Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5364
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5364  095th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2007 and 2008


Introduced , by Rep. Daniel J. Burke


40 ILCS 5/17-105.1
105 ILCS 5/27A-11
105 ILCS 5/27A-11.5
105 ILCS 230/5-25

    Amends the Illinois Pension Code, the Charter Schools Law of the School Code, and the School Construction Law. In the Chicago Teachers Article of the Illinois Pension Code, provides that the definition of employer includes charter schools only with respect to persons hired before the effective date of the amendatory Act. Makes changes concerning local financing for charter schools. Provides that the State Board of Education shall make direct payments to charter schools on a per capita basis for each categorical otherwise available to a school board for students enrolled in the charter school. Provides that the State Board shall make direct grants of up to 25% of the per capita grants to charter schools whose performance is superior. Provides that in determining the amount of school construction project grants and debt service grants, the State Board shall review an application from a charter school independently from the application of the authorizing school board and shall dedicate and direct a reasonable portion of these grants towards the needs of those students enrolled in applicant charter schools that are eligible for the grants. Effective immediately.

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1     AN ACT concerning education.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by changing
5 Section 17-105.1 as follows:
6     (40 ILCS 5/17-105.1)
7     Sec. 17-105.1. Employer. "Employer": The Board of
8 Education and, with respect to persons hired before the
9 effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General
10 Assembly, a charter school as defined under the provisions of
11 Section 27A-5 27a-5 of the School Code.
12 (Source: P.A. 90-566, eff. 1-2-98.)
13     Section 10. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
14 27A-11 and 27A-11.5 as follows:
15     (105 ILCS 5/27A-11)
16     Sec. 27A-11. Local financing.
17     (a) For purposes of the School Code, pupils enrolled in a
18 charter school shall be included in the pupil enrollment of the
19 school district within which the pupil resides. Each charter
20 school (i) shall determine the school district in which each
21 pupil who is enrolled in the charter school resides, (ii) shall



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1 report the aggregate number of pupils resident of a school
2 district who are enrolled in the charter school to the school
3 district in which those pupils reside, and (iii) shall maintain
4 accurate records of daily attendance that shall be deemed
5 sufficient to file claims under Section 18-8 notwithstanding
6 any other requirements of that Section regarding hours of
7 instruction and teacher certification.
8     (b) Except for a charter school established by referendum
9 under Section 27A-6.5, as part of a charter school contract,
10 the charter school shall receive a combination of and the local
11 school board shall agree on funding and other any services to
12 be provided by the school district to the charter school as
13 provided in this Section. Funding Agreed funding that a charter
14 school is to receive from the local school board for a school
15 year shall be paid in equal quarterly installments with the
16 payment of the installment for the first quarter being made not
17 later than July 1, unless the charter establishes a different
18 payment schedule.
19     All services centrally or otherwise provided by the school
20 district including, but not limited to, rent, food services,
21 custodial services, maintenance, curriculum, media services,
22 libraries, transportation, and warehousing shall be subject to
23 negotiation between a charter school and the local school board
24 and paid for out of the revenues negotiated pursuant to this
25 subsection (b); provided that the local school board shall not
26 attempt, by negotiation or otherwise, to obligate a charter



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1 school to provide pupil transportation for pupils for whom a
2 district is not required to provide transportation under the
3 criteria set forth in subsection (a)(13) of Section 27A-7.
4     The In no event shall the funding must be 100% less than
5 75% or more than 125% of the school district's operating
6 expenses per pupil per capita student tuition multiplied by the
7 number of students residing in the district who are enrolled in
8 the charter school.
9     It is the intent of the General Assembly that funding and
10 service agreements under this subsection (b) shall be neither a
11 financial incentive nor a financial disincentive to the
12 establishment of a charter school.
13     The charter school may set and collect reasonable fees.
14 Fees collected from students enrolled at a charter school shall
15 be retained by the charter school.
16     (c) Upon submission of the requisite documentation to the
17 State Board, the per capita Notwithstanding subsection (b) of
18 this Section, the proportionate share of State and federal
19 resources generated by students with disabilities or staff
20 serving them shall be directed to charter schools enrolling
21 those students by their school districts or administrative
22 units. The proportionate share of moneys generated under other
23 federal or State categorical aid programs shall likewise be
24 directed to charter schools serving students eligible for that
25 aid.
26     (d) The governing body of a charter school is authorized to



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1 accept gifts, donations, or grants of any kind made to the
2 charter school and to expend or use gifts, donations, or grants
3 in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the donor;
4 however, a gift, donation, or grant may not be accepted by the
5 governing body if it is subject to any condition contrary to
6 applicable law or contrary to the terms of the contract between
7 the charter school and the local school board. Charter schools
8 shall be encouraged to solicit and utilize community volunteer
9 speakers and other instructional resources when providing
10 instruction on the Holocaust and other historical events.
11     (e) (Blank).
12     (f) The State Board shall provide technical assistance to
13 persons and groups preparing or revising charter applications.
14     (g) At the non-renewal or revocation of its charter, each
15 charter school shall refund to the local board of education all
16 unspent funds.
17     (h) A charter school is authorized to incur temporary,
18 short term debt to pay operating expenses in anticipation of
19 receipt of funds from the local school board.
20 (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 90-757, eff. 8-14-98;
21 91-407, eff. 8-3-99.)
22     (105 ILCS 5/27A-11.5)
23     Sec. 27A-11.5. State financing. The State Board of
24 Education shall make the following funds available to school
25 districts and charter schools:



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1         (1) From a separate appropriation made to the State
2     Board for purposes of this subdivision (1), the State Board
3     shall make transition impact aid available to school
4     districts that approve a new charter school or that have
5     funds withheld by the State Board to fund a new charter
6     school that is chartered by the State Board. The amount of
7     the aid shall equal 90% of the per capita funding paid to
8     the charter school during the first year of its initial
9     charter term, 65% of the per capita funding paid to the
10     charter school during the second year of its initial term,
11     and 35% of the per capita funding paid to the charter
12     school during the third year of its initial term. This
13     transition impact aid shall be paid to the local school
14     board in equal quarterly installments, with the payment of
15     the installment for the first quarter being made by August
16     1st immediately preceding the first, second, and third
17     years of the initial term. The district shall file an
18     application for this aid with the State Board in a format
19     designated by the State Board. If the appropriation is
20     insufficient in any year to pay all approved claims, the
21     impact aid shall be prorated. However, for fiscal year
22     2004, the State Board of Education shall pay approved
23     claims only for charter schools with a valid charter
24     granted prior to June 1, 2003. If any funds remain after
25     these claims have been paid, then the State Board of
26     Education may pay all other approved claims on a pro rata



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1     basis. Transition impact aid shall be paid beginning in the
2     1999-2000 school year for charter schools that are in the
3     first, second, or third year of their initial term.
4     Transition impact aid shall not be paid for any charter
5     school that is proposed and created by one or more boards
6     of education, as authorized under the provisions of Public
7     Act 91-405.
8         (2) From a separate appropriation made for the purpose
9     of this subdivision (2), the State Board shall make grants
10     to charter schools to pay their start-up costs of acquiring
11     educational materials and supplies, textbooks, furniture,
12     and other equipment needed during their initial term. The
13     State Board shall annually establish the time and manner of
14     application for these grants, which shall not exceed $250
15     per student enrolled in the charter school.
16         (3) The Charter Schools Revolving Loan Fund is created
17     as a special fund in the State treasury. Federal funds,
18     such other funds as may be made available for costs
19     associated with the establishment of charter schools in
20     Illinois, and amounts repaid by charter schools that have
21     received a loan from the Charter Schools Revolving Loan
22     Fund shall be deposited into the Charter Schools Revolving
23     Loan Fund, and the moneys in the Charter Schools Revolving
24     Loan Fund shall be appropriated to the State Board and used
25     to provide interest-free loans to charter schools. These
26     funds shall be used to pay start-up costs of acquiring



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1     educational materials and supplies, textbooks, furniture,
2     and other equipment needed in the initial term of the
3     charter school and for acquiring and remodeling a suitable
4     physical plant, within the initial term of the charter
5     school. Loans shall be limited to one loan per charter
6     school and shall not exceed $250 per student enrolled in
7     the charter school. A loan shall be repaid by the end of
8     the initial term of the charter school. The State Board may
9     deduct amounts necessary to repay the loan from funds due
10     to the charter school or may require that the local school
11     board that authorized the charter school deduct such
12     amounts from funds due the charter school and remit these
13     amounts to the State Board, provided that the local school
14     board shall not be responsible for repayment of the loan.
15     The State Board may use up to 3% of the appropriation to
16     contract with a non-profit entity to administer the loan
17     program.
18         (4) A charter school may apply for and receive, subject
19     to the same restrictions applicable to school districts,
20     any grant administered by the State Board that is available
21     for school districts.
22         (5) From a separate appropriation made for the purpose
23     of this subdivision (5), the State Board shall make direct
24     payments to charter schools on a per capita basis for each
25     categorical otherwise available to a local school board for
26     students enrolled in the charter school. The State Board



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1     shall make these payments to the local school board as
2     otherwise provided in this Article. These payments may be
3     offset by a corresponding reduction in the amount of
4     categorical grants to the local school board of the
5     district where the eligible student resides.
6         (6) For the purpose of recognizing educational
7     excellence and expanding the benefits of charter schools,
8     the State Board, from a separate appropriation made for the
9     purpose of this subdivision (6), shall make direct grants
10     of up to 25% of the per capita grants to charter schools
11     whose performance is superior.
12     The State Board shall annually establish the time and
13 manner of application for these grants.
14 (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 93-21, eff. 7-1-03.)
15     Section 15. The School Construction Law is amended by
16 changing Section 5-25 as follows:
17     (105 ILCS 230/5-25)
18     Sec. 5-25. Eligibility and project standards.
19     (a) The State Board of Education shall establish
20 eligibility standards for school construction project grants
21 and debt service grants. These standards shall include minimum
22 enrollment requirements for eligibility for school
23 construction project grants of 200 students for elementary
24 districts, 200 students for high school districts, and 400



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1 students for unit districts. The State Board of Education shall
2 approve a district's eligibility for a school construction
3 project grant or a debt service grant pursuant to the
4 established standards.
5     (a-5) In determining the amount of school construction
6 project grants and debt service grants, the State Board of
7 Education shall review an application from a charter school
8 under Article 27A of the School Code independently from the
9 application of the authorizing school board and shall dedicate
10 and direct a reasonable portion of these grants towards the
11 needs of those students enrolled in applicant charter schools
12 that are eligible for the grants.
13     (b) The Capital Development Board shall establish project
14 standards for all school construction project grants provided
15 pursuant to this Article. These standards shall include space
16 and capacity standards as well as the determination of
17 recognized project costs that shall be eligible for State
18 financial assistance and enrichment costs that shall not be
19 eligible for State financial assistance.
20     (c) The State Board of Education and the Capital
21 Development Board shall not establish standards that
22 disapprove or otherwise establish limitations that restrict
23 the eligibility of a school district with a population
24 exceeding 500,000 for a school construction project grant based
25 on the fact that any or all of the school construction project
26 grant will be used to pay debt service or to make lease



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1 payments, as authorized by subsection (b) of Section 5-35 of
2 this Law.
3 (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 91-38, eff. 6-15-99.)
4     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
5 becoming law.