership position for any owner of homestead property located within such special service area.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-105

    (35 ILCS 200/27-105)
    Sec. 27-105. Lines of credit. Special service area commissions may not establish a loan or line of credit in connection with the special service area. Service provider agencies in those municipalities may establish a loan or line of credit in connection with the special service area; however, financing under this Section may not be secured by future tax revenue generated by the special service area.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-110

    (35 ILCS 200/27-110)
    Sec. 27-110. Special service area moneys used in the next fiscal year. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if there is excess money remaining in a special service area fund at the end of a fiscal year, then the corporate authorities may authorize the use of that excess money to provide special services within the special service area in the next fiscal year, provided that the total amount used for purposes other than capital expenditures may not exceed 25% of the previous fiscal year's budget for the special service area.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-115

    (35 ILCS 200/27-115)
    Sec. 27-115. Special service area audits. Each special service area commission shall cause an audit of the funds and accounts of the special service area to be submitted to the corporate authorities of the municipality at least annually. The audit shall be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-120

    (35 ILCS 200/27-120)
    Sec. 27-120. Exclusion of erroneously included property. If a property is determined by the corporate authorities of the municipality to be erroneously included in a special service area, the corporate authorities of the municipality may disconnect that property from the special service area solely by municipal action without regard to Section 27-60 or Section 27-65 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/27-125

    (35 ILCS 200/27-125)
    Sec. 27-125. Administrative fees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an annual administrative fee may be charged for the administration of a special service area. Such annual administrative fee may be derived from the annual tax levy for each special service area. Any amount recommended by a special service area commission and approved as an administrative expense which may be paid to the service provider agency pursuant to the budget included in a services contract shall not exceed 30% of the annual tax levy for the special service area that is the subject of such services contract and is separate from any municipal administrative fee.
(Source: P.A. 99-930, eff. 1-20-17.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 28

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 28 heading)
Article 28. Special Assessment Apportionment Law

35 ILCS 200/28-1

    (35 ILCS 200/28-1)
    Sec. 28-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the Special Assessment Apportionment Law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/28-5

    (35 ILCS 200/28-5)
    Sec. 28-5. Apportionment upon subdivision. If a special assessment that is payable in installments has been made by any corporate authority, for supplying water, or other corporate purpose, and if all or some of the owner or owners of any parcel of land so assessed desire to subdivide the parcel, and to apportion the assessment and the several installments so that each parcel of the proposed subdivision will bear its just and equitable proportion, it may be done as provided in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-345; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/28-10

    (35 ILCS 200/28-10)
    Sec. 28-10. Apportionment petition. The owner or owners of the parcel of land shall present to the corporate authority a petition, setting forth:
        (a) The descriptive character of the assessment and
the date of the confirmation of the assessment.
        (b) The names of the owners.
        (c) A description of the land proposed to be
subdivided, together with the amount of each installment thereon, and the year or years for which the installments are due.
        (d) A plat showing the proposed subdivision.
        (e) The proposed apportionment of the amount of each
installment on each lot or parcel according to the proposed subdivision.
    The petition shall be acknowledged in the manner provided for the acknowledgment of deeds.
(Source: P.A. 83-345; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/28-15

    (35 ILCS 200/28-15)
    Sec. 28-15. Approval of petition by corporate authority; effect. If the corporate authority is satisfied with the proposed division, it shall cause to be indorsed upon or attached to the petition its approval by its clerk or secretary, under its corporate seal. The approved petition shall be filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the land is situated, and the apportioned assessment shall stand in place of the original assessment and the several amounts so apportioned shall be liens upon the several parcels charged, respectively. For the purpose of collecting the assessment all proceedings shall be had and taken as if the assessment and installments had been made and apportioned in the first instance according to the apportioned description and amounts. The respective owners shall be held to have waived every and all objections to the assessment and the apportionment. This Article does not apply to any parcel of land on which any delinquent installment remains due and unpaid.
(Source: P.A. 83-345; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/28-20

    (35 ILCS 200/28-20)
    Sec. 28-20. Apportionment by court. If the owners are unable to agree as to the apportionment, or any of them are under legal disability, one or more of them may file a petition with the circuit court of the county in which the land so assessed is situated, substantially in the form provided in Section 28-10. The corporate authority, together with all owners or persons interested, not joined as petitioners, and unknown owners, if any, shall be made parties defendant. All proceedings shall be had as in other civil cases. The court may hear and determine the case according to the right of the matter. A copy of the record of the proceedings of the court relating to the premises in case of an apportionment, duly certified, shall be filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk. As to the land covered by the court's order, the owners of the land, the apportionment, and the collection of the several amounts apportioned, the proceedings have the same force and effect as is provided in Section 28-15 when the corporate authorities approved a petition.
(Source: P.A. 83-345; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 29

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 29 heading)
Article 29. Special Assessments Benefiting State Property Law

35 ILCS 200/29-1

    (35 ILCS 200/29-1)
    Sec. 29-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the Special Assessment Benefiting State Property Law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/29-5

    (35 ILCS 200/29-5)
    Sec. 29-5. State policy. It is the policy of this State that when any unit of local government makes a local improvement by special assessment or special tax which benefits abutting State property, the State should pay for the benefit so conferred on the same basis as other property owners benefited by that improvement, subject to the same rights as are afforded to those property owners.
(Source: P.A. 86-933; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/29-10

    (35 ILCS 200/29-10)
    Sec. 29-10. State must be party to proceedings. No amount may be claimed from the State by or on behalf of any unit of local government for any local improvement made by special assessment or special tax that benefits, or is alleged to benefit, abutting property owned by the State unless the State has been made a party to all proceedings, has been given all notices, and has been afforded the same opportunities for hearing and for objecting to the assessment in the same manner and under the same conditions as provided in the law applicable to the making of the local improvement by special assessment or special tax by that unit of local government.
    For the purposes of this Article, any notices required under applicable law must be sent by registered or certified mail to the Director of the Department or the other State officer having jurisdiction over the State property affected, to the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and to the Attorney General.
(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)

35 ILCS 200/29-15

    (35 ILCS 200/29-15)
    Sec. 29-15. Payment of assessment. When the Attorney General has certified to the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity that the amount, in the nature of a special assessment by which specified abutting State property has been benefited by a specified local improvement, has been determined in compliance with this Article, the Director shall, to the extent that appropriations are available for that purpose, voucher the amount of that assessment, or $25,000, whichever is less, for payment to the appropriate unit of local government. When the amount appropriated in any fiscal year for those purposes is insufficient to pay a special assessment totalling $25,000 or less in full, the balance of that special assessment shall be vouchered for payment from the appropriation for those purposes for the next succeeding fiscal year.
    If the amount of the assessment exceeds $25,000, the Director of the Department or the other State officer having jurisdiction over the property affected shall include in the Department's budget for the next succeeding fiscal year a request for the appropriation of the amount by which the assessment exceeds $25,000, plus interest, if any, which shall be vouchered for payment from that appropriation.
(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)

35 ILCS 200/29-20

    (35 ILCS 200/29-20)
    Sec. 29-20. No lien on State property. Nothing in this Article permits the imposition or enforcement of a lien on State property.
(Source: P.A. 86-933; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 30

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 30 heading)
Article 30. Fiscal Responsibility Law

35 ILCS 200/30-1

    (35 ILCS 200/30-1)
    Sec. 30-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the Fiscal Responsibility Law.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/30-5

    (35 ILCS 200/30-5)
    Sec. 30-5. Definition. As used in this Article, "taxing district" has the meaning stated in Section 1-150.
(Source: P.A. 84-205; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/30-10

    (35 ILCS 200/30-10)
    Sec. 30-10. Special reserve fund. The governing body of any taxing district may, by ordinance or resolution, establish a special reserve fund for the purpose of accumulating monies to pay refunds of erroneously or illegally collected taxes. A taxing district establishing a special fund may transfer into the fund each year taxes or monies from the general corporate fund to be used solely for the payment of tax refunds and expenses incident to refunds. The balance of the fund shall not exceed 1/2 of 1% of the equalized assessed valuation of property in the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 84-205; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/30-15

    (35 ILCS 200/30-15)
    Sec. 30-15. Effect of fund on levies. A tax levy of a taxing district shall not be deemed invalid for the sole reason that the taxing district has accumulated monies in a special reserve fund pursuant to this Article.
(Source: P.A. 84-205; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/30-20

    (35 ILCS 200/30-20)
    Sec. 30-20. Tax reimbursement account. If the corporate authorities of a taxing district determine that the taxing district has on hand surplus funds from any source, then the corporate authorities may transfer those surplus funds into a tax reimbursement account.
(Source: P.A. 87-737; 87-767; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/30-25

    (35 ILCS 200/30-25)
    Sec. 30-25. Distributions from account.
    (a) At the direction of the corporate authorities of a taxing district, the treasurer of the taxing district shall disburse the amounts held in the tax reimbursement account. Unless the taxing district has divided the moneys as provided in subsection (b), disbursements shall be made to all of the owners of taxable homestead property within the taxing district. Each owner of taxable homestead property shall receive a proportionate share of the total disbursement based on the amount of ad valorem taxes on taxable homestead property paid by the owner to the taxing district under the most recent tax bill.
    (b) The corporate authorities of a taxing district may direct the treasurer to divide the moneys deposited into the account into 2 separate pools to be designated the homestead property pool and the commercial or industrial property pool. The amount to be deposited into each pool shall be determined by the corporate authorities of the taxing district, except that at least 50% of the moneys in the account shall be deposited into the homestead property pool. The treasurer shall disburse the amounts held in each pool in the tax reimbursement account at the direction of the corporate authorities. Disbursements from the homestead property pool shall be made to all of the owners of taxable homestead property within the taxing district. Each owner of taxable homestead property shall receive a proportionate share of the total disbursement from the pool based on the amount of ad valorem taxes on taxable homestead property paid by the owner to the taxing district under the most recent tax bill. Disbursements from the commercial or industrial property pool shall be made to all of the owners of taxable commercial or industrial property, except (i) those owners whose property is located within a tax increment financing district, (ii) those owners who received a tax incentive as a result of a tax incentivized development established by an intergovernmental agreement to which the taxing district is a party, or (iii) those owners whose property is classified as an apartment building. Each eligible owner of taxable commercial or industrial property shall receive a proportionate share of the total disbursement from the pool based on the amount of ad valorem taxes on taxable commercial or industrial property paid by the owner to the taxing district under the most recent tax bill.
    (c) In determining the proportionate share of each owner of homestead property, the numerator shall be the amount of taxes on homestead property paid by that owner to the taxing district under the most recent tax bill, and the denominator shall be the aggregate total of all taxes on homestead property paid by all owners to the taxing district under the most recent tax bills.
    (d) In determining the proportionate share of each owner of commercial or industrial property, the numerator shall be the amount of taxes on commercial or industrial property paid by that owner to the taxing district under the most recent tax bill, and the denominator shall be the aggregate total of all taxes on commercial or industrial property paid by all owners to the taxing district under the most recent tax bills less taxes paid on commercial or industrial property located in a tax increment financing district, taxes paid on commercial or industrial property for which the owner received a tax incentive as a result of a tax incentivized development established by an intergovernmental agreement to which the taxing district is a party, and taxes paid on an apartment building.
    (e) As used in this Section:
    "Qualified redevelopment costs" means costs advanced by a taxing district to a commercial or industrial property owner to promote economic development when, but for the advancement of the funds, the development would not be financially feasible.
    "Tax incentivized development" means an economic development project established by intergovernmental agreement whereby a taxing district advances qualified redevelopment costs to a commercial or industrial property owner.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

35 ILCS 200/30-30

    (35 ILCS 200/30-30)
    Sec. 30-30. Fiscal Responsibility Report Card. The corporate authority of each taxing district, other than a school district, that imposes ad valorem taxes, within 180 days of the conclusion of the fiscal year of the taxing district, shall submit to the State Comptroller and the county clerk of each county in which a part of the taxing district is located a Fiscal Responsibility Report Card in the form prescribed by the State Comptroller after consultation with other State Constitutional officers as the State Comptroller selects. The Fiscal Responsibility Report Card shall inform taxpayers about the amounts, sources, and uses of tax revenues received and expended by the taxing district.
(Source: P.A. 87-782; 87-1002; 88-455; incorporates 88-280; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

35 ILCS 200/30-31

    (35 ILCS 200/30-31)
    Sec. 30-31. Fiscal Responsibility Report Card; State Comptroller. The State Comptroller, within 180 days of the conclusion of the fiscal year of the State, shall make available on the Comptroller's website a Fiscal Responsibility Report Card in the form prescribed by the State Comptroller after consultation with other State Constitutional officers selected by the State Comptroller. The Fiscal Responsibility Report Card shall inform the General Assembly and the county clerks about the amounts, sources, and uses of tax revenues received and expended by each taxing district, other than a school district, that imposes ad valorem taxes.
(Source: P.A. 102-291, eff. 8-6-21.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 31

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 31 heading)
Article 31. Real Estate Transfer Tax Law

35 ILCS 200/31-1

    (35 ILCS 200/31-1)
    Sec. 31-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1716; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/31-5

    (35 ILCS 200/31-5)
    Sec. 31-5. Definitions.
    "Affixed" means physically or electronically indicated.
    "Recordation" includes the issuance of certificates of title by Registrars of Title under the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act pursuant to the filing of deeds or trust documents for that purpose, as well as the recording of deeds or trust documents by recorders.
    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
    "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership, association, joint stock company, joint adventure, public or private corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative appointed by order of any court.
    "Revenue stamp" means physical, electronic, or alternative indicia that indicates the amount of tax paid.
    "Value" means the amount of the full actual consideration for the real property or the beneficial interest in real property located in Illinois, including the amount of any lien on the real property assumed by the transferee.
    "Trust document" means a document required to be recorded under the Land Trust Recordation and Transfer Tax Act and, beginning June 1, 2005, also means any document relating to the transfer of a taxable beneficial interest under this Article.
    "Beneficial interest" includes, but is not limited to:
        (1) the beneficial interest in an Illinois land trust;
        (2) the lessee interest in a ground lease (including
any interest of the lessee in the related improvements) that provides for a term of 30 or more years when all options to renew or extend are included, whether or not any portion of the term has expired; or
        (3) the indirect interest in real property as
reflected by a controlling interest in a real estate entity.
    "Controlling interest" means more than 50% of the fair market value of all ownership interests or beneficial interests in a real estate entity.
    "Real estate entity" means any person including, but not limited to, any partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, other entity, or multi-tiered entity, that exists or acts substantially for the purpose of holding directly or indirectly title to or beneficial interest in real property. There is a rebuttable presumption that an entity is a real estate entity if it owns, directly or indirectly, real property having a fair market value greater than 75% of the total fair market value of all of the entity's assets, determined without deduction for any mortgage, lien, or encumbrance.
(Source: P.A. 98-929, eff. 8-15-14.)

35 ILCS 200/31-10

    (35 ILCS 200/31-10)
    Sec. 31-10. Imposition of tax. A tax is imposed on the privilege of transferring title to real estate located in Illinois, on the privilege of transferring a beneficial interest in real property located in Illinois, and on the privilege of transferring a controlling interest in a real estate entity owning property located in Illinois, at the rate of 50¢ for each $500 of value or fraction of $500 stated in the declaration required by Section 31-25. If, however, the transferring document states that the real estate, beneficial interest, or controlling interest is transferred subject to a mortgage, the amount of the mortgage remaining outstanding at the time of transfer shall not be included in the basis of computing the tax. The tax is due if the transfer is made by one or more related transactions or involves one or more persons or entities and whether or not a document is recorded.
(Source: P.A. 93-657, eff. 6-1-04; 93-1099, eff. 6-1-05.)

35 ILCS 200/31-15

    (35 ILCS 200/31-15)
    Sec. 31-15. Collection of tax.
    (a) Paper revenue stamps. The tax shall be collected by the recorder or registrar of titles of the county in which the property is situated through the sale of revenue stamps, the design, denominations and form of which shall be prescribed by the Department. The revenue stamps shall be sold by the Department to the recorder or registrar of titles who shall cause them to be sold for the purposes prescribed. The Department shall charge at a rate of 50¢ per $500 of value in units of not less than $500. The recorder or registrar of titles of the several counties shall sell the revenue stamps at a rate of 50¢ per $500 of value or fraction of $500. The recorder or registrar of titles may use the proceeds for the purchase of revenue stamps from the Department. The Department must establish a system to allow the recorder or registrar of titles to purchase the revenue stamps electronically and must deliver the electronically purchased stamps to the recorder or registrar of titles.
    (b) Electronic revenue stamp or alternative indicia. If the recorder or registrar of titles uses an electronic revenue stamp or alternative indicia, the recorder or registrar of titles shall electronically file a return and electronically remit the tax to the Department on or before the 10th day of the month following the month in which the tax was required to be collected. The return shall disclose the tax collected and other information that the Department may reasonably require. The return shall be filed using a format prescribed by the Department.
    If a return is not filed or the tax is not fully paid as required under this Section within 15 days of the required time period, the Department may eliminate the recorder or registrar of titles' ability to electronically file its returns and electronically remit the tax until such time as the recorder or registrar of titles fully remits the return and tax amount due.
(Source: P.A. 98-929, eff. 8-15-14.)

35 ILCS 200/31-20

    (35 ILCS 200/31-20)
    Sec. 31-20. Affixing of stamps. Payment of the tax shall be evidenced by revenue stamps in the amount required to show full payment of the tax imposed by Section 31-10. Except as provided in Section 31-45, a deed, document transferring a controlling interest in real property, or trust document shall not be accepted for filing by any recorder or registrar of titles unless revenue stamps in the required amount have been purchased from the recorder or registrar of titles of the county where the deed, document transferring a controlling interest in real property, or trust document is being filed for recordation. The revenue stamps shall be affixed to the deed, document transferring a controlling interest in real property, or trust document by the recorder or the registrar of titles either before or after recording as requested by the grantee. The Department may prescribe a form to which stamps must be affixed that a transferee must file for recordation at the time a declaration is presented if a transferring document is not presented for recordation within 3 business days after the transfer is effected. A person using or affixing a revenue stamp shall cancel it and so deface it as to render it unfit for reuse by marking it with his or her initials and the day, month and year when the affixing occurs. The marking shall be made by writing or stamping in indelible ink or by perforating with a machine or punch. However, the revenue stamp shall not be so defaced as to prevent ready determination of its denomination and genuineness.
(Source: P.A. 93-657, eff. 6-1-04; 93-1099, eff. 6-1-05.)

35 ILCS 200/31-25

    (35 ILCS 200/31-25)
    Sec. 31-25. Transfer declaration. At the time a deed, a document transferring a controlling interest in real property, or trust document is presented for recordation, or within 3 business days after the transfer is effected, whichever is earlier, there shall also be presented to the recorder or registrar of titles a declaration, signed by at least one of the sellers and also signed by at least one of the buyers in the transaction or by the attorneys or agents for the sellers or buyers. The declaration shall state information including, but not limited to: (a) the value of the real property or beneficial interest in real property located in Illinois so transferred; (b) the parcel identifying number of the property; (c) the legal description of the property; (d) the date of the deed, the date the transfer was effected, or the date of the trust document; (e) the type of deed, transfer, or trust document; (f) the address of the property; (g) the type of improvement, if any, on the property; (h) information as to whether the transfer is between related individuals or corporate affiliates or is a compulsory transaction; (i) the lot size or acreage; (j) the value of personal property sold with the real estate; (k) the year the contract was initiated if an installment sale; (l) any homestead exemptions, as provided in Sections 15-170, 15-172, 15-175, and 15-176 as reflected on the most recent annual tax bill; (m) the name, address, and telephone number of the person preparing the declaration; and (n) whether the transfer is pursuant to compulsory sale. Except as provided in Section 31-45, a deed, a document transferring a controlling interest in real property, or trust document shall not be accepted for recordation unless it is accompanied by a declaration containing all the information requested in the declaration. When the declaration is signed by an attorney or agent on behalf of sellers or buyers who have the power of direction to deal with the title to the real estate under a land trust agreement, the trustee being the mere repository of record legal title with a duty of conveying the real estate only when and if directed in writing by the beneficiary or beneficiaries having the power of direction, the attorneys or agents executing the declaration on behalf of the sellers or buyers need identify only the land trust that is the repository of record legal title and not the beneficiary or beneficiaries having the power of direction under the land trust agreement. The declaration form shall be prescribed by the Department and shall contain sales information questions. For sales occurring during a period in which the provisions of Section 17-10 require the Department to adjust sale prices for seller paid points and prevailing cost of cash, the declaration form shall contain questions regarding the financing of the sale. The subject of the financing questions shall include any direct seller participation in the financing of the sale or information on financing that is unconventional so as to affect the fair cash value received by the seller. The intent of the sales and financing questions is to aid in the reduction in the number of buyers required to provide financing information necessary for the adjustment outlined in Section 17-10. For sales occurring during a period in which the provisions of Section 17-10 require the Department to adjust sale prices for seller paid points and prevailing cost of cash, the declaration form shall include, at a minimum, the following data: (a) seller paid points, (b) the sales price, (c) type of financing (conventional, VA, FHA, seller-financed, or other), (d) down payment, (e) term, (f) interest rate, (g) type and description of interest rate (fixed, adjustable or renegotiable), and (h) an appropriate place for the inclusion of special facts or circumstances, if any. The Department shall provide an adequate supply of forms to each recorder and registrar of titles in the State.
(Source: P.A. 96-1083, eff. 7-16-10.)

35 ILCS 200/31-30

    (35 ILCS 200/31-30)
    Sec. 31-30. Use of transfer declaration. The recorder or registrar of titles shall not record the declaration, but shall insert on the declaration and all attachments the Document Number assigned to the deed or trust document, and shall within 30 days of receipt transmit the declaration to the chief county assessment officer. The chief county assessment officer shall insert on the declaration the most recent assessed value for each parcel of the transferred property and other information required by the Department, and, within 30 days of receipt or within 30 days of the adjournment of the board of review for the previous assessment year, whichever is later, shall transmit all the declarations to the Department. The chief county assessment officer may also copy and retain any information relating to the property transferred to assist in determining the proper assessed valuation of the property transferred and other properties in his county.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/31-35

    (35 ILCS 200/31-35)
    Sec. 31-35. Deposit of tax revenue.
    (a) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly and through June 30, 2003, of the moneys collected under Section 31-15, 50% shall be deposited into the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund, 20% into the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund, 5% into the Natural Areas Acquisition Fund, and 25% into the General Revenue Fund.
    (b) Beginning July 1, 2003, of the moneys collected under Section 31-15, 50% shall be deposited into the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund, 35% into the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund, and 15% into the Natural Areas Acquisition Fund.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00; 92-536, eff. 6-6-02; 92-874, eff. 7-1-03.)

35 ILCS 200/31-40

    (35 ILCS 200/31-40)
    Sec. 31-40. Real estate in civil townships. If the real estate described in the deed is located in a civil township, the recorder or registrar of titles shall transmit a copy of the declaration to the township or multi-township assessor for that township. This Section does not apply to any county having an elected county assessor.
(Source: P.A. 83-358; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/31-45

    (35 ILCS 200/31-45)
    Sec. 31-45. Exemptions. The following deeds or trust documents shall be exempt from the provisions of this Article except as provided in this Section:
        (a) Deeds representing real estate transfers made
before January 1, 1968, but recorded after that date and trust documents executed before January 1, 1986, but recorded after that date.
        (b) Deeds to or trust documents relating to (1)
property acquired by any governmental body or from any governmental body, (2) property or interests transferred between governmental bodies, or (3) property acquired by or from any corporation, society, association, foundation or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes. However, deeds or trust documents, other than those in which the Administrator of Veterans Affairs of the United States is the grantee pursuant to a foreclosure proceeding, shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.
        (c) Deeds or trust documents that secure debt or
other obligation.
        (d) Deeds or trust documents that, without additional
consideration, confirm, correct, modify, or supplement a deed or trust document previously recorded.
        (e) Deeds or trust documents where the actual
consideration is less than $100.
        (f) Tax deeds.
        (g) Deeds or trust documents that release property
that is security for a debt or other obligation.
        (h) Deeds of partition.
        (i) Deeds or trust documents made pursuant to
mergers, consolidations or transfers or sales of substantially all of the assets of corporations under plans of reorganization under the Federal Internal Revenue Code or Title 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act.
        (j) Deeds or trust documents made by a subsidiary
corporation to its parent corporation for no consideration other than the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock.
        (k) Deeds when there is an actual exchange of real
estate and trust documents when there is an actual exchange of beneficial interests, except that that money difference or money's worth paid from one to the other is not exempt from the tax. These deeds or trust documents, however, shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.
        (l) Deeds issued to a holder of a mortgage, as
defined in Section 15-103 of the Code of Civil Procedure, pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure proceeding or pursuant to a transfer in lieu of foreclosure.
        (m) A deed or trust document related to the purchase
of a principal residence by a participant in the program authorized by the Home Ownership Made Easy Act, except that those deeds and trust documents shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

35 ILCS 200/31-46

    (35 ILCS 200/31-46)
    Sec. 31-46. Exemption from tax equal to corporate franchise taxes paid. If a transfer of a controlling interest in a real estate entity is taxed under this Article and the real estate entity liable for the tax under this Article is also liable for corporate franchise taxes under the Business Corporation Act of 1983 as a result of the transfer, then the real estate entity is exempt from paying the tax imposed under this Article to the extent of the corporate franchise tax paid by the real estate entity as a result of the transfer. The exemption shall not reduce the real estate entity's tax liability under this Article to less than zero.
(Source: P.A. 93-657, eff. 6-1-04.)

35 ILCS 200/31-47

    (35 ILCS 200/31-47)
    Sec. 31-47. Verification. In all counties, each transfer declaration filed under this Law shall include a written statement by both the grantor or grantor's agent and the grantee or grantee's agent that the information contained in the declaration is true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the declaration shall also contain a written statement executed by the grantor or the grantor's agent verifying that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person, an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of Illinois. In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the declaration shall also contain a written statement executed by the grantee or the grantee's agent verifying that the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person, an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/31-50

    (35 ILCS 200/31-50)
    Sec. 31-50. Penalties. Any person who willfully falsifies the value of transferred real estate on the transfer declaration required by Section 31-25 or who willfully falsifies or willfully omits any other information required by Section 31-25 or who willfully and falsely claims a transaction to be exempt under Section 31-45 is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a grantee under the provisions of this Article is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. A second or subsequent conviction of an offense is a Class A misdemeanor. A prosecution for any act in violation of this Article may be commenced at any time within 5 years of the commission of the act. Only the buyer or the buyer's representative shall attest to the accuracy of the financing information reported on the declaration and required by Section 31-25. Any person convicted of any offense under this Law is liable for the tax due in addition to any fines imposed by the court.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/31-55

    (35 ILCS 200/31-55)
    Sec. 31-55. Public records. Transfer declarations under this Article are public records and shall be made available for inspection, upon request, during regular business hours.
(Source: P.A. 87-543; 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/31-60

    (35 ILCS 200/31-60)
    Sec. 31-60. Check for violations. The Department shall conduct spot checks or investigations of declarations required to be filed by this Article and may forward information of violations to the State's Attorney of the county where the violations occur for prosecution and collection of taxes.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/31-65

    (35 ILCS 200/31-65)
    Sec. 31-65. Additional tax. The tax imposed by Section 31-10 is in addition to all other occupation or privilege taxes imposed by the State of Illinois or by any municipal corporation or political subdivision.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1716; P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/31-70

    (35 ILCS 200/31-70)
    Sec. 31-70. Rules. The Department may prescribe reasonable rules for the administration of this Article, including rules permitting a transfer declaration in a prescribed electronic form and permitting the electronic transmission of the transfer declaration using a prescribed method and format.
(Source: P.A. 91-555, eff. 1-1-00.)

35 ILCS 200/Art. 32

    (35 ILCS 200/Art. 32 heading)
Article 32. Continuation of Prior Law - Statutes Repealed

35 ILCS 200/32-1

    (35 ILCS 200/32-1)
    Sec. 32-1. Prior law.
    (a) A provision of this Code that is the same as a prior law shall be construed as a continuation of the prior law and not as a new or different law.
    (b) A citation in another Act to an Act or to a Section of an Act that is continued in this Code shall be construed to be a citation to that continued provision in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/32-5

    (35 ILCS 200/32-5)
    Sec. 32-5. Other Acts of the 88th General Assembly. If any other Act of the 88th General Assembly changes, adds, or repeals a provision of prior law that is continued in this Code, than that change, addition, or repeal in the other Act shall be construed together with this Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/32-10

    (35 ILCS 200/32-10)
    Sec. 32-10. Home rule; mandates. Nothing in this Code as initially enacted (i) is a denial or limitation on home rule powers where no denial or limitation existed under prior law or (ii) creates a State mandate under the State Mandates Act where no mandate existed under prior law.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/32-15

    (35 ILCS 200/32-15)
    Sec. 32-15. Titles; articles; captions. The language contained in the Titles, Articles, Captions, and Section and subsection headings in this Code:
    (a) is intended only as a general description that is not a part of the substantive provisions of this Code;
    (b) does not take precedence over the content of the substantive provisions of this Code; and
    (c) shall not be used in construing the meaning of the substantive provisions of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)

35 ILCS 200/32-17

    (35 ILCS 200/32-17)
    Sec. 32-17. Severability. The provisions of this amendatory Act of 1995 are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
(Source: P.A. 89-126, eff. 7-11-95.)

35 ILCS 200/32-20

    (35 ILCS 200/32-20)
    Sec. 32-20. Statutes repealed. The following Acts are repealed:
    The Local Tax Reimbursement Act.
    The Special Assessment Apportionment Act.
    The Revenue Act of 1939.
    The Truth in Taxation Act.
    The Uncollectable Tax Act.
    The Real Property Improvement Assessment Act.
    The Real Estate Transfer Tax Act.
    The Special Service Area Tax Act.
    The Special Assessment Benefiting State Property Act.
    The Local Governmental Tax Collection Act.
    The Taxing District Reserve Fund Act.
    The Limitation on Collection of Personal Property Tax Act.
    The Property Tax Extension Limitation Act.
    The Fiscal Responsibility Report Card Act.
(Source: P.A. 88-455.)