Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5801
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5801  095th General Assembly



HB5801 Engrossed LRB095 15912 AJO 41921 b

1     AN ACT concerning civil law.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 is
5 amended by adding Article V as follows:
6     (750 ILCS 60/Art. V heading new)

10     (750 ILCS 60/501 new)
11     Sec. 501. Domestic violence training and protocols.
12     (a) Circuit judges and associate judges assigned to
13 domestic violence cases, as defined in paragraph (3) of Section
14 103 of this Act, shall participate in domestic violence
15 training. The training shall be developed and administered by
16 the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts.
17     (b) The Office of the State's Attorney shall develop or
18 update existing protocols to educate victims of domestic
19 violence requesting the issuance of orders of protection.
20     (c) The Office of the State's Attorney shall:
21         (1) refer each victim of a domestic violence offense to
22     individualized support and advocacy;



HB5801 Engrossed - 2 - LRB095 15912 AJO 41921 b

1         (2) develop additional techniques and protocols that
2     will enhance Assistant State's Attorneys in prosecuting
3     domestic violence cases;
4         (3) develop protocols to facilitate early
5     identification of individuals with the propensity to
6     commit escalating violence;
7         (4) refer victims of domestic violence to accessible
8     civil legal services; and
9         (5) refer victims of domestic violence to such services
10     that provide counseling, shelter, day care, or emergency
11     financial assistance.
12     (d) All domestic violence protocols to be developed or
13 updated pursuant to this Section shall incorporate applicable
14 best practices, principals and guidelines of the most current
15 domestic violence protocol developed for law enforcement,
16 prosecution and the judiciary by the Illinois Criminal Justice
17 and Information Authority.