Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0930
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0930  095th General Assembly



SR0930 LRB095 23034 GRL 53714 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Reverend Dana Ferguson Myers, who passed
4 away on October 27, 2008; and
5     WHEREAS, Rev. Dana Ferguson Myers was born on June 20, 1966
6 in Batesville, Mississippi; she was a graduate of Hollins
7 University in Roanoke, Virginia and received her master of
8 divinity degree from the Princeton Theological Seminary in
9 1991; and
10     WHEREAS, Rev. Dana Ferguson Myers found her calling for the
11 ministry when she was faced with the deaths of three classmates
12 out of a class of 20 at her private high school; choosing to
13 embrace the things of faith instead of rejecting them, she
14 chose to serve her community and the Lord; and
15     WHEREAS, Rev. Dana Ferguson Myers served as a program
16 manager for the Metropolitan Interfaith Association in
17 Memphis, Tennessee, a nonprofit social service agency for
18 low-income and elderly citizens; she then became an associate
19 pastor for outreach at the Idlewild Presbyterian Church in
20 Memphis; and
21     WHEREAS, In 1998, Rev. Dana Ferguson Myers took a position



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1 as the associate pastor for missions at the Fourth Presbyterian
2 Church of Chicago, where she oversaw the outreach programs to
3 the needy within the community; in 2005, she was promoted to
4 the position of executive associate pastor, a position that put
5 her in charge of a staff of 100 people; and
6     WHEREAS, Rev. Dana Ferguson Myers is survived by her
7 husband, Reverend Wayne Myers; her sons, Daniel and Taylor; her
8 mother, Betsy Ferguson; and her sister, Liz Ferguson;
9 therefore, be it
11 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12 her family and friends, the passing of Reverend Dana Ferguson
13 Myers; and be it further
14     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15 presented to the family of Reverend Dana Ferguson Myers as an
16 expression of our sympathy.