Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5537
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5537  095th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2007 and 2008


Introduced , by Rep. Rich Brauer


New Act

    Creates the Outdoor Lighting Control Act. Sets forth shielding and filtration requirements for specified lamp types when used for outdoor lighting, unless the lighting contains an automatic shutoff device and is not used from 11:00 p.m. until sunrise. Provides for exemptions. Provides that the Environmental Protection Agency may identify and designate, as dark areas, areas that are especially suitable for astronomical observations or that provide nocturnal benefits to flora and fauna due to their darkness and shall submit a proposed plan to preserve areas designated as dark areas.

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1     AN ACT concerning safety.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5 Outdoor Lighting Control Act.
6     Section 5. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to create
7 standards for outdoor lighting so that its use does not
8 interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of adjacent
9 property, while also minimizing atmospheric light scattering.
10     Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
11     "Outdoor light fixtures" means any artificial illuminating
12 devices, outdoor fixtures, lamps, and other devices, permanent
13 or portable, that are used for outdoor illumination. "Outdoor
14 light fixtures" includes, but is not limited to, devices used
15 for search, spot, or flood lights for:
16         (1) Buildings and structures.
17         (2) Recreational areas.
18         (3) Parking lot lighting.
19         (4) Landscape lighting.
20         (5) Security lighting.
21     With regard to outdoor light fixtures, "fully shielded"
22 means being shielded in a manner so that light rays emitted




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1 from the fixture, either directly from the source of
2 illumination or indirectly from the fixture, are projected
3 below a horizontal plane running through the lowest point of
4 the fixture where light is emitted.
5     With regard to outdoor light fixtures, "filtration" means
6 having glass, acrylic, or translucent enclosures (quartz glass
7 does not meet this requirement).
8     Section 15. Requirements for shielding or filtration. When
9 used for outdoor lighting, shielding or filtration is required
10 for the lamp types as set forth in the following table, unless
11 the lighting contains an automatic shutoff device and is not
12 used from 11:00 p.m. until sunrise:
13Fixture Lamp Type Shielded Filtered
14High pressure sodium Fully None
15Metal halide Fully Yes
16Fluorescent Fully Yes
17Quartz Fully None
18Incandescent greater than 150 watts Fully None
19Low pressure sodium NoneNone
20     For the purposes of this Act, quartz lamps are not
21 considered an incandescent light source.
22     Section 20. Other restrictions.



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1     (a) The installation of mercury vapor fixtures for use as
2 outdoor lighting after the effective date of this Act is
3 prohibited.
4     (b) A recreation facility, public or private, may use
5 outdoor lighting from 11:00 p.m. until sunrise to conclude an
6 event or activity begun before 10:00 p.m.
7     Section 25. Exemptions. The following are exempt from this
8 Act:
9         (1) Fossil fuel light produced directly or indirectly
10     by the combustion of natural gas or other utility-type
11     fossil fuels.
12         (2) Outdoor light fixtures utilized on billboards.
13         (3) Outdoor light fixtures utilized by the federal
14     government, State government, units of local government,
15     and school districts.
16         (4) Outdoor light fixtures utilized at stadiums.
17         (5) Unless otherwise regulated, outdoor light fixtures
18     installed before the effective date of this Act.
19     Section 30. Dark areas.
20     (a) Designation. The Environmental Protection Agency may
21 identify and designate, as dark areas, areas of this State that
22 are especially suitable for astronomical observations or that
23 provide nocturnal benefits to flora and fauna due to their
24 darkness.



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1     (b) Proposed plan. The Environmental Protection Agency
2 shall submit a proposed plan to preserve any areas designated
3 as dark areas to the Governor and the General Assembly within
4 18 months of the designation of the area as a dark area.