Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0970
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0970  099th General Assembly




SR0970LRB099 14292 GRL 38376 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Ernest Jones, who passed away on
4September 2, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones was born on June 15, 1928 in Poplar
6Grove, Arkansas; his parents were Paul and Elenora Jones; after
7his mother's passing, he was raised by his stepmother, Olivia
8Jones; and
9    WHEREAS, In 1949, Ernest Jones and his family left Arkansas
10for Cairo; while living in Cairo he met the love of his life,
11Ernestine Baker, whom he married on January 26, 1951; and
12    WHEREAS, In 1966, Ernest Jones moved to Maywood to make a
13better life for his children after the passing of his beloved
14wife; after 4 years of hard work and perseverance, he drove to
15Cairo with his sister Pearl and returned with all 8 children,
16whom he raised with pride and love; and
17    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones put effort and dignity into his work
18as a machine operator for Stanadyne, but had a true passion for
19his work training and breaking show horses; his love for
20animals continued into his old age; some of his granddaughters
21can even remember him taking the time to feed stray cats around



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1his apartment; and
2    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones was a lover of politics and a staunch
3Democrat; he actively served as Campaign Manager for the first
4African-American president-elect of Cook County and his first
5cousin, John H. Stroger; and
6    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones had strong faith in God and received
7Christ and religion at an early age while in Cairo; after
8moving to Maywood, he continued his fellowship by joining the
9Garden of Prayer Church of Broadview under the leadership of
10Pastor Johnnie Haynie; he served as a Deacon and was a
11faithfully active member of the church; and
12    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones was preceded in death by his wife,
13Ernestine; a daughter, Linda Jo; 2 sons, Terry and Gregory; 2
14grandsons, Gary Lee, Jr. and Ernest Keys; 2 brothers, Joseph
15and Paul, Jr.; and 7 sisters, Buella Mae, Ruby, Pearl, Louise,
16Lois, Lena, and Roberta; and
17    WHEREAS, Ernest Jones is survived by 4 sons, Wendell,
18Bruce, Vincent, and Christopher (Jackie); 3 daughters,
19Phyllis, Shirlene (Lemmie), and Wanda; 2 brothers, James
20(Connie) and Ronnie; 6 sisters, Vivian, Brenda, Barbara,
21Shirlene (Carl), and Linda Faye (Greg); 35 grandchildren; 46
22great-grandchildren; and his many nieces, nephews, cousins,



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1and friends; therefore, be it
3ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
4family and friends, mourn the passing of Ernest Jones; and be
5it further
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Ernest Jones as an expression of our