Full Text of HB4674 95th General Assembly
HB4674 Enrolled |
LRB095 16674 HLH 42705 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning local government.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Fire Protection District Act is amended by | 5 |
| changing Section 6 as follows:
| 6 |
| (70 ILCS 705/6) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 26)
| 7 |
| Sec. 6. Board of trustees; powers.
| 8 |
| (a) The trustees shall constitute a board of trustees for | 9 |
| the
district for which they are appointed, which board of | 10 |
| trustees is
declared to be the corporate authority of the fire | 11 |
| protection district,
and shall exercise all of the powers and | 12 |
| control all the affairs and
property of such district.
| 13 |
| The board of trustees at their initial
meeting and at their | 14 |
| first meeting following the commencement of the
term of any | 15 |
| trustee shall elect one of their number as president and one
of | 16 |
| their number as secretary and shall elect a treasurer for the
| 17 |
| district, who may be one of the trustees or may be any other | 18 |
| citizen of
the district and who shall hold office during the | 19 |
| pleasure of the board
and who shall give such bond as may be | 20 |
| required by the board.
| 21 |
| (b) Except as otherwise provided in Sections 16.01 through | 22 |
| 16.18, the
board may appoint and enter into a multi-year | 23 |
| contract not exceeding 3 years
with a fire chief and may |
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LRB095 16674 HLH 42705 b |
| 1 |
| appoint any firemen that may be necessary for the
district, who | 2 |
| shall hold office during the pleasure of the board and who
| 3 |
| shall give any bond that the board may require. The board may | 4 |
| prescribe the
duties and fix the compensation of all the | 5 |
| officers and employees of the fire
protection district.
| 6 |
| (c) A member of the board of trustees of a
fire protection | 7 |
| district may be compensated as follows: in a district
having | 8 |
| fewer than 4 full time paid firemen, a sum not to exceed $1,000 | 9 |
| per
annum; in a district having more than 3 but less than 10 | 10 |
| full time paid
firemen, a sum not to exceed $1,500 per annum; | 11 |
| in a district having
either 10 or more full time paid firemen, | 12 |
| a sum not to exceed $2,000 per
annum. In addition, fire | 13 |
| districts that operate an ambulance service
pursuant to | 14 |
| authorization by referendum, as provided in Section 22, may
pay | 15 |
| trustees an additional annual compensation not to exceed 50% of | 16 |
| the
amount otherwise authorized herein. The additional | 17 |
| compensation shall
be an administrative expense of the | 18 |
| ambulance service and shall be paid
from revenues raised by the | 19 |
| ambulance tax levy. In addition, any trustee of a fire | 20 |
| protection district who completes a training program on fire | 21 |
| protection district administration approved by the Office of | 22 |
| the State Fire Marshal may receive additional compensation | 23 |
| above the compensation otherwise provided in this Section. The | 24 |
| additional compensation shall be equal to 50% of such other | 25 |
| compensation. In order to continue to receive the additional | 26 |
| compensation, the trustee must attend annual training approved |
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| by the Office of the State Fire Marshall on a continuing basis | 2 |
| thereafter.
| 3 |
| (d) The trustees also have
the express power to execute a | 4 |
| note or notes and to execute a mortgage
or trust deed to secure | 5 |
| the payment of such note or notes; such trust
deed or mortgage | 6 |
| shall cover real estate, or some part thereof, or personal
| 7 |
| property owned by the district and the lien of the mortgage | 8 |
| shall apply to
the real estate or personal property so | 9 |
| mortgaged by the district, and the
proceeds of the note or | 10 |
| notes may be used in the acquisition of personal
property or of | 11 |
| real estate or in the erection of improvements on such real
| 12 |
| estate.
| 13 |
| The trustees have express power to
purchase either real | 14 |
| estate or personal property to be used for the
purposes of the | 15 |
| fire protection district through contracts which provide
for | 16 |
| the consideration for such purchase to be paid through | 17 |
| installments
to be made at stated intervals during a certain | 18 |
| period of time, but, in
no case, shall such contracts provide | 19 |
| for the consideration to be paid
during a period of time in | 20 |
| excess of 25 years.
| 21 |
| (e) The trustees have
express power to provide for the | 22 |
| benefit of its employees, volunteer
firemen and paid firemen, | 23 |
| group life, health, accident, hospital and
medical insurance, | 24 |
| or any combination thereof; and to pay for all or any
portion | 25 |
| of the premiums on such insurance. Such insurance may include
| 26 |
| provisions for employees who rely on treatment by spiritual |
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| means alone
through prayer for healing in accord with the | 2 |
| tenets and practice of a
well recognized religious | 3 |
| denomination.
| 4 |
| (f) To encourage continued service with the district, the | 5 |
| board of
trustees has the express power to award monetary | 6 |
| incentives, not to exceed
$240 per year, to volunteer | 7 |
| firefighters of the district based on the length
of service. To | 8 |
| be eligible for the incentives, the volunteer firefighters
must | 9 |
| have at least 5 years of service with the district. The amount | 10 |
| of the
incentives may not be greater than 2% of the annual levy | 11 |
| amount when all
incentive awards are combined.
| 12 |
| (g) The board of trustees has express power to change the | 13 |
| corporate
name of the fire protection district by ordinance,
| 14 |
| provided that
notification of any change is given to the | 15 |
| circuit clerk and the Office
of the State Fire Marshal.
| 16 |
| (h) The board of trustees may impose reasonable civil | 17 |
| penalties on
individuals who repeatedly cause false fire | 18 |
| alarms.
| 19 |
| (i) The board of trustees has full power to pass all | 20 |
| necessary
ordinances, and rules and regulations for the proper | 21 |
| management and conduct
of the business of the board of trustees | 22 |
| of the fire protection district for
carrying into effect the | 23 |
| objects for which the district was formed.
| 24 |
| (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)