(415 ILCS 5/58.6)
    Sec. 58.6. Remedial investigations and reports.
    (a) Any RA who proceeds under this Title may elect to seek review and approval for any of the remediation objectives provided in Section 58.5 for any or all regulated substances of concern. The RA shall conduct investigations and remedial activities for regulated substances of concern and prepare plans and reports in accordance with this Section and rules adopted hereunder. The RA shall submit the plans and reports for review and approval in accordance with Section 58.7. All investigations, plans, and reports conducted or prepared under this Section shall be under the supervision of a Licensed Professional Engineer (LPE) or, in the case of a site investigation only, a Licensed Professional Geologist in accordance with the requirements of this Title.
    (b) Site investigation and Site Investigation Report.
        (1) The RA shall conduct a site investigation to
determine the significant physical features of the site and vicinity that may affect contaminant transport and risk to human health, safety, and the environment and to determine the nature, concentration, direction and rate of movement, and extent of the contamination at the site.
        (2) The RA shall compile the results of the
investigations into a Site Investigation Report. At a minimum, the reports shall include the following, as applicable:
            (A) Executive summary;
            (B) Site history;
            (C) Site-specific sampling methods and results;
            (D) Documentation of field activities, including
quality assurance project plan;
            (E) Interpretation of results; and
            (F) Conclusions.
    (c) Remediation Objectives Report.
        (1) If an RA elects to determine remediation
objectives appropriate for the site using the Tier II or Tier III procedures under subsection (d) of Section 58.5, the RA shall develop such remediation objectives based on site-specific information. In support of such remediation objectives, the RA shall prepare a Remediation Objectives Report demonstrating how the site-specific objectives were calculated or otherwise determined.
        (2) If an RA elects to determine remediation
objectives appropriate for the site using the area background procedures under subsection (b) of Section 58.5, the RA shall develop such remediation objectives based on site-specific literature review, sampling protocol, or appropriate statistical methods in accordance with Board rules. In support of such remediation objectives, the RA shall prepare a Remediation Objectives Report demonstrating how the area background remediation objectives were determined.
    (d) Remedial Action Plan. If the approved remediation objectives for any regulated substance established under Section 58.5 are less than the levels existing at the site prior to any remedial action, the RA shall prepare a Remedial Action Plan. The Remedial Action Plan shall describe the selected remedy and evaluate its ability and effectiveness to achieve the remediation objectives approved for the site. At a minimum, the reports shall include the following, as applicable:
        (1) Executive summary;
        (2) Statement of remediation objectives;
        (3) Remedial technologies selected;
        (4) Confirmation sampling plan;
        (5) Current and projected future use of the property;
        (6) Applicable preventive, engineering, and
institutional controls including long-term reliability, operating, and maintenance plans, and monitoring procedures.
    (e) Remedial Action Completion Report.
        (1) Upon completion of the Remedial Action Plan, the
RA shall prepare a Remedial Action Completion Report. The report shall demonstrate whether the remedial action was completed in accordance with the approved Remedial Action Plan and whether the remediation objectives, as well as any other requirements of the plan, have been attained.
        (2) If the approved remediation objectives for the
regulated substances of concern established under Section 58.5 are equal to or above the levels existing at the site prior to any remedial action, notification and documentation of such shall constitute the entire Remedial Action Completion Report for purposes of this Title.
    (f) Ability to proceed. The RA may elect to prepare and submit for review and approval any and all reports or plans required under the provisions of this Section individually, following completion of each such activity; concurrently, following completion of all activities; or in any other combination. In any event, the review and approval process shall proceed in accordance with Section 58.7 and rules adopted thereunder.
    (g) Nothing in this Section shall prevent an RA from implementing or conducting an interim or any other remedial measure prior to election to proceed under Section 58.6.
    (h) In accordance with Section 58.11, the Agency shall propose and the Board shall adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)