Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5851
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5851  095th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2007 and 2008


Introduced , by Rep. Tom Cross - Rich Brauer


65 ILCS 5/10-1-16   from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-16

    Amends the Illinois Municipal Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning veterans preferences.

LRB095 18178 HLH 44261 b





HB5851 LRB095 18178 HLH 44261 b

1     AN ACT concerning local government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
5 changing Section 10-1-16 as follows:
6     (65 ILCS 5/10-1-16)  (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-16)
7     Sec. 10-1-16. Persons who were engaged in the the active
8 military or naval service of the United States for a period of
9 at least one year and who were honorably discharged therefrom
10 and all persons who were engaged in such military or naval
11 service who are now or may hereafter be on inactive or reserve
12 duty in such military or naval service, not including, however,
13 persons who were convicted by court-martial of disobedience of
14 orders, where such disobedience consisted in the refusal to
15 perform military service on the ground of alleged religious or
16 conscientious objections against war, shall be preferred for
17 appointments to civil offices, positions, and places of
18 employment in the classified service of any municipality coming
19 under the provisions of this Division 1, provided they are
20 found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper
21 discharge of the duties of such office, position, or place of
22 employment as determined by examination.
23     The civil service commission shall give preference points



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1 for original appointment to qualified veterans whose names
2 appear on any register of eligibles resulting from an
3 examination for original entrance in the classified service of
4 any municipality coming under the provisions of this Division 1
5 by adding to the final grade average that they receive or will
6 receive as the result of any examination held for original
7 entrance, 5 points. The numerical result thus attained shall be
8 applied by the civil service commission in determining the
9 position of those persons on any eligibility list that has been
10 created as the result of any examination for original entrance
11 for purposes of preference in certification and appointment
12 from that eligibility list. Persons who were engaged in the
13 active military or naval service of the United States for a
14 period of at least one year and who were honorably discharged
15 therefrom or who are now or who may hereafter be on inactive or
16 reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including,
17 however, persons who were convicted by court martial of
18 disobedience of orders where such disobedience consisted in the
19 refusal to perform military service on the ground of alleged
20 religious or conscientious objections against war, and whose
21 names appear on existing promotional eligible registers or any
22 promotional eligible register that may hereafter be created, as
23 provided for by this Division 1, shall be preferred for
24 promotional appointment to civil offices, positions and places
25 of employment in the classified civil service of any
26 municipality coming under the provisions of this Division 1.



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1     The civil service commission shall give preference for
2 promotional appointment to persons as hereinabove designated
3 whose names appear on existing promotional eligible registers
4 or promotional eligible registers that may hereafter be created
5 by adding to the final grade average which they received or
6 will receive as the result of any promotional examination
7 seven-tenths of one point for each 6 months or fraction thereof
8 of active military or naval service not exceeding 30 months.
9 The numerical result thus attained shall be applied by the
10 civil service commission in determining the position of such
11 persons on any eligible list which has been created or will be
12 created as the result of any promotional examination held
13 hereunder for purposes of preference in certification and
14 appointment from such eligible list.
15     No person shall receive the preference for a promotional
16 appointment granted by this Section after he has received one
17 promotion from an eligible list on which he was allowed such
18 preference.
19     No person entitled to preference or credit for military or
20 naval service hereunder shall be required to furnish evidence
21 or record of honorable discharge from the armed forces before
22 the publication or posting of any eligible register or list
23 resulting from the examination. Such preference shall be given
24 after the posting or publication of any eligible list or
25 register resulting from such examination and before any
26 certifications or appointments are made from such list or



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1 register.
2 (Source: P.A. 94-483, eff. 8-8-05.)