(75 ILCS 10/5) (from Ch. 81, par. 115)
    Sec. 5. Each library system created as provided in Section 4 of this Act shall be governed by a board of directors numbering at least 5 and no more than 15 persons, except as required by Section 6 for library systems in cities with a population of 500,000 or more. The board shall be representative of the variety of library interests in the system, and at least a majority shall be elected or selected from the governing boards of the member public libraries, with not more than one director representing a single member library. For library systems as defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2, the board members shall be representative of the types of libraries that library system serves. The number of directors, the manner of election or selection, the term of office and the provision for filling vacancies shall be determined by the system governing board except that all board members must be eligible electors in the geographical area of the system. No director of any library system, however, shall be permitted to serve for more than a total of 6 years unless 2 years have elapsed since his sixth year of service.
    The board of directors shall elect a president, secretary and treasurer. Before entering upon his duties, the treasurer shall be required to give a bond in an amount to be approved by the board, but in no case shall such amount be less than 10% of the system's area and per capita grant for the previous year, conditioned that he will safely keep and pay over upon the order of such board all funds received and held by him for the library system. As an alternative to a personal bond on the treasurer, the board of trustees may require the treasurer to secure for the system an insurance policy or other insurance instrument that provides the library with coverage for negligent or intentional acts by system officials and employees that could result in the loss of system funds. The coverage shall be in an amount at least equal to 10% of the average amount of the system's operating fund from the prior 3 fiscal years. The coverage shall be placed with an insurer approved by the board. The cost of any such coverage shall be borne by the system. The system shall provide the Illinois State Library a copy of the system's certificate of insurance at the time the system's annual report is filed. The funds of the library system shall be deposited in a bank or savings and loan association designated by the board of directors and shall be expended only under the direction of such board upon properly authenticated vouchers.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act.
    The members of the board of directors of the library system shall serve without compensation but their actual and necessary expenses shall be a proper charge against the library fund.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)