Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0960
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0960  095th General Assembly



HR0960 LRB095 19096 GRL 45301 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3 Representatives are pleased to congratulate the citizens of the
4 Village of Vernon Hills on the occasion of the village's 50th
5 anniversary on July 16, 2008; and
6     WHEREAS, The Village of Vernon Hills began as an outgrowth
7 of a small 125-house subdivision built by developers Quinn
8 Hogan and Barney Loeb; the village was formally incorporated on
9 July 16, 1958; and
10     WHEREAS, The Village of Vernon Hills grew from a few
11 hundred residents to 5,600 during its first two decades; by
12 1980, the census reported a total of 9,827 people living in
13 Vernon Hills; today, Vernon Hills is home to 23,353 people; and
14     WHEREAS, During the Village of Vernon Hills' early years,
15 the village hall and police headquarters were located in the
16 lobby of a local motel; most official business was conducted in
17 the home of the village clerk until 1971, when village trustees
18 purchased two portable buildings, which were located on Oakwood
19 Road; the village's first administrator and police chief were
20 hired in 1973; in November of 1973, the Vernon Hills Park
21 District was formed; in 1979, a new combination police and
22 public works building was erected at 490 Greenleaf; and



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1     WHEREAS, In 1965, the Vernon Hills Police Department
2 consisted of a group of village trustees serving as deputies;
3 by 1978, it had become a force of fifteen full-time officers;
4 today, the Vernon Hills Police Department consists of 72 men
5 and women in a state-of-the-art building completed in March of
6 1992; and the Vernon Hills Police Department is the only
7 certified department wholly in Lake County; and
8     WHEREAS, The former Tally Ho Country Club clubhouse served
9 as the Vernon Hills village hall from 1980 until April of 2002,
10 when a new 35,000 square foot village hall was completed; the
11 new building houses the Managers' Office, the Human Resources,
12 Finance, Engineering, and Community Development Departments,
13 the Building Division, and the Clerk's Office, with the Vernon
14 Hills Seniors Organization and the Interim Evergreen Branch of
15 the Cook Memorial Library District sharing the lower level; the
16 building was dedicated in honor of the citizens of Vernon Hills
17 in August of 2002; the former village hall was then turned over
18 to the Vernon Hills Park District for use as a community
19 center, which was renamed "The Larry Laschen Community Center"
20 on December 17, 2002 to commemorate the achievements of Mr.
21 Larry Laschen, the former Police Chief, Village Manager, and
22 Director of Public Safety for Vernon Hills; and
23     WHEREAS, The nine-hole Vernon Hills Golf Course was donated



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1 to the village by the owners of the Tally Ho properties and was
2 opened to the public in August of 1979; and
3     WHEREAS, The great prosperity and growth that the Village
4 of Vernon Hills has enjoyed is a direct result of the hard work
5 and dedication of its fine citizens; therefore, be it
8 congratulate the citizens of the Village of Vernon Hills on the
9 occasion of the village's 50th anniversary and wish them
10 continued success and happiness in the future; and be it
11 further
12     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13 presented to Vernon Hills Village President Roger Byrne as a
14 symbol of our esteem and respect.