Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process.
Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as
Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the
Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes,
statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect.
If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has
not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already
been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes
made to the current law.
(70 ILCS 920/3) (from Ch. 23, par. 1703)
Sec. 3.
All courts shall take judicial notice of all tuberculosis
sanitarium districts organized under this Act. The affairs of such district
shall be managed by a board of 3 directors, appointed by the presiding
officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county
board, of the county in which the district is situated, except that in
districts of 500,000 or more population the board of directors shall
consist of 5 members. At least one member of the board of directors shall
be a licensed physician, and all shall be chosen with reference to their
special fitness for the office. The first appointments shall be made within
90 days and not sooner than 60 days after the district has been organized
as provided herein. Each member of the board shall be a legal voter in the
district. At the time of the making of the first appointments, one director
shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of 2 years, and
one for 3, as the case may be, for a term of 3 years, and until their
successors are appointed and qualified. At the expiration of the term of
any member, his successor shall be appointed in like manner for a term of 3
years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. But no more than
2 members of such board, if it shall be a board of 3 members, and no more
than 3 members of such board, if it shall be a board of 5 members, shall be
of the same political party. Each member of the board before entering upon
the duties of his office shall take the oath prescribed by the
From the time of the appointment of the first board of directors, such
district shall be a body corporate and politic by the name and style
determined as aforesaid, and by such name may sue and be sued, contract and
be contracted with, acquire and hold real and personal estate necessary for
the corporate purposes and adopt a seal and alter the same at its pleasure.
(Source: P.A. 85-1440.)