(105 ILCS 5/2-3.79) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.79)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2026)
    Sec. 2-3.79. Pilot programs and special education services for preschool children with disabilities from birth to age 3. The State Board of Education may enter into contracts with public or not-for-profit private organizations or agencies to establish model pilot programs which provide services to children with disabilities from birth up to the age of 3 years. Annual grants shall be awarded on a competitive basis pursuant to established criteria provided that there is an annual appropriation for this purpose. Public or not-for-profit private organizations or agencies that are providing services to children with disabilities up to the age of 3 years prior to September 22, 1985 are eligible to receive grants awarded pursuant to this Section.
    Each pilot program shall include, but not be limited to: a process for identification of infants with disabilities in the region; community awareness of the project and the services provided; an intervention system; methods to assess and diagnose infants with disabilities; written individual treatment programs that include parental involvement; an interdisciplinary treatment approach to include other agencies and not-for-profit organizations; and a written evaluation submitted to the State Board of Education at the end of the grant period.
    An Interagency Coordination Council shall be established consisting of a representative of the State Superintendent of Education who shall serve as chairman, and one representative from the following departments appointed by the respective directors or secretary: Children and Family Services, Public Health, Human Services, Public Aid, and the Division of Specialized Care for Children of the University of Illinois. The council shall recommend criteria to the State Board of Education for the awarding of grants pursuant to this Section and shall assist in coordinating the services provided by agencies to the children with disabilities described in this Section.
    A report containing recommendations concerning all of the pilot programs shall be submitted by the State Board of Education to the General Assembly by January of 1989. The report which shall analyze the results of the pilot programs funded under this Section and make recommendations concerning existing and proposed programs shall include, but not be limited to: recommendations for staff licensure and qualifications; the number of children and families eligible for services statewide; the cost of serving the children and their families; the types of services to be provided; and designs for the most effective delivery systems of these services.
    This Section is repealed on July 1, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 103-594, eff. 6-25-24.)