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705 ILCS 405/5-715

    (705 ILCS 405/5-715)
    Sec. 5-715. Probation.
    (1) The period of probation or conditional discharge shall not exceed 5 years or until the minor has attained the age of 21 years, whichever is less, except as provided in this Section for a minor who is found to be guilty for an offense which is first degree murder. The juvenile court may terminate probation or conditional discharge and discharge the minor at any time if warranted by the conduct of the minor and the ends of justice; provided, however, that the period of probation for a minor who is found to be guilty for an offense which is first degree murder shall be at least 5 years.
    (1.5) The period of probation for a minor who is found guilty of aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, or aggravated battery with a firearm shall be at least 36 months. The period of probation for a minor who is found to be guilty of any other Class X felony shall be at least 24 months. The period of probation for a Class 1 or Class 2 forcible felony shall be at least 18 months. Regardless of the length of probation ordered by the court, for all offenses under this subsection (1.5), the court shall schedule hearings to determine whether it is in the best interest of the minor and public safety to terminate probation after the minimum period of probation has been served. In such a hearing, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that it is in the best interest of the minor and public safety to terminate probation.
    (2) The court may as a condition of probation or of conditional discharge require that the minor:
        (a) not violate any criminal statute of any
        (b) make a report to and appear in person before any
person or agency as directed by the court;
        (c) work or pursue a course of study or vocational
        (d) undergo medical or psychiatric treatment,
rendered by a psychiatrist or psychological treatment rendered by a clinical psychologist or social work services rendered by a clinical social worker, or treatment for drug addiction or alcoholism;
        (e) attend or reside in a facility established for
the instruction or residence of persons on probation;
        (f) support the minor's dependents, if any;
        (g) refrain from possessing a firearm or other
dangerous weapon, or an automobile;
        (h) permit the probation officer to visit the minor
at the minor's home or elsewhere;
        (i) reside with the minor's parents or in a foster
        (j) attend school;
        (j-5) with the consent of the superintendent of the
facility, attend an educational program at a facility other than the school in which the offense was committed if the minor committed a crime of violence as defined in Section 2 of the Crime Victims Compensation Act in a school, on the real property comprising a school, or within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a school;
        (k) attend a non-residential program for youth;
        (l) make restitution under the terms of subsection
(4) of Section 5-710;
        (m) provide nonfinancial contributions to the minor's
own support at home or in a foster home;
        (n) perform some reasonable public or community
service that does not interfere with school hours, school-related activities, or work commitments of the minor or the minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian;
        (o) participate with community corrections programs
including unified delinquency intervention services administered by the Department of Human Services subject to Section 5 of the Children and Family Services Act;
        (p) (blank);
        (q) serve a term of home confinement. In addition to
any other applicable condition of probation or conditional discharge, the conditions of home confinement shall be that the minor:
            (i) remain within the interior premises of the
place designated for the minor's confinement during the hours designated by the court;
            (ii) admit any person or agent designated by the
court into the minor's place of confinement at any time for purposes of verifying the minor's compliance with the conditions of the minor's confinement; and
            (iii) use an approved electronic monitoring
device if ordered by the court subject to Article 8A of Chapter V of the Unified Code of Corrections;
        (r) refrain from entering into a designated
geographic area except upon terms as the court finds appropriate. The terms may include consideration of the purpose of the entry, the time of day, other persons accompanying the minor, and advance approval by a probation officer, if the minor has been placed on probation, or advance approval by the court, if the minor has been placed on conditional discharge;
        (s) refrain from having any contact, directly or
indirectly, with certain specified persons or particular types of persons, including, but not limited to, members of street gangs and drug users or dealers;
        (s-5) undergo a medical or other procedure to have a
tattoo symbolizing allegiance to a street gang removed from the minor's body;
        (t) refrain from having in the minor's body the
presence of any illicit drug prohibited by the Cannabis Control Act, the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, unless prescribed by a physician, and shall submit samples of the minor's blood or urine or both for tests to determine the presence of any illicit drug; or
        (u) comply with other conditions as may be ordered by
the court.
    (3) The court may as a condition of probation or of conditional discharge require that a minor found guilty on any alcohol, cannabis, methamphetamine, or controlled substance violation, refrain from acquiring a driver's license during the period of probation or conditional discharge. If the minor is in possession of a permit or license, the court may require that the minor refrain from driving or operating any motor vehicle during the period of probation or conditional discharge, except as may be necessary in the course of the minor's lawful employment.
    (3.5) The court shall, as a condition of probation or of conditional discharge, require that a minor found to be guilty and placed on probation for reasons that include a violation of Section 3.02 or Section 3.03 of the Humane Care for Animals Act or paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of Section 21-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012 undergo medical or psychiatric treatment rendered by a psychiatrist or psychological treatment rendered by a clinical psychologist. The condition may be in addition to any other condition.
    (3.10) The court shall order that a minor placed on probation or conditional discharge for a sex offense as defined in the Sex Offender Management Board Act undergo and successfully complete sex offender treatment. The treatment shall be in conformance with the standards developed under the Sex Offender Management Board Act and conducted by a treatment provider approved by the Board.
    (4) A minor on probation or conditional discharge shall be given a certificate setting forth the conditions upon which the minor is being released.
    (5) (Blank).
    (5.5) Jurisdiction over an offender may be transferred from the sentencing court to the court of another circuit with the concurrence of both courts. Further transfers or retransfers of jurisdiction are also authorized in the same manner. The court to which jurisdiction has been transferred shall have the same powers as the sentencing court.
    If the transfer case originated in another state and has been transferred under the Interstate Compact for Juveniles to the jurisdiction of an Illinois circuit court for supervision by an Illinois probation department, probation fees may be imposed only if permitted by the Interstate Commission for Juveniles.
    (6) The General Assembly finds that in order to protect the public, the juvenile justice system must compel compliance with the conditions of probation by responding to violations with swift, certain, and fair punishments and intermediate sanctions. The Chief Judge of each circuit shall adopt a system of structured, intermediate sanctions for violations of the terms and conditions of a sentence of supervision, probation, or conditional discharge, under this Act.
    The court shall provide as a condition of a disposition of probation, conditional discharge, or supervision, that the probation agency may invoke any sanction from the list of intermediate sanctions adopted by the chief judge of the circuit court for violations of the terms and conditions of the sentence of probation, conditional discharge, or supervision, subject to the provisions of Section 5-720 of this Act.
    (7) Fines and assessments, including any fee or administrative cost authorized under Section 5-4.5-105, 5-5-10, 5-6-3, 5-6-3.1, 5-7-6, 5-9-1.4, or 5-9-1.9 of the Unified Code of Corrections, shall not be ordered or imposed on a minor or the minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian as a condition of probation, conditional discharge, or supervision. If the minor or the minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian is unable to cover the cost of a condition under this subsection, the court shall not preclude the minor from receiving probation, conditional discharge, or supervision based on the inability to pay. Inability to pay shall not be grounds to object to the minor's placement on probation, conditional discharge, or supervision.
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23; 103-379, eff. 7-28-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)